This Sunday. August 6. is the combined United - Anglican Church service at All Saint‘s Anglican Church on Keele Street at 10 am. Coffee will be served on the lawn afterwards. Communion Sunday will be August 20. The banns of marriage have been published for the first time at Sacred Heart Church between Edward Bruce Perrier, son of Conrad and Mary Perrier, and Katherine Marie Chenette. daughter of Gerrard and Willa Chenette. Father Frederick Brossler. OSA. arrived at Marylake July 20, and took over Sacred Heart Parish as of July 23. It was the last of the three summer programs in the lower room of the King Library. and Mrs. Bernice Ellis captured the minds and imaginations of the boys and girls present with several tales of Sinbad the Sailor. Present were: Susy Hopkins. Michael R e d m a n Christopher Ball. Philljppa Ball. Sari Matthews. Helga Pape, Janet Vanchuck. Mandy Mat- thews. Tara Knowles. Heather Burbidge. Dale Riddell. Kelvin Bowler. Tammy Matthews, Alex Burbidge, Sherri Maggiacomo, Michelle Romanin. Debra Cull- man, Jeff McCartney, Becca Matthews, David Hadwen, David Felstead. and Helen Leung. The ‘castle creations begun three weeks ago were finished up and given a spot of paint where needed. Mrs. Ellis persuaded the children to leave the castles there for a week or so. and if you're in the neighborhood. drop in for a visit to a land of turrets and drawbridges. Church NeWs Father Fredei‘ick was born in Germany. and. after matriculat- ing to the university, was sent Kflng Library Community Life In King City Area KING CITY, OAK RIGES “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish its interest regarding people and events in the Oak Rf Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our neWs 1 pondent for this whole area is Norman Mat In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of The Regional Municipality of York as at December 31, 1971 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario Municipalities. Toronto, Ontario. June 16, 1972. To: The Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of The Regional Municipality of York. We have examined the 1971 Financial Statements - Municipal Operations and 1971 Financial Statements - Waterworks of The Regional Municipality of York, which are listed on the attached Index. Our exam- ination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Revenue Total Revenue THE LIBE Expenditure Total Expenditure Excess of Expenditure over Revenue for the year Surplus at the beginning of the year ______ Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended Capital Financing) at the beginning of the year Surplus at the end of the year Capital Outlay Capital Financing Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended Capital Financing) at the end of the year THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Capital Expenditure General Government _______________ __ Protection t3 Persons and Property __ Public Works __i_“____ Sanitation and Waste-~Renioval _ ________ Conservation of Health Social and Family Services Community Planning 8; Development Transfers to Others (Waterworks) , Long Term Liabilities Incurred Contribution from other Government’s, Contributions from the ReVenue Fund Other Taxation _________________________________________ Contributions from other governments Other General Government Protection to Persons and Property __ Public Works Sanitation and Waste Removal lnote 4) Conservation of Health Social and Family Services Community Planning and Development Financial Expenses (note 3) Other STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1971 EOR THE YE \R ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1971 AL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 3, 1972 Happy birthday to Mary Mc- Whir August 3. Mary is organist at King City United Church, but will be playing at the joint services in All Saint’s Anglican during August. A surprise tea party was given for Mrs. Ruby Powell on a very hot July 21 in the garden of Mrs. Bernice Johnson. Mrs. Happy birthday to Timothy Moore. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore of Humber Crescent. Tim will be seven years old August 5. Happy birthday to Gordon Orr (Mr. Auctioneer) of Keele Street who celebrates August 7. Happy birthday to Joan Scott. daughter of Lorne and Mary Scott of Jane Street. Joan will be 15 years old August 9. Council meeting at the town- ship offices August 8 at 1 pm. Happy birthday to Marjory Mondorf August 9. Upon ordination he was sent ‘to the USA. where for several years he taught classics at Vil- lanova University in Phila- delphia and acquired his Mas- ters Degree. His first pastor- ate was in Kenosha. Wisconsin. at Holy Rosary Parish. Sub- sequently he served as pastor at St. Rita's in Racine, Wisconsin. After a term of six years as Superior in the New York Monastery he became pastor of St. Augustine’s Parish in Ottawa. For the past four years he has been pastor in Holy Rosary Parish in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Father Frederick has had a vast pastoral experience behind him. and is looking forward to the ministerial service of Sacred Heart Parish. Donna’s Bits and Pieces to Spain for his philosophical and theological studies. He lived and studied at the famous Escorial in Madrid. AUDITOR’S REPORT Touche Ross & Co., Chartered Accountants. Licence Number: 4251. Sympathy is extended to Har- ley Jeffery on the death of his father Ernest Jeffery on July 26 at Midland; and to Gertrude Roughley of Kettleby on the death of her husband Cyril Dr. Winston and -Mrs. Mary Chow of Norman Drive have their five year old niece Helen Leung visiting them from New York City. Sandy and Brian MacDonald and family have recently return- ed from a tour of the United States. They began with a visit to an aunt and uncle in London, Ontario. and a visit to Sandy‘s sister and her family in Windsor. Then down through Michigan, Ohio, Ken- tucky. Missouri. Tennessee. Misâ€" sissippi to visit with friends in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was in the Bayous in Louisiana that Brian tried his hand at alliga- tor wrestling. (To each his own!) Then on to Alabama, Florida, Georgia and up through the Carolinas to visit more friends. On up to Virginia. Pennsylvania, New York and home. What's happened to every- one in King? Is everyone away? Surely you all can't be leading dull lives! Please let us know where you've been and what you’re doing. Please give us a call! ‘Johnson and Mrs. Maron Cur- ran shared hostess duties. Twenty-one friends were pres- ent and cold lemonade was the preferred beverage due to the heat and humidity. A lovely crystal cut glass bowl was pre- sented to Mrs. Powell. The Powell family was the fourth family to move into Kingscross Estates about 16 years ago. William Powell has started a new business and the Powells are moving into a new home near Grimsby. “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent for this whole area is Norman Matthews; 832-1579. ( 270.045) ( 281,17 T5;183.72717 15,405,296 (4,680,942) 462,182 3,484,576 4,817.,221 5.700215 8,853,748 755.326 1,312,392 3,467,933 221,440 654,828 229,398 491 3.637 271 491.257 4,904 4.173.171 11,610 $669,815 629,308 222,025 373,037 151,012 5.287 491,786 637,967 271,506 856 14.300 28.362 219.751 72) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mac- Donald (Bri-Pen Kennels) have sold their home in Oak Ridges and are planning to retire to Nova Scotia . Hans and Sue (nee Nash) Kuechler are staying at the home of Hans’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuechler of Lake- land Avenue while the senior Kuechlers visit Salt Lake City. Utah. Hans and Sue live‘in Acton. Birthdays. anniversaries. trips and events that happen to "you" are the items we‘d like to hear about. How about calling us. Our sympathy is extended to Harold Riall on the death of his father Edward (Ted) Riall on Saturday, July 22. Also our thoughts are with Claudia and Monica Contois after their nightmare experience of a brush with death and the loss of all their family. Roughley on July 2’? at York Central Hospital and to the family of Fred Rose who passed away suddently at King City Lodge on July 27. Bulletin Board Mrs. Winnifred Norman of Bond Avenue is now resting comfortably at home after a lengthy sojourn in King City Lodge. 9:)llnuumuunmmmmuumuuuuummuunumuunuumug the piano § teacher Estelle Markham 884-3787 _ ‘muluuummununuummmuuum1mlquumuuummumuï¬ l|\\lllllllm““\“lllllllmllllll Iumuulummmmlmm m‘ Oak Ridges, lake VIII/cox Liabilities Assets Capital Outlay to be recovered in future years Net Long Term Liabilities __‘ Reserves and Reserve Funds Surplus 2. Charges for Net Long Term Liabilities 4. Contributions to Reserve Funds 3. Provision for Reserve Current Assets Current Liabilities Establishment of The Regional Municipality of York Pursuant to The Regional Municipality of York Act, 1970, the inhabitants of the then County of York, outside The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, were constituted a body corporate under the name “The Regional Municipality of York." Under the Act the Corporation of the County of York and the Toronto and York Roads Commission were dissolved on the lst day of January, 1971, and all the assets and liabilities of such bodies became, as of the day of such dissolution, the assets and liabilities of the Regional Corporation. The Act also provided that the Health Unit serving the County of York was dissolved on the lst day of January, 1971, and the assets and liabilities thereof were to be disposed of by order of the Minister of Health. The Act permitted the Regional Corporation to enact by-laws assuming for sewer, water and police purposes certain real and personal property vested in the Area Municipalities. Such assumptions were to be without payment of comp- ensation to the Area Municipalities involve-d; the Regional Corporation did how- ever become responsible for the payment of any outstanding debenture debt relating to property assumed from the Area Municipalities. All the necessary by-laws relevant to the assumption of property have been enacted by the Regional Corporation, and by the terms of The Regional Munic- ipality of York Act, the Regional Corporation has become liable for the payment to the Area Municipalities of the outstanding debt with respect to the works assumed. Total charges for the year for net long term liabilities were as follows Cash ______________ ___ Accounts Receivable __ Other Current Assets Of the total charges shown above. $958,886 was paid from the revenue of the municipality and is included in expenditure. classified under the appropriate functional headings and $277,080 was recovered from the waterworks department for which the related net long term liabilities were incurred. Accounts P53775151; and Accrued Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Contributions to reserve funds amounting to $9.779 are included in the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure classified under the heading "Sanitation and Waste Removal". A provision for reserve for working funds amounting to 5373.000 is included in the item "finanCial expenses)" in the Statement of Revanue and Expenditure. Principal payments including contributions to the debt retirement fund of Ontario Water Resources Commission _,,__ Interest _Â¥, , WW# CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Notes to Financial Statements AS ATWQECVEMBVER 31, 1971 TKing Campus, Seneca Adds Three New Diploma Courses This Fall Classes will average between 20 and 25 people. INVOLVEMENT PLAN The college also features a campus involvement plan. with every student working a mini- mum of three hours a week on campus projects, which provides both practical experience and a sense of involvement in the new college. Washroom Renovation Aurora Ont. Hospital It is expected that the work will be completed within three months of award of the contract. Among other programs at the college, which opens Septem- ber 18, are flight services. rec- reation facilities management, food and beverage control (a new program for hotel indus- try), fashion retailing, plus two courses in business and four in the secretarial field. The law enforcement pro- gram covers work both in the public police service and priv- ate security agencies and fea- tures modern crime detection equipment. Applied communications gives students a chance to gain a general understanding of the major communications media, while audio-visual techniques provides a sound theoretical Willaim Hodgson, MLA York North. has announced tenders are being called for the renewal of a vertical core of washrooms through all four floors of the main building at the Aurora Ontario Hospital. Estimated cost of the project is $87,000. The specifications call for re- moval of existing fixtures and piping; installation of new fix- tures and piping, partitions and doors; a new ventilation system and electrical alterations to provide lighting for the revised room layout. The other two programs. each of which is a four-semester course, are applied communica- tions and audio-visual tech- niques. A law enforcement program is one of three new diploma courses being added to Seneca College‘s full-time programs this fall at the new King cam- pus. marked as to content. for the Summitview Public School Elec- trical Renovations will be re- ceived by the Director of Edn- cation, 22 Church Street, Aurora. Ontario. until 12:00 o'clock noon Eastern Standard Time FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1972. Drawings and Specifications will be available to Contractors on July 31, 1972 at the office of the Engineers, John Hollings and Associates Limited. Suite 207, 312 Dolomite Drive, Downs- view. Ontario on the deposit of $50.00 certified cheque payable to the engineers. Deposit will be returned if Drawings are re- turned to the Engineer in good ‘condition within seven days of the closing of tenders. ELECTRICAL RENOVATIONS The Board reserves the right to reject all tenders or to accept any tender not necessarily the lowest. John Hollings and Associates Limited Consulting Electrical Engineers ROSS S. J OLLIFFE, Chairman. S. L. G. CHAPMAN, Director of Education Each tender shall be accom- panied by a Bid Bond in the amount of 10 per cent of the cost of the work, payable to the York County Board of Educa- tion, an agreement to provide a 100 per cent Performance Bond and a 100 per cent Payment of Labor and Materials Bond. Students also become profic- ient in production, care. organ- ization and distribution of audit» visual equipment and materials. Further information can be obtained by contacting the campus registrar. RR 3. King City. or by calling 884-9901. York Region residents may call Zenith 31200 (toll free. ) background in physics and elec. tronics. SEALED TENDERS. plainly Tender For Contract Summitview Public School Stouffville, Ontario AUDIO-VISUAL STUDIES YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 1.235.966 712,363 523,603 10,940,780 10,940,780 276,640 2,715,604 619.664 7,328,872 2,672,996 27 ,625 3,611,908 2,700,621 7,610,044 479,103 151,012 7. Capital Outlay to be Recovered in Future Years 8. Liability for Vested Sick Leave Benefits Town of Aurora Township of Ea Township of Ge 5. Basis of Consolidation 6. Net Long Term Liabilities Township of King Town of Markham Tovm of Newmarket Town of Richmond Hill Town of Vaughan Town of Whitchurch-Stouï¬ville A. J. Rettie - Chief Administrative Officer J. Hlynski - Treasurer Try Us . . . . You'll Like "5!! ATTENTION !! Richmond Hill and Area Residents QUALITY FILMS SHOPS SAVE A DOLLAR DAYS QUALITY Kodak FILM SHOPSIKodak The consolidated balance sheet reflects the assets and liabilities of the revenue fund, the capital fund. and all reserve funds of the Regional Corporation. The assets of the York Manor Home for the Aged residents’ trust fund amounting to $65,578 have not been consolidated. The Home Care Program administered by the Regional Health Unit and subsidized 100% by the Province of Ontario, has not been included in the consolidation. In the five months from August to December 1971, this program has received Pro« vincial subsidies of $51,000, has incurred expenditures of $37,549, leaving a ‘cash on hand’ balance at December 31, 1971 of $13.51. By the formation of the Regional Corporation on January 1, 1971 (see note 19 certain long term liabilities of the Corporation of the County of York were assumed by the Regional Corporation. These liabilities together with certain Ontario Water Resources Commission projects finalized since the formation of the Region, are regarded as being incurred by the Regional Corporation. Some icapital outlay does not represent a burden on general Regional Corporation revenues, as it is to be recovered in future years from other sources: Municipal Enterprises (Waterworks) __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ $2,167,718 Under the sick leave benefit plan. unused sick leave can accumulate and employee: may become entitled to a cash payment upon termination of employment equal to no more than one-half of the number of days accumulated or one-half their current salary. The liability for these accumulated days, to the extent that they have vested, and could be taken in cash by an employee on terminating, amounted to $607,000 at the end of the year. No provision has been made for this liability. Bring This Coupon To Any Of Our 3 Locations 0 6083 YONGE STREET (The Yonge Centre) WILLOWDALE 9 2830 VICTORIA PARK - Victoria Van Home Shopping Centre 0 406 SPADINA ROAD, TORONTO Total long term liabilities incurred by the Regional Corporation and outstanding at the end of the year amount to ______N__-________,____,_________“______"__.__________W In addition, the Regional Corporation has assumed responsibility for the payment of principal and interest charges on certain long term liabilities issued by Regional Area Municipalities. At the end of the year, the principal amount of this liability is _________________________________________________ w“ Of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges has been assumed by others for a principal amount of ______________________________________________________ Total balance in the debt retirement fund of the Ontario Water Resources Commission, excluding interest earned during 1971, which has been accumulated to the end of the year to retire the outstanding long term liabilities included above amounts to Net Long Term Liabilities at the end of the year _ _______________________________________ This Month's Special Quality Color Print Film 12642 East Gwillimbury Georgina With every Kodacolor FiLm left in for Developing & Printing 6083 YONGE ST. (The Yonge Centre) WILLOWDALE 226-4060 FREE FILM FAST 24 HOUR SERVICE lle R. A. Illingworth G. Rolling Dr. G. Burrows R. M. Pollock K. Mactaggart A. Roman J. Jongeneel H. Lawrie R. Forhan R. J. Twinney W. Lazenby D. Plaxton G. L. Rowe G. Williams J. C. Gilbert K. Laushway Chairman - Garfield Wright Council Represenitajivesr Mayor Mayor Mayor Regional Councillor Mayor Mayor Regional Councillor Regional Councillor Mayor Regional Councillor Mayor Regional Councillor Mayor Regional Councillor Mayor Regional Councillor ( ‘ 483,811) ( 8,690,900) \‘0 11,763,157 7.610.044 5,021,598