Twenty aeight , residents of Leslie Street (north of the Stouffville Road), Richmond Hill, have asked Regional En- gineer Denne Bosworth for as- sistance in improving their plight. A copy of their letter was considered by Richmond Hill Council July 10 and was ieferred to the bylaws commit- tee, chaired by Ward 5 Council- lor Stewart Bell, for possible solution. Trucks Nuisance On leslie Street Residential assessment on a $20,000 house in Whitchurch shows taxes up by $21.36 over 1971. The same house in the Markham area will go up $10.84. while Stouffville resi-J Area charges: garbage collec- tion, Musselman‘s Lake, $4,800; Federation of Agriculture, $15.- 040; sewer maintenance, Stouff- ville. $38,000; debenture, $60,- 000. The petitioners complained of the tremendous noise and de- structive effects of a continu- ous stream of heavy construc- tion trucks. The letter stated that at times it is almost im- possible to carry on a conver- sation in the garden because of the constant truck noise. A breakdown of the budget is as follows: general govern- ment, $137,000; fire protection. lights, etc.. $99,000; public works. $136,400; garbage dispcs- al, $13000; parks and recrea- tion, $34,300; library, $15,000; museum, $4.500; planning de- partment. $24,500; other finan- cial expenses, $42,000. They also complained of the danger fmm speeding trucks, particularly to the children, and noted that a couple of beau- tiful dogs have already been killedâ€"“it could very well be a child next time." they say. DUST POLLUTION Dust polluting the air. cover- ing trees, gardens. houses (in- side and out) and filling the lungs of man and beast and endangering their health was also drawn to the engineer’s at- tention. The letter reports that the periodic application of oil or some other substance might suffice under normal traffic. but due to the enormous size and weight of the trucks, appears to be of no avail. Education costs were down somewhat, however, with $463,- 973 being levied for secondary school purposes; $519,475 for elementary schools, $27,002 of which is marked for an area in Markham: and $30,554 for sep- ate schools. The local municipal levy is $410,000, with another $337,210 for regional purposes. STOUFFVILLE: Miss Edna Pridham was killed recently in Nigeria where she has been serving as a missionary since 1945. She was well known in the Stouffville-Gormley area. Details of the accident are not known. Two motorcyclists seriously injured when thrown 168 feet in a crash with a car Friday of last week on Bayview Ave- nue were reported in satisfac- tory condition in York Central Hospital at press time. Several other local motorists were reâ€" covering from minor injuries or facing traffic charges after accidents. Whitchurch - Stouffville Tax Hike But “Little Change" From I971 Broken Bones, Motorcycle Thrown 168 Feet Motorcycle driver Phillip Rennick, 17, of 56 Elmgrove Avenue, Oak Ridges area of Richmond Hill, suffered frac- tures, faced an unsafe lane change charge and had about $100 damage to his machine, according to York Region Po- Lice. The budget was passed by council at the final meeting in June and shows a rise in each of the three areas of the mu- nicipality: Stouffville, Whit- church and Markham Also with fractures was his passenger Kenneth Robinson, 17, of 9 Marvin Road, Picker- ing. The rear and crash was The town of Whitchurch- Stouffville will levy $1,879,052 for taxes this year, up slightly from last and representing a minor tax increase to ratepay- ers. The seventh brought another1 three runs for Dynes as Smith and Downing walked and Smith scored on a fielder’s choice on‘ O’Neill. A sacrifice fly by Kenâ€" nedy scored Downing and a single by Shelston drove in {O’Neill Pamela Robb of 99 King Sideroad, King City and Cathy Kiernan of 4 Patrick Drive, Aurora, told York Region Police they were walking westward at about 3:40 pm. One of the Igirls said two females grabbed her purse. one of them kicked her in the upper leg. Then ‘ they ran away. The world champions got an- other in the fifth when Smith led off with a single and Downing drove him in with a double. Dynes trailed 2-0 until the bottom of the fourth when they got four runs back. Kinnerley led off with a single, Downing walked, Kennedy was hit by a pitched ball. Chapman drove in Kinnerley and Downing with a single, followed by Shelston who singled to score Kennedy and Chapman. 1 3 Richmond Hill Teens Shelston and Smith each had two hits. King City Purse Grab Three Richmond Hill teen- agers were arrested on Thurs- day of last week in connection with an alleged attempted rob- bery in a Wednesday afternoon King City area purse snatching incident. Two of those arrested were females and one of these was a 15-year-old juvenile. Arrested at 12:30 pm the next day were Patricia Hineman, 16, of 246 South Taylor Mills Drive; Thomas Pallister, 18, of 60 Laverock Drive and the 15- yearâ€"old girl. The two girls were to appear to face charges in Juvenile Court, Doncaster Avenue, South Thornhill and Pallister was to face trial in Newmarket Provincial Court, police said. Bob Domik was in good form Tuesday evening as he struck out 14 North York CCM bat- ters, walked three and was the winner of an 8-2 decision for Dynes Jewellers. Losing pitch- er was Dave Cranston, who was replaced in the seventh by Ken- neth Simpson. The CCM players threw a scare into the Dynesmen as their first four batters connect- ed for three singles and a sac- rifice to push two runs across the plate and give their team a 2-0 lead. But that was their scoring punch for the game. Dynes Win 8 - 2 DomikOn Mound at 9:45 pm on Bayview nearlat only $100 Rockport Crescent in Richmond A careless Hill. There was about $200 faced by the damage to the back of the car Cotter, 22, driven by Erich Ringhofer, 28, road. Oak E of 5 Rockport Crescent. was about $1 Using the same $20,000 as- sessment for commercial and professional purposes, shows an increase of $25.10 in Whit- church, $10.12 in Markham, and fifty-four cents in Stouff- ville. Mayor Ken Laushway comâ€" mended council for the budget, which ‘he noted was “very little different from last year.†The ton injured youths were taken to hospital by York Am- bulance. Another local 17-year-old sufâ€" fered minor injuries and was taken by ambulance to York Central Hospital after another rear end crash Friday of last week at 7:52 pm opposite 80 Yonge Street North. The injured girl, Francis Norton of 332 Osiris Drive, Richmond Hill. was a passenger in a car driven by John Hachey, 20, of 216 Essex Avenue. Apart- ment 209. Richmond Hill. He had damage estimated by YRP dents will have an extra dollar to pay. 45†Washable DRALON DRAPERY 8 solid colors and prints. A huge mill clear-out of slight factory irregulars. Values to $1.99 yd. A beautiful open weave material at a greatly reduced price. The colours are: red. MILL orange, blue. green/orange. OUTLET $ black/white. gold/orange. Reg. PRICE value $2.69 yd. ONLY Yd- One to five yard ends of all the popular colours. A heavy nap quality, much below regular price. A summer clear-out! 45" TERRY TOWELLING FIBERGLASS DRAPERY n Richmond A careless driving charge was about $200 faced by the other driver Kirk : of the car Cotter, 22, of 80 King Side- nghofer, 28, road, Oak Ridges. His damage cent. was about $300, police said. Arrested at 3 am Friday of last week when 1/4-pound of marijuana allegedly was seized from its hiding place under a car seat where Raphael O’Loughnan, 20, of 8600 Yonge Street, and James White, 18, of 8 Roosevelt Drive. They were charged with having a narcotic Two Richvale youths were arrested on a marijuana traf- ficking charge last week while four Richmond Hill teenagers were arrested for having a small quantity of the same material when a "grass" party apparently was interrupted by York Region Police one evening near the Mill Pond park. Eight-week-old Ronald Black was taken to York Central Hos- pital by YRP for treatment of minor injuries on Monday of last week after a 5:15 pm colli- sion on Bayview Avenue near North Taylor Mills Drive. He was a passenger in a car driven by Ronald Black, 29, of 67 Tretheway Drive, Toronto 15. Driver Black faces a careless driving charge and had about $700 damage, police said. Mill Pond Marijuana Party The other car was driven by Thomas Hardcastle, 44, of 11 Parklane, Toronto 18. His car, was parked after being stopped by a YRP radar patrol before the crash. Facing a traffic charge and with about $200 damage after a Friday crash at the Yonge and Centre Street traffic light at 8:50 am was Robert Ault, 21, of 471 Darcy Street, Newmar- ket. Richvale Youths Face Trafficking Charge, Four Arrested For Having “EVE†- ALL LADY GROUP 7047 MORNINGSTAR DR., MALTON FREE BUS SERVICE . . . Leaving at 6:30 pm. from Harris Drug Store, Oak Ridges; 6:40 pm. from King City IGA; and 6:50 pm. from Nobleton Gulf Station. EVERY TUESDAY, 7:30 P. M. Our lady Of The Airways Parish Centre BINGO MILL OUTLET PRICE ONLY TO CLEAR Yd. (downstairs) Fully Licensed by L.C.B.O. FEATURING NIGHTLY HELD OVER .39 Arrested at 8:40 pm Thurs-i day of last week for allegedlyg having an ounce of marijuana ati the end of Rumble Avenue neari the Mill Pond were Richard‘ Boyer, 18, of 97 Penstock Court? Steven Shewchuk, 16, of 34: Harding Boulevard; John Brad-i ford, 1'7. of 84 Laverock Av- enue; and Bradley Playford, 19, of 9 Brookside Drive. This foursome also faces trial in Richmond Hill Provincial Court at a future date still to be set. for the purpose of trafficking and face trial in Richmond Hill Provincial Court. Facing a careless driving charge was the other motorist John MacTavish, 35, of 49 Stib- bard Avenue, Toronto, YRP said. The other car “as driven by Blair Robson, 25, of 170 Bay- ‘ View Avenue South, Richmond‘Neighborhood Notes Hill. He had an estimated $550‘ Congratulations 10 MI; and damage, YRP said. Mrs. Campbelli (nee Faye Nich- * * * ols Wills) who were married on Both drivers suffered<minor July 5_ Telephone Both drivers suffered minorl injuries in a crash Friday on Denison Street east of Wood- bine Avenue in the Thornhill area at 7:20 am. Facing a traf- fic charge and with $100 dam- age was Dennis Cogar, 22, of 143 May Avenue. Richmond Hill. The other car had about $250 damage and was driven by Ar- mand Gauthier, 45, of 162 Springwater Drive, Keswick, according to YRP. at Roâ€"yal Orchard Boulevard in Thornhill. She had about $250 damage to her car. Slight injuries Were suffered by Eleanor Dament, 47, of 7322 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill in a collision June 27 at 4:53 pm on Bayview Avenue Daily: 10 am. to 9 pm. Sat: 9 am. to 6 pm. Corner No. 7 Hwy & Woodbine Telephone: 297-2392 AMPLE FREE PARKING 2 WAREHOUSE LOCATIONS 160 No. 7 Hwy. at Keele Telephone: 889-3701 WAREHOUSE HOURS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and Rickey, Mark and Russell Da- vies have spent a week's holi- days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steenburgh of Marmora. Neighborhood Notes Trail, Bc, ' Last week a Thornhill youth Congratulations to MIX and Recent visitors of Mrs. Fred was arrested in his apartment Mrs. Campbfflll “188 Faye NiCh- Lewis Were Mrs. Maude Lewislby Whitby Provincial Police 015 Wills) who were married ontther sisterâ€"in-law) and her neiceland York Regional Police and July 5. IMrs. .Ed Rulton of Georgetown;;$2.500 worth of stolen Uxbridge Congratulations to Miss Lau-iMr, and Mrs. George Lewis ofifurniture was recovered. rie Wooller who Won a $150{Gosport. Hants, England, and This while a series of Thorn- Ontal‘io SCh°larShip at StoL‘ff'lMl'. and Mrs. Mel E10 of To-‘hill homes and stores suffered ville District High 5011001- Lau- ronto. lburglaries and thousands of dol- I'ie. Who complemd her Grade Miss Connie ASh Spent the lars worth of household prop- 173. is the y_0ungeSt daughter 0! weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L.lerty and office equipment was Mrs. Lorraine W00119r- Snyder at Wasaga Beach. stolen. Thieves in Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Jerry van Rijn Mrs. Fred Lewis spent three and family attended the wed- days with her son-in-law and ding of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Sugden of Bethesda. Mrs. John Schutte in Ottawa Congratulations to Mrs. Bert Saturday. Leek on the occasion of her We welcome Rev. and Mrs, 80th birthday. ding of their cousins, Mr. and‘ Mrs. John Schutte in Ottawa Saturday. We welcome Rev. and Mrs. Eldon Boettger and family who have moved into the parsonage at the Missionary Church. Mr. and Mrs. William Ashton? of Newcastle, New Brunswick, have been visiting their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mackey had a Silver Anniversary party for Bruce’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mackey on July 2. Belated congratulations for the happy occasion. Rickey, Mark and Russell Da- Mrs. Sugden of Bethesda. Congratulations to Mrs. Bert Leek on the occasion of her 80th birthday. Missionaries Word has been received from the Allan Doner Family of their safe arrival in Nigeria. They speak highly of the service on the BOAC Charter Flight. which stopped in Lon- don, England. for 11/2 hours where the temperature was 58 degrees. They landed at Kano Airport and after an 11 hour drive down country arrived at Mok- we at 6:30 pm on June 23. ‘They report very hot temper- Arrested was Peter Sopranik. 17, of. 7471 Yonge Street. Apart- ment 311 at 9:55 pm Tuesday. The recovered furniture wasI allegedly stolen during a Febr- uary 27 break-in at the Lot 34 Concession 4 Uxbridge home of Sidney Landrey. YRP said. THORNHILL BURGLARS Burglars hit the Thornhill home of Jack Courtemanche, 30 Valloncliff Road betWeen June 30 and July 4. They stole $40 worth of old coins and a men's toilet kit valued at $10. The Thornhill apartment of Phyllis Boose at 7411 Yonge Street was entered through a bedroom window July 3 and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mackey had a Silver Anniversary palty for Bruce’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mackey on July Miss Dale Reid, twin d‘augh- lished routés-may b ter of Mrs. Pat Reid. is nurs- in your area. Phon ing at the Regional Hospital at Circulation, 884-1105 889=0972 We’ve Got The Cars We’ve Got The Means WEEK ; JULY 14 to 21 NEILL DATSUN LTD. We have one of the largest selections of new and used Datsuns in Ontario. Hurry for best selection! Because of our expanded used car department we need used cars desperately. So our trade-in values are at an all-time hxgh. Our brand-new facility has a fully equipped service and parts department with factory-trained personnel. Neill Datsun offers an extended warranty“ that gives its cus- tomers an additional 12-month or 12,000 mile warranty on the Datsun’s power train. *This warranty extends beyond the 12-month or 12,000 mile warranty for Nissan Automobile Co. <Canada). HAS ALL YOU REALLY NEED We’ve Got The Service & Parts Ian Neill says PRODUCT OF NISSAN DATSUN CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MlLSTED Telephone 887-5445 GORMLEY NEWS NEILL DATSUN LTD. I69 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL atures- property valued at $700 was stolen. Missing were a stereo Make regular pocket money on set, record player. cameras, tape a Liberal paper route. Estab- recorder. portable television lished routes may be available and man's watch. in your area. Phone Carrier CONCORD BREAK-INS Wide Open ’til 10 pm. Monday to Thursday Thornhill Rash Of Burglaries, Theft hill homes and stores suffered‘lot a $100 tool chest was taken burglaries and thousands of dol- and a window broken. YRP said. lars worth of household DI‘OD- In a weekend break-in at the el‘ty and Office eqllipment “'35 Thornhill home of Gerard stolen. Thieves in Richmond Hebert 105 Brook Street a port- Hill hit a new 10031 031’ dealel" able television and stereo amp- Ship- lifier valued at $350 wm‘n Furniture Recovered, Thornhill I7-Year-Old Arrested East of Thornhill in the Con- Who have the intent of looking after you, the customer. It's the personal touch that makes the difference. We’ve Got The People THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 13, 1972 3 Datsuns Start From $2,245 Friday 8: Saturday '11] 6 cord area there was a break-in Arrested Monday of last week Thursday night at Servall at Crosby Park at 9:30 pm in Transport Limited. 20 Crest- Richmond Hill on a Metro wood Road. An adding machine Police false pretenses warrant and typewriter worth about was Lonel Gleason. 38, of 11 $700 Were stolen. From a Elgin Mills Road West. Rich- Downsview car in the parking mond Hill, police said. Hebert. 105 Brook Street a port- able television and stereo amp- lifier valued at $350 were stolen. Also that night at 25 Harlech Court the back door was forced at Cusco Fabricators Limited, and an electronic calculator valued at $208 was stolen. Ransacked Friday night was the Thornhill home of Ronald house Douchette. Apartment 106. atlat 20} 7411 Yonge Street. where a tered door lock was forced and a box about containing $400 was taken from some] a bedroom. H“. h At CamBrian Steel Products Limited, 21 Harlech Court. Thornhill there was a break-in Wednesday night and a $400 office calculator was stolen. STEAL CASH BOX At Connie Steel Products Limited. 140 Bowes Road. Con- cord the same night a panel was smashed in an overhead door to gain entry and a cash box with $100 was stolen. We’ve Got Prizes Win a portable TV that is ideal for cottage and outside use, by simply filling out a lucky draw card. Other prizes, too! Datsun 510 2 Door Sedan RICHMOND HILL BREAKS At Neill Datsun Limited. 169 Yonge Street North in Rich- mond Hill on Thursday night of last week thieves broke in and took about $715 worth of equipâ€" ment including a charger, welder and automotive tools. A vacant Richmond Hill house belonging to Frank Zenar at 201 Rumble Avenue was enâ€" tered via a milk chute and about $150 damage done inside. Somebody tried to start a fire in the basement and damaged the kitchen stove. YRP said. MAPLE GAS THEFT In Maple at the Constantino property, Dufferin and Maple Streets, somebody smashed a gasoline pump lock and siphon- ed away about $140 worth of fuel on Friday night of last week. In Lake Wilcox area at the Karin Kuusmivirta property. 2 Maple Avenue. Thursday night of last week there was about $200 damage to three storage sheds and a steamhouse. Doors were removed and holes were kicked in walls. 773â€"4661 PRODUCT OF NISSAN DATSUN