Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jul 1972, p. 19

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Scoring for the yellow and blue were Louise Oliphant and 'Janet Ashworth. ‘ Armstrong Hodge 8 Fry Basket 8 The homemn queens of the week were certainly Karen and Sue Luck's Armstrong Hodge, as Virginia White walloped three. Michelle Anderson two. .and one by Janet Starling. El- aine Puccini and Janet Sawyer both tripled. Kary Silverberg doubled and singled for Fry Basket. BANTAM GIRLS Seymour Texaco 12 Gateway Mercury 8 Gay Shirley's running catch In the first inning set the stage for a 21-8 win over Al Sone’s Gateway Mercury by Doug Kef- Ier's Seymour’s Texaco. Both good pitching and fine infield play kept the score close. Pat Keffer doubled twice. Gay Shirley doubled. Judi McDon- ald hit three singles. Pitcher Heather Swartz doub- led and singled hr the sales- ladies. Kathy Riker hit four singles for a perfect night. Kim Fowler made two exciting catches in right field Heritage Carpets 22 Ardtea Floral Shops 20 Three homeruns by Julie Booker's Heritage Carpets lead to a 22-20 win over Bill Lee’s fourth place Ardtea. All teams will march in the parade from Bay- thorn School to Royal Orchard, via Inverlochy. Free hot dogs, pop and Thornhill Softball League crests will be given out to all players, with champ- ions, finalists, all stars and coaches receiving special crests. Plan to be there. SQUIRT GIRLS ing gave Fern Bennett‘s Dottie North York TV 7 Copies an 18-10 win over Jud Thornhill Alley Cats 1 McLean‘s and, Mary Dani: North York TV, coached by Thornhill Pet. Doug Smith and Marina Brown Bernadette Nobert and Tar: steadily downed Bonnie Spier- na Hughes tripled and doubly an’s Thornhill Alley Cats 7-1. Bev. Bennett doubled and isrir Thornhlll Paint 7 led. Kel’fer Real Estate 2 Vicki Gons’ homer for the Pet A pair of homers by Paula‘Shop brought in Tanis Thomp- Bi'own for Thm‘nhill Paint. led‘snn too. the way in this 7-2 win ovel" PSA 13. Shopper's Drug Mart 5 Bob and Eileen Adams‘ Keffer Ivor Harriott's PSA downed Real Estate. Karen Hannigan Pat Tuck's Shoppers l3~5 and bagged a homer for Glen and the peewee girls are all within Sue Rae‘s blue Belles. Wendy twu points of one another. Rae hlt two singles, Jill Manzie Katie Radiord scored three 011?- times. Debbie Woolston, Cathy Scoring for the yellow and Buchanan and Cathy McDonnell blue were Louise Oliphant and all hit for two runs. Lynda Veijola homered for the winners. Lisa McIntosh tripped the bases for the Alley Cats. Mary-Lou Mallet, Kathy Lo- max and Janet Grant homered. Sherlyn Godsoe doubled and sin g1 e d. Marianne Ritchie 'bagged two singles. Cheryl Vincent and Christy Lee hom- ered for the girls in blue. Debbie McIntee tripled. doub- led and singled. Diane Morrow doubled and singled. PEEWEE GIRLS President Carl Clutchey of the Thornhill Soft- ball League has announced the third annual parade will be held on a Saturday, September 16. The Ban- tam Girls’ and Bantam Boys’ final games will be held that day. All other final games will be sched- uled earlier, as per letter to be received soon from the general manager. Dottles Copies 18. Thornhill Pet Shop 10 Eleven runs in the third inn- WALLPAPEREE; 79 YONGE STREET SOUTH â€"â€" RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884-3904 North Thornhill Ball Results Third Annual Thornhill Softball Parade September 16 Plainpaintitain’t PAIN-rs, VARNISHES. LAGQUERS AND ENAMELS THE SHERWIN-W/LLIAMS CO. 20% OFF By MARGARET HOUGHTON Telephone 889-3073 Chris White hit two home- runs for Evertune. Jimmy Paul, Daren Gomez and Ken Harirson singled. Jeff Adams ‘walloped a two-base hit. Japan Car Sales 10 Thornhm Music School 9 Every member of the team counted as Japan Car Sales beat Thornhill Music School by a single run. Peter Smith belted out a three-base hit and two singles. Roger Danis and Steven Kohn both scored. Chris Crone and Doug Wylie hit two singles each. Ian Power singled. SQUIRT “B” Baker Sales And Service 11 Evertune 6 An unassisted double play by First Baseman Chris MeRae put the game on a winning base. McRae caught a fine shot and stepped on first base for the double play. Two other double plays followed. Barry Lough- ‘ton‘s Baker Sales downed Cam and Teri Martel's Evertune 11-6. lJay Zubick bagged a homerun. two triples and two singles. Robert Wedgbury hit three singles. Chris Chapman doub- led and singled. Donna Rickets of Shoppers made a couple of amazing catches. getting two others out in one fantastic play. Heather Hemstock made a great catch and hit a triple. Janice Boss homered. ing gave Fern Bennett's Dotties Copies an 18-10 win over Judy McLean‘s and, Mary Danis' Thornhill Pet. Bernadette Nobert and Tary- na Hughes tripled and doubled. Bev. Bennett doubled and sin. gled twice. Carole doubled and Singled. Fay Levy, Liz Seeley, Linda Briden. Michelle Bowers and Liz Redford doub- led. Scoring for Mike and Debbie Benvenuti's Thornhill Music School were Neil Crebbin and Danny Comes with homeruns. Nigel Steward hit two singles. Malcolm Stean. Sean Darby. Neil Smith and John Preece all bagged runs. SQUIRT BOYS Marshall's Shell 17 Bill Best Tire Sales 12 A grand slam homerun by Ian OF CANADA LIMITED BRANDS , I; Cira Flowers Hydras 17 vi Dunnes Orioles 6 Harrison and a three-run homem The Hydras downed the Or- by Drew Gilam won the game loles with Keith Boss hitting a for Dawsmt Cameron. Mar- triple and two singles. Ken shall‘s Shell downed Sue Pot-Fontaine tripled three times. ter's Bill Best Tire 17-12, when Grant Davidson three times and the game was called for rain, Mike Davidson twice. John Cameron hit two doubles. Fine catching by Warren Robbie Leuschner tripled and Thompson who also hit a triple. singled. Ron Reinders douly led and singled. Scott Hunter StandingéAsf doubled. “1"” Roddy Featherstone and Mike‘ Michkowski started off the game by catching two flop‘ flies. Bryan Disera tripped the bases On errors. Bruce Camer- on. Michkowski. Mike Haven! and Pat Hughes hit singles for the firemen. Thornhill Building Supply 15 A 8: M Fish And Chips 8 First place Thornhill Build- ing Supply coached by Tom Dobson and Bill Seeley kept their unbeaten record by down- ing second place A & M Fish and Chips 15-8, until the rains ‘came and the umpire let us go home. Bruce Turner‘s A&M saw Greg Pacek hit two singles. Fernand Nadon, Mike Sher- ‘wood, Paul Danis and Ray Bag- ley all singled. Kelson Plumbing 8 Clutchey's Sun Liters 5 Three singles by Steven Daurio led Joe Wileman‘s Kel- son Plumbing in an 8-5 win over Al Miller's Clutchey‘s Sun Lifers. Greg Wileman, Kevin Deane, Peter Webb, Robby Hemstock and Stephen McFar- ‘lane all added to the total. with one base hits. ‘PEEWEE BOYS i Baythorn Power 25 Jay-C Broadloom 15 Putting on the pressure when they needed it most, Jim Bell led Ron Mitchell and Bill Houghton’s Baythorn Power to a 25-15 win over Harry Martin's Jay~C Broadloom. Bell hom- ered twice. once with bases loaded, hit two triples and made a fantastic catch when heavy hitter Mike Lewis connected. with bases loaded, for the third out. At the top of the fourth inn- ing Jay-C was ahead one run. Baythorn managed 11 runs in ythe fourth to win the game. Tony Levy homered and hit two singles. Pitchers Tim Houghton and Kevan Gable both doubled and singled.‘ Catcher John Kalm tripled. Jeff Arend doubled. Adrian‘ Smith bagged twn singlefl Michael McGee. John O‘Neil and David Reid all singled. } Pitcher Don Pascente pitched‘ a steady even game for Bay- thom and hit a triple and a single. Stephen Wildish and Scott Jarvie both bagged two singles each. Joe Troiano hit. one single. Gandy doubled and singled twice for the rugmen. Lewis tripled. Jeff Martin, Keith Mc- Mahon. Stewart Breithaupt. Mike Troiano. Alan Grant and Sawyer singled. Smith Cyflones 14 Anderson's Essa 11 A grand slam homerun in the sixth inning by Brent Ashley was the margin of difference when Joe Greenfield‘s Smith Cyclones downed Stan Levine‘s Anderson’s Essa 14-11. Anderâ€" son‘s were ahead 5-0 after two innings. A scoreless third inn- ing by both sides was followed by 14 runs for Smith and only six more for Anderson's. For the Cyclones, Peter Steinbrecher tripled. Neil Morley doubled. Tibor Nagy doubled and singled. Dave GreerI Robin Reed and brauley Llngman wuu ullec‘ Greg Lewis an doubled and Mike Newton with two, Tim singled for Andersonvs_ James and David Wood. Gateway Mercury 17 For the winners it was Steve Golden Star 4 Livingstone with txvo an d Gateway Mercury is holding singles by Robert lSrooke, David on to first place. They downed Howarth- Jack Vanderee and Golden Star 17-4. Mark Baby. Matt MCMluan- Ross Henry, Gary Gallup and It was a productive final in- Peler :Van Velson all tripped ning which made the difference the bases. Shawn Craig hit for the Outlaws as they tallied two doubles. Mike Bate singled seven times off three homers twice. Dave Maxwell bagged a and four singles. double. Laurentide had a seven run BANTAM BOYS Thornhill BP 14 Turnpenny Shell 10 Stan Rowe's Thornhill BP were back in their stride and downed Jim Skinner‘s Turn- penny Shell 1410. Wayne Greer and Dan Tuck homered. Greg Brown tripled. Mike Danis doubled and singled. Bruce Clatworthy bagged two" Singles. 5* For the losers. KeVin Pleler- sen walloped hm doubles. HARDBALL TYKES '(July 3) David Allison hit two singles for the yellow and red. Paul Terry was left on base after a triple. D. Sova‘s Orioles 26-6. MarkEJULY 20 Haggerty doubled. Kurt Pear-i House of Chill 15 son and Steve Taylor helped in ; Crawford Allied 14 this win with strong batting} At the end of three innings in Scoring for the losers wereithis game the Crawford Allied Mark Boggard, Robert Valleyfilub held a 13-12 lead and they Plaza Pontiac 17 Heritage Carpet 8 With the Plaza Pontiac de- fence generally tight. Duncan Cameron’s Plaza Pontiac trounc- ed Tom Tuck‘s Heritage Carpet 17-8. Rob Reinders scored two hits and three runs for the win- ners. doubled Raney Brady Tigers 20 Donnes Orioles 6 Dick Lany and Bob Pearson's Tigers downed John Kerr and Graham MacDonald Keith Boss tripled for the Hydras. Grant Davidson hit three doubles and two singles. Ken Fontaine singled twice. Mike Davidson once. Nunzio Fuina made a great catch. (July 10) and Glen George with doublesiitark Boggard hit a single. Rogol Electric Mets 16 . Raney Brady Tigers 11 ad 0 Cira Flowers Hydras 8 ‘ Rogol Electric Mets 7 1 Alex Rose and Gerry Sproule's The Tigers broke the nine Mets downed Bill Davidson's winning game streak of the and Robert Newton's Hydras‘Mets by defeating them 11-7“ 16-8. The Mets‘ Paul PeI‘I‘OW The much improved Tigers NeighbothOd N0“! ‘ doubled twice and singled. were aided by a big base hit by! This past week commenced Outstanding Pitcher Michael Mark Haggerty in the fifth inn- full of promises for good hay- Moore doubled and singled..’ing. He knocked in three runsiing. To most. farmers it was Catcher Rick Brown walloped-to put the Tigers ahead. Strong‘xa cinch. then came doubts on a three-run homer. ibatting by the rest of the team Thursday. fOUO‘Ved by & dOWH' Keith Boss tripled for the‘and good alert fielding helped pour on Friday, followed by Hydras. Grant Davidson hitiin the win. high humidity in the evening. three doubles and two singles. Rick Brown playing all-star I was caught "running like an Ken Fontaine singled twice. catching was once again great. ice pitcher” yet, and while sit- Mike Davidson once. NunzioiBrown hit a double and a ting in my chair! Fontaine tripled three times.‘ GWL Grant Davidson three times and'Rogol Electric Mets 10 9 1 Mike Davidson twice. lCira Flowers Hydras 8 4 4 Fine catching by Warren‘Raney Brady Tigers 8 4 4 Thompson who also hit a triple.lDunnes Orioles 9 1 8 Standings As Of July 20, 1972 Squirt Girls SQUIRTS “B” Laurentide Finance The Outlaws . . . . . PF Flyers .......... . Framus Guitars SQUIRTS House of Chiu Saunders of The losers came out ahead in the home run department. get- ting seven of the 13. Circuit Sluggers for Laurentide were Bradley Lingman with three‘ Mike Newton with two, Tim James and David Wood. Toronto Crawford-Allied York Printing . SQUIRTS “B” JULY 18 Outlaws 23. Laurentide 20 In a slugfest, which saw 13 homeruns smashed out, the Out- laws came out ahead with a 23- 20 win over the Laurentide Fi- nance crew. This win puts the Outlaws back in a share of top spot with Laurentide. For the winners it was Steve Livingstone with two an d singles by Robert Brooke, David Howarth. Jack Vanderee and Matt McMillan. Laurentider had a seven run second inning in a losing cause. PF Flyers 24 Framus Guitars 16 Tony Snedker’s PF Flyers! came up with a grand effort tol whip the struggling Framus} Guitars 24-16, to remain in the‘ race for the pennant. For Stewart Sykes’ boys. de~ spite piling up 16 runs. it was their seventh loss in as many starts. Scott Peters led the assault on the losers as he hammered out three multi-run homers plus a single for a perfect day at the plate. Derek Warburton. Ron Cough- lin and Bradley Maxwell also clouted four base hits. Kevin O’Brien and Scott Phinnemore smashed homers for.Framus in a losing cause. By DAVE BARBOUR Warburton. Gerry Fedak, John Hurlbut. Ken Coughlin and MaXWell also had a four {or four average at the plate for the winners. Catcher Paul Ashworth rec- orded four singles in six times at bat for Framus, to be their top threat. SQUIRTS JULY 20 South Thornhill Ball Scores Armstrong Hodge . Fry Basket . . . . . , . . Keffer Real Estate North York TV Thornhill Paint Thornhill Alley Cats Dotties Copies i . . . . . . . . Thornhill Pet Shop . . . . . Provincial Service Agency Shopper’s Drug Mart. Seymour's Texaco Heritage Carpets . Gateway Mercury Ardtea Floral Shop Baker Sales . . . . . . . . . Thornhill Music School Evertune . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japan Car Sales Gateway Mercury Baythorn Power Smith‘s Cyclones Golden Star .. Anderson's Essa . Jay-C Boradloom Thornhill Building Supply A&M Fish and Chips Bill Best, Tire Sales . . . . . Marshall's Shell . . . . . . . . Kelson Plumbing Clutchey‘s Sun Liters Thornhill BP . . . . . Plaza Pontiac Heritage Carpets . W. A. Stephenson Turnpenny Shell . Call immediately if Telephone 366-1720 l3 Homeruns 'As Outlaws Win Heavy Scoring Game PWLPts. 7 5210 5 210 7 there are any errors Rick Brown playing all-star catching was once again great. Brown hit a double and a homer. Steven Spring hit for a double and Robbie Brown played a fine game at third base. increased their lead by another in the fourth. The House of Chiu made their move in the fifth by scor- ing three runs as ‘Telfer Hanson, Danny Alberico and Garry Quenneville scored and the team tightened up defensively to hold Crawford at 14. The losers’ big inning was in the third when they piled up 13 runs off seven hits and six bases on balls. Telfer Hanson. Danny Alberi- co and Garry Quenneville each went three for three for the winners. JULY 18 Saunders of Toronto 11 York Printing 7 In a fast-moving game Saun- ders of Toronto retained their half of first place, along with the House of Chiu. as they dumped York Printing 11-7. The winners outhit their oppon- ents 16-5. Neither team hi1. any home runs. The win enables the House to retain a share of top spot in the league with Saunders, who downed York Printing, Aivar Tannis of Crawford hit the only homer of the game in the third inning. Eric Stephenson. who played third base and pitched as wcll wins the big gun at the plate for Saunders as he hit three for three. including twn triples. Troy Bradley also hit three for three. Coach Bill Massey of Saun- ders credits the victory to a real team effort on a hot night, for their third win in a row. Jeff Lipton, Aivar Tannis and Alan Barish were best at the plate for Crawford, getting two hits in three times at bat. York took advantage of the 11 walks plus doubles by Ronnie Fuzino and Brett Patterson in compiling their seven runs. POTATO CHIPS ONLY 80¢ LB. TYKE HARDBALL STANDINGS As Of July 10 8 Different Kinds THE CHIP KING Pt. rs Neighborhood Notes 3y This past week commenced n-‘full of promises for good hay- ns’ing. To most farmers it was igla cinch. then came doubts on m ad pour on Friday, followed by high humidity in the evening. I was caught “running like an ice pitcher” yet. and while sit- ting in my chair! In winter here in rural Head- ford one can sit inspired in front of a cosy log fire as the hungry flames lick the wood crackling off a wonderful dis- play in technicolor. but who- ever has yet aspired to be in- spired while perspiring in front of a fan on a sweltering July 8 evening? 3 Sunday evening ended the 2 week with a curtain call mini- ar at. a or vn rd Pt. 18 Thursday. followed by a down» 'must go on. It may be some! ,small boy's dad in that mangled! Arreck, some good husband.‘ “some mother’s son. but for the ‘filthy dollar the driver has to; toughen his hide and the crowd1 their hearts. See what the Bible‘ says about it, 1 Timothy 4,! verse 1-2. 4 Have you noticed the number! of small aircraft crashes re-‘ cently with their resultant loss of life. Is it too much carefree- ness. too much carelessness or too much crowdedness? Do we not need a provincial depart- ment to ensure a more direct and speedy approach to these matters? Especially to place a greater value on LIFE and the rights of the non-participating public who are taking a heat- ing these days. Sunday evening ended the week with a curtain call mini- storm, short, severe and to the point. One tree fell in the Bro- die garden. Other damage also was reported from other gard- eners. ' Mike and Shirley Riggs re- ported with delight a short, visit from daughter Pat who dropped in {or a short breather before breezing off to Vancouver. Pat has just been on a trip to New England. Harry and Georgie Burton are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Ross for a few days. Jim Curtis is mending well after his recent surgery. You can’t keep a good Headfordian down. Mrs. William Wellman enter- tained son Allan and family last Sunday. How fortunate to have close and distant relatives close! Most of our close relatives are distantâ€"4n Old England. My small son. gets such a great kick from watching the garbage truck with two steering wheels. What he couldn‘t do with that! And what some of the grown-ups couldn't do with its driver when they awake to find that he has come and gone right on the buton. Keep it up, you're giving good service. If you keep going as now, with all that practice, you'll prob- ably get on some steering com- mittee. who knows, maybe the CTV or CBC. We were so sorry to hear the announcement on Sunday morn- ing that four boys from families associated with Richvale Bible Chapel had been killed or maimed in auto accidents. It is one thing‘to die courageously for a cause or principle “for a good man some would even dare to die," but for the sake of speed it is not worth it. How sickening and Vile to see auto races, when sometimes a driver gets killed. but the race UIGUIUITIUIALLY GUARANTEES TU UIVEI SQ. YARD 0F IBUADLUUI VIII“ EVERY SQ. YARD PURCHASED UNDER OUR UNIQUE 2F0RI OFFER! Mr. Broadloom UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEES T0 REFUND DOUBLE THE DIFFERENCE IN CASH if you can cover the same area in the same carpet for less, during Mr. Broadloom's Famous 2 for I offer. THE 39 Glencameron Rd. Headford Community Happenings CASH & CARRY WHOLESALE PRICES 288 BAYVIEW AVENUE N., BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL 889-8163 OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. - 9 RM. SATURDAY 10 A.M. - 6 RM. CORRESPONDENT: FRANK TUCKER. Mon. - Thurs. 10 am. - 7 p.111. Friday 10 am. - 9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 11.111. We were sorry to see Harvey Cox move recently as he was part of our community, just south of us.‘0ur family will miss one more friendly coun- try wave in the mornings. The home has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. William Plewes. with Christopher. Catherine. Andrew and Allison. We wish both families enrichment from their new neighbors, as the neighbors receive mutual bene- fit from these good families‘ lifetime experiences. BE FRIENDLY You may not stand in the halls of fame With honor to thy name: You may not own a lot of wealth. Nor even have the best at health: You may not reach some earth art. Nor rank with those the world You may not be a scholar great; Nor with the learned highly 1y throne. Nm- claim a palace of your own: You may not master some great calls smart. But you can be friendly. rate; You may not wear a pretty face. Nor fill a great. important place; You may not write a book or a song; Nor have the praises of I throng: You may not ride in pullman cars. Nor reach through eloquence the stars. But you can be friendly. Yes. friendly with the folks at home. . And friendly where you chancei to roam; Quite friendly all along the way With those you meet from day to day: THE LIBERAE. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. July 27, 1972 19 other qualities available at low. low prices Free Estimates with no obligation. Easy budget terms and no carrying charges for a full 90 days. Out of town call collect â€" Call Now. FREE SHOP at HOME SERVICE For people know it‘s well worth' hand. while } However To wear a kind and friendly; stand- smile, ' ‘Yes, you I And reach to them a friendly What is family-size hot water? It's enough hot water . . . enough hot water for all the baths. showers. dish washings. floor washings and laundries that it takes to keep your family and your home sparkling clean. Cascade will give you family-size hot water, because it’s designed for the job. The electrical industry put years of research into the Canadian family’s hot water needs. Cascade was the resultâ€"built by qualified manufacturers to rigid specifications to assure you of dependability and complete satisfaction. RICHMOND HILL HYDRO Get the Cascade with the capacity that’s right for you and enjoy hot water family-size. Cascade. the clean, safe, efficient, electric water heater. for fast installation, either rental or purchase call 10 Fabulous Flavours MIX or MATCH ONLY $1.57 @359 of 24 PHONE 889-2000 Plus sinall refundable deposit 884-4466 nucu Avg. ITFflQL Yes. you can be. friendly. Walter E. lsenhour However great or small they Choose from hundreds of hates. o All up to date coiours 9 Deep Flushes 0 Patterns 0 Scrolls 0 Velvet: o Tmsts 0 Slugs o Furs! flualmes ‘- Regular lines o Subs o Specialnesignso Etc. PRICES RANGE FROM 4 ’5 to 16-” sq. yd‘ 2 50. YDS. FOR OUR PRICE OF 1 50.“). "on nsLow 1354.”. â€"m inhuman; .fiEM 519:: 3 MARKHAM RD Du on! 501 Nylons Po ynrouolonu Acrylics 0 Nylon: (vlans I Wools Special Blonds. olc, GLINCAMEION

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