Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Aug 1972, p. 16

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THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. August 3. 1972 Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News Th Liholal" is alwaw willing to puhiigi. iipmg rpgarfling pooplp and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. ngeley and Kleinburg. .. P A. ‘. . 16 ‘ â€" ' . ' .llnrklium To Hire ' iele â€"- v Cgmmumty 9' “I; 2 More Planners Markham Town Planning Committee docided July 20 to add two qualified plan- ners to its planning staff in the near future. Townhouses On Site \iaikham Planning Com- Hiller want: townhouses in- siead of apartments on a site at KLEINBUR CORRESPONDEN .G . .- uThe Liber 1., . .‘ V I . i n . - - , 89-43'9' in Kleinburg. Marv Dawson 884-1105: RAW?“ AWN“ 9"“ l‘au'flm- The two will be; a d . a leqmles a L011'65D011d6ntf01‘ . l. inse. (on er, 802-2403. in Edzeley and Concnrd. Mrs. Carol Cole. 8 I . . . . > 0 e _ I Maple.t Pleafe Dr‘ozzizlgm“: am) “It; R1nair‘i< ml”?hoiphiyiiogngfidegid‘fl wlnpmem planner who win the klemburg area. Tes on . rs. .o . - -i~- . n L ‘ I‘. _ R _ _ l m \ite a representative of the I??_.ros.ponslble. rnfllnly for If you are intereet d- v. _ ’ h 1 1 <1 I F‘ d c. H ‘ ‘ leviewing subdivmon plans. -' - b e In senmg your ome oivneis. It" .(iac ci. to the gm, 1 d . , Commumtv d . ~ - l { inmi meetin: to discuss uses for ' p ans an “’10an H'- ‘l an ealnmg some EXtra money the“ I” the <in I Quests at a sallary of $8.500 please phone 7 ' ‘ 10 s10.500: and a project ’ ‘ ’ ' ' -v . s \t the June 1 planning ('nnr . ‘ Concession 5. \\lll now, of coiuse. sell foi S53. 12) except on Sunday when \aiighan on the last Sunday 1n r » planner who “I” hp “L y 7 p K Ezltngl'ihnaiiid 0linug there and \m member of the Maple or there “ill h? nnli' “‘0 Willi“ mmw "wimp a rmnlnllnn “'1‘ “WWW? malnl.“ [01' MW."- MAR‘ D-A“SON AT 884-1100 frmine the familv farm with Kleinhurg Lions Clubs have From Monday to Saturday. Youth News passed asking the fillliOl-. Puma hm out spwial 5mm“. his “if; Minnie until 1961. tickets for sale. and for such a inclusive. buses \\lll |ea\e David Bones. son of Mr and 11""? "P‘r'nll'i‘m‘"- m mns'dm lonz‘range planning. etc.. ‘The ladies of Cari‘ville l‘nitv worthwhile cause we stroneg Maple at 8.22 am, 8.52 am. .017 Mrs. Wilfred Bones of RR 1.1”“nllm'SW mslp'firl Pi 31‘3"“ My a salary of $3500 to l ed Church did a lovely lob of urge residents to make a point am and the 10:17 and ill? husâ€" Maple. and Glen Barndcn. sun mm“ “W “15‘1". ll“ Did" 310500. Tl”, Satan. SHIP in adding their hit to the festive of contacting one of the men es will run daily. ol Mr. and Mrs Roy Bai'ndf‘h "m9 ‘dll‘wlm WW”?d “‘3' ll” each 9359 Wm m...“ appm“ occasion with delicious refresh- if they have not already done Return buses irom the "fix" of Ryder Road. last week en- ovviicis intention was to pio- al of the town‘s personnel committee. With Planning Director i William Powers this will I bring the number of plan- l ners in Markham to three. l lilltttttllllttlltllttlllilttittllltlltltlllllllltlllllltlllllilllltllllllllllllllllllI _ to Maple will leave the "Ex" at 7:30 pm daily. 9 pm daily ex- cept Sunday and 11 pm daily. The fare is 85c Single and $1.70 return for adults and for children under 12 years of age and over 5. half the adult tare ments. graciously served. '0' it it ’Senior Citizens . it! ‘ l A busload of Maple Seniors We were told this week of a and several guests Saturday Special Pffm'l h)‘ the young lads headed out at 8 am for the in hPlD SUDDort the Maple much talked about mystery tl‘lp. Arena in the fm‘m 0i 3 Valid-hm, 450 MP W”. and 8,)“ mmm With Travclways Driver Roland sale. .lamie Ferguson. eight. “"9 ngM' iha' [hp-above hp. ‘Guilbault and Hostess Louise years of age and his brotherflipm‘éi agd-ke t ham“ {or the Cooper the group stopped for‘Lec. si); years. Danny MunshawpuExN D . coffee and then arrived in eight years. Michael Jones. nine ' Peterboro for the two-hour liftâ€" years and Brent lvens. 10 years so. to get. in on the remaining jmpd a imhda. m NM» Bruits. cccd with apartments i :11 draws. \\‘i£k after being chosen by the Th? ('mllmlllf’e (“it‘ll-“Ni lht‘ math”; and prmmpaig nf [hm]- most appropriate use of the respecthe schools. Bayvievv and lil’olwl‘ly. \ihich presents special Langstaff Spoondal‘y. m particjâ€" problems due to its shape. size palp in the ymmg Voyageurs and location. it is a medium- ngi-mn ' si/cd wedged narch abutting Thp gtudpnts in grad... 11‘ at the tracks of the CN access lino [met 17 wars 01- am.‘ “Np r... in the Maple marshalling yard: min-pd in barn as much as pm. and a low density subdivision, sihle about their own province Th" Planning (lf‘pm‘lmpm 1”" of Omar". and “NP hmeipd m ommcnds that the \\ hole site. On Your Feet Again . . . with Our Help a Take it easy on the road to recovery. and let us help. Everything needed for the at- home patient is here for rent at. reasonable rates . . . walk- ers. wheel chairs. crutches. Several of our Maple reSiâ€" dents are celebrating birthdays about now, and included in those are Mrs. Margaret Jack- son and her daughter Betty_ Ed Barrett and Mrs. Hazel Borrett. A happy birthday for each of these and our apologies to Jack Leece for missing his last week when we extended wishes for a I I! t It t i _ ‘ __ ‘ ' mum”. hnmps m M... Rrunpwlllrll includes ll single family hnspltal beds; Easy Rental happy b‘r‘hdf‘y to several or lock tour. While the group en- raised 53.25 “inch they contii- Church hows “icki “mm mm. “We. ,0 m. lnts. he used for townhouses. Terms. our 59mm cmzens' loved the trip. driver and host- huted to the arena fund. With ’lhe congi‘egatluu 0f Sl- A"' change information and bring V 7 in 7 We were happy'to hear [min ess with me n-mch appreciated this kind ofsupport from chil- drews Presbyterian has en- back as much as “my mum to C A d F , Mm Andrew Snider. recent) help of Frank and EmP Daipv (“an or this age. the meme loved the company of memâ€" their mm“ Human” new .93.. [0.35 n ertI lzer S96 US for a Wide of Maple. now of Fergus. D0!" 591 up the picnic area for lunch can‘t help but be a successful hers of Maple Limted as well as othy tells us that she is now home from hospital. and wishes to let all her host of friends; We can feel a sense of pride. that of all the students in the ‘visitors from Zion Lutheran land several other churches this and had tea and coffee ready project when they returned. ‘ " it ‘ selection of braces Explained To 4- H'ers‘ 1 _ grade 11 classes in both schools. an ‘ i After a relaxed lunch in thel The new backstop for the past month. They. pal‘tlculai'ly these) hOVs were both from Th “y dh‘da 4 H CI d know hOW mUCh She 31313119013“ b ‘ Hui wnm, gcemc park northeast diamond of the com- enjoyed the visiting minister Maple. ‘ P . DOV-11.58 - .ub properly fltted ed all the CheeI‘Y cards arid 191' New I. ‘ '-n Alma).de they munity hall ball park is now last Sunday. Rev. William Reid‘ ‘ ‘l * ‘me'libe’5_ “919 21195“ TUESdaN al.f. d l ters of encouragement. We all ble mg”? 23:; f r home “inh completely erected thanks to of Teston United Church. AI- 5‘ 4 “h V h I I I. at the Fieldhouse Farms locat- q“ l 19 ma 3 or know how mUCl‘l it “193115 ‘0 ustan .133 91-“? k m \mch the Ryder Road Boys, Frank though he said he had not. been “ s 133.1,." ‘ e m” fly"?- ed “(‘5' of wondbndgp' fe’nale personnel know that “Ur friends are if]: nggratiz; )fmor: the ‘hue ‘Guttridge. Fred Sharples. Bruce in a Presbyterian church since a mem mg'am‘ “all”? “1 P‘H'DOSP 0f “119 met‘llng “'89 ’- thinking of us during times of -- photograph on last week's Map 1e page. a tennis tournament is “Hymande {mum hf‘ing held August 14 all 7 Pm- After the business portion of .. This tournament in \ 0 l \' PS the meeting was completed Don boy. it. is hoped that it will not be long before he is again a guest, at St. Andrew's. 1 During the month of August: illness and “nuble. We “9”, They arrived home just before 20".5hzlvcli'a‘fi; also evidently misinformed supper “.me as had he?" plan” .0“.al 'F. nk Ramon who iv: when we gavelthe Snider's ad- ned- Wh'l“ 0” the “W- ”3"l(’~‘.(lnkllse .kl)? [or 1.60“ 1.0.9.:th dress as Box 92. It is 445 Union “'0'? “km in“ "'5‘ mp ‘0 N1?" 119 Sp?” l "g ‘ p ‘ ‘i 'to examine the crops on this . 0 Complete selection of Colostomy and 11605- tomy supplies 0 Qualified Breast Prosthesis Fittings ket in Hamilton itown “as for material tabout‘ Supper has been arranged at . . V _ V . '_ young people from Newmai'ket. pipidhmlsp tank “1‘: imath; Street Ea“ Ferng gara Falls_ August 10. of't‘his natiiie.. { I tll‘ie Péesbytziian Cl‘llllClld‘lll’heflKinEI “inndhridze and Map“. rm a hand? so hp muld explain ’ ,‘w H ’ I . This excursion is scheduled “‘9 “Islam? 0; mfus‘aemeg l of“ ‘ “it . .the f‘nnglpga‘m" and should prove to he a lot of the (mm and the fertimmmn Mr. and i rs. airintennings 0 lea“: Maple Unith Church 'l-‘lugh Cook. .an m .‘an l‘fl\ll9t‘l tp Join with that of hm~ or Hm land fivégamgipfifiegél; a“.;l\‘.efr::; 3i 9 3'" “'l‘h 1"“ individual [101]!“ Mrmmrlzigel'; also glaleâ€" 'qzaorilzenl'ulfid' RP‘V' SW’” These Programs. provided for Following the hayride. re- .. . . ° ~ . ' . ‘ ,again taking his or her own 1‘ -" Brno“ 9; ' , ‘ . ' "951W smill'm‘ young People between the REPS freshments \vere served. One WILL'M‘ ‘ C l t A d C t hon'tiedthis summer “lien this:1 mm.” Tm and can“. “.in again slimior aSSistant; I13ll(llllt'l(1('lHill?“Sull’lt’ls} morning at 10 am of 14 and 20 years 3. Name of mp memth extended a Chartered Accountant I “.51 P v 19” sen” . n a. be provided. as well as papelj'h'V RObson' ‘3 3’ .OUS‘“? L 3P9 mted' (Hume serh‘and WOOdhi‘ldEG‘ ODPI'alP “011' thank you to the Fieldhouses‘ .. 8 flange St- Nu at W’emngton St- his family last week in Owen la. < a d Q ‘David Plante. Jeff banford. we will be held at 9 am and d . i F -d . h ,. 6 _ . j . p. '* Wishes to Announce SOUHd ‘p e‘ n CUP” D \"d Tavlor Kevin Garrett Mr gnowden will reach at gt‘ 8" r-1 a} emepn pm “hmh “as pndmsp mainly by lb“ 1 ‘ If it can be worked into the a l ‘ ‘ . “ ' T . . .4 p .‘ ’3m'l '2 midnight "1 ill? (‘f‘m' the remainder of the club. i - ' ‘ 0 Mrs. Margaret Jackson and schedule for the d3. 3 “or, W.“ and John and Bob Wilmmâ€" 1PM” Pleshttrl'an 7‘11 line munity centre and provide llveâ€" e if new » e fix. 0pm“ “I 3“ “flee i UpsrAms AT DOANE HALL PHARMACY figi‘gfigafiltg' 3:11: £213,115 be made at the Farmers' Mar-‘ Sm“: The only 005‘ to the \"s 1y arts. physical sports and in- STOUFFVILLEi LOSS 1“ 3 “mi fr" ' " ‘ i - . . volvement with a sense of thei‘Vh'Ch dPSlm-‘ed a ham 0“ "l The great nephew Robert Cado of Collingwood. this summer. Rob-l . ~ . , ._ an is staying with the Jack_.the Diummond Hill Piesbytei The Practise of OPEN MONDAY T0 FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. PUBLIC ACCOUNTING OR, BY APPOINTMENT 5280'. perhaps the town fathers i of the recreation department; ‘ could now find funds to rebuild mmmlmity' in farm owned by Ken Schell and program 7 Maple is attracting mm... aii9n_}\'9i‘n Hoover was estimated at _ . At .‘ . I i V P l‘ . . “on as YhP Lummpr \ in [138100.000 Destroyed. bes1de. the. Klembur ‘Omano. ‘ sons while he is furthering l'llS‘Lannd gléu'gflugnhoiigua“551:: the backstop at the northwest. and is moving: ,0 hp altaizaglplbuilding. were 10 cows. 113‘ i studies in chartered account-‘59? the {am “lumin‘amd‘allm._ diamondâ€"if some willing vol: mieresi for those involved, l Pigs. “‘0 tractors. “"0 “350115. august 1 1972 ancy at York University. and we in: home aliound 11 pm ' unteers come along to do the “ i feel sure that he will enjoy his ' la combine. and a piggei‘y. .. v y At the time of writing. the. v15“ as “e” as the)“ i49 passenger bus is filled. but * “' ithose wishing to go can still pent}- puterbaugh “~35 the add their names in case of Tidings The parks are being welli kept. and the community park‘ , is in constant use. for baseball thgéthhg: 1:12;“: i212 guest of honor Friday at an cancellations. and “"1115, “mg “‘9 Summe‘" items brought to my attention open house at the home of his. On the trip to Niagara Falls. The senior'men play ‘Sunday! Mia: Jami-P Cudié’ daughtel; son-in-law and daughter. Mr..mOSt 01' this members expect to 9"9nmg5- “"1"” and Semor boys of Mrs. Evelyn Cudia of Jane and Mrs. Wilfred Bones. RR 1. pay at least a deposit on their Monday and “1‘13"” evemngs‘street "may. from ii... 0:- Maple. on the happy occasion llePl l0 Stratford. October lfimand T'Ball is played TUESda-Y' “Pl. Sch’aol of NU].:ing Jul‘, 2V7 of his 80th birthday. Mr. Puter- for the presentation of “As You! At this point it. should be at wesmn (3011621519 msti'tu“, baugh greeted over guests COSt for bUS andjmentioned that TinlineflJaml-e‘ a graduate or Langstaff: during the day- aSSlSlEd by his Fla-V- ‘Chié‘f umpire and a” me V01un“Secondary School has resulted daughters Irene iMrs Wilfl‘ed‘ The first draw of the Mapleâ€"Jeers who assist in this summer here a” "hm. life. She, was the Bowesi. Marion iMrs. Ross Bi‘y- Kleinburg Lions Arena Lottery program deSGI‘VE‘ "101‘? apprem‘ youngest nurs¢= to graduate be~ son) and Ruby 'Ml‘s- RUSS€U was made last Friday evening ation and thanks than “'6 Could mg just 13 and standing {mph HOME". Adding 10 the 30." fit with the first pi‘izevvinner of V _ _ possibly give here- Thsss i595 in her class of 110. She willl the occasion. as well as their 5300 a of Richmond are so often thankless. and as ’ * WW You’re milesiahead at: resident be 0 .t t ' - . ‘ fathers. Wilfred anes. Ross Hui. T h n m a s White, and everyone knows 11111011“ 311d Hoqut.;lecbi:1fm:nclnn;k8:22;? ! 3115011 and RUSS?“ Homer- second prizewinner of $250‘coaches come under criticism. her 4 on the surgical “.ardl were Mr. Putcrbaugh's grand- was Bill Tettman. our next door sometimes as often as they re- Good ‘mrk Jamie} V children Gloria and Dannie neighbor on Naylon Street. ‘ceive well deserved apprecia-l Roseanne (7.1de and a g1..1_. , Bowes. Brian and Betty Bryson We have been advised that tion. friend are spending a pleasant and Terry 311d BOth HOOVPF- the Lions have received an ex-: As we did last year. “'9 “'1” week at a cottage at Marmbra I Grandson David Bovves was tension from the lottery hoard attempt to inform our readers Ontario near Béiifllue ' hmiIS_SdEd. bElnE away on a SPEClal on the deadline date for selling of the Go Bus service throughi * ilr * it: I 01 av. The Puterbaughs are a pion- the draw books until August 25,‘ before the second draw. There Maple to the Canadian National} Exhibition. There will be five‘ Ken and Gloria Lotton. Ken eer family in Vaughan. Percy are over 200 books left whicli‘buses daily from Maple to “1612:: é’lfgifs gfiggménatgjgzziimg' -â€" trip to Moosonee and Moose iFactory the last week of July. I‘This trip to the farthest place north that the railway runs. itakes five hours from Cochrane. The weather was cloudy and it” .stormed on the canoe trip back from the Island. but it cleared ‘sufficiently enough to spend the ‘night in the tent trailer. ‘ One thing that we, found in this northern town was the high‘ price of just about everything. lit is hard to believe what these people have to pay for articles about this belt the name on the tire That’s right. Firestone. _ A name you've known since you were a kid. A name you’ll find on the tires that come on so many new cars. For a reason. Sure, we're proud of the name Firestone. And we do we can to keep our good name good. everything With the way we engineer our tires. With our quality control. And i . . . . .tEhat vienrealrly take for granted,‘ with our No-Gimmick Guarantee. , Spec”) ‘V t 9 {00d pnees’ When we put our tires on your car, we put our name on the line. Ma"? I‘llll‘l‘él.v entertained ‘Ann McMahon. Elsie l‘liceman.l iHazel Cooper and Hattie Deis-. man at the cottage the past ’week, The weather co-operated and everyone enjoyed relaxing for a while. The Vellore institute its August meeting at Isabel and Aubrey *Ella's cottage at Lake Simcoe August 1. George and Doris Sayewell are spending the month of August at their cottage at Gravenhurst with side trips to various parts of Ontario planned. and the price on the tag! That's a SUl’DrtSlng new low price for belted Strata-Streaks. Correction: for double belted Strata-Streaks. ‘ With two husky belts under the tread. To prevent tread. squum. So you it always have a good grip on the road. And so your tire dollar will go a long, long way. A belted tire at this price is a very, very good deal. . But a Firestone belted tire for $24.95 is more than a lot of tire for the money. It’s a lot of peace of mind too. held And our name means a lot in FRONT END SERVICE too! Wheel alignment $ 9 5 Front Wheel Balance Outer bearing repack disc brake! v and/or T0“.V 0F VAI'GHAN YO'Slon bar! TENDER FOR ASPHALT ""3 RESURFACING & REPAIRS SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned um”: This front end package deal will do a lot more than make your car ride better. it can save your tires from wearing out thousands of miles too soon. And prevent costly mechanical damage too. By the way, its worth remembering that even cars With low mileage need this kind of serwce from time to time. 12:00 Noon Monday. August 14th. 1.07? For: ASHPALT RESI'RFACING & REPAIRS. various locations in the Town of Vaughan Asphalt 1.50“ tons Granular Material aooo tons Specifications and tender Clnl» uments can be obtained from the Municipal Office in Maple ona’ Hill Air Cadets At Camp ‘ " ‘cadets of 778 Squadron Ric intend Hill have been enlovmg ‘ at Lanadian Force: Base Trenton. ‘ undergoing intensive for a $1500 fee “lush |< *9' NOWArTHESE th 400 cadets from all over the province. included in the dumb?th “PM WU”? "i ll“: ailing. gliding swimming. canoeing and flying in a “me m “M mndmnn “mm thirty days of the above closm: ‘date. The or an‘ nesessarily accepted. .R Kraft PEng. f‘l'o'in Engineer ,Town of Vaughan Alexander Opensha‘f of King illaple Ontario Since early in the year. i Will also trai e1 Southern Ont iEollege and Ontario Place. - is Air Cadet William Openshaw of equipment from Maior Ted Morrison arrival in camp son of Mr. and Mrs has been a cadet arm to see Old Port Henry. 10w est tender not 775 quadrcn . firestone RicHMOND HEIGHIs CENTRE. R 884-4401 ICHMOND HILL Open Thursday 8. Fridav Evenings 'til 9 pm.

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