l) The many friends of Harold Mortson, will be pleased to hear he returned to his home on Richmond Street last Tuesday following a short stay in York Central Hospital where he un-‘ derwent minor surgery. 4 a Mrs. Michael Maytas and family left this week to spend the next two months at their a summer home in Collingwoodfboro' ,, ,, ,, workShop is plannmg a freel * a i. , . , Theatre Arts Drama Course to , The wedding of Christine. be conducted by David Philips, The Richmond Hill Lions:daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mor-a theatre arts graduate from Club is still in urgent need of,ley Hall, Richmond Hill. to York University who has done wheel chairs (donated or will‘Gregory. son of Mr. and Mrs. extensive work '“vith the Rich. purchase) to carry on their G. K. Watson, Toronto, took‘mond Hm High school and the service work with convales- place June 20 in the gardens Curtain Club? cents. paraplegics and invalids. Please call 884-2189 or 884- 3859 to arrange for a pick-up. n- ur 4! Looking for a shower or “bread and butter" gift‘.’ How about a Coral Cooks Cook Book available for a nominal sum at the York Central Hospital Gift Shop? All proceeds go to the auxili- ary to help meet its many com- mitments in furnishing and equiping the new wing of the hospital. “IIIIIlllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIII What’s Cooking? Almost. everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy why not share the recipe with our readers, be it malii course, dessert or snack? Each week onewill be publish- ed in this columnâ€"how about 311'. and Mrs. Robert Thomp- Ison and son. Drew. of Trayborn l l editor margot crack Beach, Georgian Bay, Stainer family of Driscoll Road in v v lowing a week‘s holiday of Rideau Towers, Toronto. Rev. Michael ciated at the ceremony. The reception was ,‘ed at the Old Mill. Toronto. 1 x x Returning from a vaca- tion? Guests from out-of- town? Celebrating an anni- versary or birthday? Enter- taining at showers or par- ties for a July bride? Your summer activities make interesting reading for “Life in the Hill" col- umns â€"â€" the service is free --.Iust call the Social Edi- tor Margot Crack at 884- 1105-6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South â€" we'll look forward to hear- ing from you. J'I "K 0' Lucy and Arthur Rickard, yours '3 EGGPLAN’I‘ AND CORN IN CASSEROLE 1 large onion, sliced thin 4 tbsp. olive oil 1 garlic clove. minced 3 large tomatoes (fresh or canned) salt and cayenne PEPPEP 1 young eggplant flour 1/2 cup milk 2 cups canned corn (cream style) 1 tbsp. melted butter 2 eggs, separated Slowly fry onion in 2 table- spoons olive oil until golden; add garlic and continue slow frying until garlic is lightly browned; cut tomatoes and add; season with salt and cayenne, and simmer until sauce thick- ens. _ Meanwhile, peel eggplant, cut in thick fingers and drop into salted and peppered flour. lleat remaining olive oil and fry eggplant until browned on. all sides, mix with sauce and put in buttered baking dish. Mix corn, milk, butter and beaten egg yolks: fold in stiffly beaten egg whites: and spread mixture over eggplant. Set dish uncovered in moderate oven and bake 25 - 30 minutes, or until corn mixture is tenderly firmed and lightly browned. Mrs. Elsa Smith IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllll AURORAâ€"A 31-acre south- end parcel of land that has, been an eyesore for more than‘ a decade will soon become thel site of 55 condominium town-1 houses. Eventually it is to con-1 tain 159 townhouses a four- acre apartment site and a com- mercial development. But the present development is limited formerly of Richmond Hill, now living in Florida, are spending the summer months with their daughter and her husband, Dor- een and Del Hawkins at their home in Markham. They were both very active with the Royal Canadian Le- gion, Branch 375, and will no doubt be busy during their stay visiting their many friends and joining in the summer activi- ties at the Legion. Welcome back! * i 4: This month the combined congregation of Richmond Hill United and St. Mary's Anglican Churches are holding services at 10 am in Richmond Hill United. The preacher is Rev. Rowan Binning. Nursery and church summer school classes for children up to grade 5 will be provided for children of both churches dur- ing the service hour at Rich~ mond Hill United. r Services at St. Mary’s this month are~â€"Holy Communion at 8 am every Sunday and Holy Communion at 10 am on July 26. Rev. Fred Jackson is in charge. * Rotary News At the July 10 meeting of the Rotary Club, Doug Allen chair- ed a discussion on the club’s special contribution and efforts in connection with the Rich- mond Hill Centennial next year. Many excellent suggestions were put forward which will be passed over to the Centennial committee for their considera- tion. On Monday evening the guest speaker was Reg MacCormack, registrar of the Motor Vehicles Act for Ontario. He is respons- ible for legislation pertaining to new and used cars and for the licensing of car salesmen. The Rotary Club hold dinner meetings at 6:30 pm every Mon- >ti * because of sewage restrictions on the town. luck y lun June was a lucky mm 2‘32 Richmond Street, Ric winner of $42 in that m Bonus" draw :it the. S. S. Ileights Centre. day at the Summit Golf and Country Club. As .\‘\ \V s \\\\\\\s e Mother ith for Mrs. Lillian Dyson. hmond Hill. She was the onth's "Triple Your Baby Kresge Store in Richmond Mrs. Dyson cashed her Julie family allowance cheque in Kresge‘s, then deposited a coupon. bearing her name and the amount provided. of her cheque, in the box That‘s all she had to do to enter the draw. Mrs. Dyson is shown in the above picture on the left with Store Manag Would you like to be ilar windfall in July‘.’ , Djson's example and cash cheque at Kresge's. I er Don Douglas. the lucky winner of a sim- f you would. follow Mrs. your July family allowance Holidaying for the next twol weeks at a cottage at Balm is the Trevor and Shirley Stanley and sons, Martin, Howard and Miles, returned to their home on Weldrick Road last week fol- at Buckhorn Narrows. near Peter- Quiggin offi- lield at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Giles ‘and dinner and dancing follow- Best wishes are extended to, Margaret Lade. a member of’ the reporting staff of “The Lib-l - eral", who is currently a patient in North York General Hospi-i tal. She's certainly missed at the office and We look forward to, her return. I A! IU It The Roseview Community‘ The program, which will start on July 25, will run for six lweeks. All interested persons are asked to call 884-4221 be- fore this date. due to limited5 enrolment in the various cours-i es. The workshop is also running a series of films every Thurs- day at 8 pm. Admission is free â€"call 884-6938 for the title ofl this week's presentation. a a ' )r York Regional Symphony has been awarded a grant of $1,000 by the Province of Ontario Council for the Arts, according to' a recent new-s release. The; orchestra is one of 20 commun- ity orchestras listed as recipi- ents of grants for the coming year. The symphony rehearses on Sunday evenings from Septem- ber to May, in the Lions Hall, Centre Street East. Musical Diâ€" rector Philip Budd is planning an active and interesting sea- son with special emphasis on Richmond Hill’s Centennial cel- ebrations. Players interested in learning more about the orchestra may address their enquiries to Box 355, Richmond Hill. or phone Les Stanley at 884â€"3411. 1‘ )k ' Did you know that one in 20 people have some form of arth- ritis and rheumatic disease? Anyone is susceptible, even the very young. However, arthritis usually strikes in the prime of life. It claims more victims than cancer, heart disease, tuâ€" berculosis and diabetes com- bined. . A campaign meeting for the York Central Committee of the Canadian Arthritis Society was held recently at the home of Miss Elizabeth Flood. Many is- sues were discussed, the most important one being the ur- gency for volunteer canvassers. The campaign is being held September 18 to 29â€"if you are! interested in canvassing or' helping in any way, please call 884-1758. I! III at Len McHardy, a former mem- ber of the Storybook Theatre of Richmond Hill, is leaving at the end of the month for Eng- land to participate in the “Theatre in Britain Training Program†sponsored by the Provincial Governments Minis- try of Community and Social Service, Province of Ontario Council for the Arts, and adâ€" ministered by Theatre Ontario. , He’ll be spending most of his‘ Itime with the University Thea- tre. a professional company in Newcastle on Tyne, under the direction of Gareth Morgan, past director of R.S.C., and touring and meeting with other directors of professional reper- tory companies. He is of course very excited by the whole proj- ect and looking forward to a valuable learning experience. Len, a former student of Bay- view Secondary School. is the son of Mr, and Mrs. H. Mc- Hardy of Taylor Mills Drive South x i 1 featuring the new attractive March Blst, 1973, on return London Frankfurt Copenhagen Vienna Rome ___'_ Athens M Tel Aviv and many more destinations to choose from. the low youth fares which ai -:.-,-n-o- --v-4mâ€"m-I-i-i.-U-o-i-u-u~u-i--o-o-o-o-u-o-u-o-o.! â€" I.“ .I -‘m-“"~--->1 , GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE different destinations effective November lst, 1972 until Also persons under 26 years of ag: are applicable for London 7 H _ $230.00 $210.00 Amsterdam M $235.00 $215.00 Frankfurt ‘_ __ m u _ $243 00 $225.00 Copenhagen $245.00 $227.00 \‘ienna __________________ _ 3248.00 5230.00 Rome mg __________ $237.00 $217.00 Athens Wm 5304.00 sso4.00 Tel Aviv up to 21 yrs. ~__ $439.00 $385.00 Call us now for your Christmas vacation travel arrangements: 884-8191 or 88-1-8192 amriacaoemauacaceoecaiaueie e _. Mrs. Dorothy Crouch from Pathfinders Village, Exeter. Devon, England, is holidaying for the summer months with her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crouch of 458 .lud- lea Court. Mr. Crouch is the genial owner of Seafood Corner in the, North Mall at R i c h m o n d Heights Centre. ‘ llllllllllIIlllIlllIllllllllIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll(IIIllllllllllllllllllllll , Honor Teacher 0n Retirement After 15 years in the teaching profession. Mrs. Valerie Lazar of Toronto has retired and on the eve- i ning of June 29 was hon- ored at a reception held in V the basement of St. Mary's ‘ Roman Catholic Church, atâ€" , tended by over 200 pres- ent and former students 1 and their parents. Mrs. Lazar taught for a year at MacKillop Public School and for 14 years at Our Lady Help of Christ- ians and St. Mary Immacu- late Scparate Schools. During the reception. pu- pils of St. Mary‘s presented her with an album of pho- tographs of her class of ’71 l and ’72. and six silver cofâ€" fee spoons, in the rose de- sign. handcrafted by local Silversmith Doug Boyd. Mrs. Lazar is spending the summer at her farm home near Bracebridge and, on behalf of the teach- ers and the York County Catholic School Board. John Shearer presented her with a beautiful oil painting of t h e Bracebridge f a r m, painted by local Artist William Wegman. A pres- entation of a cheque and bouquet of roses was also made on behalf of students and parents as a tangible expression of their appre- ciation and gratitude to a beloved leader and friend. Later in the evening, en- tertainment was provided by Sister Stella Marie and her grade 6 class at St. Mary Immaculate, who sang a medley of Austrian songs in honor of Mrs. Lazar's native home, Vienna. Included among the guests were Board Trustees Malcolm Peake, Jack Tay- lor, Board Superintendent Joe Hodge, Rev. Father Clement Schwalm. Rev. Father John Weber and Rev. Father Francis Robin- son. IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllIIllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll There was a very good meet-l ing of the Richmond Hill Hor-‘ ticultural Society on July 11 with more than 30 members and friends present. Three new and renewed members were in- troduced, making a total mem- bership of well over 200. Wes Ankenman was convenor of the Flower Show and did an excellent job. The main exhibit, was d‘elphiniums with roses! some lilies and other flowers.1 The judges were Mr. and Mrs; Percy Bone. ‘, The winners were~â€"-speciinens; ‘â€"â€"1st, Bob Little; 2nd, Bill Rise- which broug‘h; 3rd, Mrs. Lyle Olsen.‘annniversary in 1974, will have Arrangementsâ€"151. Mrs. George Barker; 2nd, Mrs. Marg Rumneyp 3rd, Jack Manning, Doug Boyd and Bill Risebrough (tied). Court of Honor â€" specimens, ’ Bob Little; arrangements, Margl Rumney. l Refreshments were served during the social hour, which gave everyone an opportunity for a friendly get-together. The next meeting â€" Summer’ Flower Showâ€"will be held Au-, gust 22. The directors will meet August 14. l t 5 22â€"45 day Excursion fare to basis. $222.00 $232.00 $243.00 $243.00 $286.00 $296.00 $360.00 $571.00 ‘9 as follows: Sept. until May July-August incl. 1973 [I r¢u-.- - 1. ~- --I-l>-II-n-u-Il-fl- vâ€"n- .-o-ii-n-o-o-o-n-n-u-o (L--. returned last Sunda.‘ spending tun weeks at \\'oi‘ld in Florida. 1 Drive from Disney ~ ~ It's good to (crepe news of old friends and last week the editor of (his column was dc~ lighted to hear from an emis- baï¬ of Bill and Barbara How- ard that the} arc ali\c and well and still living in Midland Greetings to you hoth~~liou about \isning Richmond lIlII one of these dais? ». ~ Emerson Smith. manager of Richmond Hill branch of the. Mutual Life Associatimi Company of Canada for the. past seven years. has been appointed assistant super- intendent of agencies at. head office in Waterloo effective August I. Mr. Smith. past president of the local Rotary Club. his wife. Claire. and famâ€" ily. Cheryl. (.‘lydc and Meredith are currently holi- daying at their summer cot- tage in Pugwash. Nova Sco- tia. and will be moving into their new home at the end of the month. ’fheir many friends in the area wish them every suc- cess and happiness in their new locale. >5 ii A nodding of local interest it tang when Miss Jeannette Macâ€" 'donald became the bride of 'Gary Pollard at the historic S James On The Line. Anglican Church. The bride. daughter of Mrs. Margaret Macdonald of May Avenue. was given away by a tamin lriend, James Milne. and her matron of honor was Mrs. Frances Olive, both of whom live in Richmond Ilill. Following the ceremony. a re- ception was held at the young couple's striking new frame home in Penetang. which the groom had designed and built. 'in addition to clearing the lot prior to building. The bride and groom are both staff members of Midland Sec- ondaiy School and the guests included many of the school staff and mutual friends. Bill Howard, manager of Loblaws in Midland. and his charming wife, Barbara. Other guests attending from Richmond Hill were Mrs. Milne and Mr. and Mrs. John Gray- don. RAY GEMMILL Ruling Master Ray Geminill, 227 Ruggles Avenue South, was recently 111-. stalled as Worshipful Master of Richmond Masonic Lodge for 1972-73 at the annual installa- tion and investiture of lodge officers. Mr. Gemmill, who was Senior Warden, succeeds James Dow- ney. Among the more than 200 in attendance were guests from the United States, England and from many points in Ontario. Richmond Masonic Lodge, will celebrate its 150th a full year of celebrations at, that time , Mr. Geminill said. BARBECUE 1 LB. LOOSE WIENERS AND I PKG. WIENER BUNS 59¢ BOTH FOR Levendale Road 0 STEAKS ‘ MR. AND MRS. ANDREW DUNCAN Married In St. Gabriel '3 , Tall candelabra and largelheart :haskets of \aried summer (flowers formed the beautiful setting in the Anglican Church mother were a short gold dress: of St. Gabriel. Crosby A\'cniie.l\\’itli for the'flowers. Richmonh Hill East. ‘ June 17 late afternoon wedding; (mOK place on Jun“ 24 l†Pene' of Edith Camhray to Andreszenl from Kingston. Sault Ste, Rev, David Sproule Marie, couple exJCredit. Brampton. Mississauga, ‘ " change their wedding: vows andEIOblCOke 311d T0f0nt’0. Duncan. heard the young . . . . l the organist was (.l‘alfl Snider.‘ During the signing of (he reflâ€"llsland f0" a honeymoon- the‘ ister Gun-arist Tom Robertson,b1‘ld9 “'OI'E‘ 9' blue Cl‘implene pant suit with beige and brown The bride is the daughter offlCCC‘SSOJ’N‘S- provided the music. er. and Mrs. Frank (lambray of‘ (South 'l‘aylm' ‘Mrs. Arthur born Drive. 1 Given in marriage by hen“â€" ,fathei‘. the bride wore an ivory ,slippci' satin gown. made and, Micro by her mother at her wed: ï¬ling It had a sweetheart neck-, :line trimmed with lace worn by ,thc bride's maternal grand- mother at her wedding. The gown was fashioned with long ‘sleeves and a short train. She: wore a full length tulle veil edged in lace which cascaded lfrom a lace halo trimmed in ‘ fpearls. Attending the bride were her sister. Mrs. Rochelle Kadis as matron of honor and Peggy, Cambray and Lynn Duncan as; bridesmaids. Attending the‘ groom were Norman MeMullin as best man and Brian Fox and Stuart Duncan. The bridal attendants were mauve gingham with short pufâ€" fed sleeves. Daisies sprinkled the full length skirts and the purple velvet ribbon around the waist fell to the floor at the back. White picture hats trim- med with purple velvet ribbons completed their outfits. I All flowers were designed and arranged by the bride's sister. Mrs. Kadis. i The bride carried a small, statice and baby‘s breath. I Mills Drive and can ,the groom is the son of Mr. and Clarke AVENUE, south Thom- Duncan of Trayâ€"lhlll. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, July ‘30. DUE TO . . . POPULAR DEMAND! KRESGE'S in Richmond Heights (‘entre contin-_ iIieis the Baby Bonus Draw for the month of . n y. You can TRIPLE your Baby Bonus Cheque! All you have to do is cash it in our store and fill in a. coupon for the Lucky Draw. Winner_iniist consent to have her picture advertisng purpOses. June‘s luckv winner was Mrs. Lillian Dyson. mond St.. Richmond Hill. cheque to a whopping 342. liliB H w "“ 9 ooooooéoooooooooé§ooooo taken. for 222 Rich- Mrs. Dyson tripled her 314 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOâ€... § é rose. purple and yellow The groom‘s paternal grand-l a corsage of summer DAY : Out-of-town guests were pre-i Kirkland Lake, Port. For travelling to Manitoulini FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, 6 to 13 YEARS At The Mill Pond - Richmond Hill I TWO JULY 17thto 28th JULY 3lst to AUG. 11th I I 9 AM. TO 4 PM. -â€" MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ' Bring your lunch â€"- we provide the milk I FEE: $15 FOR EACH TWO-WEEK SESSION For application form, phone 884-4811 or drop into I 25 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Sponsored by: THE PARKS BOARD AND RECREATION COMMITTEE ' and THE RICHMOND HILL 8; DISTRICT Y.W.C.A. ‘ |K““‘I‘I‘I““‘I\. PIZZA DELIGHT SPECIAL ‘ BUY ONE ANY SIZE, GET ONE SMALI 50% OFF JULY 20th to 23rd - 881-_253 9185 YONGE ST. Mr. and Mrs. are DOW Andrew Dun- i'esiding at. 20 ANOTHER $500. l WINNER IN 1 I I Y.C.A.M.R. “500" : I TOKEN NO. 395 K. BROWN BURLINGTON. ONTARIO l i 3 BOROVOY PLAZA birdcage tinted mauve. containâ€" ing philinopsus orchids and sweetheart roses. Her attend- ants carried white gathering baskets, accented with a purple velvet bow. containing pink gerbra. white Marguerite dais- ies. pink sweetheart roses. mauve and pink sweetheart iroses, mauve and pink Sweet IWilliam. pink cornflowei‘ and mauve and white baby's breath. 1 Mrs. Cambray received the 100 guests at the Villa Nova. Highway 7. gowned in full length mauve crepe, fashioned on the A-line with a full length vest of purple. Her corsage was a mauve orchid with purple statice. ; Mrs. Duncan wore a full length yellow chiffon gown I g ._ ,.. :7 a: r: o "I (I) A: .5 fllll(IlllllllllllIlllllllllllllRIllIlllRllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllL‘? 8 8 4 - 3 7 8 T l -..iiii((iiiiiiin(iiiuiiimuiiumwiniuuiiiiiimiunmmiumiuiiiw g the \ E piano 9 g (2' teacher 3 Estelle Markham g (I TOP QUALITY RED and BLUE BRAND BEEF 79° LEAN. SIDE BACON 59¢ lb. (he by piece LEVENDALE MEATS Richmond Heights Centre Telephone 581.3901 l“__"_â€"__"_---""'"_"'-"'I LET BROWNIE HELP YOU SLEEP IN COMFORT Bring in ad for FREE Radio with Air Conditioner purchase “Ell AIR CONDITIONER Quiet as a purring pussyf DELUXE UNITS $179.00 (We have the size to suit you) UNITS “AS LOW AS†BROWNIE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY' COME IN AND MAKE US PROVE lT BROWN'S APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 8 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL, 884-9821 0 TORONTO, 781-3096 â€" â€" 19th ANNIVERSARY CIAI. - - F R E E Air Conditioner on Many 26†Color TV’s . Easy Credit-â€"As Little as $4.95 a weekâ€"Less on Portable TV’s . 0 Call us for Reliable TV Service â€" 19 Years Experience 0 “For Women Who Deserve The Best†1/3 To 1/2 OFF -â€" All Sales Final -â€" alienate SOL‘TH BLOCK e RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-4741