Mrs. Lucy LoRusso of Bay- view Avenue. Richmond Hill an- nounces the forthcoming mar- riage of her ’daughter Frances Carole to Raymond Victor Mac- Gregor of Perth. Scotland. Marriage to take place Satur- day. November 11. 1972. at Kingdom Hall. 166 Cedar Av- enue. Richmond Hill. c2w4 Mr. and Mrs. Orvan Brethouri of Uxbridge are pleased to anq nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their eldest daughter. Kimberley Ann 10 Mr. Orven Earl Caster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Les Brown of Richmond Hilli Wedding in take place Septem- ber 9. 1972. at 7 pm in the Trinity United Church. Ux- bridge. *lw5 O’BRIEN â€" McCARTY Mn and Mrs E. .1 O’Brien of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the marriage of their son Michael John to Elaine Olive McCarty on July 29. 1972 at Our Lady of Carmel Church. Peace National Park. Alberta. The couple are now residing in Medicine Hat. c1w5 iflnrthmming marriages WE wish in express our sincere thanks to our friends and neigh- bors for their many expressions of sympathy and acts of kindâ€" ness, during our recent bereave- ment. â€"Pat and Joan Murphy. Clar- ence and Edith French and family. c1w5 WILSONâ€"Michael and Marilyn Inee Galbraith) are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child. a boy. Jason James. born July 20. 1972, at York Central Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Galbraith. Cal- gary. and Mrs. G. A. (Mickey) Wilson. Very special thanks to Dr. A. Golab c1w5. SANTHA “Liberal Action Want Ads" ANTHA â€" Stan and Mar- guerite are pleased to an- nounce the birth of a son Glen, 6 lbs. 51’) 015.. born July 25. 1972. at York Cen- tral Hospital. A baby brother for Robbie. Special thanks to Dr. Bate, Dr. Little and Dr. Kirby. c1w5 Wilson Manufacturing Company Notice To Motorists PATENT NUMBER -â€" 1 TYPE â€"â€" BOY TITLE â€" JASON JAMES SHIPPING WEIGHT â€" 3 LBS., 14h; OZS. DATE â€"- JULY 20. 1972 TIME OF COMPLETION â€" 11:32 P.M. PRODUCTION MANAGER â€" MICHAEL LABOUR SUPERVISOR â€"- MARILYN marriang Now RENTING CAMEO PLACE . A P A R T M E N T S Because of trunk water-main construction sections of Bathurst Street from Steeles Avenue to Highway 7 will be closed to southbound traffic, commencing August 8, 1972. The street will be open for northbound traffic only after 4 pm each working day and will remain open until 7 am the following day. Your co-operation during the period of construction will be appreciated. We regret the temporary inconvenience you will experience. LEN PUGH REAL ESTATE LTD. A. M. CAMPBELL Metropolitan Chairman Commissioner of Works CARD 0!“ THANKS This is to notify you of their exciting new product! CLOSING 0F BATHURST STREET FROM STEELES AVENUE T0 HIGHWAY 7 Call the Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 884-1983 13111115 889-9310 MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN TORONTO \ FROM $150 MONTHLY 0 - 889-6621 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Mickeler are happy to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Marion Charlotte to Mr. George Berend Black. son of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Blake of Willow- dale. clwï¬ Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pl Dean are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter. Barbara Louise to Douglas Frederick Horsfall. son of Mn and Mrs. Len Horsfall. Port- land. Ontario. Wedding to take place on September 9. 1972. 3:30 pm. at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Rown- tree announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Helen. to Myles Nelson Wood. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Water- house. The wedding will take place Saturday. September 2, 1972. at Saint Matthews United Church. Richmond Hill. JENSEN. Leanne Lynn -â€" In fond memory of our darling granddaughter. Taken from us August 1. 1968. God has her in his keeping We have her in our heart. â€"â€"Dearly remembered Gummie and Pop Clark. clw5 3111 flipmnriam BlCEâ€"In loving memory of a dear son and brother Kenneth who passed away August 8. 1964. Just brance Just a memory sad and true. Just the love and sweet devo- tion of those who think of you. â€"Sadly missed by mother. Douglas and Marie Bright sunny kitchens. large master bedroom. elevator. broadloomed halls. free hy- dro. drapes, sauna bath. and parking. Engagvmmta R. L. CLARK A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter of “The Liberal", 63 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill, or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884-1105. CORNER COLBORNE AND MARKHAM a thought of sweet remem- ONE - TWO BEDROOMS In Memoriam Verses Across from Allencourt Plaza SELL YOUR UNWANTABLES PHONE 884-1105 c1w5 c1w3 c1w5 Offer to Lease forms may be obtained from the Ministry of Transportation and Communica- tions representative. who will be on the property on the i aforementioned date, and times. \ Offers to lease will be accepted ‘by the Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications up‘ iuntil: 12:30 pm. Local Time ‘ WEDNESDAY. August 16. 1972. For further information please contact: Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Right-ofâ€"Way Office. Central Region. Downsview. Ontario Telephone 248-3081 between the hours of 8:15 am. and 4:30 pm. COOPER. Evelineâ€"0n Monday. July 31. 1972 at York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill, Eve- line Cooper, wife of the late David Cooper, sister of Molly and Gladys. Hull. England. Mrs. Cooper rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge St. Thornhill Hwy. 78). Service was held in ‘the chapel Wednesday. Inter- ment at. Cari-ville United Church Cemetery. c1w5 WICKENS. Mary Janeâ€"Sudy denly on Tuesday. August 1, 1972, Mary Jane Gray. belov- ed wife of the late Emerson Wickens. dear mother of Marion McFadden, sister of Annie and Lilly Gray of ‘ Richmond Hill, Caroline (Mrs. R. Wiles) Walkerton. Fred Manitoulin Island and the late Bert. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Se vice on Friday at 2 pm. Inte ent Richmond Hill, Presbyterian Church Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society will be appreciated. c1w5 BRYSON. Elmerâ€"At the Pine Grove Nursing Home. on Sun- day. July 30. 1972. Elmer Bryson of Lot 33. Concession 7, Vaughan. in his 84th year. beloved husband of Mary Cameron. dear father of Agnes at home. Alex of Aurora. Cameron at home. Katherine (Mrs. Gordon Higgs) of King City and Archie of London. also surviv- ed by 12 grandchildren. brother of William of King. Mabel (Mrs. A. C. Robinsom of Guelph and the late James of Saskatchewan and Norman of Vaughan. Rested at the W. R. Scott and Son Funeral Home, 7776 Kipling Ave. (at Hwy. 7). Woodbridge. Serv- ice was held in the chapel on Wednesday, August 2. Inter- ment, King City Cemetery. HUDSON. Albert Edwardâ€"On Monday. July 31. 1972. belov- ed husband of Lillian Hudson. dear father of Albert‘ Alvin, June (Mrs. F. Mul‘rayt David, Shirley (Mrs. E. Blight». Ethel (Mrs. H. Molnar), Carol (Mrs. ROSE. Fredâ€"Suddenly at King City Lodge. on Thursday. July 27. 1972, Fred Rose. beloved husband of the late Martha Albutt; dear father of Patricia (Mrs. Wm. May), Margaret (Mrs. D. 'I‘rimble), Gertrude (Mrs. F. Thompson) and the late Fred: also survived by 3 grandchildren and 1 great- grandchild. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Saturday. Interment. Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Ceme- tery. c1w5 One and one half storey, 6 room cement block, stucco clad house being in Lot 26, RP. 3693 in the Township of Vaughan. situated on the west side of Hwy. No. 11. north of Hwy. No. 7 and known as 8600 Yonge Street. Village of Thornhill. Residence will be open for m- spection between the hours of: 9:00 am. and 4:00 p.m.. Local Time WEDNESDAY. August 9. 1972 83/4°/o Mortgages G. Scottcamp) and the late Dorothy. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Wednesday. Interment Maple Cemetery. Approved Correspondents for The Mortgage Insurance Co. Call PHIL POWELL 884.8183 Tor. 297-1270 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS HOUSE FOR RENT UNDER OUR NEW BLANKET MTGE. PLAN Property File T412896 Emma ONTARIO c1w5 c1w5 North York m- Donalda _______-. Three Valleys _ Cricket Club . Ruddingrton _____ Thornhill _ ,7 Richmond Hill _ Lawrence Park ‘Oshawa Other games saw Thornhill over Oshawa by an 8-0 default. Standings Hill Boys, Girls Win Two Tennis Matches A motorcycle rider and a pe- destrian were hurt in minor ac- cidents last week while two Lake Wilcox brothers ran into each other and both ended up facing Highway Traffic Act charges. Richmond Hill downed Law- rence Park 5-2 last week as the Boys Eastern Division of the Junior Inter-County Tennis As- sociation wound up with North York finishing first and Don- alda second. Cricket Club _________ 8 38 Ruddingrton ____________ 8 29 Thornhill _ n V________,___‘ 8 28 Richmond Hill _ ___ 8 26 Lawrence Park 8 19 Oshawa __ _. 8 1.3 Junior Girls‘ action saw Rich- mond Hill over Credit Valley 6-2. There's one match remaining in the regular schedule with North York against Richmond Hill. Cricket Club _ North York Donalda n r»_____ Martingrove 7_ Richmond Hill Credit Valley 7 Brothers Crash, Both Are Charged Operating Suite Assistant To transport patients and cleaning activities Apply: An All-Round Cord, the second highest award in Guiding, was presented to judy Dam of 4th Richmond Hill Girl Guide Company at her heme at 315 North Taylor Mills Drive. July 21. Judy is seen hn the right of the above picture receiving the cord from Mrs. Shirley Morehousa, Deputy Commissioner of "Kerk South Division. 4 t/1 Richmond Hill Guide Receives All-Round Cord Standiux Junior Girls’ Division Matches Pt We combine creative skill and modern equipment to fill any printing need you may have, whether it‘s for business or personal use. No job is too big or too small. See us soon. The Liberal RICHMOND HILL â€" PHONE 884-1105 63 YONGE STREET SOUTH REQUIRED AUGUST 14 Director of Nursing York Central Hospital Printers and Publishers Smce 1878 Free Delivery On All Orders Matches Pt pJOnt. Government Loan 13% Aid Bradford Firm Bailey River Farms Limited, a Bradford fresh vegetable pro- cessing and packaging company, will receive an Ontario Devel- opment Corporation term loan of $132,000 to improve its facili- ties. The company will use the loan. repayable at 8% interest, toward the cost of replacing its present premises with more ef- ficient facilities. including a new 17,000 square foot building, new machinery and a rail sid- mg. James O'Rourke. 24. of ‘16 Lorne Avenue. Richmond Hiil, was riding his motorcycle op- posite 59 Yonge Street North at 2:45 pm Sunday when he hit a patch of oil and slipped out of control. Seven-year-old Wayne Power of 441 Elmwood Avenue, Rich- mond Hill suffered minor bruis- es and ran away apparently in fright after he was bumped by a car near a parked vehicle at 4:45 pm Friday opposite 168 Colbourne Avenue. He suffered minor injuries and had about $125 damage to his machine. according to York Region Police. Much of the produce handled by the company is for export. The present number of em- ployees (25) is expected to dou- ble when the new facilities are completed. It is also expected that 150 people will be employ- ed in about five years time. The car was driven by Louise Calverley. 53. of 489 Paliser Crescent, Richmond Hill, ac- cording to YRP. Both vehicles had an estimat- ed $600 damage at 10 pm Mon- day on Bayview Avenue south of CFRB Sideroad when there was a collision between Martin Needlham, 20, of 3 Bayview Ave- nue, Lake Wilcox and Patrick Needham, 19, of the same ad- dress. Stouffville Student Wins Poster Contest Patrick was charged with driving without a license and Martin was charged with fail- ing to share the roadway. Damage totalled about $1,200 in a crash opposite the Rich- mond Hill Police Station at 6:15 am Tuesday. But no charg- es were laid. Louis Harris. 57. of 4 Kitti- mat Crescent. Aurora had about $900 damage and Walter Parke, 61. of 31 Maplegrove Avenue. Oak Ridges had about $3001|n damage. YRP said. a Nineteen-year-old R o s a 1 y n Spence, a grade 13 student. Stouffville, won top honors in the recent national high school poster design contest sponsored by the Committee for an Inde- pendent Canada. She received a cheque for $300 in lieu of a flight across Canada, which was presented to her by Eddie Goodman. president of the or- ganization. Her prize-winning design. chosen from an entry of 960 posters. depicts a ViVld relief map of Canada with the slo- gan‘ and '3“ Rosalyn will use her prize money to enrol as a commer- cial art student at George Brown College in Toronto. She is thé daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Spence of 360 Glad Park, Stouffville. Rangers Edge Barrie I=0 In Soccer Tilt Richmond Hill Rangers miss- ed many opportunities Saturday against Barrie City in Barrie but still manged to come away with a 1-0 win in soccer action. The first half was scoreless but the Rangers drove home the only score early in the second half as Ivan Brown laid a per- fect pass down the middle to Billy Keenan who booted the ball home with the goalie hav- ing no chance to stop it. a nearby farmhouse. Included were cigarets. underwear. can- ed goods and about 1.000 flu- orescent light bulbs. ‘ From there on in the game became a hotly-contested duel with play going from end to end in quick succession. Ranger’s Goaltender, John Zinderdine. played an almost flawless game in keeping the opposition off the scoresheet. The next league game for Rangers will be August 12 at Langstaï¬ Secondary when they meet Aurora United. Kick-off time is 6 pm. MOUNT ALBERT: Mrs. Marg- aret Mattie Koyan, 38, mother of six. has been arrested and charged with possession of stol- en property of a value of up to 510.000 following a raid on NEWMARKET: Ice will be in the local arena by September 10. From that date to the end of October hockey schools. a Junior "B" Training Camp and private rentals will be accom- modated. To achieve this award Judy had to earn at least 11 badges inlall fields of Guiding, which she wears proudly on her baldric. Badges were presented to other members of the company and then all helped Judy celebrate her birthday, which was the next day. The True North Strong (Photo by Stuart's Studio) l“\Mllll“llll[llllI“lllllll!I“lullllulllllfllll“llllllli|ll“ll“llll\“llll) Ontario Provincial Police have now recovered all 10 vic- tims of the two-family drown- ing outside Midland Harbor July 23, with the recovery of five children‘s bodies Sunday. Four other bodies were found Saturday. Also recovered was the 14-foot fibreglass boat which carried the victims to their deaths. It was found half a mile off Midland Point in about 40 feet of water. All Bodies Recovered In Drowning Tragedy ‘m“Ml“mull“u“\\\\llll“Mll\\l“\l“\\\\\l\\llI\\l\l\l\\\\\l\\l\\l\\\\lw About 60 OPP officers. using seven boats and two aircraft. searched the area for more than a week. The Midland tragedy took the lives of Eugene Contois, 29. of Holland Landing. his wife. two sons and a daughter. Contois’ brother. Richard, 30. of Oak Ridges (RR 2, Aurora), four of his children and a two-year-old ward of the Children’s Aid Soc- iety. Sheila Ryan, were also drowned. / Richard C o n t o l s ‘ wife, Claudia. 31. and daughter, Mon- ica, 10, were the only survivors. Girls Soccer Scores 5 In Richmond Hill Play (Exhibition, July 31) Lazenby’s Lassie: 5. Cougars 0 The senior girls played an ex- hibition game with the junior girls and had to go all out to win it. Jody Crofts scored twice for the winners with the other goals going to Betty Cubitt and Kim- berley Kernohan. Special mention to junior players such as Robin Green and Gillian Cornall and the rest of the team who gave it the all-out effort. Best single player on the field was junior Allison Laing of The Otters. The next league game will be August 14. The goat. property of Eliz- abeth Courage of Conces- sion 6. Town of Whitchurch- Stouffville. was minding his own business July 26 when someone made off with him. York Regional Police said the goat was tied to a chain in front of the Courage residence. A slx-month-old Billy Goat was the butt of the joke this time out. Value of the goat was set at 530. The theft occurred be- tween 12:45 and 8:45 pm. At last report. notice were investigating buttt) had turned up no Billy Goat. Applications are now being accepted from suitably qualified persons for appointment as police constables with the York Regional Police Force. Application forms may be obtained at any of the folloo‘ing divisional police offices in the Regional Municipality of York: MARKHAM Don Mills Road. Buttonville VAUGHAN 2160 Highway No. ‘1 East, Concord RICHMOND HILL 58 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill NEWMARKET 240 Prospect Street. Newmarket KESWICK Arena Street, Keswiek To qualify for consideration‘ applicants must be at least 5‘10" 111 height, be physically and mentally fit, possess a Grade XII graduation certificate, be a Canadian citizen, have 20/20 vision without corrective lens and be over 21 years of age. It will not be necessary for previous applicants to re submit their application. All completed application forms will be returned to the undersigned at 240 Prospect Street. Newmarket. Ontario. But(t) No Billy Goat THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. August 3. 1972 POI-ICE CONSTABLES YORK REGIONAL POLICE MOTOROLA Central Leasing A &W COFFEE SHOP 82 YONGE STREET NORTH requires: WAITRESSES Experienced preferred but not essential On the job training, excellent wages and benefits, full and part time, nights and weekends. For interview call: MR. MURRAY -- 889-2590 ONTARIO MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES GENERAL CONTRACTORS Previous experience is less important than ability to do fine work, needing good eye/hand co-ordin- ation. _ These are temporary positions which could deâ€" velop into full time employment. The majority of these positions are _for the second shift, with {ferrwr dpénings available on the first. Applications will be accepted from August 7. APPLY AT: 280 CENTRE ST.. E.. RICHMOND HILL 10 AM. TO 3 PM. SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 pm. LOCAL TIME on THURSDAY. AUGUST 10th, 1972 for WASHROOM RENOVATIONS at the Min- istry of Health, Ontario Hospital. Aurora, Ontario. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services, Tenders Office, 12th Floor, Ferguson Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. Telephone No. 965-4751. A $8,000.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Beriormanqe Bpnd and a 50% Payment Bond will be requlrea as specified. For further information regarding this tender, please call Mr. V. Hawkins, Ministry of Govern- ment Services, Toronto, Ontario. Telephone No. 965-1152. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted MOVING ? TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED CENTRAL LEASING - RICHMOND HILL 127 BIRCH AVE. TnonNmLL Modem Storage Warehouse Call 889-5101 I YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT at us help you solve All your - . ) ‘ Moving problems 0 TRUCKS! . TRACTORS! 0 TRAILERS! ASSEMLERS Don Mills Road. Buttonville 2160 Highway No. '1 East. Concord 58 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill 240 Prospect Street, Newmarket Arena Street, Keswick requires YEARLY, MONTHLY. WEEKLY DAILY. HOURLY? 24 HOUR SERVICE 50% Payméï¬f Bond, will be required as the Mover Ltd. efore you move! WORKS IN A DRAWER COLOR TELEVISIONS By PETER SMITH YORK HOME TAR 889-1646 Bruce Crawford. Chief of Police J. C. THATCHER Deputy Minister 889-49II=2=3 Gentle u I Lamb