8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 am. 8T. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsey Armitage EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive â€" Richvale Rev. George Young B.A., B.D. 889-6789 Mr. Robert Long, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1972 Trinity 8 10 {msâ€"Holy Communion THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. Canon H. R. Howden. B.A. L.Th. Mr. Graham Upcraft LRAM Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY. JULY 23, 1972 Trinity VIII ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN Yonge at Vaughan Richmond Hill I 884-2227 Rector â€"- Rev. Bernard Barrett Assistant â€" Rev. Fred Jackson Consultant â€" Irene Nicholls SUNDAY. JULY 23. 1972 a a.m.-â€"Holy Communion ‘0 am â€" Morning Service at Richmond Hill United Church 70int Congregation. Wednesday 10 a.m.â€"HOLv Communion 8:00 am. Holy Communion 10:30 am. Morning Prayer Preacher: Rev. A. J. Forte SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1972 Trinity 8 9:30 am. Morning Prayer The Service wil be led by Don Snider and Bill Abbott. Sermon: Rev. H. Newton-Smith 884-4236 Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert Newton-Smith THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Sunday Services 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship Service 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service Everyone Welcame HOLY TRYNITY CHURCH FRANK A. TUCKER 889-2000 AIl'I'O 2-CAR FAMILY SPECIAL Maple Community Centre Keele Street North, Maple Pastor: . S. Davidson 2 3-9725 JACKPOT $500 - 56 NUMBERS JULY 25 â€" 20 Regular Games 1 share the wealth â€" 1 rainbow â€" 1 pie plate Earlybirds 7.30 10% - 2 Cars Extra 15% Good Driver 5 years accident free Bayvlew and Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. David N. Sproule ANGLICAN ALLIANCE 25% Good Student If you qualify §AFECD msunXNâ€"CTE St. Mary’s Parish Hall Yonge St. N. â€" Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. Join with us in worship V. 5--.“; ‘ Clarke and Willowdale 51.5. i J. United Chm-eh MD†“M 23' ‘9†9:45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School - !11 am. â€" Family Service 189 DndleyAvanue. Thornhlll, Ontario. Mr. R. Tibbit i Mr. D. Bierma \ MomingWorship â€"- Sunday â€" 10:00 AM. ' 7 pm _ Evening service Wednesday Evening Worship â€" 7: 30 PM. Seminars Chumh School Gasses at both Services 1 WEdEESday Thornhill Rev. Alf McAlister B.A., B.D. A warm welcome awaits you 884-5816 Robert Richardson Organist and Choirmaster 10:30 am. â€" Worship Service Church School and Nursery \Care THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17, Yonge Street (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Rev. Ernest L. Johns B.A., B.D. Mr. David Baxter 884-6309 SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1972 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School Hour for all ages 11:00 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 7:00 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service Pastor Corbett will be preach- ing at both services. Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible StudY. ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH 884-3091 9:30 Wednesday 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City CHURCH Meet Us Where Weldrick Road Meets Bathurst Rev. B. T. McSpadden, Pastor 884-7859 We Preach the Redeemer Resurrection. Rapture and Revelation 10 am. â€" Bible School 11 am. â€" Morning Service 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service Royal Orchard Boulevard Bay Thorn Drive Thornhlll, Ontario Arnold D. Weizel, B.A.. B.D. Pastor Phone 889-0873 SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1972 9:30 a.m\ â€" Family Worship EVERYONE WELCOME 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"Bible Preaching 7.00 p.m.â€"Joy and Praise Wednesday 7.00 to 8.30 pm. All Family Bible School Nursery to Adult, Free Bus Activities, De- viations, Coffee. Enquiry at 889-0175 or 889-7431 10 a.m.â€"Worship Serice Visitors Made Welcome Bayvlew Avenue 5., Richmond Hill Near Centre Street. The Rev. James S. Dauphiuee Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY. JULY 23. 1972 The Eighth Sunday After Trinity ‘30 am. -â€"~ The Service of Worship. Noteâ€"Sunday Church School is cancelled for the summer months. 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST EVERYONE WELCOME 75 Oxford Street Richmond Hill (Convention of Out. & Que.) Rev. Richard L. McPhee 884-8038 SUNDAY. JULY 23. 1972 LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 26 Church St, Thomhill (where Hwy. 7E meets 11N) Pastor Rev. Don Whitelaw B.Th. RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright Street Pastor Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th., B.R.E. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY. JULY 23, 1972 Visitors Most Welcome CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH LUTHERAN ALL WELCOME Assistant Pastor BAPTIST Stay-Iaters 889-7808 Youth Fellowship . . . . Wednudny truck I . . gOther Denominations§R<>ad THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre St, Thornhlll The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans B.A., B.D.. D.D., Minister Public Worship of God 10 am. Welcome -â€" 889-5391 ST MATTEW’S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. John McTavish Minister, 884-5526 SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1972 10 am. â€" Worship Service WELCOME 10:00 a.m.â€"Joint Services with the Maple Presbyterian Congregation at the United Church. 9 am. â€" Carrville Service A Cordial Welcome To All Rev. Eldon Boettger, Pastor 887-5846 or 640-1501 SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1972 9:50 am. â€"â€" Family Bible Hour 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7:30 pm. â€"- Gospel Service WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. â€"â€" Prayer Service A Warm Welcome Awaits You Worship Service .. Evening Fellowship Prayer Fellowship . . . . . . 8pm. (Evening meetings in members homes). DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL Wednesday 7:30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Seminars l _‘ l . . Wednesday Fire killed five cows and who gave the first alarm, smce _ about 100 pigs as it destroyed the fire was quickly visible from £13: gggl’e'gtlgrayer Meeung a barn in the northeast corner a large area and a number of __y“ of Markham Town. in the 2:24 calls were received simultane- RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL am early morning darkness ously. A quantity of farm ma- 24 Oak Avenue. Richvale Sunday. Chinery was lost. Firefighters SUNDAY. JULY 23. 1972 Markham Fire Chief Myrlafoughts the blaze for nearly six 9.30 am. â€" The Lord's Supper Smith estimated the loss oflhours- 11 am. â€" Family Bible Hour building and contents at s23.-' * t * ‘ 11_a-m- â€" Sunday School 1000 although some other un-L Markham-Thornhiu Fire Hall; Kindergarten to Grade 5 BibIE‘official estimates put the loss;had an alarm at 7:29 am Mon-i School for Grade 7 and up as high as $83,000. Markham;day at the Shell Oil Service! 7P-m- 'â€" seerce Firefighters were able to save‘Station at Kirk Drive and .Tues‘lay another nearby barn from the Yonge Street. 1 8pm. -â€" Bible Study and fire because sufficient wateri A gasoline pump caught fire Prayer Iwas available from a farm pondJafter gas was spilled when a: All Are W91C°me iFil-e Chief Smith said. ‘customer pulled away with the RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Streets Ministers The Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 The Rev. Rowan D. Binning 884-1301 Organist and Choir Leader Gordon M. Fleming Church Office 884-1301 SUNDAY. JULY 23. 1972 10 a.m.â€"Joint Worship Service with St. Mary's Anglican at Richmond Hill United Church SUNDAY, JULY 23. 1972 9:45 a.m. â€"- Sunday Church School 11am. â€"- Our Service to God Nursery Care Provided For Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 The Missionary Church RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road West Pastor F. C. J. Pearce 222-2200 11 am. â€" Divine Worship Wednesday 7:30 pm â€"- Prayer Meeting Saturday 9.30 am. â€" Sabbath School COMBINED SERVICES ST. ANDREW‘S PRESBYTERIAN AND MAPLE UNITED CHURCHES AT ST. ANDREW’S DURING JULY PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Stanley E. Snowden B.A., B.D., Minister 832-1403 SUNDAYS DURING AUGUST Christian Education Hour at 9:50 am RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wallace Minister Organist and Choir Leader Mrs. Victoria Fraser Mus. Bac ’emmars Flre killed five cows and Wednesday . . ‘ about 100 pigs as 1t destroyed :30 pum‘ '_ Prayer Meeting a barn in the northeast corner nd Elmâ€"63L of Markham Town. in the 2:24 RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL am early morning darkness 24 Oak Avenue. Richvale Sunday. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Not A Denomination A Church (2 Miles South of Maple) Of The New Testament Order Rev. John Arbuckle. Pastor A CHURCH OF CHRIST Organist Mrs. A. Moore Concord Road and King High SUNDAY, JULY 23. 1972 Drive I245 a.m. â€"- Sunday Church CONCORD School SUNDAY SERVICES ,1 am. â€"- Our Service to God SUMMER SCHEDULE Nursery Care Provided 9:45 am. â€"â€" Bible School I‘or Information call the Pastor 10 am. â€" Morning Service at 832-2523 7pm. â€" Worship Service (Beverley Acres School) Rev. Ronald Hallman B.Th. Minister 884-6136 SUNDAY. JULY 23. 1972 SUNDAY. JULY 23, 1972 am. â€" Morning Service GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH MAPLE-CARRVILLE PASTORAL CHARGE Worship at 10 am RICHMOND HILL UNITED Tuesday 7:30 pm AMMONIA TRUCK LEAK Owner driver Harry Mc- Arthur of RR 1. Bradford, end- ed up with his ammonia tank truck in the ditch on Langstaff 29 was insured and the cause of the fire was undetermined. About 200 pigs were saved and a quantity of cows in pasture nearby weren't injured. A crop of new hay was stored in the barn a short time before the fire. 9:45 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship NOTE - Sunday Evening Serv- ice will be cancelled so that congregation may attend un- ited service at Pine Orchard Camp - 7:30 pm. Tuesday 7:30 pm â€"- Bible Study and Prayer Hour Chilren were blamed for mi- nor 1house, barn and car fires recently in Vaughan Town. A 5,000 gallon ammonia tank truck hit the ditch and sprang a leak giving some cause for serious alarm for a time. BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 146 THORNRIDGE DR» THORNHILL Minister: Rev. D. VanderBoom MTH. Service at 10:30 am. & 5:00 pm. Every other Sunday at 9:00 am. Worship Service in the Dutch language. CHILDREN SET FIRES Damage was considered neg- ligible when children were blamed for setting an aban- doned barn on fire at Lot 2, Jane Street at 4:40 pm June 30. This same barn was full of tires when it was again set on fire. apparently by children, at 8:27 pm July 6. Again there! was little or no damage. A chlorine gas leak due to‘ a broken valve brought fire-1 fighters to the Thornhill Swim- ming Pool at 10:10 am July 2. The leaking cylinder was re- moved. RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH A wiring short circuit was blamed for a truck fire on Highway 400, 1A-mile north of Highway 7, on July 2 at 4:56 pm. There was about $100 dam- age to the vehicle belonging to Arrow Lines Limited of Mississauga and driven by Wayne Nash of 2468 Cliff Road, Cooksville. Wednesday 7:30 pm. â€"- Bible Study Sunday 12:30 pm â€" Watch “The Herald of Truth" TV Channel 3 Barrie Minor House, Barn, Car Blazes In Vaughan Blamed On Children Vaughan Firefighters rushed a resuscitator to Peckovers Limited, Langstaff Road and Keele Street June 29 at 10:16 am when a man was overcome by severe pains and fainted. Dennis Smith of 100 Graydon Hall Drive. Apartment 1204, Don Mills was taken to York Cen- tral Hospital by ambulance. A water pressure surge was blamed for a false alarm from the automatic system at Cadil- lac Lumber Limited, 10160 Keele Street July 3 at 1:15 am. Markham Fireï¬ghters Use Farm Pond Water, Stop $28,000 Blaze The property owned by Lorne Schell on Concession 9 Lot Firefighters were uncertain 212 Hillsview Drive Pastor David A. Dyer. B.A., B.D., 884-6629 SUNDAY, JULY 23. 1972 D. Paterson. Sec. 225-9745 A. E. Atkinson Minister. 889-3364 about lré mile west of 887-5461 We were sorry to hear that Gordon Espey of Keele Street is ill and in Branson Hospital. Since Mrs. Espey has also been ill for the last week, and not able even to visit him. cards and visits would be a cheering thought. Branson Hospital, Room 570. Word came to us this week of Helen McBratney, now of Smiths Falls. recently of Maple, who has been very ill this spring and in hospital. Although she is now at home after sur- gery, she is still limited to sit- ting up for short periods. Mail- ing address 208 Frost Street, Smiths Falls. Highway 27 on July '1 at about 2:15 pm. Firefighters stood by, but the ammonia leakage was very small and no emergency evacuation of the area was ne- cessary. July 28 Is The Date Ist Maple Arena Draw It seems to us that the sum- mer is going by even faster than usual. and we are sure that, many Maple and area resi- dents have enjoyed holiday trips and unusual holidays. We would be most happy to hear from anyone who would be will- ing to have a few words about their summer activities appear in our column. As we said be- fore. a news column with no news can be pretty boring to all concerned. It is a depressing thought that most of our news this week is of those in hospital, or hav- ing been ill, are now at home convalescing. Mrs. Eva Line is now at home, convalescing after her bout with cracked ribs and a lengthy stay in hospital. Sincere get well wishes to each of these, and to those of whom we’ve had no word, from all their friends, and residents of Maple. Youngsters again were‘ blamed for a fire that de- destroyed an old car sitting near a service station on High- way ‘27 north of Steeles Avenue West at 8:13 pm July 1. The car was considered to be of little value. but the fire was under investigation anyway. The first draw date in the Maple-Kleinburg Arena Fund has been set for July 28. Have you your ticket yet? Looking Around Each ticket entitles you to a chance in 11 monthly draws for $500 and $250 prize money. In the 12th month the prizes will be $1,000 and $500. Tickets may be purchased outright for $60 or for 12 post- dated cheques for $5 per month. To date 528 of the 1,000 tickets offered have been sold and .paid for. Children playing with match- es were blamed for a fire at the Roth residence. Weston Road north of Steeles Avenue West at 2:10 pm July 7. Dam- age was-estimated at only $50. The Lions of Maple and Kleinburg need the support of every citizen of the area to meet their commitment to help provide a local artificial ice sur- faCe in a modern building. The cut off date will be July 26. Until that date. for tick- ets and your share of the proj- ect, call 832-1571 or any Lion in Maple or Kleinburg. Markham-Thornhiu Fire H.311 had an alarm at 7:29 am Mon. day at the Shell Oil Service Station at Kirk Drive and Yonge Street. A gasoline pump caught fire after gas was spilled when a customer pulled away with the hose still in the vehicle tank. Damage was estimated at $600. Nobody was injured. Children were blamed for starting a fire in a garbage chute during the noon hour Sunday at an apartment build- ing at 170 Dudley Avenue. Thornhill on Sundab’. There was no damage. Maple, Kleinburg Concord 8: Edgeey News in Teston Mrs. Connie Brown. 832-8817 “The Liberal" is always willing to publish Items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgeley and Klelnburg‘ Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408: in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg. Mary Dawson, 884-1105: Congratulations to Mr. and the Maple news recently. Mrs. Bill Dodds on the birth of We have finally obtained their son Brent Michael. a new some reservations and definite brother for David and Scott. in dates for several outings, York Central Hospital last week. Saturday morning_ July 29. a 30th mom and 5°“ are domg. bus will leave Maple United fine. nhnrph at. 8 nm for the Mvsten' From our vantage point last Sunday evening. the band con- cert in Maple Grove Park was well attended. with bright clear weather favouring Maple after the downpour of rain in the afternoon. thL uv It was most enjoyable to hear a band of this calibre as well as the smooth voice of Wally Coster singing numbers from the swing era as well as more modern music. With this type of treat. we feel sure that the next concert here in Maple with Bob Livingston’s Band. August 20. will be at least as well attended. Senior Citizens We suppose by now that all the Maple Seniors are comâ€" pletely confused by the several dates and changes of dates in vu The second trip for the sum- mer will be August 10 to Nia- gara Falls with a possible stop at the farmer's market in Ham- ilton. Lunch. again a picnic lunch brought from home by the individual, and the scenic drive from Niagara-on-the-Lake to the Falls. with stops along the way. Dinner at 5 pm at Dru-mmond Hill Presbyterian Churchâ€"roast beef â€" cost of which is included in the total. Those names alreadyon the list for Niagara will be given first consideration. According to Agricultural Representative Al Wall there is a lot going on for farmers in York right now. The sheep producers will have their annual field day at the Shut-Gain Farm, Maple Friday. Next week. it‘s the "Sunrise Tour†on Tuesday and the pasture field day at the ARDA Pasture Farm in Victoria County on Thursday. as the smooth voice of Wally Coster singing numbers from the swing era as well as more modern music. With this type of treat. we feel sure that the next concert here in Maple with Bob Livingston’s Band. August 20. will be at least as well attended. Senior Citizens This Is Binsy Season On The Farm Rain Bad For Hay, Good For Grain Mr. Wall also announces that market information is now available on grains. A phone call to 924-4466 at any time of the day will get the current cash price and futures on corn, soybeans. wheat, oats and bar- ley. Humidity and rain are no help to those trying to get hay off and this year's experience puts pressure on to develop better alternatives to the bal- ing system, Mr. Wall states. He suggests that haylage is the best method of storing the winter’s feed right now. It too has its problems but they are mechan- Four deaths in traffic acci- dents in this area last week brought to 18 .persons the num- ber of people killed in 12 fatal motor vehicle collisions on pro- vincial highways under the supervision of the Oak Ridges Detachment of the Ontario Pro- vincial Police so far this year. In the same period last year 12 persons were killed in 11 fatal collisions. A Concord woman, Mrs. Eftinia Rafteli, 65, of Lot 5, Concession 4. Vaughan. was killed on Highway 7 at the CNR overpass just west of Keele Street at 8:38 pm July 14. Mrs. Rafteli was walking on the sideâ€" walk of the overpass that car- ries Highway 7 over the CNR Marshalling Yards when she ap- peared to fall into the path of a westbound tractor-trailer. Driver of the transport was later identified as David Orchard, 287 Division Street, Oshawa. The investigating officer was Provincial Constable Jim Roy. Three persons were killed in a head-on collision on Highway 48 east of the Sutton Road at 1:10 am July 16. Involved were a truck and a car. Dead are Albert Morris, 27. East Gwillimbury, RR 1. Raven- shoe and Joan Miller, 22. RR 1 Sutton West. driver and pas- senger in the truck: and Ross OAK RIDGES DETACHMENT 1972 Highway Toll Has Reached 18 Due to a lack of response, the play area at Thornhill Secondary School will be open after- noons (1 pm to 4 pm) only and E. J. Sand Public School will be open 9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. ANNOUNCEMENT MARKHAM PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE 297-1900 Extension 22 REPORT Saturday morning, July 29. a bus will leave Maple United Church at 8 am for the Mystery Trip. Each .person will take ’his or her own lunch. hopefully to be enjoyed at a park. Cost will be $5.50. covering bus and other features, and arrival home will be before supper. ical ones that can be solved more easily than altering the weather. The Ag. Rep. also warns that hay already in storage should be checked for heating. A ten foot length of half-inch pipe driven into the mow, with a thermometer lowered into it, can be used. A reading of 160 degrees indicates danger. 175 is a sure sign of fire pockets and at 185 the whole mow (and probably the barn) will go up in smoke. The wet weather has also been hard on the corn crop. The surplus moisture is still holding back late corn because it takes so much longer for wet soil to warm up that nutri- ents are not releasing fast enough to get the crop really going. But the same wet weather has been very kind to oats, barley and wheat. These have come on fast lately with prospects for very good yields all over York. McArthur Captained Victorious Foursome Town of Vaughan Councillor Dalton McArthur of Maple, a former ‘National Hockey League referee, captained a Pine Valley foursome to victory in the an- nual Jack Bailey Memorial Golf Tournament last week. The late Mr. Bailey was a former well known home builder in the Richmond Hill area during the 1950's. Parisi. 40, Islington, driver of the car. The crash was investigated by Provincial Constable Bob Lan- gille. Burlington raised $9,000. Pine Valley $7,000 and St. Cathar- ines $5,000. Pete Mahovlich of Montreal Canadiens, Harry Coulson and Murray Partykin made up the foursome and shot 17 under par. Their net score was 54. Thirty-two foursomes took part in the event which raises funds for the mentally retarded. There were three tourneys held the same day to raise funds for this purpose. The others were at St. Catharines and Burling- ton. Receipts paid off the remainder of the $200.000 mort- gage on the Shadow Lake Camp in Muskoka. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. July 20. 1972 During September a trip to Stratford is being arranged to see a matinee of “As You Like It“. Early in October a one-day color tour. and some considera- “The Liberal†requires a Correspondent for the Kleinburg area. If you are interested in serving your home community and earning some eXtra money then please phone IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRI- ATE LAND DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE “A†HERETO IN THE TOWN OF VAUGHAN IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING MAPLE ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 25) AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GRArDE SEPARATION BETWEEN MAPLE ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 25) AND THE TRACKSOF THE CANADIAN NA- TIONAL RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval to expropriate the land described in Schedule “A†hereto. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably neces- sary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing, (a) in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publica- tion of the notice; (b) in the case of an owner who is not a regis- tered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. The approving authority is The Council of The Regional Municipality of York, Box 147, Newmarket, Ontario. LAND IN THE TOWN OF VAUGHAN IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK, FORM- ERLY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Part of Lot 20, Concession 3 in the said Town, designated as Parts 3 and 4 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division (ï¬fs Toronto Boroughs and York South as Plan -1220. ‘ NOTES: 1. The Expropriations Act provides that, (a) where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General; - (b) the inquiry officer, (i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine witnesses, either per- sonally or by his counsel or agent, and (ii) may recommend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200 and the approving authority may in its discretion order the expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. 2. “owner†and “registered owner" are defined in the Act as follows: “owner†includes a mortgagee, tenant, execu- tion creditor, a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a'committee of the, estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested; “registered owner†means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the proper registry. land titles or sheriff’s office, and includes a person shown as a ten- ant of land on the last revised assessment roll. 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands in- tended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry. This notice first published on the 6th of July, 1972. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND KLEINBURG The Expropriations Act MARY DAWSON AT 884-1105 CORRESPONDENT SCHEDULE “A†The Regional Municipality of York Robert N. Vernon, Esq., Regional Clerk, 62 Bayview Avenue, Newmarket, Ontario. tion is also being given to a three-day, Northern Ontario col< or trip. For further informatioh call Percy Puterbaugh at 832-1114 or Louise Cooper at 832â€"2408.