Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Apr 1972, p. 17

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Neighborhood Notes 'car accident on Sunday afterâ€" Mrs. David Hoover. Rosa Ann‘noon near their home. All three and Lee Ann were involved in a‘remained in York Central Hos- RICHMOND HILL AL ROLLINSON Spring bfings flowers and problems The flowers and the Spring tra la’s we‘ll leave to you but maybe we can help with your Spring problems. Like finding the money for home renovations, for cottage rehabilitation, even providing the where withal for a new home. Whatever your money need, bring it to the people who reach back to over 80 years experience in solving money problems. ' and V101 um and UHDI TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. Exclusive healing substance proven 19 shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged ussue A renowned research institute has found a unique heallng substance mm the ability to shnnk hemorrhplds pam- lessly. It relieves Itchmg and dlscomforq m mmutes and speeds up healmg of the In ured. Inflamed tissue. . In case aftte case. whle gently rehevmg pam. actual reduction (shrmka e) took place. _ Most Important 0 all -. results were so thorou h that thls implgvement was mamtamed over a perio of many man s. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (BlmDyne) whlch qu1ckly helps heal 1nJure cells and shmulates rowthof newtlssue. _ . Now 310- yne IS offered in omtment and supposnory orgn called Preparatlon H.,Ask for 1!; at all drug stores. atzsfactlon or your money refunded. NW Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles Gormley Neighborhood Notes OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY SENECA COLLEGE 4.3 SHEPPAID AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE «HI ONTARIO 123-9“! Daytime courses in these subjects are open to you right now -v at the Sheppard Campus of Seneca College, 43 Sheppard Avenue East (near Yonge) The fee is only $12 per month. ForfLirther information call Seneca's Occupational Training Division at 223-9661 Ext. 74 (or 28-29) Want to become askilled secretary? Or brush up on your office practice, English, shorthand or typing? Secretarial Training 77!: senior Trust Company devoted entire! y 10 serving the people of Ontario. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS HOURS: Closed Monday. Tues. - Thurs. 9.5 Fri. 9-7 Sat. 9-1 884-1107 Phone / 833-6671 PAINTING DECORATING '-,pital. Richmond Hill. Mrs e Hoover suffered a broken arm ;- and at the time of this report _ other injuries are unknown. ,S. MILSTED - PHONE 887-5445 Miss Shirley Empringham, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Empringham, was admit- ‘ted to North York General Hos- pital. 4001 Leslie Street, Wil- lowdale. on Tuesday for surgery on her knee. Shirley is a stud- ent at Bayview Secondary School and hurt her knee De- cember 20 while playing basket- ball at school. Various treat- ments have not helped, so now removal of the cartilage is re- quired. _ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stickley were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner and family were dinner guests Saturday with Drs. John and Jean Earl of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clarke and family were weekend guests of her mother. Mrs. Mildred Mac- aulay of Bothwell. Mrs. Russell Heise has re- turned from Dunnville where she spent a week with her son and daughterâ€"in-law. Mr. and Mrs. David Heise when their little daughter Cheryl Dorine arrived. Rev. and Mrs. Glen Fry. mis- sionaries in Rhodesia, Africa, but presently of Conestoga, Pen- nsylvania, visited their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heise. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger, Friday evening. Mrs. Joseph Heise holidayed for a week with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall of Springvale. James Gray of Glasgow. Scot- land. spent the weekend with his uncle, Angus Miller, and his cousin Mrs. Robert Bremner. * __....v Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carney of St. Rose, Quebec, are spending two weeks with her brotheroin- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dodd. 7 Mr. and Mi‘s. Jack Shouldice of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ash. Belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Gray who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday with a family dinner at the home of their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McQuarrie of King City. 7 r Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Benson and family were Easter visitors with his parents at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tatton motored to Willamantic. Conn., to spend Easter with their son- ln~law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. David Sykes and family. Mrs. Hans Koopman and Kevin of Oakville spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller of Richmond Hill attended a family birthday dinner for their granddaughter. Danette. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grave of Markham. Mrs. Norman Coleman has re- turned from a delightful holi- day in Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Harvey of Sault Ste. Marie were Easter visitors with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harvey. 281 Yonge Street North at Trayborn Drive Richmond Hill EflISIHE RICHMOND HILL TEXACO Miss Laurie Clarke spent Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.111. CARS O TRUCKS STATION WAGONS Daily 9 Weekly Monthly 884-9791 NEWMARKET: Wilfred Stone. 61 and his wife Marion. 55. of Mississauga were both killed March 24 returned to them home from visiting rela- nves at the Roadhouse and Rose Funeral Home. Their car was struck head on by a tractor itrailer 12 miles west of here. U The truck went out of control non glare ice and skidded into \ the Stone car. A special gospel sing is plan- ned by the Couple’s Club at 8 pm April 8 at the Missionary Church with the Freeman Male Quartette, the Ambassador Male Quartette, Mrs. Virginia Rey- nolds and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Preston participating. Women’s Institute Gormley WI met March 29 at the home of Mrs. Deb Baker with 12 members and four guests present. Roll call of "My Favorite Subject in School" b r o u g h t interesting answers. The program. pre- sented by Mrs. Charles Milsted. was a talk on Israel, illustrated with colored slides, outlining the history, geography and life style of the country. There was a display of handcrafts from Israel and many brochures on particular points of interest. The next meeting will be held April 26 at the home of Mrs. Jack Swindells. Plan to attend the annual missionary convention which starts April 9 at the Gormley Missionary Church. Rev. and Mrs. William Smith mission- aries with. the World Gospel Mission. first in China, then in India. and recently in. Taiwan, will be speaking at both serv- ices. Slides will be shown at the evening service. Wednesday night, April 12. the WMS will be in charge of the service with Miss Zelda Pierson of Haiti as special speaker. Rev. Clarence Eash of Ecuador will speak Thursday night at 8 pm and Rev. Ron Hodgins of Sierra Leone Fri- day night. Other special speak- ers will be present April 16. The ladies‘ quintette sang two lovely numbers in the Sunday morning Easter service at the Missionary Church. The Am- bassador Male Quartette sang in the evening service. Mrs. Fred Lewis suffered a heart attack on Good Friday and is in the intensive care unit at York County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner and family and Mrs. Charles Mil- sted and Charleen were Good Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones of Dickson Hill. Special congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Doner, who on April 15 will celebrate their 64th wedding an- niversary. Both Mr. and Mrs. Doner are residents at Parkview Home in Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright and iamin had Sunde dinner with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill MacDonald of Willow- dale. Church News The Niagara Christian Col- lege Choir of Fort Erie Sunday evening. will present a special service in the interests of the college. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fat-me: were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Walker of Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin and Eddy of Englehart. Mrs. Muriel Harmon of Stir- ling, who has just returned from two months in Florida, spent Easter with her son-in- law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davies and sons spent Good Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steenburgh of Marmara. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farmer were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Walkef of Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mackey spent the Easter weekend in Ottawa and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sproxton in that city. Mrs. Dorothy Wideman an'd family returned Sunday from a holiday in Florida. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko were Mr. and Mrs. Coneybeare of Listowel and Miss Hazel John- son. Eleven of Gormley's Sun- shine Girls (this group were friends all through their teens a few years ago at Gormley) en- joyed their annual dinner and get-together at the Summitview Garden: Restaurant Wednesday. Mrs. Louisa Rye of Toronto spent several days with her friend, Mrs. Beulah Jones. Mr. and Mrs. William Spragg of Aurora were guests Friday of M5 and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weav- er of Coboconk and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brillinger and family had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Misses Lois Emptingham and Jean Clark have returned from a six-day holiday in Florida. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Vincenso Turco and five chil~ dren who have moved into the house at the BP garage at the corner of Don Mills Road and the Gormley Sideroad. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brilling- er and family had Sunday din- ner with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. William VanderBent of Richmond Hill. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Heise (elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Helse) who were married March 18 in Sudbury. A miscellaneous shower was held for Dale and Connie Satur- day night in Victoria Square Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Benfield welcomed their second daughter on Thursday. Wednesday with her friend. Donna Doner. Miss Jennifer Chalmers spent the school holiday week in Mexico. A speedy recovery 15 wished for Mrs. Leslie Hart who underâ€" went surgery last week in York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill and for Mr. Leslie Kudla who has been ill. Mr. Kudla is the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins of Willowdale and Mr. and Mrs Frank Brumwell have returned from holidaying in Florida the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Petty and Mark have returned after spending the past two weeks holidaying there. Everyone reports having a wonderful time. The recreation night for the young people of the community and surrounding area will re- sume its activities in the com- munity hall April 7 at 7 pm. Women’s Institute Prize winners were: Mrs. Rus- sell Briuinger, Mrs, Gladys Kefâ€" fer, Mrs. Margaret Chadwick, Tom Massey, Jim Curtis. Wm. Gooderham. Lone Hands: Janet Hunt and Harvey Swain. Lucky draw for a box of groceries was won by Heber McCague. Church News Rev. Mr. Jenkinson brought an inspiring Easter message and the choir had special music with Miss Helen Hunter at the organ. Sunday. April 9 at. 11:30 am the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed. Recreation Night The April meeting of the WI will be held on April 11 at 8 pm at the home of Mrs. John McCague, with Mrs. Earl Em- pringham as convenor. Neighborth Notes Several pots of flowers were from the 50th wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen- son, and several Easter lilies from members of the congrega- tion. It was sponsored by the De- partment of Agriculture and Food. and was very much en- joyed by all. Those who failed to attend missed a real treat. There were 13 and a half tables of euchre players at the community hall on Thursday evening of last week. The congregations of Head- ford and Victoria Square for a service of meditation Good Frl~ day morning in Victoria Square United with Mrs. Stewart Rumble at the organ. The medi- tation was given by the Rev. Martin Jenkinson. The church was beautifully decorated Sunday morning for the Easter service. A lovely basket of flowers was in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Westbrook, donated by their family. An evening of demonstrations on. "A Dollar’s Worth of Meat" was presented by Mrs. Louise Gatenby, Home Economist for York Region with her two assistants was held in the Com- munity Hall on Tuesday eve- ning of last week with 150 ladies in attendance. Demonstrations VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE RR. 2, Gormley â€" Telephone 887-5421, Birthday greetings to John McCague. April 7;'Betty Sandie, TOWN OF MARKHAM TENDERS FOR VEHICLES Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Town Clerk at Button- ville no later than 12:00 o'clock noon Tuesday, April 25th, 1972, for the following vehicles: Two Only - 5 ton Cabs 8: Chassis complete with Dump Bodies and Snow equip- ment (Snow equipment on one truck only) One Only - 1A Ton Pick-Up. Trade-in - One 1966 G.M.C. 5 ton Dump. Tender Forms and Specifica- tions may be obtained from the Maintenance Garage. at Button- ville. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. The many friends of Miss Olive Glover, formerly a resi- dent of Victoria Square but now of Union Villa. were pleased to see ‘her at the Sunday morning church service. She was ac- companied by her niece. hus- band and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Patterson and family of Markham. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- Roberts, married 59 years. April 8; to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boynton, married 19 years. April 11. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stephen- son received over 200 friends, and relatives and neighbors in the community hall Saturday afternoon of last week in honor of their 50th wedding anniver- sat-y. Lawrence MacDonald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zurosky and Christine It To- ronto. Mr. H. C. T. Crisp. Town Clerk, Town of Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crox. ford and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baxter at Oshawa. Miss Lois Draper and her girl friend have returned after spending the school holidays in New York City. Mrs. Lillian Knapp and Irene had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empr‘mgham and Margaret. father of Mrs. Anthony Roman‘ 16 years, April 8; Wesley Mc- Laren. eight years, April 10; Michael Ottaway. April 10; Neil Mortson. April 11; Mrs. Mabel Frisby, April 11; Mrs. Don Boynton. April 11. To Be Given l lO-Speed 2 3=Speed 1 Regular Entry Coupon with every $l5 purchase of tires, spring tune-ups, etc. (excluding gasoline) Q!!!‘!!‘BK!!!!! 1). at exactly : E.“‘-_____I- FREE BICYCLE DRAW roun BIKES , WALK ! A ! THON SATURDAY, APRIL 22 9 Youngest walker lLargest group to finish 0 50th walker to finish PHONE US FOR FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 884-2561 AND WE WILL SEND AN EXPERIENCED DECORATOR WITH A LARGE SELECTION OF FABRICS TO SHOW YOU 55 YONGE ST. SOUTH CUSTOM MADE GULF CROWN 4-PLY NYLON Bias Construction DRAPERIES & TERGAL wMW % SHEERS .95 WH ITEV At Blackwaj FROM... THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hifl. Ontario. Thursday. April 6. 1972 Proceeds to aid “Family Services” in Richmond Hill -Thornhill Seven Counting Stations WE CARRY A LARGE SELECTION OF BROADLOOM WALKING PAPERS AVAILABLE BY PHONING 884-8822 DRAPERY WORLD GUARANTEED SATISFACTION WE MEASURE, INSTALL & SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL RICHMOND HILL “G ET-OUT-A-TOWN" cf these 690d Gulf Lccafions: 4 HAN'S GULF EQ‘QQ“““‘!“!“ A 3% SANDERSON'S GULF 4% STA'N'S GULF w OF MODERN INTERIORS 884-2561 AWARDS FOR Oldest walker Most original walker 100th walker to finish NO OBLIGATION RE BUNANZA Yonge & Benson. Richmond Hill Bayview & Taylor Mills, Richmond Hill O 9584 Yonge St., Richvale O Yonge & Aubrey, Oak Ridges ggguglnguwlngl I} YOU RARELY GET AN 0]"- " PORTUNITY LIKE THIS. '}-CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES .2 IN A SELECTION OF DAM- ASKS, ANTIQUE SATINS. BOUCLES. DRALONS. VEL- - VETS AND MAGNIFICENT PRINTS. SEAMLESS TERGAL SHEERS CUSTOM MADE TRIPLE FULLNESS WASHABLE DRIP DRY Supervised Route RICHMOND HILL At Blackwell Prices WHITEWALL lst male-female couple to finish Most spirited group 500th walker to finish (Two Locations) 15 MILES .50 FT. COMPLETE

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