Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Mar 1972, p. 5

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Two extra kindergarten classes were served this year. an extra bus was needed in Markham and a full bus in Kes- wick, approximately 300 miles were added to the. routes be- cause of increased enrolment and an extra bus was needed to serve Metro high schools. In 1970 the board operated 32 buses on 70 routes for a total mileage of 1,359 per day. These routes accommodate 2,521 pupils and cost $1,194.15. In 1971 the board operated 29 buses on 57 routes. Mileage totalled 1,602 miles per day and 2.676 pupils were transported at a cost of $1.113.75. Five board owned buses transport 711 students at an estimated daily cost of $150 or 21¢ per pupil. Three buses are used to transport 145 students Board-owned bus costs aver- age 40c per day and privately owned and operated bus costs average 42¢ per day. The costs van} in different geographic locationâ€"25c in Thornhill and 27c in Richmond Hill. the most densely populated areas. to 66¢ tin Schomberg where the pupils come from an essentially rural community and live as far as five miles from the school. to high schools in Metroâ€"~94 are in grades 9 and 10 and 52 in grades 11, 12 and 13. Esti- mated daily cost. is $1.72 or $1.18 per student. His report noted that the 42ciat t is high due to the cost of trans- be porting kindergarten children. Tru Fourteen buses are used for this Aur purpose at a daily cost of $1.10 this per pupil. ingi A total of 3,841 pupils are Mr. Baglieri also showed the bused to separate schools in the board a crash pad for the back Region of York at a daily cQst of school bus seats, which is of $1,440. which is 42¢ per pupil. claimed to meet American reg- well below the aVerage 1970-71 ulations. However, he hesitated DI‘OVinCifll average 0f 50.49c to recommend it, since it left six Transportation Director Joseph inches on each side of the Baglteri, reported to York double seat with the metal County Roman Catholic 5'2th frame exposed and a sharp edge Board March 21. of the metal core was accessible His report noted that the 42c at the end. which he felt could is high due to the cost of trans- be very dangerous to a child. porting kindergarten children. Trustee Gaspar Parent of Fourteen buses are used for this Aurora, commented. "I feel that Board owned buses also were used for 103 excursions and private carrier buses for three excursions. Taxi service. with‘ the exception of a few special cases, has been cut to a mini- mum. During the fall term of '75 days the taxi bill was $828. This has been reduced by $145 for the balance of the year. Chief resource person for the conference will be Jack Lerette, president of United Senior Citi~ zens of Ontario, who travels ab- out the country in his work and has a wide knowledge of the problems and life style of old- er people in Canada. zens of Ontario, who travels ab- The confgrence begins at 9i out the country in his work and am and continues to 4 pm. Fee has a Wide knPWle‘lEe 0f the for those over 60 is $2.50. and problems and life style of Old' special diets will be provided in 9" People 1“ canada- the committee is notified in ad-‘l Questions on housing will be vance. For information contact] answered by Wes McLaughlin Mrs. Florence Murray. Aurora of Ontario Housing Corporation, 727-4554. or Allan Cooper New- and Rev. Donald Parr of Mark- market 895-5187. ‘ Roman Catholic Transportation Costs Less Provincial Average The conference. sponsored by the 3C Council of York Region, is aimed primarily at hearing the opinions and suggestions of the older age group in the com- munity. about their way of life and how it could be approved. “The Quality of Life For Sen- ior Citizens" is the theme of an all day conference to take place April 9 at the Aurora Confer- ence Centre. It will deal with housing. health and legal mat- ters, and the problems and skills of the aged. Study Quality Of Life For Aged Senior Citizens Conference Will "NW-Chi:inpionship Got a minute? It only takes I ' mlnmo ‘ to set a better deal from . . . ‘11 Pontiac Tempest 4 dr. sedans equipped with VB. auto.. p.s.. radio. Five to choose fromâ€"all low mile- age. 90 day or 4.000 mile 100% power train warranty. Priced at only $2.899 ea. Lic. No‘s. 1913K. 1917B. 1919K, 1920K. 1914B. ’69 Ford Gilaxie 2 dr. hard- top. only 32,000 miles. Car looks and runs like new. Equipped with V8. p.s.. auto.. p.b.. radio. Lic. N46600. A real bargain at only $1,995. ’68 Volkswagen in attractiVe robin‘s egg blue finish. Re- flects care of original owner. Lic. N92620. Only 51,095. We have 53 other recondi- tioned used cars and trucks from which to choose. PONTIAC BUICK LTD. 9612 YONGE STREET Just South of Richmond Hill 834.4481 0 889-9651 KINNEAR Bév BARY Business Administrator Percy Laframboise reported that at 12:30 noon March 1. two buses operated by Langdon‘s Bus Lines on the kindergarten routes were in collision at the corner of Sideroad 17 and Con- cession 2, Tecumseth Township. Seven children were on board. one received a bruise and one a scraped cheek. There were high snowbanks on all four corners of the inter- section, the business administra- tor reported. He had been told that the bus company had re- ported to the township earlier that the corner was a glare of ice and needed sanding im- mediately, only to be told that the municipality had run out of sand. this wauld be worse than noth- ing at all. When a bus lurches a child can't pick a spot to hit." gist from the Office on Aging. Province of Ontario, an author- ity on the problems and skills of the aged. and Mrs, Dorothy Ross. Mrs. Ross represents Peel County Information Service and is involved in making informa- tion about helping agencies more readily available to citi- zens of all ages in Peel County. Medical and legal questions will be handled by Dr. Ian Kerr, associate officer of health for York Region. and Richmond Hill Lawyer Neil Mann. Other resource people expec- ted to attend the conference are Sister St. Michael, a psycholo- ham will represent the clergy LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE 884-1105 We invite you to drop in and see our beautiful new lighting showroom 4000 sq. ft. of showroom space â€"â€" featuring over 1000 fixtures on display JUST 8 MILES FROM RICHMOND HILL Sch, April 1 - Reg. Hours Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - Fri. 8:00 am. - 5:30 pm. Thurs. 8 am. - 9 p.m. Sat. 8:00 am. - 5:00 pm. DRAW IS AT 6 RM. ON APRIL 1. 1972 THURSDAY, MARCH 30 OFFER EXPIRES APRIL lst, 5 RM Congratulations to Supreme Lighting And Electrical The Opening of their Luxurious New Lighting Showroom 8:00 am. a 9:00 pm. CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY uum\mmmuuuuummmummuuuuummnmummmmmuun (Illlllllllllllllllllmllllllllilllllmlll"Hillllllllmll“mlllllllllllllltllllu mmumuHummuumuuum1mmlumuuuumnmmuunmuuuv ELGIN MILLS AND JEFFERSON NEWS The. mayor had gone in Manila to extend greetings from Canada on behalf of Canada‘s entry in the tour- nament. Dynes Jewellers of Richmond Hill. In ac- cepting the medallion. Wright said it would be properly displayed" in the r e g i o n a l administration building. He had been present tn welcome the victorious team on their return on March 15. said Wright. "11 is difficult to find the prm per words to expreSS our pride in their achievement. It was quite a sight to see the boys come home." At the conclusion of the meeting. Mayor William Lazenby of Richmond Hill presented Regional Chair- man Garfield Wright with a medallion from Luzon Province in the Philippines where the world champion- ship softball tournament took place early in March. East Gwlllimbury Mayor Gladys Rolling moved that a message of congratulation be sent to the Richmond Hill team in recognition of their winnin of the world championship. "The Liberal” is happy to announce that Mrs. Marilyn Martin of 80 Naughton Drive has consented to be our news representative in the Elgin Mills - Jefferson area. Mrs. Martin has lived in and taken an active interest in the community for the past 10 years. She will be glad to hear from you with news of happy occasions (and sad ones) for individuals and groups. A phone call to 884-3164 is all that is need- ed to see that your com- munity news is well cover- ed by this newspaper. Dynes World Champion Fastball Team from Rich:- mond Hill was given recog- nition by York Regional Council at a meeting in Newmarket last week. Team Honored At Region Correspondent Mrs. Marilyn Martin Telephone: 884-3164 SPECIAL GRAND OPENING HOURS ’-â€"â€" not to the east to take in a substantial part of Pickering ’I‘ownship nor to the north to take in the portions of Vaughan and Markham Townships lying south of the proposed Highway l407 (The Parkwayl. Since 1967. Metro Council and its planning board have been campaigning for expansion of the boundary. It was estimat- ed that the 240-square-mlle area had only enough vacant land to meet residential development needs for seven to 10 years. =to the east of Scarboro which would include 40% of the ex- isting Pickering Township south of Highway 7. Metro also sug- gested that 50 square miles of York Region above Steeles Avâ€" enue [which contains most of York Region) become part of‘ Scarboro and North York. This latter plan was recognized in May 1970 when Mr. McKeough. then the Minister of Municipal Affairs, unveiled his plans for the Region of York at a meet- iing held in Bayview Secondary School. Indications were then that this northerly expansion was but a few years in the of- in the inflated cost. of housingl and that the degree of inflation would increase unless rcsiden-‘ tial development expands into‘ York Region. The institute wants the prov- ince to amend the Toronto-Cen- tred Plan For Development to lift the limit on permitted residen- tial growth in the area north of Metro. The region and its component municipalities had already reached the same con- clusion and have made repres- entations to the province to have this amendment to the plan considered. W fing. ______.._____...__.._-.._..__ 'l‘l... Dnuinunl Munlnhuluév Thursday of last week Prov- incial Treasurer Darcy Mc- Keough confirmed an earlier statement that Metro will not be allowed to extend its muni- cipal boundary in any direction Land Developers Object To meet a continuing popula- tion vexpansion of 50.000 to 60.- 000 persons a year. Metro pro- posed taking in a new borqugh Metro Toronto Will Be Confined To Present Boundaries - McKeough That announcement led to loud protests from municipal politicians and many ratepayers in Vaughan and Markham. The province has indica- ted that it will take on the responsibility of reducing the population and develop- ment pressure on Metro. rather than have Metro try to ease the problem by ac- quiring‘ more vacant land through a boundary expan- sion. The first step in this direction is the provincial proposal to establish the community of Cedarwood on 15,000 acres south of the new airport in Pickering Township, which will accommodate from 150,000 to 200,000 people. Mr. McKeough also clearly spelled out to Met- ro that the province will do the planning for the new airport and community of Cedarwood although much of the area comes within the municipal, jur- isdiction of the Metro Plan- ning Board. When Metro was set up. its planning region included all ab- utting municipalities and origin- A complete electrical distribution centre to service electrical contractors and industries ally covered 720-square miles This meant that all planning in- Alf (.1 URGES Amuuu Inspeuwn 1"! (lg .76 Vaughan. Richmond Hill and‘ ‘ , , Markham had to receive Metro Here are some items of in-] The annual inspection of the approval as well as provinciaL terest for you to put in your Air Cadets of 778 Squadron will When the Region of York came little red date book. not be held March 30. The into being on January 1. 1971. Tonight (Thursday) Wm be a new date will be May 28, so the Metro planning control was re- good night to visit Branch 375. boys can relax now. Cadets moved from these three muni-VThe members are having a pub will meet April 6. cipalities and its area of con-might. For your dancing pleas. ‘ "' "‘ trol reduced to 500 square?ure George Come and Ken) For all naval types. Big re- miles- lRirnh will i... at nmir enintillnt. union in Brantford May 19. 20. The further reduction in dir- ect interest in planning beyond its own boundaries indicated by Mr. McKeough's remarks, is expected to lead to a complete revaluation of the role of the regional planning agency. York Region has received a report from the Urban Develop- ment Institute. which claims that Metro is running out of serviceable residential land. The institute said this was a factor in the inflated cost of housing and that the degree of inflation would increase unless residen- tial development expands into York Region. TENDERS FOR GASOLINE AND LUBRICANTS SEALED TENDERS properly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned un- til 113m. EST. on TUESDAY. APRIL 11th, 1972 for the supply of: Approximately 203.000 Gal- lons of 'Gasoline yearly and Lubricants Specifications. tender forms and Information to Bidders may be obtained at the office of the Engineering Department on the Don Mills Road, one and one- quarter miles nmth of the Au- rora Road (Mailing Address: PO. Box 296. Newmarket) on and after 12 noon Tuesday, March 28th, 1972. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders shall be delivered to the Clerk’s Office, 62 Bayview Avenue. Newmarket, Ontario. Garfield E. Wright Chairman The Region] Municipality of York COVEl cu tau-square mues. meant_t_hfit all planning in Air Cadets Annual Inspection May 28 Robert N. Vernon Regional Clerk JUST 8 MILES FROM [CH MOND HILL Tonight (Thursday) will be a good night to visit Branch 375. The members are having a pub night. For your dancing pleas- ure George Cowie and Ken Birch will be. at their scintillat- ing best. Why not come out and dance away those winter blues? Then comes April Fool's Day. Quite a few tricks will be play- ed on all unsuspecting persons that day. but we kid you not the dance that is being held in ye olde Legion Hall will be a blast. The Country Squires will be supplying the music. For further information, Gentleman George Diceman is the man to contact at 884-0086 or 832-8760. How about it? anypltvuls Luc quanu. HUI . . Some of the members are fac- further mformatlon, Gentleman . . . _ George Diceman is the man to ing a snetch m Sle bay these _ days and it might be that they Egg/agafitfigg-OOBG or 832 8760' will need some cheering up. Why not drop into York Central Saturday April 8 â€" Another Hospital and spend a few night to come out and welcome minutes natterlng with Com- in spring. We hope. Members rades Frank Barber and John of Branch 375 color guard are Beauvais. Do hope that all throwing a do. Sounds like fun. other friends and neighbors are Won't you join them? staying healthY. Your legion Report: W. G. MEAKINS SIGNS & DISPLAY TORONTO 368-2421 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENLR_E COMPLETE WITH FREE NAME KRE'SFAIR MILK CHOCOLATE Open Good Friday, 9- PEDESTAL EGG Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford â€"â€" 884-5260 l For all naval types. Big re- lunion in Brantford May 19. 20. i2lst. For further information. 'please read the bulletin board in the clubroom. Speaking of re-unions, all para- chutists of the British 6th Air- borne Division are having a hang up bash at the Canadian Legion in West Hill from June 9 to 11. This notice will also be on the bulletin board in the clubroom for your information. AURORA 727-8446 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. March 30, 197 MW §L|BERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 MAIN OFFICE: 65 Comstock Rd.. Scarborough ' ‘ \uuuuuln“ummmm\mnum“\mmmmmmmmmmmmuummummmumnmm\uumul\ummnImmmnuummmunmu a£|\\\\|\\|\.\l\\l mummuu l \I I]lll\\ll\\l\\\“l\|\\llll\\lllll“\\llll\l\llllll\l TRUCK RENTAEfi 332 SOUTHWOOD GULF SERVICE Pick-Ups, Panels 8: 12’ - 20’ Vans with Tail-Gate Loaders Convenient Locations at 815 Woodbine â€" 2 miles North of Steeles 499-0341 BEAUTIFUL FRAMED PICTURES HOURLY - DAILY - WEEKLY B & M MOTORS GULF RAY’S GULF SERVICE PKG. OF 111 Davis Drive, Newmarket ' 895-3742 811 Yonge Street, Aurora 727-6361 FRED’S SHELL Hwy. 7 at Keele, Maple 889-2183 ‘Smile a Mile’ WITH OPEN DAILY ’TIL 6 RM. THURS. UNTIL 9 RM. «mut1luquulummummummumu EFUN

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