Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jul 1972, p. 13

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Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Knollside Drive quietly cele- brated their 25th Wedding An- niversary on June 21 with old friends and members of the original wedding party. They'll be leaving shortly. They'll be leaving with their ' children, and Angela, to spend mer in England and tinent. Bingo! â€"â€" just in time for the holidays! There were two 3500 jackpot winners last week â€"â€" Beth Agar of Kleinburg was the big winner at the Lions Hall on Monday night and Mabel Havi- land of Oak Ridges walked off with the top prize at the regu- lar Tuesday night bingo at St. Mary‘s Parish Hall. iwvhy not join the happy bingo crowd each weekâ€"you never know your luck! Sally Manning graduated re- cently in physical and health education from the University of Toronto, standing third in her class. She received the fourth year shield given by the women's athletic association of the university for the student displaying outstanding athletic ability. leadership, scholarship and character during her four years at university. For the second year she was awarded the silver “T” for heri participation in various sportsl activities. During her under-i graduate years she was a mem-i ber of both the intercollegiate basketball team and the field hockey team of which she was captain. Last summer she was a mem-l ber of the Canadian Women’s National Touring Team and played in the world tourna- ment at Auckland, New Zea- land. and in exhibition games in Japan. Hong Kong, the Fiji Islands. Hawaii and Australia. Sally was also cited as an All- Ontario athlete by the provin- cial government. Both this year and last year her outstanding ability in field hockey has been recognized by the federal gov- ernment when she was awarded National Health and Welfare scholarships. This coming year she will be: pursuing post-graduate studies.‘ Sally graduated from Rich- mond Hill High School. She is the daughter of Mrs. Jane Manning. Maple, guidance coun- sellor at Thornhill Secondary School. and the late Rev. Rob: ert Manning of Toronto and Maple. Sally’s father was well known locally for his interest in athletics and Sally’s long time interest in athletics stem- med from the enthusiasm of participating in games with her father. U Of T Graduate Thomas Charles Ludlow grad- uated with honors in business administration from the Uni- versity of Western Ontario on May 30. May 30. After a busy summer she; Son of Mr. and M15. Herbert will again be teaching in Rich-l Ludlow. 405 South Fernleigh‘mond Hill and hopes to include Circle, Thomas is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dancing BaYview Secondary Schoolflsyllabus in her program which He’ll be starting his career in‘will give some of her students the head office of Toronto 00- a chance to take the examina- minion Bank. lions. THOMAS Ll'DLOW Western Graduate SALLY MANNING Cameron the sum- the con- The Ladies’ Auxiliary to Branch 375. Royal Canadian Le- gion, held its last general meet- ing until the fall with Presi- dent Mary Robson in the chair. After general business. a presentation of a “President 77 -1- l- Dinniâ€" from East rl‘eblucub uvuu -â€"-vâ€"â€" -v~-_‘,. son and a Maple Leaf pin, 3 Joan, who was celebrating herland such was the response, 11‘ gift from the auxiliary. to “31- birthday, was the guest of hon-idecided to repeat the project," el Lenten. who will be Visiting or and enjoyed a relaxing dalef interested please call .iean Britain. the Channel Islands being thoroughly spoiled blearber at 884-6942. l and Europe during the summer. her husband and hosts. l * l t 1 In the past she has celebrat-l - - - ‘ berries and ice cream were‘ed her birthday with a garden Mgfllfatfergnfifjgmfi.”322 served. _ _ ' lparty at her charming country wmy 'Molevelt 2nd__R Mm, The auxxhary takes this OP-lliome on Lillian Street but de- re“ and M 110’“ ' por'tunity to wish .all members cided this year to break tradi- Friday “liners. were lst_ and friends an enJOyable sum- tion. Her friends missed this Stewart and Marie Cole 2ndâ€" mer. annual summer frolic and exâ€" Joan and paul Richardsbn "' * "‘ tend belated birthday wishes Friday was the final se'ssion Following the meeting straw- i 4.9V vv .. ...__ Contingent Leader Ron Salfl'land sister, Kathryn, who held a man introduced other Scouters Jack and Ji" shower at their EOiIlgfin the trip and OUtline‘l home on Crosby Avenue attend- the itinerary. ‘ed by over 50 guests. While overseas they will be Carol, daughter of Mr. and sightseeing, camping and living Mrs. Arthur Plummer of Neal with other Scouts in Scotland. Drive, and John, both Cub leadâ€" England and Holland (guests of ers with the 9th Richmond Hill the Netherlands government). Scout Company, are to be marâ€" The main point of the trip is fled August 5 at Blue Spring to visit Gilwell Park, near Lonâ€" scout Reserve, don, the home Of Scouting Out-ofâ€"town guests New from m ..... h.‘ York Summit Boy Scouts Dis- trict‘s “Operation Pegasus” held a boy-parent night last Wed- nesday at Richmond Hill Unit- ed Church, attended by over 130 boys and_parents.._ r-_l_‘ _-,_, V Any boy or parent wishing more information regarding the trip, etc., please contact Con- tingent Leader Sautman at 889- 7871 or Les Smith 884-4616. \munulu\mmummmmtuuuumumumuuumumuumumum Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in yours? lullllllullllll“l!llllll“\llllll\\|\llll\ll\l|\mull“Ill“ull\l\\l1\ll\lllll\l\| BEEF GELATIN l 1 pkg. lemon gelatin 1 1 cup boiling water ‘ 17‘4 cup beet juice . 3 tbs. vinegar 1/2 tsp. salt 2 tsp. onion juice or grated onion 1 tbs. horseradish 34 cup celery, diced 1 cup cooked beets, diced Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Add beet juice, vinegar, salt, onion juice and horse- radish. Chill. When slightly thickened, fold in celery and beets. Turn into mold. Chill until firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce. The first recital by the Jen- their home nifer Morton School of Dancing in Willowda was held at Bayview Secondaryéor Miss Pirr School on June 16. Formerly akan (David’: teacher with the Midmer Dance joined the Academy, Jennifer, who only Miss Vickie opened her own school in No- bridesmaid vember of last year, must cer- wedding. tainly be congratulated for pre- paring such a successful show. During tl‘ Volunteer drivers are ur- gently needed for the Can- cer Society during the sum- mer months. If you have a few hours to spare, either weekly or monthly. your assistance would be greatly appreci- ated. Please call 884-1733. u; u- vv--°â€"â€"~“~â€"_-_ -,_ I, paring such a successful show. During the afternoon of Sat- A talented ballet dancer her- urday, June 24. over 75 relaâ€" self. Jennifer is also a talented tives and friends were present‘ choreographer. This was shown to celebrate the Golden Wed-‘ particularly in a beautiful oldlding Anniversary of Mr. and fashioned minuet and a classi-(Mrs. Alfred Wright of Toronto. cal Greek dance â€" the youngilTheir daughter, Mrs. Yvonne dancers doing credit to tlle‘Allen of Markham Road, was lovely movements. ithe hostess along with her hus- The modern jazz numbers‘band John. A special guest was were excellent. esnecially a Mrs. Cora Allen. The modern jazz numbers band John. A special guest was were excellent. especially aMrs. Cora Allen. {wenes'ey urauuale beatnik dance featuring the} Golden bells, “1h white and‘ Thursday, June 22, was a big older girls. All acrobatic num-igold accessories decorated St.‘day for Jennifer Smith, seen bers were taught by Rita Matthew’s United Church Hall, above, On that date she gradu- Granmsch, a sensational acro-there a luncheon was held for ated from Wellesley Hospital batic dancer. Jennifer’s student the guests. Fifty golden roseslSChool of Nursing in Toronto. teacher is young Leslie Shelton, with tinged edges of a delicate Daughter of Mr, and Mrs. who glows with warmth and per- red graced the bridal table. ‘Charles Smith. 278 Rumble sonality on stage. Both these! Mrs. Wright, radiant in atur-iAvenuev she is a graduate of girls are doing a good job oflquoise gown, with a white orâ€"lRichmond H111 High school, imparting their knowledge tolchid corsag‘e. tinged with‘ She will be joining the staff lme younger ones _ many oflmauve, received the guests With of Wellesley Hospital. whom only started dancing last M11 Wright arid the” £02,315” -â€"â€"â€"_â€"W M r , ‘ ‘ Mrs. ie sear. . _ . °£-..119“95- l p A pTIFs What’s‘ Cooking? lovely costumes all made by Mrs. Audrey Arsenault. These were cleverly coâ€"ordinated so that most of them can be worn by the girls throughout the summer. - Jennifer is now taking 319mm" course in advanced ballet andier- Pl jazz at York University andeeau then in August plans to \‘isluDaVis‘ London. England. where shefl‘onto will combine a holiday with les-W'iSiteI sons at the Royal Academy ofltheir Dancing. iwith (his columnâ€"how about Edna Deekin editor margot crack UVUIV u. on July 11 in the Lions Hall. This will be the “Rose, Del- phinium and Lily Show" so should be well worth seeing. There are 38 specimen classes and six for arrangements, plus a lecture - demonstration of flower arranging. I Entertaining recently for Car- ol Plummer and John Smith was his mother, Mrs. Les Smith, iand sister, Kathryn, who held a Jack and Jill shower at their home on Crosby Avenue attend- ed by over 50 guests. LIV u y- _.__ v, U Two dates to Femamberâ€"July 9*for garden visits and July 16 for the bus trip_t9 Guelph. 1W0 U‘abca LU noun.....,- s“, 9 for garden visits and July 16" The Pleasamviue Branch of for the bus trip to Guelph. the YCHA has tickets available * * * * for the September 14 afternoon Joan and J01“! Hamid Spent and evening show of “Adven- Dominion Day as guests of ture in Fashionâ€"Fall 1972" at, Carl Heimrich and John Russell Yorkdale Shopping Centre. at their summer cottage “881‘ The branch undertook to sell Coburg. tickets for the show last year Joan, who was celebrating her and such was the response, it birthday, was the guest of hon-:decided to repeat the project. 01‘ and enjoyed a r613xing dab/{If interested please call Jean lam-m f-hnrmlghlv snoiled byéBarber at 884-6942. Misses Mary White and Mary Whittall were joint hostesses at. a miscellaneous shower on May 31 at the form'er’s home on Mill Street. The guest of honor was 1Miss Janice Pimlott who opened the many gaily wrapped gifts and received the good wishes of her friends, chiefly former classmates and fellow graduates of Richmond Hill High School, class of ’71. The Misses White and Whittall will attend Janice at her wedding to David Hansen on July 7 at St. Mary's Anglicanj Church. ’ Mrs. J. Ross Scrimger and Mrs. Douglas Tindall, nee Ruth. Scrimger, entertained friends and neighbors on June 8 at Mrs. Scrimger’s home on Cen-l tre Street West. Bouquets of pale yellow daisy chrysantheâ€" mums graced the tables and formed the corsage which Mrs. Scrimger had made for the l guest of honor Miss Pimlott. A‘ .pretty umbrella with gay rib- - bons set the scene for a show- éhd many, many, happy I‘Etums of the day. ~h03i-offown guests were from Flesherton, Shelborne, Toronto and North Bay. er of gifts for the kitchen of Janice’s new home, each parcel also containing the donor’s fa- vorite recipe. ' On June'14, Mrs. Niels Han- sen, the groom‘s mother. and sisters, Jill, Vickie and Sandra invited friends and relatives to their home on Cummer Avenue in Willowdale to meet and hon- or Miss Pimlott. Mrs. K. Peder- son (David’s grandmother) also joined the happy gathering. Miss Vickie Hansen will be a bridesmaid at her brother‘s wedding. lMinden Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Badams, Roch- ester. N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilmhurst. Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Toles. London and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pilcher. un» nu. .v If so, fiiééée call producerl Shirley Stanley at 884-1427 â€"â€" she'll be delighted to hear from you Friday was the final session of duplicate bridge for this season. Play will resume on September 8. For information phone 773-4280. Services for the combined congregations of Richmond Hill United and St. Mary’s Anglican Churches will be held as fol- lows: In July, Sunday services will take place at 10 am at Rich- mond Hill United, with Rev. Rowan D. Binning as the preacher. Nursery and church sum school classes for children school classes for children up to grade 5 will be provided for children of both churches durâ€" ing the service hour of 10 am in the United Church. Greeters will welcome you at the church door, assisted by the following couples from St. Mary'sâ€"Don and Helen Fettcs, Fred and Grace Jackson, Geoff and May West-Gaul, Munro and May Ashkanase and Bob and Dorothy Painter. P a p e r re-cycling â€" throughout the school year newspapers have been col- lected by students of Rich- mond Hill High School from the area west of Yonge Street between Vaughan Road and Tray- born Drive on the first Friday of each month. Wellesley Graduate So that there will be no interruption of this service. arrangements. have now been made with Markham Sand and Gravel to contin- ue this collection on the first Friday during July, August and September. Please continue to put out your newspapers â€" the next collection date is July 7. MISS JENNIFER SMITH CHILDREN $1.50 EACH Everything Included; Food - Beverage - Favours Complete Supervision PHONE - 884-7005 ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal EDITH M. McCOLL Reg‘d. Electrologisl Member of E.A.0. & A.E.A 884-8771 fANOTHER $500. WINNER IN Y.C.A.M.R. " 500 " PARTIES and church summer TOKEN N0. 126 RON STIFF MAPLE All "n.0,." the Canadia'hiirolympic Boxing team in 1952, _is forming the Aâ€"L A-.. lUfllll “- -..- St. Gabriel's" Boys Club for boys between the ages of 10 to 16 years. The aim of the club is to promote p h y s i c a 1 fitness through regular exercise and workouts, and those who wish will be able to try their hand WOI‘KOULS, auu Luvs. u.» .._-,, will be able to try their hand in the ring under the expert guidance and supervision of Mr. Moss. Interested participants are asked to call 884-8516. i At The Mill Pond - I in THREE SESSIONS . THE PARKS BOARD AND RECREATION COMMITTEE . and THE RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT Y.W.C.A. '1 ’4‘““““II“‘I‘\‘ A1 Moss. whor\_vas chosen for Returning from a vaca- tion? Guests from out-of- town? Celebrating an an- niversary or birthday? En- tertaining at showers or parties for a June bride? Your summer activities make interesting reading for “Life in the Hill” col- umnsâ€"the service is free â€"just call the Social Edi- tor Margot Crack at 884- 1105-6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street Sonthâ€" we‘ll look forward to hear- ing from you. Marching their way to the end of this year’s activities are members of The Richmond Hill Lions Majorettes. They closed out their season by participating in the annual Bramp- ton Rose Parade June 24, the proceedings of which were slightly damped by rain. Come the fall some of the Rich- mond Hill girls will be entering into competitions in different communities. Plans are to have an even bigger corps next year. The group is sponsored by the Richmond Hill Lions 332‘; m: h JULY 3151; t:AUG.11th 9 A.M. TO 4 P.M. â€" MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Bring your lunch â€" we provide the milk FEE: $15 FOR EACH TWO-WEEK SESSION For application form, phone 884â€"4811 or drop into 25 Yonge St. N,, Richmond Hill Sponsored by: MINCED BEEF 49¢ lb. Levendale Road BIG AS All TOP QUALITY RED and BLUE BRAND BEEF FOR BOYé'AND GIRLS, 6 to 13 YEARS LEAN, MEATY 3 lbs. for 51.3 59¢ Ib. LEVENDALE MEATS PARK ‘Y': / DAY: $7 CAMP: §Ifs Camp Time! fl Telephone 884-5801 George Doherty returned to‘ his home on Mill Street last week having spent two weeks in Sunnybrook Hospital where he underwent minor surgery. . u__ nun-d .. -..- He’ll be conv‘alescing for the} next six weeks at his new home -â€"110 Inverlochy Blvd., Apt. 1404, thornhillâ€"where he and his wife, Joyce, moved last week. vv»\,-.. Their many friends hope he’ll continue to make good progress and that they’ll both be very happy in their new 10- cale detectives believe a cat burglar is operating here. Four resi- dences and Glenville Farms Dairy were broken into recent- ly and a number of articles are missing. Included in the haul was $1,931.43 in cash. NEWMARKET: York Rggiopal NEWMARKEfiimsta Eloore has just brought to an end a 17-year teaching career with the retarded children of this district. Mrs. Moore is ac- knowledged as a pioneer in the education of trainable retarded chfldren at the connnunfiy level. - Richmond Hill Richmond Heights Centre by the piece Marching T o The End Of Season LEAN, SIDE FRESH 55¢ lb. ad muummuuumumunnnuumuumuunumlummnmmm Mrs. Mona Robertson and her daughter, Miss Louise Robert- son, spent the Dominion Day weekend as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Caas Vanmassen at their home in Kitchener. inu“\uuuuumuuum“munuuuuulnumuuuuuuuuuuummg Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. A. Skilleter of Elizabeth Street South who celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on July 9. Unfortunately due to the ill health of Mrs. Skilleter, they’ll not be holding an ‘Open House‘ on Sunday. however. the thoughts of their many friends will be with them on this very aus- picious occasion. the piano 0 teacher Estelle Markham 884-3787 AIR CONDITIONER gggygfgngnpflmms & FURNITURE 884-9821 Free Air Conditioner on Many 26” Colour TV's Easy Credit â€" As Little As $4.95 a week â€" Even Less on P 0 Call us for Reliable TV Service â€"â€" 20 Years Exper THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, July YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL Quiet as a purring pussy DELUXE UNITS $179.00 We have the size to suit you Units “As Little As Let Brownie Help You Sleep In Comfort WITH AN $128.00 (‘lub. Registration dates for membership in the corps will be published in “The Liberal” about the middle of August. The Saturday wind-up in Brampton saw the girls prevent- ed from marching due to the rain. But a number of prizes were distributed to the outstanding girls by Instructor Doreen Hurlburt. The most outstanding twirler in all divisions was Allyson White who received a blue medal; the outstanding marcher in all divisions was Barbara Mole. BROWNIE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY? COME IN AND MAKE US PROVE IT 23c A DAY BUY OR RENT .TORONTO 781-3096 19th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ONE CENT SALE Overweight? Underweight? Enroll and receive a second membership for a friend for only 14!. CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE TOUR AND FIGURE ANALYSIS 85 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL 889-1033 Open 6 Days a Week 884-9297 Mon. - Fri. 9-9 0 Sat. 9-3 WWW‘W Even Less on Portable TV’s 20 Years Experience 0 197

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