the same as people in industry." said Honsbergel‘. Special emphasis should be placed on this recommendation. he said. It should be included as a rider from the York County Board to the OSTC RAP TENURE CONCEPT The committee spelled out its feeling on tenure: "It was felt that the concept of tenure had outlived its orig- lnal purpose and was incom- patible with any institution or Ol‘Eanization which is striving for excellence in the service it “If supervisory officers are not to have tenure. teachers also should not have tenure. They should be subject to dismissal the same as people in industry," Although the committee h'ad not been asked to comment on tenure for teachers, a recom- mendation opposing tenure for teachers was included in the re- port. IContinued From Page 1) along with one board might give very good service to another board. Honsberger said. N0 DISMISSAL APPEAL Trustees agreed with the committee recommendation that there should be no appeal to dismissal. It would put all parties concerned in a difficult position if it was found that a person was unjustly dismissed and an unwilling board was forced to take back a senior officers “at arm's length. or at least seriously at odds with the board“. Oppose Tenure For You complain. They allow you an interview and advise you that aluminum eavestroughs are much cheaper in Inuvik, that decorating a room in James Bay can be done for much less (do you really need a rug on the floor?) that the garage door still works doesn’t it? You point out that houses in Inuvik are only half the size of yours, that wages for painters in James Bay are much less than in Toronto, that rugs are really the cheapest type of floor covering, that the garage door is rusted and dented. They listen patiently and agree to let you spend more if you put on a new roof. You don’t want or need a new roof! That's an involved anology but fairly accurate. The Department of Education guidelines on spend- ing were calculated by averaging the amount spent by small remote country boards, who provide very few services for their students, with the amount spent by Toronto Metro Boards. Now Metro To- ronto has honestly tried to provide special services for special needs. They have classes for the hard of hearing, for visually handicapped. for emotionally disturbed, perceptually handicapped. slow-learning students. These classes require highly-trained ex- pensive teachers. a great deal of special equipment and supplies. The department recognizes this need and in a recent pamphlet entitled “Who Needs It?" lists these and other services and urges all boards to meet the challenge. In effect then the province wants these services in the schools but is not prepared to allow boards to spend enough to provide them. But if boards want to start French instruction for pupils in the lower grades they'll let them spend more money. We’ve been spending money in Ontario for three genera- tions ‘teaching English-speaking students to speak French in an English-speaking community. It has been a notable failure. The boards of education are thought to be auto- nomous bodies, duly elected in a free society but they can't raise and spend money as they see fit. Board members, morally responsible for education in the community have accepted this with Very little public outcry â€"â€" it‘s the teachers who are screaming and doing something. They know what the effect of budget restrictions will mean in the classroom. Many are sincerely motivated â€"â€" they hope that the learning conditions for students will not be allowed to deteriorate. These provincial financial guidelines are either a stupid joke or a clever political ploy. Let’s sup- pose that you and your wife decide to spend $1,000 on general maintenance and improvements to your home. Yours is a nice home in a nice district and you’re proud of it. It‘s an ambitious project but you’re both working and it won’t change your life- style to make these expenditures. Now the gov- ernment takes a look at the amount you intend to spend and compares it with the provincial average. Yours is twice as high! Despite the fact that you are spending your own money, that you are an auton- omous member of a democratic society, that you are not putting the money on your back but investing it in your own property, the government says you can onlyispend half the amount. Tl‘ part oata “We see no difference be- tween the administrator and the teacher". says the report. “Each must. like anyone else. be ex- pected to perform his daily duties and tasks allotted to him at an acceptable level of per- formance. If he cannot or will not reasonably fill the position for which he \\ as employed, he should not have the right to continue to hold the position until incapacitated or until he reaches the age of retirement.†The recommendation con- cludes. “With certain elements in‘ the teaching profession assuming a stance more usually associated with trade unions. the concept of tenure becomes more incongruous." BOARDS SUFFERING The recommendation continu- ed. “It is becoming evident that more than a few boards of ed- ucation are suffering from the same condition. The great ma- jority of our citizens go through their working lives without the security of tenure and must compete and suffer. and at times benefit from the normal risks inherent in the supply and demand of labor. "Some universities and many departments in other universi- ties are mediocre or condemned to mediocrity simpw by reason that the academic staff had tenure". Teachers, Supervisors time when there is necessary innovation spouse to changing demands imposed organization. innovation and reâ€" changing needs and imposed upon the so much APRIL 18. 1972. TUESDAY â€" Regular monthly meeting. Rich- mond Hill Coin Club at the Lion's Hall, Centre Street East. Door open at 7pm. meeting commences 8 p m. auction. lucky draws and bourse dealers. Guests most welcome. For fur- ther information, 222-2131 or 884-5379. c2w41 APRIL 22. SATURDAY. 1:30 pm â€" Rummage and bake sale at Maple United Church. APRIL 10. MONDAY. 8pm â€"â€" Discuss your government \xith Barney Danson MP, and Don Deacon MPP at Bayview Sec- ondary School, Richmond Hill. APRIL 15. SATURDAY. 9amâ€" 6th Richmond Hill Cubs rum- mage sale in Presbyterian Sun- day schoolroom. Donations apâ€" preciated. For pick-up call 884- 7591. c2\\*40 APRIL 8. SATURDAY â€"â€" Dance. Legion Court, spot dan- ces. door prizes. 81 per person, purchased at door. Music by George and Ken. c1w41 APRIL 8, SATURDAY â€" Rum- mage sale, sponsored by 5th Richmond Hill Scoilt Ladies‘ Auxiliary. at 9:30 am in auditor- ium of Richmond Hill United Church. Free coffee. c1w4l APRIL 8. SATURDAY - Rummage sale, 10 am to 1pm, at Senior Citizen's Day Centre, Legion Court. *2w40 APRIL 8. SATURDAY â€" Rum- mage Sale 10-12 noon â€"â€" At St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church, Bayview and Crosby Avenues, good used clothing. white ele- phant, remnant tables. c2w40 ‘ An attempt to get some answers for people in the new Metro airport zone and sur- rounding areas is the object of a meeting at the Markham Dis- trict High School, Tuesday at 8 pm, says Al Vitter, spokesman for a group of concerned Mark- ham citizens. APRIL 8. SATURDAY â€" Rum mage sale. 1-3pm at St. Mary“ Roman Catholic Church. Spon sored by CWL. c5\\'3’ APRIL 7, FRIDAY. 8pm â€"â€" Duplicate Bridge, every Monday and Friday, Lion’s Club Hall, Oak Ridges Plaza. Phone 773- 4280 for further‘information. Land Economist Wallace Bea- ton of Woodbridge will speak on matters related to land evaluaâ€" tion and property values. Resi- dents will also be able to assess the impact of airport noise on the properties from informa- tion to be provided by well known engineer James Crang of Toronto. People Meet April II To Study New Airport There will be opportunities for questions and discussion. A 20-year-old Richmond Hill man faces several charges of shonbreaking, auto theft. and malicious damage in connection with break-ins at a series ofv Richvale Youth Faces long list Of Charges ammo -vmu v.“ ...V. \IAAVUUI In a scene from this 18th annual ï¬roduction ithe seh‘ool’s drains club above (left to right) are William Honeyman as Peter Flynn, Adrian Truss as Fluther Good and Thomas Grieve as The Young'Covey. Tickets may be secured by telephoning lthe school at 884-2131. ‘ A very topical play is Sean O'Casey’s “The Plough And The Stars", being presented this week by Richmond Hill High School Drama Club under the direction of Roy Clifton. It unfolds a story of the futile efforts of the leader of one of the Irish revolutions. Although written in 1926 its message is particularly interesting in these days of renewed Irish unrest. In a scene from this 18th EnniiaL‘pi‘oductioii by the school’s drama club above (left to ..:_‘1‘L\ _..- ‘IY:I1_'___A TTA‘__,,__ High School Play T all: Of Iris/1 Troubles l Hill. c1w41 clw41 41 Auto thefts were at Baker‘s Sales and Kinnear Pontiac. , Malicious damage was at Richmond Hill TV and Figure Mangie stofest police allege. York Regional Police said small amounts of money or keys for cars were taken in the break-ins. The cars would then be taken on rides and later re- turned. ' Charged is Peter Talbot of 89 Spruce Avenue in the Richvale area of town. The alleged offences included break-ins at Baker's Sales and Service, Standard Auto Glass, York County Roman Catholic School Board. Kinnear Pontiac, Ferri- tronics Ltd., Don Little Ford Sales; Minerva’s Beauty Salon and Bowden Lumber Ltd. The accused was arrested in Toronto on March 23. llllllmlllll“llllllINIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllulllull\llllllll\llllllllllllll Correction Richmond Hill businesses The date of the confer- ence is Friday, April 7, not April 9 as We reported. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused. In announcing the con- ference on “The Quality of Life for Senior Citizens" at the Aurora Conference Centre. the wrong date was published in “The Liberal." JACKPOT $500 - 53 No.'s RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB Early Birds 7:40 pm. 20 REGULAR GAMES â€" 3 SPECIAL GAMES STARTING MONDAY APRIL HHh LIONS HALL MONDAY, APRIL 10 106 Centre St. East STARTING TIME â€" 8 PM. BINGO The lineup comprises: Goal. Jamie Davidson, Scott Mc- Carthy; Defence. Greg Warga, Mark Haggerty, Scott Burkart, David Johns; Centres. Scott Howsou, Ricky Booker. Eric Coyne; Left wing, Wayne Grant, Tim Coughlin. Robert Greiner: Right wing, Ricky Buchan, Carl Clutchey, Ward Williamson. Coach Grant is already pointing to 1973 and the Quebec International Pee- wee Tournament. (Continued From Page 1) .l and won several big tourn-i aments, including ones at Don‘ Mills and Peterboro and the! Silver Stick championship. 1‘ “I’d like to add that there[ were several ingredients that‘ went into this team and addedup to a championship," saids‘ Grant. “It was all mixed in to-[ gether. You name it. Therelï¬ was their fantastic desire. husâ€"l‘ tle, will to win,- determination‘I and all that. Put it together? and you have the Thornhill‘ l l 1 Minor Peewees". I a Assisting Grant in coaching the team was Jim Davidson. Manager is Jack Haggerty. Thornhill Peewees Win All Ontario “These guys will be mov- ing up to Peewee and I'll be “But most of our players are from the immediate Thomhill area of some 8000 people, so it is an even greater feat when you look at it from this view- point," he said. moving“ up with them. I think we‘ll surprise a lot of teams in Quebec Cityâ€. In participating in the AA bracket for the first time Thomhill was c o m D et in g against clubs in the over 35,000 population bracket. The team is sponsored by H & S Reliance Limited, Photo Engravers. l00°/o FOR 12,000 MILES If anything goes wrong with the power train we fix it FREE! No other auto dealer who sells used cars can make this promise. . . and keep it! USED CARS 2 1. You're sure of the Price! 2. You’re sure of the Car! Our prices are as low as other dealer: Chock Hum! Our can are guaronrood in wri'ingl Ar. tho who"! 88926788 SWEATERS ï¬g 45" Drapery Hopsacking Prints A mill clear out of 10 to 20 yard ends of a regular $1.99 drapery fabric. A very fine selection at . . The finest luxury Polyester you have ever seen. Beautiful screen prints in an unusual assortment of designs. Regular Value 39.00 yard in ten spring shades. One to three yard mill ends of a fine quality washable fabric. THE PLOUGH AND THE STARS Regular Value 33.50 yd. 62†POLYESTER SUEDE PRINTS 45" POLYESTER JACQUARDS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April 6, 1972 Wed. â€" Sat, April 5, THE DRAMA CLUB OF RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL by SEAN O‘CASEY at the Auditorium of RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL 4 door hardtop, V8. auto., power/steering. power brakes, radio, vinyl roof, Brougham interior. Finished in bronze with black trim. Lic. N80021. 2 door hardtop, V8. auto†power steering, power brakes‘ radio, white walls and discs vinyl roof. Finished in yellow with black trim. Lic. N88160. 2 door hardtop, V8, auto, power steering, power brakes, radio, white walls and discs. Finished in Ermine White with with red trim. Lic. N78863. 2 door hardtop, V8, auto. power steering, power brakes. radio. white walls and discs. Finished in Burgundy and matching trim. Lic. N91376. 71 Ford Torino 500 69 Ford Ga]. 500 70 Ford Gal. 500 63 Ford Falcon 70 Ford Gal. 500 69 Ford LTD OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 15, 1972 MILL OUTLET PRICE MILL OUTLET PRICE ONLY Open Mon. to Fri till 9 pm. presents AT 8:30 | Fri. 1m. Thornhill 889-0391 SE89 $129 $169 Yd Estate Wagon. V8. automatic, power steering, power brakes. radio, white walls and wheel discs. Finished in Lime Gold and gold trim. Factory air conditioning. Lic. X47754. 2 door. 6 cyl., auto.. radio white walls and wheel dises 1 owner, low mileage. Lic N80003. MARQUIS. 2 door hardtop V8, auto, power steering power brakes. vinyl top, radio wheel discs and white walls Lic. N88739. 4 door hardtop. V8, auto.. power steering, power brakes, radio, factory air conditioning, white walls .and wheel discs. 1 owner car. Lic. N88740. 271 Bay Thorn Drive Thomhill 889-0391 68 Chev. Caprice USED CARS 69 Mercury GUARANTEED Daily: 10 am. to 9 pm. Sat: 9 am. to 6 pm. 2 WAREHOUSE LOCATIONS Corner No. 7 Hwy & Woodbine Telephone: 297-2392 AMPLE FREE PARKING and 2160 No. 7 Hwy at Keele Telephone: 889-3701 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC WAREHOUSE HOURS '