Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jul 1972, p. 6

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5 \ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES lEffectne July 1, 1972l CASH RATES, Ist insertion 10 words $1.25 and .1012 per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10:: per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge 81.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra 0F THANKS. CARDS ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS, per sertion IN charge per insertion of 50r‘ MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, iii- $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as, early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors, awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 factory ‘ 832- 1319 Maple. tfc28 fiPWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale 4 X 3 Sheels- fir ‘2" Special including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates ‘available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc3 TEARWOODâ€" Living, dining and bedrooms. direct from importers wareâ€" house. Open 1-9pm. 459-0760. EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line, (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 SHULLY'S ALUMINUM DIRECT sale of windows, awn- ings. sidings. and eavestrough with no payments until the fall. Contact A. Waldman, 226-0552. . tfc4 RUPP MINI BIKES STREET BROS. AUTO ELECTRIC LTD. 22 INDUSTRIAL 80.. RICHMOND HILL 884-5368 tic-12 FIREPLACES Acorns - Franklins - Pot Bellies - Prefab Metal Chimneys - Bar- becues outdoor and indoor Accessories. Hearth and Patio, 60 Doncaster Ave., Willowdale, 889-3133. ' ‘ ' cawso RAILWAY ties, $3.90 each. 832- 2455. tfc2 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone, sand. concrete gravel. etc., delivered in small 24" long. FOR SALE WANTED Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. CEDAR fence rails."832i1276 ifc51 lAIR conditioners. new. $128. 5 year guarantee. Brown’s Appli- ances. 884-9821. tfc53 FREE airconditioner with 26" TV, Brown‘s Appliances. 8 Y'onge 5.. Richmond Hill. 884- '9821. tfc53 PLYWOOD $6.60 per sheet. Call World ‘Wide Shipping. 889-6269. 1 tfc52 SUMMER CLEARANCE Ladies wear and childrens wear. bulk zippers, nylon to 22” and 39c or 3 for $1.00. WYN-DOT THE LADIES SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 884-2214 c4w2 UPRIGHTVlreezer. A-l condi- tion. Call after 5 pm. 889-0948. >i=2w3 773-4108. c1w4 ORGANIC grown red anti-rigs, Phone 889-1881. c1\v4 RUPPâ€"iiiiniâ€"bikéT‘igKo'dâ€"Eondi: tion. and mini bike carrying rack. 884-2682. c1w4 FRESH green beans andâ€"young baby beets. 889-4405. c1w4 PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets. fir 11'2" special. Call World Wide Shipping, 889- 6269. tic-4 WASHING machine for cottage, new portable rotary barbecue, etc. Reasonable. 884-7010. c1w4 BLACK currants. LARGE-CUM ti‘iC)'cle, two years "' " ‘T"‘“l Yongc. “cunndustrial space, Newkirk Road. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. July 27. 1972 Liberal Action Want Ads Take No Vacation â€" They Work All The Time" Call the Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 884-1983 8 am. to 6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, 9 am. to 5 p. m. Wednesday, Thursday, F j TO RENT OFFICE Space 520 sq. ft., 18 Yonge St. .\. now available. heating and air conditioning. 491-0277. 7 tic52 YONGE VALLEY 7471 Yongc Street - 170 Dudley Avenue 4 WEEKS FREE RENT 2 bedrooms only Large. luxury 1-2 bedrooms pool. saunas. gym. rec. room and play grounds. 889-0271 or 889-0567. tfc46 FURNISHED room, cooking it'acilities, 16 Lorne. 1st housc least of Bork's Jewellers at tfc5] rOR’ie'aso. 3.000 '-"6.000”sq. It. :Features 166” dock level loading, clear, immediate posses- sion. .8110 net. Lorcd Construc- tion Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 2 BEDROOM SUITES. RENT INCLUDES HEAT, HYDRO. SOFT WATER. FRIDGE. STOVE, ETC. MOND HEIGHTS PLAZA AT 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE. QUIET ADULT BUILDING. CALL SUPT. 884-2475. tfc49‘ TWO bedroom apartment avail- able immediately. 1 baby. Applyl superintendent, 441 Elmwood. tfcl ONE and two bedroom apart- ’melits for rent. hydro and water included in rent. 884-2973. i MW 77 tic-2? [ROOM for rent with bath. pork: ing. close to buses, board op-, tional. 884-7803 after 6 pm. i c1w2l ROOM close to transportation. Phone 884-9427, after 3 pm. ' clw3 l l ONE bedroom basement apart- ment, 11 Maple Avenue. Thornâ€" hill. 889-7856, ask for lVll‘S.l Reid. ch4 FURNISHED room in apart:1 ment building for business lady. 881â€"2529. ch4 ONE bedrooinfizipartiiliehtfiivail: able August Ist. 884-8588. (32w3 IN DUPLEX. three bedroom apaitment. available immediate- ly. 221-5829. ch4 SUBLET one bedroom' apart- NEAR RICH-i ‘ TO RENT 1Continuedl ,ONE bedroom ~apai‘tmcnt, young couple only. 884-7757. c1w4 cooking and parking ifacilities. Please phone 88-1-- 4828 for appointment. tfc3 TWO bedroom. 8170. in quiet building. Rent includes hydro and parking. Broadloomcd halls and soft water, infant welcome. 1 lROOM, 170 Bziyvicw Ave. South at Markham Rd. 884-9885. clwil 7 ROOM at Maple. l\\0 rest- .l'iurants adiaccnt. clean quiet ,Canadian h om e. reasonable. {832-2051. clw31 HELP WANTED f (Continued) SEE THE COUNTRY DANCERS urgently needed. Go- go and exotic. top wages. no ex- perience necessary. We will‘ train, Apply stating informa- ltion to Box 18. "The Liberal".‘ tfc47 RN's &: RNA‘s. part time 87nd full time in nursing home. Ap- ply Box 37. “The Libcral.” tic-52 IN A RUT‘.‘ \VAN'I'ED Working. energetic people. who want and deserve a better way of life. Phone for appointment, 884-3575. after 6 pm. tfc2 lIATURE,"iionest stiidonifwin: HELP WANTED ? riday. 9 to 12 USED CARS {MISCELLANEOUS ‘ MISCELLANEOUS. FOR sa1e7‘70 ’llini’as'lsfhssi, ‘TSEPTIC ’TANKS' PI'MPED ‘Cmtinuedl '7 s . l r _ 7- . S . 1079' 7 _ _. 77777 7 _C72“4; Sewers cleaned lBOOI\l\EEPI£\G and account- '69 COUGAR, 30.000 miles. all C. Stunden inE services for small blisi- power. radio. automatic. sports, Phone 884-1245 tic: HE‘SSI‘S- 339-5583. tle33 package. leav i n g country.‘\VHITE~S ’Fumace ' momma. ' WINDOW‘CIEANING' i" $2.000. 882-1423. after 6 pm. Natural and propane gas. ggoj, 884-2433 7_77__ 7 7 (3)4 3806. tic-43 WINDOW CLEANING ‘69 MINI 1000 and ‘69 nondal‘“ “‘CARPENTRYs 1 884-2433 gOOd condition call 884"All types indoors and outdoors. .-.....L.. . Arc-13 1205- 38k {0"7Tel‘1‘ll 7 CNN also custom built work. 889- PAINTING V ‘67 BUICK Skylark, 4 door hard-@6712. tlcsz 884-2433 top, power steering and brakes, CLEANING WINDOWS , PAINTING snow tires. 8100. 884-3888. ‘ WALLS AND FLOORS ‘ 884-2433 7 77777 7 7 7 7 m 7clw4; DAY or NIGHT ‘ _ “C33 '66 PLYMOUTH, $400.. Fiuy 1.‘ 334-2433 WALTER LONG PLUMBING mm. no“, ums' new transmiyf“NORTHERN~PAiNTING~_;Ethc1ent sci-vice at reasonable sion. excellent condition. Phone’ .- -, . - - fa 05' 8844528. Ask [or Richard. ‘Residential, commeICIal pamt-, 332.1345 _ MAPLE l _ ling. interior and exterior. Paper-‘ “- 30 l , . . .. . . .-jmg to work and take respousr 7_ 7777 _777_ 7‘» 7017\V‘llhangmg7 834.5597. “C49 -7 . L . _ .97 Experienced plant office clerk,'bility. 491-9950. C1\\‘2‘CONVERTIBLE. ~66 C01.V.ail.‘rrâ€"BA-KF-fivs B-AckilOE---_‘ “ GENERAL (/ARPE‘NTRY purchasing, inventory coilti'ol,JA'LIl’ purpose p,.e'sser”f'm. dry‘exceuem condition, 5300, 834-, EiCA‘,ATING ‘l‘llChE‘n unllsv all-913110115. ll‘ec. All)”; 9‘“ , fm‘ dry cleaning plant in??? 7 7777_777 7 7m _7:1\\'4,T,.enchmg' sewer & “am. “no. 'OOmSvé‘gRD HOWLAVD ,Apply to: \'.C.A_ ManufacturingiHill area. 889-8555 or 884-8801..‘56 DODGE polara‘ 6-0‘Vlindaif00tjngg‘ 389.3504, “Cg 889_3437 ‘ L 0‘ mind“. Ltd" 9”. NQWk‘r" , L, .Cg‘lfl‘clean. certified. 884-3440 ark-"'sn‘AMPOOIxGW'm l tic-18 .Road 5" Riggiglglllgomu' C1,..giEXPERIENCED 51”” presserlggifigggg v. 7 Cl‘l‘l‘Rugs and chesterfields. Dav or HMTREE CUT-fiN'G‘Q‘VD ’_ iEXPERIENCEDl-l g r‘ve-CI-eté}; Elli-1’, aifa'glgngg8_sl’51anlagf '64 COMET. 289, good condition. night. 884-2433, tfc20l pRUN’NG ‘ ‘ c a s ‘ .' lOl‘I l i' ‘. - a or - 7694815 1 4 _ ' j ’ 7’ A 7 ' *â€": - y ‘and conveyanccr required for'8801. c2w3 i-â€"----_._.L.._._ PLUMBING Keri-{EATING i HOUSEPAINTING ‘ 1 law i‘actice Apply 'T‘ ’_ ' ' ' " ’ ‘ ‘ *"’ ‘64 VALIANT. $350.. radio, Roger Pl‘OlllX â€"â€" Telephone -_' E. C. DOAK gen?” up . ' d H .:, ALL Purpose PIP-‘59" for dWlautomatic, certified. 889-0738, 1884-1650. tl‘c‘l-l 884-5316 ismtmg ‘lual‘f‘calmm 3", ‘3‘“: cleaning plant in Hill area! 1 .4 v_.*_ . . . . M777 7 ch” 931309le to BOX 36- Rmhml’nd’33943555 or 384-380] “W4 . L, ,__777__ _ 7 C7 “ PAINTING ,777 7 777 7 7 7 77 V_A ‘ ' c2w3 ' - -‘ . - '63 C RVETTE, ‘ -‘ - & PAPERHANGIN BOLENS LAWN AND 'H'l-HI’T" " .' ':~ ' (r 31.: WOMAN to help in purChaSing/lcoupe,0 327-340 isllillt R. E. DUNN G GARDEN EQUIPMENT Fle-tlmli? 1&2;‘3;Sgc:ndpFi7i_‘PSllnlatlngl department of localimdm Very good condition 727.3303 Sales and Services Call accountant 889-4961. 51°91 fabma‘m." knowledge “163.000 firm. 884-2528. } til-18‘ Repairs of All Makes ‘ ' ‘ clw4 bus‘n°fsleglfsllléneslpt3§l[1i 32$: "92“ THANDYMA'N'S‘CLEAN-UP 7’ BREE 384-8352 ’ * ' ' m ' “â€" ~ " some e ' ' WHEAT A", "I ""W' ’ - elvery and Pick CLEANING lady. two hours 57. “The Liberal". clw4 $5195 Rig-£13733. good SligpilN 1 b SERVICE ‘ up c1“ daily for office. for details Call " " 'A’ " 7 ' "â€"7 ‘7 _'7'7 7 '97 77_-7 M _<_? “'71 o .0 too large or small, we: â€"~â€"â€"i---- 7 _- . ........... _ Miss Farm-en at Small Steel. AUTQMOTIYE mecllamc' tulle ’5] pONTIAC best offer 832- clean them all. Reasonable . . CHIMNEYS up-caIburetOI specialist, W11- 7 - y. , .Cmmnms and fireplacm bum 889-7691‘ Cl“:41°“'dale “Cit Phone 223‘6450- 252.64.- - . C‘lw‘l’mii‘ $9.307? llgqland repaired Free estimates TRUCK driver with experience} c1w4v‘63 VOL1{SWAGEN‘Stau6h_ LUIGI ELECTRICAL iEVpert workmanship 20 wall; on stake trucks. Must be OVel'gOL?N'GTA]adQ"I.OIJ"1hdnthfi'0f‘w'ag0n' with plates_ Ask for CONTRACTOR :exnerience phone 884_28‘82_ 21- Apply Ill Ym‘k: Cadillaci ' Dana- 839-5079. c2w3‘Residential electrical moderni-’ WALKER CONSTRUCTION Building Co., Maple. 889-4973. c1w4 PTARTEttheWliclpfiwanted. Var, halla Riding Schools Inc. Phonel 884-8711 iDickl. clw4 COSTARCCountant. preferably with lumber experience. Writel to Box No. 54, “The Liberal” clw4, PART time position availablci on weekends for kitchen alldl car hostesses. Call 884-8911.. A & W Drive-In. 300 Yonge‘ Street North, Richmond Hill. l c2w4. HIRING for kitchen duties. eve-l Ilings. weekends at Inust. Apply in person after 7 pm Odeon Parkway Drive-In T b e a t r e, north of Steeles off Woodbine. clw4 ment available August 1. $160“ 884-4183. *Iw-tl BACHELOR a p .31 t in e n t. 62. old. good condition. 815.. cariHunt, $125. Mature adults. no1 seat, padded, $5. 884-8979. lpets. References. 488-08029 c1w4_after 5 pm, tfc4 TWO hand knit Arab dresses, one blue. one green. size 36, tall girl, $30. each. 884-8275. quantities. Call C. L. Knappett, 88443089. tfc2l LOAM - TOP SOIL Sandy loam - loam manure mix, screened loam, manure - fill - landscaping. C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. tfc2 -â€"4.â€"_ -....._ _._7 .L___ A MOTOROLA (Quasar). Color TV. Peter Smith, 889-1646. _ 7 W tfc2l MILLINERS Dressmakers Sup-l plies, 93 Yonge St. S. Store will be closed July 24 to July 31 for summer holidays. e2lv3 ANTIQUE Victorian can e 0 back sofa, excellent condition. 884-6264. c2w3 EXERCISE bicycle and GE. coffee percolator. 773-5488. ‘clw4 WES and one brunette fall. Like new. Reasonable 884-4729. c1w4 right. $250., or nearest offer. 884-5400. cl “'4 TWO chrome reverse melted- on tires and a stereo. 833- 5801. clw4 P I A N 0, excellent condition, $500. or best offer. 884-3544. ' ' ' ‘ ' clw4 ONE Gestetner printing mac- hine, model 320, with‘ supply of paper. stencils and ink. $250. Call 881-2509, after 5. c1w4 GIRLS bike. 24“ wheel. good condition. painted chest of drawers (12). Ideal children‘s room. 832-1025. *1\\-‘4 RTSPRERRIES Pick your own. 30 cents a pint 60 cents a quart. sold in pint or quart boxes only. Bring your own or purchase at patch. Pick- ing Monday to Friday. 7 am to 9 pm. Saturday 7 am to 12 noon. closed Sunday. Picking PIANO, newly renovated, lip-‘lmgm' BBQ-6992' {BED_ ‘cliestei'fielidli Icottage. $75. 884-7950. c1w4 CHESTERFIELD, 2 chairs, $25.; sealers, quarts. $2.: pints, $1.00. per dozen. 884-6979. c1w4 OLD coins for sale- 884-3302. e1w4 TENT?) x 12. tent 9 x 15, plus ,dining tent 9 x 12, two double- sleeping bags, three single sleep-' ing bags. two stoves. one lan-l tern, six air mattresses. Pack-l age $175. or sold separately.l 884-8022. ELECT IC stove, IStTCIass con-{ dition, $75. 889-1746. ch4 WALNUT dining room table and six chairs. Excellent condi- tion. $185. 884-8628. WAGON WHEELS Good price. 884-8852. c1w4' CHICKERING piano, mahogany, $175. Monday noon - Thursday c1w‘4 3-SPEED 26" bicycle, on? year old. good condition. $40. or best casli offer. 884-4735. ch4 GRADE 13 text books, reason- able. 884-5970. clw-l ideal for c1w4 Gendroii BRANDHnew navy 887-5156. y excellent ch4 GENERAL ElectriE‘4 burner, 22" coppertone stove. with clock land timer, 3 years old. 884- 2126. ch4 l SEWING MACHINES" Used machines from $19.95 (guaranteedi Bernina Sewing Centre in The Mall. Richmond Heights Centre 884-3775 or 895- 7922. tfc~l2 T o r 0 professional, condition. 222-4140. by adults and senior teams only. No reservations. Farm, Steeles Avenue. 14 miles east of Yonge Street. Beans. curl-ants and gooseberries also available. Phone 294-3275. clw4 MATCH D set. engagement Whittainorcs l CONTENTS FROM MODEL APARTMENTS lAll like new. livingroom, dining ‘room. bedroom, etc. _ 889-2280 iic50 WANTED ONE or two bedroom‘apartmentl at greatly reduced rent to ma- ture couple. who will maintain building and grounds of small; apartment house. 62 Hunt. No renting or collecting. No ex- perience necessary. References. 488-0802, after 5 pm. tfc4. THREE bedroom house, Rich- mond Hill area. 889-4714. c2w4l ECHO repair garage. available Sept. 1. $325. monthly. 889â€" 7193. c2w4 AVAILABLE â€"â€" Two bedroom c1w4 apartment. one child, $165.. alsowe require production typisls one bedroom apartment, $150.: Free parking, not hydro. Apply] superintendent. 165 Colbourne Ave., Richmond Hill. e2w4 c1w42-13EDROOM basement apart- from typing schools- ment for responsible couple. Parking and appliances. 884- 5808. after 5. clw4, ,HOUSE, six rooms. Yongel Street-’l‘hornhill. $175. Centra ‘ 486-8578. c1w4,’ ONE and two bedroom ,mcnts. 402 Markham Rd., mond Hill. 884-1909. Rich-i l H ‘¥fi 7 clw-i TWO bedroom apai‘tniierht din central Richmond Hill, no chil- dren. Available Aug. 1. 221- clw'4j ‘baby carriage. Best offer. Calll SPACIOUS UPPER'DDTPLEX lmanager. clw-IIOne bedroom plus utility room,5889-0972. LAWN mower, reel type 17” cut I living-dining room, ltrance and balcony. equipped, 150“ water. heat and hydro, lcable TV. broadloom. Adultsl ‘8175. monthly. 884â€"2163. ch4 lla-‘BEDROOM house. westâ€"side: Inear hospital, large lot, 889- l3820Liw 7 ch-t iFURNISHED hasehiéiit‘dpdfil 'ment for clean working couple, 0\\'I1 ladults only. 535. weekly. 889-1 l4400. c1w4- lTWO bedroom house, North lYonge. References required.‘ limmediate possession. 699- '9813. from 5 to 6 and 9 to 10. ch4 A BRIGHTbaChelor'apartment. rear of store. $90. Yonge and Sheppard. 486-8578. ch4 lindicating date available and PART-TIME CLERK A PERMANENT position, typ-l ing and filing. Good pay and; conditions. Apply office ‘man-i ager, Neill Datsun Ltd. 889- 0972. / c1w4 7 THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL DRAFTSMAN: Required for Municipal Drafting Department: must possess at least two years‘ experience with either a Town Planning or Municipal Engineerâ€" ing Office. Send written ap- plications by August 4th, 1972 i salary expected to H. Rimon, M.T.P.I.C., Planning Director, PO. Box 300, Richmond Hill, Ontario. ch4 l TYPISTS with 75 mm or ability to attain this, for tape perforators. All electric machines. We are in- terested in recent graduates Above average remuneration and ex- cellent benefits. Evening shifts possible, to accommodate typ-l ists with young families. ‘ Apply in person to: MRS. ADAMSON. Ronalds Federated Ltd.. ('2w4 AUTO MECHANIC A BRAND new dealership has an immediate opening for ii mechanic. import experience preferred. Good pay, condi-l tions and benefits, Apply salesi Neill Datsun Ltd. c2w4 “1' BLACK HAWK MOTOR INN full or part time. 383 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill: lSecurity, 431 Davis Drive, New- School. lNow interviewing personnel for market- 890-7751. l Cooks Kitchen help Dining room waiters Dining room waitresses O Bartenders 0 Cleaning Porters 0 Maintenance men For appointment: 884-9171 c1w4 TISSI'STANT AUTO ' UNDERWRITER j POsition open after September to ambitious person looking ‘ chance to advance his insur-1 Excellent situa-l with super- l illOI lance cai‘ccr. Stiou for anyone Saleable articles by the Victoria TWO b e d-ro 0 mi apartment, visoi‘y or sales ability. Fringe include quiet sur- mld child from 9.30 am to 6 pm‘ 1360 Newkirk Road. August to babysit. nine month} Monday to Friday, 884-7811. clw4 GAS;MEIER-3nd;187189-4551. , c1w4 “’T’SUP'ERINTENDENT Part-time Apartment in Richmond Hill 2 bedroom suite provided Plus excellent salary Commencing September I. 1972 Call W. Maloncy 9 am - 5 pm‘ 444-6635 1 c1w4i FULL time helper, weekends included. Please apply Scott‘ Chicken Villa. 191 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill in person only. clw4 HIGH school students required to work in Richmond Hill area. Must; be neat, mature, able to meet public. For interview call 884-3434, between 12-1 pm. c1w4 We require experienced stiff, for permanent and temporary office positions. 1 3 III CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 80 YONGE STREET SOUTH 884-6782 - 884-6970 REAL Estate Sales, 65% Com- mission. We have good advera tising, training and exclusive, builders. For confidential in-’ terview call Mr. White. Charles l l884-6934. Call BOARDING ltPerréialigfntt liiiii“i‘teiréo\lal, l'ias- , . - ere cc r0 ogls . IIr ey n iffrcl‘lélminlfiéfilli livi‘étilElectrolysisr Thornhill. 889-1- .,--Yl:A§TE1L., - ‘Rivercourt Kennels (Reg’d) west 98720:,__777777_777777 77 QEEIWANTED within one month, sideor Yonge Street, 1142 miles WALLPAPERING and decorat- south of 08k Ridges. a small ‘south of Aurora. 727-5488. [ing by professional English bungalow. 3 bedrooms. 11;» tfc46ltradesman. Reasonable prices. bathl'oonls- 3150 room for trailer »--â€"-- ---~~-----â€"-- -~---~ -~ - . .611 ng“ . r ,v ~ ADORABLE puppies. toys. to Ca“ Albe‘t 13' GOdden’ 832' bi filde can pd“ ,58'009 do‘ml . 39577 c2w3 a ance not own 3150 pm large, IItters segregated. some‘_‘__‘ ..LL7‘.L1 . . . . I _ , . , ,nionth. Her Biewei. days 499- vacc1nated, no misfits. all guar- PLUMBING _1777 evenings 14763850 anteed, $2. to $70. 889-7194. & HEATING ' ’ ' ' Hm} c2w2 A. MILLS & SON LTD. Sâ€"TjBERNARD puppies, beauti-, 884'2201 ful, registered, vaccinated. Place your order now, 884-4106 - 889- 4050. c4w2 DOG grooming. poodles. ter- riers. mutts. Betty Forsyth. 889- 3606. tfc3 SILVER miniature poodle. pure-l bred, 2 years old, clipped and shots. Books, brushes etc. $35., 884-6979. ch4, Riparianâ€"pao‘aigsfarwgéisl__. "C46, old, without papers, dewormed. RUBBER STAMPS 1 Phone 773-5490. c1w4,SeveraI type faces to choose from-7 ,. 7*“ ‘ .'-“.’""â€"‘-'f â€"including Script,B10ck1etters,~'l‘OURS, cruises, rail and bus RITTEN’ “lllte' thlee Outline and signature ~â€" fast,tickets. reservations and indi- female. m°“ths 01¢ free ‘0 g°°d home‘Service. Call “The Liberal" 884-‘vidual travel. Call A. H. Creigh- c1w4l --__._.,, M. “43: MORTGAGES GENERAL contracting, altera- 777 7 _, 777 7 tions and additions, home, ofâ€" MORTMGE coming due? Cash fices. factories. Custom carpen-lto consolidate bills? Low cost try of all descriptions. Les Ist, 2nd and 3rd mortgage Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 money available. Call me now Ail CLAYTO’N ' "'"jfor fast, confidential service. MASONRY CONTRACTOR .Biam Ogden. Emerald Isle Real Ertat L' 't d. -' ' - All phases of brick, block, stone 23:71e "m e 889 0601' $3243 and repair work. 884-6417 1105_ :ton Travel Agency. 889-5643. - l HARRISONS CUSTOM ,_ " “€47 ‘ CARPENTRY 3 Custom built homes, renova-, T0 tions, additions, and repairsj w- - --.-â€" ---â€".-~--v- - ---lK' . '. ' -' 3 ‘~-- r;~---â€"-- 7-- ,A-77 ---- --- LADY. quiet. non-snicker.,H;t:£Se:: agglfzcéggt’ 1315; CA1. Dart Pel‘Slan. Silver grey wants small apartment. Reason-, tfc4; NURSING home requires kit-,1 Chen staff. Applicant must bel experienced in institutional cooking and general kitchen duties. Thornhill area. Phone Mrs. Roland, 889-4931. c1w4 OFFICE girl for general office White Realty Ltd, 773-4511 ,with black and white markings. Reward. 889-3993. cSwCl ,KI’I‘TEN, gi‘ey-sti‘iped, Carrville :Road area. 881-2160, clw-l New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 able, Richmond Hill to Willow-, dale. 727â€"3937 - 884-9643. ‘. c1w4" RELIABLE couple with twol children, requires a two bed- room house or apartment im- mediately. 633-0617. c1w4 THREE bedroom house. Rich- tic2. RON MOORE t PAINTING - PAPERHANGINGlDRESSMAKING Interior - Exterior. Free esti-gtions. a n d altera- Please call after 6 pm. duties, must type and have s o m e telephone experience.l Apply at World Wide Shipping. 1 c1w4‘ CLEANING lady for Fridays apart- 225 Yonge st. N., Richmond Hill only, Steeles-Bayview area. 889- University. 0319. c1w4~ FULL time cook for Feed Bag; Restaurant at. 462 Markhaml Road and Bayview Avenue. 8843 4182. Cl\\'-4, OLDER ' Iadyiwanted’lor’ baby sitting and light housekeeping, 832-1514. c1w4l MEANT Johan‘s ennui-go has, ’ Starting rate $1.90 per hour. Apply King e1w4 MEN, women couples required for part-time office cleaning in‘ Richmond Hill area, evening, work, steady employment for. reliable people. 362-2561, Local: :56, between 9 am. and 4 p.m.l c1w4 CLEANING lady required oncel every 2 weeks. 812.50, own} transportation. 889-6386. clw4i PERMANENT i Experienced office personnel iii-i vited to list now for placement, by: ‘ A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 c2\\'4 WAIT RESSI‘Nperie-ncedHAll‘en- “"l‘he Liberal". l DAY CARE mond Hill area reasonable rent : , l ' ’ mates. Call an time. 889-8965. 889-5713. c4wl references available. 884-1387.‘ 3 “(32‘ . y4>_ . W _. ._..L, .. -L {rat-1&1” - --I------ will“, : HOME HAIR DRESSING ‘ COTTACES coup e preparing ieir SERVICE ‘ Doctorates want quiet house orjprofessional Styles done in NOW] I farm h‘mse convement E0 York“home. sets. shampoos. perms, lelephone 319'794' cuts. etc. Done by licenced hair- gnaw" 1m,“ hedmdm C‘Ollag” e, 3375’ Come“ afler 6 1”" flw‘l‘ldressers in the comfort of your ' "' i' ‘ ‘ 9.) P _ Caribou Lake. Loring. Parry SMALL house or duplex. un- own home. 71.78-740‘01: itcl Sound disnict. Elfltric heat furnished. good location t'or'two Plastering Thornhill beach, boat and fishing- 884‘ ladies. References if required. K CLARK 3943. am; Possessmn by Seplember L“ or Plain and Decorative Plastering. October 1st. Apply to Box 5.2. Repairs 3 specialty 3\"3, Free Estimates ‘ 488-7521 889-3185 tfc20 PARRY Sound area, three bed- room, fireplace. sandy beach. inside conveniences. 884-4835. ch4 THREE bedroomâ€"cottragefBain: Efii'I‘PAvNEâ€" i-AIRLAWN Junior & Nfigsg;§‘Drains. septic tanks. All types ‘ 8403 Yonge Street ,of concrete work. 884-6644 evenings. c1w4 _ - ~ . ‘ T . Thornhill. Fully licensed â€" open 889 5‘62 FREE ESTIM 11.523? K all year. _,. 7,... , . . . L v . LL”-.- ASSISTANCE “'I'I‘H YOUR. ALUMINUAI HOME } FEE CAN BE ARRANGED 1F IMPROVEMENTS l FOR SALE NECESSARY Alcan â€" siding. Eavestroughs . .v. . Doors and ‘Vindows HORSESiiihoiaTCIcdflarge bOX See our ad on Page 2. tl'c39 . ., AWL7 Lhiii L _ - . . . stalls, turnabout standings. DAY can? gil’en in my home. For hie elSthl-rzjitfizctfill low Horses each individually fed. Bayl’ie\l' Plaza area. 384‘8285- H‘\9SCBBUTT 8894106 beautiful riding. close to lakes. tic-33 H “C21 High Spade Stable. Hillsdale DAY care available in my',‘â€"~~-REIF Drive, Stouffiille. 640-2672;1w1 home. Elka Drive. 884-1020ic3 SALES AND SERVICE 77 7 77_. 7 ‘Complete lawnmower and snow- .mohile repairs and service. Open 8 am â€" 9 pm. 884â€"7716. ‘ tic-18 tvpcs of landscaping. stone CARPENTR? “'Ol'k- 1901113110“ \ml-k ’sandy top so“ and mush. rooms. additions. _ren0\ations. room compost. Free estimates. “19 “00”- ‘md 991110715» F109 GARDENING Kecle & $95 zation and improvements. tfc2 884-1452. c2w3. _77_ 77 77777777 77 7777771“. PETS FOR SALE mommsns a ‘croft area. safe sandy beach, Saturday. i - . . ._ .,. . . . DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Pcconi & Son. Woodville, init. Licence No. 324C - 66. HIGHESTAcaslf'orioeswoftrado ‘\'alue paid for used furniture land appliances. Brice‘s Furni- lture 478-4175. tfc36 WILL buy \\'llaliloil‘lla\'g to sell. from 1 piece to complete lestate: "884-3430. c1w3 WINE bottles. willâ€" on? 55353111 887-5705 after 7 pm. *lw-l- r ~‘wKNTED l‘wo girls. preferably friends, to Share beautiful duplex. TV and llevcrything supplied. Reasonable. Call after 6 pm. 888-1923. tie-4 EMPLOYMENT WANTED ‘HOUSE painting, intel‘iOifor ex- terior. Experienced student. 889-7021. tfc53 IHOUSE painting, interior or ex- terior. Dave 884-2675. *lwz ROOM and BOARD FEMALES preferred. Call eve: nings or weekend. 884-6236. tfc4 TRAILERS DELUXEâ€"liai‘dtOp tent trailer. sleeps 6. many extras, $950. 884-9785. after 6 pm. clw4 TENT clinical.pianist-sips 7. best offer. 884-2472. clw4 jm T0 RENT CAMPING trailer, available July 30. sleeps 4 to 6. 887-5614 after 6 pm. c1w4 SALE REGISTERS ‘THURSDAY, JULY 27, 6:45 pm. Auction Sale for J. iO'Lcary at Oak Ridges. one :mile east of Yonge on South Lake Wilcox Road. Collectors items of antique postcard and stamps, antique brass and leather ink well. snuff box, large round Limoge soug tureen. dishes and silver, antique grape ipress. old wood armchairs. quantities of old pictures and lframes, pyrex glass crocks. one ’9'x9' tent. Coleman stove, lamp. camp beds. baby’s car bed and Seal. 500 ceiling tiles, a hot ,water tank. Moffat stove and :large Findlay wood or coal stove. upholstered chair. bed- lside tables. yellow bathtub as ,new. refrigerator, table TV. keg ,of nails. aluminum windows. lelectric lawn mower. pair of lwater skies. one slalom ski as ‘new. pocket books, western saddles, small part Arabian lmare, excellent with children. l1964 GMC pick-up truck and many other interesting items. l c1w4 i: at: *. ANTIQUE AUCTION JULY 29. SATURDAY â€"- 12 noon, rain or shine, on Don Mills Road, third farm north of Davis Drive, Newmarket. Pine washstands, corner cupboard. chest of drawers, captain’s and. arrow back chairs, sideboard, dry sink, etc., mahogany prin- cess dressing table, Victorian chaise lounge with matching lady‘s and gentleman's chairs. plus four side chairs. swing mirrors, four balloon hack chairs. three piece parlor set. 'mahogany games. occasional ltables. chest of drawers, etc, carved oak tables, desks. chairs, ,ettm gingerbread grandfather, I\'icnna hanging wall clocks. brass candlesticks, coach lamps, umbrella stands, horns, etc, china tea services and dinner lscrviccs. Staffordshirc dogs, 'platcs in Willow pattern. lamps, llianging, coal oil, tiffany, brass, ,lstirling plate and glassware in- lcluding cranberry and crystal, ,ctc. Preview morning of sale. {Glen James, Auctioneer, clw4 ‘ lit a; a lAUGUST 9. WEDNESDAY. EV- ‘ENING. 6:30 pm Auction lSale of 250 high quality an- .antiquc items. Some from Eur- rope and many rare items. The lproperty of John Birch. To be {held at Victoria Square Hall, flour miles north of NO. 7 Hwy. ,on Don Mills Road. No reserve. 1 Frank Bennett, Auctioneer. l DRAKE PERSONNEL A DRAKE INTERNATIONAL COMPANY Highway 7 Dicta-iypni to assist administration supenisor of this weddin rm . 12 . _ Square Lions Club for their an. August rent free. $165 monthly. benefits ' b V _ 7 . F. T. P Te, 889_3653_ 7 . . v r ._ 7 i g gs S 5 884 lgfilliuual auction sale on Saturday, lll'dl‘o lllclllded- Adlllls- 334-1‘0llndl1185 0f TllOl'llhlll OHIO? COUI‘I Restaurant. 884-5952. .A- Hamill“: .889.i§3132..,nc.i1 emmate‘ H tic3 leadmg company Gm“ “new Of dmus' -___L,... _._ _ - _ 7.59m. 16, For pick_up can 773. 5670. clw-l‘alld four-day work week. Appli- c2w4fG1xR’D'ENV‘S designed. general v - 7 - s r i c i W Maple Ontario foliltFRIGlt‘élg’iTglli surtable foil-{190 or 887â€"5536. Ch"4 7_ROOEIâ€"b‘0use,dfiClthOridiHill cams must hale at lea“ “we? MOTHER'S‘liWelper‘firlidliablgllandscaplng- Dal-10$ 9‘0 Free REL?" E114": pECORl‘ntlil-g. S Open. Clerk-typist to act as receptionist. along with _ age- 1‘0 ~A- %_Cl\\4i area 88978325 9 am to 9 pm or years general Insurance experl- teenager live in ' Ba).\.ie“-_ladvice and estimates. 884-7953. Pamlmg- PdPC‘l 1130611181; 9t S vane”. of typing. PBX experience essential‘ FULL length bridesniaid's dress - l334s- q I . €000 10 quality. ’ - ’ . i tic-13 and 63mm” lee 55.11113 9 ' deep pink peau de 5019 elbow-5 Transportation p-796" aft-9.5L p‘IT‘.--.~-°l“3‘ YORK FIRE 8.- CisIALTv iStâ€"eeles'â€"â€"§8â€"Q'29}" remâ€"l ’v is work guaranteed‘ 88"°1°32 . Keele& Highway 7 length sleeves~ detachabie train [TR‘XQS 7 - ---_ ‘ KOOIM private. living room. 889_6.-,04‘ ‘ ‘ CLEANING lady. half day Lffil-‘S AND GA???” by _7777tt04‘7’ 8105. Payroll clerk to handle all A/P plus one-rite pay- cape to match. size 12. \l'OI‘n'l‘f. ‘ ‘ RPORTATIOB- “ an1_Ed “when and bathm°m~ separate ~ (-1“; “Gem-‘3 Thornhill “93- 889' MO“I:\G an? ROtOG ldm‘. - ’_ ispeVC-iglizerin retaining walls. roll. \\'ill train on payroll. Excellent potential. once. Cost $45 will sell fOI‘llllil‘llIOI lHllrlllong lHtlll to game entrance‘ Close to bus' 884' \ ' ' ' ' " "” 0747- c1w4 “our 0; conlllalcll‘ s 13:)Ceelcigilli planter boxes and curbing built leslie York Mills _ " i- ‘ . .CIO Oil aiie 6- .. 7' 7 ~' V----v - .7 --*-~, 1. een a)e.e‘ - ' .“ . ,' A r‘ 1 ~ I §2L8_84_Ԥ993;.7.7 7 C1“"l'Street, south of Steeles. arriving $-30: -- - â€"-- Ch” 0 fipeldggigecc Mm MATL RE “oma” ‘0 babysn lllintoo 1:129 or too small. Call from railroad ties. Flee (311‘ 590, Dicta-typist combine your good dicta skills and enjoy 170 175 cc Yamaha Endur'o‘hfiilg am. for female student in SHARE a beautiful duplex. CLE \QERQ six month old infant. light Dgug 88773303 sz mates. A, Hartwick 889-6538. vane”. While working m bright cheery atmosphere. bike” green colour_ good condi‘ September‘ Phone 8844370 broadloom. beautiful kitchen. \\._\ILFRES%Eq housekeeping duties. working ‘ _'77 > 7 W V w db_ Sh .. tion. $450. or best offer. 727-‘aftel' 6 pm. or write Box 40 col)p‘;rt°“e “1ng and Stove 1° “1‘” Time 61;“. Tome“ '1 days “Pew-‘5 Starting: FINLAY ELECTRIC SH.) (um-k [rpm 23.1151": 511 flgfillvpish utili7e your 68347 cl .4 "The LiberaL If â€"3 mate-1. everything supplied. September, Bayview â€" Steeles' Outsid lighting maintenance H - - .‘ ‘7 _. _ V i a. » . - . i6NTIAC_7 7t 7_ A: “i C0 Bedsitting rooms. Girls only. Apply In person' 186? Restau- area. 221-7816. c1w-4.BOATS equippgd “ml ladder truck A” skills as A P tchk with limited, top benefits, 360. Dag, 8§QE.,3',}‘5 mag 3'11} PERS'O"N'__\L'â€" 8373:1933», 7 77 7 7 7 799-313111- Hishllar 400 and Km; pus-CH",5.ig:,,,,e,am.. pggf'ei-J {5- 553m cruiser. 50 h.p. out- commercial residential and ‘in- Woodbine - Sheppard '. ~ ' L. 5-, . , . BEDSITTING room and kitchen. A _ ..-vL'.l,l\;1 ably female for automotive trim board motor. propane stove.‘dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical $120. Bookkeeper. Super opportunity to get involved SPFlng and mattressmetallDo you have a drinking prob- unfurnished. with stove and FL’LL and part time RN‘S. plant in Richmond Hill area. sink and toilet. sleeps two modernization plan available. with a company that offers advancement. Excellent ciaifis‘l'léggsggglfg table andcflopifigm 81: SQAA ca: \l'ritlel frigige. Call after 6 pm. 889- ERAS and Nursing Aides. 889- Good starting rate with company aduns and two childrendAskini Free) eossimates. Call any tlifmfé benefits. n - - . ' 7 0x '. ic 1111011 I . or ca 55 7. rzws 7090. ch4 benefit; 339-7549 ch-t 81600. 833-5904. Thurs ay an 881-;5 ., C (1 u [- â€"â€"~-. wl ._ . 1. TL: ‘ ., _7_ 7777 7 7_ 7777 _7777 7_ 7 77 7777 _7 __ 7_‘: :77 1777 j ' , _ M .vaii .7..A .. _-_- - - . - A- and mingling enVdiEM 6868-17., 7 i V “CE FLRKISHED 1.00m; Oak NATL-RE WHO“ m ham-5n in MEX {or fencing and farm onl).;_ PAINTING and decorating. in- 7874,39:- 493_68§0 ba es, lamps. toaster. electric: ‘ SQLARE DANCING n Ridges. gentlemen preferred. my home. 2-3 days a neck, 7 building. experienced only need 17' GREVETT Inboard 60 hp. terior and exterior. 30 )‘C'd-l‘S 3039 Bathurgt st. 5 Fairview Man Zggofibscalnage: Jumper 191:! (fine? alallable - 334-9400 Clo“? ‘0 ‘0026. parking laCili~ am 10 3.30 Pm» Call 884-9569. to apply Whittaker Bros. Con- and trailer. 3625 or offer. 884- experience. Pref estimate; ,at Lawrence» Drive ' - C \l l *l\\~l‘llE‘S. 773-3365. yin} between 3 and 6 pn]_ C1.t_411-attlnE. 888_1753_ Cl\\-l 1341. “1\\4V884-3410 01 887-53 ll). 11C: 3

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