THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Onfario. Thursday. March 30. 197'? The Richmond Liberal Want Ads; BlazingNightgownBurns Thornhill Child, ‘ Southern York Region'sGreatMarketPlaceNaptha Blast Shakes Bayview Fairways. ' ‘ .f' A “aplha 8850mm drum PX' SUI‘P 11058 when Ilseri caused a'denee at 115 Romfield Circuitlhill Haulage. Bayview Avenue E01115 18231115 . monuments plosion in the Bayvicw Fairways surge “1 “19 Spl’lnkler Sistem “as estimated at 51.000. willifSouth at about 8 pm on Wed- CONWAY â€" Dave and Avril ABMA. ida ~ At York Central: HOMEOWNERS Call to 10 p.111. $2.000 - $50,000 Obtain all the cash you need and reduce your payments bv as much as half with a 2nd or 3rd mortgage on sensible terms. Call to 10 pm. today for helpful courteous service. ‘ Prompt Investment Corp. 330 Bay St. Toronto , ~- vA'nc l_t ffthealarm, .- «'6. ‘ . t . .. i . . .' ' ' iea cast of Bayview \0 ii am se 0 about 81,500 damage to contents. nesda) of last week was iiding (allowed 366_9335_ evenings 2313145 I‘esounded Through mllCh 0L GARAGE BLAZE the fire chief said. this snowmobile across a field Mr. and Mrs. R. Harold Louden (nee Lunaut pTOUdly 8(1- Hospital, Saturday, Mal-ch galaâ€, pleased m announce the “10171th rattling “'II’Id9ll“ and} .1431†that day F†L53 17m 31‘ The alarm was giien by Mrslsouthcast of Bay'v‘iew Avenue - u- . . n _ _ _ - _ L, , nounce the arrli‘zak of tbheir 1971 Ida Simonse‘ beloved engagement of theâ€. daughter‘stai-tiing residents kduring one.(l])ilsherS-Farit‘ang Limited. fLot‘s Joyce Mugfom when she dis_:‘and Markham Road. Without . daughter A"“' arm. or“ wife of Hank Abma. dear Kathrvn Anne to Georde Jose h 0f the alarms mi“ em me“ a i 0‘“ “'99 v t “‘9 “'35 a “'9 mlcovered the fire in the room’knowing he roared over a bank ' a r ‘ L“ p 1 FULLY SILRV ICED Thornhill firc 513110113 Contractor's Sen'ice gal'agc- :where her father-in-law wastinto a roadway plougth acr0ss March 15. 1972. Proud grand- . ‘ The blaze was qurckly con-lslceping cat-lien ithe field. hitting the opposite t are Ena and Gren Mazhar, son of Mr. and Mrsflhe new parens mother of John, Richard and _ , Joseph Mazhar of Toronto. On- fairly bus-V 1" recent days' 1 Dorothy. Rested at the Mar~ Lunau- Clw‘w shall Funeral Home. 126 tario. Wedding to take place The “010510†at “"9 I‘meilained and damage “‘35 calm-‘11" * * " bank and rolling his machine * _ t * _ Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. May 19th. 1972 at 7:30 pm. inllhl'é‘alt‘l‘lt’d ‘0 repeal itself bill‘ed at 3700 1“ contents “I “‘9; A water pressure surge in ihe‘over. EWING â€"â€" Jim and Shella "‘99 Service was held in the Richmond Hill Presbyflerianifircfigliters kept a SECOfld dI‘UmJi‘lal‘age and 3150 to The bUlldlnSv’sprinkler system when a re-y The snowmobile cauvbi fire 01‘1" 31‘? 131935“ 10‘3nnounce Christian Reformed Church. Church. c1w40‘coolcd off with a stream of,Fire Chief Smith said. paired “Norma-m openod‘ “asland burned hm Thmnhï¬l dim,†the arrival of their second Willowdale. Tuesday. Inter- * * ~ lwater. Fumes apparently reached Biblamecl for a false alarm Marchihave any(hing worse than a few Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Lun-{ The alarm was March 12 at hot water heater and ignited.‘21 at 3;â€; pm in an Office build. scratches Damage was Mm au are happy to announce the 6:50 pm at an isolated storagelstarting a blaze in Oil and gasp-’ing at 57 Glencameron Road.‘niat,ed at, $900 andithe machine engagement of their daughlcruarea cncIOsed with wire on the line on the floor. according to Thnmhm. Ava; insured. Beverley Joanne to Albert Fred- ON railway property off John the fire chief. Workmen gave‘ Tth “as a smokP alarm alr~~-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~A«wï¬s daughter Kristi Suzanne on March 19. 1972 at the Toronto East General Hospital. c1w40 ment Richmond Hill Ceme- tery. In lieu of flowers. don- ations to the Canadian Cancer Society gratefully apprecia~ 1 TO 20 ACRES For Sale or owner will build for lease * urda , March 25. 1972. Winni- ~ fredyPitt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Snider. Two 45 gallon drums of napâ€" Raymond Cartier loving “I RIChmond HIU‘ “'iSh 10 311' tha were in the enc105ure. Resi-‘ mother of Suzanne (Mrs. B. “0â€â€â€˜39 the Sllgagemem 0f HTF’ITidcnts over a wide area reported Mott). Jennifer and Michael daughlcn Lmda Rum t0 31â€â€œ muses shaken. The fire chief Cartier. Dear sister of Madge Wayne Rusmow- 50“ 0f Ml" and.said nobody was hurt. and the it III . . ted. c1w40 erdick Jacques son of Mr. and Street Cause of the fire and the alarm. 11m, Rem†residence 37 Bum b ._ ' I . ~ I i ‘ ‘ y Hï¬VDPIWON D920" 03:? Ag: it it it .Mrs. Albert Jacques of Mar- explosion wasnt known. 'lhe * * It. I iMeadowview Avenue at 4.57 pm. New style Cons‘rucï¬ou haane t “2:110 csnghr a'lï¬val CARTIER, Winnifred May â€"-â€",m°ra‘ Wedding to take place at emergency lasmd 31mm?“ NW“ A lhre?’y°al'°ld Child ‘5 19‘ March 25. thn Markham Fire-l ofipï¬agy son wslteeveneRonald “ta. a lengthy illness at her it. Paaullguchusrgla. Marnlimrdisaid Markham Town Fire Chief giveritngl: mï¬North f\ft’or-k Geliieral fighters arrived they found all . x » home in Richmond Hill, Sap une . a : pm. c w Myrl Smith. ospi a 3 er su ermg urns furnace mm had come Out 0“ “P'- 2†0‘5" Marc“ 27' 1972' * * * HOUSES SHAKEN to her stomach and thigh when the chimn‘ey, ‘ I ’ ' at York Central Hospital. 2 There was notI c1w40 T. EAST. TORONTO OR 8 KING S 363-5086 ,her nightgown caught fire al‘f'n'e damagc 9:03 am March 18. 1 v .i ‘ CHILD‘HAD MATCHES_ Wayne Carson. 13. was trap-. Fire Chlef Smllh 531C! Llei‘pcd in an elevator jammed bem Starr. daughter of Mr. and Mrsy‘tween floors rm. mm. an ham-i brotherfor Diane. beloved wife of t It I! LANE â€"â€" Keeva and Linda (nee Huntley) are pleased to an- at. 884-3905 Terrace Egï¬gcï¬mfazirgegam:r523? Clause. Rested at the Mar- Raéph “SFShlï¬l‘V-fla's†{lflonly loss was the drum of vola- Norman Starr. 18 Cypress Poinliin an apartment. building 31,7471l bom Genemll M ch 24' 1972‘ shall Funeral ' Home. 1.26 ta‘EeTm‘Ec in‘ A’ m 51523.59 0 tile naptha. Court. somehow managed to get‘Yonge Street. Firefighters BETWEEN STEELES l Proud grandparents are Mr. Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. D 9 a l) . haw“); v 4- w hold of some matches and startnvere called at 4:57 pm onl & No_ 7 ‘ - and Mrs. G. Lane of Scarbom Semce‘ was held Monday. - '77 77b _ï¬_ i, The next Thornhill alarm the fire. Her twln brother Saturday of 1381 week and‘ EAST on YONGE and Mr. and Mrs‘ D_ Huntley Cremation. c1w40 CARD 0]: THANKS came March 14 at 11:28 am to Michael was credited with saV- brought the boy out through the of Richmond Hill. clwm in it i- To my relatives. friends and the Wyebrough residence at. 29 mg her from more serious in- elevator’s emergency door. An OFF BAY THORN DRIVE N I E D II! it! it PRIMEAU â€"â€" John and Sharron Primeau of Aurora, are del- ighted to announce the 'birth of their first child. a daughter Shannon Johnelle. 6 lbs. on . March 16. 1972 at York Coun- ty Hospital. Shannon sends a special hello to all the chilâ€" dren at Joseph Gibson School in Maple. c1w40 4: a: It TOMLIN â€"â€" Ted and Dale (nee Nokest are. happy to announce the arrival of their son. Rich- ard Edward. Blbs. 40zs.. on March 16. 1972 at York Cen- tral Hospital. A brother for Kerri. c1w40 311 nrtlirnming Marriages Mr. and Mrs. F. Hill are pleased to announce the mar- riage of their daughter Cather- ine Theresa. to Ronald James. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ley of Richmond Hill. The wedding will take place on July 8. 1972 in the Church of the Annuncia- tion, Toronto. *1w40 iii it it Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Locke of Richmond Hill are happy to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter. Linda Dianne. to Mr. Daniel John Steer, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Steer of Vancouver. Wedding to take place April 20. 1972 at St. Stephen's United Church in - Vancouver, B.C. chi/40 To liltrmnriam BISHOP â€" In loving memory of a dear father Joseph W. who passed away April 3, 1971. Loving and kind in his ways. Upright and just to the end of his days. Sincere and kind In heart and mind. What a beautiful memory he left behind. â€"â€" Loving remembered. Eddie and Kay. c1w40 t it it KEFFER â€"- In loving memory of Gilbert H. who passed away April 3. 1969. Although we smile and make no fuss No one misses him more than us, And when old times we oft re- call That’s when we miss him most of all. â€" Lovingly remembered. by wife and family. c1w40 it It i STUNDEN â€"â€" In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother. Olive Victoria. who passed away April 1, dear sister Irene. who passed away April 8, 1970; and dear brother William (Bill) who passed away August 21, 1957. We mention your names And speak of you often. God bless you, clear loved ones, You are not forgotten. â€"-â€" Sadly missed always rem- embered. Helen. George, Chris and David. clw40 1959L RENTING FROM 5150. MONTHLY ONE, TWO & THREE neighbors. who so kindly rem- embered me. while I was in York Central Hospital. My sin< core appreciation to the nurses on the 3rd. floor for all their kindness. Special thanks to Dr. Zuck and Dr. Aral Beryl Kirby. OOSTVEEN, James Douglas â€" At the Hospital for Sick Chil- dren, Monday March 27. 1972. Beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Oostveen. RR 1. Maple. dear brother of Wilco and Tiny. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service . P1w40 was held in St. Andrew's “’ * * Presbyterian Church. Maple CARD 01“ THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for their cards and kind acts of sympathy at the time of my mother's death. Mrs. Marguerite Mylks. *1w40 on Wednesday afternoon. In- terment St. Paul's Cemetery, Vaughan. c1w40 I: or v HALLY. Robert A. â€" Suddenly on Tuesday. March 28, 1972, Robert Hally, beloved hus- band of the late Leila Petman of Richmond Hill. dear father of Horace and Thelma (Mrs. Roy Jarratt) both of Caledon ii at CARD 0F THANKS I wish to thank the wonderful friends. neighbors.'Sr. Citizens and others for the. beautiful * East. brother 0f GOFdOn 0f cards. gifts and many acts of Alton. ReStlng at the Mal" kindness. shown to me during shall Funeral Home. 126 my illness I also want to thank Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service Thursday 2 pm. In- terment Richmond Hill Cem- etery. c1w40 Dr. Bigford and the nurses at the York Central Hospital for their kind attention. Mildred J. Noble. * iii * CIW40 MacKAY. Fred M. â€" Suddenly on Wednesday. March 22. 1972. Fred MacKay. dear hus- band of Annie Weatherelt, dear father of Joyce (Mrs. B. Gray), Betty (Mrs. H. Prince), Norma (Mrs. H. Joudriel. Lance. Larry. Blaine. Pat and Linda (Mrs. D. RaymerM Rested at the Marshall Fun-' 1k * CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thank all of our relatives and friends who came to visit with us on the occasion of our 50th wedding anniversary and for the many cards and gifts which we received. Lillie and Percy Usher. *1w40 a. )Ir 1* it! eral Home. 126 Yonge St. . N.. Richmond Hill. Service C1331 thggl‘tï¬smv friends was held Friday. Interment y ' and neighbors for their kind. ness to me during my stay in haspital. Also many thanks to Dr. Arai and Dr. Granton, nur- ses and staff on the 3rd. floor. Mrs. Nay Wilson. c1w40 .Richmond Hill Cemetery. c1w40 it MCDONALD Mrs. Georgina â€"â€" At the York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill on Saturday. March 18. 1972. Beloved mother of William of Scar- boro, Perrie of Kitchener and Georgina (Mrs. Louis Reid) Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill. Temporary entombment. Hill Crest Mortuary. Tara. clw40 c1w40 it at II? III NUOVO. Savino â€"~ Suddenly at- York Central Hospital on Sat- urday. March 25. 1972. Sav- ino Nuovo. beloved husband of Angela Lotito. dear father * on Highway 400. a $50 fire in in Concord and a $500 basement fire in a Highway 50 office building. These were the most of Angelo. Josephine (Mrs. V. serious alarms for Vaughan Ippolitoi. Maria (Mrs. '1‘. Far- Town Firefighters in recent ellai and Charlie Nuovo, lov- days. ing brother of Michael. step- Fire- brother of Luigi and Nick Depalma. Rested at the Mar- shall. Funeral Home. 126‘ Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Mass was celebrated in Our Lady Queen of the World‘ This week Vaughan ‘. ferment Holy Cross Cemetery. clw40 3-" FRED in“. but it just, wasn't (Wile 33" REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY 15 to 25 acres. 20 minutes north of Toronto. suitable for horses. Reasonable. Write Box I. “The. Liberal." czwcoi mOI‘YOW night (Friday). 1 Tuesday night‘s game al- tracted another sell-out at. f the Richmond Hill arena and they got their money's worth. * The Rams trailed 2-0 at i one point. rallied to tie it. then faultered as Markham came back for two quick goals before the end of the second period. Randy Preszcator was the big killer for Marham with a two-goal effort. Single. coals went to Marvin Rocks and Dennis Maruk. Steve Colp. John Barnett and Bill Weber fired the Richmond NOW Bedroom Hill counters. ~ All three played stFong games Apartments for the Rams and came very close to providing the basis for an upsei of the powerful club from Markham. ‘ 216 ESSEX AYE... RICHMOND HILL * 3: Bright sunny kitcheni large It was Bill Weber scoring the master bedroom. recreation most spectacular goal of the room. coloured fixtures. twin night “hen he took a flip pass elevators. broadloomed balls. at centre ice from brother Dick. D'Ded music. free hydro. drapes. The puck was high and he 53â€â€œ Nath' underground lock- knocde it down \iith his glme. Up parking The puck rolled over the _ blueline and both Weber and ‘Markham goalie Mike Palma- EXCLUSIV ‘ lEN UGH REAL ESTATE LTD. v ‘teer raced for it. Weber beat E AGEst Palmateer. swept around the sprawled goalie and slid the puck In the open net. That score came at the SI): imiiiute mark of the third period A $200 blaze in a Maple car a stolen car near Dufferin Street ‘Valloncliffe Road where Mrs. Wyebrough reported a fire in her clothes drier. Firemen found the electric motor of the drier burnt out. The only other damage was from smoke. I The next Thornhill alarm came March 17 at 7:51 am at ‘Gage Envelopes Limited on Steelecase Road. A high pres- i . started jury as he ran for help and the flames were smothered quickly.- at: it s Careless smoking in a bedâ€"g room was blamed for a fire that in a bed and heavily damaged a home March 19 all 7:37 am in Thornhill. Nobody; .was hurt. Damage in the Mugford resi- The Plough And The explosion within the. last month of a bomb in a Belfast snack bar. killing twa and wounding 136. blowing both legs and one arm off a girl of '22 shopping for her trousseau. [and blinding her in one eye. is a reminder, much closer to home than Vietnam, and more destructively than in Quebec, that when men kill one another from political motives, the harmless the neutral and the innocent. suffer as much as. and often more than. the antagon~ ists. This is one theme of The Plough and the Stars by Sean O’Casey being presented on April 5, 6, 7 and 8 by the Drama Club of Richmond Hill High School. It makes this compas~ .sionate play, though written in 1926. the most topical of plays to present today. Another part of the theme is that women are unable to let their differences submerge their concern for human suffering. even in their opponents; whereas men are willing to wound and destroy, not merely those neutral in the IniStoIcn Car At Concord Maple Family Flees Burning Car fighters started a 40-hour course in driver orientation at Seneca College. The volunteers will finish May 5 and the full times men finish April 7. MAPLE FAMILY RUNS Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bjarna-son of 2751 Teston Road, Maple were driving down Highway 400 lat about 10 pm. Sunday with ‘Rams Losers By 4â€"3 To Markham c.....,...._§Facing Elimination In Playoffs SIMPSON The Richmond Hill Rams give it their best shot. 0d enough as they dropped a 4-3 thriller Tuesday night to the Markham Waxers. It. was the Rams’ third loss in the Metro Junior "B" best-of-seven finals and left them with elimina- tion staring them in the face. game 7-4 Monday night in Markham. The fifth and possibly final game was slated to be played in Markham tonight (Thursday). A sixth 1 game. if necessary would go in Richmond Hill to- They won their only Iand made it, 4-3. l Richmond Hill gave it the I gallant effort from there on i in. but it was no go. They ' pulled, goalie Gary Carr out: with a minute left but sev- eral faceoffs later it was all over. Thé Rams. despite. the. ‘ loss. outshot Markham 34- , 32. That second period saw Rains dominate the latter stages of the second period. outshooting Markham 22-8. They coudn't find the. handle on the puck. When they did. Palmateer was there to stop it. Carr replaced starter Gordon Woolnough in the second period after the fourth goal and play- ed well the rest of the way. it it t Markham's first two goals certainly couldn't be blamed on Woolnough as the Waxers punched the puck home from his doorstep after several attempts. This vent on while desperate Ram defenders ran hither and yon all over the place Both Weber boys. as usual. \vcre powers-to-behold on the ice while Daryl Rice also came up with a fine effort. Most of them gave It their allâ€"~and with a few breaks at the right time could have “on. But . . . . . . Wednesday At RH High School The Stars Opens struggle, but their ownâ€"if ex- pedient for the advancement of their cause. The play is set before and during the Easter Rebellion of 1916 in the. slum tenements ofi Dublin. The interplay of Pro“ testant and Catholic. nationalist‘ and socialist and a few other pre-l judices. as expressed by a fas-’ cinating variety of characters†blends comedy and drama in what is considered by many critics to be O‘Casey‘s greatest play. Ron Clifton is directing the play and included in the cast are. Susan Duffy. Thomas Grieve, David Smith, Adrian‘ Truss. Vickery Cook, Ronalda Jones, Stephen Tennant. Chris- topher Andrews, Brian Bi‘ooker. Timothy Buell, David Burnfield. Diana Cook. William Honeyman, Janet Hutchinson. Neil Hutchin- son, Diane Marshall and Kim Porter. Tickets at $1.50 for adults and $1 for students may be obtained from any member of the cast or by calling 884-1355. their two children when their ’ car caught fire. Tight brakes were blamed for starting a tire on fire and the flames spread to the car. The family hurried to the E550 Service Centre. which luckily wasn’t far away. and called the Vaughan Fire Depart-i ment. Fire Chief James David-1 son said there was about $2001 damage to the car. ‘ a- 4' o i ! Carpenters world 11; in an. office were. blamed for starting; .a sprinkler and setting off an alarm at. CEECO Manufacturing ‘lLimited. 2180 Highway 7 West Eat. 8:40 am Sunday. Vaughan Firefighters used larpaulins 1o 1minimize the water damage and‘ ipushed out the water. ‘ STOLEN CAR FIRE l ‘ There was about $50 damage, ito the right front of a stolen car left in a parking lot beside Dufferin Street: at 5:22 am‘ Saturday of last week. ‘ l The car was reported stoleni Ililarch 18 by owner Robert Gray lot Dufresne Court. Apartmenti £1902. Don Mills. ‘ | 1 There was a lot of smoke. but1 almost no fire damage, in a. blaze in a boxcar inside a CNi ,Express shed off Keele Street lsouth of Maple at 11:42 pm on3 iFriday of last week. i Fire Chief DaVidson said a. :line carrying anti-freeze soluâ€" tion broke and the liquid was set on fire by a charcoal theater. ‘ BULLDOZER FIRE ‘ Vaughan Firefighters were called to the Disposal Services landfill site on Teston Road at 5:25 pm March 20 when papei caught fire around the engine of a bulldozer. There was little damage. A chimney fire brought fire- fighters to the Hewitt residence (at 422 Steeles Avenue West at 5:19 pm March 20. The fire originated in a space heater. but there was no damage. w¢ i it xi A short cireu'i in elecii-ie wir- ing iias blamed for a 8500 fire in the basement of the Metro Auto Wreckers office building on Highway 50 a( 8:42 am March 20 The building is own- ed by Harry Socket. There was a false alarm at 11:39 am. March 15 at the Villa Lodge and Nursing Home. 9000 Bathurst Street. when workmen in the basement set off the alarm system. elevator cable had jumped off a pulley. Trees being burnt close to houses at. Baythorn Drive and | NEW HIGH RISE I 1 and 2 Bedrooms l Yonge Street caused a false! . HYDRO i alarm at 11:37 am Tue d '. . ‘ ik * * S a) . 1 A garbage chute fire in an O OUTSIDE POOL apartment building brought1 Markham Firefighters back out: . SCHOOLS to the. apartment. building at' O CLOSE TO 7471 Yonge Street at 2:04 pm TRANSPORTATION Tuesda.'. There . " l W“ “0 me o WALK-IN CLOSETS damage and smoke was confin- ed mainly to the basement area. it it * l A snowmobile crash fire and Week Days 12 - 9 I’m. an emergency caused by gas- oline in the Mill Pond Court weekends 12 - 6 pm. sewers were the most. SETIOUS’ alarms last week for the Rich-. 8 _ 2 2 3 4 f t _ ONTARIO : CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Chesterfields and Chairs Recovered Like New 0 Choose from a large selection of quality fabrics o All workmanship expertly supervised and guaranteed 0 Pickup and delivery 0 Free estimates at your home . 174 Bridgeland Ave. (opp. Yorkdale) 78'-0277 Factory Showroom Hours Mon. to Fri. 9 NEAR GOLF COURSE l i PRESTIGE OFFICE SPACE 2,000 square feet of air-conditioned office space available, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Can be divided into smaller areas. Phone 884-9133 $HIPPER WANTED Experienced in building supply industry Phone for interview Hunt Windows 250 Bowes Road â€" Concord 889-5104 Laskey Ask for M. Koebel or W. DIRECTOR WANTED To be responsible for supervision of staff. pro- gramme, and general administration of commun- ity residence for retarded adults and adolescents, now under construction in Markham. Applicants must have professional training in a. field dealing with human habilitation. such as social work or education. and some experience in a residential program. Apply giving full particulars of training and experience to Personnel Selection Committee, Box 1047. Stouffville, Ontario. CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY A vacancy exists at Seneca College. King Campus (West of Aurora). for a confidential secretary to be responsible to the Associate Dean. The. successful candidate should ha\e acquired a high degree of proficiency in transcription skills including shorthand and dictaphone. through sev- eral years of secretarial experience. Excellent salary and fringe benefits. Plensp apply in person at the Finch Campus. Personnel Office. “7 SENECA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 1750 Finch Avenue East (at “‘oodbinm. Willowdale Openings for 3 Agents coverng areas: Markham, Richmond Hill, Aurora, Newmarket, Etc. We will guide and train you. Excellent commission and bonus. For confidential interviews call per~ sonnel manager GORD SMITH 884-4425 773-4211 N. S. SMITH REAL ESTATE LTD. 39 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 889-7624 SALES OPPORTUNITY $1500.00 ANNUAL GUARANTEE We are interested in employing staff for our new ‘ Richmond Hill office. Previous experience not . essential - we will provide training and assistance. Most important is your desire to succeed and your ability to get along with people. For appointment ' for confidential interview call: RON ELLIOTT at 884-8183 or 881-2822 inooium . ' (rumour .MARIHAM l iiourmut . uranium. POIIPIIRY .‘ ..Mi. Mam .,AU!ORA ‘-‘ (ANNINGION -_;iitwmliiti' iuuou . ': IRADIDRD _ Iuvciiiou- mwtcx ‘ ' RON ELLIOTT Toronto family needs a 4 bedroom bungalow or split level home. Our client. has a large down payment or we may arrange an all cash offer for you. If you are. considering selling please call me, Ron Elliott, 884-8183 or 881-2822. mm . ummm BRIOIORO .IISVIICI‘ .. mm: on ‘IICHMDIO mu mu '- - . maniac: ' mm 1 ‘ Mlllfllll SIOUIWIlll uxamoct mum, mimich .- suiioii V ‘ mimics .cunwonr magmas-« ‘ POIIPLIII RICHMOND HILL TRADE OLD FOR NEW Split levels, two storeys. bungalows Immediate possession or Builder will custom build for you. Home Features: â€" 3 and 4 bedrooms large kitchens open stone fireplace family room 3 bathrooms 75 foot wide homesile fully sodded This excellent location has paved roads, street lighting, sidewalks and is close to public and high schools. WEST WOOD LAN E - SUNNYWOOD YUNUE N1 ODEL HOME PEARSON Open for inspection daily noon until 3:00 pm or call NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. REALTOR .â€" 889=6241