“Liberal Action Want Ads†I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark are Mr. 3; BRILLINGER â€"- Don and Wenvhappy to announce the marriage Richvale dy are happy to announce the on June 30, 1972 of their daugh- nouce th birth of a sister, Rhea, foriter. Judith Ellie to Mr. Paul daughter Amy and Glenn, born JUIYIGi‘ay. son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith M 11, 1972 at Listowel. I“1W3}George Gray. Both are resi- Mrs Ton . * * * 'dents of Richmond Hill and are dale. DRUDGE â€" John and Eliza-.now living on Bayview Avenue. heth announce the birth of! clw3 Mr. 31-, DRUDGE â€" John and Elizan beth announce the birth of‘ Jeffrey Lewis. 9 lbs. l/é 02.. on July 12 at Listowel. a bro- ther for Jerry and Roger. and grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drudge. and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Baker. c1w3 WHITWORTH â€" Robert and Elaine proudly announce the birth of their first child, a son, Christopher Robert. 7 lbs.. 3 01.. on July 12, 1972 at Toronto General Hospital. clw3 83/4 °/o Mortgages UNDER OUR NEW BLANKET MTGE. PLAN Approved Correspondents for The Mortgage Insurance Co. MOVING ? Call PHIL POWELL 884-8183 Tor. 297-1270 127 BIRCH AVE. THORNHILL Modem Storage Warehouse How much home are you missing through outdated wiring? flirting! Call the Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 884-1983 I YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT at us help you solve All your Moving problems H When this house was built it was hard toimagine allthe wonderful ways in which electricity would be sewing us today. That's why the wiring in so many older homes just isn't adequate for today's needs. There are many signs. Fuses blowing. Lights dimming. Appli- ances performing sluggishly. Cluttered extension cords. Not enough outlets. the Mover Lid. efore you move! The Name of the Game is Electric-l Living. uvw uni-5 uu ungvnuvv clw3 a: a: it Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ralph’to announce the engagement of Raven have the honor to an- their daughter Shirley Jean to nounce the marriage of their Paul Douglas Murray of Mark- youngest daughter. Nora Chris. ham. *lwa tine to Mr. William Kirk Black. in Toronto on Friday. June 30, CARD 0F THANKS 1972- 01W3 A sincere thank you to the " * * nurses and staff of the fourth WATSON " “PEER floor of York Central Hospital. p I.“ -...1 ml..- Cunniu‘ Gin-gall: 0n the nun-ca: in Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitehead‘BOYNTON. William Edwardâ€". of Richmond Hill are pleased| At the Willows Nursing Home.‘ on Friday. July 14. 1972, Wil- liam Boynton. beloved husâ€" band of Edythe Boynton of Richmond Hill, dear father of Jane (Mrs. M. Bilyeai of To- ronto and the late Margaret. Rested at the Marshall Fun- eral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday. Interment Vic- Percy Puterbaugh will be at home to his relatives and friends on Friday, July 28 from 2-5 and 7-9 pm at 2270 Teston Sideroad, RR 1. Maple. the occasion being his 80th birthday. Best wishes only. c1w3 marriagw 4 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill Hydro Electric Commission SAM COOK, CHAIRMAN BRYDON ELLIS, MANAGER AT 889-4911-2-3 HOME Gentle as 1 Lamb So, if you're planning to modâ€" ernize your home, think first of the wiring. Have a qualified elec- trical contractor check it. You’ll be surprised at how easily and inexpensively it can be updated. The Hydro Finance Plan makes it easy to get started right away. Just ask your Hydro. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Butler of Richvale are pleased to an- nouce the engagement of their daughter Bonny Ruth to Brian Keith Mumford. son of Mr. and Mrs Tom Mumford of Willow- dale. c1w2 I wish to thank my friends and neighbors. the people with whom I work at Texas Instru- ments. Inc. for their cards, flowers and gifts during my re- cent stay at York Central Hos- pital. Also the nurses on the second floor for their expert care. Special thanks to Drs. Aral. Treissman and Hayamj. Mrs. Kav Pollen. c1w3 Mrs Mr. and Mrs. A. W. A. Skille- ter, wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the flowers. cards and best wishes sent on their anniversary. *1w3 CARD 0!“ THANKS TO ANSWER ADVERTISEMENTS Simply address your reply to the box number gived in the advertisement (e.g. Box 50 “The Liberalâ€) and add P. O. Box 390, Richmond Hill. Engagvmenta ACCOUNTING PROBLEMS Receivables - Payables Reconciliations Trial Balances ACCOUNTING SERVICES REG’D. Kay Pollon 889-7700 884-4466 BALLANTYNE, Doctor Herbert Laurier -â€" At the Willows Nursing Home. on Wednes- day, July 12. 1972. Doctor H. L. (Laurie) Ballantyne of Thomhill. life member of On- tario Dental Association. be- loved husband of Muriel CLARK. Ralph A. â€" At St. Michael’s Hospital on Mon- day, July 17. 1972. Ralph Clark, beloved husband of‘ Jerry Jen, dear father of Robin. Greg, Brian, Susan. Carole and Jeffrey. son of Bert and Eva Clark. brother of Norma (Mrs. G. Morrow) and Eleanore (Mrs. L. In- wood). Mr. Clark is resting at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. Thorn- hill. Service in Thomhill United Church on Thursday at 11 am, Cremation. Flowers gratefully declined. c1w3 DeROSE, Dorothy Ellen â€" At York Central Hospital on Fri- day, July 14, 1972, Dorothy E. Wise. beloved wife of the late William H. DeRose: dear mother of Vernon of Welles- ley. Ont, Donald, Roger and the late Gordon. sister of Mabel (Mrs. F. Weaver). also survived by 17 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. Mrs. DeRose rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St. Thornhill. Service was held in the chapel Mon- day. lnterment. Prospect Cemetery. clw3 PEDERSEN. Peterâ€"At Sunny- brook Hospital on Saturday. July 15, 1972. Peter beloved husband of Mildred Graham, dear father of Brigitte, dear son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Peder- sen of 16th Avenue. Thornhill and brother of Celia. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Rich- mond Hill. Service was held on Tuesday. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. clw3 POWELL. Jane ~ At Rest- haven Nursing Home. Aurora on Monday. July 17, 1972. Jane Powell. dear sister of the late Charles and Florence (Mrs. Joseph Pellettier), and dear aunt of Joan (Mrs. P. Murphy) and Edith (Mrs. C. French). Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Wednesday. Interment King City Ceme- tery. c1w3 THOMPSON. Cora L.â€"-â€"Sudden- 1y at Toronto on Sunday. July 16. 1972, Cora Snider, beloved wife of Frank Thompson, 156 McRoberts Av e., Toronto. dear sister of John Snider of Rexdale. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Wednesday. Interment Beechwood Cemeâ€" tery. c1w3 Coon. brother of Carman of Regina. Doctor Ballantyne rested at the B. E. Ring Fu- neral Home. 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. '73) Thornhill. Serv- ice was held in the chapel Saturday. Interment Thorn- hill Cemetery. c1w3 One bedroom plus utility? room, exceptionally largei living-dining room, privatel ‘balcony, private entrance,‘ parking, laundry facilities,l stove and fridge, cable TV,‘ soft water, heat and hydro,“ broadloom throughout, close to Yonge Street. Adults only. $175. per month. 884-2163 toria Square Cemetery SPACIOUS UPPER DUPLEX Fast - Efficient Service Call: 889-7700 SOLICITORS SUBURBAN PROCESS SERVERS u . j Emma éiln Mpmnrmm. We require production typists with '75 mm or ability to attam this. for tape perforators. All electric machines. We are interested in recent graduates from tyning schools. Above average remuneration and excellent benefits. Evening shifts possible, to accommodate typists with young families. Apply in person for appointment and test to: MRS. ADAMSON. Ronalds Federated Ltd.. 225 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill 34 Yonge S. Gordon S. Wood “Fitted to your Eye GLASSES PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS 'I'YPIS'I'S RICHMOND HILL .me_1GILES â€"â€" In loving memory of w11-‘ a dear husband and father‘ “5.1 Edward Charles Who passed I on away July 22. 1970. ‘1' of’PaSt hi5 SUffEI‘ing. past his pain, To- Cease. to weep for tears are aret. Vam- gun. He who suffered is at rest. ' N.‘}Gone to Heaven with the blest. was â€"â€"Always remembered by wife Vic- F10 and son Boh. c1w3 .A‘ 'MacFARLANE â€" In loving 5t. memory of Connie MacFar- lane who passed away July :1; 20. 1971. ‘of‘Gone from the earth so swiftly, Just like a flower in bloom. so young. so fair. so loving. Yet called away so soon. m. of Ar DOWNING â€" In loving mem- cry of our beloved daughter Peggy Savage, who went to be with Jesus two years ago July 19. 1970. For those we love are with the Lord. We believe the Lord has prom- ised to be with us. Never to leave us or forsake us, ‘Behold I am with you always, in she is with him and he is with us. She cannot be far away. â€"â€"Always in our hearts. her mother and father-in-law, Viola and Lester. c1w3 nâ€"Sadly missed by Mom. Sis- ter Carla and Grandma. *1w3 {WALLS â€" In loving memory ofi a dear husband and father‘ Wesley Walls who passed‘ away July 14.. 1964. 1 Those whom we love go out of! sight. But never out of mind: They are cherished in the hearts 0: those they left behind. I Loving and kind in all his ways.| Upright and just in all his days; Sincere and true in heart and MALLOY â€"- Mary E. who en~ tered inln rest July 21. 1971. â€"Lovingly remembered by her family c1w3I RICHARDS â€"â€" In loving mem- ory of my dear father George H. Richards who passed away July 17. 1961. We little knew when we woke that morning. ’ The sorrow the day would bring. For the call was sudden. the shock severe. To part with one we loved so dear. â€"â€"Sadly missed by daughters Laura and family and Margaret‘ and family. c1w8 l mind, Beautiful memories he left behind. â€"Lovingly remembered by wife Rita and family. *1w3 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stephen- son of Bathurst St, Maple, an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter. Valerie Linda to Mr. Boris George Swidersky. son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Swidersky of Alliston, Ontario. Marriage to take place Saturday. August 5. 1972 at St. John‘s Anglican Church. Jef- ferson. I“1W3 1E nrthrnming marriagm One of Canada’s leading second mortgage companies has funds available from $1,600 to $10,000 and more. 0 Up to 20 year Doctor’s Prescription amortization. 9 Open from , commencement. oAvaiIable for home pur- chase. renovation, debt consolidation. vacations or any worthwhile purchase. 0 No hidden charges 0 Our service is completely confidential. money from You do better With ï¬gpenencad CANADIAN AUDEPMNUE aahpanAna/v LIMIIED SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE 20 Yonge St. S 884-4458 mm or abllity to 884-1955 \MITED. A SUBSDIARY OF REGISTERED JUNIOR X-RAY TECHNICIAN APPLY TO Wanted Immediately â€"â€" Temporary BLACK HAWK MOTOR INN NOW INTERVIEWING 3089 Bathurst St. Office Overload CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE TRUCK MECHANICS EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE Required to maintain a fleet of trucks at our large modern Express garage on Keele Street. north of Hwy. 7. Valid Ontario Class “A†or “B†mechanics certificate and whauffeur’s licensed required. Afternoon or night assignments with days off not necessarily weekends. Applicants must be bendable, have good command of oral and written English and be able to pass company medical. Canadian National Rate $21.05 + 30¢ per hour skin differential with good company benefits. APPLY IN PERSON No Telephone Enquiries Richmond Hill - Thornhill Areas Maple. Ontario 3 Open. Clerk-typist, to act as receptionist. along with variety of typing duties. Car is essential. Keele & Highway 7 $125. + Stems. to display top notch skills while assisting sales administrator, excellent potential. Keele & Highway 7 $105. Payroll clerk to handle all A/P. plus one-rite pay- roll. Accounting background, will train on payroll. Lesmill 5100‘ Clerk-typist. Further your career as AIR and credit clerk. French bilingual needed for Quebec accounts. York Mills 590. Dicta-Typist. A friendly. dynamic company reqmres top dicta-typist for Acct. Department. Excellent benefits. 585. J started eluded. 787-0397 3089 Bathurst St. (at Lawrence) Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers needed now for permanent employment For further information, please contact: Stenos Dictas Typists DRAKE PERSONNEL ACCREDITED HOSPITAL Resident and accommodation available REQUIRED FOR 126 BED FULLY TECHNICIAN X-RAY DEPARTMENT YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL RICHMOND HILL 884-1171 DEPARTMENT OF MANPOWER and IMMIGRATION 4985 YONGE ST. - WILLOWDALE Phone 221-9343 Junior Clerk-Typi_:;t:~ Ggiden opportunity to get i with right company. Variety and training in- A DRAKE INTERNATIONAL COMPANY FRONT DESK SWITCHBOARD COOKS KITCHEN HELP DINING ROOM WAITERS DINING ROOM WAITRESSES BARTENDERS CLEANING PORTERS MAINTENANCE MEN MAIDS HELP PERSONNEL FOR 884-9171 FOR APPOINTMENT 0 Keypunch 0 Clerks Please call: York Mills 9 BMO CALL: Canadian National Employment Services 8:30 - 11:30 AM. 1:30 - 3:30 PM. Monday to Friday Rm. 1205. 20 York St., Toronto, 1. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. July 493-6880 5 Fairview Mall Drive 781-6135 2,000 square feet of air-conditioned office space available, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Can be divided into smaller areas. Air conditioned. Central Yonge Street location in Richmond Hill Training is provided with qualified instructor. You need only an ability to work and a sincere desire to help people. Our growing company with its 18 branch offices has specialized mortgage and appraisal departments ready to assist you. We have a place for you in our new expanding office. Call me for an appointment for confidential inter- view. RON ELLIOTT, 884-8183 or 297-1270. TIRED OF THE HUMDRUM? JOIN AN ACTIVE SALES TEAM OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HILL 884 0 Drop in and see DON BUTLER, your local manager and pick up a FREE Catalogue 9 Open Thursday and Friday evenings ’til 9. PRESTIGE OFFICE SPACE BE PART OF AN INTERESTING AND REWARDING INDUSTRY Specialists in stereo component systems TH IS SPAGHETTI RAVIOLI TORTELLINI LASAGN A VEAL PARAMIGGIANO MINI - 45¢ SMALL - $1.25 LARGE - $1.90 SUBMARINES IF YOUR PHONE NUMBER IS LISTED ABOVE YOU ARE A WINNER OF A GEORGE’S PARTY PAK CONTACT 'BRYDON ELLIS AT 884-4466 All winners MENU PIZZA 884-3320 884-2389 WEEK’S LUCKY PHONE NUMBERS Phone 884-9133 must show identification YOU MAY BE A WINNER TAKE-OUT OR HOME DELIVERY Phone 884-9253 884-4555 884-5039 884-1272 20. 1972