Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Aug 1972, p. 15

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Mrs. Markham is looking [01'- ward to an even more enjoy- able ycar than last, with fresh knowledge and‘ in s p i 1' a tie n gained from the workshop and lots of new games and activities for the popular musical arts classes held on Saturdays. Attention all members of the 9th Richmond Hill Cub Pack! The new season will begin Sep- tember 12 at St. Paul’s Luther- ln Church on Bayview Avenue starting at 7 pm. New'membe'rs are welcome to join in the fun. Mr. and Mrs. John Harold and their daughter, Susie, re- turan Wednesday from a two- week camping trip to Prince Edward Island. Mrs. Ailing is the originator of the L0 Kno Pla approach to the piano which has proved so successful here in the past year. A workshop was held on Friday and Saturday for interested teachers at which another local teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth l-Iar- wood, enrolled. Sisters Kath- leen Dougherty and Mary Eliz- abeth from the Buffalo area also attended and planned to use the method in their own schools on their return. Weekend guests at the home of Estelle Markham, ARCT, BRIT, of Vaughan Road, were Mr. and Mrs. C. Allin: of Cor- pus Christie, 'l‘cxas. and saturday Ior interested teachers at which another local teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth Har- wood, enrolled. Sisters Kath- leen Dougherty and Mary Eliz- abeth from the Buffalo area also attended and planned to use the method in their own schools on their return. Mrs. Markham is looking for- ward to an even more enjoy- able year than last, with fresh knowledge and‘ in s p i r a tie n gained from the workshop and lots of new games and activities for the popular musical arts classes held on Saturdays. 1! in a: One of the most unfair forms 0f filSCI‘lmination Pl‘acused'had a fabulous holiday in Eu- against .the human female, andyl-ope visiting Czechoslovakia, one which seems to draw litthGermany, Austria and Italy. protest from the various organ-1 * >k ‘ nations ’known’ collectlvely as; Nearly thirty young equestri- Womcns le‘ .lS_ PBI‘DEtl‘Ktednans arrived last weekend from not by chauvmistic males, but‘Fl-ance, Mexico, USA. Switzer- by Mother Natureâ€"herself ‘ailand and various parts of Canâ€" Iemale. It occurs 1n her dis-tl‘l-iada to participate in the Junior butmn of rheumatoid arthritis,International Horse Show which which attacks three women toitakes place this Saturday and every man. Sunday at Amber-croft Farm in Their son, Steven, has spent the summer attending a credit course for Ontario schools of- 'fered for the first time by the Canadian Junior College of Lausanne, Switzerland. at Camp Carriacou in the Grenadine Islands in the Caribbean. The course featured marine biology. oceanography and camping and Steven not only completed the course with first cla.s honors but also obtained his bronze lifesaving medal and green belt in karate. ' Daughter. Diana, a column- ist for “The Liberal", accompa- nied by her grandmother. Mrs. ’3 Hugo Abels of Woodbridge, has1 iMills and Newkirk Roads n‘extFThick salad dressing season _ 'Salt and pepper to taste Fallen Angels by Noel Cow- 11/2 to 2 pounds fresh asparagus 3rd, which opens October 20,8 drained canned pineapple is being directed by Ron Sollo- slices way with an excellent east inL Iceberg lettuce eluding Kay Turner «of Pig ’N Stuffed olives Whistle fame): Beryl FOPCStauv Combine chicken, celery and ‘Louise Whitney. Brian Stainerilwater chestnuts or almonds I'l‘ony Whitney and NevillejLightly mix in enough salad iCross. idressing to moisten and flavm A traditional fun melodramalto taste‘ season as required East Lynn is next on the bill Cover and chin. and “ill run December 1; Break or cut asparagus up: through 16th. Tony Miller is to about 312 inch length (use the director. 1stalks for soup or for cream- Gordon Diver directs theling). Boil in salted water untii next FRYâ€"Billy Liarâ€"a north tender, drain and chill, Drair of England comedy, which and chin pineapple. truns February 13 through For each salad. arrange a let- 1March 3. tuce cup on a chilled plate. To; Halfway Up The Tree \l'illuvith a pineapple slice and die close the season on April 20.‘vide asparagus tips among 1 Directing this delightful com- salads, edy is Gerry Diver. _ Mound chicken salad on tor Season tickets are,n0\v avall-‘of pineapple and asparagus am able and may be Obtained bytdecorate with olives. Makes 8 ’calling Audrey Randell-Smith! Mrs. Phil Evans at 884â€"6052, I i x n: u A... “Mun.” Rival-finer pnIn-cn Mam: ‘Iln'l'nrc CIIAC‘I'C In years gone by, little c0uld‘G0rmley be done to help rheumatoid ar- They'l thrjtisâ€"or any other arthritis various for that matter. Sympathy was on Mom about the sum total of therapy nel- gue: in most cases. The patient near-and Mrs 1y always deteriorated, usually lowdale, became crippled. Ordinary ed later household or other tasks be- respecti‘ came progressively more difâ€"ifm- a co ficult and eventually impos-i They sible. This still sometimes hap- Amberc] pens. but in most cases it ties pla shouldn‘t. At the first suspicion'and eve of painful, stiff joints. even ifrvisited I it is only for a brief time (min Guel rising in the morning. the lady‘itakoi1 on should see her family physician. and um Methods of treatment are im- “minam proving daily, thanks to the{ed by a Canadian Arthritis and Rheu-Ifarm_ matism Society. 1 Why not let us know of your summer activities for inclusion in “Life. in the Hill” columns? It's of in- terest to our many readers and fun to send the news clipping to your hosts or visitors from out-or-town or overseas. School re-opens next week. community? groups resume activities and sum-- mer holidays will be for- gotten until next year. The service is freeâ€"call the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884/1105/6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South -â€" we'll look forward to hearing from Sou. Mayor and Mrs. William Lazenby hosted a dinner at the Board of Trade Coun- try Club, Woodbridg‘c, on Wednesday. August 23. to celebrate their 20th Wed- ding Anniversary. Other relatives attending besides their children Car- olynne. Christine and Bill Jr. were Mrs. Lazenby's parents. Mr. and Mrs. An- ton Huber and Mr. Lazen- by‘s sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Manganelli. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Coles of Toronto were also present. Mr. Coles had been best man at the wedding. Included among the many guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith. Chris- tine's godparents: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wight and Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Socol. B_ill Jr.‘s godparents. Foliowihg the dinner Mayor and Mrs. Lazcnby received their guests for coffee at their home on Knollside Drive. 0n the Sunday prior. the Lazenby‘s were ‘isited by Mr. and Mrs. John Hay of Toronto who were unable to attend the dinner. Mrs. Hay had been Mrs. Lazen- bY's bridesmaid. Sponsor Vern Dynes MafiaE‘lihE past six weeks are Mr. andi What’s (joolclng? er Coach Casey Cripps and team Mrs. John Barton and family, members of Dynes Fastball Sean and Susan ‘ Almost everyone has a special Team were guests of the presiâ€" They Spent the first week dish which family or friends dent and directors of the Can- touring England. then Stayed enjoy _ why not Share the adian National Exhibition As- for three days in London for recipe with our readers, be it sociation at a luncheon lasta sightseeing and éllopping main course, dessert or snack‘.’ Saturdayâ€"Sports and Health spree. Flying to Paris, they Each week one will be publish. Dayâ€"‘at the Queen Elizabeth rented a car and for four weeks ed in this columnâ€"how about Building toured Germany, Austria. S\\'it-\y0UI‘S'~’ Mrs. Marilyn Wilson, wife of Michael Wilson of the Rich- mond Inn will be remaining in York Central Hospital for the next few weeks having had cor- rective surgery following the birth of their son, Jason James, on July 20. Jason,_\\'ho was born prema- turely, is making excellent headway and has gained over two pounds since birth. weighâ€" ing in now at over five pounds. On their return from hospi- tal, Mrs. Wilson and son will be moving into their new home “Pelion Downs” in King City. During July and August, tho congregation of SI. Mary‘s and Richmond Hill United have held combined services at alâ€" ternate churches. Parishioners of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church can now sleep in an extra half hour every Sunday ~â€" starting this week Morning" Prayer will be held at 10:30 am. ‘ ' - .I’“ . . r . $213523;me“Exiflw‘iieii‘fifa 51gb???“ 5”“; %I‘°Pr’lmg 7 ‘. spree. ymg 0 ans, tley 3:31;?“ the Queen Ehzabeth rented a car and for four weeks D0335; Fisher pregident of toured Germany, Austria. Swit- ‘ ‘I ‘ :zerland, Yugoslavia and H01- Hockey Canada, was the guestyland‘ returning to London for Speakell I _ L 3their flight home. Bill and Ruth Cook of Cen- tre Street West returned this month from holidaying in the Bahamas. France, Mexico, USA. Switzer- land and various parts of Canâ€" ada to participate in the Junior International Horse Show which takes place this Saturday and Sunday at Ambercroft Farm in They're being billeted in various homes in the area and on Monday night were all din- ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Randall Wykes in Wil- lowdale, where they were join- ed latcr that evening by their respective hosts and hostesses for a cocktail party. They ride every morning at: Ambei'croft with various activi- ties planned for the afternoon and evening. On Tuesday they visited the Agricultural College in Guelph, on Wednesday were taken on a trip to Niagara Falls and today (Thursday) the preâ€" liminary trials are held follow- ed by a barbecue party at the farm. ‘ Entertaining at miscellane- ous showers were Mrs.‘ Ken Foster and daughter, Rosemary, of Harrygan Crescent, Mrs. Bob Smith and daughter. Deb- bie (the bride's maid of honor'. and Mrs. Shirley Weisser of Newmarket. Mrs. Dan Farquar- son of Thornhill \\'as the host- ess for a bathroom shower and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Crack held an evening garden party 'and presentation at their home on Leonard Street. On Thursday last a family dinner party was held in the lovely grounds of “The White House", the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redelmeier. Following the wedding ro- Following the wedding rc- lieai'sal on Friday the groom's father. Pete MacNeil of Corn- wall. entertained members of the bridal party at the Summit Golf and Country Club, Jeffer- son Among the out-of-town guests attending the wedding were the bride‘s uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ribton Crampton. and their son, Jeremy, from Sussex. England. her aunt, Mrs. Betty Boyd, from London, England. and grandmother. Mrs. M. Crampton from Warren. There will be no meeting next Monday, Labor Day. On September 11 it is planned to have a discussion on the Cen- tennial of Richmond Hill. Rotary News At lhe August 28 meeting of the Rotary Club held at the Summit Golf and Country Clul; a most interesting film on road racing was shown by Rotarian Ron Bell. ".I_“vl:lV{|iré activities include the annual corn roast at the Sum- mit and a fishing weekend. Just returned from h“may”!mununumunmmmm H mg in England and Europe ford umuunnuuumuulumummulm the past six weeks are Mr. anal What’s Cooking: Mrs. John Barton and family” . Rev. Bern Barrett has been joined by his wife, Pauline, and children, Kevin. 9 years; Bron- wyn, 7 years and Karen. 4 years. at The Rectory. 100 Am- old Streei. and they're all thor- oughly enjoying life in Rich- mond Hill The family are for- mprly from Edmonton. MI: Barrett is the new rector of St. Mary’s Anglican Church. An interesting selection of plays is being offered to pat- tons of the Curtain Club at the new theatre. comer of Elgin Mills and Newkirk Roads next Gordon Diver directs the‘ next playâ€"Billy Liarâ€"a north of England comedy, which runs February 16 through March 3. Halfway Up The Tree will Tclose the season on April 20. \Directing this delightful com- He has directed at the Na~ tional Theatre School, the Uni- [versity of Toronto, UniversityZ ‘Iof Waterloo and Lambton Com- ‘munity College. His teaching‘ experience covers three seasons at the University of Toronto Summer School, Lakehead School of Fine Arts, University of Waterloo and the Depart- ment of Education, Community Programs. Some of the items to be cov- ered in this course will include Ichoosing the play; property ‘ plot. music. sound effects, plan- Ening rehearsal schedules. cast-1 .ing, analyzing the playâ€"findingj ‘ an approach, blocking, handling‘ ricrowd scenes. rehearsalsâ€"what to expect and what to aim for. "from read-through to dress re-I _ hearsals. style and its many. ,imeanings in the theatre. ‘4 Sessions will be very practi- :ical with a minimum of lectur-l ' ing per session. _ The fee for the 12 week ,icourse is $15 and application variety of tempting sauces and cookies. It was a most enjoyable eve-‘- ning with over 130 in attend-i ance including guests from Au-“ stralia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. and Deep River and representatives‘ from neighboring societies in Swansea, Etobicoke, Leaside, Thornhill and Agincourt. Also featured was the annual‘ Summer Flower Show which} attracted a large number of exâ€" hibitors. Winners wereâ€"speci- mens, William Risebrough, 45 points. Otto Connor, 34 points and Bob Little, 26 points. Ar- rangements, Mrs. Ma rgaret Rumney. 14 points. Mrs. George Barker, 14 points and Mr. Rise- brough, 8 points. Court of Hon- of winners were â€"â€" specimens, Mrs. Marjorie Olsen. Begonia. sundae; , and arrangements, Mrs. Barker "‘All Alone". The lucky draw dinner was ‘Mrs. Cora Brodie, whose prize was a beautiful Caladium do- nated by Mr. Little. Season tickets a1'e,n0\v avail- able and may be obtained by calling Audrey Randell-Smith at 884-6052, An excellent directing course is being held September 11 through November 27 at Bay- view Secondary School conduct- ed by Ron Hartman, a familiar and respected .professidnal in the Central Ontario Region and artistic director of Ontario Youtheatre. summer company The fee for the 12 week course is $15 and application forms may be obtained by writing Mrs. Shirley MaCabe, 487 Duplex Avenue, Apt. 24. Toronto 12‘ Holiday Garbage Collection TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th In all other areas collection will be made on the normal day. \BOL'R DAYâ€" MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 41h being a holiday there will be no collection in Area 1 Collection in this area will be made on TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Almost everyone has a special first week‘dish which family or friends “an staved enjoy â€" why not share the ca - Lg-vv-c Recently returned from holi~ daying in New Orleans are Pat and Tom Ward of Royal Orch- ard Boulevard. The Wards, former residents of the Hill. are moving at the end of this week into a new home in the Wycliffe Develop- ment. Thornhill. Their son, Julian, commen- ces studies at McMaster Uni- versity, Hamilton, this fall. Holidaying at the home of Ray and Iris Stringer and sons, Martin and Vernon. of Tormore Drive is his mother, Mrs. Flo- rence Stringer from Quinton. Birmingham, England. Since her arrival the famin has been busy showing her many places of local interest. including Niagara Falls: win- ing and dining at interesting night spots and enjoying a three day trip to Oltana. They're currently relaxing in the Huntsville area. 3 to 31/2 cups diced cooked chicken 112 cups diced celery 1/4 cup sliced water chestnuts or toasted blanched almonds Thick salad dressing Salt and pepper to taste 11/12 to 2 pounds fresh asparagus 8 drained canned pineapple slices Iceberg lettuce Stuffed olives Combine chicken, celery and water chestnuts or almonds. Lightly mix in enough salad dressing to moisten and flavor to taste. Season as required. Cover and chill. Break or cut asparagus tipst to about 31/2 inch length (use3 stalks for soup or for creamâ€" ing). Boil in salted water until tender, drain and chill. Drain and chill pineapple. For each salad, arrange a letâ€" tuce cup on a chilled plate. Top" with a pineapple slice and di- vide asparagus tips among 8 salads. ‘ Mound chicken salad on top ‘of pineapple and asparagus and l decorate with olives. Makes 8.| Warwick House, with local beauties as models. Mrs a two-piece Italian kni being featured. t in fall tones, one of the m Tickets at $1.50, of necessity limited, may 884-2115. All proceeds for Guiding. i’ The Richmond Hill Ecumeniy cal Choir commence rehearsals September 11 at 8 pm at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. There are a few vacancies in the choir and anyone interest- ed in joining may obtain fur- 'ther information by calling 88443825. * at a Paper re-cycling' â€" attention all residents in the area West of Yonge Street between Vaughan Road and Trayborn Drive! The next collection of newspapers will be on the first Friday of next month, Sept. 1. Throughout the school year newspapers are collected by students 0f Richmond Hill High School but throughout the sum- mer the service has been con- tinued by the Markham Sand and Gravel. ' A ,.A Dr. Robert Alexander, Mrs. Alexander and family, Susan, Shelley and Sydney, have re-r cently returned from a month‘s holiday in the Northwest Terri- tories and Western Canada. ‘ ' For the first two weeks they 'stayed with Mrs. Alexander’s ,mother, Mrs. Nonie Steele, in .Ycllowknife. Mrs. Steele is the secretary to General Ramsay ‘Withers, in charge of Northern Region National Defences On leaving Yellowknife they went to the Rockies where they spent the remainder of their holiday under canvas en- joying the great outdoors. VANDORF: A new well may soon provide relief for sports fans in the park here. At a .meeting of council in committee lit was decided to accept a quo- .tniirm frnm Gnrmlpv Well Drill- Break or cut asparagus tips to about 311?. inch length (use stalks for soup or for creamâ€" ing). Boil in salted water until tender, drain and chill. Drain and chill pineapple. Combine chicken, celery and water chestnuts or almonds. Lightly mix in enough salad dressing to moisten and flavor For each salad. arrange a letâ€" tuce cup on a chilled plate. Top with a pineapple slice and di- vide asparagus tips among 8 salads. Many Visitors, Guests At Ice Cream Social An added touch to the last meeting of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society held Auâ€"' gust 22 was the annual Ice Cream Social with the usual" variety of tempting sundae‘ sauces and cookies. Plans are now being formuâ€" lated for the annual Fall Festi- val to be held September 16 in the Lions Hall. ‘ ASPARAGUS â€" CHICKEN SALAD Signed : R. LYNETT. Clerk There are a few vacancies in the choir and anyone interest- ed in joining may obtain fur- ther information by calling 88443825. Paper re-cycling â€"â€" attention‘secre all residents in the area west With: of Yonge Street betweeniRegic Vaughan Road and Trayborn‘ On Drive! The next collection 0f,\\'ent newspapers will be on the first they Friday of next month, Sept. 1. their Please continue to put out your newspapersâ€"your co-oper- ation is appreciated. A recent patient at York Central Hospital was A. Y. Jackson, the only living mem- ber of the Group of Seven painters. Mr. Jackson, who win he 90 years old. on October 3, had not been feeling up to par, and was hospitalized for observation. He has now returned to his home at the McMichacl Conser- vation Collection of Art in Kleinburg, where he has lived for the past {our and a half years. :GUARANIE‘EVDHISVAVINGS DRAPERIES ' FROM OUR OWN FACTORY TO YOU ‘ DELIVERY COULD BE YOURS IN 7 DAYS! 1 THE PBAPERXEASJQ RY The Immediate Goal... ARTHRITIS CONTROL I, William C. Lazenby of the Town of Richmond Hill, do hereby proclaim September to be “Arth- ritis Month”. I urge our citizens to co-operate wholeheartedly with the York Central Committee of The Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Soc- iety in supporting the Campaign, Where there is help . . . there is hope. Choose your drapes from a 16ve1y selection of the latest styles and patterns. For further information. please c ’70 NEWKIRK RD., RICHMOND HILL (Between Centre St. and Crosby Avenue) FROM 9 AM. TO 6 PM. DAII Bring your own measurements 1 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 0N QUALITY WILLIAM C. LAZENBY Mayor. VANDORF: A new well may soon provide relief for sports fans in the park here. At a meeting of council in committee it was decided to accept a quo- tation from Gormley Well Drill- ing for the project. The quoted price, based on a 100 foot well ;at $9 per foot, was $1,870. In addition, the sum includes a submersible pump and some piping. Y.C.A.M.R. " 500 " TOKEN NO. 417 MRS. M. McCLUMPHA WILLOWDALE ONTARIO ANOTHER $500. WINNER IN all 884-6611 DAYS I ARE YOU OPPOSED TO THE PROJECTED 610 FT. ONTARIO HYDRO CORRIDOR (SOLANDT COMMISSION) RUNNING THROUGH THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL. CARRYING 500.000 VOLTS ON HIGH TOWERS? IF SO PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR ELECTED REPRE- SENTATIVES AND OTHER CONCERNED CITIZENS IN OPPOSITION TO THIS PROPOSAL. PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS COUPON TO YOUR MAYOR. AHE Name Address wk JEANS AND CORDS * (Hurry before they sell out â€" again) a; Also Showing ~' {3 Smocks 0 Baggies O Jeans 0 Sweaters if; Plaids O ’l‘arluns O (‘hecks * Â¥ v‘ HE PXNT-INM i, '1, 213'0nge St. N. - 881-9339 "‘4 ‘ Richmond Hill's L'nisex Shop ' ‘ n} THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Th -10 I EVENDALE RD., RICHMOND HILL j;,_”'@-SHOES - BOOTS â€" MOCASSINS OPPOSITION 'I‘O SOLANDT COMMISSION 'I‘O MAYOR WILLIAM LAZENBY i YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL Gordon S. Wood rsday 884-5655

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