12 J oscelyn, Lomghlin,j Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 121 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. - 684-1177 889-6662 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 Yonge Street North Phone: 889-8275 884-8651 LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 889-2741 84 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Outside lighting maintenance Equipped with ladder work All commercial, residential and industrial wiring. Hydro elec- trical modernization plan avail- able By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS Brian H. Cowen Design Drawings Remodelling Plans Construction Advisory Free Estimates CALL PEB ROBERTS COMPANY 884-6253 Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Auto Transmissmn Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. Construction Consultants Chartered Accountants SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Finlay Electric Engineering '73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Leno’s Machine Shop Electrical Contractors Carpentry CUSTOM WORK H. Van Dyke - Aborist STEAMFITTING WELDING FREE ESTIMATES THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill; Ontario, Thursday. August 3, 1972 884-6663 Forestry Call any tima 881-2509 884-7774 Barrow Insurance Services ltd. Ernie Brock & Son Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Service centre for a11 makes of lawn and garden equip- ‘ment. Free pickup and \delivery. \IOfï¬ce Supplies Toronto 363-39 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 BRIAN MATHER TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 THE LAWN MOWER SHOP 7571 YONGE STREET THORNHILL - 889-0805 Authorized Consumers’ Gas Contractors A. W. Kirchen, 0.D. STATE FARM INSURANCE Auto - Life - Fire - Boat HEATING and Air Conditioning Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 or 832-2445 Res. 832-1224 FURNACES â€" WATER HEATERS AND AIR CONDITIONING Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies, Social Stationery Summer Hours Monday to Friday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. Closed Saturday during July and August only Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. 727-2737 Corner Agency Limited 24 hour sewice to all of York County Heating Co. 889-0506 - 884-7977 Rear 47 Yonge Street 5. Aurora, Ontario Optometrists Lawnmower Repairs 128 LAVEROCK AVE. BUS.: 884-4050 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Insurance By Appointment 884-3962 LTD. MAC 363-3959 lSporting Goods I TV Service 884-1013 364-2625 RUMBLE TRANSPORT ll\\ll\\\l“\\\\ull\\\\l\\\“lll\\\\\\l“l\M“l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ MOTOROLA P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance llllllllllllmllllllllullllllllllllllllllllllllllllullllllulllllll|l|lillllllllmf C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop by PETER SMITH York Home TV PHONE 889-1646 (And Other Makes) \m “a. ’la Plni “ YONGE CENTREIE‘LE 6085 YONGE ST. 226-2870 Dentures Relines Repairs Member of Denturist Society of Ontario As an accredited member of the Denturist Society, our fee schedule conforms with the ethical price range established by the society. Trucking COLOR QUASAR TV SERVICE : 5‘ mg: Hauling BRADDOCK OPTICAL Richmond Height- Centre Richmond Hill 88445881 Now offering complete denture services to the public EVENIN GS BY APPOINTMENT It is with sincere regret that we report Comrade George Diceman is hospitalized in Humâ€" ber Memorial as the result of a work accident. George is a very popular lad and all his Legion friends wish him a speedy reâ€" covery. News this time round is on the scarce side, Our runners have taken 'off on long-awaited holidays. Please forgive me for not having more news! HWe' say welcome back to Dec Stewart. Dee was recently in- carcerated in York Central Hos- pitaL Beautiful summer weather last Week and farmers were making hay and combining wheat. The corn is high and ripening fast. Bees are not the onlv busy creatures. “We do hope all our friends are staying on the healthy kick. Had a fine time the other evening at the Legion social time. During the evening We witnessed one of our comrades (Gordon Walker) coming in with the perfect crib hand â€" 29. Congrats, Gard! We envy you. "i‘vhe mystery winner for the week was Cy Cronin. Lucky chap! Why don't you all come out some evening and join us? Mrs. John Wilkins who now lives at Wasaga in summer months and Florida during the winter was a visitor at the Stats home Wednesday of last Week. The Stanley Fierhellers have enjoyed camping weekends and recently their son Wesley and his wife Mary joined them on a Muskoka jaunt. Widening of Woodbine Av- enue (Don Mills Road) south of Highway 7, which has been promised for more than two years is now becoming a fact. Machinery has moved into work on the-five lane artery. We bid a hearty welcome to‘ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen of Scot-t, Saskatchewan. They are Neighborhood Notes Mrs. Sidney English was pleasantly surprised last \veek when Dr. and Mrs. E. Bartram ‘of London paid a visit to Brae- Ldoon. The Bill Best family welcom- ed their new chosen daughter home on July 5. Five-day-old Catherine Anne was a welcome sister for the boys. She will be baptized at Brown’s Corners United, September 3. mKathy Cunningham has been a valuable assistant on the Rec- reational program this summer. unlluuu, My]; u ‘ A . . u V . y . Congratulations to Gina Allen who celebrated a birthday last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Allen held a family party in her honor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fraser of Bell’s Corners, Ottawa, with their sons spent last weekend with Jack and Mary Rodick. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McAllister of Summer- land, BC, Mrs. Fraser's parents, and Mrs. Jean Mitchell. On Sunday the party attended 3 Mitchell Family reunion at Bol- Mrs. Al-f Miller and Mrs. Reg Allen have been busy this sum- mer creating and crafting a banner for Brown‘s Corners Church. It will be on display on August 23. when the UCW will meet at the home of Mrs. Miller for a luncheon and meet- ing (12:30 pm.) ton 7I'he Hafold Steffler family had sad news last weekend CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF 61 Worten Way North Phone MOTOROLA w auasgg BUTTONVILLE NEWS Gard Walker Has Perfect Crib Hand Your legion Reports WORKS IN A DRAWER. COLOR TELEVISIONS By PETER SMITH YORK HOME T.V. 889-1646 Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford -- 884.5260 Has everyone got their trav- elling shoes ready? Don't for- get to buy a ticket for the Fergus Highland Games. A limited supply is available at $2.50. Hurry, hurry! ,AJA visiting with Harry Pringle “Xxgvgusâ€"t' iiiâ€"2' ,is“ fas't approach- ing. 9:30 am. Be sure to get your name on the list for Warrior’s DaY. Transportation for veterans and guests, no children permitted. Departure time will be an- nounced next, week. Mike received a signed hoe-l key stick from members of Tournaments Inc.. which spon-‘ sors the Midget Hockey Toum- ament. Earlier in the week he was presented with a signed baseball from World Champs Dynes Jewellers. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Reid held a hon voyage barbecue Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Berezowski. Mike and his family are leaving Can- ada the latter part of August for New Zealand. We extend Sincere good wishes to the Berezowski family in their new home and country. when they learned that Mr. Steffler’s brother-in-law had died suddenly while vacationing in north Africa. Rev. Allen HalIett ls vacation- ing in August and services at Brown's Corners Church will be taken by Rev. Bradley Cruxton on August 6: Dr Douglas Con- lun. August 13; and Rev. David Wilkinson. August 20 and 27. Mrs. Joy Crawford has been teaching a Primary Methods course to elementary school teachers during July. Paul Craigie was in Winnipeg late last week. Nature Lovers Tour Boreal Bog Sunday One of the most interesting excursions for nature lovers is a visit to the boreal bog at the Cold Creek Conservation Area This marsh has been main- tained in its natural state, but an elevated catwalk has been built into it to enable visitors Ito get a close look at the wide variety of plants, trees, mosses [and birds that grow and live there. The bog contains many black and white spruce and bal- sam fir trees. Visitors are not permitted into the bog unless accom- panied by conservation auth- ority personnel. On Sunday, a naturalist will be on hand to conduct tours into the bog and explain its many features. For people who enjoy walk- ing in the woods. nature trails in the Metro Conservation Auth- ority’s area provide a pleasant experience. Labelled trails are available in the Boyd, Albion Hills, Glen Haffy, Greenwood, Claremont and Bruce’s Mill areas. For those who like to walk in the hills and view the surround- ing countryside, the Glen Haï¬y area is located on one of the highest heights of land in this region, and a lookout point there provides a magnificent view. Laushway will ask the Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority to purchase seven acres of un- developed land on Musselman’s Lake for use as a public park. STOUFFVILLE: Mayor Ken See you all next week! Steeles Ave. Finch Ave. Phone 294-5290 Mr. and Mrs o Ceï¬gg Ave. Yonge- Centre Plaza I In T he Spotlight But we protest those who are exploiting our youth in providing them with more money than a business person would logically spend for such a short-term operation . . . which, in the end only yields employment for‘10 persons. (Continued from Page 2) Now â€" lest this columnist be quoted as_crit- icizing the Roseview Commqlgity W_91_‘kshop 1tself . . . we go on record as stating: This is a good preject our young people have come up with. It is good for the town. It is good for the students, who will use the “bread†they earn this summer to fur- ther their academic skills in universities across On- tario this fall. We salute the young people for endeavoring to provide a community centre, which is really being enjoyed by those who attend. As Joscelyn Walling- ford said, “This is a community project. We have improved the value of this property. We wish the overhead was not so high, for we could use more money for craft materlals.†This made us wonder why the referee had not taken “materials†into consideration when approv- ing their budget fog aawoi'kshop. Bruce Crofts, administrator, said, “Not to de- emphasize the involvement of youth . . . this centre is for everyone, from two years of age to senior citi- zens. We Wish our seniors would come out and teach us some crafts such as needlework and things.†Bruce then showed me work done by 13-yearâ€" old Chris Berry -â€" really excellent cartoons. We also saw samples of copper tooling, macrame, rough clay models scattered about the workshOp in an or- derly fashion, and we admired Marilyn Yoteff's beautiful art work. Elaine Hassard, staff member, has been asked by officer Doug Young of York Regional Police to do a safety sign for this fall. David Phillips directs a drama group . . . and guitars not only strum in the attractive coffee shop â€"â€"with its interesting “spool table and chairsâ€, (which the group “scrounged†painted and cover- ed with burlap), but beginners are encouraged to attend classes in guitar, for free Saturday after- noons at the ‘shop._ Yes there is a very happy “atmosphere†among the youth at the Roseview Workshop, and as a team theyware making it. A _ But I couldn’t help wonder . . . as I left the Scene . . . What happens after September 9 1972? Who’s going to keep the shop, and pay the rent, if this project is to stay alive? Or, will it be just another government expendi- ture . . . far too wstly for its results? Or, is it a form of (fairly) “freeâ€, (costly) en- terprise the Canadian people are going to accept . . . as our way of life? BECAUSE OUR SALES ARE EXCELLENT Our Sales Ofï¬ce is located on The west side of Yonge OPEN DAILY H A.M.-9 P.M., WEEKENDS H THE RIG TAKE ADVANTAGE OUR PRICES START AT JUST 2 MinUTes Nlo of Hwy. 7 WE MUST HAVE f GHT HOME AT THE RIGHT PRTCE TN THE RIGHT LOCATION PRE-OBENING PRICES 6:432: $33,995 881-2252 Of Our 89A YONGE ST. S. - RICHMOND HILL - Phone 884-1300 NEW HOURS â€" JUNE - JULY - AUGUST Tues. - Fri. 9 am. to 6 pm. â€" Saturday 9 am. to 4 pm. Monday Closed Your new home- use our money to get it now! RICHMOND HILL The home you’ve always wantedâ€"~you don’t need to wait for it. You can have it nowâ€"whether you’re buying or buildingâ€"-with a quick, tailored-to- measure mortgage loan from. Victoria and Grey. With seasoned experience gained through eighty years of concerned service to home seekers, Victoria and Grey can arrange all the details. Make sure you’re right. Come right to Victoria and Grey. Change in out WCTORMM GREY V1 L11 Ufllfl and UHDI TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. QUALITY yf Yonge St. inst noer of Hwy. ? ENDS H A.M.'6 PM WINEMAKERS COMPLETE LINE OF SUPPLIES 0 Complete Counselling Service 0 Quality Ingredients 0 Reasonable Prices LITY . VALUE 0 SERVICE Selling Wine-Art Products The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Onlaria. 6 SUPPLIES Change in Office Hour! Effective July Int. 1972 Tues. - Thurs. 9:30 am. to 4:30 pm. Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.111. Sat. 9 am. to Noon 884-1107