Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jul 1972, p. 6

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GIRL’S bicycle 15", $20. 884- 6793. *lw2 RAILWAY ties, $3.90 each. 832- 2455. lfc2 BRAND new metal book shelf, Kenwood Chef, electric knife, et.c.. clothes and coats, sizes 12 (0 18. 889-3083. c2w2 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone, sand, concrete gravel, etc., delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett, 884â€"3089. tfc2 LOAM - TOP SOIL Sandy loam - loam manure mix. screened loam. manure - fill - landscaping. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. lfc2 A MO'Vl‘bfibLikilQuésari.‘color TV. Peter Smith. 889-1646‘ EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 BEDROOM suite, 7 piece, din- Ing suite, 9 piece, chesterfield luite, all Burma teakwood, must sell. new furniture, very reas- onable. 1-247-4377. tfc41 FRIGIDAIRE, good condition. suitable for cottage 01' smaller family, $25. 884-7272. *l\\'2 AUTOMATIC \\'asher,_good con- dition. 884-5076. *1w2 GENERAL Electric stâ€"ove, 3 years old, clock and timer, 22". 884-2126. *lw2 LAWNMOWER $25.; edger, new $23.; French doors. $35.; portable record player $20.; old doors $4. and Lundy gate 55. 884-5759. (‘1w2 884-1745 tfc3 TE‘Axwoo'D Living, dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1â€"9pm. 459-0760. RUPP ‘ MINI BIKES STREET BROS. l AUTO ELECTRIC LTD. 22 INDUSTRIAL RD., RICHMOND HILL 884-5368 {(042 FIREPLACES Acorns - Franklins - Pot Bellies - Prefab Metal Chimneys - Bar- becues outdoor and indoor - Accessories. Hearth and Patio, 60 Doncaster Ave., Willowdale. 889-3133. c8w50 VIKING 5 11.p. rototiller, very good condition. 889-8536. TYPWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill STRAWBERRIES Pick your mm Monday to Sun- day 7 am. to 12 noon and 5 pm. to 9 pm. Bring your own 6 qt. baskets or buy them here. West side of Hwy. 4'7. l4.» mile north of Stouffville. 640-2168, 1 pm to 5 pm. Peter Mangione. clw2 SHULLY’S ALUMINUM DIRECT sale of windows. awn- ings, sidings, and eavestrough with no payments until the fall. Contact A. Waldman, 226-0552. *lwl YORK ALUMINUM Why buy new furniture \vhen‘ Free estimates Aluminum sid-‘you can get next to new for ing windows. doors, mvningthalf the price? Large quantityof; also glass and screen repairs.1llouschold effects, china, odds' Phone 884-4558, factory 832â€"]and ends, lamps. kitchen sets.‘ 1319 Maple. tfc28 bedroom sets, even tools. Al-i sufifiYTS-AflfififfiUMâ€"‘most anything you need at‘ htonflrn “an .‘r Wham...- n..m, home. (3311313 I 2 ROUND marble topped end tables and 2 figurine crystal drop lamps. perfect condition, $125. complete 884-1671. COOEY padded floral high chair, Merit deluxe tip-proof walker. and JolLv Jumper. Used three months, $25. 889-9889. TV 23" Phillips. console, excel- lent condition, $75. 884-8963. clw2 railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 5-PIECE kitchen set. arborile $23.; playpen with pad, $9. good condition. 88-1â€"1048. GOLD brocade bed Chesterfield and matching chair, 3 years old. $200. 884-5041‘ c1\\'2 WALL tent 10' x 12’ X 4’ separate floor, mosquito netting, poles. pegs, etc., complete, 875. 884â€"2201. cl\\'2 x 24' many extras. building to be taken down and removed by buyer. LOUGHLIN HOME SUPPLY KEUMINUM l WANTED Doors, windows. awnings. and‘Pianos and used furniture. Call HANDY man special cottage 36 IEffec-the July 1, 1972. CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and .10c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for'$1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, per in- sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. 7541 Woodbine Avenue 499.157 FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 13, 1972 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES clwl Clwl _c 1 “‘2 clw2 “(-2 lelfy 250 gallon furnace oil tank, with lifie‘ filter. pipes. 884-4375. *lw2 ; 12 RIDING tractor wiih filow 2W2 blade and grass cutting attach- â€"|ments, best offer, and Viking BED Chesterfield and matching chair, 3-piece bedroom suite; 7-piece dinette suite; end tables, lamps, drapes. Excellent condi- ,tion. Phone 884-5057. *lwz GE floor polisher and hair dry- er. 884-9485. c1\\‘2 FREE airconditioner with 26” TV, Brown’s Appliances, 8 Yonge 5., Richmond Hill. 884- 9821. tfc53 INSULATED [’68 HONDA 175 cc., 12,000 refrigerator, 10 years old, $65. 889-0705. c1w2 HIGHLAND WHITE CEDARS All season planters. 832-2683. c1\\'2 PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets, fir 1/2" special $6.60 per sheet. Call World Wide Shipping. 889-6269. Cement . . . . . . . . . ‘ . $1.68 4‘x8’ Pop. Plywood . . . . . 1 4‘x4’ Sand Boxes . . . . . . . : 4'x4’ 533” Birch Ply. 1 LOUGHLIN LUMBER Yonge 8; Scott Drive Richvale - 889-1109 FIRE alarms. Winchester rifle POOL table, 8’ slate top, six months old, must sell. $450. 226-3366. c4w52 AiR condyiitioners. ne‘ir, $128. 5 year guarantee. Brown’s Appli- ances. 884-9821. tfc53 running condition, best offer 884-9530. clwi ’71 HONDA CB. 450 as new only 960 miles. 884â€"3772. INSULATED aluminum cap for lé-ton truck, bunks, cupboards, fridge, propane stove, floor and broadloom, near new. 884- 1214. c1w2 THREE pickup electric guitar plus amplifier. 884-8022. HARLEY - Davidson :57 Chopper, $1,200. 884-3265 PATIO slabs. isfheutiafcdllii dition- Must sell, 1 $18. 884-2163. c1w2 895-7343, after 6 pm (World Wide Shipping) 360 Newkirk Road Richmond Hill Open Saturdays only 9 to 5 tfc47 CEb’AR‘féhéé‘féiléfmzozmi BUILT-IN oven and range top. ,889-0284. c1\\'2 23" WESTINGHOUSE, black and white TV. Best offer. 884- 5966, after 6 pm. ' clw‘z miles, $325. or best offer. 889- 4305. clwz FLEA MARKET SAT., July 15, 10:30 auxâ€"14:30 pm. at 230 Axminster Drive, saw, drill. glasses. dolls. books and pot pouni. 88417828. 26" whea‘s. excellent condition. $35. 884-2202. c1\\'2 GIRL’S 3-speed. high rise bike, brand new, perfect condition. 884â€"5620. clw2 BOYS CCM bicycle, 3â€"speed MOFFAT dryer and washer, Hotpoint fridge and coin operat- ed extractor. Best offer. 884- 1659. 2\\'?. v-.. H... .v--.._ .._. nu---“ ‘ Real bal‘gam- 727'9110- ‘ INVOICE typist for small manuâ€" _ H _»__m,_ r * __F1}_‘j;" facturing company. Keele and GE-NDRON baby carriage makes No. 7 Hwy. Must have own WXN-fEITâ€" into car bed, very good condi- transportation. 669-9881. Pianos and used furniture. Call t2"-_1E1'4123~ Clwz _A____’_ ____ Ch” 884-1146. tfc24 ONE boy’s and one lady‘s 13f- REGISTERED nurse forâ€"dag! fiEWâ€"AND fi's’fi‘) FURNTTUEE‘ cycle, garden tractor with plow slnft_on week-ends. Phone for Why buy new furniture when and cultivator, $50. or swap for? appmnttnent; 8&9â€"465l. c2w1 you can get next to new for 884'!§”- 7, Cl“? REGISTERED Nursing Assist- half the price? Large quantity of 12 FT. fihreglass beau-$125. ants, for evening and night household effects, china, odds 884-5128, after 6 pm. c1w2 shifts in nursing home. 889- and ends, lamps. kitchen sets, _fixs‘sfijfiidfim 4651. c2w1 b9d5°°m 595' We" W’s; A1: SALES AND SERVICE COOK for sma‘ii'lristitfitfon. ap- SUMMER CLEARANCE Ladies wear and childl‘ens wear. bulk zippers. nylon 10 22" and 24" long. 39c or 3 for $100. WYN-DOT THE LADIES SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 884-2214 CARRIAGE. crib and mattress, stroller, high chair. walker, toilet seat, booster, jumper, 1amps. etc. 225-0405, c1w2 BICYCLE. CCM Charger. 3- ‘68 YAMAHA 125 twin, good speed. 24" frame, best often 884-7880. clwi ELECTRIC driélf'péiiect, $50 chrome table, 4 chairs, S22 3 BIKES. excellent two men’s $25. each, $20., vacuum cleaner. dition. $30. 884-2632 384-5954 VIKING deluxe “ringer washer like new, $80. 884â€"7455. A-l FURNITURE SALES CCM Charger. 3- frame, best offer. c1w2 tfc52 $1.63 bag condition. one boy’s good con- c4w53 ' bag ’70 FORD Stationwagon, PS 8: $4.69 PB, radio, V8, $2,195. 884- 38-95 6264. c2w1 $4.95 . , c1wz’69 M.G.B., GT, excellent con- };v‘ dition throughout, radio, new ’ltires, must be seen. 889-3306. clw2 c1w2 tfc51 c1w2 c1 w2 c4w2 c1\\'2 c1w2 e1“ E ’70 TRIUMPH 500, excellent ,, condition. 964â€"26904 c1w2 74 ’67 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door hardtop, $1,200. 884-7996, after 6 pm. *1w2 TWO bicycles, 1 lady’s and 1 man's CCM 3-speed, $35. each. 887â€"5239. c1\\72 ’68'CHEVY II Nova. 6â€"cylinder, automatic. 889-6913. c1w2 ’67 ECONOLINE Supervan, best offer. 884â€"2975. *1w2 FINISHEbidunEbiiggyfleather t1 interior, top. Best offer, must N sell. 727-2017. c2w2 g PICKUP truck, lzé-ton, 1964 q Ford, can be seen at Supertest A Service Station, Yonge St. S.1V land Markham Road. Richmond g 'Hill. Best reasonable offer con- f‘ sidel‘ed. clw‘z I3 3099 ’68 CHEV Impala station wagon power equipped. 833-5486. ’67 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, four door, in good condition, new paint, one owner. $1,100 or best cash offer. 884-8860. *1w2 TNEW 3-bed tent trailer, sleeps 6-8 people: also utility trailer. Real bargain. 727-9110. ’68 BUICK Riviera matic, air conditi maculate. 884-3888 (Continued) SEWI'IQG MACHINES Used machines from $19.95 (guaranteed) Bemina Sewing Centre in The Mall, Richmond Heights Centre, 884-3775 or 895- 7922, tfc42 CONTENTS FROM MODEL 1 APARTMENTS ‘All like new, livingroom, dining ‘room, bedroom. etc. 889-2280 for cotta e, hand tools, ower tools. 88§_2690_ prkl‘vz EXPERIENCED serv1ce statlon -'~â€"*â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" tt . ‘ E , MILLINERS Dressmakers Sup-26 eggsatemgwly Dans c5552 plies, 93 Yonge St. S. This _h ____fi _ , week any kind of ribbons half HIGH SChOOl SiUdent l‘equn‘ed price, 834.5394. *1w2 for lawn manitenance one day n..." 7 . A . . aweek. 884-1092. c1w2 BABY carriage, A-l condition. 884-6606. clwz $30., 28” $25. 384-3362 ’70 HALF ton Chev. pick-up automatic. custom cab, radio, A-l condition, low mileage. 297â€" ’66 WOLSELEY 6, in running condition. $150. Phone 884- 1497. *2w2 Mâ€"F No. 3 Baler, good, $650; M-F No. 10 Baler, like new, $1,250: M-F N0. 12 Baler. ex- cellent. $1.250. Rumble Trac- tor 8; Equipment, corner of Don Mills and Stouffville Road. Gormley. 887-5886. clw2 STOVE. single beds, suitable ’69 MUSTANG. 6 cylinder. best offer, 884-7915, after 6 pm. ’65 JAGUAR Mark 10, power steering. power brakes, AM-FM radio, air conditioned. A-l con- ’65 FALCON convertible, auto., F]; "mg"; t‘." v-a, $250. 884-2218. clw2 “ °r 3* 1””. __V ,A , A. fast and accurate With figures, ’65 G2T.O. convertible. 339 familiar with P & L statements. motor rebuilt. 4-Speed, Ol‘iginal- May be possible to work in own Best Offer. 884-6257, afiel’ 5 home after training period. Call pm. c2\\'_‘-’_ 884-4030, between 1 and 8 pm. fish JAGUAR Mark 10 mirror C1\\'2 ’65 VALIANT 200. automatic radio, good condition, certified $495. 889-3830, after 6 pm. ’64 FORD, good engine, $100. 884-7900. c1w2 ’64 MG Midget. good condtion, best offer or trade. 884-7900. c1w2 ‘64 VALIANT, 884-4856, after 7 pm. c1w2 ’62 PONTIAC $100. 832-8839, ask for Robert. c2w2 RESPONSIBLE young couple would like to rent two or three bedroom house 01' duplex in Richmond Hill vicinity. 884- 8719. cZwl WOMAN and child require quiet unfurnished. selfâ€"contain- ed flat, apartment or small house with garden and parking by September lst. Prefer Thorn- hill area. References Apply to Box 44, "The Liberal". c2\\'1 SIAMESE cat Street'. blue ( HOUSE, two or three bedroom, north of Richmond Hill for young responsible couple. Low rental. references available. 884-5670. c1w2 BOYS highl‘ise bikes USED CARS FOR SALE _HELP WANTEQ (Continued) Aénmmi‘ma Ti’PI‘s‘i‘ WANTED TO RENT LOST Riviera, VB auto- conditioning, im- collar lost best offer. I. c2w1 (Arnold 884-4243. agon,'Witll experience in air condi- , tioning and plumbing preferred. c1w2 Call 884-1171, ext. 216. Chief erer Engineer. York central Hos- clwz‘gital, Richmond Hill. c1w2 c1w2 c1w2 c1w2 c1w2 c1 w2 tfc50 c1w2 clw2 Cleaning woman for family of four adults, two teenagers. Must be willing to assume re- sponsibility for walls, floors, oven cleaning etc. We do not expect miracles but rather a steady, reliable worker, once a week or every second week. References please. Call Mrs. D. C. Graham, 889-6024 evenings, 1889-8282 days. c2w2 THE York County Board of Ed- ucation requires a library tech- nician at the Bayview Secon- dary School, Seneca College graduate preferred. salary range $4.400. to $7,000. per an- num. Duties to commence September, 1972. Applications including name, address and telephone number should be sent to: COST clerk capable of main- taining cost records and other data relating to costing. For information apply to Box 50, The Liberal. c2w2 FACTORY help wanted suitable for females, afternoon shift, 3:30 pm to midnight. Apply Formold Plastics of Canada Ltd, 95 Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill. clwz SERVICE station attendant, full time only. experience preferred, neat appearance, references. Apply Texaco, 7161 Yonge St.. Thornhill. c1w2 work, must live in area. 241â€" 5113. c1w2 TEENAGED boy with own transportation for light de- livery. Apply 7771 Yonge Street, Thornhill. c1w2 EXPERIENCED service station attendant. Apply Dan's Esso, 66 Bayview. S. c1w2 A YOUNG boy to help with light gardening. 832-8807. nursery. Apply July 14. 10 am 3 pm. 889~8166. clw2 YOUTH to exercise strong but gentle dog. 884â€"3884, evenings. c2w2 GAS service men, full time COOK-Housekeeper for day REGISTERED nurse for day shift on week-ends. Phone for apprllntment. 889-4651. c2w1 REGISTERED Nursing Assist- ants, for evening and night shifts in nursing home. 889- 4651. c2w1 COOK for small Institution. ap- proximately 30 meals. Good wages. 889-7072. c2w1 WA'ITREss, expellien‘éd, for the Allencourt Restaurant. 884- 5952. c2w1 HOUSEKEEPER for part time work in nursing home. 889-4651. c2\v1 GUARANTY TRUST Real Estate Division requires full time receptionist-typist for Richmond Hill office. Pleasant personality and good telephone technique of more importance than office experience. Call Mr. O’Hagan, 889-1166. c1w2 iROUTE SALES DELIVERY AND GENERAL SERVICE Full time position. Knowledge of Metro area and experience with customer relations an asset. Apply Superior Propane Ltd., 669â€"1145. 8470 Keele 51., Con- cord (Keele and Langstaffl. SERVICE station attendants re- quired, full and part time. Apply Esso Centre, Hwy. 400 Maple, 832-2248. c1w2 ACCOUNTING TYPIST Full time position. accounts re- ceivable experience. Apply Superior Propane Ltd.. 669- 1145. 8470 Keele St., Concord (Keele and Langstaff). clwl OFFICE junior for interesting variety of secretarial and order desk duties. Excellent oppor- tunity for advancement. Poly- motion Ltd.. 77 Doncaster, Willowdale. 889-7553. c1w2 PRODUCTION line workers re- quired for aluminum window manufacturer. 669-1140. RELIABLE cleaning lady re- quired two days per week, Thomhill area. Above average rates plus expenses. Call 881- 2007. after 6 pm. clwz MAN experienced in general landscaping and maintenance work. 889-2691. clw2 GOOD worker wanted with chauffeurs licence experienced in landscaping. gardening. Good wages. Call C. Li Knappett. 884-3089. clwz Mr. A. A. Martin, Principal. Bayview Secondary School MAINTENANCE HELP DOMESTICS WANTED BOOKKEEPER lenagers. .ume re- floors. do not 'ather a once a :1 week. Mrs. D. :venings, c2w2 's'r requires Vpist for Pleasant alpnhnnp ewe. "r PRODUCTION AND MATERIAL CONTROL SUPERVISOR Must be able to plan and con- trol production requirements through all phases of manufac- ture and assembly of automo- tive components and other metal fabrication. Salary com- mensurate with ability. Please send resume, stating back- ground and qualifications to Mr. G. Gilbert, General Manager, Excel Metalcraft Ltd., 95 Cou- sins Drive, Aurora. c1w2 c1w2 c1w2 clwl ATTRACTIVE sales help for sporting goods department store. Apply in person between 9 am and 5:30 pm to Sporlkn Marts, 9185 Yonge Street, Borovoy Plaza, ’I‘hornhill. clw2 EXPERIENCE?) deanng wo- man. 1 day every second week, Thornhill area. 889-8296. IN A RUT? WANTED: Working. energetic people, who want and deserve a better way of life. Phone for appointment, 884-3575. after 6 pm. tfc2 c1w2 lPART-time recebtionisl. three evenings a week, 18 years or over.” gig-1101. c2wZ TYPIST-SWITC’HEOKR‘Dâ€" OPERATOR Qualified typist and switch- board operator required by firm located in Thomhill. Eligible to company benefits on con- firmation. Phone Mr. Billi- moria, 889-6204. c1w2 OFFICE cleaning, caretaker re- quired for offices of. York Fire and Casualty Company in Thornhill. Call Mrs. Rick, 889- 6208. c1w2 GIRL Friday, must be good with figures for invoice pricing, some bookkeeping and typing knowledge, and telephone. Con- cord area. 669-9696. c1w2 889-6208. c1w2 week, Bayview-Fairways, Thorn- hill. 881-1366. clwl MECHANIC full time, good starting rate and company bene- fits. Apply in person to store manager, Goodyear Tire & Rubber. 295 Yonge St. 5., Rich- mond Hill. c1w2 time, Bayview Plaza Restaurant. 884-6161. c1w2 CLERK TYPIST Well known Woodbridge manu- facturing company has opening for experienced clerk typist. Successful applicants must have good typing skills and be figure oriented. Car necessary for this position. $80. - $95. Call Inga Brooks. Brock Personnel, 86 Overlea Boulevard, 422-0590. PART time teller. experience. Apply in person. Canadian Im- perial Bank of Commerce. Bayâ€" view and Taylor Mills Drive. Richmond Hill, c1w2 SMALL engine mechanic, ex- perienced in small motors and various equipment. 889â€"5761. WOMAN with office experience required by insurance company in Thomhill. Call Mrs. Rick, EXPERIENCED waitress, full “LAMINATING Company has ._ ..____.. . .__.._"‘"“ immediate openings for individ- FULLY furniShed apartment, uals with spray painting or lay- private entrance, parking, com- up or related experience. Per- plete kitchen, plenty of cup- manent positions. good advance- board space, Walk-in Closets, ment opportunities and wages soft water. 4-piece bathroom. commensurate with ability and Private- Suit business lady. experience. Mr. Bradley, Gen-No children or pets. Now avail- eral Laminating Corporatiouable, Plus TV» 334-3795. Ltd. 147 Centre Street East} (-1w2 RiChmond Hill, Ontario. IONE bedroonrnnartment. avail; EXPERIENCEIS hgifiigéger good wages. full time employ ment, Thornhill. 889-5310. MATURE, honest student, will- ing to work and take responsi- bility. 491-9950. c1w2 (Continued) SEE THE COUNTRY DANCERS urgently needed, Go- go and exotic. top wages. no ex- perience necessary. We will train. Apply stating informa- tion to Box 18, “The Liberal". tfc47 R_N:s & RNA's, part time and full time in nursing home. Ap- ply Box 37, "The Liberal." Horse Saleâ€"each Saturday at Stouffville stockyal‘ds. Large saddle and equipment auction at 1:00 pm then horses and po- nies. Always many good quar- ter horses, appaloosas and po- nies. *5w52 HORSES boardedâ€"Queensville area, excellent facilities, beauti- ful area. all inclusive, 860. month. 884â€"6822. c2w1 HORSES boarded, large box st 3 l 1 s, turnabout standings. Horses each individually fed, beautiful riding. close to lakes. High Spade Stable. Hillsdale Drive, Stouffville. 640â€"2676. FOUR year old palomino mare, green broken. needs experienc- ed rider. 889-4508. c2w2 RIDING lessons either evenings or day or camp, 2 excellent in- structors will encourage any rider. 387-5905. c1“? HELP WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE RIDING LESSONS tfc-52 c1w2 c1w2 c1w2 c1w2 c4w1 1t in-‘WEATHERED bamboards of any 200d quality wanted. Call 489- c1\\‘2‘9665. c1\\‘2 Large. luxury 1-2 bedrooms.‘ pool, saunas. gym. rec. room and play grounds. 889-0271 or 889- 0567. tfc46‘ FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork‘s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FOR lease, 3,000 - 6.000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16'6" clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Construc- tion Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 FURNISHED room. young man privacy, parking. 884â€"5269. ONE and two bedroom apart- ments for rent, hydro and water included in rent. 884-2973. C 0 M P L E T E L Y furnished rooms, Don Mills Road at Gormley, cooking facilities, suit two girls. Call after 6 pm. 888-1923 ROOM to rent, 884-8897 2 BEDROOM house, central Richmond Hill. Suitable for couple or family with one child. Apply to Box 48, The Liberal. c1w2 ROOM available, private enâ€" trance, parking. 889-3270. APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 2 BEDROOM SUITES. RENT INCLUDES HEAT, HYDRO, SOFT \V A T E R, FRIDGE, STOVE, ETC. NEAR RICH- MOND HEIGHTS PLAZA AT 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE. QUIET ADULT BUILDING. CALL SUPT. 884-2475. tfc49 TWO bedroom apartment "avail- able immediately. 1 baby. Apply superintendent, 441 Elmwood. SUBLET one bedroom aparti ment, pets welcome. 889-8185. clwl EXTRA large furnished bed- room. 884-7564, clwl SUBLET one bedroom apt ONE and two bedroom apart- ments. 884-7701. tfcl PROFESSIONAL MODERN OFFICE SPACE Central, Yonge St. near A & WI Coffee Shop. $250. monthly] Apply Box 49, The Liberal FULLY furnished apartment, private entrance, parking, com- plete kitchen, plenty of cup- board space, walk-in closets, soft water. 4â€"piece bathroom. OFFICE space 52013. ft., 18 Yonge St. N.. now available. heating and air conditioning. 491-0277. tfc52 IN DUPLEX, 3 bedroom apart- ment, private paved drive and garden, spotless condition, $190. month. 221-5829. c1w53 model suite. 7 months on lease Rent $146., Thornhill. 881-0134 FURNISHED room, on Yonge Street, lady preferred. 889-3685. clwl ROOM for rent in apartment building, business lady. 881- 2529. c1w2 ONE bedroom apartment. availâ€" able August lst. 884-8588. KPARTMENT, central, Rich- mond Hill, 2 bedroom in triplex. 773-5618. c1w2 FURNISHED one b 9 dr 0 o m basement apartment, private entrance includes hydro. 884- 5963. c1w2 YONGE VA'IILâ€"E'Y 7471 Yonge Street - 170 Dudley Avenue FURNISHED basement apart- ment. 889-7578. c1w2 ONE MONTH’S FREE RENT One bedroom luxury apartment to sublet the lst of August. pool sauna and laundry facilities. $150. month. 881-0543. clwzl APARTMENT of choice at $80. reduction for caretaking small apartment building. 62 Hum Ave. No renting or collecting.’ No experience needed. Mature; adults, no pets 488-0802. ONE bedroom apartment, young couple only. 884-7757. c1w2 FARM house, ham stables, orchard, garden. $180. per month, plus utilities, near King City. 654.2998. c1w2 ROOM fdr rent with baiifpééiii FURNISHED room. gentleman preferred, Thornhill district. 889-1540. c1w2 ONE and two bedroom apart- ments, 402 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. 884-1909. ing, close to buses, board op tional. 884-7803 after 6 pm. LIARGE furnished room, close to transportation and industry. 884â€"6236. tfcl 4 WEEKS FREE RENT 2 bedrooms only FARM EQUIPMENT T0 RENT IMISCELLANEOUS c1w2 c1w2 c1w2 c2w c2w2 c1w2 c1w2 c 1 “'2 tfc2 tfcl tfc2 .7 : REID LAWNMOWER . SALES AND SERVICE 'Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service [Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 ‘NO'RTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paperâ€" hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer & water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 Several type faces to choose from â€"including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal” 884- 1105. WHITE'S Furnace Cleanings, Natural and propane gas. 889- 3806. tfc43 Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 GENERAL clean-ups, garages. basements, garbage and yard maintenance. 884-1346. c2w1 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc42 CARPENTRY All types indoors and outdoors, also custom built work. 889- 5612. tfc52 PLUMBING & Hlfifi‘fiaâ€"~ Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 'No job too large or small. we clean them all. Reasonable rates. 939-7075. tfc44 CHIMNEYS LET us clean out your base- ment, garage, attic. etc. Free estimates. Call 773-5332. 7 tfcz RICHMOND Hill 1’oum uentre , . RON MOORE needs donations of 2 sturdy MORFGAGE cmmg due? CaSh to consolidate bills? Low cost PAINTING - PAPERHANGING chesterfields, 3 or 4 living room Interior - Exterior. Free esti. chairs. coffee table or endIIStJ 2nd .and 3rd mortgage money available. Call me now n ‘ - ‘ ta 1 . - ‘ - iates. (.all any tlme. 889-??535é‘64zfs can 884 9286 m 31:32 for last, confidential service. “A i, _ ,7 Y 7 _ 7 _- -Y' _, a , . A _ . Bram Ogden. Emerald Isle Real HOME HAIR DRESSING {SMALL cement mlxer “'lthlEstate Limited. 889-5651, 884< SERVICE V ielectric motor, reasonable. 889-i2377. tfc23 Professional styles done in S’Olll"83§?~ Cl“'2'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- home, sets. shampoos. perms, 'SVIKLIL-W‘vAATWTâ€"JVTW â€"‘ guts, etc. Done by licenced hair- i . box “3118!. 884 43:?iv2 ressers in the comfort of your DRESSMAKING d It ‘ WANTED 5'“ a 9”" own home. 223-7001. tfcl C._,__,_._ “m,” ,m “m mnh“,hltions. Please call after 6 pm. R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 Repairs, new work, alterations Bus. 884-8582 GENERAL contracting, alteri- tions and additions, home, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. th3 Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc2 Plastering CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions, renovations. tile floors, and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price, 889â€"3653. ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€"â€" siding. Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887â€"5153. FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All: commercial residential and in- TOURS, cruises. rail and bus dustrial wiring, Hydro electrical tickets. reservations and indi- modernization plan available. vidual travel. Call A. H. Creigh- Free estimate<. Call any time. ton Travel Agency 339-5643. 881-2509 tfc43 tfc47 A. J. CLAYTON MASONRY CONTRACTOR All phases of brick, block, stone and repair work. WE specialize in retaining walls, planter boxes and curbing, built from railroad ties. Free esti- mates. A. Hartwick 889-6338. tfc41 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned HANDYMAN’S' c'IjEANLU'P' SERVICE 488-7521 PLUMBING & HEATING A. MILLS 8; SON LTD. 884-2201 REXWAY PLUMBER}; PA]NTING‘& PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 RUBBER STAMPS SHAMPOOING C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 884-6417 889-3185 tchZO Thornhill tfc32 tfc18 tfc21 tfc48 tfc18 tfc46 tfc46 c1w2 tch tch PAINTING and decorating, in- terior and exterior. 20 years experience. F r e e estimates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 WALTER LONG PLUMBING, Efficient service at reasonable rates. BOOKKEEPING and account- ing services for small busi- nesses. 889-5683. tfc33 GENERAL CARPENTRYfi Kitchen units, alterations, rec rooms. etc. BEAUTIFUL male Samoyed, 7 months old, $25. to good home. 889-4577. c1w2 10 PUPS, Lab. and Husky 8536. LABRADOR, black female; spayed, 14 months old, loves children, looking for home with reliable dog loving people. 889- 17237 or 225-3868. c1w2 BOARDING Year round boarding of dogs and cats. inspections invited. Rivercourt Kennels (Reg’d) west side of Yonge Street, 11/; miles south of Aurora. 727-5488. New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog groomingâ€"poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 FAIRLAWN Junior 8: Nursery School. 8403 Yonge Street, Thornhill. Fully licensed - open all year. See our ad on Page 20. He!!!) DAY care includes transporta- tion, meals and entertainment. Only $5 a day. 884-9452. EXPERIENCED day care given, any age, Richvale area. 889- 3083. c2w2 WANTED home for small dog, (preferably country), 884-9088, after 6 pm. clwl KINCARDINE â€"â€" Cottage lots for sale in new plan of subdiv- ision on shore of Lake Huron. all lots approx. lé acre. fully wooded. central water system. Write Box 489, King City, 833- 5990. c2\\'1 MISCELLANEOUS ADORABLE puppies, toys, to large, litters segregated. some vaccinated. no misfits. all guar- anteed, $2. to $70. 889-7194. ST. BERNARD puppies, beauti- ful, registered, vaccinated. Place your order now, 884-4106 - 889- 4050. c4w2 FREE to good home, police dog, 11/2 year old, male, good watch dog, had all shots. ‘ 884-3273. HIGHEST cash value paid for and appliances. ture 478-4175. ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR FEE CAN BE ARRANGED IF NECESSARY DAY care given in my home, Bayview Plaza area. 884-8285. tfc53 Summer Properties GOOD home for three kittens, free, will deliver. 889-1927. DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Piconi & Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. RICHMOND Hill Youth Centre needs donations of 2 sturdy chesterfields, 3 or 4 living room chairs. coffee table or end tables. Call 884-9286 or 884- 6404. clw2 WANTED Saleable articles by the Victoria Square Lions Club for their an- nual auction sale on Sat, Sept. 16. For pickup call 773-4190 or 887â€"5536. c1w2 TENT trailer sleeps 6 for the month of August. 884-6721.; PETS FOR SALE WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 TREE CUTTING AND PRUNING HOUSEPAINTING E. C. DOAK 884-5316 832-1345 â€"- MAPLE DAY CARE GORD ROWLAND 889-3437 TRAILERS TO RENT WANTED (Continue d) PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 prices or trade used furniture Brice’s Furni- tfc36 PHONE 884-1105 tfc43 tfc52 tfc50 tfc18 c1w2] c4w1 clw2 tfc46 tfc49 * 1'\v2 c2w2 369}! PERSONAL clwl To Order Want Ads To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads For Information About Want Ads RELIABLE teenager seeks sum- mer work. Will consider any- thing. Phone Tom Smith, 884- 1087. nc3w53 HOUSE painting, interior or ex- terior. Experienced student. 889-7021. tfc5_3 MOVING, cleanups, baséménfs and yards, lawnsVand painting. 889-2362. c4w52 PAINTERS 2 EXPERIENCED s t u d e n t painters, exterior and interior, fair rates. 884â€"6478. 884-3928. YOUNG man wants part time work, helping handicap chil- dren, location King or Vaughan. Call 1-859-4345. clw‘l MAINTENANCE MAN Reliable maintenance man seeks permanent position in Richmond Hill area. 19 years in govern- ment service. Write Box 26 “The Liberal". nc3w53 FOREMAN 0R MAINTENANCE MECHANIC 10 years experience in modern chemical and plastic industries. Polytechnical and trade school graduate, looking for permanent position in chemical or any kind of industry. Good mechani- cal and supervisory experience. Write Box 51, The Liberal. Do you ha lem If so Box 84. Ri \EM 6-8684 HOUSE painting. interior or ex- terior. Dave 884-2675. *lw‘l TRANSPORTATION w a n t e d from Richmond Hill to Jane Junior High School on Jane Street, south of Steeles, arriving bfiSSMAKING and altera- tions. Please call after 6 pm. 889-5713. céwl LICENSED gas fitter, natural and propane. will clean and re- pair gas appliances. Call Dave. 884â€"9526. *le TWO young men wanting work cutting lawns. No job too big or too small. Own tw0 riding mowers. Phone Gary. 884-7038. clw2 iKNDSCAPING and gardening, man with truck. 832-2683. 9 am. for female student in September. Phone 884â€"1570 after 6 pm, or write Box 40 “The Liberal. tfc53 RIDE from Richmond Hill to Don Mills and Eglinton. Work hours from 8:15 am to 4:20 pm. 884-4675. c2w1 WANTEDâ€"Ride from Thorn- hill to Dixon Road and No. 27 ‘Hqu Aladdin Industries for 15 year boy. Willing to assist in paying for gas. Starts at 8 am. 364-0810. cl\v2 ‘ LAWNS AND GARDENS MOWING and Roto Tilling, by hour or contract. Good equip- ment, dependable service, noth- ing too large or too small. Call Doug, 887.5303. c4w2 9 ft. fiberglass cartop and 18 hp Johnson, $275 or will sell sep- arately. 884-9587. *lw2 WILL baby sit in my home. days, nights. )yegek-ends and for vaéationé. 888-1082 BOATS - MOTORS ALL types of landscaping, stone work, sandy top soil and mush- room compost. Free estimates. A. Hartwick. 889-6338. tfc41 G-XRDEN’S' designedIigeneral landscaping, patios, etc. Free advice and estimates. 884-7953. tfc48 ROOM and BOARD SUIT two. c1;ng transporta‘ tion and industry. 884-6236; The right person we will show you how our new personalized training program can help you, Find out the truth about selling real estate. For an assessment or your po. tential call Barney Nurgfiz at 884-8106. NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. REALTOR About Real Estate Selling NOT EVERYONE Can be successful, but for those who are, an income of $300. to $400. a week is easily attained. EMPLOYMENT WANTED BABY SITTING Transportation MORTGAGES GARDENING THE TRUTH have a drinking prob- 50 AA can help. Write Richmond Hill, or call 584. tfcl’? IF YOU ARE *2w1 clwz clw2 tfc51 c2w1

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