On Saturday they held a bar- becue at the Mills Home on Garden Avenue for the Fudd- lers. What a ball! Oops pleaSe excuse the pun folks. are aching and the rheumatiz miseries has got us. We sin- cerely hope our fellow citizens are coping with this heat spell. a: n: In -« Have heard lately that the Fuddlers are splitting their games of baseball. Lose in the morning -â€"- win at night. The other night the team took on a scrub team of teenagers. What a howl! Our lads got trimmed but sure went down laughing. From all reports these two teams will goat it again in the near future. Sure hope we can be in attendance for this one. Good luck Fuddlers. Saturday, August 19 â€"â€" War- riors’ Day Parade. Get your names on the list in the club- room. It is so nice to go branch visiting. On Friday several new members from Branch 375 travelled to Newmarket with happy birthday wishes for Branch 426 Pipe Band. The oc- casion was the tenth birthday of the group. Putting the icing lo the cake was the Carlton Show Band. Man Dies After Fall The task forces had arranged tables, chairs and lawn lights tastefully. It was the gathering1 of the clan. Before greeting anyone each new arrival had to stop and sniff the aromas waft~ ing from the rotating spit. Chef Gord kept a watchful eye and a ready hatchet for any greedy fingers. From another boiling pot came the odor of boiling corn on the cob. Other features Like everyone else the news runners have been dragging along to fall exhausted when reaching ye olde news-stand. In winter we freeze, in summer we roast (broil, fry or simmer). Surely somewhere there is a happy medium. Our old bones are anhlng and the rheumaliz miseries has got us. We sin- cerely hope our fellow citizens Ire coping with this heat spell. of the barbecue were varied and plentiful. Ned Cook brought along his recorder and tapes so we had good music as well as good company. Pipe band music. classical and themes from many Broadway produc‘ tions. The type of Issue before council of which ratepayers would have to be notified and just which ratepayers in how wide an area is not detailed in the decision. Someone yelled, “Come and get it" and the stampede was underway. All those who at- tended extend a heazty vote of thanks to Card and Addie for their hospitality. We won't ne- glect to mention that those who helped in any way are also in- cluded in the feelings of ap- preciation. The decision affects the ma- jority of Ontario municipalities. which now revise Official Plans for land use and which pass rezoning bylaws without noti- fying or necessarily hearing affected citizens. But the de- cision goes farther than that. It requires every Ontario muni- cipality to seek out and hear citizens on any municipal pro- poaal which would “alter condi- tions" in the municipality. The type of Issue before council of which ratepayers would have to be notified and unkink «I...» :.. 1...... rulnannnm rezoned by council and that they may file their objections with the OMB. if they so destre. Depending on the number and type of objections the OMB may then order a public hearing. The Divisional Court ruled, two to one, that Brampton was 1under an obligation. through traditional precedents in Cana- dian and British common law, to give citizens affected by the proposed development an op- portunity to raise objections be- fore the final rezoning bylaws were passed. The court said this was not done. The decision of the majority of the caurt set out in 35 pages. resulted from an appeal by several Brampton residents who objected to the procedure the town followed in approving a downtown residential develop- ment of three high-rise towers. We are glad to report that our comrades on sick parade are holding their own. At this time we regret to repom; that _ Comrade Dee Stewart is/was 3i confined to York Central Hos-’5 pltal. Sincerely hope that sheelg will soon be back with us. Do‘5 stay healthy all you friends and; neighbors. E A precedent setting decision.The OMB hearing on the pro- which requires municipal coun- pasal in April was DOSKDOMd clls and planning boards to pro-lwhen residents indicated they vide a forum to hear citizens on’wnuld start proceedings ovex any public p r o p n s a l which‘its legality. might directly or indirectly‘ It is customary that property affect them was issued recentlylowners within a 400-foot radius by the Ontario Divisional Courtlof a rezoned development Site This ls a newly formed part oflin Ontario municipalities are the Supreme Court of Ontario.[notified that the land has been The other evening, July 18. to be exact. we were invited to visit at Turmoil Manner for an evening of fun and frivality. Knowing the matron of old. we had our doubts about such antics. Gosh were we surpris- ed! She had laid on a birth- day barbecue in honor of Mrs. Gordon Mills and Mrs. Sid Lewis. These lovely ladies cel- ebrated their birthdays on the same day. Friday night socials are still holding their own. Despite the weather too! Friday evening the mystery winner held Ticket 19. Who do you think had the biggest grin in the club? You‘re right â€"â€" our boy Doug! See what can happen. Why not come out some Friday night and see for yourselves what good compan- ions there are to help you while away the hours. Kitchen detail consisted of various inmates of the manor. They VOLUNTEERED their services. Rain was falling all over the countryside; none there. It just didn't dare! Anyway our congrats to those already mentioned and to any others that may have special days. Do you have your pencil and pads handy? Since you are all eager beavers be sure and take heed of the following dates â€" Thursday (tonight) 'â€" Special Gordon And Addie Mills Honor “Fuddlers†At Barbecue Citizens Have Right To Be Heard Your legion Reports Divisional Court Decision Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford â€"- 884-5260 A man died in a Metro hos- pital July 16 as the result of a {all at a house under construction on Elgin Mills Sideroad in Richmond Hill the previous evening. general meeting at 8 pm in Legion Hall. Very important that as many members as pos- sible be present. Saturday August 12 â€" Trip to Fergus for Highland Games. Man Dies After Fall New Home Site Here Adolph Anderson, 62, of RR 3, Mount Albert, East Gwillim- bury Township injured his head when he fell to a cement floor through a chimney hole in the second storey floor. according to a York Region Police spokesâ€" man. Friday -â€" FrEe and easy soc- ial evening. The majority decision was that since the last century. it has become established that when a municipality proposes action “to alter conditions in it. such action must be taken by council acting in a judicious manner". Advance hearings of objections in such cases is call- ed for. but the decision does not attempt to define the areas Anderson was taken to York Central Hospital here in Rich- mond Hill and then rushed to St. Michael's Hospital in Metro because of the serious- ness of his injuries. It is customary that property owners within a 400-foot radius of a rezoned development site in Ontario municipalities are notified that the land has been rezoned by council and that they may file their objections with the OMB, if they so desire. Depending on the number and type of objections the OMB may The accident happened atf about. 5:30 pm Saturday at 199 Elgin Mills Sideroad while An- derson was helping a friend with the work on a new home. He died at 6:45 pm the next night. There isn’t likely to be any inquest. police said. g 65 Comstock Rd.. Scarborough I a, '30, ' __ flnmï¬mmummmumi“illlll]‘lmmKmulm‘mmmmllllflmmmam!“l“l‘ll[IllI!“llll(llllmullllll‘mlmmml“Mllmllmllufllhx glmumummmmumuuuuuumuuuu MOU‘NT ALBERT: Adolf Anderson of this area died in a Toronto hospital after he fell off the second storey of a house he was building on the Elgin Mills Sideroad. He stepped backwards and through a hole. 3),. TRUCK RENTALS SOUTHWOOD GULF SERVICE Pick-Ups, Panels & 12’ - 20’ Vans with Tail-Gate Loaders Convenient Locations at: MAIN OFFICE 815 Woodbine â€" 2 miles North of Steeles 499-0341 HOURLY - DAILY - WEEKLY B & M MOTORS GULF RAY’S GULF SERVICE 111 Davis Drive, Newmarket 895-3742 811 Yonge Street, Aurora 727-6361 FRED’S SHELL Hwy. 7 at Keele, Maple 889-2183 ‘Smile a Mile’ WITH This decision may be appeal< ed to the Ontario Court of Ap- peals. If the Division Court ruling stands, it will become a part of the body of law. In that case. provisions in Onâ€" tario's Statutory Powers Pro- cedures Act would require municipal councils and planning boards. heretofore exempt from the act, to follow rigid public~ hearing procedures set out for most tribunals. Richmond Hill Town Council and its planning committee have in the past adopted the plan of holding a public hear- ing on such issues before send- ing the changes on for 0MB approval. Staff members and consultants have been present to explain the proposal and give the reasons why it is being Truck-Climbing Lane Extension Approved The lane will be an extension of the original road, which was constructed for south-bound commercial vehicles having dif- ficulty climbing the hill, and runs approximately 550 feet from the crest of the hill. of municipal business in which considered. and members of the while hearings must be held. public are free to ask questions The decision says that muni- or state objections. On occa- sipal councils affecting the sion such meetings have result- rights of ratepayers must act ed in the proposed legislation judiciously. by notifying and being amended and in every hearing any representations the case has provided full informa- affected peï¬ple make. tion on which members of the The dissenting judge felt that public could base a reasoned Brampton had followed proper objection. The dissenting judge felt that Brampton had followed proper procedures as set down in the Planning Act. A “truck-climbing lane" exâ€" tension on the hill south of the Vandorf subway on the Don Mills Road to provide additional safety for traffic. was approved by York Regional Council at its July 10 meeting. The lane, which will run for a distance of 450 feet and cost $10,000. Was recommended by the engineering committee. The report said that an in- crease in traffic on Don Mills Road and on the intersecting North Road to Preston Lake, had brought with it an increase in accidents. This, along with a request from a private indi- vidual for action, has resulted in the decision to improve the road. Miller Paving Limited, $674.- 592.21, for the grading, gravel- ling. storm sewers, concrete curbs and paving for Don Mills Road. from Highway 7 to Steeles Avenue in the Town of Markham. Mel-ron Construction Limit- ed, $49,500 for construction of a pump house and controls for Mel-ron Construction Limit- ed, $49,500 for construction of a pump house and controls for the new well in the J.F.M. sub- division in Markham. Council approved the follow- ing tenders: Raylena Construction Co. Limited, $120,533 for the can struction of 12 and 8-inch watermains on Maple Road from Trench Street to Dufferin Street, subject to the investi- gation and approval of the com~ missioner of engineering. EASIEII IIIGIII IIIIIVIIIE anIi-refleclion lens coating o roducoc reflections 0 Improve: light transmission cgroater visual efï¬ciency Vila \‘ will: SIJBFBIIIE 759 - 5671 xuuuumuu\m\\muu\\\u\\u\\\\\u\u\ug BRADDOCK OPTICAL Richmond Height! Centre Mahmoud mu 884-6881 Metro and some other large cities in the province also hold public meetings and hearings on proposals to change land use. However few other municipali- ties do so before passing rezon- ings and referring them to the OMB. considered. and members of the public are free to ask questions or state objections. On occa- sion such meetings have result- ed in the proposed legislation \\\\l|lmm“11mmlll\\llu\\l\\\lll\|Illllll“lllllll“\lll\“\\\llll\\llul\|\ll‘ Plan 8 More Homes Oxford Street Plans for an eight-lot subdivision on the south side of Oxford Street were brought back to Richmond Hill Counell's Plannan Committee by Owner Michael Rousseau and his consultant Robert Higgins July 18. Mr. Higgins reported ap- plication has been made to the Department of Munici- pal Affairs. that the lots are 62 feet by 130 feet. that the vacant land will be made available for septic tank tile fields if necessary and that the development will be pre-sewered. He thought the houses could be in by the spring or fall of 1973. Mr. Rousseau owns a large parcel of land, with ultimate plans to develop the whole thing into a total of 32 lots with an internal road when full services are available. When he ap- peared before the commit- tee last year he asked per- mission to develop only eight of the lots, facing on Oxford Street at this time, but the committee ex- pressed a wish to see the whole proposal before granting this application. Planning Director Hesse Rimon will prepare a re- port to be considered by the committee and the council as soon as the ap- plication to the town is made. Get driving comfort and safely with famous name shock absorbers Licensed Mechanics on duty. Drop in today for Free Estimates. Use Chargex or Goodyear Credit. I Maximum during control and comfort I Renewed flabih‘lyâ€"groaflr on bumpy road: «My I Cushionod rid: of low spud: on city I Guaranteed for 24 months puvcrmnn or 24,000 miles aoonfï¬mn an CENTRES Most municipal elections in Ontario, including those in the Region of York, will take place on the same dayâ€"the first Monâ€" day in December â€"â€" this year. ‘All municipalities will be in line by 1974. All elected muni- cipal officials will serve two- year terms with by-elections held to fill vacancies. Eighteen year olds will have a vote and voters‘ lists will be prepared by enumerators as in provincial and federal elections. the new measures designed to limit costs to taxpayers of the educational programs are NOT ceilings on school board ex- penditures but ceilings on in- creases in these costs. The pur- pose is to “hold the line" on spiralling costs of education and yet accommodate needs as they arise. it a: at Recent legislation concerning our environment keeps Ontario in the lead over other jurisdic- The property tax credits pro- vided by the Ontario Govern- ment and subtracted from the total municipal tax in the past few years. will be made direct- ly to homeowners and tenants starting next year. Tax credits for 1972 are to be claimed when income tax returns are filed next year. The tax rebate calâ€" ‘culation is: $90 basic claim plus 10% of property taxes, less ll% of taxable income. It also announced a shift of emphasis of initiative. Previous government consideration of re- form measures awaited a re- quest from the municipality or region concerned. From now on, an initial study will be undertaken by the province. and, following consideration of local response, will make policy decisions as to the future of local government in any given area. ‘ Three new regional govern- ments have been approved by ‘the Ontario Legislatureâ€"Sud- hury, Timmins and Waterloo. \ Phase III of the Design for Development program was in- troduced in the latter part of June. This continues the ob- jective of careful planning and management of the economic and social resources of the people of Ontario for the bene- fit of all citizens. Phase III is primarily concerned with re- gional development, local gov- ernment, reform and provincial- fiscal reform. It is important to realize that Municipal Elections Act Reforms (installation extra) Effective from Monday, July 3lst to Saturday, August 5th only Queen Cs Park Report each William Hodgson MLA, York North Recent legislation concerning our environment keeps Ontario in the lead over other jurisdic- tion in protecting and improv- ing the environment and en- hancing our quality of life. The legislation provides for hear- ings. both mandatory and dis- cretionary. with respect to the use or establishment of waste disposal systems. 1on or about the 30th day of to ‘December, 1971 at Thornhill, Ontario, are hereby notified tom send in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of Sep-' tember. 1972, full particulars‘ of their claims. 1’... Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be dis- tributed amongst ,the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill this 24th day of July, 1972. Dorothy L Stunden and Norman Bowen Executors of the Estate of Ella Bowen by their Solicitor Joseph Rabinowitch. Esq., Barrister & Solicitor, Box 434, Richmond Hill, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ELLA BOWEN Widow, deceased All persons having claim ag- ainst the Estate of Ella Bowen late of the Town of Richmond '3 Hill, in the Regional Municipal- E. ity of York. deceased who died ‘j'f for ] uuAy v t Thnrnhillhï¬ ' notified tolg'a lersigned on; day of Sep-l Provision has also been made for the establishment of a fund. based on compulsory payments by operators of waste disposal wells, for reimbursement of ex- penses incurred in obtaining an alternate supply of water where an existing supply is rendered unfit by the operation of any waste well. A third bill provides for con- trol of the construction. en- largement or alteration of sew- age systems and a fourth pro- vides for control of the sale of pesticides. AIR CONDITIONER “' QuieI, as a purring pussy! DELUXE UNITS HOME IMPROVEMENT BEGINS WITH â€" -- Bring in ad for FREE Radio with Air Conditioner purchase LET BROWNIE HELP YOU SLEEP IN COMFORT UNITS “AS LOW AS“ w RROWNIE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY' ¢ A DAY COME IN AND MAI'E US PROVE IT ‘ ‘ Buy or Rent BROWN'S APPLIANCES 8. FURNITURE 8 YONG-E ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL, 884-9821 CEILING S TILE PLAIN WHITE â€"- 12â€x12†12â€x12†VINYL 8 ft. base and wall cabinet completely finished with counter top (your choice of color) __________________ VANITIES â€" 249) 30†36†8 to 10 colors to choose from -â€" 4’x8’ GOLDEN-RED ANTIQUE ELM, 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . MAHOGANY SELECTED, 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KNOT’I‘Y PECAN, 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EMBOSSED OAK. 4'x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WALNUT RUSTIC. 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROSEWOOD RUSTIC, 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 square ft. per carton WFORMED coummops in 5-6 colors FOEMICA & ARBORITE $15.95 CADILLAC Hours: 8:30 am. to 5:30 pm. ~ Friday 8:30 FL 0 OR TILE Limited Quantity FINISHED SHELVING TEAK â€"â€" WALNUT â€"- OAK 8â€): 3 Ft. . . . . . $1.55 each 10†x4 Ft. . . . . . $2.20 each 12†x 5 Ft. . . . . . $3.20 each THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, July Mmm\\\\m\\m\m\w\\ (We have the size to suit you) SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS 49f FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 1 2â€x12†Solid Vinyl VANITY â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED VANITY -â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED VANITY â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED ANY SIZE L'OR U SHAPE AVAILABLE TO YOUR REQUEST $179.00 - - 19th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL - - Reg. 97c Bring in ad for FREE Radio with Air Conditioner purchase KITCHEN CABINET DISPLAY LESS THAN HALF OF MARKET PRICE‘ 'BVONANZA SALE In WALL PANELLIN G SALE $128.00 . Easy Creditâ€"As Little as $4.95 a weekâ€"Less on Portable TV’s . a Call us for Reliable TV Service â€"â€" 19 Years Experience 0 ASBESTOS FLOOR SEE OUR COMPLETELY FINISHED Air Conditioner on Many 26†Color TV’s CLEARANCE SALE 1/2 PRICE -5-6-7-8ft.1engths DOORS - MOULDINGS LOUVRE BIFOLDS “The Liberal" requires a Correspondent for the Elgin Mills - Jefferson area. If you are interested in serving your home community and earning some extra money then please phone At our bargain corner Elgin Mills -â€" Jefferson BUILDING PRODUCTS CO, PHONE 832-2271 (5 Different Colors) .72 Your Choice of Color Top MARY DAWSON AT 884-1105 CORRESPONDENT TILE EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR WHITE PAINT $3†GAL. North of Maple Sideroad on am. to 9 pm. - Sat. 8:30 am‘ PEEL & STICK PURE VINYL ‘ TILE 12â€x12†$2.98 per ft- $6.95 KEELE ST $184.00 ALL CEDAR PICNIC TABLES TORONTO. 781-3098 KNOCK DOWN . . . . . 14'/zc Each â€" Reg (9 in pkg.) Reg. $19.95 MAPLE 1972 Keele St. to 5 pm EACH $34.95 $39.95 $44.95 505500 3539Jfl 834L90 1 $35555