8 am. â€" Holy Communion 10 am. - Morning Prayer Preacher: The Rector Nursery and Church School for children Joint Services with our Rich- mond Hill United Church friends at St. Mary‘s Wednesday 10 am. â€" Holy Communion 7:30 pm. â€" Holy Communion followed by discussion ST. MARY’S . ANGLICAN Yonge at Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-2227 Rector â€" Rev. Bernard Barrett Assistant â€"- Rev. Fred Jackson Consultant â€" Irene Nicholls SUNDAY. AUGUST 13, 1972 THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bnyview and Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. David N. Sproulo 884-4236 Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert Newton-Smith SUNDAY. AUGUST 13, 1972 TRINITY 11 9:30 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer The Rector Maple Community Centre Keele Street North, Maple Pastor: D. 5. Davidson 223-9725 Sunday Services 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School 11am. â€" Morning Worship Service 7pm. â€" Evening Service Everyone Welcome MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH FRANK A. TUCKER 889-2000 AUTO 2-CAR FAMILY SPECIAL JACKPOT $500 - 59 NUMBERS AUGUST 15 â€" 20 Regular Games 1 share the wealth -â€" 1 rainbow â€"- 1 pie plate 10% - 2 Cars Extra 15% Good Driver 5 years accident free Earlybirds 7.30 pm. ANGLICAN If you are environmentally aware we can use your help to help us all. If however; you really believe environmental issues are a lot of nonsense. then challenge us! (Sponsored by T.I.M.E (This Is My Environment). an Opportunities For Youth project involved in environmental education and action in this area. We have programs for all ages: recycling campaigns, crafts. bus tours. film nights, hikes. etc. (all free). For further information call us at 889-6646). “Environmental Issues Are A Lot Of Hooey ! ! " 25% Good Student if you qualify ALLIANCE SAFECO INSURANCE St. Mary’s Parish Hall Yonge St. N. â€" Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. Do you belieye this? Mr. David Baxter 884-6309 SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1972 9:45 am. â€"- Sunday School Hour for all ages . 11:00 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 7:00 pm. -- Evening Service Pastor Baxter will be preach- ing at both services. Wednesday 8 p'.m. â€" Prayer and Bible [Study. ‘1 THORNHILL BAPTIST 1 CHURCH 1 Stop 17, Yonge Street ' (Conventlon of Ont. & Que.) Rev. Ernest L. Johns B.A., B.D. 884-5816 Robert Richardson Organist and Choirmaster 10:30 am. -â€" Worship Service Church School and Nursery ICare 10:00 am. â€" Holy Communion The Rt. Rev. D. B. Marsh D.D.. Bishop of the Arctic EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive â€"- Richvale Rev. George Young B.A.. B.D 889-6789 Mr. Robert Long Organist SUNDAY. AUGUST 13, 1972 TRINITY 11 8:00 am. 10:30 am SUNDAY. AUGUST 13. 1972 11.00 a.m.~â€"Bib1e Preaching 7.00 p.m.â€"â€"Joy and Praise Wednesday 7.00 to 8.30 pm. All Family Bible School Nursery to Adult, Free Bus Activities, De- votions, Coffee. Enquiry at 889- 0175 01 889- 7431 RICHMON+D HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 884-3091 THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. Canon H. R. Howden. B.A. L.Th. Mr. Graham Upcraft LRAM Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY. AUGUST 13, 1972 TRINITY XI Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsey Armitage M.A.. D.D. 8a.m. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 am (A Fellowship Church) 26 Church St. Thornhill (where Hwy. 7E meets 11N) Pastor Rev. Don Whitelaw B.Tl1. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 50 Wright Street Pastor Rev. E. C. Corbett. VisitOrs Most Welcome a.m. â€" Holy Communion am. â€" Morning Prayer Preacher: The Rector LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST ALL WELCOME Assistant Pastor B.Th., B.R. E Stay-laters 889-7308 9:30 am. â€"- Family Worship 9:45 am. â€" Sunday Church School 11 am. â€" Our Service to God Nursery Care Provided For Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wallace Minister Organist and Choir Leader Mrs. Victoria Fraser Mus. Bac Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street Richmond Hill (Convention of Out. & Que.) Rev. Richard L. McPhee 884-8038 SUNDAY. AUGUST 13. 1972 10 a.m.-â€"Worship Service Visitors Made Welcome ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue Sn Richmond Hill Near Centre Street. The Rev. James S. Danphinee Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY. AUGUST 13, 1972 The Eleventh Sunday After Trinity 9:30 am. â€" The Service of Worship conducted by The Rev. John Arbuckle. Noteâ€"Sunday Church School is cancelled for the summer months. WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Meet Us Where Weldrick Road Meets Bathurst Rev. B. T. McSpadden. Pastor 884-7859 We Preach the Redeemer Resurrection, Rapture and , Revelation 10 am. -- Bible School 11 am. â€" Morning Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre St, Thornhill The Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans B.A., B.D.. D.D., Minister Public Worship of God 10 am. Welcome â€" 889-5391 SUNDAY. AUGUST 13. 1972 11 am. â€" Morning Service EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. Stanley E. Snowden B.A., B.D., Minister 832-1403 SUNDAY. AUGUST 13. 1972 10:00 a.m..Joint Services with the Maple Presbyterian Congregation at the United Church. . 9 am. â€"â€" Carrville Service A Cordial Welcome To All PRESBYTERIAN COMBINED SERVICES ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN AND 7 MAPLE UNITED CHURCHES AT ST. ANDREWS DURING JULY SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1972 884-1301 Organist and Choir Leader Gordon M. Fleming Church Office 884-1301 SUNDAY. AUGUST 13, 1972 10 a.m.â€"Joint Worship Service with St. Mary‘s Anglican at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Royal Orchard Boulevard Bay Thorn Drive Thornhill, Ontario Arnold D. Weigel, B.A., B.D. Pastor Phone 889-0873 SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1972 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuckle. Pastor Organist Mrs. A. Moore SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1972 Rev. Wm. F. Reid of Toronto Worship at 10 am. The Rev. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Streets Ministers The Rev. Robert F. Smith EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE-CARRVILLE PASTORAL CHARGE LUTHERAN UNITED Rowan D. Binning 884-1675 GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. Eldon Boettger, Pastor 887-5846 or 640-1501 SUNDAY. AUGUST 13. 1972 9:50 am. â€"- Family Bible Hour 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7:30 pmâ€"Gospel Service Wednesday 8 p.m.-â€"-Praye1~ Service Thursday 8 pmâ€"Film “To Russia With Love“ A Warm Welcome Awalis You RICHMOND HILL (Beverley Acres School) Rev. Ronald Hallman B.Th. Minister DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL Clarke and Willowdale Sts. SUNDAY. AUGUST 13, 1972 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Family Service Prayer Fellowship 8 pm. (Evening meetings in members homes). SUNDAY, AUGUST 13. 1972 10 a.m. â€" Worship Service WELCOME SUNDAY. AUGUST 13. 1972 Christian Education Hour at 9:50 am Worship Service . ,. Tuesday Youth Fellowship . . . Wednesday Other Denominations Mr. C. F. Colby 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service Seminars RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Avenue. Richvale SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1972 9.30 am. -- The Lord's Supper 11 am. â€" Family Bible Hour 11am. â€"â€" Sunday School Kindergarten to Grade 6 Bible School for Grade 7 and up 7pm. -â€"â€" Service Tuesday 8pm. â€" Bible Study and Prayer 7.:30 The Missionary Church SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road West Pastor F. C. J. Pearce 222-2200 11 am. â€"â€" Divine Worship Wednesday 7:30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Saturday 9:30 am. -â€" Sabbath School A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Road and King High Drive CONCORD SUNDAY SERVICES SUMMER SCHEDULE 9:45 am, â€"- Bible School 10 am. -â€"- Morning Service 7 pm. â€" Worship Service Not A Denomination A Church Of The New Testament Order Wednesday 7:30 pm.â€"-Bible Study Sunday 12.30 pm.â€"Watc_h “The Herald of Truth" TV Channel 3 Barrie RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH 212 Hillsview Drive 884-5029 Pastor David A. Dyer, B.A.. B.D., 884-6629 SUNDAY, AUGUST 13. 1972 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m.-â€"Morning Worship Serv- ice. Guest speaker. Sunday Evening Service Cancelled Tuesday 7130 pm. -- Bible Study and Prayer Hour ' Minister: Rev. D. VanderBoom MTE Service at 10:30 am. & 5:00 pm. Every other Sunday at 9:00 am. Worship Service in the Dutch language. A. E. Atkinson Minister, 889-3364 D. Paterson. Sec. 225-9745 ST MATTEW’S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crasby Avenue Rev. John McTavish Minister, 884-5526 PETER SMITH York Home TeV. 8894646 BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 146 THORNRIDGE DR†THORNHILL SELL YOUR. UNWANTABLES TURN SPAR-E ROOMS INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Wednesday pm. â€" Prayer Meeting and Bible Study iiICHMOND HILL A11 Are Welcome WORKS IN A DRAWER Color TV by 7.30 pm 11 am Months of training and indi- vidual determination will be tested this weekend when local athletes participate in the East- ern Canada Track and Field Championships to be held in Brantford. The best track and field types from Eastern Canada will be on hand to contest for the junior (that‘s 19 years and under) laur- els. The winners will be receiv- ing consideration for the On- tario Team which will partici. pate in the Canada Finals Aug- ust 29 in Montreal. from Newmarket. Tottenham and Scarboro attended. SURPRISING EFFORT Most surprising effort of the night was by pint-sized Angus MacGregor, who entered the juvenile 800 meters and stayed close to the older boys for the first 400 meters. Angus is 11 years old while the juveniles are pegged at 17 years of age. Needless to say the young Mac- Gregor will be getting a lot of attention . from the ‘coaching staff over the next few years to develop his running poten- The best track and field types from Eastern Canada will be on hand to contest for the junior (that‘s 19 years and under) laur- els. The winners will be receiv- ing consideration for the On- tario Team which will partici- pate in the Canada Finals Aug- ust 29 in Montreal. Local Athletes Seek Eastern Track, Field Honors Local hurdle expert Greg Binkley. shotput muscleman Steve Hoxey and sprinter Sue Stephenson will represent our area in the junior division. At the midget level javelin ace Doug Workman, sprinters Di- anne Diggins and Paul MacIn- tosh will attempt to register wins in their specialties. TEAM ADDITION Added to the team for this one event is Rob Tuckerman who has been recovering from leg miseries all summer and should perform well at the championships now that his ail- ments are minimal. ,r ,,,- , tial. Members. who have competed well over the past weeks. have been Tim McGhie who placed fifth in the long jump in the Ontario Finals with a leap over 20 feet. Doug Workman placed fifth in the midget javelin for Ontario honors. and Gerg Bink- ley made the final heats in the 110 meter and 400 meter hur- dles. WINS AT NEWMARKBT Saturday. July 29 in New- market in an area meet involv- ing Newmarket, Uxbridge. Tot- tenham. Penetang and Rich- mond Hill the local team fared one event is Rob Tuckerman who has been recovering from leg miseries all summer and should perform well at the championships now that his ail- ments are minimal. The following week the young set get a chance to show their talents at the Mite-Tyke-Atom Championships to be held at Burlington August 19. Coach Garry Lubin has switched his training schedule to evening workouts so the young athletes may benefit from the participa- tion with the older members in preparing for this major event. Last week the RHAC hosted WINS AT NEWMARKET Saturday. July 29 in New- market in an area meet involv- ing Newmarket, Uxbridge. Tot-‘ tenham. Penetang and Rich-mond Hill the local team fared very well with a total of six first place finishes. six seconds and seven third place efforts. Winners for the club were Steve Hoxey in the shotput. Clayton Bigelow in the 800 met- ers. Bruce Cook in the triple jump and 1500 meters and Rusty Cochrane, Ron MacGreg- or. Clayton Bigelow and Bruce Cook winners in the 100 meter relay. Last week the RHAC hosted a twilite competition at Thorn- 19a High School and contestants TYRES (July 31) Ramsey Rec 13 Ziebart Rustproofing 12 Ramsey squeaked by Ziebarts on the strength of two five-run innings. Good pitching by John Adams and good hitting by David Purves with two home runs. Dino Murri homered twice for Ziebarts. Kent Clothes 15 Tony’s Esso 4 Kent's exploded for 15 big runs off the bats of Scott Yeo- man with two homeruns with single efforts going to John Farrell, Stephen Fraser, George Franklin, and Kevin Spencer. Scoring the runs for Tony’s were David Waugh. Scott Ren- shaw. Gary Sutherland and Ed~ ward Devlin. Richmond Hill Auto Body 12 Rumble Transport 5 The Auto Body boys continue to surge on with their ninth straight win without a defeat. Stephen Barbour hit a home- run and drove in three runs as well. Doug Walton, Paul Har- rietha and Neil Moreland both scored twa runs apiece. Mark Joslin scored two runs for Rumble with single runs contributed by Kevin Grams, Harold Thornhill and Pat Law- 101'. Sportco Mars 8, G. S. Wood 4 Sportco scored four unan- swered runs in the last inning froxn Mathew Thampson’s home- run. another one by Jonathan Hunsdale and a triple by Noldy Burkhardt. Robbie Ryan homered and Paul Howarth scored two runs for the losing team. RH. Auto Body Tony’s Esso Sportco Mart __ Kent Clothes _____ Ramsey Rec v Rumble Tlansport G. S Wood Ziebart Rustp1 oofmg SQUIRTS Richmond Hill Jaycees 4 Hodgins Hardware 2 A good team effort was ex- erted by both squads. Mister Transmission 11 N. S. Smith 2 ._.-... Mike Smith of Mister Trans- mission had 15 strikeouts and John Noble of N. S. Smith also pitched a solid game. Town Auto Body 17 Dairy Queen 4 Jim Majury of Town Auto Body hit a homer‘ Murphy’s Real dstate 4 World-Wide Shipping 0 Jeff Joslin of Murphy‘s had Sealed Tender on a stipulated sum basis marked Addition to Richmond Hill Municipal Offices will be received until 4:00 pm. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1972 by Mr. R. Lynett, Clerk. in the clerk’s office, 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Ontario, 416 - 884-8101. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the Architects, Allen/Brown/Sherï¬ff, 116 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Ontario. 416- 884-1117, Thursday, August 10, 1972. on a deposit of a certified cheque in the amount of $50.00 payable to the Architects. This deposit will be refunded upon return of the plans and specifica- tions in good condition. Mechanical and Electrical bids to be submitted to general contractols. Tenders must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of $2,000.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. General Contract For All Trades Addition Tc Richmond Hill Municipal Offices TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Standings Pts. 18 10 10 10 The close finishers in second place were Rusty Cochrane in 15 strikeouts. Mark Albright played well in centrefield and Mike Broad also turned in a fine effort at second baSe for World-Wide. Town Auto Body 13 Murphy's Real Estate 11 Hodgin‘s Hardware __ 10 R. H. Jaycees _________ 9 Dairy Queen _____________ _ 3 Mister Transmission <__ 8 World-Wide Shipping 5 N. s. Smith _ _________ _ 2 PEEWEES Mac Heating 4. Bob's Boys 8 Richmond Hill Judo 5 Dynes Jewellers 0 Kenzie Pharmacy 2 City-Wide Rental 16 Dave Mock of City-Wide hit} a homeiun and was followed by some heavy hitting from the whole team. Hatches 3, Rendezvous 20 Greg Walton of Hatch's hit a homer and Neil O'Connor of Rendezvous had a grandslam and Ed Raixor and Les Smith hit a three run homer. Raixor also hit a three run triple and tossed a four hitter. BANTAMS Richmond Hill Billiards 6 Charlton Hardware 7 Mike Hillaby of Billiards hit two hOmeruns and Neil Clack and Brian Sullivan each had a homerun. Kinnear Pontiac 7. Phothue 10 McCloud of Photique hit a homerun as did Anderson of Kinnear. Villiage Coiffure 18 York Simcoe Sports 15 Debbie Howarth pitched a fine game and Laura Blanch- ard walloped a homerun for Village. Aloi Bros. 17, Micro Mets 12 Les Bunting and Cheryl Plax- tan homered for Aloi. Gayle Plamon also impressed. For Micro Mets it was Anna Todd garnering nine strikeouts. Kim Fox hit four for four while Janet Buxton came through with three triples. Brenda Lee checked in with two triples. Standings Pts. Aloi Bros. __ 12 York Simcoe __ 12 Micro Mets _______ _ 10 Village Coiffure __ 6 (The Intermediate and Jun- ior Girls were rained out on Wednesday of last week). SENIOR. GIRLS Photique ,,,,,,,,,,, _ Kinnear Pontiac RH. Billiards Charlton Hardware the long jump in the Finals with a leap over Doug Workman placed the midget javelin for y-Wide Rental 16 flock of City-Wide hit un and was followed heavy hitting from the Standings Standings Pts. 13 11 10 Pts. 12 10 10 Pts. 12 12 10 the 100 meters for atom. Ron MacGregor in 100 meters for bantam, Bruce Cook juvenile 200 meters and 800 meters. Clayton Bigelow in the 1500 meters. and Rusty Cochrane in the 200 meters for atoms. Top athlete for the meet was Brlce Cook from the Hill who gathered in two firsts, two sec- onds and three thirds as well as anchoring the winning relay team. Newcomer Rusty Cochrane showed very well by winning the atom high jump with a leap of four feet one inch and this lad from Oak Ridges should compete very well in the com. ing championships to be held August 19. Other new faces which will be wearing the green and white of Richmond Hill this weekend are Dianne Diggins, a speedy midget lass from Thornhill, and Paul MacIntosh. long red hair and all, from Richmond Hill. The Richmond Hill Athletic Club trains nightly at Richmond Hill High School grounds from 7 pm to dark. The older juv- enile juniors on Tuesday and Thursdays. the bantams and midgets on Wednesdays, and the mite-tyke-atoms on Tuesday and Thursday nights. NOWAT... Richmond Heights Centre, Richmond 11111 Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings ’til 9 pm - 884-4401 NEWCOMER DID WELL 7i PQStOflQStores They're very, very different from drum brakes. Instead of a drum, the disc brake has a rotating disc (or rotor). And a caliper equipped with two disc pad assemblies and hydraulic pistons. When you need to stop. the caliper assembly grips the rotor. ARE SPECIAL Eot disc brakes? Got disc brakes? Congratulations. You've got the best stopping going. But if you've got disc brakes, you should rememberjust one thing; so you need the firestonc disc brake specialists Our disc brake technicians have taken special training courses on disc brake opera- ti0n and service. They're familiar with all the different types found on all makes of cars. And they have the right equipment to do the job right. And do it efficiently, with no waste motions. That's why you get the best in disc brake service at a pretty remark- able price. Here's what we do for only $29.95. We install 4 new front disc pads. Inspect calipers, rotors, rear brakes, brake fluid level, and parking brake. As a little extra at no extra cost, we also clean, inspect and repack your front wheel outer bearings. Then we road test your car to make sure it measures 8 Track Stereo Tape Player SELL YOUR UNWANTABLES PHONE 884-1105 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 10, 1972 You’re miléggahead with You're milewégheéd at: ., ‘ .mnw/ My, STORES Water EHVirOnmenf Appreciation Ontario Week Environment Ontario invites you to visit your local water treatment system, during Water Appreciation Week, August 13th to 20th. For further information about Water Apprec- iation Week and these educational tours, contact your local water treatment plant. Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids pain- lessly. It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the inlured. inflamed tissue. . In case after case. whie gently relievmg pain. actual reduction ishrinkagei took place. _ Most important. of all -‘ results were so thorou h that this improvement was maintained over a pen of many months. _ This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injure cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. _ Now Bio-Dyne is offered in Ointment and suppository form called Preparation H..Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your money refunded. Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles up to your needs. To our standards. And to our guarantee; 24,000 miles or 24 months, whichever comesjirst. DISC BRAKE SERVICE - ‘95 And that's why you should be concerned about who works on your disc brakes. You need help from people who are thoroughly familiar with the disc brake difference. Maybe you're not all that concerned about how your disc brakes work. As long as they do. And incidentafly, there are five basic types of disc brakes on North American cars. Compact Size â€" Can be mounted in glove compartment for security "Instant Response" Slide-Bar Volume & Tone Controls Automatic and Manual Pro» gram Selection with Channel Lights. Installs easily in any 12 Volt Nega- tive Ground Car or Boat. ln- cludes all wiring, mounting hardware and instructions. Great buy on an