TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Aborist Outside lighting maintenance Equipped with ladder work All commercial, residential and industrial wiring. Hydro elec- trical modernization plan avail- able Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd‘ 889-6662 lloscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 121 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharina, Ont. - 684-1177 By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) BOSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL LEONARD R. ROSENBERG G: ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 889-2741 84 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario Brian H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Design Drawings Remodelling Plans Construction Advisory Free Estimates CALL PEB ROBERTS COMPANY 884-6253 Finlay Electric 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, July 20, 1972 Construction Consultants SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Electrical Contractors 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Leno’s Machine Shop Engineering Auto Transmission 55 Yonge Street North Phone: 889-8275 884-8651 FREE ESTIMATES Call any time STEAMFITTING WELDING CUSTOM WORK Carpentry Chartered Accountants Forestry 884-7774 881-2509 884-6663 ,l Optometrists delivery. A. W. Kirchen, 0.] 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill THE LAWN MOWER SHOP 7571 YONGE STREET THORNHILL - 889-0805 Service centre for all makes of lawn and garden equip- mept. Free pick-up and Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Peter E. Martinello O.D. BRIAN MATHER TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 Barrow Insurance SerVIces Ltd. Ernie Brock& Son Toronto V 363-3S 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 STATE FARM INSURANCE Auto - Life - Fire - Boat 128 LAVEROCK AVE. 'V FUR CLEANING MODERN COLD STORAGE F R E E PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Repairs - Restyling - Alterations 5931 YONGE ST.. WILLOWDALE (at Cummer) 225-0801 or 225-4442 Serving in the 1 Willowdale - Thornhlll and 1 Richmond mu Areas Since 1960} LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 or 832-2445 Res. 832-1224 Corner Agency Limited Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario Authorized Consumers‘ Gas Contractors FURNACES â€" WATER HEATERS AND AIR CONDITIONING Lawnmower Repaus Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. HEATING and Air Conditioning i220 Bayview Ave. South of Hwy. 7 Thornhill 889-1710 Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. 727-2737 24 hour service to all of York County 1V Heating Co. 889-0506 - 884-7977 Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. By Appointment Insurance BUS.: 884-4050 884-3962 Furrier FINN FURS CO. MAC 363-3959 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of KAARINA RITCHIE, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of KAARINA RITCHIE late of the Town of Richmond Hill, who died on or about the 30th day of November, 1969, are hereby notified to send partic- ulars of same to the under- signed on or before the let day of July, 1972, after which date the Estate will be dis- tributed. with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 28th day of June, 1972. RUDDY RITCHIE by his Solicitors RAYMOND & HONSBERGER 85 Richmond St. W. Toronto 110, Ontario. lSporting Goods 884-1013 364-2625 RUMBLE TRANSPORT C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 IOfï¬ce Supplies Local and Long Distance Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies, Social Stationery Summer Hours Monday to Friday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. Closed Saturday during July and August only by PETER SMITH York Home TV PHONE 889-1646 P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. You rarely get an opportunity like this. Custom made draperies in a selection of Damasks, Antique, Satins, Boucles, Dralons, Velvets, and magnificent prints. You pay no more for true quality at Drapery World! DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO H. B. FISHER Office Supplies ( And Other Makes) YON GE STREET SOUTH COLOR QUASAR TV SERVICE: Trucking DRAPERIES DRAPERY WORLD PROUDLY Hauling DRAPERIES LPERIES o SHEERS o SWAGS o SLIPCOVERS BEDSPREADS o UPHOLSTERING offer competent decorator service with 16 years experience 'I’vavavvrâ€" An.- 7». l mle‘- DRAPERY WORLD CUSTOM MADE Mr. Heidi Vockeroth of Thornhill reports that transpor- tation seems to be the number one problem there. and assist- ance with a survey on this is contemplated. Mr. Edmunds re- ported that in Richmond Hill,‘ recreational needs were being well met, but that there were so many other things that need- ed doing. He hopes to get a list of all seniors in the town and seeks consultation and as- sistance from local council. He reported that the local bus now runs along Dufferin Street and to the senior citizen apartment building. Mr. Edmunds strong- ly recommends that seniors use their own talents and should be making a contribu- tion to better their own style of livingâ€"one specific sugges- tion was that advisory board for Meals On Wheels should have senior citizens as members. Helen Coleman told the meet- ing that in King, an informa- tion service has been started in a small way, using the facili- ties of a nursing home near Woodbridge. In the Sutton area. an ener- getic growp is meeting under the direction of Patricia Kin- sella; this group introduced WITHOUT OBLIGATION In Markham Mrs. Ruth Mar- shall is heading a group aimed at establishing an information service. They have had excel- lent co-operation from Rich- mond Hill Library (Joan Fair. field). have visited Scarboro In- formation Services at the lib- rary there,~ and Ontario Insti- tute For Studies In Education. They anticipate a part-time paid director of information, volunteers to handle fund rais- ing and training, and locating a space for storage of literature and pamphlets. Meals On Wheels is now operating in Aurora, Newmar- ket, Markham, Richmond Hill. Thornhill. Oak Ridges. King and Sutton. The meals are pre- pared at York Manor for the central area and in Sutton at‘ River Glen Haven Nursing Home. In Thornhill-Richmond Hill area, meals are prepared at Don Head Secondary School and are suspended in the sum- mer, to resume in September. For information in this area phone Mrs. Valerie McKittrick, 884- 4270, or Mrs. Fran Wachna, 884-1731 From the “Quality Of Life†Conference. delegates returned to their own areas in the re- gion to plan ways and means to implement their goals which had been decided upon at the conference. For ‘instance. rep- resentatives from two Aurora groups, Trinity Golden Age (Mrs. G. McConnell) and Friendship Circle (Berneice Charles), are planning organ- ized friendly visiting for those who cannot attend outings. Mrs. McConnell has also developed one service of great benefit-â€" a chiropo-dist visits Trinity Church once a month to treat minor foot problemsâ€"for a $1 fee and the presentation of an OHIP Card. Senior adults in all York areas are "making things hap- pen." she said. Two other com- mittee members. Helen Mark- ham and Ted Martin attended the meeting with her. Florence Murray of Aurora, chairman of the 30 committee. said the council would lend support when needed and that she was “extremely pleased" to have been in on the beginning of “senior power" in York Re- gion. The new name was proposed by William Coleman of Aurora, and adopted by the rest of the meeting, which was chaired by Richard Edmunds of Richmond Hill. into the Region of York. Established recently in New- market was the York Region Senior Citizens Conference, an association dedicated to improv- ing conditions and services for the over-65 group. The group was formed as a result of a conference on the “Quality Of Life For Senior Citizens" held last April in Aurora and sponsored by the York Region 3C Council. The new name was proposed by William Coleman of Aurora, and adopted by the rest of the meeting. which was chaired hv They are planning a drop-in centre and an outdoor patio. tea garden for the summer. Mrs. James Bogie, William Stronach and other seniors in Keswick have been successful in initiat- ing a local. bus service between Keswick. Sutton and Pefferlaw. This is through the courtesy of Bob Walker Busline, and is in an experimental stage, but is an excellent example of determined effort, and is in operation. At Jackson‘s Point, a new rest home with emphasis on indivi- dual needs is to begin under the direction of Reg Fuller. “Senior Power" has moved into the Region of York. Established recently in New- market was the York Region Senior Citizens Conference, an association dedicated to improv- ing conditions and services for the over-65 group. "Senior Power" Active In York,I Plan Ways And Means Of Helping: SPECIALIZING IN 884-2561 PRESENTS TERGAL SHEERS Seamless T ergal Sheers Custom made Triple fullness Washable Drip dry White & ivory SUTTONâ€"Work on the $60.- 000 plus renovation project on the local arena is nearing com- pletion. A new ice surface is being laid. dressing rooms, a community hall with kitchen. a snack bar and year-round wash- rooms are being added. All those charged face trial in Richmond Hill Provincial Court. Conviction means a fine and automatic suspension of driver’s license for at least three months. James Ryan, 32. of 21 Norâ€" ton Avenue. Willowdale, was stopped for alleged erratic driving and speeding on Yonge Street north of Highway 7 at 1:40 am July 5 of last‘ week. He was charged with impaired driving and refusing a breathalyzer test. In the same car with Hare, Peter Millard. 18, of 164 King Street. King City, was dharged with liquor possession. Ronald Hare, 22, of 194 Springhill Road. King City, was also stopped on Major Mack- enzie Drive at 1:30 am July 9. He was charged with im- pairment and failing a breath- alyzer test. Stopped for alleged fast and careless driving on Yonge Street at 12:40 am July 3 was Vern Berger, 31, of 212 Houns- low Avenue, Willowdlale. He was charged with impairment and failing a breathalyzer test. LICENSE SUSPENDED Stopped for alleged erratic driving on Yonge Street at El- gin Mills Road at 8: 13 pm July‘ John Bond, 47, of 173A Main Street, Newmarket was stopped on Major Mackenzie Drive at 12:15 am July 9 and charged with impaired driving and re- fusing to take a breathalyzer test. 8 was Johans VanHeeswyk. 26, of 15 Church Street West, Brampton. He was charged with impairment, failing a breatha- lyzer test and driving while his license was suspended. Five men were stopped by York Region Police and charged with impaired driving in Rich- mond Hill the other week. Police Charge Five Impaired Driving York Manor, Newmarket, has been a focal .point for senior citizen events in Central York. Administrator Barry Smith, has instituted a drop-in centre. Any senior who feels like dropping in for the afternoon, for lunch, or for the whole day. is most welcome. This centre is a cheer- ful, friendly oasis, with plenty of action availableâ€"crafts, rec- reation, music, or quiet. pleas- ant conversation, depending up- on individual preference. Bruce Lohnes, a young man with great understanding and zeal, and a friendly smile, is director of recreation. Smith told the York Region Senior Citizen Conference that “this is your building to use when you wish, as long as you give us some notice ahead of time when you need the auditorium." Newmarket groups are hop- ing to start an information service in the senior citizens apartments on Eagle Street. An office is available in the taller building. and Rev. Craig Cribar is working on the details of staffing and service. The tenant co-ordinator of the smaller building reported on the wide range of activities carried out there. Meals On Wheels to the area RICHMOND HILL LIQUOR POSSESSION per ft. complete BECAUSE OUR SALES ARE EXCELLENT ‘ 32%;??? $33,119 5 But DIMD is modern â€"-â€" except for the 400 year old mystery amid the setting of All Hallow’s House, in Wales. But it was not until after her marriage to Walter Smithhurst that Heather began her writing career. “Dark Is My Destiny†is a romance-mystery type novel, and is unusually well written. We look forward to Heather Smith Hurst’s next novel, for which the locale will be Cornwall, set in the histor- ical atmosphere of 1830. Possibly this is partly because Heather was born in England, partly because of her back ground as a teacher -â€" attending Teachers’ College as a scholar- ship winner. She also worked as a physics researcher before coming to Canada. Here she became secre- tary to the vice-president of Falconbridge Nickle Mines. A member of the Curtain Club of Richmond Hill, Heather has a very cool presence in the light of her entrance into the “literary world†of writers and refers to her book, very quietly, as “A small thing in the vgqud of writingâ€. It was almost an immediate success â€"â€" with Heather doing her own “proof-readingâ€. (An envious thing‘ for any writer). (Continued from Page 2) office her husband created on the ground level of their gracious home â€" Heather finished her book and mailed it to the publishing house. In The Spotlight Telephone or call in person ATKINSON COLLEGE 4700 Keele St., Downsview, Ontario Telephone 667-3946 (9 am. - 10 pm.) Evening classes begin September 19. August 1 â€" Last date for receipt of admissions applications from new students. Our Sales Office is located on the west side of Yonge St. iusf north of Hwy. 7 OPEN DAILY H A.M.-9 P.M., WEEKENDS H A.M-6 RM /" EVENING UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE COURSES leading to RA. (Honours) B.A. (Ordinary) B.A. Admin. (Honours) A utumn / Win ter I 972/ 73 YORK UNIVERSITY ATKINSON COLLEGE THE RIGHT IN T TAKEADVANTAGE Just 2 Minutes NorIII'oI Hwy. 7 WE MUST HAVE GHT HOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE IN THE RIGHT LOCATION PRE-OPENING BRICES 881-2252 Of Our In RICHMOND HILL NEW HOURS â€" JUNE - JULY.- AUGUST Tues. - Fri. 9 am. to 6 pm. â€" Saturd 89A YONGE ST. -RICHMOND HILLâ€" Phone 884-1300 ‘._... -___._ , WCTORMW GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 the income on which you pay tax. Put that money away in monthly instalments in your Victoria and Grey special savings account â€"â€" beginning right now. You’ll earn high interest until the end of February next year and you can put it. into your own retirement income fund and deduct that amount from taxable income. Let us set it all up for you. ‘ Get smart today at Victoria and Grey. Save on taxes by your retirement plan the Money you put into your registered retirement plan can be deducted from QUALITY WINEMA KERS G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. COMPLETE LINE OF SUPPLIES . Complete Counselling Service 0 Quality Ingredients 0 Reasonable Prices LITY 0 VALUE 0 SERVICE The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. Selling Wine 1 Av“â€" Products Change in Office Hours Effective July lst, 1972 Tues. - Thurs. 9:30 am. to 4:30 pm. Fri. 9:30 am. - 6:30 pm. Sat. 9 am. to Noon 884-1107