T HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. June 1. 1 972 hornhill and District News “The. Liberal“ is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Please call Miss Margaret Govan. 14 Deanbank Drive. 889-5872 F Socially Speaking In Thom/MW Senior Citizens The senior citizens of Thorn- hill held their final meeting for the season May 18 at the Thornhill Presbyterian Church. Hal McNutt showed some de- lightful pictures of Japan. He and Mrs. McNutt were on holi- day there recently. The club is going to Orillia and 10. The music and lyrics. United Church _ spoke on "Walls" â€" the walls story line and dancing are a The CGIT of Thornhill Un- that people build betweenthem- product of the students' and ited held a mother and daughter selves and other people. She is staff's joint efforts. It sounds banquet Ma.V 324- The Explorers an excellent speaker. really out- ven. ox'cmng and v9.3. original. who will be graduating were standing. ..'Ch(,ckmatei- is a mixed feast their guests. of intrigue. murder. fantasy. It was a pot luck supper with ComEd-V' lovei mtVStCr-V‘ Slap' members of the UCW waiting stick and much song and dance. [able and looking after the‘ Ems MCLinlOCk' “‘9 SChOOIS dishes. The decorations werei This was followed by a short program of singing. skits. and Li ballet dance performed by Bev- erley Martindaie. music director. is the leading d to Stratford in July“ in June an spirit. He has composed 10 of; The CGIT girls were presen- mses and l°°ked 10"913" ted with their chevrons for good There are other trips in the of- fine. The Week of June 18 is Sen- ior Citizens’ week. There will be a special church service with them in mind. so don‘t forget it. The next regular meeting will be in September. The club would like more members. and this means that each of the present members should invite Mrs. Joy Turner. the retir- ing superintendent, was master. of ceremonies. Donna McEach-‘ rcn gave the toast to the moth-, ers and Mrs. Ralph McEachren‘ replied. Donna who graduates from CGlT this year.'was pres- ented “uh red roses' will be held {his year at Cedar Miss Leslee Campbell. the Glen. June, 18-25 and July 2-16. student assistant who is working Enquire further at Thornhill at. the church this summer.‘United. work. well done. and their world friendship badges. They report- ed on an original proiect. Each group adopted a grandmother. a shut-in. whom they visited etc. the tunes. Heikki Kuld has written five. and Anne Marie Dale Iias contributed one. The lyrics were written by a 10-man team. The dancing has been ar- ranged by Melody Mele and Sheila McArthy. There are several stages. and‘ three separate orchestras: one a‘ regular one. and two rock. it would take a person of Ellis Mc- A country holiday for senior .adults â€" interdenominationalâ€"E Help The Lions! Help Thornhill One of the most active groups of citizens in Thornhill is the Lion: Club. Besides their more publictzed activitites such as the gift towards an arena and the annual Dominion Day cele- bration. they carry on an exten- sive welfare program on the ‘quict. The monies for this proâ€" ‘Eram are raise'l by the annual lauction sale. This is scheduled ‘to take place at 12 noon. June .10. at the parking lot at the ‘Dominion Store. Yonge and John Streets. It's quite obvious that to tiaie an auction you must have sale- able goods. This is where you come in. The Lions appeal to iyou to give them anything that you have that is saleable. (Not clothes: other organizations look after thatt. But haven‘t you something down the cellar. in} ithe garage or in the shed? It‘sj been cluttering up your space‘ for ages. just on the off chancei tthat you might use it some day. Do take a look as soon as pos- sible. and then phone Geoff iWalker 889â€"3046 or Byron Ring l889-6016. The Lions are willing to do the collecting. ‘ ‘ Our community â€" yours and mine â€" needs the monies. So ‘get on the band wagon. All it, takes is a little time on your lpart. i their friends and acquaintances Lintock's calibre to organize- to attend. Iand produce such a major work. Social Planning Council ‘And it would take his personalâ€" The Social Planning Council ity to put it across. b _ . met May 28 at the Holy Trinity “It‘s all good fun." IS his philâ€" Church reception room to con- osophy and it carries over. Even‘ sider the reports asked for the,into all the extra rehearsals. ‘ last meeting, and to elect an ex- Howard Reynolds is the art- ecutive. Mrs. Bill Trow was in istic director: Jay Handel stage the chair. manager: Jim Howse technical The minutes had been circula- director: and Don Attridge. bus-. ted and were adopted. Mr. Trowniucss manager (he‘s also one of had contacted Bob Adams of the soloists). ‘ i the Markham Council and theI Do support the production. It town offices at Maple for the‘sounds like fun. Vaughan council. In both cases Royal Orchard School. the zoning regulations require: Forty-five boys and girls from considerable study. The Mark-grade 8 at the Royal Orchard ham ones are particularly in-‘School travelled in a bus to the, volved. Mr. Trow said he wouldlKelso Conservation Centre at; try to arrange some simplica-lMilton. They were there Fridayq tion. It was also felt that a lon- Saturday and Sunday two week- ger time should be given in the ends ago. , calling of a meeting on rezoning. Jack MacFadden was the‘ John McLeod reported that teacher responsible and it was the matter of communicationsa science and geography out- there would need to be opening. They inspected stumps and meetings. and as much generalistreams. and vegetable and bird publicity through “The Liberal" life. They hiked. They had les- as was necessary to keep the sons in outdoor cooking. Mr. citizens informed. and Mrs. Alan Hemstock ac-i There was no report in re-‘companied them and they are gard to social agencies. etc. butioutdoor people par excellence. "Information Please“ operating‘They fascinated the Elghth‘ from Richmond Hill has prepar- graders. _ ed very good information along They also had experiences in this line. ihuman relations. In a neighbor. There followed considerable ing tent tthey all slept under discussion re elections. officerscanvasi there were four deaf required. function of the social mutes from the School for the planning committee. Mr. Trotheaf. They made friends Wth had been giving it a good deal‘each other. and 14 of them have of thought. A president and a been invited to visit the school. secretary were essential. Also All in all it was a wonderful he suggested three vice . chair- weekend. Mr. MacFadden on- men who would convene three joyed it thoroughly too. but I committeesgsocial services. pol- think he was very tired! itical matters, and improve- 0! Interest ments. , Doug Martindale is out in‘ Mr. Trow was elected presi-tSaskatchewan again this sum- dent and Mrs. Gwen Dugan..mer. Last. year he was an as- secretary. Miss Jane McLaren;sistant to a United Church mini- and Mrs. Margaret Collett of-lster. This year he has a charge fered their services as a tele- of his own. with two congrega-i phone committee and this was tions. gladly accepted. It Is real pioneer country It was decided to appoint awhere the farmland is still be- nominating committee for the‘ing cleared. and is called the ‘Olhef positions. Dr. Moore Ede,lCarrot River District. The Rev. Arnold Weigle and Joh'nlnames of the places sound as if McLeod. with the president andithere were a story behind them, secretary. were asked to act. lSmokey Burn and B attle The next meeting will take Heights. No churches; the peoâ€" Place June 13. pie use a school and a commun- Thornlea Secondary School ity hall. The music department of? Gerald Martindale. his broth- Thornlea Secondary School is 3 er. who is in grade 12. Thorn- biisy place these days. They hill Secondary School. has just. ' is Joe Dandele ‘Malinyshin. South Thornhill Andi Bayâ€"iiiew Glen News CORRESPONDENT: DAVE HARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-5205 - 3664720 School News The executive body of the E. J. Sand Public School‘s Parent Teacher Association for 1972-73 was elected at their most recent gathering. The new president who succeeds Howard Hunt. He will be assist- ed by Vice-President Mrs. Doreen Quirk. Secretary Mrs. Victoria Burda. Treasurer Mrs. Elinor Fotheringham, Public Relations Mrs. Pat Dandele, Program Convener Mrs. Rhoda Social Convenor Mrs. Gwen Dugan and Member- ship Convenor Mrs. Annette Wintjes. No further activity is expect- ed from this group before the autumn. Tonight is “theatre night" at the E. J. Sand School and 15c will get you a good two hours of excellent entertainment by the students as they present a series of plays and dramas. Curtain goes up at 7:30. Scouts, Guides The 2nd Thornhill Scouts. along with the Venturers and the Cubs. raised approximately $500 in their recently concluded potted plant sale blitz. About 10 Scouts of 2nd Thornhill are expected to take advantage of the last camp out- ing for the 1971-72 season. This will start Friday evening and continue through to Sunday of this week. Site of the weekend 14th birthday today (June 1). Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stamp and family. 39 Morgan Avenue bade farewell to them as they de- parted for their new residence in Brampton recently. Church News Real strawberries. real short.- cake and real whipped cream will be the order of the day June 7 from 1:30 to 4:30 pm at Thornhill United Church. The afternoon will also provide an opportunity to browse among the arts and crafts exhibits, some of which will be for sale. Of special interest will be a display of Canadian semi-preciâ€" ous jewellery by Tania Zvarich with stones gathered from Ban- croft, Georgian Bay. Thunder Bay, etc. Oil paintings by local artists and the ware of nimble- fingered artisans will also be featured. Of course there will be a gigantic bake sale by the women of the church. The bake table is one in which the ladies take special pride. All are in- vited to contribute to this “specialty of the house" Tickets may be purchased by phoning Vi Johnson at 889-2569. They‘re only $1 each. Two new magazines, “Guide- posts†and “Faith At Work†have been added to the church library and may be borrowed. Sign for them in the notebook provided. exercise. where the lads will catch up on their outdoor Results to date of the Can- badge_eaming work, is Kelso adian Bible Society walkathon show $548.88 from the walkers of Thornhill United. This will be turned over to the Thornhill Chapter of the Canadian Bible Park. The lst Thornhill Guide Com- pany held its final meeting of the season Monday of this week at Henderson Avenue Public SOCiety' school. The meeting was high_ . Volunteers are needed for the lighted by three young ladies Tumor congregatlon at the United Church Wednesday eve~ nings at 7:30 and Sunday morn- ings, beginning June 4. Please contact Leslee Campbell at 889- 2131. The tulip tea and bake sale at Holy Trinity Anglican Church ws success and those who attended realized the tremendous receiving their all round cords. The presentation was made by Commissioner Mrs. Shirley Lan- caster. Recipients were Ann Smith. Catriona Richmond and Vivian Markovich. Plans were made to hold a “wrap up†bar- becue later this month. Neighborhood Notes Doncaster Community Ladies‘ an overwhelming job who co-ordinated the entire affair which. happily realized a profit of just over $416. It. was a very good year. ac- cording to the reports present- ed at the ACW annual meeting May 16. Officers for the year‘ 1972-73 were elected as follows: President Mrs. Helen Robinson. lst Vice-President Mrs. Muriel Shaw. 2nd Viceâ€"President Mrs. Vivian Wylie. Secretary Mrs. Helen Begg. Treasurer Mrs. Louise Davie. Hospitality and Membership Mrs. Brenda Gord- on and Mrs. Pat Shields. Pub- licity Mrs. Margaret Slauen- white, Ways and Means Mrs. Carol Matson. Boy Tennis Players Win One, Lose One Saturday. May 20. the boys’ team of the Thornhill Tennis Club played against Ruddington Park Tennis Club. Larry Zub- eck, Ian Grant. Greg MacMil- lan. Ross Gordon. David Audet. Rick Rogers formed the team. Thornhill won. Last Saturday they played ag- ain. against North York. This time John Stroud took Rick Roger’s place. Thornhill was beaten. Next Saturday there will be a large mixed doubles tournament with both local people and adit- ional couples by invitation. The final games will be played late in the afternoon. Spectators are most welcome. The junior team which has developed very well. plays June 10 against the Credit Valley Juniors at Credit Valley. The tennis classes are over- flowing! Steve Segal is the ln- annual variety show Secondary School. 84 Garden Avenu The Drama Club of Langstaff Secondary School are to be con- gratulated for their production of “Generation.†which I saw on Friday night. They played it in a sort of theatre-inâ€"the- round in the gymnasium and they did it very well. It had. been put on by the Curtain Club of Richmond Hill a year ago and it was interesting to me. to see how two different local‘ groups would perform the same script. Dennis Yake, Jeff Willis. Paula Wilson. Dave Storey and Clay Warner handled their parts well and compliments. should go to the production‘ staff also. The congregation of Em- manuel Anglican will share: their picnic with the members of St. Gabriel‘s Anglican in} Richmond Hill on June 11 at. Bruce's Mill Park. All members of the church are invited to. attend. On Saturday at the church. an organizational meeting was held to prepare for a parish weekend. late in September. The weekend‘ will be an extension of the structor. are producing a full length mus- ical for three nights, June 8. 9. joined the 48th Highlander. Band. He plays a tuba. done by the Ophelia Group in- charge of the bake table and - the Mary and Martha groupt .who put on such a delightfuli- itea. Club will close out its historic 25th year of activities in the usual mannerâ€"a pot luck lunchâ€" eon in the lovely gardens of 7783 YONGE ST. Vision Thornlea Thornlea Secondary School By Rae-Marie Students Create Own Summer Jobs In these days of massive unemployment. it‘s i And as “Summer ‘ pretty hard to land a good job. ’72" rolls around, the number of students looking for summer jobs is astronomical. Opportunities For Youth. etc.. aside. the job market is rather limited this year. So students are looking for different ways of making money. One such venture was the “Land of Moo" â€" a fantasy land for children that some Thornlea stud- 1 outs participated in last summer. t Financed by a federal grant. the Land of Moo , prov1ded endless play opportunities for children as they mingled with the strange inhabitants of Moo. These inhabitants were Thornlea students like Ken Farr. Murray Ball. and Michelle Bulova. Whether it will come into being again this summer is unknown as of yet. but as an imaginative attempt, in the world of entertainment for children, 1t was a great success. Some students are trying to make a go of it with their own talent â€" Bob McNiven for example. He Just finished an engagement at one of our local “nightspotsâ€. More power to him. Other Thornlea members have organized their own-business. “The Company" is one of these. It consrsts of two people. Clyde Smith and Mark Coady. For theiast two summers “The Company“ has been busy painting houses. Between word of mouth and door to door advertising they picked tip enough business to become pretty experienced. And since they charge only about half of what professionals do. it seems to be a good deal all round. On the other hand if your windows need clean- ing or your lawn could stand to be cut. Dale )lat- theivs is the man you want. For a reasonable sum he would be happy to oblige. If you decide that “The Company" or Dale could be of service to you. the number to call is 889â€"6123. These are only a few of the ways in which Thornlea students are trying to become “gainfully employedâ€. for the summer. As the saying goes. “times is tough". eyeryone a favor. including yourself. and student. ,J =0 do hire a Mrs. Harry Mizen. 77 Spruce- wood. The date is June 8. the .time 1 pm. Weatherman. please take note. Q All neighborhood ladies are. FOR EXCITING cordially im'ited to come and} NEWS partake of this popular annualI SEE PAGE 14 event. a Birthday greetings this week GREEN‘VOOD go out to Paul Wilson of Mor-. RENAULT gan Avenue. who celebrates his - .- Kawasaki - DEALER FOR: 9185 Yonge S ' Borovoy Plaza Thornhill, Ont. 889-9908 i IEiiiliEF1 moamammaï¬ï¬‚imaimamummm. ~ EWEDM FAIRLAWN iihiOR AND NURSERY SCHOOL 8403 Yonge Street. Thornhill Servicing Richmond Hill and Thornhill Area Fully Licensed â€" Open All Year Creative Art. Free Play, )IllSlC..I“1:611Ch Transportation â€" Staff Driven \ elucles Assistance with your fee can be arranged if necessary FOR FL'RTHER INFORMATION CALL 889-0464 â€" 223-5968 J MWWLEEEWHEEETUEEEEE’EEEEEEEEEEEEEâ€"dfllflflflmï¬ï¬‚ ‘71 D lflaflflflflflhflfljrflnfllwflfllElï¬n l‘ Jfllfljï¬lï¬lflflwfllfllfliflfl Fl 1 EM Thanks go to Vivian Wylie? THORNHILL 889-77 83 parish Administration Confer- "Hea/t/i ’s A Popp Top entertainment vided May 11 and 12 at “Health's A Poppin". the It was a great fun night with a wide range of entertainment features. Musical numbers, skits, gymnastics and the school band were featured. LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK (Photo by David Barbour) " Chorus line Pictured aboy'e in a can-can dance. per- formed under the watchful eyes of a larger-than- life Groucho Marx are â€" front row (left to right) Nancy Meikle, Pat Todd, Susan Jones: back row (same order) Kerry Wood. Cathy Richardson, Linda McLean and Bev Martindale. in for the, audience was pro- presented by Thornhill ’\/ Thornhill Minor Hockey Association REQUIRES Coaches For 1972-73 Season Written applications for coaching positions for town representative teams should be submitted by June 15 to the President, T.M.H.A., c/o Box 19, “The Liberal". MMA \avxwxfxmxflx x e, Phone 889-4553 ence that some of this congre-. gation attended a year ago and will be of benefit to all who attend. Some members of Richvale‘ Writers’ Club. along with peo-‘ pie from the Canadian Authors’ Association attended an inter- national weekend conference in1 MN Rochester last week. They met some other writers interested in. poetry and drama. A public LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 0000;571:451 an CENTRES (disc brakes extra) Effective from Monday, June 5th to Saturday. June 10th only Here's what we do: I Reli'ne and install bonded brake linings I Chock wheel cylinders I Inspect drums I Check master cylinder, brake lion, front bearings and seals I Repaclr front wheel bearings Licensed Mechanics on duty. Drop in today for Free Estimates. Use Chargex or Goodyear Credit. HAVE YOUR WHEELS BALANCED 29 t WHITECAP POOLS LTD. AUTHORIZED DEALER INGROUND VINYL STEEL POOLS SIZES RAN 15’ x 30‘ to 20’ X 43’ We arso carry Top Quality Chemicals and Pool Equipment 342 HIGHWAY N0. 7 EAST THORNHILL, ONT. Between Leslie 6: Baywiew .5-2461 ’2' "‘ GING FROM i-iiEi-i SPEED $3 -50 ELECTRONIC WHEEL BALANCER DYNAMIC COMPLETE MECHANICAL SERVICE It must be right or we make it right! Our camervice policy assures you of complete satisfaction. 295 Yonge St. 5. Richmond Hill ..-.--1.,|Il0 ensuiiiEeoen ~ ‘ I 5'? :us‘E’ Youti co‘db’vs’n CREDIT PM on "C'HKRGEX†-,..