Neighborhood Notes: On Sunday momj Mabel Frisby. Mr. 2 Richard Frisby and tended the farewell 56 Rev. George Davison accepted a call to the "nwkpstone Pastoral ( 0n Sum Mabel Fris Richard FF tended the Rev. Georg‘ accepted a ‘ Hawkestone Simcoe Pre: 1215 McPhee erly of Iroc Rev. Davisc Locust Hill Tops Provmcxal Day held at the Rt tel. Toronto. On T day and Saturday On Saturday I William Sandie a tended the De School of Dancing '72" which was helt Auditorium, TorOI School of Dancing “Let's Dance 72" which was held in the Eaton Auditorium, Toronto. Miss Cathy Boynton, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyton was one of the dancers and she is to be congratulated on her fine performance. She won a scholarship at the 1972 Peel Music Festival held re- cently. ‘r__‘__ syn». Birthday greetings to Verna Nigh, 10 years, July 2; Irene Knapp, July 5; Mrs. Allan Orr. July 6 and Jimmy Boyd. 16 years. July 6. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walk- er who on July 1 will be cele- grating their 46th wedding an- uLv‘V.--“ Mr. nod Mrs. Paul Zurosky and Christine of Toronto spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley. Sunday visitors with Mr. and‘ Mrs. Clarence Steckley were John Duncan and children. Soarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Colonel St. Pierre of Weston. niversal‘y w"LE/112mm MacDonald spent last week with friends in Scar- A mlscellaneous shower will be held tomorrow evening (Fri- day) in the community hall in honor of Miss Mary Mortson and John DeFarrari who are being married early in July. Please accept. this as your in- vitation. boro‘ On July 6 in the community hall a miscellaneous shower will be held in honor of Miss Heather Williams and Tilo Hof- man. who are being married the latter part of July. Please ac- cept this as your invitation. Church News The last session of United Church Sunday school was held Last Sunday morning. It will re- sume on September 10 at. 10 am. However, the church servâ€" ice will be held every Sunday morning during July at 11:30 During the month of August there will be NO church serv- ice. Please keep this in mind. The June meeting of the UCW was held on Wedneday evening of last week in the Sunday school room with Mrs. Fraser Gee in charge. Victoria Square The Worship service was con- ducted by Mrs. Gee, Mrs. Frank Brumweil and Mrs. Martin Jenâ€" kinson. Special music was given by Mrs. Merrick of Richmond Hill and Mrs. Jim Barker. The guest speaker was Mrs. Harold Hemstad 1Lois Perkinsl who gave a very interesting talk illustrated with colored slides of the trip she and her husband took to Asia and India, which was Very much enjoyed by all. Victoria Square Man Winner At Handball Mrs‘ This was the last meeting of the UCW until September. Peta Gregerson of Victoria Square and Al Forsbrey. both of the Broadview “Y†Handball Club. defeated John Sherman and Sam Koplinsky of YMHA recently. The 'first game Sherman and Koplinsky won 21-16 with their steady and good .play. The second game saw a fine team effort by Gregerson and Forsbrey with Pete coming through with some good shots and points. They WM 21-12. In the third game it was the younger A1 Forsbrey coming through with some power shots to move into a comfortable lead. Sherman and Koplinsky fought back but Gregerson and Forsbrey had a little too much left and came off the winners by 21-17. Gregerson and Forsbrey went through five matches to gain their way to the finals with Sherman and Koplinsky going four to reach the finals. A sidelight to the showing of Gregerson is that less than eight months ago he was oper- ated on to remove a disc in his back plus a piece of vertebrae to clear the spinal cord. Gregerson had played hand- ball for several years but. prior to the operation, it was feared he might not play again. McPhee. of Iroqu , Davison 151. Hill C Correspondent: Mrs, W. Sandie RR 2, Gormley ’l'eleph‘me “7'54 Iroduois Falls avison on the Hill Charge- Leslie Hart att‘ Provincial R! ,d at the Royal Presbytery art attended the al Recognition Royal York Ho- 1 Thursday. Fri- ay of last week. evening Mrs- and Betty at- Dennis Moore ,ng “Let's Dance Held in the Eaton morning Mr. and 1 and girls vell service .vison who ne Guthrie- 1 Charge in Rev. Doug- B.D.. fortn- .ls succeeds 1e Melville- 5421 Mrs. Mrs. E for has oooooooooooOOOOOOOO W00 5 - .L. â€"A----l-A-l â€"A" it THE LIBER'AE. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday 1116 1972