Yourlegion Reports ELGIN MILLS Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford â€" 884-5260 Church News At St. John's Anglican April 30. 8:30 am. Corporate Com- imunion. 9:15 am Parish Breakâ€" fast. Tickets 50c each ISZ maxi- mum for fainiliesl may be ob- itained from any of the men of the Men's Club. 10:30 am Fam- Shall we take UP lhe tale This past week was very ily Service. Spiritual Life Fel- from where we left off lastxspecial for Branch 375. To a lowship Monday April 24 at 8 week? If the report for this lS-ipacked general meeting Monday pm. in the Upper Room, Pas- site seems to be a liodge-podge.jev'ening came the word that the,sage for consideration and div please fOFglVe "5- The drattEdISOG turning ceremonies for thecussion is Ephesians 2, This is moose got out of his cage again new Legion Hall would take your opportunity to meet with and found the notebook that all’place on Sunday, April 23. With others of our Deanery and find the news items were in. Seemsvthe Lord's help we should be in‘out "where it‘s at" with the he has a crazy nesting urge. He our new hall by the end of Sept- faith. Refreshments. took the first opportnity that1ember, 1972. Big Hoorah! Now The 125th Anniversary Com- came to hand and used the let us all get down to the busin- mittec will meet April 25 in the paper for himself. .css of helping where we are Upper Room at 8pm. Did You ever “IV doing a jlg- needed. Never mind being ask-j The annual Scout and Cub saw puzzle of notes? on well, ed. Just volunteer. here goes! * r * First off, we extend our very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ad- Turn Sod For New Richmond Hill Legion Hall * held April 28 in the lower ball This has been a really suc- at 6:45 pm for the 1st Jefferson ‘,ccssful week for Branch 375.jgroup. rian Tonner (Corrine Maggi-The Friday night social was; Advisory commol for their fu t u i'e‘packed and had the joint jump-‘May 8. happiness. This young coupleing. Plenty of good company in‘ The ACW annual meeting will were married on Saturday in Stlthe ladies’ lounge and a swingâ€"{be held at the Diocesan Centre. Mary Immaculate Rom a niing time in the clubroom. No 125 Adelaide Street East May 3. Catholic Church. Have heard‘lack of partners for darts, euâ€" beginning with Holy Commun- that the groom is always ner- chre or shuffleboard. lion in St. James Cathedral at vous but poppa Marsh Tonncr The lucky mystery winner for;10 am and following through was so cxcited that he kept clo- Friday night was Mrs. Irene‘the day. All women (if the ‘ing a jig while his lady Grethe Nicholls of Richmond Hill. Seelchurch are invited and urged kept and collected. An what you all miss by not turn-‘to attend. A Special invitation is unexpected guest arrived trying out. Why not come out‘extehded to WA life membcrslo make the scene complete. Tliis‘somcllme and join in the Var-be Pl'esenl for afternoon 108 m was {he groom's uncie Jackiious activities? the dining room from 3:15 to Tonncr who was able to make * "‘ * " 4215Dm. The Primate will be It on his return from a tour ofi Several members of Branchllhe Shecml Speaker earner ml North Africa. {375 travelled to Orillia Satur- the afternoon. _ l 4 it- a s it lday of last week to take part The York Ddillgl'ylsplléilnâ€˜ï¬ diné . a.,. , . in a darts competition. We re-fhel’ mee mg “'1 E‘ 19 l 83' i \Iszmansifdg[1:13:11 ï¬lljerlgret to report they didn‘t ~\vinftt Grace ‘Church. Markham. at in E4. Thev were joint hostesses anything 3‘“ “my gave It 3‘613Upm'fhckem at $2 each may: for a dance that was a smash dam g°°d “‘33 lb? Obtained from Bab sayel's‘i .l . . . . wha‘ a tumflut. Despite the Those particmating were BlShOP Allan Read will be EUESI Board \\ ill meet Father and Son Banquet will be‘ had “rather. the had alComrades Al Early, Wayne speaker. All are inlited. women ’ 'Kirkpatrick. Baync Collins and .Cliff Dunbar. Our zone sports lofficer provided the transport- ‘ation. It was a long day but maybe next year we can come back as lpart of the winners. Who knowsi rt a a it I Wed In St. Matthew's United ciosï¬lldalimdal‘li‘leatwé’} ril‘n‘lgHoneymooned In South Carolinai This did not deter a large crowd , of Legion members and their ‘ wives from turning out to the sod turning ceremonies at the site where the new Legion Hall, will be situated. Various dignataries from the Legion were there, as well as: super time dancing to the mus- ic of George Cowie and Ken Birch. : The ladies worked hard and their reward was the fact that how they will be able to provide for the annual picnic as well as the Children‘s Christmas Party. hooray! The lady veterans (who choose to he namelessl wish to thank all those that pitched in and helped when asked. Also we extend our sincere thanks to those that donated prizes: Dy- iies Jewellers. Michael‘s Gifts. Vicki Page and the Music Stop, Village Coiffure. Bill Niddrie and Texaco Station tBayview and Elein Millsl. These dona- tions were used as spot prizes and door prizes. The first prize went to Bar-_ hara and Donald Parnell for be- ing the first couple to start the dance rolling. Next on the list of Winners were Graham and Pat- ricia Baker. Then Margaret Malcolm and George Barr came up roses. Maureen Mills and. Steve Ascott were among the? lucky ones. Final spot prize was won by Ursula and Walter Dun- I It Worries Councillor â€" JEFFERSON CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MARILYN MARTIN Telephone 884-3164 '35 well as men; teens as w adults. , Friday. May 3. the \l'lnchcstcr Group will go to Cherry Hill Farm for “Women's Day Apart." leaving the church about 9:15 am. At 8 pm there will be a pre- miere showing of the Billy Cra- ham film "For Pete‘s Sakef" at Dr. G, W, Williams Secondary: School, Aurora. Tickets at“ S1 [ems strong†the occupants of 93"“ " “Vance 33"" “$142†“I adjoining properties should be the doorI can be obtained from menu), {mm paying tmmbmp By FRED SIMPSON King Jack Van Luyk gets upset when icvty in the Holland Marsh 'which he describes as an “cyc~ sore". 'k'h" Gerber 0" Danny LOCI‘“ itaxes because “they shouldn‘t be, The daffodil tea and bake made to pay for services not sale will be held May lit at Four received,“ Acres. 19th Avenue. sponsored But he also scratches his bythcACW. Everyone welcome. head about the property in A special invitation is extended question which is littered with to the mcn ï¬nd you": Dimple. old cars and is located on the Further details will be announ- third line opposite the Christian iced. 1 Special appeal: A youm: imoihcr and family without an in- ‘come are in need of the follow-,1 inc; bedding. bed and mattressfl sofa and chair. chest of drawers. 1refrigerator and wringcr wash: . w or. If anyone has any of these (“It 7‘ “Tense- itoms to snare it will hc greatix- Councillor Van Luyk said Appreciated if ynu will call; there were cars literally park. HELP-MATE at 884-2727. Pd all over the place. ' An onimume cumin: “as He has the distinct feeling had by all at the dance held by that the place I“ 5‘ “‘l'f‘Ckmg “m YCAMR at the Lions Ha†yard but he Just cant soc Friday of last week. "Hugh and “where vehicles or parts go". You Know Who" played New King Township has a bylaw thing from cha-chas to reels. forbidding operation of a wreck- and door and spot prizes wording .Vard \l'lltlliolll‘ a license. blut won by many. itas 12:0 SL}C‘lehi€CCll:€ against. tic .. . . . ., s ora e o ' e-. Hugh and Sou know “ho . . >lr or will also be supplying the musici rm ._ x . b _ f _ . i . . a . - for a dance to be held at St. )a‘\“9 I“ a‘ I 3: {mm . icillor \i’an Lu '1: is concerned. Mary immaculate Parish Hall. He think; “333 wrecking Wm i9 Bongo Street North May :) hm he cam see am. wrecking Therell he door prizes. spot U ' ° a0mg on. prizes‘ hall and burfm' The fun Councillor Van Luvk said the has existed for ;llcformcd Church. “I keep seeing cars go in." he said, "but I never see them go out. The fact rcmains that the place is very active and the opera- tor is also very active with- Q begins at 8pm. isituaï¬m Township CounCillor So upscl does he get that he. OVGY‘ Van Luylc euasCars Go it But Don't Come Out very hard but he can't work 20 hours a day." Osin felt the bylaw officer was perhaps wait- ,he talks about a certain propâ€" ing for instructions from coun- about it." oil on the matter "Ilow can we give In- structions?" askcd Rough. "None of us know what is what with the property." Council then decided to take a look for themselves the next day. Councillor \an I.u_\k con- cluded by saying that this “property is in the middle of '-___._____-_._._â€"â€"-_____= The Liquor Licence Act ‘ NOTICE OF APPLICATION Liccnsing‘ District No. 6 l . TAKE NOTICE that Parkway Hotels Inc. of the Town of ‘t'aughan in the Regional Mum- ,cipality of York will make ap» ‘plicaiion at a Special Meeting ‘of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the OE- FICES OI“ THE LIQUOR LIC- ‘ENCE BOARD OF ONTARIO. 35 Lakcshore Blvd, East in the. City of Toronto in the Muni- of Metropolitan Tor- ‘cipality onto on Wednesday the twenty- ‘i‘ourth day of May, 1972, at the hour of 9:30 o‘clock DST. in the foi‘cnoon for the issuance lot a Dining Lounge Licence. for The. Sale and Consumption of Liquor where food is avail- ,able: and for a Lounge Licence. ‘for The Sale and Consumption |of Liquor for the following premises- PARHWAY HOTEL jIO be erected on the south-west ‘corncr of Lot 11 Concession 3 in lthe Town of Richmond Hill (at Councillor Murray Shear- down agreed that the muni- ‘ctpality should try and do something if the bylaw provides ‘mountainsï¬â€˜ he said. Paxton-Staples St. Matthew's United Church. ‘themums, The bridesmaids wore. Richmond Hill East. was theipurple velvet sashes and purple‘ scene of a lovely Easter wed-lrosettesvin their hair. They carâ€"5 ding April 1 at lipm when Car-‘ried nosegays of: purple and olyn Joanne Staples becameswhite Chrysanthemums. the bride of Francis William The flower girl wore a gowni V ., . Paxton. The bride is the of white French lace with; .Fefrgï¬eggggss t‘izyee cggnféélyounger daughter of Mr. and short sleeves and train with,‘ 0 c ' g IMrs. Clarence Staples of Rich-Ia pink velvet sash. A large‘ that Mayor William Lazenby was unable to take part. First Vice'President Bob Jeffries rep- resented Ontario Command. District Commander George ‘Wood took part. as did Zone Commander Frank Barrott. al- ong with Deputy Zone Comâ€" mander Bert McGregor. President of Branch 375 Dougi Hopson also shared in the sod, turning. Consecration of the‘ site was by Branch Padre David: Sproule. The blessing of the: mond Hill and the groom is the white rose crowned her head. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fran-:She carried a basket of white cis Paxton of Aurora. 'daisy Chrysanthemums. , Rev. John McTavish officiated1 Sharon Donnelly. the bride's, at the double ring ceremony. lcousin. was in charge of the To the strain s of Loli-lgucst book. She wore a govm ofl engrin by Wagner. played byggold and bronze floral polyester. Mrs. Laura Head, the bride cn-ecorgette and a corsage of yel-l tered the church on the arm of low Chrysanthemums, i her father by whom she was; Best man was Frederick Hil- given in marriage. iker. the groom‘s cousin. Ushers The bride wore a gown of‘were Berkley Parsons, the} French peau de soie. styled with ‘bride's brother-in-law: Eric lm‘nc months and "it’s getting‘gtoi' 7 ILIgII‘Va-V and FGSIIC arm,“ instead or better, noel loci) an which will hmelhc 1spectal accommodation. factluâ€". ridiculous". Councillor Ben Rough couldâ€" n‘t see the problem. lies and equipment as required he said I‘mder “19 LI‘lllfll' Licence Act' “We have a bylaw Office]. and‘for premises classified as a it‘s up to him to investigatciHOIEI' ‘\ ; . . : the matter and take “.hateveri Any pet son who is l‘PSlï¬ action is necessary. I‘m quitei‘dem “I Ill? IICC’hSlhfl district sure he is reasonable." may “bled ’0 the applicatlon., Councillor Van Luyk said .all‘l llle grounds of objeotion in‘ there were attempts to [00k lwriting shall be filed with Mr.‘ after it last year with no IH' 'I~ Brown? the aCllng deputy results. “Right now it ll‘eglsll‘flr of We licensing dist-J wm‘ld be im‘mssime m ‘mk lrict. whose address is 55 Lakeâ€". shore Boulevard East. Toronto after it because he would- , '2. Ontario at least ten days he- n‘t be able to get in the i . h lane for parked cars, He'd fore the meeting at “‘l‘llch the: application is to be heard.‘ have to jump over the I ditch." said Va“ Lurkl - DATED at Willowdale this 2lst Mayor Ken Mactaggart saldday of April. 1972. Parkway Hotels Inc. Per: D_ H. M. Mc-i he thought the owner had cleared the yard up. Van Lui'kiLean. President. 74 Steeles Aw Obsel‘VCd that “PiCtUI‘es ll’ereenue West, Willow'dale. Ontario.I taken of the mess last year butl l there‘s no use taking pictures if you don't see any progress." It was then that he said ho fell “adjoining properties; shouldn't have to pay taxes {or services not received," * a: >5< * l l l Councillor Len 05in said the; can‘ collected members and guests There were two door prizes and Comrade Bill MacPherson picked the winners. They were: Mrs. Mary Bourgct (No.177l; Miss Nancy Morrison (No.088l. "Mr. Legion“ Jack Sanders' drew the winning ticket for the, raffle and Comrade Frank Bar-‘ her was the big winner for this (No. 812249). So you see we all had a grand lime. To all concerned. once agâ€" ain. please accept the grate- ful thanks of Branch 375 lady veterans. - in o o o > Some of our comrades are on the ailing list. Sincere wishes ~£or a speedy recovery go to Comrade Madge Barrott and ‘Mrs. Janet Johns who is in :Scarboro Centenary Hospital. Why not drop a card or note to was given by our former pad- re Rev. Fred Jackson. Following the ceremonies all members and guests returned to the hall for a corned beef dinner cooked by our genial Gord Mills and his helpers Marsh Thompson and Harry .Copps. lSee Harry, we remem- bered this time). it >61 * i I At this time of year grandâ€" iparents begin to gather and an- ‘nounce new arrivals in the var- ious clans. Recently we had cause to celebrate for Mr. and *Mrs. George Diceman when grandson. Saw proud grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mc- ‘Gregor and learned that they welcomed a beautiful new granddaughter. they welcomed a brand new empire waistline. long sleeveslStaples. the bride‘s brother anditmmsmp’s bylaw officer has and princess neckline and trim-Kenneth Price. Male attendants)been “Very gmd and working For her daughter‘s wedding. med with pearls and lace. Her and the fathers wore tuxedos. three-tier shoulder length veil was crowned with miniattireers. Staples chose a gown flowers and cascade tendrils. two-tone green shantung withl She wore a pearl choker andigold accessories. Her corsagel l ' Mrs. Velma Parsons. sister of accessories. Her corsage was of", I ithe bride was matron of hon- mauve chrysanthemums. I .carricd a bouquet of yellowlwas of orange chvysanthemums. .‘carnations and white daisy The groom's mother‘s ngn ior During the signing of the reg-"- In StOCk er. the soloist. .cln'ysanthcmums. was of gold crepe with mauve Russell Ren-z Bridesmaids were Miss Janice1ist ' E APRIL 26 o 27 o 28 o 29 ' cheer them up. Let them know We are happy to report that .3 n _, 1 THE. LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. April .‘l'Tl'i‘l Large Selection Proâ€"Recorded 8 TRACK and CASSETTE PHOTO atlas SUPPLIES Richmond Heights Centre our vicinity and is definitely an eye-sore and we should find some way of domg something for it. “But you can't move "Not mountains, inst cars." muttered one councillor ~ 884-3221 Career opportunities starting this fall at Seneca’s new King Campus Applications are now being received fortheso lull-time programs starting in September at Seneca College’s new King Campus: Business Administration General Business Secretarial Science Secretary â€" General Secretary - Legal Secretary -â€" Medical Fashion Technique - Retailing Flight Services" Hospitality and Hotel Services: -- Conference and Convention Services -- Food and Beverage Control Recreation Facilities Management' College Preparatory 'Under development Application forms and folders are available from your School Guidance Office and from the King Campus Registrar. Enrolment is limited. Write.telephone or drop in now. Call 884-9901 "E? SENECA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY KING CAMPUS DUFFERIN STREET NORTH RR3 KIN? CITY ONTARIO DIM-990' ESGE’S MISSIS’ JUMP SUITS :Ihcy are missed. Very happy to report that other members have recovered and are once again in Iboth sets of grandparents are 'bursting with pride. Our conâ€" gratulations to all new arrivals honor wore a pink velvet sash Donnelly. the bride‘s cousinushaw. sang Ave Maria in Latin. l Portable Crane Miss Darlene Hilker. the‘ A reception for 85 guests wasl Service . I nesaemct groom‘s cousin and Miss Sharon‘held in the Fiesta Room. Aur- . _ /‘" ,l a: .. Wagg. ora. Fredrick Wagg prop05ed 9e} ’v EVE/xi ‘2‘ , ‘ Flower girl was Susan Par-Ithe toast to the bride and the I . ..... 1 .r _ , _____ v. . sons. the bride‘s niece. Ringigroom responded. A telegram msmw, L, “55:5, - /V mum 1mm KN" OI beam “as Sea" Comm Whom the brides grandmother sour sum KNIT SHIRT l. . mountain“... bride‘s cousm‘ ers‘ Harald caldwell' Hard' KRESGE PRICE rova-tersam KBESGE PRICE l .Iia- / i I I I I I I I I 1 100K The matron of honor and wood Lands, Nova Scotia, wan . . . l: / ._ ‘ > ‘_ M I V bridesmaids wore gowns of pink received and read. ‘ SpelelcatlonS 5,. “ ,/ V, IYLOI NYLON f,,'j;',,,';: and purple floral polyester geo- The happy couple honey- _ l / I . nu nous snout gown imagination-fling; rgctte, featuring a high necklinemooned in South Carolina. For 23 Ruggles Ave. I! / i. a. in. ., .,‘ m. in .. 1 a... a"... a...“ M and long sleeves. The matron of travelling the bride wore a pant. mssss' :umon smr l :Cii..mi.e_â€â€˜ W 23â€"; [Am ‘4“ am a“ . imamâ€. iq dress of pink crepe. Her corâ€"V minim!!! Thornhill ‘ h I on her rIown and pink rosettes sage was of daisy Cl‘l‘l'sallllle‘l out midst. \\ elcome back to and may you have long lives of in her him; She carried a nose- mums. They are now residing. BA. . ~ " . RA‘ITAN 3 i fl om \oung. Bill Harrison, happiness. This goes for the gay of pink and white clu‘y‘san- m Thornhill. 5â€"“ l x . I 3‘ frank Barber cl al. iparents of course. ’ W C 7- ' K "I :- WINEMAKERS l - ' ' ‘- COMPLETE LINE OF SUPPLIES I 4 g g 4 a †T MESGE PRICE “6' I Come to our store for your FREEII recipe l for this dehcxous low cost wine. (on ir. and :- tru nu indium,“ '2 vouiluniiamcosv, caemmnmfor i.’ ll‘: 'tmrre' F'vz gm! one: Mfll ‘ a: Moral :a‘cws. Lutin Wm. ANNOUNCING OUR NEW LINE CHRYSLER BOATS AND MOTORS 3.5 - ISO H.S.P. PETERBORO ‘ skiers 2.100 V05 SHAMPOO KIESGI PRICE 2 PC. MOULDEB LUGGAGE SET "ESGE MICE I97 SET SELF ADHESIVE VlNYl i YD. ROLL tassut PHIEI’ Selling Wine-Art Products ‘893 YONGE ST. S. ~ RICHMOND HILL - Phone 884-1300 OPEN DAILY 9 arm. to 6 pm. Thurs. and Fri. 9 am. to 9 p.m. â€" Monday Closed m Baby’s Shoes Bronzed, ; V E i _ Mun- W il 41 VJIVD“ rut‘l'wu. Bu: 0. .:. VINYL BALI. BOATS & CANOES F‘sfgigflm “u ""5 XIISGE PRICI U) PACKAGE DEALS AND FINANCING ON THE PREMI ES WE HAVE IN STOCK FOR YOU 1 TORO SNOWBLOWER at cost 2 BOA SKI TWIN â€" 1 SINGLE. NO MONEY DOWN LAW'NMOWERS â€" Torn - Lawnboy - Davis Gilson - Jacobson - Flymos Yardman - Electric - Tillers â€" Shredder Bagers Tractors and Riders. 5â€" 14 hp, SP. The famous BronZart pieces encases the shoe in solid metal, yet preserves those creases and scuff-marks which give each shoe its own special identity. They are polished to a warm, lustrous ï¬nish and Unmntlitiomlly Guaranteed BROi\:tR1‘-by Domestic Plating Bork Jewellers 49 YONGE ST. S. ‘ RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 884.1587 desired, may be mounted on bookends, picture frame, TV lamps, ash tiays. etc. . if HOMELIGHT (‘HAINSA WS SHARPENING -â€" Precision (fhain - Shears - Mowers KEYSTONE MINI BIKES AND R SO-GRE Sci JEWELLERS Richmond Hill Lid. Richmond Heights Centre “210 MARKHAM ROAD SSJ-Tflï¬ - 881-9001 Complete Service and Repairs for Briggs S: Stratton â€" Clinton â€" Tecumseh Lawnboy - Kohler - O & R - J.L.O. - Hirth . COW. - Sunbeam Electric. etc. WATCH FOR OUR OPEN HOUSE MAY 5 AND 6 REID LAWNMOWER SALES 8. SERVICE OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT RICHMOND HILL 9..., EN FERTILIZER ._,' ‘ . 'ssors - Reel & Rotary CONDIMENT 0“ -» 27 .V EPAIRS 2.. SATISFACTION we wiLL ' NOT OPEN .5 ~ 9 P..\I. ICHMON HEGHTS CENTRE I _. GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED «a ’ 7-PC.CACICEVS:E1"M sir IS-PCTEITO/IIWARE‘SETW OPEN DAILY ’TIL 6 RM. THURS. & FRI. UNTIL 9 RM. KNOWINGLY BEJ'U‘NDERSOLD LON. IDENTICALITEMS