Markham Mayor Anthony Ho- man warned last week that council might have to exproâ€" priatg 9,000 square feet of land from Imperial Oil on Steeles Avenuejf it was unsuccessful in its..negotiations with the com- Difference 0n Payment For Land During Week In Richmondn Hm ‘ Could Mean Expropriation RomanlY R P Crime Arrests BY The Dozen R0 arkhamManAmltm'13prt nmpcn'vanr WdrtQS’eneOpm“dsda rH-vv The land, plus 2.69 acres at the neighboring Internatio of Canada Ltd., is needed for road widening on Steeles, just east of‘ Woodbine to Victoria Park. ‘ Imperial has asked for $150,-> 000, while an appraiser for the, town has assessed a price of“ $31500 o_r $3.50 a square 1’0th u 1, _ A,_‘_4 A,“ pany WEI-300d! agreed to a price ofipose a threat to $10,760 or $40,000 an acre forlits exists and entr the Intemgtio property. but‘further aggravate the inteuxauu yluyclu‘y. â€u. .w ..... -50-, .7 ‘ said it would negotiate with Im- shortage, cause noise and au‘ perial on the basis of the ap- pollution and possibly cause gas praisal. leakage into the natural water “We may eventually have to course in the area. ‘ A 4- d1 AUGUST 6. SUNDAYA10-6 Antique. show and sale. Lions' Hall. 106 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. Furniture, china, glass, silver, jewellery, brass, pictures. Bargains galore. Sale held first Sunday every month. Donation to Leukemia Fund. omua -vmn If you are interested in serving your home community and earmng some extra money then please phone Holiday Garbage Collection In all other areas collection will be made on the normal day. HELD OVER ...2nd WEEK “Houston Outlaws†RICHVALE CIVIC DAY â€" MONDAY, AUGUST 7th ‘ being a holiday there will be no collection in Area 1 Collection in this area will be made on TUESDAY, AUGUST Sth MARY DAWSON AT 884-1105 CORRESPONDENT TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL (downstairs) ully Licensed by L.C.B.0. c1w5 '¢'. Flguéis expropriate,†man. referring property. Council also agreed with 32 residents of Helen Avenue and Kennedy Road that there were enough service stations in the area As a result, it turned down a proposed Shell station on the street, which would have brought to five the number of statiéns in the mile stretch. Council referred to its fin- ance committee a request from residents of the Thornhill and District Senior Citizens Club ,for a grant to assist in trips to ,various places of interest. such as Ontario Science Centre, and to provide Christmas dinners. , 1- -I- . .............. In their petition the residents said another station would p10- pose a threat to tiaffic from its exists and entrances; would Lu yle-uw vh_,,, The club said members help- ed by paying $1 (Res. '1‘“: nu u rud...:, Y, Said Councillor Murray Hend- erson: “I’m not sure we should set a precedent on this, but I’ll vote for it." Signed R. LYNETT, Clerk said Mayor Roâ€" ‘ to the Imperial three-quarter the watgr James Barbour, 112 Glencam- se and an‘ eron Road, Toronto, was arrest- y cause gas ed at Yonge Street and Harding â€"31 water Boulevard at 1:10 am Friday It for impaired driving and refus- . ., ,. ing a breathalyzer test. \n-‘_-l. Lannguring Week In Richmond Hill Over a dozen arrests on crim- inal charges were made last week in Richmond Hill as York Regional Ponce had their bush est week in this area in a long while. Larry Johnson, 19, of 22 Wil- cox Road, Lake Wilcox was ar- rested at home Saturday on a robbery charge. an A, on rODDery cnmsc. Florence Russon, 68, of 32 Carluke Crescent, Willowdale, was arrested at 4:40 pm Tues- day at Laureleaf Road and Bay- view Avenue on chargés of im- paired driving and failing a breathalyzer test. â€-5 u VVVVVVVVVVVV Samuel King, 23 March Street, Aurora, was arrested at 1:20 am Friday at Yonge Street and Maplegi‘ove Road in Oak Ridges for impaired driving and failing a breathalyzer test. ,#___ -.- . “nun u- ..... THEFT CHARGE :1 John Tortolano, 22, of 99"} Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill was arrested at RR 1, Maple at: 4:25 pm Friday on charges of‘ theft and possession over $200. ' Robert Mostaway, 26, of 150 Towers Drive, Scarboro, was arrested at the Dominion Store parking lot, Yonge Street, Rich- 1 vale, at 11 pm Friday on chargm‘ es of impaired care or control of a motor vehicle and failing: a breathalyzer test. ‘ MARIJUANA POSSESSION ; Wayne Bardeaux. 25, of 280 iMill Street, Richmond Hill and [John Flannigan, 27. of 68 Coos- idell Avenue, Downsview. were arrested at 4:15 pm Saturday in _ the Richmond Inn Motor Hotel 1" parking lot,' 69 Yonge Street re South, for possession of mari-. pa ‘juana. re _. - nn “5““ 3r Albert Allen, 18, of 60 Birch} Avenue, Richmond Hill at Ed-i gar Avenue and Avenue Road in Richvale at 7:05 pm Satur- day was arrested for dangerous driving. He was also charged with failing to remain at the scene of a motor vehicle acci- dent a week earlier at the Rich- mond Inn Motor Hotel parking lot. William Duckworth, 18, of Woodland Avenue. Lake Wilcox, in front of Montgomery’s 'I‘avâ€" em. 24 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill at 9:55 pm Sat- urday was arrested for being drunk in a public place. Fire Marshal Will Check Vaughan Fire The Ontario Fire Marshal’s Department is investigating a fire, which occurred at the BP Service Station. 2396 Major Mackenzie Drive in Maple late ‘Monday night. Town of Vaughan Fire Chief James Davidson said the fire beâ€" gan in a pile of rubbish near the stock room and caused about $5,000 damage to the contents of the station, and another $1,500 to the building itself. iCompany, 241 Snidercroft Road. lConcord, when sparks from an l‘emery wheel ignited some duct work. Damage was nil. CHILDREN BLAMED Children were blamed for several fires in Thornhill and Richmond Hill. Chief Davidsbn described the fire as being “incendiary†in origin. Vaughan firemen also an- swered a call July 29 at 11:53 am at Liberty Ornamental Iron In Thornhill, an old barn owned by Wycliffe Properties on German Mills Road was de- stroyed in a fire at 1:39 pm July 30. In Richmond Hill, grass fires on July 27 and 28 on Newkirk Road and on Pearson Avenue, were blamed on children, as was a fire in a garbage con- tainer at the Allencourt gas bar.1 GASOLINE FIRE Local firemen also answered a call to the McGinnis home, i.219 Colbourne Avenue on July 127 to put out a gasoline fire {which started in two jerl‘y cans. !Damage amounted to $200. Two people requiring a reâ€" suscitator, were treated by fire- men. One. a passerby, was carried into the Globe Travel Service, 85 Yonge Street North. after passing out on the street. The" other 'call was at 125 Pemberton Road, where an- other woman was treated. Neither required hospitaliza- tion. Neighborhood Notes 1 M1. and \115.Jonn Mcuorm “ ,, Mr. and M15. Tom McI1 or of ick of D0\\nsvie\\, Mr and Mrs Fire Bug Suspected Aird1‘,ie Scotland visited 111th Len Sheppard of Do11nsvie11,‘ \11‘. and M15. John Eaton and \I.1 and Mrs Cliff Young of1 A series of files that occurred Shawn last Friday evening. 1\'11‘.;Willoudale.1MI‘. and 7111.5 John. duling the month of July 1n :1 .‘m1_1_._1_:n -nu â€cmnnd kuHAinn 1 Mr. and Mrs. McIvor are; ‘Mrsv Barton's great aunt and {great uncle and it was the first; time she had met them. 1 This was Mr. and Mrs. Mc-l Ivor’s first trip to Canada and; they enjoyed themselves so much they are planning to make the trip again in three years time when Mr. McIvor retires. “11‘. auu nu‘s. duuu Dalulu nuu u“. u...- u-..†-_- _-__° '7‘ Shawn last Friday evening. Mr.‘,\Villowdale. Mr. and Mrs. Johniduring the month of July in ai and Mrs. John McCormick and‘Barton and Shawn gathered at‘Thornhill apartment building Mrs. Len Sheppard of Downs-.ythe home of 1\lr.- and Mrs. Al;has resulted in York Regional View visited at the same time.<Trach and family on SaturdayiPolice reporting the matter to Mr. and Mrs. McIvor ai‘e1to say their goodbyes to theme Ontario Fire Marshal's Of- Mrs. Barton‘s great aunt andiMcIvors. «lice. great uncle and it was the first: . _ 2 Police said a total of eight time she had met them. 1 Doug McCormick and MM] 9f fires were believed to have . Willowdale dropped in later in . This was Mr. and Mrs. Mc- , . _ been set in the Rondeau Invest- as. g... ._:_ .- "ma, mmthe e‘emng f°r tea and cake- ments Limited building at 170 Corresmndent - JOHN MARTIN 697 Carrville Road â€" Phox CARRVILLE NEWS POLICE PURSUIT : After a police chase south“ from Richmond Hill to Yonge’ Street and Highway 7-3 in Thornhill at 7:32 pm Sunday Henry Pelley, 18, of 923 College Street, Toronto, was charged with dangerous driving. 'mS-éanleyo Petronskj, 177, of 226 Zelda Crescent, Richmond Hill on Elka Drive at 11 pm Sun_da): was charged with impaired driving, failing a breathalyzer test and driving while his li- cense was suspended. Henry rune), av, u; u- Street, Toronto, was charged with dangerous driving. Stanley Petronski, 17, of 226 Zelda Crescent, Richmond Hill on Elka Drive at 11 pm Sunday was charged with impaired driving, failing a breathalyzer test and driving while his li- cense was suspended. George Ogilvie, South Paliser Crescent faced an auto theft charge after an ac- v VV--~D- 20, of 433' iof 71 Gladstone Road, Willow- 'dale. YRP said. IMPAIRED DRIVING 1 Edward Whiteman. 32, of 111‘ Highway 7 East, Thornhill, was charged with impaired driving after a 7:25 pm Friday Bayview Avenue and Duncan Road colli- sion. His car had damage esti- mated at $250 but there was about $900 damage to the ve- hicle driven by Jerry Adel, 24, Two Toronto men are finding honest guys about it and now out that just because you find we have to go through all this money which has been thrown red tape.†away it's not necessarilyreasy‘ to. Chief Crawford told the com- Finders Of $7,300 In Area Dump Still Waiting To Be It's Keepers keep ~â€" matter. The men, Clare Robinson. 24, and Paul Dickinson, 19, have waited eagerly for 90 days to collect a $7,300 windfall they stumbled across in a Unionville dump last April 25. It was pointed out that Chief Crawford had nothing to do himself with withholding the money. but was only acting on; the advice of the solicitor. l UNIONVILLE FIND The money-find was made at the Sabiston dump in Union- ville by Dickinson and Robin- son when they couldn’t get the tailgate of their truck to func- ‘tion properly. Dickinson, a one-man, one- ti‘uck cartage businessman, had a job to haul some garbage ‘away from an apartment build- ‘ing in the St. James Town leomnlex. He hired Robinson Iat $2 an hour to help him. comnlex. He hired Robinson ' He was then removed to York at $2 an hour to help him. County Hospital in Newmarket On reaching the dump the where he was pronounced dead. truck’s dump body raised but REVIVAL ATTEMPT the tailgate stuck. So they re- George Lamrock, Preston moved it to let the garbage fall Lake Manager, said he hired out. They discovered the two two assistants after the first glass 331‘5 containing the money drowning and both were on in the hoist mechanism of the duty as lifeguards. He said life- truck. guard Wendy Boddington, 26, of They tUI‘UEd the money over Newmarket, attempted mouth- to Metro Police who turned it to-mouth resuscitation. over to York Regional P01“? Lamrock said 1,500 persons who. as of yet. haven’t turned it were at the lake Sunday. OVEI‘ t0 Dickinson and Robinson. Cicero went swimming about , WILL SPLIT MONEY Dickinson and Robinson, both of whom said they had borrow- ed money on the strength of what they expected to receive after the 90 days, were also told they will have to decide who is getting. how much of the money. Thev had agreed to split it. “I’m just a little peeved to out it mildly,†said Dickinson. “It’s 93 days now and we were [milllllilll\lll““l“il“llllllillllllllllllllllllllll“\l\\l\\\\\l\l\llllll\\\\l\ ll\llll\\\\\\\l\l\l\\\\\\\\\\l1\\l\ll\l\\l\\ll\\\\\\\1ll\\|l“\l\\\\\\\l\\ll\\\\\l\\\\\\l Two Thornhill persons received flesh wounds when hit by pellet gun bullets Sunday afternoon behind an apartment building ï¬t 7471 Yonge Street in Thornhill. York Regional Police said both incidents occur- red around 2:05 pm. In the one case, Steven Laird, 7. of 7411 Yonge Street, Apartment 501, was playing behind the apart- ment building when he was struck on the right shoul- der by a pellet causing a flesh wound. While here, the McIvors \15- Dudley Avenue during July. ited such places as North Bay, They broke out in garbage Pembroke. Ottawa, Brockville. containers, incinerators and Orillia. Tonawanda, New York locker rooms. usually between and Niagara Falls. the hours of 3 pm and 3 am. Police said the boy didn t see anyone in the area car- rying a firearm. The next incident oc- curred at about the same time when Edith Privat. also of 7441 Yonge Street, was struck on one of her legs with a pellet while she sunbathed. She also suffered a flesh wound. Mr. and Mrs. John McCorm- Flesh Wounds In Thornhill or even get, for that. Phone 889-7108 cident at 9:50 pm Wednesday in the parking lot opposite 77 Yonge Street South. The ve- hicle he was driving had $150 and a parked leased vehicle had damage of $200 YRP estimated Chief Crawford told the com- mission he requested the men to make a written application for the money as part of the condition of receiving it, “which they have done.†It appears the finders will eventually be keepers. That's “if". B; York Regional Police said Brown was swimming with three other companions when the accident occurred sometime between 4:30 and 5 pm. SWAM T0 RAFT The d e c e a s e d apparently swam out to a raft situated ap- proximately 60 feet from shore. On his return trip to the shore witnesses said the young man started crying out for help, then disappeared under the water. A human chain was formed and the body was located and brought to shore where mouth- to-mouth resuscitation was ap- plied. Cicero went swimming about noon of the previous Sunday and wasn’t seen again until his body was dredged from the bot- tom of the lake after a search started at 2:30 pm. Coroner in the Brown drownq ing case is Dr. Arthur Diamond of Newmarket. An inquest is expected to be held. Jewellers In First Place 1 Dump Tony's By 2-0i Richmond Hill Dynes Jewel- lers moved into first place in the Oshawa and District Fast- ball League Tuesday night with a 2-0 win over Oshawa Tony’s 1in Oshawa, It was Dynes' seventh straight league win. Winning pitcher was BillyI Drennan who came up with a sharp performance limiting the dangerous Tony’s to two hits during the nine-inning game and struck out 12 batters. ‘ Dynes managed eight hits off ilosing Pitcher Barry Timbers. ‘He struck out seven, walked two. The game was scoreless until the seventh inning when Bob Smith went in to pinch.hit for Bob Kennedy and lashed a double. He was sacrificed to third and then came home on a fly ball by Duane Reid. Smith also scored the final Dynes run in the ninth on something of a differentâ€"type sequence. Smith dumped a wrong-field single to right which went for a triple when the fielder fell going for it. Smith then at- tempted to steal home. Tim- bers threw to home over-hand Thornhill Apartment Fire "Bug" Suspected which constituted a balk and Smith was declared safe. “THE RALLY WINNING" 889=0972 DATSUN 510 2-DOOR Ask about our No Down Payment Plan (For those who qualify) DA I 5â€" is the hottest selling small car in Richmond Hill, outselling the competition by almost double for and including June, 1972. There must be a * what it is, “DAT YOUR DOLLAR." DATSUN a... Why not test drive the No. 1 seller at the Datsun Showplace in the heart of Richmond Hill. We have a large selection on hand, and Richmond Hill’s 10 Top Selling Small Cars through June ’72 1. Datsun . . . . 70 2. Comet . . . . . 41 3. Vega . . . . . 39 4. Dart . . . . . 32 5. Capri . . . . . 30 7. Cortina 8. Toyota . 9. Ventura 11 . 10. Mazda . SOURCE: R. L. Polk & Co., New Passenger Car Registrations For Richmond Hill “OUR TRADE-IN VALUES HAVE NEVER BEEN HIGHER." must be a reason, and we think we know it is, “DATSUN GIVES MORE CAR FOR 169 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 3, 197 41 39 32 30 28 26 25 18 773-4661