Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Mar 1972, p. 6

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6 THE RICHMOND I'III.I. lIBERAI. WANT ADS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. March 30, 1372 Fast Reliable P Courteous Service T CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words 51.00 and .8e per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .81: per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10e per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra CARDS 0F THANKS, ENGAGEMENTS, sertion charge per insertion of 50c IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as in the week as possible but not later than 8 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and en close payment or telephone. us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors, awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558, factory 832- 1319 Maple. tchB TYPEWRI'I'ERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale! including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. - L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill FOR SALE (Continued) LOW winter rate December to March. Sand fill for lake front- ages, etc. Snowplowing Lake Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 BEDROOM suite, 7 piece, dinâ€" ing suite. 9 piece, Chesterfield suite, all Burma teakwood, must sell, new furniture, very reasâ€" onable. 1-241-5971. tfc28 BUY your diamonds and golli for less direct from the manu- facturer to you. 294-6075. tfc30 ANTIQUES Furniture, c h i n a. silverware. diana. 294-6075. tfc30 884-1745 DINETTE set, swivel chairs, tfc3l$75. 884-4532. tfc36 WASHER. dryer â€"and stove Kitchen Aid dishwashers parts, gears, belts, wood bearâ€" Simplicity ings and wringer rollers, etc. For all makes.‘ Repairs to elec-li tric lawnmowers and small ap-i pliances. Math’s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road, 884-7903. tfcll. RECONDITIONED TV’s, color. and black and white. from $19.95 up. 'I‘V’s wanted for‘ cash. 833-5550. i tfc38; ROCKING chairs, Boston Rock- ers, Washstands, China and‘ Toilet Sets. A barn full of other. i I Laundry Specialist Moffatt Appliances Admiral Color TV’s Vilas Colonial Cash for used goods Broadloom cost plus 15% 15 cu. ft. freezer $169.00 Washer spin dryer $129.00 We need your business You need our prices Brice’s Furniture Barn Don Mills Rd. Queensville 478-4175 furniture. and quantity of odd‘ chairs. 33.; bedroom suite, an-, tique. 115 King Sideroad. Oak:i Ridges. 1.6 mile west of Yonge.. 773-5448. c3w38 BIG SALE! Used sewing machines $14.95. New sewing machines $59.95 and up. Bernina Sewing Centres Richmond Heights Centre. 884-‘| 3775. tfc13 SEASONED FIREWOOD Mixed â€" Oak â€"- Beach Birch â€" Maple 7:" and 16” cords Holland Park Garden Centre 832-2455 ' tfc29 TEAKWOOD Living, dining and bedrooms, tf036 PLTVI’OOD 4 x 8 sheets, fir L’g” special 6.40 per sheet. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfc19 MOFFAT Dryers $149.95; bed- room suites, double dresser, mirror, chest, bookcase, bed, bankrupt stock, 3139. 7-piece dinette. $59. Brice’s Furniture. ‘1-478-4175. tfc 37 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone, sand. concrete grave], etc. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. tfc39 SPECIAL Formica stock colors, $14.95 per sheet LOUGHLIN LUMBER direct from importers ware.-| house. Open 1-9 pm. 459-0760.} EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7. just east of Fifth Line.t 12 miles east of Dixie Roatil‘ Bramalea. tfc31l 3'27 CHEV race motor. 221-5701.: Call between 5 pm and 6 pm ‘ n _ ' 02w39 COLEMAN SKIROULE SNOWMOBILES \ CLEARANCE SALE New 72 Machines. Warranty until 73 List Price Sale Price 2.20le 293cc $695.00 $595.00 1-20 hp 293 cc Electric 1 $989.00 $799.00 1-25 hp 293 cc $999.00 $769.00} 2-2811p 336 cc $999.00 $839.00 20% Discount on clothing etc. Sales 8; Service â€"- Homclite «3;, Solo power saws. Used power' saw-s for sale â€"â€" chain sharpen-L , ing our specialty. BETHESDA SALES 8t SERVICE 888-1166 E l 884-7774? _A m _~ c2w39| APPLES l Cleanout sale. McIntosh “C”. grade and better, $1.50 busliel‘ In your container or $2 in ours. These are good, firm, crisp- | baby YONGE AND SCOTT DR. THORNHILL 889-1109 c2w39 lNCOME taxâ€"fOI‘IDSAFITepaI‘ed, ~-‘--â€" â€"â€"-i1ndividuals and small businessesi pickup and delivery service ifnecessary. 884-2876. ’1‘1w40 HONEY extractor, 4 frame reversible 845, some used equip- ment, frames, hives and sup- plies. 887-5369. c1w40 HOLEMADE cap for half-ton pick-up $50. 773-5868. c1w40 SEA SNARK sail boat, good condition, $75. 884â€"6686. clw40 I HAVE made an exquisite wool rug by hand. it. will last you a life time. Size 72” by 36" $200. Ring 889-3593, ask for Don. clw40 ARTIFICAthireplaCefwaShing machine, table power saw, man- ual sewing machine, odd tables and chairs etc., suitable for cot tage. Taylor soft water system. 884â€"3589. c1w40 CONTINENTAL bed. bird cage. _ walker, jolly jumper, sprlng coat and spring dresses, Wilcox area. Sanderson Haul-l age, 773-4106. tfc25 WANTED China cabinet. tea wagon. Cana-, elephone 884-1105-6‘, between 9 am and 6‘ pm Monday, 8 am to 6‘ pm Tuesday, 8 am to FOR SALE 'Continued' 1 HELP WANTED h 7 ‘ (Continued) TWO new snow tires, 700x14.‘URGENTLYmrequii‘ed; experi- 884-8053. clw-iOlenced home-makers and baby- XXLE Ré'esé_tl.ailel.'mldfn’eg: sitters. full and part time. 885- 884-4807. cut-40580147- , 7 , ,7 W, _”E‘37 fOI' RCngl’f‘l‘Ed XLII‘ t ‘ly new, 850. l __ prom consuucfion firms. modehses. part time and full time! homes and suites, consisting of Registfmd Nuts“, §§SiStam5 ‘chesterfields. sofabcds. davcn- 88940049]: 833'0031' “mg?” ports and bedroom suites. all in‘EQd-Qe L‘mlted CZ“V39 ,popular styles, materials andfiMEN wanted for greenhouse ‘sizes. Also lamps, glass, mal‘ble,'work. steady job. Apply in per- and wood tables. with odds and‘son. Bayvicw Florist, 16th Ave. ,ends. Ideal way to furnish or re-‘Richmond Hill. c2w39 ,l‘urnish your apt. or home att 7"" "T" .V- ' ;i‘emarkable savings for quality/ME REQI IRE EXPERIENCED furniture 1STAFF FOR PERMANENT . g 'D PA ‘ A A7 PARKCREST CONSTRUCTION, m llfigggggiEofigngT‘ONS r 7 ‘ fl_ W 221-4400 clw40l ASSIéANCE IDEAL lawnmower sharpener. 18 YONGE ST. NOR’I‘II ,separate bed-knife sharpener, 884-6782 884-6970 ‘Lang‘staff Sharpening Service.| clw 39 889-2815. , , , 91“'40illlt{N- DiorHuldnulacturing. InuSt TIRE SALE be clever with hands and able 855x15 belted 8-ply rating fol-Ito learn interesting permanent I .pickup trucks, $29.50 each,"\\‘01'k. Call Mr. Cooper, 499-1552. lSobie's Supel‘test, Don Mills "H _r 7 «a,» C4‘V39 !Road, north of Hwy. N0. 7- 297-"F'AR’1" time bookkeeper and LTDâ€"- 1701. *1\\'40,ist, Newkirk and Markham 2 gas pump'sfl single outlet. 1‘Road, Richmond Hill. 889-8669. double outlet. 895-1012. C11140‘___A_‘ _, _ 01““ Ap’filL S’AflE l SALES CAREER AT if you‘re quick to learn. you PoNTING'S MUSIC CENTRE .could be earning a high income. Don Mills Road, Newmarket your first month. with one of 2 miles north of Aurora Sideroad ers. Commission. company car (you can't miss on]. Sign) and usual benefits, Complete phone 895_6311 land continuing training. to beâ€" It pays to Shop around and cmn_’c01ne a professional automobile ‘parc values when purchasing antsales P9130“- ContaCt J- Pnesh organ or piano. Visit the otliel‘sl889‘1105- 1then come and see what we can! D05 LITTLE FORD SALES 'offer on . - 168 Yonge St._ N. CONN - LOWREY . FARFISAI Richmond Hill ORGANS. CHORD ORGANS l elw40 AND PIANOS iEXPERIENCED waitress. over {You will appreciate our prices‘18. For more information and 1and service we never inflatetinterview, phone 884-1370. prices, our volume and lowl c1w40 v o - v ’ ‘ Wfi... ,_ o‘emead ca“ 53“? .80“ moneb IDRIVER and helper for moving open days and evenings â€"â€" easy. , and storage, Apply at Global terms- CZ“40 Van Lines, 360 Newkirk Rd. - clw40j , HELP WANTED E‘ria‘enie'ivcrowseaiee station. attendant Bob Donald Esso,.‘ 9700 Yonge St. 884-8011. , URGENT Experienced sitters and home- Inakers. 884-5286. tfc35 WE HAVE A PERMANENT , : iPOSITION FOR A RECEP-. MEN. women and chlldren re-t , , quired for full and part time‘TIORST wu‘n EXCELLENT modelling in catalogue and TV’.iTYPING For f u rt h e r information. Nicolas Harvey 962-7296. c 1w40 ‘ III-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 18 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL 82 884-69701 clw40 tfc35; BOOKKEEPER for automotive 384.67 .business, Steeles-Bayview areal, iOwn transportation. Apply stat- ing education. experience and salary to Simplex Motor Parts {Ltd.. Box 519. Thornhill, Ont. or telephone 889-1191. LEGAL secretary, required im- mediately, experienced in con- .veyancing and estate work. Sal- ,ary open. Reply Box 62 “The Liberal." c1w40‘ MATURE, experienced, secre- . - . . , Ltary â€" bookkeeping and short- ealn $000 extla monthly. We hand required for residential l , _ â€" . need wu' 63? 1009' “C33 centre for retarded adults. CAREER girls’. teens. Yonge Street, 1 mile north of V_ r A e6w36 INDEPENDENCE unlimited, wives, needed to teach professional Richmond Hill. Phone Mrs. make-up techniques. by appoint- Lewis. 884-3454. c1W40 ,ment only. VI 111 train. Have fun-STRONG person, “Tifi'mg m 1 . . . ' v. 1 . alggoggg 683;;ergggebttxl‘ giiiwork, capable of working alone; collect after 6pm 640-2738 'Apply "-1 person to maple Feed: ‘ ’ ’ YSQ‘Mill, Railway Street, Maple. ‘ ‘ ..- .. e; e... _ L.“ l c1w40 - - , » .- 1me la e y or co-opera Ive nurs- SllanEk?‘ Apnl 1th 19‘? fgriery school. Richmond Hill - position of cleIk - typlst IntTh , 1m 1, 889_6553 the Richmond Hill Municipal °”” 3 ea' ' 1 .40 Offices. Present salary range - ___.____.ci_ $3,800 - $4,066, depending on WAITRES‘SE‘S wanted, full and qualifications and experience. Part time- 384-53752- 94W“) Bernard Toporowski, P. EnggcoUPLE, apartment supplied ConStl‘UCIion Engineer. lin new recreational complex, TOW“ 0f RiChmOnd Hill lhusband for cleaning and watch- 56 Yonge Street North. iman. wife with office or hotel Richmond Hill, Ontario. experience. and pleasant PEI" C2\\'39isonality. unusual opportunity. HOMEâ€"MAKERS“ i-eqiiiiedwbyllioifiO ‘i'l‘ll_e‘_I-ibe:t'ali‘: clw49 Red Cross Homemaker Service‘LIC-ENCED bodyman required. for Richmond Hill and Thorn-'also painter‘s helper. Experi- ‘hill area. Good remuneration, ence preferred but will train uniforms provided. tI‘ansportaâ€"‘suitable applicant. Excellent ltlon essential. Call 395-1341 01‘;wages and some benefits. AD- |write 22 Prospect Street, New-[ply to PO. Box 190, Stouffâ€" ilnarket. tfc39 ,ville. clw40 DEGENT“;‘nii-t‘tim w~~ Th ! - .e or fun PART time. llOul‘Sitoâ€"Sllll. in- tlmg’ Stable help re‘lulrEd- 387‘ dividual, opportunity for pro- 5900. NW“ motion for person capable of SNACK bar liglp wanted, fe- supervising others. Write Box 1 ‘male preferred. Apply Sobie's‘i59 “The Liberal.” clw40 ‘ze 1 . - ” - i . apples. Gormarkay Orchard.lSl - 4.884 7024* cm.“ SuperteSL D0“ Mills RoadilwAREHOUS‘E supervisor re- Yonge Street. East side, 21341")? (AVENUE). Country Squn-ehlorth of Highway 7, 297-1701. iqu‘iwd bv industrial supply miles north of Aurora. We alsozsmtmmvagon ‘mdub‘tl’ial fa1'65)! “ am- ‘pel-manenl position. sen honey, apple butter andtpotential earning $14,000 per “‘ ' p -' fresh apple cider. c2w39i ' MOTORCYC E nelFet $30.? 884-6714. c1w40. FRIDGE andâ€""stave, $35 to-f gether. 884-9743. c1w40, TYPEwBITER, goodâ€"cBnâ€"d‘itiifi,i $20; girl's bike, $20. 884-8287. , c1w40‘ DRAPES, lined. light gold with white horizontal stripe. 4 pair fit' 1412’ and 912' window's. 884-{ 5036, c1w40 THORNIIILL FUNITURE AND ANTIQUES Chesterfield and chair like new, bedroom suite antique blue. ced- ar blanket box. 21” GE TV. chest of drawers. Reasonable prices. 889-0716. 8236 Yonge St.. Thornhill. c1w40 POLAROID Land Camera, used twice, will sacrifice, $45. 884- 5018. *lw-IO 3 PAIRS of drapes. wall to wall: tea wagon, can be used as cof- fcc table: wash-stand: 54" mat- tress, coffee table: living room chair; rug [turquoise blue'. 889- 3278. after 4 pill. clw-IO‘ CLASSICALâ€"guitar: like ‘ néw. $35. 884-1440. clw 40 l I USEDâ€"furniture.â€"excellent con-ttil'esv (lition, 3-piece Chesterfield. car? riage. 5â€"piece kitchen chrome. set. 889-0689. c1w40, CHROME table aer 4 chairs;| vacuum cleaner. floor lamp. rea- sonable. 889-3910 c1w401 year. Phone 884-1393, between 5:00 and 7:00 pm. c1w40 BABY’S clothing. 95.00 and lady‘s fur coat, size 12, $5.00. 884-8979. c1w40 BEDROOM suite, modern book- ;case, headboade double bed, Spend 8 hours a week and earnt spring and mattress, men‘s chest and women's dresser with mirror, $150. 'Plione 889-6812. clw40 21" BLACK and white tclEi? ston. and a 48" solid oak bed. at least 50 ycals old. 884-6507. c2w40 2 SETS or bunk beds. goodToif- dition, $50. a set. 88-1â€"3695. c1w LEAVING country, must sell: 9" beaver saw. florescent light fixtures. metal framed work bench, childrens swing set and sand box. and misc. items. 889-1856 clw'40 TBACTOBS 5 52 FORD 8.\' with side mowers. 5L3 FEIRG. with loader. cab. blades. .37 FORD 850 with Industrial loader. 61 FORD 641, with Fairway cab. snowblade mow'cr. 887-5942. BEATTY electric ironer, meat slicer. 884-2273. LONG white size 5 or 7. $75 or best offer. 889-4345 after 5 30 pm. larg clw4 Bail pa” time 3 dais a week. 10 am tfc40 to 3 P1“, good wagcs. 889-0132. 3 FULL time antim- wedding gown. (3w40 North. Richmond Hill. lPA RTSMAN required. must be good benefits. Experience nec- cxperienccd. Boben Equipmentessary. 889-4576. C1“'40 le‘ted‘ 8894717; C1w40'GAS bar attendants. full time. . WOMEN Thornhill area. 889-4551. clw40 If you would like to be a part W ‘IKOKING for mother’s helper. Free room and board in exâ€" change for babysitting. Phone after 6pm. 884-6617. c1w40 \of something, hale an outside interest. this could be for you. a good income. Phone for ap- pointment. 889-9607. clw 40, more {one strands. location ROOM and BOARD businesses in Richmond Hill‘ â€"-- --- -~ * “area. 3 days a week. 9 to 3 13111930031 and board for gentleman. illust have car. no investment 773’3770- “C01 'I‘equired Box 64 "The Liberal.” __________â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" SNOWMOBILE c1w40 LABORER for welding and fab- ricating shop. Experienced. Call 884-3661, clw-m ‘ FASHION SHOP Requires an alert and ambitious lady for full and part time. Only experienced need apply. Phone for appointment between 9:30. and 113m. 226â€"3644. clw-lfli CASHIER full or part time. ‘Donway Fruit Market. 7179 Woodbine Avenue, 499-1573. Clix-10 LOTMAN for used car 101. 889- 1105. c3w 40 EXPERIENCEDWV.atti‘ess'wtoi- T971 ARCTIC Calf-’II-lowl’unla. excellent. condition. 884-1390 clw-lO 19'7TSkllD00724 lip'fcxcellem condition. Reasonable. 884-6909. nclw40 TRAILERS FOR SALE 13' V HORSE trailer. Corsair. sleeps 6. propane stove and 1121115. 12 \0115 and 113 system. double tanks. Ice h0\. spare tire and extras. Pl'lce 51.100. 7713-5523 tfc39 Boarding Stables NEW riding stable. Bathurst- Elgin Mills. Horses rented by the hour. b} the (la) and also sold 831-3447. lIPâ€"m c1w'40 ter girl. nights and weekends included. Please apply Scott‘s Chicken \llla 191 Yonge Street tic-$0 "lion Ltd. 630-9500. FURNISHED housekeepiugl Broom. private entrance. suit quiet businessman. 884-1215. c1w40 LARGE p 0 TO RENT . l 1 pm Wednesday, .9 am to MISCELLANEOUS FOR lcasc. 3.000 - 6000 sq. ft.‘ industrial space. New'kirk Road: Features dock level loading. .166" clear. immediate posscs~ lsion. 8110 not. Lorcd Construc- tfc50 FURNISHED room. cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884-4828 for appointment. 1 trczli iTV. radio. air conditioning. dailyf ,maid service. Reasonable week- ly rates, Richmond Inn. 884- 11101. tfc30 IFURNISHED room, cookin g facilities. 16 Lorne, 161 house ,east of Berks Jewellers at lYongc. 11‘051 I APARTMENT‘AV‘AILTABLET ‘ 1 bedroom suite 1 2 bedroom suite -- rent includes llcat. hydro. soft water. fridge. stove and free parking for one car. Near Rich-3 ,inond Heights Plaza at 48 Lav- 3erock Avenue. Adult Building. Call 884-2475. 1fc37 ;BEDSITTING room, suit gen-’ ltleman. 884-1629. 1 SUBLET. .1 bedroom apartment, 1215 of April 1, ill Richmond Hill.‘ tic38 ' SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 1ch SUPERIOR DECORATING Painting and paper hanging. interior and exterior, fl'cc estimates. 884-7907. tfc36 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. BAKER‘S BA’CRIIO’E EXCAVATING 'l'l'enching. sewer 8; water lines. -- footings. 889-3604. SHAMPOOING Rugs and chestcrfields. Day night. 884-2433. fixWAâ€"Y’PLU'MB’ING Repairs, new work. alterations Bus. 884-8582 ticZ 01‘ {[020 v p H a _7 7 ‘ tfc32 BRICK, stone an-d blockwork. Chimneys, fireplaces. patios. barbecues. Free estimates. Call Metro‘s best known Ford deal- can if 1305511019 after 2 Pm- 223‘trates' tic-to (MISCELLANEOUS 'Cominucd) iBOOKKEEPING and lug scrviccs for small busi- nesses. 889â€"5683. tl'c33 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Hydro clcctrlcal ‘modcrnization plan available Free estimates. Call any time: 884-3931. tfc14 PLUIIBING'S‘lIEAfiNGT account- Rogcr Proqu â€"- Telephone â€"â€"1 .884-1650. tic24. TENSEN‘S TOWING‘T“, Scrap car pick-up and towing. 24 hour service. 884-9747. tfc22 PAINTING and decorating. inâ€" terior and exterior. 20 years experience. F l‘ e e estimates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 GENERAL CARPENTRY ,lxitchen units, alterations, re rooms. etc. GORD ROWLAND 889-3437 Cl. 1 m r V 7 10:18 ‘ .IOLY BAIIN ELECTRIC Residential, Commerical. In- ;1967 MUSTANGâ€"comfitible. 6 ' cyl ., .5 pm Thursday, 9 ant to 5 pm Friday, .9 am to 1.? Saturday USED CARS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY l l '65-CHEV Impala. aufoliiatic. hard top. 8350. 773-5671, c2w-39‘H w- L . 1.- _ -. . . - . ,._.,_ .___n_ v . , , - '66 Corvette. evenings. 884-7423.t EARN “IO;R}EIN bPARE (-2w'39 ‘ : __ - _..__~_,,_ Men or women to rc-stock and 0‘.) RAMBLER wagon. auto-Collect money from New Type matic. 6. with 29.000 on excel-high quality coin-operated disâ€" lcnt motor. good til'cs. battcl'ygpenscrs in your area. No selling. and radio. Body rough, '72 1T0 qualify. must have car, refâ€" plates. 8150. 884-8309. clw4OTerenccs. $1.000 to $3.000 cash. 69 CHEVYmhéfieâ€"R; chcn to twelve hours wcckly pair. vie“. at comer of Mark_ can not excellent income, More ham Road {and Yonge' Supernt‘ull time. we Invest with you “351‘ $700 01. best offer. n1“.40,â€" and Eljslabllsll your route. For _ ipersona interview write: incluâ€" 04‘4CORVAIR, old plates. 884- ding phone number; 9.4.3L _ r g u A 33:19 B. v. Distributors Ltd. 1964 OLDSMOBILE in fair con- Dept "A" dition, $175.00. Call 881-1714. 1163 Tecumseh Road. East c1w40 Windsor 20. Ontario eel-onion, o Andaman; FARM EQUIPMENT l *1w40 ard. good condition. $150.00 on best offer. 884-1248 after 6:30‘ pm. c4w40 , MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE Best deal in the area Trade in time. Save even more. Come in or phone now. nble Tractor 8: Equipment Corner of Don Mills and many extras. $975. from 7 am - 7 pm. 884-1 6891 clw40 1971 VEGA, automa’tiTEoEdI condition, must sell. Call 884-, 6563 after 6:30 pm. c1w40; 1966 BEAUNIOer-onvémole-1|Rt“ some body work neded. $525 as 1773-5156; H > c2\\‘39122§-6_783-fl_ H H V tfcéfitdustiial. Oshawa. 725-4909. is or best offer, 834.6311, 1 Stouffville Road. Gormlcy. [CLEAN one bedroom basement‘l WALTER LONG PLUMBING 7 V V 7*“ 7 MM _ 1&7le c1w40 337-5385 I apartment for business couple. Efficwnt service at reasonable.ENTERTAINMENT for weddings.1969_BUICKAE1ECtra 225. air. “0‘32 . _ ‘ n l‘eceptionS. banquets SOCial conditioning, power window's,l " ' 0646. N p r M _’ __tfcaai 8324-145 tf ‘gsigatherings, etc, 361-2636. seats, aerial, A4 condition, p.44 MORTGAGES LARGE 2 bedroom apartments *J- ._‘LL.___.L,_ c_‘ “2“40 WHO. 395-3325. Clw40 {IbfiTbTGE‘cbnalf_ "o' . ..- - , , ’ . . -â€"â€" --â€" ---â€"- - -- -- â€"â€" _ , _A_ , __,_,_ A . r - a due. Cash $120 monthly. '02 Ionge Street, ~ GENERAL MASONRY B1LI.‘S HOUSEHOLD llges FONTIAC Laui-entian 4 to consolidate bills'.’ Low cost south, Blchmond H111; [argeiBl'le block andstone work. MAINTENANCE ‘door sedan. auto, power steer- 151', 2nd and 3rd mortgage icommerctal space. suitable for Expert workmanship. Minor landscaping. cutting mg, best one]; 339-6336, “W40 money available. Call me now 'any trade. $100. Call 783-2762 884-6417 grass. fertilizing and cicaiiing,EAST-m--,-- ~- ,- um, fast Confidential service. 191'7783-6229. after 6pm. c2w39; r __ __L “:83 windows, 884-2220. tit-40 sgggg‘ginfi'sm CARlBi-am Ogden. Emerald Isle Real tSUBLE’I‘. 3 bedroom townhouse,. PAINTING . .I. JTBIOLTONJVV T‘ - s 2 _ . 1Estate LimitG-‘d. 839-5651. 884- ‘ h . ' , 1969 FORD Custom 4 doci. 240 ‘Thornhill. immediate occu- & PAPERHANGING l BOOKKEEPING AND .Culin”, 6c\.1_ auto. 1.adi0‘2377. tfc23 ,Dallcb‘. 339-0698. ‘ c3w39. R. E. DUNN ‘ ACCOUNTING SERVICE ,w/walls, Ivy/discs. , Lic. Noll MORTGAGES ‘TWO bedroom apafifim. $12â€"01 “27-0303 I tli‘ontlle business too small lo’N39499 price $1.399 mommy, After 5pm 636-3837_ _ up 7" “€18 lusuty a full time bookkeepelmlsel FORD Galaxie 500. 4-d001‘ o MONEY AVAILABLE ON __ _ . ,.,, . d . . . l tfc4o, PLUMBING gm,” 100 Idler- f0r_.\0U Em 30w sedan. vs. auto, power steering, ALL TYPES OF PROPERTY .b-fi-Ibh-sfigégâ€"Ybnâ€"g-eâ€"S-tâ€"gfi, & BEA-[mg .wtfe to do P10091131- 773-4337- _ power brakes. radio Lic.No.‘o CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE 9380 E1W40i A. MILLS & SON LTD. L“ ., _, fl, ,, c‘1"1"3“1\191684. price $1.399 Clovcrdale Credit Corp, Ltd“ ' 334.2201 TREE CUTTING 1967 PONTIAC Parisienne 4-dr’ 144 Davenport Rd, Toronto BEDROOM 6‘. bedsitting, light, cooking. near Bayview Plaza. 884-7623. c1w40 ROOM for rent, close to Yonge. 889-5209. c1w40 FURNISHED room, central Richmond Hill, closekto Yonge. 884-8312. c2w40 i ONE bedroom basement apart- ment, no children. 884-5928. , j r clw40 HOUSE for rent, couples only. Call after 5pm. 833-7993. *1w40 FURNISHED room. close to transportation. 884-9427. I c1w40‘ A bright 4 rooms, over store,1 $140, Sheppard and Yonge. Ad- ults. 486-8578. c1w40 DOUBLE furnished bedroom also single bedroom. 884-7564. ; chi/'40, LARGE furnished room in new}? home, Yongeâ€"Richval‘e area. 889-; 7118. tfc40 furnished bedsittingI room, close to Yonge, Richâ€"‘t inond Hill, $20 per week. 8843 3202. c1w40 SMALL office with plant or warehouse space, approximately 1,000 square feet. 889-9540. c1w40 ‘THORNHILL sublet, large 2“ lbedroom apartment, under-, ground parking. balcony. play- ground. $175 a month. 493-3811‘ {or 889-2737. evening‘s. clw40i .TWO bedroom apartment, spacâ€" jious in 4-plex, west side, avail- ,able April 151, adults. 884-3861 ‘or 884-3882, clw40 l ‘3 DAY CARE 1 iRELIABLE day care in my; lhome. 884-4985. tfc17; tFAIRLAWN Junior a; Nursery? School. 8403 Yonge Street} .Thornhill. Fully licensed - open1 all year. ‘ ASSISTANCE “’ITH YOUR ANGED IF l l iFEE CAN BE ARR t NECESSARY See otlr ad on Page 18 .WOMAN tO.look after two children in my home. one ‘school age and one preschooler.) immediately. 884-9336. c2w39 RELIABLE day care or baby- sitting in my home. Close to Charles Howett School in Rich- ,vale. 889-8449, c2w40: 1RELIABLEiiday Deal-e: infants :welcome. 884â€"6107 c1w40 DAY care wanted for 2 child- ren. close to Walter Scott School. 884-3915. after 6 pill. clw40 RELIABLE da)‘ care in my home, hot lunches, fenced-in yard. Norfolk and Elmwood area. 884-1582. clw-IO LOVINGiddyi care infirm) illOme. May Ave. 884-8897. clw-iO PERSONAL Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 89. Richmond Hill. or call EMS-8684. tfclT INCOME *l'Ax'SIZIleCl-z" I4 SHORT forms. Tl general. statements. Phone 889-1302. noun “7‘ â€"AT'I‘E.\'TION Collectors of the Toronto Sun 'NHL action hockey players picâ€" tures, I have pictures for trad- lng. Send name and telephone number in am 61 "The Lib- mal.’ No.40 “(:43 AND pRUNING FRUIT TREEShardtop. V8. auto., power steer- Hignly recommended even by friends PERRI-STYLE (custom) Upholstering 889-9475 tfcg maintenance - planting. pruning GENERAL contracting, tions and additions. home, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. th3 ELECTRICIAâ€"N Electrical repairs, renovations. new installations and electrical modernization. AC-DC ELECTRICS LIMITED 884-4049 or 884-8475 ‘ c4w40 RUBBER STAMPS i Several type faces to choose from â€"â€"-including Script, Block letters. Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884- 1105. ‘ HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, tions, additions, and Kitchens a speciality. Harrison. 884-2838. RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc32 renova- repairs. Morris tfc42 Plastering Thornhill R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 “(.20 mage sale. YWCA resale shop. GR'EENTALI-e'si Petâ€"(Sliopgénâ€"d E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€" siding. Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 tchl CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Pllone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc50 GENERAL CARPENTRY Licence iRcc. Rooms, kitchens, floor tile, repair and furniture. counter finishing estimates. R. TOBIEN 889-1922 tops, of re- Free REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Completelawnmower and snow- mobile l‘epalrs and service. Open 8 aln - 9 pnl. 884â€"7716. ticlS CARPENTRY work. recreation rooms. additions. renmations. tile floors. and ceilings. Free estimates. '1‘. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. papel‘hanging. interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-51233. tic-to RECREATION ROOMS ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS UNFINISHED FIREPLACES COMPLETED WALKER CONSTRUCTION 884-22882 tftflo’ WILCO Accoustlcal ceilings. dry val]. recreation rooms and general contracting 881-1346, after 6 pm, H1733 w_w‘m_._n_m _ _ n A... n ,, altera-l E. C. DOAK 884-5316 *2w39 PE’TE’R’KEOOSFEE‘EIIOF Landscaper - contracting and ‘and fertilizing, also snow reâ€" :moval. i WILLOWDALE i 226-2428 c5w39 iGENERAL Clean-ups and odd jobs with small truck. basement. garages, etc. 884-1346. c2w39 leGH'l‘ hauling and small jobs ‘around the home and yard. 884- '3831. *2w39 WANTED lDEAD or crippled farm animals ‘oicked up promptly. For direct [line call Long Distance and ask .‘for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. ,‘Ed Peconi 8: Son. Woodville, ;Ont. Licence No. 3240 - 66. HIGHEST cash prices or trade lvalue paid for used furniture and appliances. Bi'ice's Furni- ture 478-41" ifc36 15. wANTED lUSED half to one-ton truck ‘with large box. 884â€"6417. .PANEL truck, 1,2 - l-ton. 832- 11266. clw-IO iTO sell on consignment. Chil- dren's spring and summer lclothes. must be in excellent ,‘condition. Also donations in Isaleable condition for rumâ€" 25 Yonge St. N. 88-1-4811. clw-IO 884- ctl \\ 40 200 GALLON tank. 3695. oil 7 EMPLOYMENT WANTED COLLEGE student looking for ,iull time employment immed- iately. Anne, 884-2881. *1w40 EXECUTIVEâ€"Secretary Elfi- .able. full or part time, excellent extensive experience. skills, Write Box 63 “The Liberal.” clw40 LADY available immediately ‘l'or house cleaning in Richmond Hill. 884â€"2163. c1w40 ENERGETIC young man. age 14. prefers work to play. Wants job for summer vacation. Phone 884-3611, ncBw-IO CLEANING lady: reliable. effic-. lent. own transportation. 9- 3:30. 889-1395. c1w40 MEDICAL secretary and-SRN; requires part time position. 889- 9938. c2w40 LOST LARGE black and tall podi- gi'ecd German Shepherd dog. red collar. Vaughan Township licence tag. Vicinity Vaughan- Kiug 'I'Ow'nships town line and Keelc Street. Answers to name "Ascot." Reward. Call 833-5630. ~2w'39 ()NE brown. white and black shaggy hatred (10:. white pants. answers to Chopper. 884-8339. .1111] Pond al'ca. Clix-10 ‘ NURSERY SCHOOL SI'XNYHIIJ, WALDORF NURSERY SCHOOLS \lornln; classes 101 children 31;- to .3 year: 3350 per year Brooke Street. Thoruhlll 72 Fulfil West, \l‘illoudalc qn- - -- ..‘-I ll plot ",11 c1w40 962-3737 WANTED _-.-__TQ_RENT BANKER rcqutis‘z or 371261 room apartment or small house. 884-4469, 884-1101, evenings. c4w38 ,ing, power brakes, radio. Lied, No. N89244. price 351.339 1971 FORD Torino 500 2-door, hardtop. V8. auto, power steel? ing, power brakes, radio. Lic.i No N78863 price $2,799 1970 FORD Galaxie 500, 2-door ihardtop. V8, auto. power steer- 2 .39 ‘tlng, power brakes, radio. Lic. _._~..- _ ._'.:_“..‘ ,N0_N91376 price $27993 bedroom house, preferably lwith basement apartment, 884- '1970 VALIANT Duster 2-door hardtop, slant 6 cyl., auto, radio. 9513. 02w40 Lit-.No. 34401 price $1.995‘GXRKG _- '* -*,,*“"-~<,‘,‘ 1970 FORD Galaxie 500 2-door 884467-33 1" R‘C "Md “TM, hardtop. VB. auto, power steer- . __ ‘ . # My _, ing power brakes. radio, vinyl QUIET couple requu'cs living top. Lic, N0, N83150 quarters with fireplace and gar- pfice Sg‘gggiden. 531-1698 or 964â€"1513. 11969 METEOR Rideau 500 2‘. CNN ldoor hardtop, V8v auto" powerlm [steel-lug, power brakes, I‘adio,‘ tVinyl IOP- LiC'N“ 511?.“ $1899“(TI-ENERAL landscaping, trees ' DU” I ‘and bushes pruned and sprayed. fal'i Station'Iife time experience. 884-7953. lwagon. V8, auto. power steer- “C33 Ting, power brakes, radio. Lic.‘ _______ __ DRESSMAKING iNo. X46560 92,295‘ 1969 PONTIAC Latlrentién 2- _w_,__ ' 1969 PONTIAC Sa door hardtop. 6 cyl. auto, radiotDRE-SSMAKING and altera- w.“ walls, \v/discs. Lic. N0.N88720 tions 889-5713, after 6 pm. price $1,795‘ c4w39 LITTLE FORD LSALEREGISTER- APRIL lst, SATURDAY 12:30 pm. â€" Auction sale of live- stock. 15 Hereford and 7 other mature cows, 8 Holst heifers 1 yr. and 14 Hereford cross heif- ers and steers approx. 4001135. i and others: machinery includes :NeW owner Beak FOI‘Syth. Dog‘Ford 4000 Tractor. approx. 2,200 grooming â€"-- poodles a specialty. hrs. Nui‘l‘ield Universal Tractor ’Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfclB with hydraulic loader. both in l 7 good condition: also Now 1101- Aquarih' Oak Ridges Plaza. 773_vland 270 Baler. 3))1. H. Int. 3 “11‘1". 4401' Tropical fish. cockatiels..plowi; and other line of lawn ~ ~ - ‘lllIlC-‘I‘V and miscellaneous DUdUIGS, (‘3I1'l‘lE‘S. love birds, $1.3“?1L ~ ‘ _ b a Items: small quantity or grant; 1 Location only -' Richmond Hill " PHONE sea-1105 ' l 0 1w 40 Bernard pups, German Shcp- . s ,. . . .. - 1968 Plymouth Flu) sedan Cdl, ,hel‘d pups, registered, all pct .. , . , -0 V. l, _ supplies. “C33 1910 ti utk. Foul 125 . 8. s an , -_._ dard, in Al condition. Furni- POODLES CLIPPED tui'e includes 23 cu 1'1. Freezer ,POOdIES bealltiflllly clipDEd hY‘del'Oom suite and other misc. appointment only. 884â€"6934. items; For Hadch Kyle, Lot tfc36.3z, Con_ 7, ’l‘wp. of Amaranth, ROMERANIANS, tea cup siie on Highway No. 89.0 miles west female and lovely orange male. of Slit‘lbOUI'ne- 1911115 C6511- l'ezistered. Reasonable. 337. Farm sold, Gord Orr Auction- 5956. clwqoyeer. clwAO n, . in t .LABRADOR retriever pups, t A 9! . . . . IL 1.2. WEDNESDAY .wceks, black. ch‘d. papersflA‘PR Vshots and tattoos. 1-478-4001. {Clearing farm auction of 3 trac- , Jtors, S. P. combine. new forage L- _., -.,.__ ,_C.2_“_49‘wagon, forage harvester. 3 GERMAN Shepherd. )‘eal' Oldlmounted tractor plows, balcl', ‘female. very gentle. good farmâ€"113.10. spreader. sprayer, tell. ‘ib' pet. registered. $100. 337"drill, good; 2 heavy duty tractor it 5956' 01‘1'40 cultivators, hay crimper, 1.400 T AA 7/ r 7 - T/HVTâ€"N: â€"> V ’ ' [I‘El‘il BE \GLE . beautiful] I mar-,bales good Illa). 800 bales s , ked goodpluivatchdog )Clevelo 6001bs, Helta barley. good qua]- ' . c1w40 ill': 30 tons extra good mixed 884-7524. V , ‘ ‘ W is" i '- A â€"~~ -- 7 gram. etc. for Norman Rec-sci, T“ 0 W"? “"e “‘a‘ea one {9' located is miles SE. of Stoutt- male. hall German Shepherd. “.118 an MP. immune]. N010: ._ _ .,,C_1_“_-4,0‘This is an extra good lot of BEAGLE- 1 year old. champion‘farm machinery, hay. straw and hum” Dal‘PHIS- boogie straincgrain. Farm sold, refreshments. no papers. 384-1379. after 59m. Sale 1pm, Atkinson and Wilson, 61040 Sale Manager and Auctionccr.l c221 ll A number of purebred dogs. though no fault or their own. cannot be kept by their owners and are now at Canine Control Kennels awaiting new homes. Anyone interested please call 889-1081 --- 837â€"5562. c1w40 Come to beautiful P.E.l. COLLALEA ‘ TOURIST HOME Situated Oil (.‘ovchcad Bay overlooking the north shore on the Gulf sidc. SIAIIESE sealpoint kitten. reg- istered. female. with papers. 20 weeks old. only 325, 833â€"5854. -. - CHHO 0 Three miles from I'llalim- ADORABLE puppies, 85 each. mnslu‘p golf course 0 Deep 884-2360. clw-lt) 5,.“ “mini; 0 “‘th sandy heathen . Pltiiinclzl! [)Etlk . ’I‘hcalic' o [titling Slablt’n . LUIJMPI' (Muir N a spot-lul- TUTORING OL’xIAI‘IED’it-aehcr offers tu- tv . Lorat luvs. pl'mail; toring grade 1 to 3. reading an} [m].- 6 pp,- n phi . :\](‘al\’ grade 389-5404 C3\"39 ,m-xcd tcxli'at . Open May to Septcmbt‘l. lllClLlSllC. TRAVEL TOL‘RS. cruises. rail and bus llcknts. reservations and Indm- dual tra‘cl Call A H Creighton l'rawl Agency 839-5643. tIcAt l‘mscrvc Now -â€" George and Cathy Collard. 11.11. 1,1'ork. Print-e I-Zdward Island m.

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