Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Aug 1972, p. 7

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lance arrived. according to a Belated birthday greetings to report from York Region Po- Jackie Peace of Duncan Road lice. who celebrated her birthday on York Region Police, who Saturday. Birthday greetings have still not been able to 10- to Sandra MacDonald of Dunâ€" Cate the deceased's next of kin. can Road who celebrates her said the man suffered a heart birthday Friday and Laurianne attack while in the North Road Tustin of Sixtenth Avenue who baths. celebrates her birthday Sunday. An 81-year-old Toronto man collapsed while having a steam bath in Lake Wilcox last week and was dead when the ambu- lance arrived. according to a report from York Region Po- lice. Elderly Man Succumbs While At Steam Bath The mothers were entertained by the children singing the fol- lowing songs â€"â€" Good Morning. Ten Little Ducks, Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee. Jack In The Box. Hoky Poky, and Five Little Chickadees â€"â€" the Counsellors of the summer playground at Sixteenth Av- enue Public Thursday of last week held their parents' mornâ€" ing. Miss Carol Trotman in- troduced Allan White of the Richmond Hill parks and rec- reation staff to the mothers. Allan White informed them of the success of this program and barring any obstacles. there would definitely be a full day summer program for all the children of this area next year. This is very good news for this community. chickadees being Susie and Teresa Muus. Jennie Logush, Loretta Lazar and Kim Prebble.‘ They also went on a Lion huntu EATING CONTEST >The licorice eating contest was won by Michael Ohlis, MOTH ris Lazar. Benny Muus and‘ Jimmy Logush. I While enjoying the refresh- ments the mothers examined the display of crafts their child- ren made while attending the summer playground. The work was very well done. Atli... 6L- .‘An1AA Ant:..:‘:1.n Miss Carol Trotman then thanked the councillors Miss Ann Legge and Miss Susan Ball for their hard work with the chiidren. LEN PUGH REAL ESTATE LTD. Now RENTING CAMEO PLACE Ross S. J ( Chairman Previous experience is less important than ability to do fine work, needing good eye/ hand co-ordin- ation. These are temporary positiOns which could de- velop into full time employment. The majority of‘these positions are for the second shift, with a few opénings available on the first. Applications will be accepted from August 7. APPLY AT: 280 CENTRE ST.. E.. RICHMOND HILL 10 A.M. T0 3 RM. NURSING HOME TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED York County Board of Education Area Two $150 MONTH LY ONE - TWO BEDROOMS @UiugEgSUPPLY TEACHERS EAST RICHVALE SOCIALS 889-9310 (Town of Aurora, Town of Whitchurch- Stouffville, King Township) Information and application forms may be obtained by applying to: The York County Board of Education Area Two Office IN ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS 127 Wellington St. West Aurora, Ontario Telephone: 727-3135 - 887-5115 S. Jolliffe \ . S. L. C CORRESPONDENT: MRS. SOPHIE LOGUSH Telephone 889-4405 ASSEMLERS COOK 31333? 1‘0 ‘fifé‘ay FULL and PART-TIME NURSING AIDS DOMESTICS requires 0 - 889-6621 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS PHONE 889-7090 5 Days A Week Monday to Friday Bright sunny kitchens, large master bédroom. elevator. broadloomed halls, free hy- dro. drapes, sauna bath. and parking. During the five weeks the children 9 n j o y e d scouting around the school grounds gath- ering material for their many projects. They went on a trip to the fireball last week. Mrs. Ann Ohlis, Mrs. Donna Steven- son and Mrs. Ruby Pl'ebble pro- vided the transportation. YRP Constable Doug Young visited them to explain the safety rules to them. The playground ended with a costume party Friday of last week. While enjoying the refresh- ments the mothers examined the display of crafts their child- ren made while attending the summer playground. The work was very well done. After the inside activities they all went out to the PlaY- ground and the mothers partic- ipated vigorously in the planned sports program. After the com- petitions Mrs. Ted Muus was crowned queen of the day. CORNER COLBORNE AND MARKHAM ‘ Across from Allencourt Plaza S. L. G. Chapman Director Attending the bride were her friend. Mrs. Carolyn Gondor. as matron of honor and her sisters, Audrey and Rosalie Stephenson. as bridesmaids. Bestman was Lyall Johnson of Alliston and ‘ushers were the groom's bro- ‘ther Len Swidersky of Alliston } and Norman Rybak of Toronto. For her wedding the bridaz chose a long gown of white‘ polyester satin. trimmed with lace and fashioned with a chapel ,train. She carried a Imuquet of yellow Chrysanthemums. blue cornflowers and baby's breath. Last Sunday there was a ser- vice of the Litany. with the lay readers officiating. Robert Sayers preached the sermon land Dorothy Wilton sang the 15010. “I Asked The Lord”. I St. John's Anglican Church ‘young people's group will meet Friday evening at '7 pm for swimming and fellowship. Community News Jack Fullman and his daugh- ter Karen have recently re turned from a week's holiday in the Haliburton Highlands. They stayed at Brae-Mar near Red- stone Lake. While there Mr. Fullman and Karen swam, can- oed and went sightseeing. Mr. Fullman's sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald. owners of the cottage. and their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald and their son and daughter spent the week with the Ful-lmans. a delightful two weeks at the Candee Turner Summer Dancing Camp at Karney. The service at St. John's An- glican Church Sunday will be a celebration of Holy Commun- ion at 10:30 am. Entertaining in honor of bride-elect Valerie Stephenson prior to her wedding on Satur- day to Boris Swidersky were: fellow workers at the Depart- ment of Transportation and Communication at Downsview; Doreen Mitchell of Oak Ridges who held a family shower: Mrs. Gladys Rumble of Bathurst Street who hosted a shower at- tended by neighbors an (1 friends; and the Women of St. John's Anglican Church who held a shower. A Speedy recovery is wished and gll‘lS and Mrs. Mabel r‘rls- for Mrs. Lillian Knapp and Mrs. W spent Sunday with Mr. and Treanor Canning “rho aI-p Mrs. Elmél‘ and in Yc’n‘k Central HOSpital. Rich- at Blackstock- mond Hill. Miss Dorothy Oliver of High- Neighborhood Notes land Creek spent the weekend Birthday greetings lo_ Wéndy‘with Mrs. Doris Pickering. Hart, August 9: Beth Binning- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steckley ton. eight years, August 10; and Stephen of Toronto spent Paul Barkér. 11 years. August Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 11; Patricia Boynton. 16 years. Clarence Steckley. Mrs. Beryl Riley. mother of Mrs. Robert Bowyer of Gamble Sideroad. recently returned from a month's holiday in Eng- land where she stayed in the Cotswolds with side trips to Scotland and to London. Nancy Browne and Do_rothy- Ann Tuckerman of Bathm‘st Street have just returned from Church News Orange gladioh' and white snapdragons d e c o r a t e (1 St. John’s Anglican Church for the August 5 wedding of Valerie Linda Stephenson and Boris George Swidersky. Rev. Earl C. Gerber officiated at the cer- emony. The bride is the fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stephenson of Bathurst Street. The groom comes from Alliston. Beautiful Summer Wedding At St. John's Anglican Church Swidersky - Stephenson Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Joyce and family in the recent passing of a laving sister-in-law and aunt. Mrs. Nellie France. of Toronto. Sick Folk Dishes and cutlery will be provided. Anyone wishing fur- ther information or transporta- tion is asked to call Mrs. John McCague at 887-5409. Sympathy The WI invites the members of the UCW and their husbands and friends to attend a pot luck picnic at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Gee at Duclos Point, Lake Simcoe, August 13 for 1 pm lunch. Picnic Cool' days and heavy rains remind that autumn is in the offingâ€"Exhibition starts next week â€" school opening is less than four weeks away (did I hear a mild hurrah?)â€"but meanwhile gardens are flour- ishing. summer is to enjoy. By the way. if you are miss-lfor marriage cnngratulations. ing the name and telephone‘ * ‘ * number at the head of this col- Th9 Jack Goughs have been umn. for phoning in informa- spending considerable time with tion. please call Jean Leaf. 294â€" Rae and Mary Grant at Lake Neighborhood Notes ELGIN MILLS AND JEFFERSON NEWS TURN SPARE ROOMS INTO SPARE CASH BUY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Correspondent Caroline Lomas Telephone 884-3000 Buttonville Community Happenings CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE ER. 2. Gormley -â€" Telephone 887-5421 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frisby ed and girls and Mrs. Mabel Fris- rs. by spent Sunday with Mr. and in Mrs. Elmer Huggins and family 11. at Blackstock. Miss Dorothy Oliver of High- land Creek spent the weekend The reception followed at the Summit View Gardens, with the bride‘s mother receiving in 3 peacock blue crepe M55 and the groom's mother in a bright pink crimpknit long gown. Out of town guests came from North Bay. Canningtou. Woodviile. A1- liston, Thornbury, Heathcote and Toronto. August 14; Fraser Gee. August 15; Jean Rumney, August. 16: Elizabeth Berta. August 16; Debbie Boynton, 16 years. Aug- ust l7. The young couple are honey. mooning in Powassan. On their return they will be living on Clearview Heights Drive in To- ronto. Miss Eleanor Stephenson ofi Willowdale sang “The Lord’s Prayer" before the ceremony and “The Wedding Prayer" dur- ing the signing of the register. The matron of honOr wore a yellbw gown and the brides- maids pale green gowns and white hats with a matching vel- vet trim. Their gowns were fashioned with a square neck- line trimmed with white daisies and they carried pink Chrysan- themums and baby‘s breath. Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton and girls spent Satur~ day with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mumberson at Wasaga. and called on Mrs. Evelyn Lemon at her cottage also in that area. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr‘ and Mrs. Gordon Berta married two years. Aug- ust 8; to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Vanderkooy, married 22 years. August 16. Gregg Hood is also eligible for marriage congratulations. Romance is in the air. Con- gratulations to Linda Jones whose parents have announced her engagement to Edward Robert Hartwick of Keswick. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF â€" PHONE 499-0376 5290. I'll be glad to hear from’5t_ Nora and with the Ted! Mr y°u~ Goughs at Twelve Mile Lake’speni * "‘ * ,On Saturday of last week they last Romance is in the air. Con- attended the regatta which Davi. gratmations to Linda Jones was held from Ted and Ellen‘s]â€" whose parents have announced place_ iArn J WHY TAKE THE RISK WITH OATING! . 9 Waterways are almost as crowded as the highways today. That’s why it’s best to play safe with an Economical “package” plan that protects you against liability or property damage should an accident occur. It also covers boat, motor, trailer, equipment from fire, theft and collision. You wouldn’t drive a car without insurance. Don’t run the risk when boating. Call your Economical Insurance Agent now and enjoy carefree boating this summer. Richmond Hill -â€" Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 884-1551 Willowdale â€" Neil G. McDonald Limited. 2264611 Road widenings on Don Mills Road are disturbing some of the residents who have homes close to the line. Trees have been removed and residents are feeling a bit high and dry. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Miller ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waterson of Unionville were guests of Bob and Jackie Miller at their island in Timag- ami last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Syl Savage and family spent last Sunday with Bill and Helen Clark and their family .at their Vivian Cottage. Rev. Bradley Cruxton was guest speaker at Brown's Com- er United on Sunday and Jack Gough was soloist with Mrs. Don Reesor organist. The Sherman families were at Owen Sound over the holi- day weekend for family gath- erings. Ken and Lois Bennett have been building resort cabins at their summer property near Dorset this summer. 3089 Bathurst St. A DRAKE INTERNATIONAL COMPANY _ Sheppard - York Mills $125.00 + Bookkeeper to handle full set of books up to trial balance along with general clerical. Excellent benefits. Concord. Ontario $110.00. Computyper. To work on Friden No. 5023 for this leading firm. 100% pay benefits. Keele - Finch $80.00. Junior Accounting Clerk to assist in all account- ing functions plus limited typing. Excellent potential. 4 Keele - Finch $85.00. Junior Clerk Typist to act as receptionist along with typing and general clerical duties. Will train on PBX Switchboard. York Mills - Lesmlll Open. Secretary to managing director and assistant of this leading firm. Great variety. French is an asset. Don Mills - York Mills $85.00. Clerk-Typist. Great opportunity for junior. Var- iety of typing along with general clerical duties. Excel- lent potential. 787-0397 3089 Bathurst St. Wanted Immediately â€" Temporary affice averlod (at Lawrence) DRAKE PERSONNEL Stems Dictas Typists HELP . BMO 9 ,Keypunch 9 Clerks Please call: CALL: Arrest For Molesting Allege Assault On Girl Steven Huntley. 19. of 181 Ruggles Avenue. Richmond Hill was arrested Wednesday eve- ning of last week at the local police station after an investi- gation into a Monday night complaint. YRP said. Two 14-year-old Richmond Hill girls told police they were walking at 4:45 pm along a se- cluded pathway between Yonge Street and Newkirk Road in an area behind several drive-in take-out restaurants. As they crossed the railroad tracks. one was grabbed by a young male. She said she was pushed into some bushes and indecently as- saulted. The other girl yelled someone was coming and the man fled, police said. A molester of young women allegedly struck again last week in Richmond Hill, but this time York Region Police made an arrest. There have been sev- eral such incidents in the town during recent‘weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hord spent some time at Foxbom last week visiting their son David and his family there. 493-6880 5 Fairview Mall Drivo 781-6135 83/4 0/0 Approved Correspondents for The Mortgage Insurance Co. Call PHIL POWELL 884-8183 Tor. 297-1270 UNDER OUR NEW BLANKET MTGE‘ PLAN HOME IMPROVEMENT BEGINS'WITH CADILLAC GOLDEN-RED ANTIQUE ELM, 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . MAHOGANY SELECTED, 4'x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KNOTTY PECAN, 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EMBOSSED OAK. 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WALNUT RUSTIC, 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROSEWOOD RUSTIC, 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ft. base and wall cabinet completely finished with countEr top (y0ur choice of color) .................. POSTFORMED COUNTERTOPS in 5-6 colors North of Maple Sideroad on Hours: 8:30 am. to 5:30 13.11:. - Friday 8:30 am. to 9 pm. - Sat 8:30 am FORMICA 8. ARBORITE $15.95 SEASON-END SALE I)” FINISHED SHELVING TEAK -- WAJNUT â€" OAK 8"x3 Ft. $1.55 each 10”x4 Ft. . . . . . $2.20 each 12”x5 Ft. . . . . . $3.20 each 2”x12” VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR VTILE . . . . . . . . . FL 0 OR TILE CEDAR LUMBER SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS FREE DELIVERY SERVIC VANITY â€"- COMPLETELY FINISHED VANITY -â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED VANITY â€" COMPLETELY FINISHED 12”x12” Solid Vinyl THE LIBERAL, RichmOnd Hill, Ontario. Thursday. Aug. 10. 1972 ANY SIZE L 0R U SHAPE AVAILABLE TO YOUR REQUEST Reg. 97c Mortgages LESS THAN HALF OF MARKET PRICE BONANZA SALE WE’LL PANELLING SALE PRICES DRASTICALLY DRO P (LIMITED QUANTITY) SEE OUR COMPLETELY FINISHED CLEARANCE SALE 1/2 PRICE DOORS a MOULDINGS LOUVRE BIFOLDS At our bargain corner 2,000 square feet of air-conditioned office space available, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Can be divided into smaller areas. The only prestige building in town. Only a few two bedroom and one bedroom Suites left. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. PHONE 832-2271 TANKOOS, YARMON LTD. INDUSTRIAL SITES KITCHEN CABINET DISPLAY Essex Tw1n Towers - 7 - 8 ft. lengths For Sale or owner will build for lease (5 Different Colors) PRESTIGE OFFICE SPACE lg‘lAO 3.0-0.0... quJuâ€"LIUB- IInonchttlonllllt.Ont-IIOIIIII n...n.-.n..........a-o...uoncno nu...-a.....--..-o-n-anoou-.--n Your Choice of Color Top 216 ESSEX AVE, RICHMOND HILL 8 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO 363-5086 OR 884-3905 FULLY SERVICED EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR WHITE PAINT 1 TO 20 ACRES CALL 889-6621 Phone 884-9133 884-3804 52.98 per ft- $6.95 KEELE ST” $184.00 ALL CEDAR PICNIC TABLES KNOCK DOWN 141/“: Each 1”x10” a a o n . Reg. $19.95 MAPLE Keele St: to 5 pm 291x10” $34.95 $39.95 $44.95

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