Kary Silverberg caught a fly, homered and tripled in the win- ning cause‘ Two good ground plays by Pat Billich were forti- fied by a double and a single. Susan Henry singled. SQUIRT GIRLS Armstrong Hodge 1 North York TV 0 Karen and Sue Luck's Arm- strong Hodge is tied for first place after this win. Virginia White's single was the only marker of the game. Fry Basket 8 Keffer Real Estate 5 A consistent two runs each Inning won the game for Sam Masson and Betty Bingham's Fry Basket. with an 8-6 win over Keffer Real Estate. With the score six all at the top of the last inning, as single by Heather Alley and a double by Carol Rastrlck won the game. Keffer’s Susan Duncan hit the only homer for Keffer. Laura Lacy made a good catch. Ann Stephenson singled twice. Thornhlll Paint 4. Alley Cats 2 First inning doubles by Wendy Rae and Paula Brown. singles by Joan Dayment and Lisa Bate, were the only scoring of the game by Glen and Sue‘ Rae’s Thornhill Paint. But it was enough to win the game. Bonnie Spierans and Shawna O’Neil’s Alley Cats only man- aged two. Susie Bronsteln’s triple and Tracy Manton’s single. PEEWEE GIRLS PSA 15, Thornhill Pet Shop 11 For the colleens in green. Carmel O‘Neill homered twice. Cathy Bonnell hit two doubles Sheryl Ehrlick doubled and singled three times. Kathy Booker hit three singles. Seymour's Texaco 16 Ardtea Floral Shop 14 5 Doug Keffer’s Seymour’s Tex- aco 15 well ahead in first place as they defeated Bill Lee's Ardtea Floral Shop 16-14. Ivor Harriorr's PSA finally got their first win by giving Judy McLean and Mary Danis‘ Thornhill Pet Shop their first loss of the season. 15-11. It was a case of every mem- ber counting as Kathy Redford and Cathy Daly shared pitching honors. Cathy Rae's home run in the first inning gave them the incentive they needed. Shirley Common scored four times and made a double play. Teresa Rowe and Daphne De- rose scored twice. Darlene Smith’s triple brought in three runs. Pam Church for the yellow and red turned a fantastic catch into a double play. Jodi Sone tripped the bases twice. Vicki Goos had a spectacular tag out at third. Shopper's Drug Mart ll Dottles’ Copies 9 A six-run second inning won the game for Pat Tuck's Shop- pet’s Drug Mart. downing Fern Bennett's Dotties' Copies 12-9. Diane Thompson doubled and smgled. Janice Boss singled twice. Karen Skinner and Linda Patten both doubled and sing- led for the losers. Bey Ben- nett doubled. BANTAM GIRLS Gateway Mercury 16 Heritage Carpets 11 Al Sone’s Gateway sported some strong hitters. as Kathy Rikely homered twice, Heather Swartz and Corene Clathworthy one apiece. and they easily trounced Julie Booker’s Heri- tage Carpet 16-11. Pat Keffer tripï¬ed the bases and singled twice. Debbie McIntee, Diane Mor- row. Christy Lee and Diane Piggins allvhomered for the Absers. SQUIRT "B" BOYS Armstrong Hodge Fry Basket ___________ Keffer Real Estate North York TV __ Thornhill Paint Thornhill Alley Ca Thornhil! Building Supply A&M Fish & Chips Bill. Best. Tires ‘,____ Clutchey's Sun Liters _._,___ Marshall’s Shell ______________ Kelson Plumbing Baker Sales and Service Thomhill Music School Evertlme ___________________ Japan Car Sales ~__ Thornhill Pet Shop Dotties’ Copies __<_,'_____h_ Shopper’s Drug Mart _______ Provincial Service Agency Gateway Mercury Baythorn iner Golden Star Anderson's Essa N Jay-C Broadloom Smiths Cyclones Heritage Carpets Thornhill BP _____ Plaza Pontiac _, . W. A. Stephenson Turnpenny Shell Seymour's Texaco _ Gateway Mercury _ Heritage Carpets . Ardtea Floral Shop The Squirt "B" Boys were Squirt Girls Win Puts Armstrong Hodge In First Place Tie North Thornhill Ball Results STANDINGS WEEK ENDING JULY 13. 1972 Squirt Girls 7 By MARGARET HOUGHTON seam-1%â€; Telephone 889-307 3 ï¬ii‘iflï¬fï¬ifl Bintiï¬u'd‘lrls 'feâ€"e‘ï¬JCTl'ï¬s P33937116" 'SEhii-Tiiiii‘s' Thornhill Music School 13 ..Baker Sales and Service 9‘. Good fielding by Mike and Debbie Benvenuti‘s Thornhill Music School downed Barry Laughton and John Zubick’s Baker Sales-13-9. Neil Smith doubled twice and singled for the green and yellow. Cam and Teri Martel‘s Ever- tune edged John Burbage‘s Japan Car Sales 7-5 in the first game Bruce Bowlby homered. Chris Ellis tripled. Peter Smith tripled and singled. Doug Wylie. Chris Reid and Kevin Rodger singled. Evertune 12, Japan Car Sales 8 The second game between Evertune and Japan was very similar. Evertune d o w n e d Japan car 12-8. Doug Seguin hit two singles. Chris White and Dave Taylor doubled. Peter Smith doubled and singled twice. able to make up for their rain- ed out game of June 21. Evel‘tune 7. Japan Car Sales 5 Jay Zubick homered, tripled? and singled for Baker. Harold Chopping homered. Thoruhlll Music School 14 Baker Sales 10 Steve Nichols. Danny Gomes, Neil Smith and Neiil Crebbin all blasted homers for the win- ners. David Chesler bagged three singles. Steven Ludwick doubled and singled. Baker Sales saw two doubles with Jeremy Isbister and Harold Chopping hitting. Chris Mc- Lennen singled for three. Jay Zubick singled twice. SQUIRT BOYS Bill Best Tires 28 Kelson Plumbing 10 Sue Potter’s Bill Best trounc- ed Joe Wileman's K e i s o n Plumbing 28-10. Kelson lead the first inning 6-3. when Bruce Daniell homered and Robby Hemstock tripled. With three scoreless innings following for Kelson. Bill Best took over the game. Captain Bruce Cameron ‘ homered and doubled twice. Mike Michkowski tripled, made an exciting slide into home and‘ caught two pops. Roddy Fea- therstone caught a ball for the third out in the second inning. iRobex-to Larice caught a fly ‘ball. John Masson doubled. Joe Galli and Greg Daurio singled twice. Thornhill Bullan Supply 22 Clutchey’s Sun Liters 8 The only undefeated team in the North Thornhill Softball League, Thornhill Building Supply took on Clutchey’s Sun Liters for their sixth win in as many starts. Ricky Seeiey bag- ged two homers for his final game in Squirts. Seeley willL join Anderson’s Esso Peewees this week. Pitcher Jim Hough- ton singled three times. Paul Featherstone scored on three. For the boys in blue. Joey; Lefebvre homered. Kevin Wile-‘ man made a spectacular catch, in centre field. Marshall's Shell 7 A 8: M Fish and Chips, coach- ed by Bruce Turner and John Wilson. kept an easy hold on second place, downing Dawson Cameron‘s Marshall's Shell 10" A & M Fish and Chips 19 1 19-7 A team which is strong de- fensively as well as at bat. Jim Gourlay, Mike Hall and Greg Pacek made great plays in the field. Pacek hit three. home runs, Hall bagged a double and two singles. Stuart Thompson tripled. Paul Danis. Dan Fife. Mike Sherwood. John McLean and Richard Salem all singled. Ian Harrison homered for the gasmen. Ron Reinders tripled and doubled. Scott Hunter tripled. Hugh Ellis connected for two singles, Carl Fanseca for one. Pt. PEEWEE BOYS Smith Cyclones 6. Baythorn Power 5 As Baythorn had to face their OWn pitcher of the prevd ious week, the loss of a double! header by Ron Mitchell's Bay- thorn Power to Joe Greenfield‘s} Smith Cyclones was a real disï¬ appointment. Brent Ashley singled for the Cyclones. Jim Bell belted another homer. Smith Cyclones 9 Bayihorn Power 5 ‘ John Bell and Ian Reid hom- ‘ered for Smith Cyclones. Bell's three-run homer was the mar- ‘gin of difference. Larry Ahas. John Isbistei' and Bill .lan~ ‘drisits homered for Baythorn. Golden Star 15 Anderson’s Esso 9 A home run and a double for Joe Faello lead John William- son's Golden Star in a 15-9 win over Stan Levine's Anderson's Esso. Ward Williamson singled twice. Carl Clutchey tripled for Anderson’s. over Stan Levine's Anderson's Esso. Ward Williamson singled twice. Carl Clutchey tripled for Anderson’s. Gateway Mercury 18 Jay-C Broadloom Pitcher Ross Henry pitched a no-hitter for Gateway Mercury. as they shut-out Jay-C Broad- loom 16-0. David Maxwell homered and doubled. Henry and Shawn Craig doubled. Mike Bate hit three singles. BANTAM BOYS Plaza Pontiac 22 WA Stephenson 13 York collected most of their runs from walks as five batters got. free passes in the first inn- ing. James Walker was walked in each of his three appear- ances at the plate for the losers. ‘Bret Patterson walked and col- lected two singles for York. Saunders of Toronto 8 House of Chin 4 With this 8-4 victory against ‘the House of Chiu, the Saund- ‘ers of Toronto Club has now climbed past the slumping York Printing squad to grab a share of the top spot along with the House. Plaza Pontiac 22 WA Stephenson 13 Duncan Cameron‘s Plaza Ponâ€" tiac downed Bill Eagle and Cliff Chinnery’s WA Stephenson 22- 13. Thirteen runs in the sec- ond inning were unbeatable. John Henry made an unassist- ed doubled play at first base in the third inning. Rob Reinders tripped the bases in the first, John Bennett in the thsrd. The Stephenson boys made some great plays in the field. Tim Cowan started defensive double play in the fourth to cut off run at the plate. Jacque Beauvais in left field and Dave Morrow in right field made good catches in the sixth inning. Heritage Carpet 24 Thornhil! BP 2 Stan Rowe's Thornhill BP fell apart under the onslaught of Tom Tuck and Paul Allison's Heritage carpet. with Heritage winning 24-2. Kevin Pieterson pitched a sparkling game with a no-hitter going until the last inning, when he gaVe up two hits. :ï¬DRAPï¬zYFACTOTw : CUSTOM MADE FROM OUR OWN FACTORY TO YOU DELIVERY COULD BE YOURS IN 7 DAYS! Choose your drapes from a. lovely selection of the latest styles and patterns. For further information, please call 884-6611 (Between Centre St. and Crosby Avenue) BLACK g 70 NEWKIRK RD., RICHMOND HILL OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM 9 A.M. T0 6 RM. DAILY Bring your own measurements to NOW OPEN 0N QUALITY DRAPERIES 383 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884-9171 DINING ROOM, LOUNGE AND BANQUET FACILITIES TO OPEN SOON FOR RESERVATIONS AND INFORMATION SQUIRTS (June 13) Crawford Allied 14 York Printing 12 . l 1“ a mud upset 301‘“ Gner“now is five victories againstl Crawford Allied Team crawled into a two-way draw for the second spot in the squirt loop. as they downed York Printing 14-12. In the first inning York, coached by Earl. Rubinoff. scor- ed six runs, plus one in the second and two in the third lagainst a total of eight runs ‘for Crawford. ‘ This lead vanished in the fourth as Crawford outscored York 6-3. Jamie Grier walked. Paul Kelly singled. Oliver Tannisi doubled. Mike Hill and Bret Bradbeer singled and then. the final blow of the inning. Jeff Lipton homered clearing the bases for Crawford and giving them the victory. York collected most of their runs from walks as five batters , u. i ::.‘-L a real slugfest 17-15. The Laurentiders’ record one loss. The Flyers have three wins against three losses. Had the Flyers won this game they would have climbed to second place along with the Outlaws. Homeruns by David Alberico, David Wood (with two). Brad- ley Lingman. Mike Newton and John Dugan were the power behind the 17 runs. Dave Wood and Tim Jones each came up with unassisted double plays to keep the Flyers from flying too high. On the other side of the story. Ron Coughlin. Scott Pet- ers (twice) and Ken Coughlin smacked homers for the losers. Ken‘s homerun was with the bases loaded in the third inn- ing. SQUIRT "B" (July 11) v lTilehearst. near Lonuon. nug- land. returned home on Thurs-. day after spending three weeks with her sister Mrs. Jessie Cole- man. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boyn- ton and family spent several days at her mother’s cottage in Haliburton. Debbie Hawkins. Dorothy Harris. Leslie Wright and Kathy Wideman spent a week at Willow Springs Camp. Rev. and Mrs. Eldon Boettger and Arlene holidayed for a week on Lake Rosseau in Mus- koka. Mrs. Richard Davies and four boys spent last week at the Free Methodist Camp at Brigh- ton. Rev. Andrew McNiven and Rev. Alvin Winger attended the Ministerial Retreat at Mag-neta- wan. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grove and girls of Markham visited her _____ 4.. Mr and Mr. Canvas! mErarcrh of these two top clubs has three wins, two losses and one rained-out game. Pitchers Scott Gray and Eric Stephenson allowed only five hits between them while Colin Bell. playing centre field, caught a fly ball with the bases loaded, in the third inning to retire the side. Had he not, in all probability the score would have been all tied up. Ed Shaver, playing short for the last four innings. sparkled in the field as did Ben David at first base. Best offensive players for the losers were Gary Quenneville with a single. two R315 and a‘ homer and John Alberico with a triple. Eric Stephenson was the big gun at the plate with two home runs driving in six of the eight Saunder’s runs. Laurentide Finance 17 P.F. Flyers 15 Bill Wood‘s Laurentide Fin- ance Team outscored Tony By DAVE BARBOUR South Thornhill Ball Scores Telephone 366-1720 MOTOR INN The Outlaws 17 Framus Guitars 14 Before the game Coach Stew- ;art Sykes and his Framus Gui- tar players decided to put their {not down and not lose six times straight. However. Blair FOR Snedken's P. F. Flyers to main- tain their first. place standing in a real slugfest 17-15. The Laurentiders' record Livingstone and his Outlaws were just as determined to hang on to second place. Both teams went out and gave it all they had and when the smoke cleared the Framus Gui- tar record was no wins and six losses and the Outlaws had their second spot secured. The Outlaws rammed home five runs in the first inning. which was matched by the Framus team. However, the Outlaws got seven in the sec- ond. while Framus came up with only four. Each élub acquired five more runs in the next two rounds. leaving Framus thr_ee runs shy. The Outlaws got homers from Anthony Ferkranus. Jack Van- deree and Tod McIntosh. while Chris Case connected with the big blow for the losers. “The Outlaws will miss a great little player in Donald Welsh, who has moved to Orillia. ' Richmond Heights Centre 7 â€"- 884-3221 ’ A“““““““““ V ‘ 0 New slim size @- ~ - Bigger, 3V2" x 4V2" prints, and sparkling color slides - Easy-as-ever cartridge loading It goes where you go . . . for the moments when you wish you had a camera. iing in‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barnes of ITilehearst. near London. Eng- recordgland. returned home on Thurs- againstgday after spending three weeks 5 three with her sister Mrs. Jessie Cole- man. a new KODAK Pocket lNSTAMATlC® Camera Mrs. Landon Steckley is in Work Central Hospital. Rich- lmond Hill and Ambrose Pullen is in York County Hospital in Newmarket. Mr. Jan Drost of Zwelie. Hol- land. who is a profasional or- ganist. has been visiting his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Jerry van Rijn. is in York County Hospital in? She telephoned her nephew‘ Newmarket. and niece Mr. and Mrs. Whitâ€"‘ Mr. Jan Drost of Zwelie. Hal-.ney Johnson Sunday morning to land. who is a profasional or-lsay she wasn‘t feeling well.! ganist. has been visiting his They both went to her home‘ cousins Mr, and Mrs. Jerry van immediately. took her to a doc? Rjjn. tor where it was considered Mr. and Mrs. Kiekebelt of‘lvery minor. Enchede. Holland. are visiting They then took her to visit their nephew and niece Mr. and'her husband Frank who has Mrs. Jerry van Rijn and familyk Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boyn- ton and family spent several days at her mother’s cottage in Haliburton. Rev. and Mrs. Eldon Boettger and Arlene holidayed for a week on Lake Rosseau in Mus- koka. mMrs. Richard Davies and four boys spent last week at the Free Methodist Camp at. Brigh- ton. 7 Rev. Andrew McNiven and Rev. Alvin Winger attended the Ministerial Retreat at Mag-meta- wan. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grove and girls of Markham visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett on Sunday. "MES? ’wmnirr'ed Gilli: of North Bay visited with her friend Mrs. Norman Brown re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Norman John- son and Peter of. Pickering. for mer residents here. renewed ac. quaintances here on Sunday. TMr: and Mrs. Clarence Stick- Iey visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sickley of Barrie on §yndqy. “Misses Freda and Blanche Henderson spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Harvey Cassel of Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stickley of Unionville and the Misses Henderson were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger on Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. Brillingers’ birthtiay. Miss Ruth Henderson hosted a presentation on Friday night at Victoria Square Hall in hon- or of Constable Ronald Newton and his fiancee Miss Daria Sharko. The young peoples Sunday school class and the young couples group were pres- ent for the happy occasion. Friends and' relatives were shocked to learn of bhe sudden PH 0T0 SUPPLIES $29.95 Gormley Neighborhood Notes CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED - PHONE 887-5445 passing of Mrs. Frank Thomp- son (well known here) in To ronto on Sunday afternoon. 'John Greenwood says: “Dig these crazy prices†SUMMER CLEARANCE QUALITY USED CARS 1971 1971 1969 1968 1969 1968 RENAULT 16 SEDAN/WAGON - Michelin radial ply tires in excellent condition. Lic. 495683 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. RENAULT 12 FOUR DOOR SEDAN â€"â€" Radial ply tires, immaculate. Lic. N94374. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RENAULT 16 SEDAN/WAGON â€" Michelin radial ply tires, well maintained. Lic. N47218. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RENAULT 16 SEDAN/WAGON â€" Michelin radials, radio, exceptional car. Lic. 1425211. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CORTINA GIT. â€"- Radio, radial ply tires, head rests, looks and drives like a new car. Lic. 25140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V.W. WAGON â€"- New engine, newly painted, in first class condition. Lic. X50392 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GREENWOOD RENAULT 16 INDUSTRIAL ROAD 884-8841 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, July 20, 1972 Disc Brakes 44.95 extra Here’s what we do: 295 Yonge St. S. o Reline and install quality brake linings on all 4 wheels 0 Repack front wheel bearings. o Lubricate and clean brake backing plates. 0 Inspect hydraulic wheel- cylinders. 0 Inspect front and rear wheel seals. Guaranteed 24 months or 24,000 miles Includes: 0 Installing quality brake disc pads on front wheels. 0 Inspecting d_isc rotors for trueness. o Inspecting calipers. I Guaranteed 24 months or 24,000 miles. It must be right or we makejt right! enough-AR an CENTRES Our car service poii'cy assures you of complete satisfaction. FOR RENAULT SERVICE IN THIS AREA 0000i? YEAR been in the Extenda Care Nursing Home in Weston for six weeks. Shortly after lunch Mrs. Thompson passed away. The funeral was held from the Mar- shall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill It‘s a cruel world when one can‘t even beautify their homes unless everything is under lock and key, Two beautiful hanging has a Measure and inspect brake drums for trueness. 0 Inspect master cylinder. 0 Inspect brake lines and hoses. 0 Inspect brake shoe return springs. 0 Check brake lights. 0 Road test vehicle. RICHMOND HILL 773-4444 kets of flowers were stolen dur‘ ing Friday night from my front verandah. It isn‘t the money value but it took several years for these baskets to reach their present growth. It. would be much apprechtv ed if the person who has en- joyed them now for several days would return them for other people to continue enjoy- in: them in their proper setv ling. 884-4423 889-5531 $2295. $1795. $1495. $1395. $1395. $1395.