JULY 15, SATURDAY â€" Auc-E tion Sale of Household Furni- ture: Light oak dining room table, extension and 6 chairs to match with carving. extra good; Pine bedroom suite, dressers and washstand with marble top, antique, good condition; 2 Rec- ord players: 2 TVs; Writing desk and china cabinet combin- ed; 7" bench saw and motor; China; 50 piece dinner set; Carnival glass; Tools. In the Town of Richmond Hill at 177 Sussex Ave.. 3rd street west of Bayview. south of Markhaml Road. Property of Neal Jarvie.‘ Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. A1-‘ vin S. Farmer, Auctioner, 887- 5311. c1w2 1* i t It! SATURDAY, JULY 15. 12:30 - BARROW -â€" David and Marg- aret are pleased to announce the birth of a son Gregory David, 7 lbs‘, 9% 025., at York Central Hospital. on Satur- day, July 8. 1972. A brother vvwv - for Jennifer. c1w2 wk 1: t at KUCHERAWY â€" S t a n and Lynda are happy to announce the birth of a son. Jeffery Allan Michael, 7 lbs.. 1 02.. July 9, 1972, at York Central Hospital. A brother for Steven and Nancy. Special thanks to Dr. Sabo. c1w2 *SIIIKSt RINTOUL â€" David and Claudia are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter Pat- ricia Lynn. 8 pounds. 11% 025.. at, 12:25 am on Friday, p.m.â€"Auction sale of household July 7, 1972, at Scarboro W SATURDAY. JULY 15, 12:30i p.m.â€"Auction sale of household‘ effects including rocking chairs. Chesterfield and chair; wash stand; various beds and dressers; kitchen suite: various old wood- en chairs: partial set of dishes. Various china items including 4 Blue Willow plates. items of cut glass; other glassware. dish- es. etc.; oil lamp; gingerbread clock; steamer trunk. Number of hand and power tools. New lawn sweeper. etc. For the estate of the late Melvin Defoe. Napier St.. Kleinburg, lst street east of Islington Ave.. directly behind post office. Terms cash date of sale. Gord Orr. Auctioneer. clwz JULY 22. SATURDAY â€" Auc- tion Sale of household furni- ture: French Provincial ches- terfield and matching chair. bedroom suite complete, kitchen drop leaf table, tea wagon. broadloom stair carpet (rose- beige), Electric range (good condition). dishes. crocks. jars, electric refrigerator. twin beds (new). In the Town of Stouff- ville, at 179 Main St. East across from Summitview School. The property of Bert Tate. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Al- vin S. Farmer. Auctioneer. ynonâ€"of flichmond Hill are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Colleen Margaret to Mr. Michael Stanley Hamo mond. son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hammond, Richmond Hill. The wedding will take place October 7 in Our Lady Queen of the World Church. t It ‘0‘ ’0‘ Mr. and Mrs. Orval W. Charl- ton are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Donna Ruth to Mr. James Mc- Gibbon Cutler. son of Mr. Cyril P. Cutler and the late Mrs. ‘ “ -I...0 I Location of the meeting was Joe Gelleny’s office on the King Sideroad with 13 people in at- tendance. including Mayor Ken Macbaggart. Councillor Donald Findlay, Nip Armstrong, Burt Lutes, Joe Gelleny. Ray Love, Len 05111 and Mrs. Paul and‘ reportm‘s. 7 7 -_r--v-_,_ Guest of honor. so to speak, was Larry Keffer who has been retained as the manager for the new King Arena. An energetic. young man. Mr. Keffer is well known in the Aurora area for his involvement in sports events. Mr. Curran referred to him as an “Aurora person with a lot of experience in the sports field with good recom- mendations." He went on to say that Mr. Keffer is “a per- son who will cause a lot of ex- citement" and called his ap- pointment in King as “Aurora‘s: lossâ€. With Bill Curran seated at his left, Mr. Keffer signed a draft of agreement for the posi- tion of arena manager. prepara- tory to the issuance of a for- mal contract. Mr. Curran said. that “as of the first of August he (Larry Kefferl goes on pay: roll. on a year round basis.†"He gress.†Mr. Osin said that he was “greatly honored to be part of the committee" and asked about the ice cleaning equip- ment. Mr. Curran said that the equipment would be received around September 1 with ice l made for September end. One; person questioned the fact that three new arenas are being built in such close proximity (Oak Ridges, King and Maple) but Bill Curran said that ice time is in great demand and that the population is growing faster than arenas are being built. In the past few years. 180 to 200 boys have played hockey each season and the committee expects a one-third increase at least. It was con- firmed that the official opening will he held on September 15 and Bert Lutes said that the festivities would include music, dancing. and the lottery draw. A qpecial press conference meeting. chaired by Bill Cult- ran. was held on the evening of July 3 to announce the hir- ing of a manager for the new King city Community Centre. phone 887-531] Larry Keï¬er, Manager King Arena, August I With Bill Curran seated at his left, Mr. Keffer signed a draft of agreement for the posi- tion of arena manager. prepara- tory to the issuance of a for- mal contract. Mr. Curran said that “as of the first of August he (Larry Keffer) goes on pay- roll on a year round basis.†"He will have a free hand in the hiring and firing of staff.“ MANY IDEAS In accepting the position, Mr. Keffer said “There are a lot of programs I want to introduce." He said “the area is bubbling over with people who want to get skating clubs going" and he suggested the possibility of using the new centre for a trade fair. He went. on to say that he is "looking forward to the challenge". Referring to bookings for ice time. Mr. Kei- fer said “if you can fill the mornings. prime time is easily filled.†MAKING GOOD PROGRESS I Regarding the construction of: the new arena. Mr. Curran said<l that as of June 30. 80% of the! labor was completed and that‘| only this portion will be sub-‘I ject to the 75% government‘ subsidy. He also referred to them lottery which they‘ll be run- ning, selling 1,000 books of’ tickets worth 60 dollars each 4 $50,000. (Each book will con-II ‘ tain 12 $5 tickets; one for each} I month of the year.) The amount! ‘ raised will be short of the to-: tal amount required and there-;I fore any donations (tax deducH ible) will be most welcome ap-‘ parently. A Jim Ball recently donated $500 through Bert. Lutes towards the amount“ owing. ‘ The committee in charge of, the arena will consist of Gell-x eny. Lutes. Love. Adams‘ Cur- ran. Findlay and Osin. Nip‘ Armstmng has been on the committee since the first and" I it appeared as if he would still be involved. Other comments at the meet- ing included the fact that the arena has “trap rock" flooring which can be used for roller skating. lacrosse. automotive shows. and such. The building will have storage rooms for park equipment and future tickets worth 60 dollars each.â€" book which will net a profit of‘l B! NORMAN MATTHEWS cZwZICutler‘ SIMMONDS â€" Gary and Bar- bara are proud parents of a girl. Lisa Faye, born June 8. 1972, at York Central Hos- pital. Richmond Hill. c1w2 Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Blackburn of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter. Deborah Kath- leen. to Mr. William J. Huke, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Huke of Richmond Hill. clw2 Mr. and Mrs. Orval W. Charl- ton are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Donna Ruth to Mr. James Mc- Gibbon Cutler. son of Mr. Cyril P. Cutler and the late Mrs. Mayor Maotaggart was asked to comment, replying that he is “very pleased with the pro- gress" Mr. Osin said that he ICE TIME IN DEMAND Mr. Curran said that "mos1 arenas are too crowded around the snack bars. but the King one will h‘aVe more room.†He also disclosed that the kitchen equipment has been do- nated by Sterling Drug of Au- rora. plans provide for I swimming pool just to the north. There are two dressing rooms for baseball; a snack room. and skate sharpening facilities. {Engagements After the meeting. everyone had a chance to chat briefly with the new manager, Larry Keffer. His full time occupa- tion of late has been the prop- rietor of Keffer‘s Barber Shop on Wellington East in Aurora. Mr. Keffer is 29 years old and attended Newmarket High School. His personal sports talents include lacrosse. tennis, hockey. baseball, and he is the recipient of a Bronze Medal in swimming. He plans on renting his barbbershop to another bar- ber. ngtenéry Hospital ______‘___________1 ““““‘““l Mr. and Mrs. Gerald _Shan- r4““““‘l“l WHY PAY RENT? 3 bedroom solid brick 2 storey, fireplace in 1-iv1ng ' room. Bedrooms and stairs broadloomed._ In the heart and on the west side of Richmond Hill. Full price $27,500 with $2,000 down. Walk to shopâ€" ' ping, schools, transportation, churches. For further information call Harry Pridham, 832- I 1064 - 889-0544 any time. WE HAVE BUYERS ANXIOUS TO LOCATE IN THE RICHMOND HILL, MAPLE 8: GORMLEY AREAS We require property listings in your area for our clients. flirthn List with us today. Call Harry Pridham Res. 832-1064 or Office 889-0544 any time Hanoi MORTGAGES c1w2 c1w2 friendship in the f‘ lectable food, many CARD 0F THANKS v. ---... I would like to take this op- portunity to extend a most sin- cere “Thank you" to our wonder- ful friends, neighbors and rel- atives for the many tributes of an"... ___ friendship in the form of de- lectable food, many cards and visits and phone calls, while I have been laid aside, by way of a leg cast. It was so nice of each of you. On the medical side. many thanks go to Dr. Socol and all the wonderful nurses in "Emergency" and “Therapyâ€. CARD 0F THANKS My sincerest appreciation for the thoughtfulness of my friends, expressed in cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Sunnybrook Hos- pital. Special thanks are ex- tended to the staff of the hos- pital for their kind care and to Dr. James Langstafj: CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thank all our friends and neighbours for floral tributes and cards during the recent bereavement in the death of John Cameron, 1 Mari- lyn Cresc.. Oak Ridges. Mr. and Mrs. King. *1w2 June 2 Richvale Crash Claims Second Victim A June 2 Richmond Hill high- way crash claimed its second victim on Saturday of last Week with the death in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital of 19-year-old John Cameron of 1 Marilyn Crescent, Oak Ridges. This brought the 1972 death toll on provincial highways in York Region to 14, according to OPP, up two this year. n, -r v V Cameron died, ovar a month after the crash, of injuries re- celved. He was a passenger in a car driven by the late Frank VonZuben Jr. of Richmond Hill who died in hespital June 11. The crash occurred at night at Yonge Street and Carrville Road. The son of Donald and Rose Cameron of Richmond Hill. John Cameron is also survived by several brothers and sis- ters, Carol. Donna, Jimmy, Barbara, Robert and Betty. Funeral service was held Tuesday morning from the Marshall Funeral Home with in- terment at Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church Cemetery. llllllllllllllllllll“\llllllllllllllllllll““\lllllllllllllllull!“\lllllllllllllllll 83/470 Mortgages UNDER OUR NEW BLANKET MTGE. PLAN Approved Correspondents for; The Mortgage Insurance Co. Call PHIL POWELL 884-8183 Tor. 297-1270 In Thornmll last week worm pickers threatened a visiting Calgarian while expensive ornamental ever- greens were disappearing from a front lawn, accord- lng to York Region Police. Susan Hicks of 40 Roth- aay Road told police two Skyrocket Jumpers worth 549 were standing in her lawn at 8 pm Thursday of last week but were gone at 10 pm. Brock Napiar of Calgary at 20 Elmbank Drive, went out to question the pres- ence of live worm pickers on the front lawn at 1 am Tuesday of last week. One of the pickers went to a car with aiQuebec license and came back toward him swinging n tire iron. Na'piaf made a speedy re- treat and called YRI'. The ear sped nway. Tree Rustlers Hit Thornhill Signed: Doris Downey c1\v2 Elmo Snider c1w2 CAMERON. John Bruce -â€" At“ Toronto General Hospital on Saturday, July 8, 1972, son of| Donald and Rose Cameron of Richmond Hill, dear brother of Carol. Donna. Jimmy, Barbara. Robert and Betty. Rested at the Marshall Fun- eral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Tuesday morning. In- terment Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church Cemetery. DIXON. Verdellaâ€"Suddenly at Richmond Hill on Saturday. July 8. 1972. Verdella Doner, beloved wife of the late Edâ€" win Dixon. dear mother of Muriel (Mrs. Fred Morning) of Newmarket; dear grand- mother of Donna. Fred and Stacey. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Tuesday. Interment Heise Hill Ceme- tery. c1w2 KESKI-AIJO. Samuel â€" Sud- mother, Ivy Brown, \vh: denly at his home, Lake Wil- passed away July 12, 1967. cox. on Wednesday. July 5, Mum's life is a beautiful 1972. Samuel Keskl-Aijo. memory Funeral service was held on Her death is a silent grief Saturday from the Marshall She sleeps in God‘s beautiful Funeral Home. Richmond garden Hill. c1w2 In sunshine and perfect peac‘ McMASTER, Elsie â€"â€" At York Manor on Thursday. July 6. 1972, beloved mother of Ron- ald of Thornhill and Douglas of Richmond Hill. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Sat- urday. Interment Mouni Pleasant Cemetery. clw2L PARKIN. Robert â€"â€" Suddenly‘ at Toronto on Thursday, July 6, 1972. Robert Parkin, dear brother of Mrs. Ethel Mad- eley of Richmond Hill; Gor- don of Vancouver and Mrs. Ella Middery of Toronto. Rested at the Marshall Fun- eral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Saturday. Interment Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Cemetery. c1w2 TENDERS FOR 1 YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL * SOUTH PARKING LOT AND ASSOCIATED MECHANICAL WORK Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the architect until 3 o'clock pm EDST Friday, July 21. 1972 for the construction of sub- base, asphalt paving, concrete curbs and underground mech- anical work for approximately 10,000 square yards of parking lot. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the architects on deposit of a certified cheque in the amount of $50. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. MARANI, ROUNTHWAITE AND DICK RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Architects 1250 Bay Street, Toronto 185 2,000 square feet of air-conditioned office space available, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Can be divided into smaller areas. A DRAKE INTERNATIONAL COMPANY (Keele & Hwy. 7) $125.00 + Secretary to assist the Sales Administrator of this leading cosmetic firm. (Maple, Ontario) $115.00 + Receptionist to greet V.I.P.‘s along with switchboard and typing duties. (Keele & Hwy. '7) $90.00 Accounting Clerk to handle all A/R plus credit and collections for this growing company. (Don Mills - Wynford) $90.00 Steno - Receptionist, associate with the best and combine your steno skills with your pleasant telephone manner. Emma (Sheppard - Yorkland) $100.00 Machine Operator. Utilize your skills as an ex- perienced N‘C.R. operator for this progressive dynamic (Lesmill Area) $95.00 Clerk Typist. Enjoy a variety and Challenge by working in the sales department of this reputable com- pany. Excellent potential. company 3089 Bathurst St. (at Lawrence) Well known company in north Toronto requires route driver for their Metro Operation. QUALIFICATIONS â€"Valid Chauffeur’s License â€"Minimum Age 21 â€"Good Driving Record â€"Neat Appearance THE OFFER â€"Excellent Earnings â€"Good Fringe Benefits â€"Steady, full-time employment with reputable company, qu21“"‘ m‘oducts â€"Opportunity for Advar ..-nt Telephone 633-9440 9 am. to noon or 2 pm 4 p.m. for interview. DRAKE PERSONNEL PRESTIGE OFFICE SPAC ROUTE DRIVER 787-0397 Phone 884-9133 c1w2 CALL Mrs. B. Linforth is happy to announce the marriage of her daughter, Nancy Lee to Paul Stephen Klazek, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Klazek of Richmond Hill. The wedding took place on Saturday. July 1, 1972, at Holy Spirit Church, Agincourt. Reception took place at Holiday Inn. Couple are residing in Thornhill. c1w2 3m mvmnriam BEATTYâ€"ln loving memory of husband and father, Frank W. Beatty. who passed away July 15. 1970. Just a thought of sweet remem- rance. Just a memory sad and true. Just the love and sweet devo- tions. of one who thinks of you. â€"L ovin gly remembered by Elsie and Bill. c1w2 BROWN â€"â€"- In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Ivy Brown. who passed away July 12, 1967. In sunshine and perfect peace We miss her, 0 how well. But realize God knew best He let us have her many years Then gently bade her rest. â€" iovingly remembered by June, Bill. Kelly and John. ELLENA â€"-â€" In loving memory of Anthony Ellena who passed away July 9. 1969. What would I give to clasp his hand. His happy face to see; To hear his voice and see his smile. That meant so much to me. â€"- Lovingly remembered by wife and family. c1w2 marriang liï¬nflhmming Plus ï¬â€˜ «’9' v†@9109 - ‘ x ‘9 \ ‘6 ‘ m‘glï¬ooA’s‘. .no BRADDOCK OPTICAL Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill 884-6 881 493-6880 5 Falrview Mall Drive c1w2 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ellis of Richmond Hill take pleasure in announcing the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Anne Heather to Mr. Peter Wentworth Dowel]. son of Mr. and Mrs‘ Wentworth Dowell of Richmond Hill. Wedding to take place at Richmond Hill United Church. September 8. 1972. c1w2 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kirkpatrick. are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Deborah Lou to Mr. John E. Mashinter. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mashinter. Both are residents‘ of Richmond Hill. Wedding to take place August 11. 1972. Colleen to Dr. Tilo B. Hofmann. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hofman, Thornhill. Wedding in take place. July 29. 1972. in Victoria Square. United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams,‘ Victoria Square. are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Heather marriagw 34 Yonge S. Air conditioned, Central Yonge Street location in Richmond Hill CONTACT BRYDON ELLIS AT 884-4466 Richmond Hill Cable TV Ltd. requires‘ exper- ienced sales supervisor to organize direct selling programme in Markham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill area. $92.25 to $108 (under review) The successful candidate will be responsible for taking dictation. writing and transcribing letters, memoranda, reports and other material. Qualifications: Preferably grade 12 education and a minimum of two years experience as a stenographer. Interested persons are invited to write: Mr. Ian W. McClung, ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER 460 OAK STREET, NEWMARKET. ONTARIO enclosing a complete resume of qualifications and work experience. This competition closes July 21, 1972. Gordon S. Wood OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT HI CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 80 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL “Fitted to your Eye Doctor‘s Prescription" Experienced Gals for Permanent and Temporary positions. CLERICAL STENOGRAPHER SALES SUPERVISOR GLASSES YORK ASSESSMENT REGION 884-6782 PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS OFFICE ASSISTANCE W E N E E D YOU! Excellent career opportunity. . JEFFERY - 884-8111 RICHMOND HILL clw2 c1w2 rWUHPS One of Canada‘s leading second mortgage companies has funds available from $1,600 to $10,000 and more 0 Up to 20 year amortization. 0 Open from commencement. oAvailable for home pur- chase. renovation. debt consolidation. vacations or any worthwhile purchase. o No hidden charges 0 Our service is completely confidential. CANAC/AN ACCEPTANCE money from You do better with _e_xparienced GDRPUHA "UN LIMI 750 SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE 20 Yonge St. S THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario 884-4458 884-1955 \MITED. A SUBSIDIARY OF Openings for 3 Agents covering areas: Markham, Richmond Hill, Aurora, Newmarket, Etc. We will guide and train you. Excellent commission and bonus. For confidential interviews call per- sonnel manager SALESWOMEN - SALESMEN WANTED BE PART OF AN INTERESTING AND REWARDING INDUSTRY Training is provided with qualified instructor. You need only an ability to work and a sincere desire to help people. Our growing company with its 18 branch offices has specialized mortgage and appraisal departments ready to assist you. We have a place for you in our new expanding office. Call me for an appointment for confidential inter- view. RON ELLIOTT, 884-8183 or 297-1270. INDUSTRIAL SITES TANKOOS, YARMON LTD. TIRED OF THE HUMDRUM? JOIN AN ACTIVE SALES TEAM For Sale or owner will build for lease N. 5. SMITH REAL ESTATE LTD. 39 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill THIS SPAGHETTI RAVIOLI TORTELLINI LASAGN A VEAL PARAMIGGIANO 889-7624 MINI - 45¢ SMALL - $1.25 LARGE - $1.90 SUBMARINES IF YOUR PHONE NUMBER.IS LISTED ABOVE YOU ARE A WINNER OF A GEORGE’S PARTY PAK .lll‘vsl. ‘- u- .0. Seneca Eoliege 0‘." Applied Arts and Technology. 1750 Finch Avenue East. (at Woodbine) Willowdale. 1t 889-1597 889-0613 884-7034 884-3123 All winners must show identification 8 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO 363-5086 ' OR 884-3905 MENU PIZZA FULLY SERVICED WEEK’S LUCKY PHONE NUMBERS 1 T0 20 ACRES GORD SMITH 884-4425 Thursday. July 13. 197 YOU MAY BE A WINNE' TAKE-OUT 0R HOME DELIVERY Phone 884-9253 773-4211