W I THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. August 3, 1972 Oalt Ridges Ball News 13 i BANTAMS WIN Iless until the bottom of thei TYKES JUNIOR GIRLS ‘ TOURNAMENT third inning. Roficy singled: (July 24) \’illnge~1â€izza14 I. The oak RldgCS H- B; Fenc-jLusk and Lennovflle walked. Ramsey Rec. 15‘ Q S. Wood .2 Rice's Flowers 12 mg Bantams downed an‘ivlcuPaul Smith tlicii doubled in Perry Hill 16. Apollo II 16 11-39;} the Weekend to win theiLusk and Lcnncville. . _ ,, ‘. Ill i met Softball Touinament. D . .- . Powell Fencing h It was the â€1in sir i It >, . ennis Giiffith got on \\lIIl a “humour. Fish and Chips 5 ‘for the team who 0 aciidd \illn hunt in the bottom of the fourth , p â€and Roffcy singled. Lcniievillo 'laCk'e Blanchard and cam-tournament with a 6-1 win over then John Adams pitched Ramsey to victory with the hitting com- in: from Steve Irwin with two hits and Kevin Turner with one.‘ 'I‘im Van Holte‘rn a d I\' . -' -. . - ~ . . . . . .‘ - Bruce scored the only 1‘Ullllcsh?gll‘ $322111:th n hit homeiuns {OlgGlencoe and then downed Wain-inome dS‘rlrliiitlhdlitiiijtztciisaiidiiinoii . - WOOdS‘ . l Standinzs fleet 8'0 before taking on N01I'le\v'entiiallv came home mail .. Rumble. Trans t 1 , wich. TH . .. _ , Tony‘s Essrbor4 4 Villane plna “155‘: A big seven-run second in-i (:{nthans 51:15:19: _ JUST ARRIVED? n : i. i w... .. a... n. CHRIST THE KING RICHMOND HILL back with a big “in largely duelAllencourt Fish ...... ï¬laganist Nm‘m'dl: ‘ ‘ ‘scored twicc L u sk gig; out: no brass band to sere- LUTHERAN CHURCH (Beverley Acres School) itohthetpltihing rig Mark JosliniPowell Fencing Biroiliii: Sign“; gag: 2:23 2:51.131“ m, R3135. Lehmme one? node you. But we can help . w o s ruc on m . v - . . . . g _ ' _' ~ _ . ‘ ou w't . Roygl Orchard Egg-MW†Rev. Ronagdinlilsatlellman B'Th' {scored eight bit: runs iedItlieTIIaosbt 15:23:: Illiilmls """"""""" S‘SIngled home _by Vernon Gionet. 2:123:10 rbi 5’ Denms Gllfmh" Ilensolfzcli‘gI‘sellsatggfigcr; EMMANUEL Tlaihrnhillmomalri: 884-6136 ‘inning while shiiting out Tony~5_ INTERMEDIATE GIRLS JOILn' Lenneville then. homered Leiinei'ille struck out eighti munity facilities, shopping ALLIANCE ANGLE†CHQRC" Arnold D Wci’gei B.A. B.D. SUNDAY, AUGUST 6. 1972 David Noble was the big gun for Allelicourt Pharmacy 10 ‘0 ““3" ‘".“‘°.m"‘l‘re It“? The.“ batters, . informationandalltheother mack“ â€me â€"‘ R‘Chva‘e i ' Pastor’ ’ No local services. Come with the truckers with two home-= Louglilin Lumber 12 $33: {$11.8 tï¬'en’bemanof "112:5. HOUSE LEAGUE ‘ "â€"3‘ y°“'†“'3'“ ‘° I‘M" MAPLE ALLlANCE CHURCH Rev. George Young B'A" B.D. Phone 389-0373 US 10 Olll‘ family camp at Stay- â€mi Gary SiltlICl‘land pitched Joanne Dimonte and Sandra Smith. Alan Heintzman. Frank PEEWEES lboutyour new hometown. well for Tony's. Turner hit homeruns. Debbie A Welcome Wagon hostess 889-6789 I Maple Communit out o , j . . 9 2 i -. ~ i formation call 887- . ' -' ' ‘ ‘ Keele Street NorghFMaiile Mr. Robert Long Orr-Kalilst 9.§0U:.?f§ égrgiijvsivgrsiti; 2:119. Fm n :Kenl Clothes 10. Sportco Mart 7il-lowarth of Allencourt had nine WOOd' agi£622£s gï¬ilf-flth' Tllizplishirlri‘l‘llus‘grlso5 Willvisitatyourconvenionco Pastor: D. 5. Davidson SUNDAY, AVGUST 5- 1972 ‘ EVERYONE WELCOME ‘ Tuesday 1 Scott Yeoman was the winâ€" Stl‘ik°““‘5- Oak Ridges pitcher John Len-i Doug Jones had three i'unv ’° â€mm '“ this and 3â€â€œ 223'9725. 10 mâ€"Tmii/lsrlt'gumm l zION LUTWHURCH Youth Fellowship 7‘30 Illmï¬niiie pitcher and he was backed Gimme Elem“ 1†neviiie struck out 10 of the iii~stBrian Wilton- three runs Brian ‘5. “H' sunday 5mm“ a' ' 3 ms ‘ (2 Miles South of Maple) i Wednesday up by Georse Franklin with a Bil-WWW C01“ Lam‘d†‘7 i4 batters and allowed the first Davies, two runs: Stove Wilton "5 "' Y°“"-"e°â€"'°'I Wallace General Insurance 8 The Pant-In 10 Judy Webb and Karen Smith hit homeruns for Pant-In. Cheryl White of Wallace hit a Mr. R. Edmunds telephone call to Welcom. Wagon at Mrs. Watters Thornhill and Bruce Wilton. one run. I SQUIRTS (July 26) Oak Ridges Purv Rambler‘ Girls 25, Pottageville 5. homerun. Good sportsmanship. was shown by Sportco Coaclii Ted Gallone as he supplied the opposition with two good play- ers for the game. The McQuig- Prayer Fellowship 8 pm. iIEvening meetings in members homes). two runs against him in the fourth inning. The Ridges boys scored their final run in the fourth when‘ Roffey scored. 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship Service Y p.m. â€"- Evening Service BA PTI ST Everyone Welcome Rev. John Arbuckle. Pastor Organist Mrs. A. Moore SUNDAY. AUGUST 6. 1972 9:45 am. -â€" Sunday Church School . . - u . - ~ d slam homerun. . . . . 331.0917 11 am. â€"â€" Our Sei‘Vice to God - 0 again bO-‘S- Sean and Chris. play- gran , Norwtch picked up a run in Nancy Jones led the may With Bï¬ï¬ggsgï¬ggcfl Nursery Care Provided ‘Other Denomlnatlons tlagclnwellvlI for tSportco along with Standings Pts the fifth and another one in the two homeruns and also scored ANGLICAN (A Fellowship Church) For Information call the Pastor 1 y c vra 1. Lou hlin Lumber 13; Sixth. another run. Susan Taylor and . at 832.2528 Richmond Hill Auto Body 10 g " """" Starring for the winning Laura Mauer had three runs 26 Church St., Thornhlll . . ‘ Pantâ€"In .................. 12 . THE CHURCH OF ST. (where Hwy. 711‘. meets 11N) DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPELI Ziebart Rustproofing 1 Wallace Insurance 9 team were: Dale Roffey. two apiece. Two runs each by Tracy GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL .Pastor J Clarke and Willowdale Sts. Auto Body continues to roll Allencourt ‘Pharmém',â€""“ ‘Bruns plus one RBI: Rick Lusk, Parker, Laura Lloyd. Julie Bayview and Crosby Rev. Don Whitelaw B.Th. ‘ PRESBY ERIAN SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 1972 0" undefeated With good team Graywood Electric ‘ """ 4 one run_ plus two RBI‘s: Lenne- Wright. Dina La Fontaine, Beth Richmond Hill SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1972 I i9:45 am, â€"â€" Sunday School effort. BOb DUFStOTl homered Bavview Coin Laundry “““ 2 Ville. winning pitcher. a homeâ€" Kydd. Kim Abercrombie. Judy Rev. David N. Sproule 11 00 amâ€"Bible Preaching RICHMOND HILL Lll a.m. â€"â€" Family Service as did Steve Barbour. Robert SENIOR GIRI S ‘ run plus one RBI: Paul Smith. Smith and Magda Iordanous. 884-4236 760 pin‘â€"Joy and Praise PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. C. F. Colby Strong scored Ziebart-S only York SimCoe Sports .11 one run: Alan Heintzman one Purdy Rambler 16 Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert Wednesday 7 00 to 8 30 p in All Rev. W'maf“ Wallace l7 31m. __ Evening Service lrun. V Aloi 3mg 9 run; Frank Wood, one run: Richmond Hill Powell Fencing 3 Newton-Smith Family BibleSchool'NurSer'v tol i Minister. L .Selninars Standings Debbie Veale hit. a homerun Dennis Griffith. one run. Susan Taylor and Nancy SUNDAY, AUGUST 6. 1972 Adult Free Bus Activities ‘De- Organ St and ChOH‘ eader i Wednesday ‘Pts. for Aloi‘and LOri Donafrio and LenneVille struck out a total Jones each powered two home- Trinity 10 - ’ ' Mrs. Victoria Fraser MUS- Bac 7 30 .m. _ Pra’er Meetin Richmond H111 Au . of 16 men. runs apiece plus scoring single . votlons Coffee. i - P D g to BMW» 15 Heather Bulllvant for York - 9:30 alm._H01y Communion Enquiry at 889-0175 or 889-7431 SUNDAY. AUGUST 6.11972 and Bible Study 'Tony‘s Esso .............. 10 Simcoe WIN OVER GLENCOE runs. Mandy Findeisen had one The Rector _ 11 am. -â€" Morning Sei‘iiice Sportco Mart W 8 ‘ Micro Mots 10 The pitching of Heintzman home run plus scoring another 19 ear old i" WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST EVERYONE WELCOME ‘Kent Clothes __ W“ 8 Village Coiffure 7 led the way for Oak Ridges in one. Tracy Parker and Laura y g ST ,a CHURCH COMBINED SERVICES RICHVALE BIBLE PHAPEL Rumble Transport .....s.. 6 Debbie Howarth pitched well its opening game 6-1 Win over Lloyd each had two runs. Single II . MARYS Meet Us Where Weldrick Road ST. ANDREW’S 24 Oak Avenue, Richvale Ramsey Rec. ________ ...... 6 for Villa e Glencoe as he struck out 12 runs went to Beth Kydd. Kim I'ea y Y ANGL‘CAN Meets Bathurst PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 1972 G. s. Wood ............1 a g Standings batten Abercmmbie' Magda I°rda“°“5' â€" flag: at Vaughan Rev. B. '1‘. McSpaddeu, Pastor AND 9.30am. __ The Lordis Supper Ziebart Rustproofing ...... 5 Pts Glencoe went ahead in the and Laura Mauer. know Where SIIB c mond Hill 884-7859 MAPLE UNITED CHURCHES 11 am, â€"- Family Bible Hour SQUIRTS York Simcoe S orts 1.; second inning with one run but _ _ t 884-2227 We Preach the Redeemer AT ST. ANDREWS 11am. â€" Sunday School (July 24) A1 - Br p """ .. i5 03“ Ridges came baCk ‘0 tie it IS headlng? I‘lzclotr -tâ€" Rev. Bernard Barrett Resurrection. Rapture and DURING JULY Kindergarten to Grade 6 Bible Hodeins Hardware 13 M‘ero WIS-ts ................ 10 with Larry Wilkinson scoring. Bible Translation IS . c1353“; Beli'rgfdn‘iaï¬klsim Reve'aï¬on SUNDAY, AUGUST 3~ 1972 SCh°°1 for Grade 7 and “p World-Wide Shipping 6 Village Couture ': 1:22:11 4 The SW9. remained “9d “m“ The lob market is tight. SUNDAY AUGUST 6 “19:25 10 a.m. â€" Bible School Rev. Wm. F. Reid of Toronto 7pm. â€" 5'31““ Bill Nielson of Hodgins la - the fourth mmng When Lem‘e‘ ~ . - Competition for interesting ' . ’ 11 am. â€" Mornin S rv‘ Worshi at 10 am. Tuesday . . p y â€"â€"â€"'_ Vllle hit a homerun. ' - 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion g 8_ me P 8pm __ Bible Study and ed a stiong game as did the . o . _ OIIVEI'I IO" '9 lg lObSlstOUgh.Butthe 10 a.m._Holv Communion 7 P-"‘- - Evening Seerce THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN 13.33 '1. entire team. Richmond HIII Holds Oak Ridges then Jvicked .up opportunities are still avail- Preacher: The Rector Wednesday. CHURCH 1 ye All Are Welcome NIurphv‘s Real Estate 3 - four. runs In the ï¬fth Inning A new Bible translation from able. Don't riskyourfuture Nursery and Church School for 8pm. â€" Prayer Meeting 271 Centre St, Thornhill . Richmorid Hill Javcees 3 h S I T ° to WI“ gomg away. the original languages WES ‘3 oqthe chancethatyou Children. OI: (aid tli‘lashlgned Country The Rev. Dillwyn T..Evans Mike GrabaI‘CZYR hOmeI-ed for 4 t pat n ennls Lenneville hit one homer and hlghllgllted feature of Jehovahs might ï¬nd the rightjob. Joint services with our Rich- urc on e E ge Of the Cltyl BSA" 3'1)" D'D" Minister RICHMOND HILL Mlll‘l’hY'Sr Tim King Of Jaycees R‘ lin nd Hill is holding scored a run for. Oak Ridges Witnesses DWI-me Rulership Whit you need is basic mond Hill United Church RICHMOND HILL Public Worship of God 10 am SEVENTH-DAY had 12 strikeouts. 1° ‘ 0 h t - the Inter. R039!“ Vernon Glonetv Hemtzs °°“Ve“tl°“' Wh‘Ch. “new†busmess knowledge. And friends at St. Mary‘s. BAPTIST CHURCH Welcome _ 339-5391 ADVENT CHURCH Dairy Queen 9 dcgzgtyfo’i‘lgiiniipigssbiiation Mix- man. Wilking, all scored runs. Ju’ll‘yh 16 at 3031mm: Ralcetrack. extra skills. Liketyping, Wednesday - El' M’ll Road West A. s. Smith Real E tat 3 ~ ~ Frank W0“ and Larty Green' ("“35 a 9-“ 0“ mmls' °r5h°rthall¢3°methln8l° 10 a.m.â€"Holy Communion Posts: flag? Elaine“, U N ITE D 80min; RIC? J. Pearce Mister Transmissitsm (is igingam iï¬etiggg gggiragbaeiï¬ Sladseflll‘flq Sugg'wgigg ‘ “it" Ogle 0f the}??? peopllle én set YOU apart. FOIISGF the 7:30 primâ€"Holy Communion 33m,“ B.R. E. 222-2200 Town Auto Body 2 North York. L v‘11 . ‘ th LEFT. :nenxanlcle.ntsayasia f 11.15 “:5 m3 excuses. “9 one '5 "“9" followed by discussion. 334.3091 389.7308 MAPLE-CARRVILLE 11 am, _ Divine Worship Mike Smith hit a homerun for The locals have accumulated ‘t :nne 1 8 Iris-d e \rvintning nd 6f 66.16 t d Ev De BO“ esteem/cu vegotto make __~._____ Assistant Pastor PASTORAL CHARGE Wednesday Mister Transmission and Danny seven points to trail league- $9n§feaf 83 . 1 €95 SfuhP“ atudeftmégojlg y“ 2? fr‘ E PPtent'alemPIWe'S Mr. David Baxter Rev. Stanley E. Snowden 7:30 pm. â€" Praver Meeting O'Sullivan one for Town Auto leadin Credit Valley with 13 m e '. in easy .asdon. s ’ .. e 3 y 5 es 5â€; I_Jp and take ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH 884 6309 BA. B.D. Minister Satundav Bodv _ gP' P . 'th 11 d _He also contributed to his pitch- approach. notice. Shaw can , Maple SUNDAY AUGUST 6 1972 ’ 83z-i403 930 am _ Sabbath School I. Standings §01n§.Yin; ‘(tiiilt ‘wht ' an mg cause _by scoring one.run Jehovah is my shepherd: help! Butyou must The Anglican Church of Canada ’ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " . ort 0? W1 ‘elg ' and knOCklng two others In- I shall never have less than make the ï¬rstmove. 945 am â€"â€" Sunda School SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 1972 Pt Th h 11 h v n lost b 6-0 - Rector: Rev. Ramsey Armitage ' ROM for ally ages 10;00 a.m._Joint Services Towri Auto Body if to P1212" Ploint arérngains tied for Oak Ridges was held score- I need. Sam _ “gis‘bgdï¬union 11:00 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship ““11 the Maple Presbyterian Not A Denomination A Church Hodgins Hardvvareliiixiii 10 bottom spot, with Brampton . . â€15° begins tlhe 23rd P5311“! In A SHAW 11am â€"â€" Morning Prayer 7100 p.m. â€" Evening Service ggnggï¬ganon at the United OfAThiggé Tastgmégtngsrger Mul‘PhY’S Real Estate 9 with two points apiece. R. HI“ MIdQEIS Take Itliss :edoz'nrioegithtiraannsslaatt‘ijolii “CAREER ‘ ' - Pastor Baxter will be reach- u ' C H Dairy Queen ......... 8 ~ ‘ - - ' l sï¬gdiycg?$giiltl§nfri12nd ing at both service}; 9 am. â€"_Carrville Service Concord Road and King High Jaycees ............. ..... 7 it T111512? gï¬adlgignteeagiihfrcig- .. that uses language people speak COURSE" 8 am. Wednesday A Cordial Welcome TO All Drive Mister Transmission . . ..... 5 creased their lead with CDI‘IMII‘IC- Tourney CONSOIBLIOH tOday' , could he!“ 1?: _-â€"*â€" 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible ST MATTEW’S UNITED CONCORD World-Wide Shipping 3 ing 5-0 wins, R. h d H.†W m Wd ml†the Words Of “5. tranSIat‘?r~ ' HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Study. CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES N. s. Smith RealEstate 2 The number two Richmond c1 1° mil†‘1 t“ (‘1 the e We Sieve“ Bymgton- If Iflmake THORNHILL Visitors Most Welcome 325 Crosby Avenue SUMMER SCHEDULE PEEWEES Hill club isn't faring very well C “mitt. 1 ï¬e s heapsure d e the Bible 15 worth mu?“ for the right Brooke and Jane Streets â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" Rev. John McTavish 9245 am. â€"â€" Bible SChOQl Bob’s Boys 12. Rendezvous 2 in the Mixed “B" League. It’s ionlstoja 1(1):; RYE? yd Hlilrll Mild): the man on th‘? street. It must II - - I l Rector THORNHILL BAPTIST Minister, 884-5526 10 am. â€"â€" Morning Service City-Wide Rentals 7 currently holding down last ‘1? Sofltball T†3:10?“ m ipeak to hlm 1" IVS languageg ecision, 0°- Rev. Canon H. R. Howden. B.A. CHURCH SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 1972 7 Dim â€" Worship germs Dynes Jewellers 5 spot with no points after 10 geTh d .933“. 30: 'R'd " general’ the original Hem†L.Th. Stop 17. Yonge Street 10 am. â€" Worship Service WPdnes‘lay David Mock of City-Wide hit a matches. 4.2 ieya e t? a a ti ges and Greek was hYlng HEbre-Wl:"'" DROP IN THE MAIL ' '- Mr. Graham Upcrafl, LRAM (Convention of Out. & Que.) WELCOME 7:30 pmâ€"Blble StUdY homerun and a triple while Jeff Their recently scheduled the 10:55:31 an, gnaéne f0 ‘31]: anduGreek When It was writ-‘: RUSH me momdotollsabout = Organist and Choir Director Rev. Ernest L. Johns B.A., B.D. RICmED Sunday 12.30 Pmâ€"Watch "The Stubbings of Dynes hit a homer game with Central Park was ,°~ e o ten' . . : "career Courses" â€I" = _ Herald of Truth†TV Channel . . . tournament which was sponsor- The translation. while mod- . - SUNDAY. AUGUST 3, 1972 b 884 5816 CHURCH 3 B . also. Jeff Joslin pitched well. rained out. ed by Richmond Hill Branch ern aims at precision and . Na : a - q I I 8.00 a.m.â€"Holy Communion 0 R? tart gicggrdson Yonge and Centre streets ame A E Atkin M30 Heating 11, Halchsï¬ STANDINGS 375 of the Royal Canadian avoids taking undue liberty: me = 10.30 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion 1035522: “Worstlfilpmgefxice Ministers Miï¬ist'er 8895393354 h Peterkm of Hatchs hit a Mixed League Major Legion_ with the original text for the- Address : . . . . â€" . i - omerun. - . ' ' Preacher. Rtfev. D. B. Marsh Church School and Nursery The Rev'siigliiirvtsm Smith D. Paterson. Sec. 225-9745 The scores from the Kenzie Credit Valley M7“. M311) ts. 1:35. whï¬isgilnigghegh; océganéinglilr: sake 0f smoothness. E E â€"â€""‘â€"â€" - ' ' . v n - Cam ALL WELCOME The Rev. Rowan D. Binning Pharmacy and Richmond Hill pme Pornt 7 26 11 which went on to upend Bin- 5 Phoneâ€"4“ = , rganist and Choir Leader FREE METHODIST CHURCH Richmon 1 Championship. e a e to inspect t e Checker- : I 81.10%]: ggï¬deIsSt'lI‘egiURCH CGordon “P Fleming 212 Hillsview Drive CharlgLnOtIi-‘Iardigare 3 gliree Kalleys ('7; i: ; Grantham. an“ awesome ma- lfloaiidtjarmtsh setwage treatments E . Richmond Hill hurch Office 884-1301 884-5029 . . que . . ramp on i chine, won the A DIVISlon as â€Hie? W1 0“ warning. I315 . = (C ti f O t ‘ SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 1972 Pastor Mike Hillaby of Billiards had Thornhill 7 12 2 well as the Grand Champion. conSIdering an agreement re- : . Rznveai $3121 Ln M& Que.) 10 a.m.â€"-Joint Worship Service Da id A D BA BB two homeruns and Brian Sulliâ€" Mixed League “B" Ship by winning four Consecu- stricting the amount of sewage: : FAM' l V V‘ C83: 803‘s cPhee with St. Mary’s Anglican v '88:;r629‘ " ' " van had one homer. Mike Cred. Valley II 10 42 17 tive games. the poultry processing plant can : = SUNDAY AUGUST 6 1972 at St. Mary‘s Anglican SUNDAY AUGUST 6 1972 Widdifield of Kinnear hit a Chinguacousy 9 42 16 They also manhandled Cedar discharge into the town‘s: 5 SPECIAL 1° mâ€"WM eve... â€"â€"-.â€"C“L"~â€"â€" 5191145mï¬â€˜mlmdw _...,.......... 322.5%:th it 3: ii Eiilmiié’ ii. it: 2235:. authoritaiiisi §.:l.A.‘9./.S..°..HEGE..5 10% 2 e rs a e e we The Missionary Church iiem'Ené’st 151,121.ng 1†e†.. - “5' W' Kingsway 1° 34 12 Grand Champmhip game “let-ed °" the “We °f the: so T°"°"'°“‘"°““"° 5 ' or: ' . . ' . Rinnear Pontiac ---------- 10 Henry Farm 12 31 8 COURAGE, STAMINA solic1tor. The town can cut off: “1'53" . Extra 15% Good Driver 3", _ SunddyCEvenililig SerVIce Photique . . . ........ a. 10 Central Park 10 20 6 Pitcher Stan Woods for Rich- water and sewage SEN/ices in : 3CD] 9868“! â€ï¬‚ail†= 5 years accident free ' ‘ félgs‘iiagd Richmond Hill Billiards 10 Yin-Weston II 10 22 5 mond Hill showed courage and case of serious violations. ""n'I'll'IllllltlIlIl-nuul= + 730 m _â€" Bible Stud and Charlton Hardware ........ 6 Rich. Hill 11 10 9 0 stamina as he pitched all four 25% Good Student I p. 'Prayer Hour y 5??? tiile dad 81‘5““ '12 til?- if ou u lif ST. PAUL‘S LUT . n . 9 3y 9 Ore “1 e O ' ‘ ' y q a y CHURCHHERAN GORMLEY Centennial POOI Life uard Team Bame Tournament). . SpeCIalists in stereo component systems A Bayview new“ 5,, RDIISSIdONARY CHURCH BETHEL CANADIAN . 9 d Jeff Woo? dailii hélke Eray- . Complete selection of electronic hobby Richmond Hill ev. E1 on Boettger. Pastor REFORMED CHURCH 0W“ 30069 9 e onso 3 Ion. - - 7 Near Centre Street. 387-5846 or 640-1501 146 THORNRIDGE DR., V ' I U b d c Trophy on behalf of their “‘5’ â€aâ€? and Ramon“ f†swam“ The Rev, James s_ Dauphinee SUNDAY. AUGUST s, 1972 THORNHILL [Ctorlous n X [I 96 ontest teammates. It was presented by; and experimenters BAFEGD Pastor 884-5264 92508111. â€" Family Bible Hour Minister: Legion Secretary 3111 Pollard. INSURANCE SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 1972 11 3-m- - quship Service Rei- D- VanderBoom MTH By GIOVANNI JONES valescing. and shared in their 3.95““ The Tenth Sunday After 7-30 P-m-â€"G1d90n SEI‘VlCe Serv1ce at 10:30 am. 3‘ 5:00 pm. Centennial Pool Reporter joy as if he had been there Opening Round Trinity Wednesday Every other Sunday at 9:00 am. Saturday. July 22’ Richmond with them. Grantham 7. Richmond 0 FRANK A. TUCKER 9:30 am. â€" The Service of 8 p.m.â€"Prayer Service WOIShip Service in the Dutch Hill's Lifeguard Team returned To the citizens of Richmond ngar. H1†1_5' Binbrook 8 Worship. A Warm Welcome Awaits You language ‘to the Centennial Pool tri-Hill, this is a victory which Gafrleb8v5N15giraFalls 1 889_2000 Noteâ€"Sunday Church School' umphant. having won the first means more than just a story “Insul‘an’mgisiadges 0 is cancelled for the summer - I annual Ux-bridge Invitational in "'The. Liberal.†It is the Grantham 13 Cedar Hill 1 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE months. Ions a y But Lose By 8 .. 5 Lifeguard Competition. The culmination of a long and up- Grimsby 4' Barrie 1 beautiful silver trophy em- hill effort by all the members Grantham S" Grimsby 1 RICHMOND HILL 884â€"4555 of the pool staff to give Rich- mond Hill its place in aquatics. Furthermore. those using the pool know that it. is guarded by a squad of men and women who rank with the best in Ontario. This is due. primarily. to the efforts of Pool Manager Pirie. The team will travel to com- petitions in Sudbury, Scarboro. "arid the Ontario Finals inI Oshawa. And with this auspici- ous start. we wish the team “good luck" and continued. success. blematic of their victory is on display at the pool. Pool Manager John Pirie is very proud of his team. He said. “Each and every one of these kids really worked hard for this competition. It's a comfort to know that the young. people of today can make such an effort for such a worthwhile cause.†The team of Marilyn Dickson. .Patricia Tripp, Karen Chapman. ‘Dan Dengate, George Barr. and Captain Mike "Smokey" Hall.‘ “B" Division Richmond Hill 8. Binbrook 6 ‘ Oak Ridges 13, Niagara Falls 1 Richmond Hill 4. Oak Ridges 3i Grand Championship Grantham 10. Richmond Hill 1‘ Join with us in worship . 0 Drop in and see DON BUTLER, your local manager and pick up a FREE Catalogue 0 Open Thursday and Friday evenings ’til 9. To Grantham In Markham Tourney . Richmond Hill Peewee Lions’ it was a fizzled threat again inability to come up with a in the seventh as Strang. Mac- Thornhill U 'ted Ch 111 Inch .clutch hit in the dying innings Millan and Chris DeGeer walk- ' icost them a win in the Mark- ed with no outs. But the Lions 139DudleyAvonue,Thomhill,OntaI-io. ‘ham Softball Tournament Satur-‘were retired in order without . . . ‘day. cashing one run after Grantham hfommgWoxshjp ._ Sunday-10:00AM. They went down to an 8-5 de- made a pitching change. Wednesday EveningWorshipâ€"7:30P.M. feat at the hands of the ex- LEAD T00 BIG armchSchOOIClassesatboth Services iceptionally strong team from‘ Moreland Showed remarkable IGrantham l - . . recu erativ o we r as h Rev. Alf McAllster B.A., B.D. l The Grantham club already ‘sliutp out Ceiraiitham asfter th: Awarm welcome awaits you ‘had won the Woodstock and third inning but The Lions‘easily swept aside their com- North York tournaments and '- , tition in the relay race. Com- . . _ could not overcome the earlype . . , 1‘30de like it “'35 gOIng t0‘3_1 lead bining their excellent situation; ldemolish The Hillers, streaking. ' events and paddleboard ability, lto a sudden 7-0 lead after only1 . 34 H" they amassed a total of 195 Thursday. August 10, 1972, for. .two innings. ‘oss 1“ games “5 season points to capture the competi-ithE. construction of the new Lions' Pitcher Glen More- “hlthlwg Offtge 1051:†baggtgt‘tion. Their nearest riva1,,parking lot. including concrete land was pounded for eight t‘le rant $00, rgn 21m :3“ th :Thornhill. placed second with aicurbs and Lighting at the York; hits up to this point. 311915 O wen .oui' do 3 commendable total of 160 Regional Police Headquarters. Th “LOULDN'T QUIT thcesetiigreilcnesstai: 6:33:13: to e points. The other tealms in thei‘lo graspect Street, Newmar- e ions refused to quit. q 5 .. ' , event were from Os aua, L'x. 'et. ntario. however. and scored four runs SIMCOE DID‘TT: SHOW bridge and Markham. 1 Plans and speCIflcations may 11'! the third inning. Chris ‘.\ye The H1119“ wele awarded Team Captain Hall comment- b bt‘ ned at Police Head- land Pete Tipold singled and their {â€51 game in the tourn- ed after the competltlon that, e (i albetu- e 9 a and 430 when crossed the plate on Dale‘,amem when Simcoe failed to“The team reall.V made an quar eflt-S The nda' mAu ust‘ 3 Strang‘s double. Greg 1\lac- show up- This “as a one-game effort. We did it for Harold.“ gm 3 er fwd 131‘ ‘feg f 55' -I\l.illan then scored Sir-an: \vith tournament and Simcoe had 3d“ ASSIstant Manager Harold or a non-refill; 8l e e o i la towering homerun. ‘ yrsed The Lions last week that Sudbury was unable to attend‘caSh or certl 1e cieque. Trailing 8-4 in the Sixth. The the." simply “mild not “'an 50 the meet because of a seriousI BRIAN 3- WARD ‘Lions scored only one run as far and perhaps be 1‘1"â€le OUtIacmdent a \ieek before. He 59¢“?er they loaded the bases with no after only one game. iwas team anchorman but the York Regional Bfoair’dhofI one out. Wood walked. Peter ’ ' team pulled the slack and Commissioners O 0 ca Beatty singled. Nye walked and Richmond Hill is scheduled to achieved Victory. Harold \ias PO Box 87 . lTipold singled but only Wood open its OASA. playdouns ‘phoned by the jubilant team, at Newmarket. Ontartio. i - scored. .agamst North York August 8. his home where he was con- mg †TENDERS will be received byi the undersigned until 4 pm. It was only The Lion's fourth St. Mary’s Parish Hall Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) EVERY TUESDAY - 8 PM. AUGUST 8 â€" 20 Regular Games 1 share the wealth â€"â€" 1 rainbow â€" 1 pie plate JACKPOT $500 - 58 NUMBERS . Earlybirds 7.30 pm. Stay-laters WE MUST REDUCE STOCKll ALL ELECTROHOME, RCA, ZENITH TV’s -- HI-Fl's :- RADIOS RICHMOND HILL TV 28 LEVENDALE RD. SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884-7456 ‘7‘ l I l l x