u v..--_ - _ There was a great celebration at the William Baker home on Sunday. when relatives and friends gathered to surprise Mr. Baker on his 80th birthday. Mrs. Baker’s birthday was on Saturday. but she preferred to bow to the octogenarian in the family. u»..- -... The Air Transport Commitâ€"' tee of the Federal Transport Commission in Ottawa has giv- en Toronto Helicopters Ltd. permission to operate the char-I ter service at Buttonviile in spite of objections of other helicopter companies. Helicop- ter services have also been al- lowed for Peterboro. Bonfield’ and Dryden. Neighborhood Notes There was a great ceiebrationl Helicopter Service According to a recent article in the Globe and Mail, Button- ville- Airport will have a new charter helicopter service in the near future. ... H“ The party was planned by Jim and Frances (Baker) Pow- ell of Markham. and Ross and Lois Baker of Cachet Country Club and their families. Among the guests were Mr. Baker’s sisters Mrs. Phyllis Clark and Mrs. Jim Tooley of Buttonville: Mrs. Baker's sister of Guelph, and Nieces and nephews, Among neighbors and old friends attending were the Au- brey Stephensons. the Walter Craigs. the Jim Rodicks. Jack and Mary Radick. Mrs. Douglas Hood. Mrs. Tim Paterson. Mrs. Shenfield and Alf. the Russel Boyingtons and‘ Mrs. Sidney English. Congratulations and many happy returns. Another birthday celebranl last Saturday was Mrs. George Clarke. who has chalked up 77 summers. Our best wishes. Margret. Champion is home from New York on vacation this month. Sorry to learn that Mrs. Lloyd Baker. Rose to her friends .has not been well. Mrs. Baker fell down the stairs a couple of weeks ago and is nursing bruises to prove it. Darlene Stevenson entered the school Ior nurses‘ aids at Scarboro General Hospital on Monday morning of this week. Special congratulations to Lorna Cox. younger daughter of Detective Clifford Cox and Mrs. Cox. who topped grade 8 stu- dents at Woodland Senior Pubâ€" lic School. coming first in I class of 233. At graduation ceremonies late in June. Lorna received the Academic Award. a trophy. and was presented with a book on Canada by the York County Board of Education. Our con- gratulations! Several local families are taking advantage of swimming lessons offered at pools in Thornhill. Unionville and Mark- ham. Among them are the Cl‘aigies. the Travisses. the Cunninghams. and the Donald- sons. Let. me know when award time comes around! Speaking of recreation. have you visited the area’s latest con- servation park. Milne Conserva- tion Area at Markham. The entrance is from the east side of the Concession about 1/4 mile south of Highway 7. There are more than two hundred acres of parkland with provision for picnics. a small lake and other attractions. A good place to go, on a hot day. and not so crowded as Bruce's Mill TENDERS ALTERATIONS AND RENO- VATIONS TO THREE EXIST- ING BUILDINGS AT KING CAMPUS SEALED TENDERS. on a stipu- lated sum basis plainly marked "Tender for Alterations and Renovations to Three Existing Buildings at King Campus? will be received until 3:00 pm. E.D.S.T. MONDAY. JULY 24. 1972 at the office of the Superin- tendent of Development. Room 4175. Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, 1750 Finch Avenue East, Willowdale, Ontario. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the College Architect. Seneca College, on deposit of a certified cheque for $50.00 payable to Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology. This deposit will be returned upon return of plans and specifications in good condition. One set of plans and specifications will be available for inspection at the Toronto Construction Association. Lowest or any tender not ne- condition. One Speciï¬cauons for inspection Construction . Lowest or a] cessarily accet SENECA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY King, Ontario CHILDREN $1.50 EACH Everything Included: Food - Beverage - Favours Complete Supervision PHONE - 884-7005 owest or any tender arily accepted. SENECA COLLEGE APPLIED ARTS A TECHNOLOGY Correspondent: Mrs. F. H. Lea! Markham Phone 294-5290 PARTIES 1'65 ide Garr nan New ion}: of the 'nham in good am and wailable Toronto Board ‘1‘. . â€". u; 5...... _~‘ I / z 132$; F593;- s ’ v~ - hYouBUYFORLESS...ANDYDUCANRELYUNWHA}: «you BUYE..NOBODYBEATSBAD 30L I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. July 13, 197