6 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thur CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .80 per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .88 per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. W FOR SALE FOR SALE ALUMINUM (Continued) Doors, Windows. awnings, and WANTED raiungs- Ron w°°d5- 334-1514- Pianos and used furniture. Call tfc36 884-1146. tfc24 YORK ALUMINUM pLYWOOD Free estimates Aluminum'sld-4 x 3 sheets, fir Va" special ins wmdows. doors, awnings. $6.40 per sheet. Call World allso 313358;:5415850299? repglarzs- Wide Shipping. 889-6269. tfc19 P one - ac W ' DRIVEWAY GRAVEL 1319 Maple‘ “€23 Crushed stone sand concrete TYPEWRITERS gravel. etc., delivered in small ADDING MACHINES quantities. Call C. L. Knappett. Sabina: 3823433221315 884-3089. tfc39 An popularr makesafor sale ELECTRIC stove, circular saw, in c 1 u d in g new and rebuilt Pump 53d“ 3894376- standard portable and electric 92W“ models. Special rental rates BARGAINS galore. infants and available to students. chlldrens wear, less than half L- H- SIMS price. also miscellaneous adult 83 Baker Ave- clothing. Clearouts are our RIChmond “in specialty. Gord's Place. 47 3344745 Yonge St. N. c2w45 “c3 CHESTERFIELD. blue satin, WASHER. dryer and stove 106" long, like new, best offer. parts, gears, belts, wood bear- 331-1330, c2w45 lugs and wringer rollers, etc. F . - URNITURE, brand new, dir- For all makes. Repairs to elec- ect from factor» Save $$ a Call tric lawnmowers and small ap- . _ 884-1031 days, or 884-6682, af- pliances. Maths TV, 49 Indus ter 6pm c2w45 trial Road, 884â€"7903. tfcll ' CRAIGIE’S .BAIT FIREWOOD Dew Worms Mixedâ€"Oakâ€"Beach lst driveway south of CNR Birch â€" Maple _ . 12,, and 16,, cords bridge, west side of Yonge St., Holland Park Garden Centre Aurora'flLâ€"J‘VE 832-2455 ANTIQUE child‘s desk. 884- tfc29 2152. (3318/35 TEAKWOOD GOLF clubs, one wood (3), six Living, dining and bedrooms, matched irons and putter, plus direct from importers ware- has. $30. 884-2528. nc1w46 house. Open 1-9 pm. 459-0760. ANTIQUE bedroom suite. com. EINA,“ CLAUSEN,LTD-, plete with spring and mattress: Hwy-7‘ Just “5t 0f ï¬fth Lmei 2 antique beds; Chev motor in ‘2 “"195 635‘ 0f Dlxle Road) good condition. 887-5614. c1w46 MSHORT wave communications BEDROOM suite, 7 piece. din- receiver, 935; stereo hifi AM- ing suite, 9 piece, chesterfleld FM. needs small repair, 345; two suite, all Burma teakWOOd, must til-es, 15" polyglass. new con- sell» new furniture very reas- dition, $39. 884-2163. c1w46 onable' 1'247'4377' “C41 VIKING wringer washing mach- RUPP ine. 884-4588. c1w46 MIN] BIKES HORSE manure. For informa- ,UTï¬TgiggfggS-Lm tion, phone 225-2185. c3w46 BLACK and white TV French 22 INDUSTRIAL RD.. Provincial console. 1970, excel- RICIIMOND HILL 884-5368 tfc42 lent condition, asking, $150. 773- 5904. c1w46 LADIES 28" bike needs paint, COLOR TV 25", UHF/VHF, $17, steel sheets 4‘ x 12', $5 each, quantity of lumber and perfect condition, $275. 833- used 2" pipe. garden tractor. 5550. c1w46 9.84'1614- “W46 WOOD frame screens and storm CHESTERFIELD and chair, windows. 884-6743. c1w46 Bershire, brown, good condition. $75. 884-6607. c1w46 1 TRAYNOR amplifier, C51 884-8494. c1w46 ELECTRIC stove, 30". 4-burner, excellent condition. 884-5734. c1w46 BEDROOM suite, 3 pieces, good' condition, $135. 889-6890. c1w46 STRAWBERRY plants, 83 per hundred. 889-8449. c1w46 CARPET‘ binding, fringe. smooth edge. door metals, for sale. 221-9959. *4w46 '71 FULLY automatic stove, coppertone. excellent condition, $200. 884-1496. c1w46 SEWING machine. portable. $35. 884-5568. c1w46‘ COTTAGE FURNITURE Tables. chairs. dressers. beds, etc. Odd‘s and Sodd‘s Curiosity Shoppe. 9218 Yonge St.. Thorn- hill. Open 1-5 Tuesday to Sun- AUTOMATIC washing machine, Kenmore, $60; china cupboard, 12" x 4' x 36", $30; rug. 12’ x 15'. $20; 15 gal. fish tank, stand and gravel, etc.; kitchen cup- board, 16" x 14†x 37â€, $15; kitchen table and four chairs, $35; Dinette suite. 6 chairs, $50, crib and mattress large, $20; chest of drawers, 16" x 30" x 41â€. $20. 884-9423. c1w46 SOFA. sectional, good condition, $28. odd comfortable livingroom chairs, $12 each; 2 end tables. $18 for both: vanity dresser, $20: TV, very good working or- der, $65, must sell. 463-0002. c1w46 8 TRACK stereo. 2 speakers, special $69. Tape sale $2.95. $3.95. 221-9959. *4w46 FURNITURE, dishes, knick- knacks, Coleman stove (brand new) new and used clothing, bird cages. sewing machine, ironing board. 889-7634. c1w46 day. *1w46 STEEL desk, good condition, FORMAL gown, suitable for reasonable also vanity. 881-2618. bridesmaid dress, pink. size 10, “W46: $20. 884-6628. c2w46 BOX trailer. $25, 884-5756. c1w46 KOLINSKI fur stole. very good condition. 884-3095. c1w46 TWO rotary mowers and tllree SET 9f ,5" genume Hen5°lite hand mowers. R. U' Sanders-(Austriallanl lawn bowling 121 Richmond Street, Richmond Woods nearly new 884-5089 bet- HHL e2w4mween 4 and 6 pm. c1w46' pERENNIAL plants. culvertiCARPET 12“ x 18" assorted‘c-ol-I cement pipe_ 384.5501 ors. make your own rug. Clear *2w46 ., - 9 _ E 1’ -' . MANURE, well rotted, approxi-igggg. nd Of r0115 ’2 puceijfls mately 60 bushels, $6. 88443236., c2w46‘BLUE spruce, $5 up. lst Side- W Â¥AI A ' ll/ ‘ 50 WIRE rabbit Cages and feEd'i'IfIJizlgs eligithOf ofDOAIUrIOIl‘lailsRolaci ers. suitable for breeder; Ashley F0110“, Signs Opposne York Re_ wood burning stove in browni r ~ - enamel cabinet. like new. Call ï¬ggï¬rgmeermg Depart‘gagté after 6pm. 833-5048. c1w46 â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Two ~ f i . ' DOG travel cage. $10; car top shoes, psilzgsoslzmegni ‘géwhf:é€ “Ck: 59- 8893729 “3W5 made in Scotland. Will sell for SILVER tea set and cocktail $20 a pair. brown. 884-1950. shaker, best offer. 889-3729. c1w46 ____ _'_ _°1“’46 3â€" BIRCH salesmen‘s dEITs with DAVENPORT. Spanish. black chairs. $15 each. 889-1211. leather with matching arm‘ 82w46 chair converts into a double 'â€"‘“"â€"’ -_â€"â€â€"‘ ' _. . .. . BRONZE tone kitchen set. bad‘ 2130‘ Spa.n15h Pm‘mmglflidge. stove and stereo good cocktail table \Vlth cabinet. $85; condmon moving musi 5e“ Admiral stereo. 1 year old. mar- 8343989 ‘ ‘ c1w45‘ vellous tone. sacrifice. must sell. H _‘ ~.*___,. A _ $450. All articles in excellent 23 all channel console TV. 895. condition. Private, 463-0002. lsfl‘sgs'L _ “1“‘46 c1w46 i LAWN chairs. folding. best FUR coat. Hudson Seal. full grade pine- Phone 773-5994. af- length. saphire nlink trim, size ML (£46 1214, excellent condition. 893- 23" RCA TV. $125. new pictan 1485. clw46 tube, excellent. 889-3535. RIDING lawnmowers, A-l. newi Clw‘ls and used engines, all types. RCA portable television with Richmond Hill Machinery. 125 stand. convertible bed. chair Centre St. E... Richmond Hill. and other small Items. 889-0206. 889-9382. clw46 c1w46 sday, May 11, 1972 FOR SALE (Continued) SEWING MACHINES Used machines from $19.95 ‘(guaranteedl Bernina Sewing Centre in The. Mall. Richmond Heights Centre. 2384-3775 or 893â€" 7922. tic-12 ROCKING chairs. Boston rock- ers. wash stands. china and toil- et sets. A barn full of other furniture and quantity of old chairs. 115 King Sidcroad. Oak Ridges. half mile W. of Yonge. 773-5448. c4w43 MUST sell. 20 swivel chair din- ette suites to make room for $15.000 of Roxton Colonial fur- niture. No reasonable offer will be refused. Brice's Furniture Barn, Don Mills Road. Queensâ€" ville. 478-4175. tfc44 UNPAINTED night table’s. $6.99: bookcases, $9.95; 3-draw- er chests, $16.95: desks. $19.95; wardrobe. $18.50; WALNUT FINISHED 3-piece , bookcase bedroom suites. $125; table desks, $1.99. Brice‘s Furniture Barn, Don Mills Road, Queens- ville. 478-4175. tfc44 ELECTRIC guitar and amp. good condition, $75 or best of- fer. 884-7923. 02w45 TRACTORS 52 FERG -â€" side mower â€"â€" loader â€" cab -â€" blades. '61 Ford 641 with turf tires. â€"- cab â€" snowblade. 887-5942. tfc45 DISPLAY FURNITURE From construction companies model homes, chesterfields. sofa beds, bedroom suites. all in pop- ular styles. materials and sizes. Also lamps. glass marble and wood tables. odd chairs. Ideal way to furnish your apt.. home or cottage at wholesale savings. Like new. PARKCREST CONSTRUCTION 221-4400 c4w45 PORTLAND cement. $1.68 a bag; picnic tables, $24.95; sand box $8.95. LOUGHLIN LUMBER Yonge and Scott Drive Thornhill 889-1109 c2w45 Kitchenaid built-in dishwashers sold at wholesale prices from $309.75 Simplicity Laundry Products Moffatt Color TV‘s Roxton 8: Villas Colonial Cash for used goods Broadloom cost plus 15% 15 cu. ft. freezer $169.00 Washer Spin Dryer $129.00 BRICE’S FURNITURE BARN Don Mills Road (Continued) ASPARAGUS roots. raspberry ‘canes. strawberry plants. bed- ‘ding and perennial plants 884- 11253. c2w46 ISWIMMING pool. 10' x 20“ ;dccp. fillre and motor included. $40. or best offer. 884-2712. [ c2w46 1’4fCUBIC foot. chest typerfre-e- izcr. reasonable. 884-4054. after 5 pm. c1w46 CHESTERFIELDwand# chair, red crushed velvet. was $700, make offer. 889-7800. clw46 4_'I‘IRES, like new. blackwalls, 7.35 x 14, $50. Phone 889-3378. c1w46 HELP WANTED URGENT Experienced cleaning woman. sitters and homemakers. 884â€" 5286. tfc42 l i l REPORT TYPIST We require an experienced ty- pist with 60wpm. and have grade 12 education. This pos- ition has an interesting variety of report typing. Engineering office located at Keele Street and Hwy 7. Call 889-8384 for an interview. c1w44 EXPERIENCED waitress wan- ted at the Allencourt Restaur- ant. 419 Markham Road. 884- 5952. c1w44 EXPERIENCED waitress wan- ted for Pop‘s Tavern. Richmond Hill. 884-2752. c4w45 PART time boys to work in tire department Saturdays. Some tire experience preferred. Apply manager. Goodyear GO Centre. 295 Yonge St. South. c1w46 VWJMEN ror‘nnc’nn‘snoita’n- ress work for golf club in Gorm- ley area. 888-1101. c1w46 HOUSEKEEPER wanted for three days a week until the end of June. must like children. 888-1101. c1w46 ATTENDANT For Baseball Diamond Nights and weekends mainly. Duties to include maintenance of diamonds and buildings. For further information please con- tact Mr. A. White, Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street N.. Richmond Hill. c1w46 FULL time welder. 887-5766.“â€" c1w46 'Join us and turn your dreams, USED CARS MGR. A" HELE i ‘71 bronze. oirerdrâ€"ivc. , lCOfllanCd) , . - . . .1 _. REAL estate sales people 60"? AXLE-M radio‘ 17000 mlles $2M clw461 commission. plus volume bonus. (r5 _ â€" Albert Pitt Realtor. 895-1213. (1'!- 889 33's: -- - - 10 DATSUN 1600. 2â€"dom‘. lO.-3 000 miles. fully reclining buckci c4u44 seals. cxil'a track. radio. snows Representative - . . .Lnlque earning potential {on 335' Egr‘nmp' $1‘ male. fcmale or students with I 1 4(- car. Will train and equip in - C “ 71 ‘56“ World known Electrolux '70 VOLKS‘VAGEN dClLlXE‘. all- ;products. Limitless commission tomaiic. gas hcaicl‘. rear window on sales, service and supplies. defmsler- in mp condition 44" Call Mr. Joseph 225-1173 01000 “11198 511450 7734362- Zenith 2-2620. c4w44 clw46 .“lUNlORâ€"clerkfiuli’iimcf local l:69“VOLKSWAGENâ€"mocha“? office. pleasant manner and ac-l‘call-V "100d hOdy needs repaifl‘ curacy essential. write BOX 918225. Phone 773-4672. c1w46] “The Liberal." *2w45 ‘68?CHEVELLEIMalibufconvcr- 'Fuillâ€"orrPart Time sales RN and RNAAiSTf-lllliand pa“.ttiblc. all power. bucket seats.‘ time in nursing home_ Cal] 339.:consolc. excellent condition, 1 2054~ P2W45lowncr. Call after 6pm. 832? $1113. c2w45 STRONGgperSonM required â€"for mill work. Apply in person to '6877CUTLASS'“Snimrlvel‘tiblei Maple Feed Mill, Railway/.350. V8, auto. power steering, streetMaple. c1w45 buckets. console. radio, 46.000 RELIABLE srnoenr‘,‘"cnrnree géeslg‘ï¬gia $32251: l‘lvatec'hï¬â€˜Ã© lawn, south of Richmond Hill†- . __7.e . ._ 862.3655. before 5 pm, c2w45 68 FORD XL convertible. disc FOREMAN‘reqntidhy’ rapidly b'akes' “dâ€- VOT‘" Stem“?- , excellent. condition, $1.87.). expanding company to takc.884_3458 “W46 complete charge of manufac-‘. _‘-' 31.- -I _. .-- .1. . turing kitchen cabinets. Appli-' 63' PONTIAC In chellfmt C90“ cations should be submitted in dltlon» fuuy alltomatlc With many extras. best Offer. Call H. Parn. 832â€"1516. clw46, ’768vVW7s'tation‘wa‘gonTlikeinew. low mileage. 884-1519. tfc46l '67_CHEV'Imileâ€"zido'oi-Ihgid-l top, power steering and brakes. $1.050. 8134-3188. c1w46 ‘67MGTO. good condition. Hells. onahle. Phone 889-7118. *lw46 ‘66 ACADIAN Canso Super Sport. big 6, 53.000 miles. con- sole, automatic. bucket seats. front and rear speakers. trailer hitch. snow tires and rims. Pri- vate. 773-5027. clw46 '65 CHEV lie-ton, styleside box. 889-4641. c1w46 ’65 CHEV Super Sport, buckets. 327, 4-barre1, 4-speed. $350. Af- ter 4pm. 884-4658. c1w46 '64 CHRYSLER as is $300 or best offer, also ‘63 Pontiac con- vertible. Ask for Bruce. 832- 1434. c1w46 '64 DODGE. good clean interior, writing stating previous expel- iencc and qualificatioons to Box' 10 “The Liberal.“ c1w45‘ COOK. short order. for golf club. live-in, good wages. Call, 889-4943. c1w46 URGENTLY REQUIRED EXPERIENCED homemakcrs and babysitters, part and full time. Over 21 please. ll‘allSpOT-i tation an asset. 889-8047. tfc46: EXPERIENCED dl‘aftsman or tracer required, man or wo'man for part time work in Rich- mond Hill area. Apply in writ-, ing to Box 13 “The Liberal." ‘ c1w46 ONE full time and one part: time teller required immediate- ly. 884-8161. c1w46 GIRL Friday for busy office at small airport. Must have typing and be independent worker. Own transportation. 297-2626. clw46 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"v-râ€""-r â€" good running order, $100 or INDEPENDENT WOMEN'S _ ASSOCIATION best offer. 884 4884. c1w46 ‘64 PONTIAC Sports Coupe. console, bucket seats. vinyl top,, $425 or best offer. 884-3915 into realities. 884-3575. tfc46 PART time welder. 887-5766. clw46 PART time girls required for general office work. for Thorn- $165, sell $99. 884-9617. c1w46 TWO roll-a-way beds with mat- tresses, very good condition, $35; also baby’s crib with mat- tress and three crib sheets. $15. 884-7761. c1w46 GENDRON baby carriage. like Queensville, 478-4175 hill. Willowdale area. Call 881- tfc45 0707. c1w46 KENMORE gas heater. cost PART time caretaker, sweeping and general maintenance. light delivery truck driving. Call 297- 2900. c1w46 HAIRDRESSER wanted, part time. 889-5855. c2w46 MATURE clerk typist for busy office in Maple, own transport- lent working order, $65, also kitchen counter cupboards, sink, windows. etc. Very reasonable. 832-2055. tfc46 EMERSON air conditioner, cost $325, sell $130, used 1 year; drapes 104" x 52", 1 year old, $10. 884-8402. c1w46 new. $25; also Jolly Jumperflation required. Contact Mrs. $2.50. 884-1048. c1w46;Robertson. 368-1169. c2w46 STOVE, Frigidaire, 30", excel- STUDENT having electronics background with knowledge of tape recorders required to do full time summer work and pos- sibly part time winter work. 881-0707. c1w46 CLEANING lady for small home, 31/2 hours Friday. $7. 884- 5510. clw46 BREAKFAST set, table and four chairs; steamer trunk: an- tique baby's bed with new mat- tress; fireplace equipment: new car rack; attache case. genuine cow hide. Phone 893-1485. c1w46 DINETTE suite. 5 pieces, black wrought iron. excellent condition. Reasonable. 884-8783. c1w46 4 BURNER GE electric stove, ideal for summer cottage; mauve evening gown, size 7. Reasonable. 884-3865. c1w46 ADMIRAL TV 25“. four speak- ers. two years old, as new. 884- 8610. c1w46 CLOTHING in excellent con- dition. nursery furniture. toys and Sports equipment, etc.. for sale at the YWCA Resale Shop. 25 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill. Mon. to Fri. 9:30 to 11:30 am. 1:30 to 3:20 pm., Sat. 9:30 to 12:30. c1w46 ’71 KAWASAKI 350 cc bike. 8,- 000 miles. engine 1.000 miles. 2 helmets, $750. 884-1526. after 6 pm. nclw46 BOY‘S CCM Charger bicj’clé. girls 26" Supercycle, girls 20" ~Goodyear. 884-7853. *1w46 v70 BSA Victor Speciél, 8600’. ,884-1725. *1w46 l l l ,AUTOMATIC washer and dish- washer. excellent condition. re- asonable. After 5pm. 884-7197. c1w46 .KROELER recliHing green leather chair with vibrator. reâ€" asonable. 884-8938. c1w46 CLEARANCE 0F POOLS 3 -â€" 18‘ x 4‘ Sunline Pools; leg. 8388. now $250. 3 â€" 15‘ x 30‘ x 4‘ Ovallne Pools. reg 5899. now $499. ‘ 1 â€" 15‘ x 24‘ Fibreglass in- ground pool. reg $2.595. now $1.600. All pools complete â€"- cash and carry only, BEAVER LUMBER 223-8500 Out-ofâ€"town 1-800-261-6025 c1w46 GIRLS clothing. size 1. good condition. 85 for the lot. ladies clothing. size 12. good condition. 810 for the lot. {584-8979. chi-16 CLERK for production and in- ventory control records, order desk and to assist with general office duties. must have apti- tude for figures and be capable of working on own initiative. Accounting knowledge would be an advantage. Office in Yonge - Steeles area, Phone 889-4837. c1w46 TRUCK driver, experience in furniture moving and packing in Concord. 889-1099, or 225- 9501. c1w46 PRESSMAN Heidelberg Platten. Cylinder: also some offset. Commercial printers near Toronto. Phone Mr. Cook, 884â€"3611, evenings. nc2w46 RN relief. days 7:30 to 4pm, nursing aid 3 to 9pm. Kitchen help 4 to 8:30 pm. 889-7090. c1w46 RNA or Nurses Aid required for relief for 2 nights a week 11 pm-7z30 am. Small home, Aurora. 727-4091. l l l c1w46 ,WAN'I‘ED, full time teller. ex- Eperience preferred for bank in the area of Keele and Hwy. 7. 889-7396. during 9-5 pm. EXPERIENCED clerk teller for ‘bank in King City. Phone ac- lcountant. 833-5361. clw46 KITCHEN-dining room help re- :quired. full time days only. Country Place 18th Avenue. 884-9248. Richmond Hill. c1w46 TAXI diners wanted. full time! must have good driving record. Apply Thornhill Taxi. 7711 Yonge Street. Thornhill. 889- 5353. clw46 MOTHER'S helper. summer months. 8312-2576. Maple. c1w46 GENERAL cafeteria help. part time weekends. day and after- noon Shifts. no experience nec- essary. 889-4264. tfc46 DRIVER for retail lumber out- l'et. over 21. Apply in person ‘Cadillac Lumber. Keele St. north of Maple Sideroad. c1w46 EXPERIENCFD IIAIRDRESSER Female. lop “ages for right prrmn Willowdale 221-0768 days. 1384-8027 nights. c1w46 ~ mission work. Modern nursing : STUDENT waï¬ntsfdvomcstic pros-i c1w46 Nursing Home,. TIRE service man, full time for 1 46 Goodyear Tire and Rubber, 295 , .V ..C w L; Yonge Street S. Apply in per- 63 ,CHRYSLER- 11991158111. mt son to store manager. clw46 certified. in running order. Phone 832-2494. c1w45 '63 FORD stationwagon. as is. $150: ’60 Oldsmobile, as is, $100. 884-7996. c1w46 ’63 PONTIAC, 4-door, good con- WILSON-NIBLET CHEV-OLDS LICENSED mechanic, required. for general and automatic trans- clean shop, year round employment with higher than average wages. dition. 884-5508. c2w45, Apply serVice manager‘ 839' ‘62 CADILLAC converï¬ble.i 5435~ °2W46 needs body work. 889-3662. OFFICE girl with telephone ex- c1w46 '62 FORD Galï¬ie. as is. 830, or best offer. 884-4333. c1w46 ‘60 THUNDERBIRD, 43,000 or-i iginal miles, excellent condit-, ion. Private. 832-2367. c1w46} ‘59 FORD. 6 cyl. 80.000 original miles, good shape, runs well, $180 or best offer. Safety inclu- ded. 884-4649. , c1w46 CAMPING Club Wagon, '67 Ford, in excellent condition, rust free, 7 tires, $1,350. 884-9670. c3w45 '63 HARLEY Davidson 1200 cc. Dresser. Beautiful. loaded with: chrome and equipment, $900, has been spent on it in the will-‘ tcr to completely recondition it. 832-1375. c3w45 DAY CARE pel‘ience also must type. Apply at World Wide Shipping. 360 Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill. c1w46 BAKER WANTED Steady job. no night work, 5 days. Stouffville Bakery. 640- 3146. c1w46 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER To keep complete Set of books for fabricating office. Keele and Hwy. 7. Call 889-4431. c1w46 PART time waitress wanted. must have experience. 4-day week. Halfway House. 887-5150. tfc46 EMPLOYMENTâ€" WANTED“ ENERGETIC young man. age‘ 14, prefers work to play. Wants job for summer vacation. Phone FAIRLAWN Junior & Nursery 884-3611. nc3w40 School. 8403 Yonge Street. LAWNS gafd’eni’né éh’d h‘OYne 'l‘hornhill. Fully licensed â€" open ’ all year. repairs. pick-up and delivery. moving. clean-up of basements or yards. Apply 889-2362. c4w45 YOUNG man wants work. days or nights. permanent or for summer. Anything considered. 884-7922. *1w46 2 YOUNG men wanting IO’WOI‘R ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR FEE CAN BE ARRANGED IF NECESSARY See our ad on Page 21 tfc39 DAY care camp for children 10-15 years. includes picnic area, horse back riding and educa- tion of horses. EVERGREEN RIDING cutting lawns, no job too big or STABLEs two small. Reasonable rates. 831.2441 ‘ Has own riding mower. Call c4w45 Gary 884-7038- 0184.6.nnniiinnn'oarc‘n:amiable on Essex Avenue, any age. 884- c2w45 ition, summer months, expcr-i lienced. 833â€"6378. c1w46‘ YARDS and baschehts'clea'n’éd, AVAILABLE in my home from 9â€"5pm. vicinity of Harding and ‘Up. and garbage removed. 887-»Lennox. 884_3411_ C1w45 " )k - .777,<i._,_ ,_Ai-., fl- “LL . _.L- .---’1-“.46‘DA1’ care available in my home, MOTHER‘S helper. top grade Bayview Plaza area. 884-8285. student. experienced, referen-‘ 62w“; ices serious inquiries only. 889-, 1597, c1w46†BOOKKEEPER-typist, full orl WANT ‘part time employment. 884-6235. tfc46 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct‘ line call Long Distance and ask for chith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Pcconi 8: Son. Woodville. Ont. Licence NO. 324C - 66. TRAILERS FOR flSALEi 'EZN’I'vtrailel‘. (33151151 con. HIGHEST cash prices or'trode diiion. dinette. sleeps six. $495. value paid for used furniture 884-2152. c1w46 and appliances. Brices Furni- lure 478-4175. ifc36 ACCORDIONDIzn 'ba’ssfgood condition. Phone 889-3583. WOO-Disit-emfltmilel'it\\0 double DGOS. 3200. 884-3488. 7 c1w46 x 8' bed. i-ton *1w46 capacity. 884-5460. c1w46 I ,f6r_L 474 <7- ' L r 2- 17' Zephyr. gas fridge. stove and 888-1913appe CZWM furnace. toilet and holding " ' tank. Sleeps four. 889-2724. ‘M c1843 DRESSMAKING ._________ TRAVEL _7 TOURS, cruises. rail and bus tickets. reservations and indivi- dual travel. Call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-5643. tfc47_ DRESSMAKIXG and tions. 889-5713. after 6 pm. DRESSHAKING â€" types done, reasonably, 884-4009. c2w46 ‘intcrior Work guaranteed. 887-5153, leSLESlSCEOS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED~l Sewers cleaned C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 " " 1 SPRING l‘c-ilIOdelllng,i~paiios and fences. free estimates. 881- 0614. c1w46 SPRINGiclean-upfneed help.‘ call. I'll take your garbage and tch junk away. 884-1346. c2\\45. JANITORIAL scwico.’wails.! floors. windows washed. cicl 22l-9959. *4w46 FLOORSï¬Sandchcal'pct‘instal- lcd. shampoocd. repaired. 221-1 9959. *4w46 SUPERIOR DECORATING Painting and paper hanging} and exterior, free estimates. 884-7907. lfc36 CLEANING WINDOWS l WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential. commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 BAKER’S'BACKHOE ' EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lines. footings. 889-3604. ticz‘ SHAMPOOING Rugs and chesterfields. Day or. night. 884-2433. tfc20I - REXWAY PLUMBING ‘ Repairs, new work, alterations.‘ Bus. 884-8582 ttcsz‘ WALTER LONG PLUMBING" Efficient service at reasonable; rates. 832-1345 tfc38l PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 l tfclS‘ PLUMBING ‘. 8; HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 tfc48‘ GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. home, ofâ€" fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les, Webb. 889-2546. tch‘ "'â€" _â€"l A. J. CLAYTON MASONRY CONTRACTOR Al] phases of brick. block, stone and repair work. 884-6417 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"inc1uding Script, Block letters. Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal†884- 1105. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renovam tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc42 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc32 tfc46i Plastering R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 tfc20 E. w. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete Work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS iAlcan â€" siding. Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 tfc21 your CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. IVALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc50 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service; Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. I tfc18‘ work. recreation; rooms. additions, renovations. tile floors. and ceilings. Free‘ estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. papcrhanging. interior and exterior. Free estimates. CARPENTRY tfc43 RECREATION ROOMS ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS UNFINISHED FIREPLACES COMPLETED WALKER CONSTRUCTION 884-2882 tfc26 IVE SngldllZe» in retaining walls. planter boxes and curbing, built from railroad ties. Free esti- mates. A. Hariwick 889-6338. ifc4l TREE CUTTING AND PRI’NING HOL’SEPAINTING E. C. DOAK 884-5316 C4w46 W131? ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenanc e altera' equipped with ladder truck. All 5‘ commercial residential and in- modernlzailon plan available Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. tfc14, .884-4838. imam repaired. Free estimates.= PH lContinued) \l’I-IITE‘S Furnace Cleanings. ,‘Natul‘ai and propane gas. 889-1 tfc43‘ BOOKKEEPING~and account- ing services for small busi- nesses. 889-5683. tfc33 WINDOW CLEANING 8134-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 3806. V w tic43 PLUMBING & HEATINGâ€"- Roger Pl‘oulx â€" Telephone â€"â€" 881-1650. tfc24 †TENSEN'S TOWING _ Scrap car pick-up and towing. 24 hour service. 884-9747. tfc22 BRICK, stone and blockwork. Chimneys. fireplaces. patios, barbecues. Free estimates. Call 223-6783. tfc35 PAINTING and decorating. in- terior and exterior. 20 years experience. F r e e estimates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 N. & S. FLOOR CLEANING C0. Windows. floors. carpets. of- ficcs, stores and buildings. 24- houl‘ service. free estimates. c2w46 GENERAL CARPENTRY Kitchen units, alterations, rec. rooms, etc. GORD HOWLAND 889-3437 tfc18 -â€"BILL’S HOUSEHOLD ‘ MAINTENANCE Minor landscaping, cutting grass, fertilizing and cleaning windows. 884-2226. tfc40 LAWNMOWER REPAIRS GAS & ELECTRIC Math's TV 81’, Appliances 49 Industrial Rd. 884-7903 tfc41 YMAN’S CLEAN-UP SERVICE , No job too large or small. we‘ clean them all. Reasonable rates. 939-7075. tfc44 HAND TO RENT FURNISHED room. 884-6305. tfc46 BEAUTY SALON To rent in Willowdale. good op- portunity for experienced hair- dresser of couple. 16 years est- ablished. good clientele. 221- 0768 days. 884-8027 nights. clw46 LOWER duplex â€"â€" large two bedroom including garage. all services, Markham Rd.. Rich-i mond Hill. $188, 884-5992. *1w46 SilNiGI:E room, central Rich- imond Hill. share kitchen and bathroom with one other per- son. Tidy young man only. 34 Roseview Ave. tfc46 UPPER duplex. King City. 2 bedrooms. refrigerator. stove e1- ectricity and heat included. Ad- ults only. 833-5294. c1w46 Y'ONGE VALLEY 7471 Yonge Street - 170 Dudley Avenue 4 WEEKS FREE RENT 2 bedrooms only Large. luxury 1-2 bedrooms, pool, saunas. gym, rec. room and 0567. tfc46 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 2 bedroom suites, 1 for May 15 â€" 2 for June 1. Rent includes heat, hydro, water, fridge, stove. etc. near Richmond Heights Plaza at 48 Laverock Avenue. Adults only call supt. 884-2475. tfc46 hndviwo bedroom. Apâ€"ply superintendent, 402 Markham Road. c2w46 2 BEDROOM apartment. stove and fridge. garage, 41 Elmdale Court. Richmond Hill. For appt. call 787-3003, after 7 pm. c1w46 1 BEDROOM furnished base- ment apartment. self-contained, private entrance and parking. Call after 5 pm. Wed. and Thurs. 884-2775 and on Fri. 884- 4723. c1w46 1 BEDROOM apartments, $150., rent includes hydro and park-‘ ing. 170 Bayview Avenue. South at Markham Road, 884â€"9885. ‘ c1w46‘ ' ADULTS ONLY Professionally finished self-1 contained apartment, large 11V-L ing room with fireplace. larger kitchen. fridge, stove, plenty of, cupboard and counter space. 2 average sized bedrooms, vlc- inity Of Markham and Bayview. 884â€"7710. c1w46 FURNISHED basement apart- mcnt. Crosby and Bayview area. Suit one mature person, $110 monthly. Call after 6. 884-3421. c1w46 ONE bedroom apartment. we of Yonge St. Adults, June 1. 884-5239, clw46 TO RENT INDUSTRIAL pace 1.385 to 4,155 square feet in prime location. 889-6902 or 831-1639. c4w46 AIR CONDITIONED OFFICES Space in new building 200 to 2.000 square feet. Prime area. 889-6902 or 881-1689, c4w46 S 2 BEDROOM apartment. Cedar Avenue. Richmond Hill, avail- ble May 30. 884-7098. SMALL 0 ffice 520 squaregieet. C8W43 dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical Yonge Street frontage. heating. air ('M’ldlllOllth and parking available May 15. 203-4678. tfc46 play grounds. 889-0271 or 889- st, tfc46‘ ‘0' To Order Want/ids 0 To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads 0 For Information About Want Ads ONE 884 -ll05 T RENT (Continued) 2 BEDROORTIâ€"a'rEi-tment, avail: able June 1. 486-8233. c2w46 V--- L 2_- _ APARTMENT, bedroom. fridge, stove, at Yonge St... av- ailable June 1, $140. Adults only. 8114-4883. clw46 RICHMOND Hill. near Yonge, third adult. 25 to 30 to share furnished house, own bedroom. 769-3691, after 6 pm. clw46 IHBEDROOM_apartmeni. self- contained. adults only. 884-1795. _7vr__ clw46 SELF contained bachelor apart- ment, broadloom throughout, immediate occupancy. Yonge and Markham Road area. 884.- 1861. c1w46 1 BEDROOM bungalow, Maple, couples only. Call 833-7993, af- ter 6pm. *lw46 FLOOR sander, rug shan‘lpooer, commerical for rent. 221-9959. *4w46 FURNISHED room. cooking facilities, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. fl tfc51 PART of horse farm for right. good pasture, fencing and. creek for one or two horses. with self - contained one bed- room apartment, refrigerator and stove. near Don Mills Road. Phone 895-1068. *2w45 THORNHILL sublet. large 3 bedroom Townhouse, 1‘72 bath, appliances, finished basement. June possession. Phone 889- 4483. c3w45 2 BEDROOM apartment. avail- able August 1, no children. Ap- ply supcrintendent, 441 Elm- wood. c2w45 2 BEDROOM apartment, spac- ious rooms, lots of closet space. hydro, stove and fridge includ- ed, $165 a month. 884-4113. c2w45 A bright four rooms over store, $135. Adults. Centre of Rich- mond Hill. 486-8578. tfc45 HOUSE T0 RENT Spacious 10-room home with bachelor apartment to sublet in Markham Rd. - Yonge St. area. Broadloom throughout. Imme- diate occupancy. References re- quired. Call 884-1861, tfc45 OFFICE SPACE AND RESIDENCE RICHMOND HILL iPremiscs suitable for Dental or Medical clinic on ground floor. centrally located, ample storage and parking, with option of liv- ing acommodation, broadloom throughout. For further details call 884-2442. tfc45 _____________.1 ONE bedroom. two bedroom and a bachelor apartment. Apply Superintendent 402 Markham Rd.. Richmond Hill. c2w45 OFFICE space for rent, 1400 square feet. will divide. centre of Richmond Hill. 486-8578. ‘ tfc43 -ï¬CHMOND Hill office, 500 square feet. 486-8578. tfc45 FOR lease, 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space. Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading. 16’6" clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Construc- tion Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 g WANTED TO RENT 4 - 6 BEDROOM home. Rich- mond Hill area, older home con- sidered. Enjoy minor redecora- ting. Two to three year lease with option to purchase pre- ferred. Occupancy immediate to two months, excellent refer- es. 923-0904, 429-4369. enc tfc43 WANTED to swap not sell. our house in Orillia for yoursnn Richmond Hill or surrounding vicinity. You pay no rent, we pay no rent. We have a four bed- room older type home very cen- tral. 2 bathrooms. knotty pine cupboards. washer dryer. gas stove. Two rooms now rented upstairs, we require a three bedroom house with all conven- iences. Tell me what you have. Write 240 Mississauga St. W, Orillia. Mrs. Chesley Glenn. c3w44 A small farm house north of Richmond Hill required by young couple. 884-5632 between 6 and 7 pm. c1w46 TWO reliable. mature girls seek two bedroom basement apart- ment or flat in Richmond Hill between $90 and $120 a month. Call after 6 pm. 884-2242. nclw4§ APARTMENT or duplex requir- ed for May 30. by young prof- essional Woman with one small apartmentâ€"trained dog prefer- rably duplex or over store, New- market. Richmond Hill and Au- rora area. 727-4091. c1w46 rtment or faTlrI d stove inclu- l BASEMENT apa house. fridge an lded. 773-5117. “W. H HOUSE wanted for large fam. ily in or around Richmond Hill, 3 or 4 bedroom. 884-6724. clw46 NURSERY SCHOOL _,_,__._,_’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- SUNNYHILL WALDORF NURSERY SCHOOLS Morning classes for children 319 to 5 years 5350 per year Brocke Street. Thornhill 72 Finch West. Willowdale 225-7177 c10w39 l