THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 20. 1.072 Liberal Action Want Ads Take No Vacation â€" They Work All The Time" Call the Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 884-1983 8 am. to 6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. 9 am. to 5 p. m. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 to 12 Saturdav 6 \ FOR SALE l HELP WANTED { HELP WANTED l TO RENT lMISCELLANEOUSMISCELLANEOUS MPLOYMENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES i E lEffcctiIe Julvl 1972' ‘Co‘llim‘e‘l’ COST"clerkâ€"captho'er-main- lContlnued) (Continuedl v » - - w . . , t V v ,.L _-. LPE A r ,.., , _ _ 7 a v - 1Com m d) CASH RATES. lst insertion 10 words $1.25 aiid .100. per SEIIING MACHINES taming cost records and other SEE THE COUNTRY FURNISHED l'OO m s 70a k DEPTIF TASKS PLMPED lBOOKKFE IV] :8 " word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second L’sed machiiics from $10.93 flata relating to COSllnE. Eor DANCERS urgently needed. (30- Ridges. gentlemen preferred. 5986? clpaned ling saw-lief: grarld flcc‘LL'lil-lHOL'SE pointing interim-01.6w; "1d subsequent insertions if wording. unchanged, 10 ‘lgual-ant-eed, Bemma .Se“lnglllf01‘nlallon apply to Box {at). 5:0 and EXOth_ top wages, no e-xâ€"‘Cmse m Yonge' parking fawn†. 41111ch n V 886-5683 sma list-storm“ Ex es... d d . words for $1 15 and 10¢ per word thereafter Centre m The M““' R‘Chmond T___he leeral- Chg penence “9"955311‘3 “9 “'1†“0‘- 773-5353. (“’w‘l » Pflone 884-1345 “CC ne- ws. ‘ ' ~~ ' ' tr("M889 70°1 ‘ p Hence Stutqu ' ' ' Heights Centre 884-3775 or 895-‘ Wwi-jlgDER DDSâ€".‘l‘aln- Apply stating iiiforma- " ,.w H ' v_ 3 WHlTE'S Furnace Cleanings, WINDOW CLEANING -- ~ ' ---A .m‘ COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word,mln._charge-Sl.50 7922‘ “C42 EXPERIENCED in light gauge “on to BoX 18‘ ..The Liberal.._‘lg.‘:lSEMEl\l apaitmenl. OIieNamml and propane gas. 839; 334.3433 iHOUSE painting. interior or ex- BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 30¢ '*CONTEQTSâ€"Fkio‘ii‘lODELa‘meml‘ 8896533- CIWB. “C47 room with tiidge and stote’. 3306. “.le WINDOW CLEANING terior. Dave 884-2675. *lwz CARDS or THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, - ‘ ‘ ;--- w a“ :“2 .777 ~. Ar~ .Pma‘e allll‘ajlce- Ca“ after 3* ~~r :4 a, 884-2433 ENGA EMEVTS “ARRIAGFS IRTHS . ‘ APARTMENTS > .OPFICE help. mornings 0111)'.RNS_& RNA 5' pa†“me andlpmk 334-6611. >7*1w3} CARPESTR‘ {4 W G . l i l - i B i P6201616 1All like new. livingroom. dlning‘K’Innday mmugh Friday. 226-.fllll time In nursing homo Ap- TWOâ€"be’dï¬)’mn“’hml_ WV; l 1A“ ll'pes indoors and outdoor-5.. A“ r â€"- -~ - â€"- if 3 o 5-9. l0" . . -~- room, bedroom. etc. .1131. clwg‘ply Box 37, “The Liberal." Y R f . be: ‘ 9.†1 also custom built work. 889- PAINTING and decorating, in-‘l Transportatlon Classmed advertisements should be In as early in the 889-2280 RV.“ L.E~' ' . iv 5 ~ 7 tic-52 on“. e e'ences. lequn‘ed 5612. tfc52 tci‘ior and exterior. ‘20 years TRAN“ â€" ' week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. _ 7 tie-30 50‘ gaffe“ fugeals?;'l?£ "ggz‘ilgsgldlPAR'ICtime" recepimnist.†three 932mm“ posscsmn‘ .ï¬sï¬i‘ CLEANING'WINDOWS7M lexpel‘ience' Fl“? estimates‘lh‘on; ‘$§§10§lii“}2ni en: Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone ADMIRAL '1“: “Viva! base. ‘ “clkig evenings a week, 13 393,-; m-bVEiâ€"b-af - ‘ -_ ' WALLS AND FLOORS 8847.31.12?" 88"?â€0†L . . , . t [C33‘Junior High School on ilgnc us at 884-1105 01‘ 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. RCA 'rv. both in working order. . - “. r~ â€" - over. 884-1101. c2\\2| ‘ ‘1 “‘0’†ai’allment blow DAY 01- mch PAINTING ism...“ mum of <10 1 . .» U I - , . . , , 'IWO laborers for golf coursc.l~r~e‘r~ -- -. flflvimld fl‘ldfle. central location I o n ‘ “ ‘ ee“a““â€l" ._ ,,_ _,_ ‘Slhut lee, 100mâ€" m cottage. 91‘s.- immediately- 889-4712 Hm}. [X A RV", Nome Strep“ Sunable for r 2384-2743377“ m $84-$43.) ‘9 am. for female student in FOR SALE l FOR SALE goings-8843140; _ m ch13 Ewe-ï¬e msa-1 rt- ff --l jWANTED: Working. energeticbusmess couple. 8844796 - NORTHERN PAINTING ‘ ngffpc .Seplcmber. Phone 884-1570 W _ -7 W0 _ï¬ d < 7‘ ____ _‘INSULATED aluminum cap for ' . I l g l) in 0 'ce 0 erk‘ DEOPIE’. Who want and deserve 3 Rows; Residential commm-cial paint '“ °3 - “mm. 6 pm~ 01' “Tile Box 4" ALUMINUM I WANTED ‘lz-ton truck. bunks. cupboardsfuwlasnï¬' m‘emory control' bale" “3}†01' llfe- P110119 fOl'.ROO\’I‘_ .- '“ â€" "’ - ' ing interior and e\'terior Paper-l" » r 7 UCJE‘Mrhe Liberal “€53 ‘7 Doors. windows. awnings, and Pianos and used furniture. Call fridge .propane store, floor and ‘ang’ e c'. A ‘appointment. 884-3575. after 6 . cool‘mg and parkmg’ hana’ 884-‘69’; ‘ it 49' WALTER LONG PLUMBING ‘RIDEA wantcdvfromï¬Dz-i 'ir‘ri' Ilo . . _ - _ ‘ ‘ , , _ . Apply to: VITA. Manufacturing {301111195 Please phone 884- "mg' . . a " C ‘ ' - \ I I ' railings. Ron Woods. 8841314. 8841146. tchISbioadloom, lieai new. 8881214. of Canada Ltd 93 Nemki 1 pm- “£14898 for appointmem if 2. BAKEkysâ€"BCAC-KHOE EfilCleIIt seulce at reasonable Mount pleasant to Markham ' _. -- A._,._-.,-.- . ., . 'l‘{ ,;. ~ â€" W‘r - . . . .. i~ .' . __ _ W 7 _m_ 7V “"36 CEDAR fence rails. 832-1276.; “2‘ l _ _,_. _ ‘ V‘l‘f‘époad 5', Richmond Hill. ‘MAJURE. honest student. will- ,. s ; â€" _ i. â€" ,c EXCAVATING lates' .,_ _ .Boad and Ba-WH‘W “91 1AM“ _ V a . . lwo bcdioom. $110 111 quiet 83-«1345 MAPLE l I t - "-30 d 400 YORK ALUMINUM H _r‘ H - W A _r _ Marconi bike, fail condition, 889- 389.9100 (.]“-3 “in. "0 “01k 39d lake 1‘659011“: building Rent includes h-‘dm ’l‘rcnching. sewer It water lines? tfc30 “Eileen 0‘ an . pm. Free estimates Aluminum sidâ€"‘zr' BIKE, excellent conditionï¬9135 €1\l'3 E‘Q’SE‘ï¬EXICEDâ€"Ie i . H9111â€; 491-99-70- clu‘l‘ d 7‘. ‘ * « footings. 8893604 “€21â€. , . 7 ,7; -l . ch13 , , v A _ ‘ l _ .._-._ _.- W. ’- . . gal secretaiy . --- , ~--»*. on paiking. Bmadloomed halls _ __ . ~ , .m;71 GENERAL CARPENTRY Ing Windows. doors, awnings, $23.00, 384-2632, c1w'3 BED, spring and mattress. a and , . . . A. ._VVAI'] RESSES experienced for. d -f ~ - - . . v . ‘ . l lass and screen re aim â€"-;-_v--. .i,_A _,,.._ . .. V v come-Vance†leqlllled fOL ff h ‘ .. 3“ bOl “3191- mfflnl welcome. SHAMPOOING .kltchen units alterations rec gï¬gng 8844558 factow p832: AIR conditioners. new. $128. 5 metal Cabmet “lul foul S‘hel‘esv general law practice. Apply c829 2:158 Op, pelmallem P051tl09~170 Bayview Ave. South at Rugs and chesterfields. Day Ol“1~oom5. etc, ’ ' l d 1319 Maple ‘ “C98 year guarantee. Brown‘s Appli- fagetglnéagle 131i“ mi" Slieéfd ‘fstatmg qualifications and salary __‘ ' ‘ I. __ V ““3 Marking lid. 88%85. CIWBLEIIL 384-2433. tfczol GORD “OWLAND _Vainifl_r____ _ “"iiirâ€"wimc’s'~â€" “3951‘84‘9821‘misï¬t†and915 fool 125353 5†acitiiliti’iec‘ed t° B“ 3ԠR‘Chm‘mflln . CLERK TYPIST .. noon at Maple, looâ€"rest: rtnii‘c’iivo’cii‘ciiviiso†889-3437 FEMALE Preferred close to ADDING MACHINES FREE airwnditioner “'ilh 26" s A m if - '.~' ' '~ ~77 -1-’_ - --_.- .. ,-. _L°,2_“’3_ all“ 8’1? 1’95_p°"‘5“’,le.p_°5m°“taurants adjacent. clean quiet Roger Proulx __ Telephone __,l_ “(-18 transportation and indush‘y_ TV. Brown‘s Appliances. 8 HQRT 01d“ c°°l‘v can Ma“; DAY care wanted. Monday to.01 3 5" f5iali9} I‘3ng _a“,Canadlan home. reasonableu884-1650. tfc‘24l â€"_TREEECU’T‘T{NG‘AN5‘ 334-5335- 1563 Sale; atrll‘d $01313! Rleritals Yonge 5†Richmond Hm. 334_Egel_-~_334-E7l- v r 7 id“? Friday in my home. Startinggisg‘lesDc‘gï¬s 1’0 lgdufie' iï¬plfnlglmZQQIZL Cl‘VglAATH 7â€"PVAIVNTT‘VG.A’WA PRUNING u "126 ea 91’. .9821. _V r W 7 _ tlc53.CC_M bike._ fair condition. ass-July 3lst. Pevei‘ley Acrcs_area. .n f “9°†{3}“ a“ "} THORN’HILEEAREAA‘W†a: PAPERHANGING l HOUSEPAINTING . All popular makes for sale PIYWOOD 0135 clwg Call after 3:30 pm 773-4095 1 gd" “5‘01"†Commondenc"Chm-mm.- mmom 1,0,5 9â€"â€" R F DUVN - F C DOAK LOST including new and rebuilt I t _ ‘ W -- - - â€"- - - Iâ€" an information with enerall = " 1 9’ is†~ '- ‘ ' " ‘ ‘ standard portable and electric 4 x 8 sheets. [11' 1'2" spemal‘ POSITIONS AVAILABLE duties also. 486-8080. g t-lix3lm‘lnlm-L 724777444- Ch†727‘3303 884-5316 ‘ 7 of '7' 7V ~' r ; dl S '1 ll t $6 60 per sheet Call Worldl ' J â€"‘ ** ‘BEDSIITINCC " "" “‘18 “‘Vl‘cu' pa†pmsmn' 5mm gm mo es. peeia ren a ra est ; . , > 3 , . ALL pm 059 “1 671-311.;- ‘ - room and kitchen, _- W __W,__., . '_: lw'ith black and white markings. available to students. !W1de Showing. 339-5259- u 1* USED CARS lfecef‘igblibgblf ~~t accouglslfm. drypfleagiï¬gs ‘placl’q't lglunlurnished. with stove and! HANDYMAN’S CLEAN-UP Reward. 889-3993. c3\\3 . L. H. SIMS HA_ V__y__¢i .GQâ€"Mï¬ï¬jï¬ï¬y M-ar uiSâ€"fhu-w ‘ ‘ 8 ‘li_ aLCOUn 5 Data ciHi“ area. 889_8555' or 884_3801_lfr_idge. Call after 6 pm. 889-, SERVICE 4 38 Baker Ave c â€"â€"-â€"‘â€"â€â€˜ ‘1 - 3 cleik. 'Iliomhill aiea. 97 a» v - Richmond “Hi 4.e§1.em ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ v ‘ ‘ ' ' ' $168 bag equipped. factory air COIIdlthlI-isalary _ Open. c2w3 .33- '_,V#A _ "#72“? No Job 100 large or small. we" Wâ€" _ Y 8844745 “c3 4.:4, 1:313:20“ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ed. 884-2571. c1w'3‘ ERRERDIENCCEDâ€"shirtrpl‘esseT OISE Xedrooni apartment- aVail'LClï¬a†3399’“ 0 311' Reasongbi: ALL types Ofâ€"lgdiscaping, stOIie' / 7,_,7W__ '_____H‘ ‘ ; A ‘ - - ~ - - A - i - T'â€""â€"*‘â€" "_"‘f_'“" I . ., - - .a e udust st. 884-8588. F3 PS. ' -7 '75. tc work sand 1 - '1 d ]_,- â€"- â€"- -- rrrrrrrrr - 4x4» .87, BM}. P1,. 435 69 IMPALA two d001 hardtop. llm Di) Cleaning Plant 111. ° . _ "its . . t i V DD >01 an mUSI . .- - . _ V 'I‘EAKWOOD A LOUGHLIN ï¬vMBEIf power brakes and steering good, T EM p o R A R Y ._. hook-:Tl‘lOl‘nhlll area. 889-8555 or 884-..-_.._ _- _. WEE _ 3%“,3; LU’GI ELECTRICAL mom COmPOSi' Free eStimates‘ 33:30]? sgaancaï¬ll?:ll:g iii/131:9 EVIL?- timing, 311% b_edr0f)ams- Yonge & ‘Scou Drive icondition, $1.350; 773-5931,}keeper. full set of books lor 1-3089}; _ _ w __n :2\\‘3.0NE bedroom apartment, yonnz' CONTRACTOR 1A;_Ha}‘t§;10k_- §§9-533§-_W “041 Box 34 ‘Richmond Hm' 0,. can holilese 032:1 11-9p3inelzso-‘il7iig- RichvaIe-889-1109 i999“ §:39,B}11-2_ _ chi-3 months. Aurora area. ‘WELDER required with somel‘i‘mPl‘? 21-“ BETEL,flï¬laeiidemial electrical modeml‘ GARDENS designed generallEM 6-8084. ’ tfcl7 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. " cot-53968 PONTIAC safari station-‘2 igxoerience. 887-5766 or 887- SHARE a beautiful duplex,l§;§41°]“4_‘iznd impmlemems' galllï¬jmlscapmg- Patiosr el/C- Fleet Hwy_ 7, just east of Fifth Line,iï¬rmNGâ€"tlaétofï¬â€˜fifhWâ€"IBQiwagou. ‘body good. no rust.;. P . I. u ,, M I _ _ 99769;†77W _ I, a Â¥C>1fl3 b1“hilmoonb heamiffll kltChen- ,. ,.-, - ,fi? “Ce and eSl'mateS- 884'7933- (2 miles east of Dixie Road) blade and grass cutting attic†good tires. motor needs re-lwith Egiiil?eï¬?ft_ ' Seciztaiityv-PHOROUGHLY experiencedroppertone fridge and store. to ELECTROLYSIS i __W 7 dtfc48‘ir ‘ Bl-amalea‘ tfc31ments best offer and Viking pairs. $650. firm. 884-6822. a (No. -h u d spilled lc allegal secretary, A_1 Employ_ match.‘ everything ‘supphedflpermanent hair l-emoval‘ l-egis_ LAWNS AND GARDENS DRESSMAKING and altera. RU'Pi’ refrigerator. 10 years old. $65. - 3.1†Nth 7lar:am Ian . ee 9 andhem Agency†884'6944‘ 313;; illitzlgg moms' G‘rls °“1y-‘tered Eiectrologist. Shirley Anli MOWING and Roto Tilling. by'tionS- Please call after 6 Pm. MINI BIKES 8890705. c1w21'57 CHEV wagon‘ A_1 conditionflsflaw $90: _ 5100‘ ‘ c1113 ___:V_;_- Electrolysis, Thomhill. 889-3110ln't 0‘1" commcll- G09d eqUiD- 339‘5713- “W1 STREET BROS. MOFFAT dryer and washer ‘384'9741‘ 01“’3 L ONE bedroom apartment‘ $100†0820' “C3 in? ipendab et Sermii “gull â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" AUTO ELECTRIC LTD Hot . _ . ‘ ’TSiâ€"Mf'i’ i '7'; per month. 884-1297. Phone {VXIIfgfï¬gï¬be_Tdâ€"d -_ n 00 age or 0° Sma ' a . pomt fiidge and com opeiat- TEOR- 5 Col, 4-d001. - .- 3“ econ“ - --' v- i 22 INDUSTRIAL RD., ed “mam: Best offer. 884_ auto†newly painted, complete; TEMPORARY â€" excellent} TO RENT 35919381311“ 1“ PW;._ Cl“ by professional English M87339?- - V C4“ FOUND _ RICHMOND “LL 1659. c2w21y checked over and i-econdi-lt.\'bist for 3 weeks. RichmondtvFFIcï¬â€" _ â€"#â€" ~~ w BACHELOR. September 1. ma-‘ti‘adesman. Reasonable prices. LANDSCAPING AFFECTIONATE-hlackâ€"cat 884-5368 tfc42 ---â€"â€"- -â€" â€"--- timed. $995, Lie 851489 Hill area. ,0. Space 520 59- fi- 13 ture adults. no pets. $125. QuietCall Albert E. Godden, 832- MAN WITH TRUCK with orange markings on nose â€"-A----vâ€" - - .â€"â€"-â€" SUMMER CLEARANCE ,.. ' ' .Xonge St. N., now available, n d 10.1 . 62 H _ 3957 o .- 832-2683 . V . - . FIREPLACES Ladies wearand hildremwear 713-4444 - 884-8841 I .h t~ d -. d» - .‘0 91“ “Om, um- 488- - w†and chin. 889â€"2103, Richvale. Acorn! _ Franklins _ Pot Bellies . c 1,, ' 7' ‘ 7'7"" â€" 7’ ' l ea lng an a“ con luonlng'losoz C1“?! Clw3' CI\\'3 ‘ bulk lepers_ nylon to and 6, In running .v '7' _ .- l ‘ l - Prefab Metal Clumnevs - Bar- ,. . . - - - 0 PER-“MEN ~â€" exbeuenc- â€"â€"-â€"-------.-~â€".â€"- _ l & HEATINC â€"â€" . ‘24 long. 39c or 3 {01 condltlon. Phone . _ - ‘ YON . I # hecues outdoor and indoor _ WYNDOT [149.7 *2“.2ied ial flo/Ii ctrelclllt and cctlfllectioni.7471 Yong d1 { . A. MILLS & SON LTD. ll A . ~ I .. - ., E. .4, ._, ,._ ___ ___‘;wor“. us‘ are 600 t1 ind: 8 Yea - u ey‘ _ ï¬gcgssggesierngig?\gï¬â€˜go‘fgggi T3$§$ï¬g££§fglzog COEVERTIRLE, 66 Corvair.‘skills. Keele and No. 7 3aprca::l Avenue 884 2201 ï¬c48ifo§ï¬Â§Wï¬ï¬igr & Nï¬géi‘; 839_3133_ 8 , 0 goo condition. 884-3269. Salary -â€" $100 plus. i w~â€"- w -â€"_ twee . i < . . ‘ ï¬m.-._zu_u .__-C_“j.. RICHMï¬ngIZfl-L- ONT- . c1w3 ; 4 WEEKS FREE RENT liï¬ï¬Sï¬â€˜Tï¬;ï¬W,ï¬gï¬.GENE3AL COP‘Factmg’ alteraâ€"lTiigggliillag‘gzily iiggï¬ged itâ€? J-ULY 22‘ SATURDAY ' A?“ 2455 WAY ties, $3.90 each. 832- - 4 vau'ésâ€"Gï¬foâ€"e convertihle‘ 378779‘ In CORPS . 2 bedrooms only apartment with parking Must‘tions and additions, home, of-iall year - op n IIIO‘I‘II Sale of household1 fullnl- _“;â€"â€"â€"'-- ~â€"--7â€"» tfcz‘" â€"*7~ â€"~~ 7â€"7 â€"~â€"~Ar IDOLOI‘ rebuilt. 4-speed, ofiginal. OFFICE ASSISTANCE be reasonable. 727-3937'01. 88$ flees! faCtorleS~ CgStCm carpen' Assls'TANCE “,ITH YOUR “ne'- IFrencgl] Protvlhnpla $119.5- DRIVEWAY GRAVEL JUNIOR bed with cliiffI‘obe.iBest ff - 80 YONGE STREET SOUTH ‘Large, luxury 1-2 bedrooms. >:< , "3' of 3“ descl‘lptlons- Les . mm d a“. “‘3 c "‘g .L 3‘“ . 0 er. 884 6267, after 6 3291. 1w3 - iFEE CAN BE ARRANGED IF- 1 l h Crushed stone. sand. concretei$30.; bookcase bed Wlth chest. pm. C2w2 884-6782 - 884-6970 p001, saunas. gym, rec. room - 7â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"_~â€"â€"-â€" Webb' 8892346 th3l NECESSARY bedroom suite compete, into on ravel etc deliv . ~ 30.. crib no mat†515.. E.-..____ _ w. r. .. and 1a - _ o . FAMILY of four requires house â€" “‘v "’1 l dl‘OP leaf tables tea “agon- g . I, Eled 1n Sula“ $ ‘ V essV ‘ a Y 7 Y c[\\,3 p y glounds. 0-71 01 , _ , , A. J. 1599 our ad 0 P 9 - quantities. Call C. L. Knappettum‘lnger washer. $25. 884-8577. 64 ‘ALIAM’ “"5 “'eu- €00“? w '- -. 889-0567. this immediately, Richmond Hill or MASONRY CONTRACTOR ' â€"- " ag‘i_‘_.,,Ԥ, broadloom slaII‘ carpet “05Ҡ88415089 my chv3ibody. good tires, $195. as is. SECRETARY t0 BEEN-01: 0f.~-â€"râ€"~â€"-â€" -- â€" -A.â€".out1ying areas. References 884- i , ‘ ‘DAY care given in mv home beigel. Electric range (EOOd ‘_-. _ , -' L j , 834-8341 - 773-4444 Home for Mentally Handicap-lFUBNISHED 1'00m. cookinggg477 or 384-3577_ c1“-3;AU Phases 0f brick, block'- stone Bayvie“; plaza area 334-8285 'condltion). dishes, crocks. jars. LOAM - TOP SOIL GRAVELY tractor. With 30â€; ch“; ped. Yonge Street North. Ricli-;fac111tles, 16 Lame. lst liousei~~~~ uâ€"eir-â€" ---~-§~â€"~â€"â€"land repair work. ' “053 electric refrigerator, twin beds Sandy loam - loam manure mix, rotary mower. excellent condi- :6};chVAIkWTéflZéâ€"éltgiï¬ï¬Ã©ilTlOIld Hill- Applicants for thisle’i-St Of Home Jewellers at Efï¬flï¬nbedroo':apart??? 01‘. 884-6417 U045 DAYâ€" (3â€":WHtâ€" ~-â€" ’rI-gâ€"‘lnewl In the Town of Stouffâ€" . ~ _ . _. ,.- _. _ v. . A , - _ . . r - .â€" I easy l‘l’n i --~r~vA 777â€" . " .- ' â€" - . Iglllfiined‘ hambmaEMIe: ml .“E’ELLIiitsgi’iiioiï¬ lewlas is, must be seen. 887-5180. mte-l-eStmg find cllalleng‘ng'YORgei-v- tch‘ltof Richmond Hillulghod:a81iic:' RUBBER STAMPS lin l1l\‘al’ln0m:lg384-(Qa‘:§7avalciJiglVlue' 3‘ 1’9 Mall“. 51- East 884 33:31“; ' ' “911:3; 9’ FIBERGLASS boat and, cliir3lg95ilggn' 31m: {Evedexceglelnt FOR lease‘ 3‘000 ' 6000 Sq'~ ft'I8126 ask for Doug Marchant Several type faces to choose from DAYâ€"w- ' --_-1_61_;.:._L across from SuriimltVIew Sc'llitiol. ___,'__V‘;m V_____7#~7_ :‘camping equipment. 884-9587. 3; ‘â€"r l _ _ an_ 510113“ __an "e‘industl'ial space, Newkirk Road. ’ ' I ‘â€"inc1uding Script, Block letters} ‘ care “913 9 "1 myv‘The Drol’eny 0‘ Bert 3â€- A MOTOROLA (Quasar), color after 6 pm. c1wr3l iié‘ilgoghdgeti Spf‘érts Cal'vtgoéld Pl‘gflflentsln gonegalhofiice proé‘Features dock level loadilig,lï¬~dï¬Â§Eâ€"f ‘£.»â€"1â€"1â€"â€"c11'\3l0utline and signature â€"- fast‘.h°me' Elka Dm'e‘ 884'7020‘ Terms caSh' Sale at 1 pm' A1" TV' Peter Smith, 8894646. - v _ . l . es 0 er or ra e. ce ure, ense o umor an 1615†clear, im] d- t _ or me Icu ousy cean _ i- A u _l th3 vin S. Farmer, Auctioneer. m2 Efflggfageozsel- A-ésgcgggé- 884-7900. 7“ r c1w3 heart._ Ability to work on own sion, $110 net. “’PFking “Wine, in Richmond iiloiice can The were“ 884 l phone 887â€"5311. c2112 WXLIT’t'cht‘loâ€"x 1-» x 4" ' 81 pm‘ 12213- ’64 VALIANT.1'adio, auto. $350. mlt‘atlve' .Exl’el‘ience neces‘ “on “(1- 630-9500- “€50 Hlll‘ T9°mmu am" Ph°ne HA'RIEISONS CUSTOM l * 3 * . ‘ . “ . _____._E._ ,_ .__.L,__‘_ 339-0733 cut-3 sary, maturity preferred. Salary â€"-â€"â€" 881-2770 am, 884-9704 after 5:30 ‘ JULY 22, SATURDAY, 11 pm. iii:at§e§2°°§i§m§$3413???“71 KAWASAKI Tran b°ss’ ’64 FORD good e‘nui’ $100 open' call Mr' Newroth’ 884' Agégljii‘ii’isi'iis pm' “1“31 CARPENTRY l T â€" Auction Sale consisting of: ' ‘I i -i i -‘ racucall new, 5400 17.3393. _ a one- - 3454. - ' ‘ ‘ ‘, - Cu‘tom built homes, renova-l ‘ ' t â€" tent 884-2201. c1w21‘p y ‘ c1“... 884-1900. c1w3 WEE-TED Cl†ZNBEDROOM SUITES. RENT dhgusfi 1‘“ sum?" 11â€â€œ tioiis additions and repairs -~ - â€" --0 RENE-ww- gfgliiei‘ii cthsmngSileman stoves ""“"’““";,â€â€"’â€"'T’â€"‘" L ,!,,,,i__r"~'ï¬~hw~-ré~:f+;.â€"~ : I CLUDES HEAT, HYDRO, ‘_ e -.00 oca'lon 01‘ wo - ’ - . _. . -"NEW in b d- . . .' ’ . CONTINENIAL bed, slngleJCE cream Chair. 314': Sman‘sldblBEAhI Alpine 64,ceitiiied, Experienced works ofï¬ce costiSOFT WATER FRIDGE ladies. References if required. Kitchens a speciality. Morrisc .b rick e £00m cogage,.Dlvco cmbmde van, flat bot- sme, with headboard. Like newxi .- ~ . . . excellent condition. removable . . . - ‘ ’ ’ . - - . . . .Hal‘l‘lson- 884-2833. tfc421 3“ 0“ . a 6‘ ("mg 3113 tom boat‘ Equestrian â€" 1 small 395 889_30.,5 *IWBAHUQUOS, Silver. china and glasswhal.dtop pireuis $700 or offewcontlol accountant. \Vl‘lttenï¬TOI’E, ETC. NEAR RICH- P05595510" '03 Septembel lst MEET? â€" g-r- v â€" -~--~Souhd district Electric heat lor S‘addle pony harmsg .:~__ _~-L:,: _ ._.'..,.j884-3190. c1113: ‘ . ' ‘, ‘lapplications, stating education‘MOND HEIGHTS PLAZA AT‘OCtObel‘ 15L Apply to Box 521 “5 Clean out your base'heach b at 'd r h' 8 l 1 59' ' - " 24’ DIAMETER abm’e 31'0"“‘{VIEWERâ€"washe’r'musï¬cll can 884'8301’ aft“ 5 P“ ' , and experience related to cost‘48 LAVEROCK AVENUE. "The LibE‘l'al“ 02“’3lmem> garage» am"- etc- Free 3943.’ 0 an 15 mg' c3§§3193ther fly “1‘ Furniture ‘7 1 pool. complete with filter. 3843331 ’ chug S...“ __, __. ,-,._ clflhccounting will be received by QUIET ADULT BUILDING. URGENITIEW heditionâ€"Rise~ estimates' ca“ 773‘5332' . imminerc‘a' .Se‘lm‘.‘ mffl‘ï¬f‘ Leeds some work. Cheap. '884-iâ€"-â€"- â€"â€"--â€".â€"â€"--_ â€" '_ â€" ’63 MERCURY Comet, certified, the undersigned up to AugusthALL SUPT, 334-347; “€49 Phone 333-5540 or 833-5374 ' l‘lll‘z: Wllhzlms amlque mot lfa g “W3 1 COLONIAL crib with mat- $200, or nearest offer, 884-7922 2. 1972. Experience in muni- TWO b d ,t V .1“ vim-3 New Flagstone ‘ maChme’ Bipffat tsmves tg‘iink MILLINERS Dressmakers Su _ tressi Gendr°n_ Strouel “uh c1w3 cipal works department opera- . e roPm apal ment 3‘31 - . Patios & walks l ‘ o one)’ meat S lcer‘ eamer 1P ' P ,..â€"L plies 93 Yo St S St 1100f}. baby carriage, baby walk- .63 P N _ uons and accounting for pro_ able immediately, 1 baby. Apply RELIABLE couple would like Ge e [M {MORTGAGE coming due? Cash Underwood electiic typewriter, . ' “3e ' ' ore er. playpen, layette, $100. pack- 0 TIAC Statlonwagon- - - . . superintendent, 441 Elmwood. 2-bedroom home in Richmond n m 350'"? 'to consolidate bills? Low costcabinet 2 drawer file, dishes, will be closed July 24 to July 3 6 He 1 . d best offer. 889-3439. c1w3 “Mal mad SUbSIdleS are 8" tfcl H'll f f ' l ' A walk" C°“Sâ€'“°“°" llst 9nd and 3rd mort a°e ' t frames odds and ends‘ 31 for summer holidays. c2w3 s . msa so price separate- râ€"-â€" . asset. J. Vandermaas, Mainten- « 1 I “9 er a†y “we are? 884-2882 ‘ ‘ - g ° 191° “re ’ .’ . .--._____.__ _____ 1y. Contact Judy Jones, 881- 63 VOLKSWAGEN station- ance Engineer 56 Yon e street ONE and two bedroom apart- PleaSe t816ph0ne 291-1063, ti 2 money avalléble- call me now T0015 ‘ BenCh Sawv Sabre sa“‘ “Milo Nfr‘ge‘mer (Heimz- 0548 evenings or 669-1331 from wagon. with plates. Ask for North Richmdnd Hillg0ntario ments for rent hydro and water Agincom'tv (“new “It†5 pm' 0 i3“ £358 3°“f‘dentialiserme' ] Wheel balancer' gut]? rreei man conso e . like new, fair- 9 am to 5 pm. c1w3 Dana. 889-50794 » c2w3 ' ’ ‘ included in . '1 884-1973 ‘ cle‘ RON MOORE . 1‘3"] R 9“. Emera d 1518 R93 mower. 500 ceiling ie- 10 1y priced. 889-7700. *1er """ â€"' '4’ " . - - - 9â€"“ 4* â€"' â€" ~ ~ ,.- L _ . . ,-. .A wil‘lg len ‘ "‘ ' _.,3 lPAINTING - PAPERHANGING Estate Limited. 889-5651, 884- water tank aluminum windows. DEEEJMIDVVI’FVIERâ€"miéivfoam; Isgifgabcwï¬RIAgé‘nggsl Sheuingiifgedngxï¬iTla I‘ioog‘):ébapeilNIGH-T supervisor with nul-singlA.--. . M--- v . _ . if}: llntei-ior â€" Exterior. Free csti-13377~ 3023 keg 0f nails- miscellaneous- {0" bination lii-fi and TV metal“ ‘- V . V -A g M â€"“ ‘beq offer 88907966 "2 _Ol.exp9â€e“ce “1 an institutionall PROFESSIONAL MODERN I mates. Call anytime. 889-8965,: ‘John O‘Leai-y and Others. South cupboard with {our shel‘ves and‘gL‘Fém'lR‘lfCAL appliances, grow-1- ~ ' - a lillvglsettmg required by the Loyal ‘ 1OFFICE SPACE & W 1 “C32 ‘Road. Lake Wilcox. lTake- H\\."- 1 . V. ’ set. cabinet. szspu ‘ .4 A 7 K ‘ _i Frue Blue and Orange Homcgtentra , j’onge St. near A ' - ~ 7 ~ sh‘ 1. t] to Oak Ridges. turn east on a .el‘ gau‘m .hSh tank :‘ltllil‘loorer floor polisher. 520.; 0.‘62 PONTIAC 5100. 832-8839. No weekends. Call l\1rs.l\'en-1C0ff*‘9 Shop. 3250- monthll. .FOR SALE HOME HAIR DRESSING l i w v smith Lake Road, approx. 1 c0\ei. 884-4302 lust . - n - SERVICF ‘ EQUIPMth ‘ Mdvmc._s 14C _ . Vblgup kcolflee perk. $8.; toaster. ask for Robert. c2w2 near. 889-5421_ (.1“ 3 Apply Box 49. llie Liberal ) Horse Sa1e~cacli Saturday at Professional SM“ d‘one in mm. miter, Terms cash. house sold;- 1 v a eâ€" arriage, cm 0.: ‘ett e 55.: Ian. $5. or Heal†FIVVISHEDidune hi 7 '7' '7 v v i ’ . "3‘3 SlOUffVl“? SlOCkl'al'dS- Lowe ‘ " ' QNâ€"FORDA'“ W -7 v ~ ' ‘ . C Dunn ALICHOMCIU 01“" - . . ~ .,. â€". _. s ‘ Iggy leather DO 10U “ANT TO WORK?.‘ . .. . E . ,. . u . A: home, sets. Shampoos. perm-q - 1181.101 pails. In - - :trglnsmgéggess'tagié \gliilllelmbta? Ogre}: (allgoaf’zgg' . _c1“‘ilimeri°'3 lop. Best offer, musthart-time students or lull timeiAPAR'l‘MEN'l‘ 05 “10108 at $80. “(1319 311d equipmenl “who†cuts, etc. Done by licenced liaii'- Cll‘dps mmple‘e 5'†tl'am‘: . . C . .q, . . fl. . Y jug 'end tables lam :lc IAIR-compressor for paint shopflsell. 727-2017. cziivz‘persons required to work inireduction for caretaking small‘at. ‘00 m? ,the“ horses and po'ldressel-S in “1.. comfort of you]. mission and rear end_ 884-’1‘11L_RSDA\. EVENING. plLLf ‘ my. PS. 001 575. 8846567. Cl“.3.D",'¢:l'â€" ~:~' _ ‘ lRichmond Hm and surroundingIapal‘tn19nt building. 62 Huntlmes- AIW‘WS many g00d quell-1mm home. 223-7001_ “c1 0567. clw3‘27. 6:43 pm â€"7- Auction salon lamps. etc. ....a-0405. c1w3 7- .__..-w__- v _-_7_.‘_. AILLN 2000 b90115. LonVelt- D . - . » lter horses appaloosas and poâ€" ______ . 7 l | 5 hold effects mCIUdan .hidï¬AND Wiï¬TE_CED_AKS_.39., CONTINENTAL bed. excelflible, good condition, 39‘Ooolareasi. ICanI an basset,tbut not :39éxpiiflel:crgl:lliegllé‘émlï¬gatlfélflies ’ *5\\-5-)‘I’laSt_ering Thoriihilll £3.13â€: room extenSion table 6 ~~ 9â€" _l - , .. , essenia. l u‘ enea,mat1re ‘ ‘ - - V l - '~--â€" ev- -- '- H i - - â€" Y All season planters. 832-26831“t condition $"° caSh‘ 88"} “3119.5' Shellâ€. Conn" Nags'land able to :1 - 1-. iadults, no pets 488-0802. lHORSES boarded, larae boxi . R' CLA.RK . I chairs. and low buffet. oak cun- clwa 8413. c1w3.l\onls. Bosctt lights. Ask for.F 11 l . . ea “‘3 pum‘“, t.)“.,‘sta“s tumabout ï¬nd-W Plain and Decorative Plastermgd board glass doors mp. mghback >_U__ï¬_r â€"-â€"A-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"----A __ _- _ 1; H, _â€" _ i u I‘alnln - v‘ i‘ ‘- - , ‘ i 53 ll 9- - - "' ."""i._ 7 ' ' ‘- , 24" girls bike_in_gtiot1.sliape EéEï¬lTRIC Chord Olga!" Shimmy 833 3801' el“3l5UCCESSfU1appï¬icaiiisquiiintgi: marshalsâ€"margin1:15;; Horses 93C“ indiViduauy “id-l Regal“; ts'iiiectlany $01.11“, muse? rail arid bills oak bEd’ \VaShStanzd \Imht mic-i . .-‘ _ ' - 11. ~1w3l .- . ' . ; I _ . i - .- - . . . 1‘88 51 a 95 lC'etS. rescrra ions an in i- bar and dresser: c1es s o 530. 332-1023, s1“-3_._ __ ____ V, ,_._._ ‘ _â€"â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"!\ieu phone Thursdav and Fri- preferred Thornhlll district beauimfl “mg. ‘10“ ‘0 lakes-| 438 7521 339 3135 - ~ - - _.- ._ ..-__k___ _ . *~»r~ . ~ 4 ‘ _ v - ‘0 . - . - - Vldu lt- rel. L ii A, H. C' h- ~ ‘ h (1 1 nice), dressâ€" ‘ BENCH saw “it†Elem“ mm“, Eiialii-‘IHGStféféel‘i ï¬lm-d mashing-l PETS FOR SALE lday 9‘00 am “1 noon’ 884-343i‘l5389'1-340' . . W - . cngiii-‘e Shiigiiffvgltgb1%4ogg'iiiddlel tfczoiton l‘rai'iel Ageiicy. 889-5025. ginsaI-isiiéactop‘9121:1101“: “'ickt‘l' 1 each gasoline and electric‘7_pieée ‘di‘l’lme “$893121 .. r. V _.. _ ,.-,fl‘ï¬lROOM for rent with bath. park-l ’ ' 0‘4“; E, w. onyx}; 2 am table: pine table. pine chest. old *lwsilamps drapes Excalth condtl BOARDING lWAIFRhSSES ior 53'“ and Sim-ling. C1059 10 buseS. board Op-‘F'OURâ€"fs 'â€" 11:!" ’1’" ’_"â€"A lerams, septic tanks. All types wooden Chan-s; 21†portable '1‘\-_ 1964 Ford 9-passenger-sâ€"t3titmltion ’phone ggLsos-I *1 f3 Year round boarding of dogs.B 8‘ M Restaurant ‘VOOdblneltional- 334-7303 after 5 Pm- - . 3.eai 0 pa omuio I.lAmle’lof concrete work. l Norge automatic dryer: Seth wagon need t. orl _.:.. _ A _ - “ and cats. inspections invitediand Hwy 7. 499-0666. clw2 glee‘.‘ hmken‘ needs “pellenc' 889-5'6" FREE ESTIIIATES‘ TRAILERS “mas Mam°1°1°Ck’ 0†lamps; hp Johnson imagigusgi‘loghï¬ï¬lKEYSTONE mini bike. 2 anl’lS.lRi\'el‘COUl't Kennels (Reg'dt west __ j C1\I‘3‘FUï¬\{ISHED'106m on Yongeied Fidel: Egg-4508' - czwz. ‘ fl ‘ tfc3kll Bedding, linen, dishes, tools etc. e. . ’- old. 514.). Call after 5 pm, side of Yonge Street. 112 miles FUNCï¬_’J 'A' ' . fi-j . ‘ , , _‘MARE with colt and in foal Hâ€"W - - T For the Estate of the late Ella i and controls. 884-4330. . kd , . . _. - 91955 Opelatol- ewe“ Sheet. lady Inefelled- 889 ALUIIINUII HOME .) v clw'3 391.33}.-.334'461§-____ L1“3.5°â€â€œâ€˜ °f Al‘ml‘a- ‘37'3438- ence preferred. no students‘3685 or 389-2763. clw3 5.800; 2“““01‘1.thoroughbred IIIRROVEIIENTS "rEN'i‘TiT-Jiler saï¬il’siso‘i v‘irBO‘Ven 2“ cmey Ave" Rwh‘ 13â€"6Uâ€"FT 3â€â€œ.f_' "' COMBINATION Admiral TV“l U046 please. Hwy 7 and Dufferin ;* - hwm ; fillyâ€"$800; 5 gaited American ‘ 3d. ‘ E" ‘ h_ gflu_r 7-17;WLA (Diamond Hlu‘ Just east of Yonge d- .‘ ' ,flldge' ekeelle’it and radio, portable model. $75.lADOR:ABLE puppies tors to “93- 8393133 c1\\'3l01\E and two bemoam apan-r saddle horse - $800: reliable Alcan ‘ 51 mglV' alesnoug D‘CAMPER' 530‘ per “PER to reg-‘81" direcuy behind View!†con-Ition. foui burner electric 884$...†“‘61†8 1m . 6‘ -' d» v ‘ YW-W ‘ _ 7 .E- _- _. .ment at 402 Markham Rd. atigreenjumpe1.__3800.bmodmare Doors and Indows Sponsible couple_ 3844297. .Grey Bldg. Terms cash. Gord statev both for 5100. 7734166. V___- _ 7‘ ____7 _ g; 815 sesle‘gatc . someAIGHT switchboard opei-atOinBayriew. Phone 884-1909. lsgoo. u l . h V 8 er- For free estimates call your 1 .3 0. A U0 er Clw'; ,. vi a. v is .I'accinatcd, no misfits, all uar-zf ' K' - ' ‘ -l . --l . ‘ 3 101585 a e p p .D‘i . - » i ., C “ 1'" uc “9 ' '. c1w3 BASEMENT bale .lllul‘sda) am d S) t S 0 889 1%4 ,01 limeai Pontiac Bu1ck (deimn sell separate†or Spemal. Local ContlactOI i -----_-.-__ ._.. _ __ ~ _ , . . - ee . ~__ ' . -- _ . - - » i , .1._._-.-_ .1. ,.. 1-. .mgfl ~ ~ 1 _ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" ‘ANTIQUE Victorian Came-gang, Radar“ flu“ 20 and, 214 0 I ‘ ., .9‘Llnmed' 9612- xonge Stleet’lROOM for mature’l(‘e for all together: also 2 HANS BUTT 889 4106 back sofa, excellent condition .19'3; J1g53“~ lamPSv “GREY -- - . ".1 . _v,L_ C‘“: nghmond HUL can MI‘S- 834-6743 D c1w3 saddles plus bridles and bits. if‘ . , _.. . _ “021 334-6264. -, ,.; sorting basket. antique bird 811 BERNARD puppies. beauti- .‘Eltfh' 834‘4431- 01“'3‘-:~'*-:7A .~-» -~ » fâ€"v’ inter sted call 832-1064 Ma lefl 'R’EIDLBITNMOII’ER . Câ€"“01 U 1 d ~ .. . a » . â€"*-' -' â€" i ‘ “ORRIVG «ml 191i wants same 9 ‘ p K A fEIV’SERI’I‘CE‘FROII 13:7; \\Sl:‘a1t8t:nd‘ dislles' booll‘i‘ “‘1' ’egljm‘ed “gangs? P113129 FL LL and part-time di-ivers‘to share‘beaï¬mul’mmshed flat clw3 SALES AND SERVICE ~ . -- , , E ' . -' n L‘ 0 195. La your or er now. - - â€" wanted. 21 rears and ‘ ~ . - ' C l t lawnmower and snow- bTUART _ ‘ ~ ' . _ . , O\e1. must ‘ . . Drop 9 9 _ EN vb srLDlo. CUb-To‘“ Pgmbflmn ROAd' Rwhmond $.9‘i0;_ _ ,W_ C4“'311la\'e good driring recordDon. 3.11115 Road. m (3.0111312: mobile repairs and service. B £61.35: PLASI‘IC NAME Hill. 2 streets south of Maple COLL“; femal (“7†13' Thornhill Taxi 7711 Yon e Remndble‘ 839‘3488‘ “Mb†“7 ANTED Open 8 am 9 pm 884â€"7716 ‘ ' DESK NAA‘IE‘Sidcroat'l Off Bathurst 884- - 9' our years 0 7 - " s g CNS ‘ - i ‘ pLATES‘ COUNT .- i,._ ' ~ ' m with papers. free to good home, Stleel- UlOI‘nhlll- 331-1l18. . ,7 _ -‘ ‘ . . W (##.--s ._ *7 N “(318 D0 , ER SlGNb-1ioos._niAfl >___wr clwo preferably farm 2254664. CW3 NE‘IMARREI. tho bedioom DEAD or crippled farm animals *#â€"""'i‘#" . . . ~ 0R NAME PLATES. CALL VEW , , , , . â€" . buck h m arate (1mm, , . .. CARPENTRY work, rec1cat10n 884.6741 FOR A PRICE 0N . AND LSED FLRNITDRE vw W clw'SA registered or practical nurse 1.00m ioml: dig: poesessionn p.mked up “WPâ€? For duem rooms, additions. renovations“ $92.25 to 5108 YOUR REQUIREMENTS. Bankrupt stock of fine Italian SIAMESE kittens. lilac andwanted for private Glut.v in td 1' e ".h-id w iconic? 1â€â€ can LOP-g mm†and ask-tile floors, and Ceiling5~ Free .‘- . ctw-g imported furniture. Various Seal. papers. 320. T:T-9348_11‘°m€ 334â€"183? ('1“'3 $901315 and {me-5- 160 e 1 Zpemtb °:80% “Callaï¬fï¬llm estimates. '1‘. Price, 889-3653. (under Yale“) L "-- â€"~vâ€".-‘~ »- . .- -. .. ~ . s . _ mothl-,895-5 5. cut ecom ' 0. 0 '6» f3 - . - v . .1 APARTMENI hi-oad100m_ lip-“$3195 of dlmng 100‘" bum-“R 3â€â€œ 5 L1“3 CLERK 101 pioductiori and in- ROOM 2105: m transpoflatmn' 0m Licence No. 324C _ 55_ #L_s__.fl.-.._._;L-c- The successful candidate “'1†be I‘ESDOUSIMG {01 f bedroom suites. odd dining DOG 0- ’ room tables. both round and ob- Bloommg' poomes‘ ing, dining and hall, reasonable.l che°keri assorted Pieces T" antl‘nioces. SIAMESEikittensfScalpoint. 8 advantage. office in Yonge 01.34. t3; \‘entory control records, order Phone 88434.)? an“. 3 pm (‘1 w 3 HIGHEST caZhIpi‘ices or trade SELF-EMPLOYED D e rs o n RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paperhanging. interior planter boxes and curbing. built taking dictation, writing and transcribing letters, ' memoranda, reports and other material. 1' Interested persons are lll\ll.€d to write: 884-26084 clws. riers. niutts. Betty Forsvth. 889- deSk and 99mâ€?! Office dune-‘3 -l '3‘ - ~ ! _T.‘.I_.fE,STr_E.Qï¬iP\ï¬.V.T {€21ngolgg'vedOddpcdï¬stal baslel. 3506‘ ‘ ‘ “"3 must have aptitude for figures S-C-gfï¬qifl 1’ -d - v (7": "aldue mild for "1:94 iurgnur? and exterior. Free estimates. | l ‘ . ,A i , ' ' . ' ("1311-51 350 n_ . -'â€" " ~- â€" a and be ca able of working on ‘ one 36‘ I'00m 3931“ 3“ appliances- “Ces um" work uayameed, 887-5153. 1 ‘0 - i - - y -- p 12 9( ucation Alagngietntageneiatoi, coloi bar-large execume twe Office 0 l’be. “Labmalld Lab and 0..†may“... accounting and Inient. model suite. 7 months on lure 478-4175. tfcliG g “C46 Sltlcflléltlit-lnim' Plifetl aw}, glide“. Grim“? as a .3“ ° aem'latm- Condenser cabinet and man)‘ unusual “"31" 309'33°6' ,. , .cli° Costing knowledge wouldObe an‘loage- rent $145†Thomhlu' 881" “ANTED â€"77A DOCTOR- \VET‘Vpecializerln i‘rctâ€"ailiing’w alts stenool‘alghtlzllwm O “n 3931‘ m p r K I is -a E o . ‘1 urradi '1' .H k": - ‘7 -- r ‘. < . . - . - - W - - - I HR.;’0.’Baltsprngigisag. Aâ€:PERRISLIEESAIIS weeks. excellent temperment. Steelcs area. \Vi'lte Box 02). TWO bedroom. fl\P room house. needs doctor to examine 9395 from railroad “95 Free em, i ; i ‘ ems 3:0 \_ lke. ï¬héppnigt :liots. must sell. Inonng. 834- The Liberal cl‘wS mediate. 5175. 773.4251. Sat momm; 01- evening would mate: X Hamï¬ck 88943338 1 > ‘ 5,90 .. . ,7. ° analog; Hg,“ rill-L crisis-no lid:- i... ms rose one or w ~' g... I Mr. [an IV. McClung, ‘ " t.m;lilea12ffeel'li 889-5101 misï¬t†183339;“- fml‘ggge “f 9'4 “m Ca“ m†Jul“ TWO bedroom 55356 Mable $32.1â€; SEEâ€??? day appfi’ité FIVLAT-ETECFTRIâ€"C ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER "l ‘ ors. - a . a ter : pm. 884-5246, ch13 for cou 1 - family with one - ° ’ " ~ ' .- ‘ » v . , , . V . C1“'3 » .o f . p e 01 - ~ , Outsid lightin maintenance 1 , “322:5 tiggde’recilgiéf clno XCR OPERATOR child. References. 839-4191. A SMALL cement rmxer with equippid “1th lfdder truck A†46†OAR STREET. NEWMARKETuoNTARIO ‘ 5:1}: playpen. 34‘ 889_073S ‘ ‘cmé GERMAN Shepherd. female. Temporary. experienced. A-R Clwg’ eleftrlc mowr‘ reasonable‘ commerCial residential and In- ellClOSmg a‘COmpleu-t resume of qualifications and ' age: VACUUM . ‘ I‘ seven months old. good watch Operator for two week aSSIgn- LARGE. clean furnished room. 8803 Câ€; dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical work experience. . ‘.. ‘ ‘ (193nm ““h accss' d0; Has all shots and is house ment. Mona Robertson Tem- fridge and stme. Sink. etc. WILL buy what 5011 have to modernization plan available. TM: com etitirn (.1 Q91 JUIV .71 '97., ,.iglitlssizismeuem condition son“ bmkpn 331‘0353 “l 839â€"3333 porarr Placement Serlice 884.- female Richmond Heights sell from 1 piece to complete Free estimates Call any time ‘ “ p J ' 0‘ " ' 4 “' - "“ 2- I; chhvl Ch“; 6944- CL“; area. 831-8302. Pl'lli estate. 881-3430. (11‘ 3 851-2509. “(5'18