Outside luhtmg maintenance Equipped with ladder work All commercial. residential and industrial wiring. Hydro elec- trical modernization plan avail- abla TO ANSWER ADVERTISEMENTS Simply address your reply to the box number given in the advertisement (e.g. Box 50 "The Liberal") and add P. O. Box 390. Richmond H.111. 889-6662 By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) R055 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Joscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountantl 121 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. - 884-1177 Brian H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 Yonge Street North Phone: 889-8275 884-8651 LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 8: ASSOCIATES Design Drawings Remodelling Plans Construction Advisory Free Estimates CALL PEB ROBERTS . COMPANY 884-6253 14 Finlay Electric Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Construction Consultants SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Auto . Transmission Engineering Electrical Contractors Elwtflm Construction and Maintenance PROMPT SERVICE CALL ANYTIME 884-9691 GRANT ELECTRIC BOX 333 RICHMOND HILL Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 889-2741 84 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario FREE ESTIMATES Call any time CUSTOM WORK Chartered Accountants Carpentry STEAMFITTING WELDING 881-2509 884-6663 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July NEWMARKET: N e w m a r 1: a t‘ Badman Owner Dang Miller has announced that Jack Cowell will be the new coach and Wilf Wyatt will take on the manag- erial duties. This pair took the Newmarket Midgets to the All- Ontario Finals two years ago. Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge Street 5. Aurora, Ontario PEFFERLAW: The Sutton sew- age lagoon is polluting the Black River according to resi- dents of the neighborhood. Be. cause of pollution in the river, the Sibbald water system. which serves 45 cottages, won‘t oper. ate this year. Barrow Insurance Servnces Ltd. NEWMARKET: In recent months eight flags have been stolen here. Seven have bean taken from the cenotaph and the most recent one. a Union Jack. from the flagpole at the veterans' association hall. Ernie Brock& Son 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363- " FUR CLEANING MODERN COLD STORAGE F R E E PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Repairs - Restyung - Alterations 5931 YONGE ST" WILLOWDALE (at Cummer) 225-0801 or 225-4442 Serving in the Willowdale - Thornhill and Richmond Hill Areas Since 1960 TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Aborlst LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 or 832-2445 Res. 832-1224 Authorized Consumers’ ’Gas Contractors FURNACES â€" WATER HEATERS AND AIR CONDITIONING 889-0506 Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. HEATING and Air Conditioning Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Fire. Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. 727-2737 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 24 hour service to all of York County Complete Insurance Service ’orner Agency Limited Insurance Forestry 884-7 774 Furrier FINN FURS C0. MAC Heating Co. - 884-7977 363-3959 884-1013 364-2625 RUMBLE TRANSPORT Local and Long Distance C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line o£_ Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 A. W. Kitchen, O.D. Service centre for all makes of lawn and garden equip- ment. Free pick-up and delivery. Peter E. Martinello O.D. Sporting Goods Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop Office Supplies 7571 YONGE STREET THORNHILL - 889-0805 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies, Social Statiouery Summer Hours Monday to Friday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. C105ed Saturday during July and August only BRIAN MATHER P.C.V. Class A‘ C. and H. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill STATE FARM INSURANCE Auto - Life - Fire - Boat 128 LAVEROCK AVE. Optometrists THE LAWN MOWER SHOP DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO H. B. FISHER Office Supplies 8220 Bayview Ave. South of Hwy. 7 Thornhill lawnmower Repairs Trucking By Appointment Insurance 889-1710 884=3962 BUS.: 884-4050 Hauling (Continued) 6, 1972 LeBlanc entered by removing a front window screen and push- ing up the window. Wine, 11- quor and jewelry valued at $345 were stolen and nothing was reâ€" envered. The other admitted crime was Jlmuary 10 at the home of Klaus Friesecke. 106 Arnold Avenue, Thornhill when the two youths entered by breaking a basement window. They stole a watch and chain. guitar and case, radio and wine altogether valued at $530. Recovered were 1tem‘s valued at $320. Kevin LeBlanc of Dufferin Street faced two other break-in charges but they were with- drawn by Crown Attorney Wil- liam Donaldson after the two other offenses were admitted. LeBlanc had been sentenced three times prew’ously for crim- inal offenses committed since he reached the age of 16 years. THORNHILL THEFTS Crown Attorney Donaldson told the court one of the ad- mitted crimes occurred Decem- ber 25, at the residence of Jeannette Elvidge, 141 Arnold Street. Thornhill. Along with another youth named Hansbury, mark Heaton and service station Owner Leo Barrett of the Leo Barrett Service Centre, 107 Highway 7 East. $181 CHEQUE Barrett testified he was paid October 27 by Cohen with a cheque for a $181 major brake job. The cheque came back from the bank. He tried to col- lect the money from Cohen about a dozen times without success. He was paid two days before the trial took place. Bank Manager Heaton said the account number on the cheque wasn't Cohen's and he hadn't been able to traCe the account. Already given 18-months in jail at Oshawa he was remand- ed in custody of the Richmond Hill Court by Provincial Judge Carl Waisberg for sentence July 17. A 17-year-old Vaughan T0wn youth in Richmond Hill Provin- cial Court Thursday of last week admitted two Thornhill burglaries. He‘d been caught and sentenced earlier in the week in Oshawa for robbery. Vaughan Youth Admits Two Thomhill Burglaries Awaiting Sentence Education, she discovered was under a council com- mittee, “municipal councils are huge." The compulsory age for schooling is 15 years and it is proposed to make this 16 years. However, this move was not a popular one, Mrs. Hancey found, as the wage level. particularly in of the people need to be examined and these cross over party lines.": In England and Wales she found that it was necessary to be a member of a politi- cal party to be a candidate for municipal government. In Scotland. several members of the Glasgow Council were party members but had run as independents. “The trend was to devise a way to get party politics out of muni- cipal government," our local councillor found. "They are coming back to the opinion that municipal government is housekeeping. All the needs Keep your papers safe RICHMOND HILL are huge." The compulsory age for schooling is 15 years and it is proposed to make this 16 years. However, this move was not a popular one, Mrs. Hancey found, as the wage level, particularly in -muumumuuuumunuummuunnuunlmumummumluumummnmunmumummummml\muuummumnuuummummuunummuumummuumummunummmumnmuuumuuumummmmmnmummummu11mmmuumummuuumuuummumumnmmmumnuumununuuuuuuuumuuuu 1mmuummmuumlmumumuuumuumnnuumuumunuunmu\mmmmuunun-I Illn:‘:â€"- (Ant-n.- ploys one and a half plan- ners They were also greatly im- pressed by the Welsh Na- tional Sports Centre, a train- ing centre for athletes com- peting in the British Com- V ..... “u. uuu lll: Canadians got the impres- sion that they were second- class guests when they com- pared their reception with that accorded a tremendous number of Japanese who were there at the same time. Alvflll aouy or 3,5240 101- three. They were also amazed to find that a feature of sightsee- ing in that city was a visit to the “red light" area and at the fantastic number of high rise apartment build- ings, with 55,000 people liv- A strange offshoot of the island position of Berlin is that desertions are practic- ally unknown as there is no place to go. However. fam- ily counselling and drug ad- diction centres are a great need. They are staffed by r__~_ -u... u allvuh mu: uccua. "Glasgow has an overall plan which includes trans- portation. housing. social work and education. with problems the same as ours. The County of Lanai-k. com- pares in many ways with the Region of York" Canadian‘s‘A' Privileged People, -- The It was on to Cardiff in Monmouthshire. a separated town. There Mrs. Hancey was shocked to discover that the public is permitted to sit and listen to council debates but is not permitted to ap- pear as delegations. People with problems have three means of approach to coun- cil-through the town‘s em- ployees, through the elected members or by request to the pertinent committee. (Continued from page 2) that lovely town on the River Thames, with a tour of the Royal Park. Your insurance contracts, sales agreements, mOrtgage, stocks and other certiï¬cates â€"- keep them safe where no one but yOu have access to them. Put them and other valuables like jewellery, too, in yOur own safety deposit box in the locked vaults of Victoria and Grey Trust Company. COnvenient, accessible to you, safe as forged steel and reinforced concrete can make them, Victoria and Grey safety depOSit boxes COst you as little as $5 a year. Get yours now! WCTORMM GREY VAUA Ulllfland LIED! TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. The senior Truu Company devoted emirer ro serving the people of Ontario. Cohen showed the court a bank book for an account with the same number in another bank. He said he usually car- ried an assortment of blank cheques in the conduct of his business and had apparently used the wrong cheque. NOT ENOUGH MONEY Cross examination by the C r o w n Attorney, however, showed Cohen hadn’t enough mgney in the other account to m ke the chéc‘1ue good. But Cohen said the bank would have honored the cheque and Judge Waisberg convicted Cohen on the evidence of Cana- dian Imperial Bank of Com- merce Dewnsview Manager Mark Heaton and service station Owner Leo Barrett of the Leo Barrett Service Centre, 107 Highway 7 East. $181 CHEQUE Barrett testified he was paid October 27 by Cohen with a cheque for a $181 major brake job. The cheque came back from the bank. He tried to col- lect the money from Cohen about a dozen times without success. He was paid two days‘ before the trial took place. Convicted after trial June 22 on a false pretenses charge in- volving a $181 bad cheque is- sued to a Langstaff service sta- tion was Basil Cohen, ‘42, of 215 Brighton Avenue, Downs- view, a real estate salesman divorced and supporting two children. There are 90 planners on the staff in Cardiff. 3 muni- cipality of 350.000 “I was impressed by the neighbor- hood offices set up where plans Were displayed to let the people who would be affected know what was going on." said Mrs Hancey who is chairman of Rich- mond Hill Council's Plan~ ning Committee, which em- ploys one and a half plan- ners The visitors from Rich- mond Hill were impressed with the extreme nationalis- tic feelings in 'Wales and Scotland and compared it to our French-Canadian ques- tion. “It could have been avoided." Meals on wheels. for in- stance. although run by vol- unteers is paid for by the municipality and an effort is made to integrate old folks with the young in.housing developments. They also were impressed by an agri‘ cultural college outside New- port. which goes beyond. Guelph. The Hanceys were greatly impressed by a technical school they visited. They also learned that a third of the people in some munici‘ palities are over 60 and so housing and care for the eld- erly_ receive high priority. Wales. is low and families need the wage of the 15- year-olds in order to exist. News Change in Ofï¬ce Hunts Effective July lst, 1972 Tues. - Thurs. 9:30 3.111. to 4:30 pm. Fri. 9:30 am. - 6:30 pm. Sat. 9 am. to Noon 884-1107 A 21-year-old Richmond Hill man caught walking along Yonge Street at Arnold Wed- nesday evening of last week with a bottle of beer in his hand was fined $10 and costs or two days jail. given him an overdraft. The judge said he would have to have evidence in order to be- lieve this Planning in England. Mrs. Hancey found. gave people top priority. but in Germany she felt the emphasis was placed on money-making. Hamburg, West Germany. was the next stop and the Canadians got the impres- sion that they were second- class guests when they com- pared their reception with that accorded a tremendous number of Japanese who were there at the same time. “Everywhere we went." she reported. “they knew about our world champion "Dynes" and Cardiff and Monmouthshire were no ex- ception.“ Jason Franks. 21, of 13 Lorne A restructured two-tier system of government will be introduced in Monmouth- shire in 1974 (giving a four year transitional period) with responsibilities divided sim- ilarin to those in the Reg- ion of York. Mrs. Hancey was surprised to learn that mayors and chairmen are elected by councillors from their mem. bers. not by the electorate An interesting highlight was a visit to St. Fagan‘s. a pioneer village going back centuries to the single room cottage with thatched roof. progressing to a two-storey house and a castle, with a display on the history of agâ€" riculture and another on Welsh crafts. monwealth. Olympic and international games by pro- fessional coaches in swim- ming, track, field, fencing, squash and tennis - Just 2 MinTLTTe-STTNOr’rII of Hwy. 7 WE APPRECIATE THE COUNTLESS ENQUIRIES THAT WE HAVE RECEIVED FOR THIS NEW COMMUNITY, AND WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICA- TIONS FOR PURCHASE FOR OUR HOMES. ANNOUNCEMENT! ‘ CADILLAC HOMES AND . BAH: ASSOCIATES ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT Their Sales Office Is Now Open In SALES OFFICE_OP Our Sales Also given 15 days to pay a $10 Liquor Comrol Act fine or spend two days in jail was John Deschamps, 18. of 12 Rou- chelle Crescent, Willowdale. Avenue was given 15 days to pay his fine when he asked for time to get the money. Deschamps admitted being caught in a Markham Town in- dustrial area with a case of beer under the seat of a van at 9:15 pm June 27. The Haticeys. who own three dogs. were shocked to learn that the tax on the first dog in Hamburg is 120 marks or $40, the tax on the second dog is 240 marks or $80 and on the third dog is 360 marks or $120, or a total of $240 for three. They were also amazed to find that a feature of sightsee- ing in that city was a visit to the “red light†area and In Germany not only must a candidate for municipal office be a member of a pol- itical party, he or she must be endorsed by that party. the Canadians learned. The only politician they met was a senator who gave them a brief quarter of an hour at a reception at city hall. Mrs. Hancey asked to see the senate chamber but was told that no member of the public or staff was al- lowed in. Finally the door was grudgingly opened and she was permitted to look in- side but not to enter. The chamber is roofed in glass. “only God being fit to over- see our debates.†to rigid specifications. The air raid shelters of reinforc- ed concrete built above ground are still standing. be- cause they are indestruct- ible. They are used for stor- age. Hamburg was 75% flattened by bombs during World War II but has been rebuilt. some areas bein g meticulous- ly rebuilt out of the rubble WHICH AE PRICED FRC :vssa'533,495 Office is lecated on fhe west 5 just 2 minutes north of Hwy. EN DAILY H A.M,-9 P.M., WEI FOR INFORMATION CALL 881-2252 At Templehof the airport. which was the lifeline of Berlin during the cold war. is located right in the cen- tre of the city. “The gov- ernment has reinforced all buildings and put in double and in some cases triple panes of glass to deaden the noise. “The affluence of the German people is as evident in Berlin as it was in Ham- burg. The people were ex- tremely well dressed and had cars. They use the re. sources they have. They must because they are an is- land and can’t get out. Ber- lin has built two modern in- cinerators to cope with its volume of garbage. They are very efficient." The reception in Berlin was much more cordial. This city. an island in a "red" sea. has its problems in housing and war damage. High rise is a necessity here. Mrs. Hancey said. but some areas still have outside priv- ies and have to carry water for blocks. There is no unemployment in West Germany, the Han- ceys reported, and everyone works very hard. “They also buy their own products. 95% of all cars béin'g'EHQaJm Germany." ing__in one square block ,r,v__ _r ..\.......B v. ulv nu ulvu. unuuuncu uaauc. . In case after case. while gently relieving pain. actual reduction (shrinka e)took place. _ Most important 0 all -. results were so thorou h that this imprtgvement was maintained over a perio of many men s. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyna) which quickly helps heal injure cells and stimulates rowthofnewtissue. _ . Now Bio- yne is offered in Ointment and supposnory form called Preparation H..Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your money refunded. Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue A renowned research institute has found a unique healing Substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhmds pam- lessly. It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles Hanceys Report sidg of Yonge St. EKENDS H AM.~6 PM. are providing a choice a! housing." Mrs. Hancey said. “In all places we visited the government was involved in land and housing out of nec- essity because private enter- prise didn‘t meet the needs." Back in Great Britain in Glasgow, the Hanceya found that city has fantastic hous- ing problems with great slum areas. Here high rise apartments have been built in slum areas but the people have shown resistance to moving into them because of fear of the unknown. “The authorities Were quite frank and quite blunt with us. They explained that housing had to be provided in a hurry and that was done. Now they have more time and more experience and There are 45 councillors in Templehof, one of 12 bor- oughs of Berlin. They are elected for four years. coun- cil elects the executive and they are paid. In Great Britain mayors and chair- men are not paid, but the question is being considered as it is felt a change in this policy would attract more candidates. Everywhere the mayoralty is considered a full-time job. professionals and sponsored by municipal government. There are 45 councillors in Templehof. one of 12 bor-