Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jul 1972, p. 20

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A wedding gift of- a hand- made quilt was presented to Miss Dianne Cameron of Weller Crescent. engaged to be married August 31. Dianne will become the bride of Robert Keith Vin- We are most grateful to Mr. Keffer for keeping us posted on his activities and would be most happy to hear of the summer activities of other Maple resi~ d‘ents. We know that- some folk are enjoying most interest- ing holidays. and we would be happy to hear of these activities ~20 add to the interest of your column. Gifts were presented to Mary and Graham Lamont of Malaren Road. \\‘ho.are taking a leave of absence from us for a year to visit England with their family. Although they will be missed deeply. we do hope that they will Enjoy the venture. that the year will pass quickly. and will be back home before we know it. We would like to remind those who are going away on holidays to obtain a sponsor sheet for the MRA Walkathon. available at Maple IGA. John Perry's Pharmacy. European Delicatessen. Maple Library and Bowes Supertest in Concord. This walkathon is in support of the new arena. for which Maple and Kleinburg Lions Clubs pledged to raise a substantial amount toward the total cost. The building is progressing most satisfactorily. on s c h e d ul e. Sponsors can be obtained from anyone outside the immediate area. since local people are al- ready contributing to the funds in several ways Members of the congregation of St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church. gathered July 5 to en- joy an evening together. with games and fun topped off with fresh strawberries and ice cream. The executive of the home and school were most pleas- ed and proud to hear that Murray Slusarchuk. program chairman for the organization. had been elected president of the York Region Home and School Council . This council consists of members from each area of the York Region. We are truly sorry to hear that Mrs. Andrew Snider. a life- long Maple resident, now living in Fergus. was in hospital. We join with her host of friends in wishing her a speedy recovery. and might mention that her ad- dress is Box 92, Fergus. Ontario. for those who would like to send wishes for a recovery to good health. In spite of a bit of rain every- one enjoyed the get-together. although Jean and Jesse Bryson were away on a holiday trip. He finished his busy week with a family picnic at the home of his daughter and son- ln-law. Ruth and Charlie Grubb of Snowball. Roly also attended the 35th wedding anniversary of his friends Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins. of Richmond Hill. held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor of Richvale. Roland Keffer. also of Major McKenzie Road. spent a busx time last week. with a visit from Alexander Forrest and his granddaughter Nancy J e a n Yake. Mr. Forrest was in Maple from his home in Lindsay‘ visit- !ng with old friends and staying with his daughter Ina Yake and her family. We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Eva Line of Major Mc- Kenzie Road. had fallen at her home. and had been taken to York Central Hospital We join with her many friends in hop- !ng that she will be well on the way to recovery from her in- juries. and comfortably settled at home by the time this is read. Anyone doubting the authen- ticity of this “fish story' can see the head of the muskie. preserv- ed by the Hills as a souvenir. Gary caught a bass of con- siderable proportions and Art managed to hook a muskie of such a size and with such fean ful teeth. they decided to tow it to shore‘ rather than risk being bitten by the toothy monster. Since Mr. Strangway was awake early. his son having fallen out of bed. he decided it was time to go fishing and awakened Art. With the Hills were their neighbors Gary. Eunice and Paul Strangway. and at the same’ campsite, the Stephensons. Gord. Pauline. Valene and Don- ald of Railway Street. We are sure that most of our readers have heard an assort- ment of fish stories. but the latest comes from Grandview Lodge on Buckhorn Lake, where Art Hills of Malaren Road. spent the holiday week- end. with his wife June, daugbtv er Anne and son Mike. 20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 13, 1972 Maple, Kleinburg Concord 8. Edgeley News “The Liberal" ls always willing to publish items regardinz people and events contributed by its readers in Maple Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Caml Cnlp. “9.4379: in RI: In Testnn \lrs. Connie Brown. 832-8817 In the Maple column last week. we listed some of the ac- tivities getting underway in this area under the direction of the new Recreation Department of the Town of Vaughan. Of first consideration this { Mr. Downey will he the lspecia] speaker at the Christian and Missionary Alliance church. :Main Street North in Union- ville this coming Sunday eve.- ning at 7:30 pm. Anyone desir- ing to hear this dynamic speak- er. and to renew old acquaint- ances. please accept this as a special invitation. You will be most welcome. Summer Fun Thirty-two years ago. he mov- ed to Regina to teach at the Canadian Bible College. a brand new endeavour, and has re- mained at that post until now Following that. he taught at Sexsmith Bible School in Alberta. where he met his wife. Edna. who will accompany him to Australia. T Rev. Murray Downey, former- !ly of Maple. and more recently ‘of Regina. Saskatchewan. is ;visiting relatives in the area, :prior to leaving for Australia for four years as a missionary. Mr. Downey was born at Maple. attended public school here and high school at Aurora. after which he went to Chicago to the Moody Bible School. ’ Sincere congratulations to both young couples and wishes for many happy years together. A lovely cordless wall clock was given to Russel Phillips and his fiancee. ..Nancy Jay Smith. Russell is the son of Katherine and Roy Phillips of Concession 6. Vaughan, and is to be mar- ried July 15. cent, of Port Colborne and Con cord. And only minutes to new “subway” CALL 8845122 630-3453 Home Beautiful 3 8. 4 bedroom models All electric heat Attractive low down payment plan is ia'i eeeeeeeeeee 83/4% financing or our Very Own $21.90 IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE din: people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgeley and Klelnburg. Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburz. Mary Dawmn. 884-1105: l This program in Maple could become a memorable one for the young people of the area. it only requires publicityâ€"so pass the word On July 25. 26 and 27. a mother‘s pre-cottage program will be presented at the Thornhill Swimming Pool with two hour lectures on first aid. water safety and pertinent helpful information. The cost for this three day program is The ‘Teens Centre" at the [community hall got off to a slow start, but is gaining with lincreased attendance each eve- }ning. The young people partici- ‘pated in physical sports last week. and as attendance in- creases. arts. crafts. drama and community projects will be in- troduced as interest dictates The program in Woodbridge is even more successful. having the equipment for sports at the Woodbridge High School. The playground program has taken hold most successfully. with nearly 500 children regis- tered through Vaughan. 75 of whom are attending the play- ground program in Maple Grove Park. l Eddie is an arranger and composer in his own right and has done work for the CBC. The two hour concort last Sun- day evening in Thornhill was most successful. and attended by approximately 250 people. week is the band concert to be $5. and further information can held in Maple Grove Park. be- be obtained from the recreation hind the Presbyterian Church,‘department at 832-2281. with access from Naylon Street‘ Also of interest to Maple or from Merino Road. beside young people is the roller skat- the Maple Library. Anyone'ing at the Woodbridge Arena planning to come out Sundayfivel‘y Monday. WEdMSda." and evening at 7 pm would be \vellfriday evenings from 8 till 10 advised to bring along their own‘pm with a charge of $1.. includ- lawn chair or blankets to sit onung boot type Skate femal- to enjoy the concert by Eddie‘ * * * Graf. and his band. i Last week we mentioned that Highway Nb. 7 Highway 401 it has been worked out satis factorin for all parties. Able counsellors are Meg Goodm'n and Harry Fraser. who kept the children happy play- ing games. doing skits. making puppets and having "Pioneer Day" on Friday. There was a problem over washroom privileges but. thanks to all the mothers who phoned, The first week of the play- ground activities at the Concord Public Schoof grounds saw about 50 children participating. Neighborhood Notes In our column last week. we mentioned July 26 as a possible date for a mystery trip for the senior citizens. After more consideration we find that August 2 or 9 will be more suitable for the trip we have in mind. We strongly urge everyone to watch the Maple column of Last week we mentioned that we have a teenager looking for lawns to cut. this summer. in the Maple area. Although one customer was obtained, more work would be appreciated. Call us at 832-2408. Senior Citizens Steeles The Voice 1 of Cancord; wnn mum hoallng - no annual cleaning nr lnsoecnon Is rcaulrcfl and no filter: lo replace. Nameless slew-1c hemng vs sale, clean. cum. annual: and low cosh MARKHAM; The First Mark- ham Baptist Cemetery. three miles south of Stoutfvxlle on Concession 9‘ was wrecked by vandals recently. Thirty-four of 70 tombstones on the ground were toppled. some badly smashed. Several of the mark- ers date back to the mid-1850s The little country chapel. built in 1848. has been closed for several years. The guests. who “"1” come from 15 homes. are former phychiatric patients. mostly from Queen Street Mental Health Centre in Toronto. Dur- ing the winter they participated in craft and entertainment pro- grams at St. John‘s Hall in New- market, Volunteers come from Rich‘ mond Hill. Oak Ridges. Aurora Mount Albert and Newmarket. More than 200 guests were expected to attend the annual picnic at Anchor Park in Hol- land L a n din g. Wednesdabn given by the mental health as- sociation volunteers for resi- dents of homes for special care in the area. 200 Guests Expected Mental Health Picnic “The Liberal" for details. and to pass on the word to other members, HOME IMPROVEMENT BEGINS WITH 24” 30” 36!! GOLDEN-RED ANTIQUE ELM, 4'x8' . . . . . . MAHOGANY SELECTED, 4'x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KNOTTY PECAN, 4'x8' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EMBOSSED OAK. 4'x8' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WALNUT RUSTIC. 4‘XR' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROSEWOOD RUSTIC. 4‘x8' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. PHONE 229.9971 KF‘FI 1:1 RT MAPLE 8 ft. base and wall cabinet completely finished with counter top (your choice of color) __________________ 8 to 10 colors to choose from â€"- 4’x8’ POSTFORMED COUNTERTOPS in 5-6 colors VANI'I'IES â€"- FORMICA 8. ARBORITE $15.95 CEILING S TILE 12”x12” VINYITASBESTOS FLOOR TILE . . . . . . PLAIN WHITE â€" 12”x12” 64 square ft. per carton North of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. Hours: 8:30 am. to 5:30 pm, - Friday 8:30 am. to 9 pm. - Sat. 8:30 am. to 5 pm FINISHED SHELVING TEAK â€" WALNUT â€" OAK 8"x3 Ft. . . . . . $1.55 each 10"x4 Ft. . . . . . $2.20 each 12" x 5 Ft. . . . . . $3.20 each “l' I EACH Limited Quantity FL 0 OR TILE SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS FREE DELIVERY SERVICE VANITY â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . VANITY â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . VANITY â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED . . . . . . 12”x12” Solid Vinyl ANY SIZE L 0R U SHAPE AVAILABLE TO YOUR REQUEST Reg. 97c KITCHEN CABINET DISPLAY LESS THAN HALF OF MARKET PRICE BONANZA SALE In WALL PANELLIN G SALE SEE OUR COMPLETELY FINISHED CLEARANCE SALE ~5-6-7-8ft.1engths 1/2 PRICE This is the season for trips and if the delights of Mexico do not move you. then the beau« ty of the Canadian Rockies should. Mrs. Hilda Watson of Carrville Road took the train to Edmonton. Alberta. to attend the wedding of her daughter DOORS - MOULDINGS LOUVRE BIFOLDS They all had a good time and enjnyed the music. dancing. late nights. food and the plentiful Mexican hospitality. Pat said that they tasted at least a sample. of all the food at the buffet that was a part of the festivities. Pat and Larry Rivait attended the Lions International Conven- tion that was recently held in Mexico City. They were there from June 25 to July 3 along with Brent and Marg Cox- worthy. Helen and Ron Peace and Ina and Jim Barton. Apart. from the convention activities they were entertained by the Lions .Club in Mexico City at a Fiesta. If. llke me, you have been no closer to Mexico than a sip of Tequila or a taste of Tacos, you may as you read this feel a touch of envy. At our bargain corner PHONE 832-2271 BUILDING MATERIALS SAND & GRAVEL 361 JOHN ST. â€" THORNHILL 889-4137 â€" 389-4176 Open ’til Noon Saturdays -â€" Cash and Carry Thornhill Building Supply Ltd. uulvl, ‘2 Au ou-uu â€"â€" LL65. 4’ 8’ x I a......In...-.-.u..--u........n... gamma” Correspondent - JOHN MARTIN 697 Carl-ville Road â€" Phon (5 Different Colors) .72 Your Choice of Color Top CARRVILLE NEWS l'l-VI'III‘VIII DOORS S -95 1'4 ” thick self- storing. dhle. glaze and screen ALUMINUM VINYL TILE -â€" WE DELIVER â€" PEEL & STICK PURE VINYL A 12”x12” per ft. KAISER Darcy Rivait enjoyed his Bth birthday July 5. They also enjoyed another small trip they made while in that area when they paid a short visit to a friend's farm where they picked a couple of boxes of strawberries to enjoy with the rest. of the family. Grandmothers are always a pleasure to see and Jewel had a great time. They took Hilda for a trip to Lake Louise and Banff. Such a trip is always beautiful, and such a trip always sends the traveler home breathless. Last. Saturday Mrs. Wade of Carrville, with her daughter Jewel and her married daugh- ter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bourne went up to Keswick to visit Mrs. Wades mother. While out in the west Mrs Watson visited her other daugh- ter Marsha and son-in-law Ga- briel Grams. $6.95 KEELE ST., MAPLE The marriage of Marilyn to George Spilchen of Yorkton. Saskatchewan, took place in Edmonton on June 10. Marilyn $184.00 ALL CEDAR pzcmc TABLES KNOCK DOWN 14V;c Each Reg. $19.95 . EACH (9 in pkg.) Phone 889-7106 $34.95 $39.95 $14.95 LAND IN THE TOWN OF VAUGHAN IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK. FORM- ERLY IN THE TOWNSHIPOF VAUGHAN IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: I Part of Lot 20, Concession 3 in the said Town, designated as Parts 3 and 4 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division gf Toronto Boroughs and York South as Plan 8-1220. 1. The Expropriations Act provides that, (a) where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General; (b) the inquiry officer, (i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine witnesses, either per- sonally or by his counsel or agent, and (ii) may recommend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry » bepaid a fixed amount for his costs _ of the inquiry not to exceed $200 and the approving authority may in its discretion order the expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. 2. “owner” and “registered owner” are defined in the Act as follows: “owner’.’ includes a mortgagee, tenant, execu- tion creditor, a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a committee of the estate of a mentally'jncompetent person or of a person incapable of managing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested; “registered owner” means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the proper registry, land titles or sheriff's office. and includes a person shown as a ten- ant of land on the last revised assessment roll. 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands in- tended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry. ' This notice first'published on the 6th of July. 1972. - IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIâ€" A LAND DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE "ATHERETO IN THE TOWN OF VAUGHAN IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING MAPLE ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 25) AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GRADE SEPARATION BETWEEN MAPLE ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 25) AND THE TRACKS OF THE CANADIAN NA- TIONAL RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval to expropriate the land described in Schedule “A” hereto. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, Sound and reasonably neces- sary in the achievement of the objectives of the exprOpriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing, (a) in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publica- tion of the notice; (b) in the case of an owner who is not a regis- tered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. The approving authority is The Council of The Regional Municipality of York, Box 147, - Newmarket, Ontario. NOTES: If you are interested in serving your home community and earning some extra money then please phone NEW nouns â€" JUNE -‘ JULY - AGEUST Tues. - Fri. 9 am. to 6 pm. â€" Saturday 9 am. to 4 pm Monday Closed 89A YONGE ST. S. - RICHMOND HILL - Phone 8844300 "The Liberal” requires a Correspondent for the Kleinburg‘ area. ' I The Expropriations Act NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO' EXPROPRIATE LAND COMPLETE LINE OF SUPPLIES 0 Complete Counselling Service 0 Quality Ingredients 0 Reasonabie Prices QUALITY : 0 V VALUE 0 SERVICE WINEMA KER S KLEINBURG MARY DAWSON AT 884-1105 CORRESPONDENT Sellinr Wine . Art SCHEDULE “A” The Regional Municipality of York Robert N. Vernon, Esq., Regional Clerk, 62 Bayview Avenue, Newmarket, Ontario. SUPPLIES Products

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