Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Aug 1972, p. 7

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CARD 0F THANKS MARKHAM. We wish to exoress our Sln- suspended indeflnltely. the eerie thanks to our friends and strike against Ontario Hydro neighbors for their many ex- continues to drag on. Despite an CENTA â€" Tony and Janet are pression; of sympathy. acts of increase in the number of pick- . -. UNDER OUR NEW happy to announce the bllth kindness and flowers during our eters. the scene remains peace- T r v E x A M I N E R of Stephen Cra‘g 0“ August recent bereavement in the loss ful at the Markham area office. BL-‘thT MTGE PLAN 24' 1972' A bromer for ROI" of a dear husband and father. Some delays have been experi- A ‘ ‘ H ‘ l A Clerk Plan Examiner is required for the Building CNS Special thanks to Marshall Fun- enced when the strikers stopped ‘ pplo‘fd Co“e°p°“dems for: ‘ Department. Town of Richmond Hi1], Applicant must eral Honle for their kindnessnrucks. The Mortgage Insurance Co. be familiar with reading blue prints and clerical work. i iGREENâ€"Han‘y and Alme (nee and thoughtmlmsg’ Cali PHIL POWELL Submit resume to: i Woodl are happy to announce F. . - . . . » . - . ieda Caheiley and talllll). V _ H the birth of their son. Cl’ll‘lSl- “My NEWMARREI: Seventeen-year- 384.8133 With negotiation: mirtha 83/4 % Mortgages‘ LIERAL CLASSIFIED AS‘ Reach more prospects faster. Save time and money. PETS FOR SALE if DAY CARE flmflm EbKRnING " _' ’7! ATTRIDGE. Ethel M. III * it a A A in .FAIRLAWNCJunior & Nursery‘ Year round boarding of dogs School. 8403 Yonge Streetp J. L‘ HOLLO“TELL At ' SUMMER Is ALMOST GONE": - - ‘ ' l . - - _ _ c . _ . a ‘ “3" Fat" gngzeefigtgig.‘g‘.v:§:§.f.‘;‘1¥§a‘;‘11- Fully hcensed we” York Central Hospital on Sat- 0pm.. David. 8 1m ,3 025” on . . . aid Donnie Fitzgerald .5 back Tor. 2974.37 CHIEF BUILDING INSPEt TOR “’e’cft’éngi Street 1M miles ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR “"1le August 26' 197? Ethe' August 21. 1972. at York Ccn- CARD 0F THANKS C".”°“l”‘g 01d palm” 35, “91‘ Con‘ 56 "OWE “RE” “ORTH‘ :fiihoof Aurora. 727:548‘8- FEE BE ARRANGED u Powell. beloved wife Of “.3, Hospital. First grandfl I “Sh m mank my mam. tribution to the pollution prob- RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO tfc46 fiGâ€"giiooming. poodles. ter- riers. mutts. Betty Forsyth, 889-‘ 3606. tfc3 PROFESSIONAL DOG tropical fish. gerbils and hamp- sters. Supplies for all. 773-4401. c4w7 GERMAN Shepherd. female. 28 _ l Hem 126 Yonae St. memory of my dear husband. Central H-Oslmal'y. , ‘ ,i at King Sideroad. .’ months, registered, excellent 339: bal’sl’84‘geslgglne' gfinalizhmonde'mu. A family father and grandfather. who; â€"Mls‘ Maltaannd [kgflllilsmi WH‘M I I for breeding purposes. 889-7834. Walter Scott alea. - c.1“9 service was held on Saturday passed away August 315. 1951‘ a LENS. c2w8 ' ‘ . .' There is a beautiful road called ' ‘ . . . . .-_._-r-- -fimum-i - . 1 9 . i . V ,. r . . POODLE pups 3 WEEKSâ€"DIO- DAY care available in my home. “tern”:- Ciemaalon c w . remelnbl‘ance, .CARD 0F*THANKQ i All ("Olldlllonl'fdr LEI-IDA] Tonge Stieet location SllVefl- PiCk you“ no“’- Rea' 884‘8642' MWQ DUNKLEY. Stephen James - wiiqeggt friends and loved onesr We the faiiiiiv LOT the latei D I m RIChmond H1” fonabliigflsjfi; Suddenly as the l‘eSUlt 0f a1'11 take that road in thought Frank smith “'ish ‘0 “xl’l‘essl CONTACT ONE 8 week old female puppy free to a good home. 884-8047i Charles Attridge of Richmond Hill. Dear mother of Charles. Bob. Prisilia (Mrs. P. Blainli and Leonard. Rested at. the. Marshall Funeral Home. 126. Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill: NECESSARY See our ad on Page 2. DAY care given in my home» Bayview Plaza area. 884-8285. tfc53 tfc39 A I and son of Mr. Horace Calver: ley and the late Mrs. Ca1ver-‘ ley. Rested at the Marshall DAY care given to childreniany" age. 884â€"9358. clwi) RELIABLE day care in my motor accident on Saturday. August 26. 1972. Stephen. be- PERSONAL Do you have a drinking prob- JULIAN. David To the one some day I'll meet.l Child {01‘ Proud El‘andpamnls friends and neighbors for their 19m Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood and Mr. cams kindness“ and mayors enough SllPPOT'l among follow H. Green. also first greatâ€"dunno my recent stay at York Newmarkel High SChOOI 5““ " dents to form a Pollution Probe Club so she's doing her own ' thing anyway. grandchild for Mrs. M. An-‘ccmral Hospital Special thanks; drews. Many thanks to Dr.‘m Drs. Arai. Socol and Mc- Susan Zukotwnski. clw9 Gmm and to pastor Corbett. Debbie couldn‘t fin d Father F. Robinson. Solvig. Vie; Buckingham. and the nurses am the fourth floor of the Yorki --â€"- In loving GROOMING _ DAS’ care available in my home Service was held Tuesday. In-. .. I. )2 Agnes Hoover . H 7-: ' ’ we ‘ F. E E All breeds. poodles. terriers-for three-year-old boy to play terment LakeSIde Ceinetcry. SMITH _ Doug and Franco.“ *1“'9 i .and Spaniel: speClally. 25 years-with my three-year-old boy. Valentia. * * clw9 are pleased to announce the A + A ‘ l . . “Penence‘ Free pmk up and ng'6ߤ;-s_.,,_.,_czlԤ * r o H A. al'l‘lval of a son David Doutz- CARD 0F THANKS . 2,000 square feet of air-conditioned office. space gellvery'rt gggegfigy or ngngAY care available. Bayview- CAYLVkEREfzirfieoifoipn‘ar las. on Friday. August 25.‘ We wish to thank our friends; 1 available, Yonge Street, Richmond Hi”. Can avenpo ' ' "‘Markham area. 884-2363. c2w8 01' . ‘ . 1972. at York Central Hos-‘and neighbors for their comfort ‘ , -\.- - . _ ‘215;._.__...-.. _ . .tfgzifififijsbEO‘OiER_drâ€"SEHVJIr Billy's“?leveglnidzgfgfit 2:1; pilal. A 7 lb. 4 oz. bi'othcrmmral support. floral tributes, . . be d1 lded Into smallm dreas' GREEN ACRE PET SHOP _ . . . ,_‘ - 90"9 . for Suzanne. cle masses. donations to the Cancer phone 8843133 AND “WAR” 2233' £3313.‘°s§l§2i’“i5’o'}.g2‘1 gradadiglbggghgf 5.1633333 50...... and or many 0 DISHWASHERS . . ' . I . e ' ' ‘ ”"’*‘"”"â€"' â€"~* . U . _ d b‘~_l ‘ ‘ OAK RIDGES PLAZA GrandVlew - Steeles area. 889-. Diane ‘Mrs' Gary Bork, and ~ ’ ‘ecrm‘c‘l dllggfciglm la _ ex . “mew-A {viâ€"m.-- _“--M»:r~:~:‘-: :‘_2¢:.-‘.s“:____ Canaries. Finches & Cockaticls,_ 9 mg , pa\(\n]ont 1 thanks to 238 ' r . Debra. grandfather of Justine 4‘ n Wages open, no experience necessary. Apply in personâ€"1867 Restaurant. Highway 100 . - i tour Sincere thanks to relatives.l today. . friends and neighbors for their DIC'I'A-‘I'YPIST PRESTIGE (firmsâ€"SPACE ' BRYDON ELLIS AT 884-4466 ~~~~-â€"~~-r~â€"-r e» -â€"Aâ€"-c-1“V-9ilem If so AA can help. Write 1,223; Slggnlglfevngg aningly remembered by wiri-;<-‘-\‘I)I‘Osslon~s 0t Simpathy andi V â€" -â€"â€"â€"â€"«â€"-- â€" ' mm DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSESB 84 Richmond H111 or can. ‘. ‘ 1 ‘ Laura and famny. *1“-9 acts of kindness shown to us. AT MERLAND KENNELSIEK: 6_3'684 ‘ “(:17 H1“: Deal .blothel of JOhn'} I: A a .during our recent sad bereave- F '. ‘ ~ .. _ REG‘D STARTING SEPTEM- ' 93"“ and‘l‘mml“ “05‘”! “outan 10mg mm... n{merit The consoling words oft ‘xPe.'1ell¢eletll.”19d ft“ 35}; 5, 7:30 p_M_ 395.82” the Marshall Funeral Home. Wilford .Bob. deal. fathernnev. Good Sr. and Rev. Good Jr“ pOSItlon In medical records c2w9 126 Yonge St. Richmond: TRAVEL were deeply appreciated. 1. grandfather and greatgrand-I department, of a 126 bed H.--L--_-...._._. ._. .. --.4_..__â€" "Arâ€"» -* W Hill. Service was held on. . . , . v - ' . f i .. ‘ ‘ . I KITTENS free to good homegTOURS, cruisesl rail and-bus Monday. Cremation clwg. tfath‘ei. \ihtigpflssed away Sep- William and Gisela accledlted hospital. g . 110"" tr'IMd- 884‘9075- :“ertsv reservamns and ‘I‘m' * * * ‘Cafi? aerd ' a {'1 h . I 1-. WALLLCA I For further information call ‘I -â€" ~‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"»~‘â€"~ CIW? {mug-1 trailekgcanbAiglgé Egiggh- GRAY- George “,~ “ Al Yorki in“ n pe ce u e 15 s eep-igTOUFFVH I F‘ A flew down huh-s. Krawchuk, 884_1l71 ADORABLE kittens. free to 0“ “we em" ' ‘ Central Hospital on Saturday 5 . “i . t 1.. f H . - 1‘ . ‘ .- ‘ -'. Extension 241 , good home, some‘ part Persian‘ “C47 evening, August 26. 1972, $292,613.53 1538‘; Kim 0533;; It]??? \KZ‘EEEnoih‘Fgar“[Links 216 ESSEX AV E., RICHMOND HILL and short hair. 884-7760. clw9 George Gray. beloved hus- him~ - ' YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL. RICHMOND HILL EJHIHUAHIIAS. toy tJriers, band of Daisy Bromley. of} LOTS FOR SALE Teston. Dear father of Isa-l But trust in God tO meet again; cil received a letter from Post- master General Jean Pierre The only prestige building in town. Only a few two bedroom and one bedroom suites left. beagles. spits. German shep- fififfiR from lot Haliburton ‘ Sadly missed by Jean. John.Cote stating that the new post herds and collies. $25 to $70. area 111. 1.1.0ntage"209- on mad 1’13}! will? 011:" Dtal‘l)“ £21121; and family. Bill. Marj and fam- office is scheduled for construc- T or Large crossbreed puppies $5 to 112 .miles from Richmond mu :Mi‘s. D eln ousgn .” Ill“) iiy and Grace. Dintzy and family. tion during the 1972-73 fiscal I N E R N A L 515. Small to loll. $15 to $35. 384_5035. “c9 D edmfetlh FEELS) of' _7*W‘ 777777 if“ ('13? year. .._ 7W Am _ Guarantee. 889-7194. c2w9 Pzglli' “Alma :ulvi‘ed b) s. ‘ r l “â€" BOATS FOR SALE grandchildren. A onto . . . SA s R K FULLY SERVICED GARDENING . sen-ice was held at the Mar- . 0 Speclalists in stereo component systems â€"â€"â€" w“ SUNFISH sailboat. excellent. Shall Funeral Home‘ Rich_1 ALL types of landscaping. stone work. sandy top soil and mush-l condition. may need new sails. mond Hm. on Tuesday am.“ 0 Complete selection of electronic hobby We have a vacancy for an internal sales clerk. INDUSTRIAL SITES room compost. Free estimates.'$350' 12' aluminum boat viiith noon. Interment Maple Cem-I kits, parts and accessories for students Must be a good tvpist and quick and accurate with A Hartwick 889-6338 tfc41 “1" 5150' 889'3419' '3 “ etery. c1w91 and ex erimenters . ‘ - 6'- DEN’_'E.._d_'___l 3k * 1k 1’ mathematics. A good telephone manner is essen- la‘nud‘scapm: 3&2" 'etcge’grr; MiltRKSFtJY.J Hellen lgal‘gatrelt â€"-l tial. Experience is preferred but not manditory. 1 TO 20 . - . ' ‘ . __ .. w .7 . as o 's 05 la. on - - name and estimates. 884-7953. SATURDAY. SEPT, 9.3m... August 28‘919‘720 H912“ Map Salary commensurate With experience. Good tfc48 And you're still wasting val- uable. “leisure time" cutting your grass. Let us do it for you. 889-2987. c2w8 son for sale. 20c sq. yd._Picked up in field. 30c delivered. over 100 (is. Also free estimate Veal calves' 3 iracmrs‘ hay Con'» BOb- CaroI- Sandra and Nancy. 0 ‘ y laid. yous-1947 or 888-1040. dimmer. combine, 36’ elevat0"-‘ Markey all Of Kanata. Lynn; pm” In and see.D0N BUTLER’ Sour local ' c5w9 R.T. wagon and rack. P.T.O.‘i Markey of Agincourt and manager and pick up a FREE Catalogue mspmade“ P-T-O‘ “We” S“°“'- Drew: Karen. Andrea. Eric. TRAILERS ing farm auction for Mervyn E. Gilroy at Lot 14. Con. 7. Whitchurch Twp. (being 6 miles NW. of Stouffville) or 18 miles north of Markham. off Hwy. 48f. garet O‘Neill of Toronto. be- loved wife of William Law- rence Markey. Dearly loved mother of William J.. Kanata. Ont.. and J. Neill, Agincourt. including 110 head cattle.‘ springers. fresh cows, cows. 3 calves by side. steers. heifers? Ont.. and Mrs. Roy C. Foss lAnnl of Oak Ridges. Ont... loving grandmother of Ted} blower. 3 pt. cultivator. 8‘ bind-i Allison and Roy Foss J1.“ of; IIr IIK * RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HILL 884-4555 working conditions with excellent benefits. For appointment apply to: CROWN CORK & SEAL CO. LTD.. 7900 KEELE STREET. CONCORD 669-1401. LOCAL 275 0 Open Thursday and Friday evenings ’til 9. Vending Machine Hostess !! For Sale or owner will build for lease TANKOOS , YARMON LTD. 8 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO 363-5086 OR 884-3905 er. _ approx. 2000 bus- mixed Oak Ridges. sister of Mrs. A.i ________â€"~â€"__; A 7 A . N R E N I I N G FOR SALE gm": etc- Many 0”“ “m5 T. McCusker of Montreal. â€""“_â€""““""’“â€""““"“â€"‘ ‘ TO FILL AND CLEAN VENDING MACHINES l - _ not listed. Property sold. sale Rested at the Marshall Fun_ . A '70 APACHE trailer. $2.300.l p.m. Refreshments. Atkin- 91.31 Home. 125 Yonge St N” :Skmlng $1.500. 38437719 aflef 3 sin tand Wilson. Sales MEYS~ Richmond Hill. Funeral Mass . I. _;;_____.___i,}I. “Cloneers‘ C W from St. Mary Immaculate ‘ 1909 Glendette. 21 ft. house Church. Yonge St. Richmond YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT I r H ‘ _ trailer. fully eqmpped. $3300. DRESSMAKING Hill Wednesday interment 1 OF INTEREST 10 MEN or best offer. 727-5027. clw9 h~._ _ _______.L-.. Holy Cross Cemetery. c1w9. FOR GENERAL ARENA DUTIES ..._ A _ _ L y - ' t A . A CAMPER A - ALTERATIONS. mens. ladies. to air I: . et us ou solv pache. fully equip- . . . , . l . p Y e . . . pad. Ziebarted_ Best offer. 832_ children. Prompt SEIVTce “oik pALMER' Esther E._Forme’.ly‘ . These are permanent pOSItlonS 2354 clwg guaranteed FICR'UP alld dellv' of Teston Sideroad, Maple. . _ »~â€"' . ____. - ery. 884-1928. clw9 passed awav Tuede~ August your ‘ 0 Must have own transportation '72 LIONEL hardtop tent trailer. -w‘__ _ _______. 15' 1972‘ Wife of the late ‘ V Y . 9 Sh.fts S n - Wed 4 m _ 1.) m used 5 times, $700. 773-5656. TRAILER Reginald Palme.._ private. . JV- 1} a l - u - -_ P- - ~ D- . __-._._.... .H Clwg funeral was held on Wednes- I. Thurs- ' Sat- 4 P-m- ' 12 p-m- ‘ DOUBLE horse trailer. ideal day. August 16. 1972. Inter- G u a . ONE . TWO for hunters. excellent condition. r‘fE‘fiT-trâ€"mer efiippedâ€"“ji't‘fi ment Prospect Cemetery. en e as . ‘ i ASk‘ng 3750- 727'6175' “W9 stove and lantern available. $40. “cm/'9 ' Lamb BOAT trailer for sale. 884-6926. oer week. 884-1297. clw9’ efore you move! i clw9 wifiivltlswisneJileiiiii 3i“: “3‘53. - (JANE & HWY.7) 889-7251 . CORNER . __.__L_r. .7 l COLBORNE AND ALL aluminum {01d d0\'ln, acctdent on Saturday, August ' trader. propane stove. sleeps 5. 26. 1972. Judith, beloved \ ' â€"'Eflflfimq I MARKHAM best offer. 832-2372. clw9‘ M... and Mm John Cook of‘ daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. GLIy WANTED TO RENT S’OUNG couple. no children. wish to rent apartment in older home in King City - Maple -. Richmond Hill area. FAMILY with two children r; Novem-‘ Williams of Richmond Hill. dear sister of Paul. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Mon- day. Interment Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Ceme- tery. c1w9‘ Hillsview Drive. Richmond Hill. wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Karen Lea to Mr. Ian Miller son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller of Lynell Cres. Willowdale. clw9} ' or i it 127 BIRCH AVE. THORNHILL Modern Storage Warehouse 889-49II-2-3 Secretaries have good typing and dictaphone skills. a pleasant tele- ‘ VOYAGEUR RESTAURANT‘ HIGHWAY 400 SOUTH ESSO SERVICE CENTER Across from Allencourt Plaza Bright sunny kitchens; large master bedroom, elevator, broadloomed halls. free hy- dro. drapes, sauna bath. and' parking. her 1. furnished. Write Mrs. IMF-5”“: Mrs- JON; @310“ 2:91 “I L“ H David Jeffrey Harkness Fish 9"“ ° “noun 8 e ‘. i V . .- A - _ v. . ' ’ _ . *’ . - i acancles must at Seneca College. lxlng Campus IWest of . . ELE‘flflggyfifllg“ cgwa $53215? Ignatius)? £3,122.53 ‘ Aurora) for secretaries. The Successful applicants must ' quire bungalow or farm house near Richmond Hill. 429-5329. c2w8 OLD farm house in good shape in Richmond Hill. Gonnley area, Prefer option to buy but not necessary. 881-2160. c1w9 WANTED Hill to Mr. Paul Daniels son of'. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Daniels of” Markham. Ontario. clw9 * i If Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zwarych of Richmond Hill are pleased to Illarriagra Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coirini‘ announce the engagement of their daughter Brenda Jean to Leslie Joseph John Robichaud. son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Robichaud also of Richmond of 71 Walmer Road. Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Brenda Lea to Mr. Ronald David Reid son of phone manner and at least 3 years secretarial experience. The ability to relate well with the public essential. Short- hand an asset but not essential. Excellent salary and fringe benefits. Please apply in person at the Finch Campus, personnel office. MAPLE, ONTARIO . Opportunities available for ‘ KEEN, PLEASANT, AMBITIOUS l EXCLUSIVE AGENTS LEN PUGH REAL ESTATE LTD. WAITRESSES DISH WASHERS Sew Righl ENECA COLLEGE m 1750 Finch Ave. East (at Woodbinel, Willowdale Mr. and Mrs. John Reid of 379 Wenloek Ave.. Richmond Hill. IIIIIIIIIIlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIiIlllIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllilllll Wedding to take place Septem- ber 16. 1972 at St. Gabriel‘s. Many Teenage Anglican Church. clw9 k a A â€"â€" â€"â€" ..â€"â€"_â€"â€" BIOOd Donors Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Thac- ‘ M" ker of Maple are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- O . Hill. clw9 SHORT ORDER COOKS FULL & Part Time Positions To Apply Phone 832-1555 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. HIGHEST cash prices or tradel value paid for used furniture' .75 ‘ MILL OUTLET STORE ENROL NOW. . . Concerned teenage citi- zens predominated among and appliances- Brice.s Fm.ni_ t . h. ._ riage of their daughter Marilyn. w to TEXAS DRAKE PERSONNEL AND CLEANING lad-h Preferably bl°°d d°“°'s “ "5‘ weeks .iBiilirriy'szgpv iddionlgd I32? ‘ RAKE NTEPAATIOAAL couPAhY ’. - I) . ‘ ' ' ‘ A D . I. I '1 I I V “‘th e" 1 day' or 2 Short record ranking summer dmg to take place September INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED requires Red Cross clinic held in the Lions Hall. Richmond Hill. according to Acting Com- munity Volunteer Chairman Mrs. Marion Hohener of Euncan Road. Richmond Ill. The 270 donors who turn- “ days a week. 82 hourly. 889- 8750. clw9 PIANO required by nursing home in good condition. can be old if in good appearance. 88-i-l 9248. clw9. Dufferin - Glencairn _ $95.00. Accounting Clerk to handle all accounts receiv- able. aging analysis and invoicing for this reputable firm. Excellent potential. 30th 1972. 5:00 pm. at Maplel United Church. nc1w9 i it Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilkinson of 184 Laverock Avenue. Rich- mond Hill are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- I; CLASSES BEGINS Keele - Finch SEPTEMBER 7th Junior Reception Typist to greet public. along $85.00. _ _ Will train on PBX Cord- with variety Of typing duties. less Switchboard. EMPLOYMENT ed out. at Richmond Hill Safe. Pf “2"” afiughfl‘ Marlene Lawrencemumrm Total :zgfln-bu‘ed mutt” toward Tfmr‘L-(i‘xsa soil of aori1d11\1}:smflr A s s E M B L E R 3125i")- Secrma'?" ‘0 3555‘ V8“? [preslidim (if m Participation -.,--w ___- ‘A, “"3 "1 3°“ C summer . . ' .v . ' â€" l r; . this fast groping company. rea \‘a ie y o . ‘ _ YOUNG man to do domestic Shortage 0‘ “00“ for 10C“ ‘Tmlels 0f “luo“dale' “ dem" (SECOAD SHU‘ 1) Leslie-York Mills IHSlTUCl-lons jto take place at Saint Mary's hospitals during the sum- Join this well established firm in work in your home. 884-5458. 5100.00 Junior Steno. lAnglican Church. Yonge Street. clw9 mel' vacation period. . . 9 Previous experience is less important than ability a trainee position and reap me rewards of success. . _ .fl'. éEEfiING lid-v “mil-Jh Telephone Conyencr Mrs. igggmond H‘ll- September {39' to do fine work. needing good eye hand co-ordin- Leslie-York Mills ‘ I New Sewing Machines .A. vour apartment once a week "Oh-en" described the - ~ - r c “ ation. $100.00. Clerk TyplSl- EnJO-‘i. (lg-“"9541 Take Wilde m PROVIDED FOR STUDENTS USE S12 00 own transportation ex: cumc ‘5 a great success ISTOUFFVILLE: It appears cer- . . , your job and display your statistical typing for this rep- . - - ‘ and commented on the Ttain that a liquor question will These are temporary DosmonS “‘hICh mum de' “table firm- perienced. references. 884-7738. c1w9 ROOM and BOARD 5 CALL 884-6I9I - FOR INFORMATION SEW RIGHT MILL OUTLET STORE great turnout of teenagers. “They showed they are the ones really keen on doing something for the good of Sheppard - Victoria Park ‘ Girl Friday. Run your own show in this one Great variety of duties. Excellent potential. CALL: be on the ballot in the town's municipal elections this Decem- ‘ber. Mayor Ken Laushway pro- duced a petition at a recent velop into full time employment. APPLY AT: 280 CENTRE ST. E.. RICHMOND HILL $115.00. girl office. others. The history of blood council meetinCr bearing 700 to a l ' . ‘ a a _ 97 49 -6880 . v T I\ N L SUIT two. close to transporta- clinics held at local high 1.000 signatures asking council 10 A-“- TO 3 P-M' 30397§aggurst 5t, 5 Fair‘i'ic“ Mall '28 INDLSTRIAL RD' RICH IO D HIL two and industry. 884-6236. schools has been amazingly to take the necessary steps to OR PHONE SSS-737'} (at Lawrence) Dri” 884.6191 tch good.“ she said. put the question on the ballot.

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