Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jul 1972, p. 15

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unlueu uuuruu 189 DudleyAvenue, Thor-1112111, Ontario. Morning Worship -â€" Sunday -â€" 10-. 00 AM. Wednesday Evening Worship -â€" 7:30 RM. Church School Classes at both Services Rev. Alf McAlister B.A.. B.D. A warm welcome awaits you The Service will be led by" Henry Crane and Don Snider] Sermon: Rev. H. Newtonâ€"Smithf ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN Yonge at Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-”227 Rector - Rev. Bernard Barrett: Assistant -â€" Rev. Fred Jackson Consultant â€"- Irene Nicholls SUNDAY. JULY 16. 1972 8 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion 10 am -â€"« Morning Service at Richmond Hill United Church Joint Congregation. Wednesday 10 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion EMMANEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive â€" Rlchvnle Rev. George Young 3A., B.D. 889-6789 Mr: Robert Long. Organist SUNDAY. JULY 16. 1972 Trinity 7 4|) Lnurcn Db. lllUllllllll (where Hwy. 715 meets llN) Pastor Rev. Don Whitelaw B.Th. SUNDAY. JULY 16. 1972 11.00 a.m.â€"Bib1e Preaching 7.00 p.m.â€"Joy and Praise ‘Wednesday 7.00 to 8.30 pm. All Family Bible School Nursery to Adult. Free Bus Activities, De- votions. Coffee. Enquiry at 889-0175 or 889-7431 WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Meet Us Where Weldrick Road Meets Bathurst Rev. B. T. McSpadden. Pastor 884-7859 We Preach the Redeemer Resurrection, Rapture and Revelation 10 am. â€"- Bible School 11 am. -- Morning Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Wednesday :8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting An Old Fashioned Countrv l0 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer Church on the Edge of the City EMMANEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive -â€" Richvale Rev. George Young B.A., 83 889-6789 Mr. Rabert Long. Organist 1 Maple ‘Baa-mm The Anglican Church of Canada SUNDAY, MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH‘Rectox‘: Rev. Ramsey Armitage 9:45 am. â€"~ : Maple Communitv Centre [ ' M.A.. D.D. Hour Kegégtoifr‘gt qNarth- Mame F8a‘m. ~â€" Holy Communion 511:00 am. ~â€" ‘ 2,1,; baggafidsnn 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer [Pastor Corbe Sand; ’5 , Holy Communion on 2nd at bo‘ 9:45am __ SSHngvé‘érool Sunday of mon}h at 1_1 am. 17:00 pm ,_ n a,m. L. Morning worship HOLY TRINITY CHURCH We Service THORNHILL 8 pm. -â€" Pra; 7p.m_ _ Evening service Brooke 3211‘: Jill-1e Streets Studamors} Eve on W e Welcome a-.. Mm... u n "mm-Ian. B.A. mummu THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bayvicw and Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. David N. Sproule 884-4236 Hanorary Assistant Rev. Herbert Newton-Smith SUNDAY. JULY 16. 1972 Trinity 7 9:30 am. â€" Morning Prayer JACKPOT $500 -â€" 55 NUMERS JULY 18 -â€" 20 Regular Games 1 share the wealth â€"- 1 rainbow â€"â€" 1 pie plate Earlybirds 7.30 p.m BOTH FOR BARBECUE STEAKS "179° Levendale Road 0 Richmond Heights Centre Telephone 884-5801 ANGLICAN ALLIANCE Ilfi AS All MINORS TOP QUALITY RED and BLUE BRAND BEEF AND 1 PKG. WIEN ER St. Mary’s Parish Hall Yonge St. N. -â€" Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. 1 LB. LOOSE WIENERS LEVENDALE MEATS BUNS 59¢ 1°! 1”" Eb p.111. â€" Brayer meeung g -~7-~~#-â€"~ ~ Y r Old Fashioned Countrvi Agngnlg£gH rayer - ,‘ Mg Rayal Orchard Boulevard 3 Bay Thom Drive Thornhill, Ontario Arnold D. Weigel, B.A., B.D. Pastor e Thornhlll Phone 889-0873 . SUNDAY. JULY 16. 1972 Umted Church #3" m # Famin ; EVERYONE WELCOME 189DudleyAvenue. Thomhiu, Ontario. } zroN LUTHERAN CHURCH > (2 Miles South of Mayle) - - _ _ . 1 I Rev. John Arbuckle, Pastor MommgWorshxp Sunday 10.00 AM. Organist Mrs. A. Moore Wednesdav Evening Worship â€" 7:30 RM. ' ‘ SUND Y, Y 16, 972 Church Schoo‘ Classes at both Sewices ‘ 9:45 am. i giggle), Chuicb Join with us in worship Rev. AlchAlisterB.A.,B.D. i School . I :11 am. ~ Our Servxce to God A warm welcome awalts you I Nursery Care PrOVided “AWN” __ ‘ ‘For Information call the Pastor " ' l at 332-2523 Rev. Canon H. R. Howden. BA L.Th. Mr. Graham Upcraft LRAM Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY. JULY 16, 1972 Trinity VII 8:00 a.m.â€"-â€"Holy Communion 10:30 a.m‘â€"Morning Prayer ST. STEPHENS CHURCH Preacher: Rev. A. J. Forte LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fenowship Churrh) 26 Church St.. Thornhm BACON 59¢ lb. by the piece BAPTIST LEAN, SIDE Stay-laters 55¢ lb, Howdenv B-A- THORNHILITBXfiTIST - CHURCH :raft [{RAM Stop 17, Yonze Street \01!‘ Director (Convention of Ont. 8; Que.) Y 16» 1972 Rev. Ernest L. Johns B.A.. 3-D- V" . 834-5816 WWW" Robert Richardson “3 Prayer Organist and Choirmaster A‘ J- Forte 10:30 a.m â€"â€" Worship Service Church School and Nursery [CT Care 7 H____ at both services. 7:00 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service Wednesday 8 pm. ~â€" Prayer and Bible Study. ALL WELCOME ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. & Que.) , Rev. Richard L. McPhee 884-8038 SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1972 10 a.m.-â€"Worship Serice Visitors Made Welcome RICHMOND HILL f ST MATTEW’S UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH 50 Wright Street 325 Crosby Avenue Pastor Rev. E. C. Corbett. Rev. John McTavish 8.111., B.R.E. Minister, 884-5526 884-3091 889-7308‘ SUNDAY. JULY 16. 1972 SUNDAY, JULY 16. 1972 10 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service 9:45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School V WELCOME HOW I” “Pages ‘ RICHMOND HILL UNITED 11:00 am. -â€" Mornmg Worshlp} CHURCH Pastor Corbett will be speaking; you“ and Centre street! ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue 5., Richmond Hill Near Centre Street. The Rev. James S. Dauphinee Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1972 The Seventh Sunday After Trinity 9:30 am. â€" The Service of Worship. Noteâ€"â€"Sunday Church School is cancelled for the summer months. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN' CHURCH 271 Centre St.. Thornhfll The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans 3.11., 3.1).. D.D., Minister Public Worship of God 10 a.m.; Welcome -â€"â€" 889-5391 I RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wallace Minister Organist and Choir Leader Mrs. Victoria Fraser Mus. Baa SUNDAY, JULY 16‘ 1972 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE-CARRVILLE PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Stanley E, Snowden 3A.. B.D., Minister 832-1403 SUNDAYS DURING JULY 10:00 auxâ€"Joint Services at Maple Presbyterian Church A Warm Welcome To All Dan .I. 1 DIUIILA‘ AND heat A Denomination A Church MAPLE UNITED CHURCHES Of The New Testament Order AT ST. ANDREW’S A CHURCH OF CHRIST l DURING JULY Concord Road and King Highl Worship at 10 am. C urge r 0 Wm . 0N 0RD H R mLélnggg:BYTERIA5 SUNDAY SERVICES 1 SUMMER SCHEDULE 2 u T}; 9:45 am. â€" 131mg School‘ 3A., 3.1).. D.D_, Minister 10 am. - Morqmg Selfvlce Public Worship of God 10 am. 7 Pm ~‘ Worship Servxce Welcome .. 3895391 Wednesday 7:30 p.121. â€"- Bible Study Sunday 12:30 pm â€" Watch "The "MITCH Herald of Truth” TV Channel PRESBYTERIAN RlCHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright Street Pastor Rev. E. C. Corbett. B.Th., B.R‘E. FRANK A. TUCKER 889-2000 AUTO 2-CAR FAMILY SPECIAL LUTHERAN Visitors Most Welcome COMBINED SERVICES ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN AND 10% - 2 Cars Extra 15% Good Driver 3 years accident free 25% Good Student if you qualify SAFECD INSURANCE UNITED L Other Denominations The Missionary Church Worship SeI‘Vice . . . . . . 11 am Evening Fellowship . . . . . '1 p.m Prayer Fellowship . . . . A . 8pm. (Evening meetings in members homes). Youth Fellowship . . . . Wednesday GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. Eldon Boettger, Pastor 887-5846 or 640-1501 SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1972 9:50 am. â€"â€"â€" Family Bible Hour 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service 7:30 pm.â€"Service of Fellowship WEDNESDAY 8 pm. -â€" Prayer Service A Warm Welcome Awaits You Seminars 7:30 pm. â€"â€" Pra and Bible Study DONCASI‘ER BIBLE CHAPEL Clarke and Willowdale Sts. SUNDAY, JULY 16. 1972 9:45 am. -~ Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Family Service Mr. P. King 7 pm .â€" Evening Service RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Avenue. Richvale SUNDAY, JULY 16. 1972 9.30 am. â€"~ The Lord’s Supper 11 am. ~â€" Family Bible Hour 11 am. v Sunday School Kindergarten to Grade 6 Bible School for Grade 7 and up ‘7 pm. ~ Service Tuesday 8 pm. â€"- Bible Study and Prayer Ministers The Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 The Rev. Rowan D. Binning 884-1301 Organist and Choir Leader Gordon M. Fleming Church Office 884-1301 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road West Pastor F. C. J. Pearce 222-2200 11 am. â€"â€" Divine Worship Wednesday 7:30 pm - Prayer Meeting Saturday 9:30 am. â€"« Sabbath School 3 Barrie RICHMONI) HILL forward lme eftort resulted in FREE .METHODIST CHURCH goals from Scott Spiers (four) 212 Hillsview Drive and No from Brett Graham. Pastor Harry Stel and Steven Harris David A. Dyer, B.A.. 3.1)., counted the goals for Sanderson 884-6629 Gulf. I SUNDAY. JULY 16. 1972 Richvale Scaffold Rentals 2, 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School Priority Travel 0 11am. â€" Morning Worship Goals by Jam Barton and NOTE - Sunday Evening Serv-‘Tracy Morton and a stout de- ice will be cancelled so that‘fensive game by Richvale kept congregation may attend un- Maressive Peter Eckersly and ited service at Pine Orchard “ “1 Beckwith from putting Camp - 7:30 pm. ‘riority on the score sheet. Tuesday Black Hawk Motor Inn 3 7:30 pm â€" Bible Study and Spartans 4 : Prayer Hour - This was the gest game of the BmADIAN 1evening with both teams giving REFORA‘IED CHURCH 3311*0Ut effort and only a late 146 THORNRIDGE 133., bean shot total by Spartans THORNHILL decided the game. "‘"mfl' League Stands ncv. .u. Vfluuvluvvm .u-u. Service at 10:30 am. a: 5:00 p.111. Sanderson Gulf 5 Every other Sunday at 9:00 aim-Expos . . . 3 Worship Service in the Dutch‘mmadc’es ‘ ' ' ~ ' ‘ 3 l 4 Ian u _ Emerald Isle Motel 2 1‘ g age LRichvale Scaffold 2 E Spartans . . .. 2 EVANDORF: The feasibility of‘Black Hawk locating two new industries on. Motel Inn 2 ‘a site near the intersection of»Priority Travel 1 anon M1115 and the Aurora Road,}Mosquo DIVISION Iwere discussed at a publichnne 27) ‘meeting July 6. The firms are? Go Go Contractin HelmacRoth Limited and Mold? Belgian Art Studi ‘Mastei‘s Limited, both seeking Go Go Contracting ltO expand present facilities now decision from Belgi established in Metro. ,Studio in this game P RICHMOND HILL (Beverley Acres School) Rev. Ronald Hallman B.Th. Minister 884-6136 SUNDAY. JULY 16. 1972 Christian Education Hour at 9:50 am BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 146 THORNRIDGE DR” THORNHILL Minister: Rev. D. Vandal-Boom MTI-L Service at 10:30 am. 8: 5:00 pm. Every other Sunday at 9:00 am. Worship Service in the Dutch language. SUNDAY. JULY 16. 1972 a.m.-â€"J0int Worship Service with St. Mary's Anglican at Richmond Hill United Church A. E. Atkinson Minister, 889-3364 Paterson. Sec. 225-9745 RICHMOND ’HILL All Are Welcome Wednesday -â€" Prayer Meeting Tuesday 7:30 pm. SQUIRT DIVISION | (June 27) Dan‘s £550 3 } Goal scorers for Avenues‘ Luenby’s Leaders 0 were Neil Park. Stephen Boyd, Led by three goals by Mar’and Philip Mansfield. Steven McLennan.. Dan's continue to Cuccio and Billy Palmer count- improve as they completely 0111- ed for Tournametns. played Lazenby‘s for a well-del Deciantis Construction 2 served victory. Paul Rothwell.‘ Flyers 0 Andrew Rockarts. and Roy Hay-l The league-leading .Flyers ward Were best for Lazenbys. crashed to their first defeat of ‘Dynes Jewellers 2.Travelways 0 the season at the hands of a Andrew Rockarts. and Roy Hay-S The league-leading finer-SK For an albmund display. “91d “1 5L dorms L ward Were best for Lazenbys. crashed to their first defeat oficredit goes to Regina Castelâ€" H0179. Where MT- Dynes Jewellers 2. Travelways 0 the season at the hands of a letti, who Was bumped around a honorary aSSiSlam- In a well-played match Dynes fired-up Deciantis crew. Doug bit but was always coming back- presented to him by edged Travelways on goals by Chreptyk and Russ Moreiand Once again the Otters excened wardeqs 0“ ber‘alf Dave Hopkins and Brian Simp- were the scorers in this excitinglat ground paSSing of the ball. grfi‘gatlom and a 16“ son. Terry Bunker and Steven contest. * * * BlShOP 0f the Diocé MacDonald played strong games Pin-is Fruit Market 8 More newcomers â€"â€" Laurie â€".â€";___._ for Travelways. Belgian Art Studio 1 Carton (juniors) and Janice Le- «m V Ratcliffs 5. Balls I There seems no way of stop- ping Antonino Marinelli as he fired four goals in leading Rat- cliffs over Baif’s Bombers. David Stewart added a single to round out the scoring. Joern Weippert tallied Baifs' only goal. In true coaching tradi- tion Baif‘s Mark Smith said, “wait ’til next game“. (July 4) Baifs 0. Lazenby’s 0 In a tight defensive battle Baits and Lazenbys played to a scoreless draw. Although apply- ing constant pressure Baits were unable to beat goalie Rob-l by Eagleson of Lazenbys. Mike‘ Rae got the shutout for Baifs. Dan‘s Esso 3. Travelways 1 ? Dan's continue to play win- ning soccer with a decisive vic- ‘tory over TravelwayS. For the second Week in a row Mark McLennan scored the “hat- trick". Terry Bunker replied for Travelways. Ratcliffs 5, Dynes Jewellers 1 Dynes managed to contain the powerful Ratcliff’s forward line, for the first half. However at tacking constantly Ratcliffs gradually assumed command of the game on single goals by David Stewart. Tom Kirisit, ‘Graham Barton. and two goals by Antonino Marinelli. In his first game for Dynes. Mario Maccarato scored their lone marker. League Standings Ratchffs . . .. Baifs Lazenby’s Leaders Dan’s Esso . . . . . Dynes Jewellers . Travelways . . ATOM DIVISION Emerald Isle Motel 8 Spartans 0 John Struthers‘ first shutout of the year led the white and green boys to a win over Spar- tans. Spartans started well but a good effort from the strong motel forward line proved too ‘much. (June 28) Sanderson Gulf 6 Priority Travel 0 Coach Delgrosso had his boys moving the ball like clockwork and only excellent defensive work by Graham Kernohan and superb goal tending by James Gwillam kept the score at six Expos 5 Black Hawk Motor Inn 1 Expos have proven they have the best defense in the league but this week they showed that they could also score goals. Stars of the game were Billy Dornan, Kevin Washington and Peter Morris. Rlehvale Scaffold Rentals 8 Tornadoes 1 The Richvale boys proved too much for Tornadoes in this one. The good passing plays expect- ed from Tornadoes were cut off day a solid Richvale defence. Sanderson Gulf 4, Spartans 1 This game was played July 3 as a result of a cancellation on June 21. In the first half Coach} Van Kempen’s boys led 1â€"0 but‘ the oilmen proved too strong‘ by scoring four times in that second half without reply. Scorers for Gulf were Harry Stel with two, Steven Harris and Kenneth Large. Ross Wal- ton scored for Spartans. Emerald Isle Motel 8 Expos 6 Lorne Baxter netted all six goals for Emerald Isle but a fighting ExpOs team replied with goals from Peter Del- grosso (two) Maurice Delfabro (three) and Eddie Opatowski. Stars of the game were Cyril Steenson and Mark Clenden- ning. Tornadoes 6, Sanderson Gulf 2 Sanderson Gulf met their first defeat of the season at the hands of TornadOes. A strong forward line effort resulted in goals from Scott Spiers (four) and No from Brett Graham. Harry Stel and Steven Harris counted the goals for Sanderson ‘Gulr. Minor Soccer Results HOUSE LEAGUE PLAY Go Go Contracting 1 Belgian Art Studio 0 Go Contracting took the Lot: from Belgian Art game played at Pts Pin-is Fruit Market 8 Belgian Art Studio 1 Pirris remained the only un- defeated teams in the league as they crushed Art Studio. A “habtn‘ck” by Norman Murphy. two goals by John Isbister and singles by John Gray and Peter Tipoid took care of the goals for Pirris. Stephen Young re- plied with the lone goal for Bel- gian Art. Go Go Contracting 4, Falcons l Go Go continued to play at- tractive soccer and make it effective at the same time. as they dumped Falcons. Two goals by Danny Iafano and ‘singles by Scott Taylor and Kelly Farrell were too much for lFalcons whose one goal was notched by Danny Busnello. (July 3) Belgian Art Studio Zn Declantis Construction 0 This was the first victory of the season for Art Studio whose goals were netted by Jimmy Mark and Kevin Kernohan. Honourable mention goes to ‘Rich Hughes who was easily the best of a good Deciantis team. Falcons 9. Taurnaments 0 ‘ Scott Patterson and Paul Skippari turned the hat trick for Falcons while Danny Bus- nello counted twice and Donald Rothman added a single. Pirri‘s Fruit Market 3. Flyers 2 The two top teams clashed‘ head on in this contest which( lived up to expectations as thel best game of the season. Flyers‘ jumped into an early lead on a fine goal by Johnny Vorich but‘ the Pirri's team never gave up; and fought back to take the lead on goals by John Isbister (two)‘ and John Gray. A goal by Alan Clarke narrowed the gap and ‘the Flyers continued to press ,until the final whistle. Go Go Contracting 10 l Avenues 5 ‘I Go Go doubled the score on lAvenues in this wide-open high- lscoring affair. David Cates was the big man for Go Go as he lnetted five goals. Kelly Farrell added two goals and singles went to Robert Volk, Gary Bubeloff, and Scott Taylor. Stephen counted a hat-trick for Avenues and Tom Jensen and Sandro Vignano added singles. League Standings Fruit Market 5 Go Go Contracting 3 Deciantis Construction 3 O 2 6 Flyers............3 0 2 6 Avenues 2 0 3 4 Falcons . . . . . . . . ‘2 0 3 4 1 Belgian Art Studio 1 0 4 2 Tournaments Inc, 0 1 4 1 PEEWEE DIVISION Lancers 7, Rotary 3 Charlie MacDonald's Lancers surprised Rotary in this high‘ scoring game. Graham Macn Donald counted a “hat-trick”while Walter Cimino scored‘ twice, and Eric Thompson and‘ Albert Legge added one each. ‘Scorers for Rotary were Paul Warren (two) and Sean Con- 'sidine. Star of the game was Danny McVeigh in goal for Lancers. , Pirri 's Baits 4, Chiefs 1 Bruce Noble scored twice and singles were added by Duncan Condy and Mike Fraser. Lone goal for the Chiefs was netted by Tim Nugent as Chiefs dfls- played a good defensive effort against the unbeaten Baifs 1squad. ‘League Standings Travelways 3 Northwest Boys Club 1 Another good night for the busmen. Although Travelways had most of the play in the first ‘half they could not get on the score sheet and Northwest Boys Club were lucky to turn around at half-time with a 0-D score. Early in the second half North- west was awarded a penalty shot but goalie Paul Thomasf came to the rescue with a fine save. This play seemed to give Travelways the inspiration they; needed and Kevin KernohanjI Have them the lead with a goal‘ from a free kick, 30 yards out. Kevin scored again and then‘ Northwest netted their lone‘i anl. Kevin‘s big boot came to‘ the rescue again with the best‘ goal of the game. A "hat-trick" is usually quite a feat. but when the centre half turns the trick: it really is outstanding. Conn Eratulations K e v i n. J o h :1 Hughes and Lorne Baxter also ,tumed in fine efforts. Baifs .. Lancers Chiefs . Rotary NORTH YORK LEAGUE PLAY ATOM DIVISION Lazenby’s Lassies o Roadrunners 0 Maybe the eclipse of the sun Monday had something to do :with girls in the senior division ‘not getting on the score sheet. iThe “Lassies” played in their new equipment donated by Wil- ‘Iiam Lazenby. Of special note was the handwork of Alvina Mc- ‘Kenna and Sandra McArthur ‘for Lazenby’s and Roberta Cas- (July 10) Girls’ Soccer WTLPts 07 01 D11 53 5644.21. 22334.4 000001... 332210:- 1tary 3 ,el- Tentative plans are being made to have two Richmond 3 1 Hill teams play an exhibition at- game prior to one of Metro's it professional sneeer games at as Varsity Stadium. Honors will we go to the senior girls for this md one. felletti and Catherine Eckersley th%;;§:s"2?12;lgarsx i‘Rev.W.F.WriX0" 55 “5- Minist'y Lots of Goals des iie the heal . . . . . made web-junior pgirls- game Friends of Rev. W. F. Wrixon..1ng his appreciation of Mr. Very entertaining. The anemia former rector of St: hiary‘lerixon‘s ministry, was read by won without regnlar goalie Gil-l-Apglic‘?" Chum“ R}°hm°“d the rem“- lian Cornwall and took overfi‘u' “"ubemmmsmd m leam‘ Following the serviCe a re- completely in the second half. gmg ma} he recfinuy “lemme? ception was held in the parish ‘ Best goal of the game camelth‘“ 52m anniversary 05 .1315 hall, to give parishoners the op- lfrom the losersâ€"from Maiireenrurdmahon “(We 5'3ch mmls' portunity to greet the Wrixons \Majorâ€"while sound perform-ltry‘ Mr- wm‘on “’35 ‘he rfic' Mrs. Wrixon was presented with ’ances were put up by Caroline to" here from 1936 t“ 1992- a bouquet of carnations. Snid r ltw oalsl. Katherine During 93” Of that time he - - Beckivith Itgvoggoalsl and Karenilserved as Rural Dean 3150’ Before coming to RIChmonc ' ‘ ' '11 Mr. Wrixon had served a: .t . ( o 1,. t .a serv1ce of thanksdivmg Hi I . Bag)? :28 gaimund display‘ held in St. John’s Church:a Port redo" at ngx JEfiEFSOH 31” credit goes to Regina Castel~ Hope. Where MT- Wrixon i5 Maple‘ ' 19m whn “m. hm“an 3mm"; 3 honorary assistant. gifts were It is hoped that he will be it Best goal of the game came from the 1ose1‘sâ€"from Maureen Majorâ€"while sound perform- ances were put up by Caroline Snider ttwo goals). Katherine Beckwith (two goals) and Karen Baxter (one goal). More newcomers â€"â€" Laurie Carton (juniors) and Janice Le- Blanc and Joanne Creti (seni- ors). Welcome. The third game in the Rich- mond Hill/North York girls’ trophy series will be played shortlyâ€"date to be announced. Scarboro Mortimers Pull Out Of league "Loss of my first string hur- ler with an injury and the un- reliability of a backup man who travels on the road in his job deletes my mound talent.“ said Mortimer. Toronto and District Senior Fastball League President Bill Hurst has announced that Lou Mortimer, owner-manager of Scarboro Mortimers Fastball Club, has withdrawn his team from further competition this season. Mortimer cited lack of depth in his pitching personnel as the major reason for his club's dif- ficulties. Scarboro lost all six games played and were outscored 67 to 6. Sports club pulls out Mortimer added that “in the best interests of my players and the league I feel that it is only fair that I remove my team from further competition. Scarboro had played four games against Eastern Divisior: teams and the points from these games will stand. However, the results of two contests against teams in the Central Division will be removed from the rec- ords. Hurst felt that if they were to reapply next season with bet- ter financing and more talented players Mortimers would be allowed to rejoin the league. mmuummlmmmunnnnnnnmunnnnmm1numnummunum A revised schedule through August 24 has been released by thé league. Richmond Hill Centen- nial Pool Manager John Perry and Murray Kirkpat- rick. ambulance driver have qualified for the St. John Ambulance First Aid Instructor’s Certificate. Both men were present at the July 10 meeting of Richmond Hill Council to receive their certificates from Mayor William Lazen- by, who is also chairman of St. John York Central Branch. Two Qualify As Instructors OUR SUMMER CLEARANCE OF QUALITY USED CARS 1971 RENAULT 16 SEDAN/WAGON -- Michelin radial ply tires in excellent condition. Lic. 495683. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1971 RENAULT 12 FOUR DOOR SEDAN -â€" Radial ply tires, immaculate. Lic. N94374. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1969 RENAULT 16 SEDAN/WAGON -â€" Michelin radial ply tires, well maintained. Lic. N47218. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1968 RENAULT 16 SEDAN/WAGON â€"- Michelin radials, radio, exceptional car. Lic. 14252L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1969 CORTINA G.T. â€" Radio, radial ply tires, head rests,-looks and drives like a new car. Lic. 25140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1968 V.W. WAGON -â€" New engine, newly painted, in first class condition. Lic. X50392 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOR RENAULT SERVICE IN THIS AREA FOR RENAULT SERVICE IN THIS AREA For your new car purchase: -â€" RENAULT 16 â€"â€" The sedan that converts into a wagon. 4 doors - front wheel drive - front disc brakes - radial ply tires â€" 4 wheel suspension - rear window defroster - superb comfort and ride. RENfiLT 15 â€"â€" The fabulous sports coupe that has to be driven to be believ . RENAULT 12 »â€" Sedans & Wagons Voted “BEST SMALL CAR OF THE YEAR” (By Science & Mechanics Magazine) A GREENWOOD RENAULT 16 INDUSTRIAL ROAD 884-8841 THE “Dealing with us John Greenwood finding money” SEE .’ I LIBE i is! says: AL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. July 13. 1972 ichmond Hill. Ontano‘ Thursday. July 13. 1972 15 Rev.W.F.Wrixon 55 Yrs. Ministry FOR BOYS A served as Rural Dean also. Betore coming to RiChmond At a service of thanksgiving Hill Mr. Wrixon had served as held in St. John's Church. Port rector at King. Jefferson and Hope. where Mr. Wrixon is Maple. honorary assistant. gifts were It is hoped that he will be in presented to him by the church Richmond Hill in November in wardens on behalf of the con- connection with the centennial gregation. and a letter from the celebrations of St. Mary's Angli- Bishop of the Diocese. express- can Church. i GUARANTEED §AV|NGSE :IHE -DRAPERXEAQQRY ‘i FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, 6 to 13 YEARS : : At The Mill Pond - Richmond Hill , uTwo sessmus :3::;::2::::zm: ‘ 9 AJW. TO 4 RM. -â€" MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ‘ I Bring your lunch â€"- we provide the milk FEE: $15 FOR EACH TWO-WEEK SESSION I For application form. phone 8844811 or drop into I j 25 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill ' Sponsored by: { THE PARKS BOARD AND RECREATION COMMITTEE I ' and THE RICHMOND HILL 8; DISTRICT Y.W.C.A. ‘ ’A‘“““““““‘\‘ 6132?)? DRAPERIES FROM OUR OWN FACTORY TO YOU DELIVERY COULD BE YOURS IN 7 DAYS! Choose your idrapes from a lover selection of the latest styles and patterns. For further information, please call 884-6611 70 NEWKIRK RD.. RICHMOND HILL (Between Centre St. and Crosby Avenue) FROM 9 AM. TO 6 PM. DAILY Bring your own measurements to OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ON QUALITY SAVE UP TO 331/4070 HRIFTY RENT'A-CAR TOWN AUTO BODY RICHMOND HILL 773-4444 173 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill 884-2139 Following the service a re- ception was held in the parish hall, to give parishoners the op- portunity to greet the Wrixons. Mrs. Wrixon was presented with a bouquet of camations. GAS SUPPLIED $2295. $1795. 51495. $1395. $1395. $1395.

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