WOMEN'S better used clothing, casual and evening wear in ex- cellent condition. Reasonably priced. 8894833. c1\\'10 OFFICE desk, ï¬reman. bedspread. originally. $195. will sell for $75. A pair of matching lamps and shades, $25. 889-1833. c1w10 '72 KAWASAKI 125 Scramhlcâ€"r. immaculate condition, b e s t offer. 889-7299. c1w10 LAWN edger. oil burner. old doors. portable record player. 884-5759. clwlo '67 rebulit months ago, A~l condition. spares, $300. 884-7503. c1w10 TV 23" console. oisrooai work- ing order. 884-8963. clwlO '72 RUPP Scrambler. Mini hik? used one month. $150. 832-2398. two. stroller, highchair and‘lagvétte. $75. 488-2867. c1w10 GARAGE sale, leaving coun- try. Sat. 10 a.m.. 163 Lennox Avenue. 884-8795. c1w10 PIANO. suitahle for church or hall. 884-1215. *l\\'10 ;66. 305 Honda. needs wiring. $125. 889-3612. clwlO iLIVINGROOM. double bed, dresser, small items. 884-8795. ? clwlO I_ w, __ , _, _ ‘AUTOMATIC washer, refrigera- tor and dishwasher, excellent condition. 884-7197. clwlO WANTED SALEABIJ’C Artinlnc hv fhn Vi..- ANTIQUE§ and second hand wash stands. rocking chairs, quantity of chairs, barn full of furniture. 115 King Sideroad, Oak Ridges. 15 mile from Yonge. 773-5448. c4w7 SElASONED fire wood. WEI; hee‘ch, birch and oak. 832-2455. thB USED oil furnaces complete $25- up. 832-8967. c2w9 Hâ€"IGH schéol. universitranTi teacher’s college text books, etc. 889-8790. c2w9 MARKHAM'S CENTENNIAL Antique Exhibition and Sale The 9th Annual I Featuring 22 leading antique' dealers and a Fashion Show“ that's different ‘ "Fashions Through The _Century" by Patricia spo sac WA QU1 mo (cyl and $13 tiox TV can BL cab con Dri CO joll car A.- MARI-(HAM ARENA, MARKHAM, ONTARIO Fri.. Sept. 8 - 11 am. to 10 pm; Sat. Sept. 9 - 10 am in 9 pm. Sponsored by St. Andrews Pres. byterian Church. Refreshmentâ€"Hot Beef Dinner served each night 5 pm. till 8 pm. Free Parking. c2w9 CUSTOM made wall to wall draperies with matching single bedspread. originally. $195. will sell for $75. A pair of matching lamps and shades, $25. 889-1833. Sandy loam - loam manure mix, screened loam. manure - fill - landscaping. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfc2 A MOTOROLA (Quasar), cola? TV. Peter Smith, 889-1646. Crushed stone. sand. concrete gravel, etc., delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. , tfc2 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Igvy. 7. just east of Fifth Line. I mxles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc31 884-1745 tfcs TEKKWO'O‘D Living, dining and bedrooms. direct from importers ware- hougg. Open 1-9pm. 459-0760. TYPWRITERS ' ADDING MACHINES I Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale. including new and rebuilt' standard portable and electric‘ models. Special rental rates ovailable to students. L. ll. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill Free estimates Aluminum sid- lng windows. doors, awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 factory 832- l319 Maple. t£c28 DIRECT sale of windows. awn- lngs, sidings and eavestrough with no payment until winten Contact A. Waldman, 226-0552. tfc8 ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 7, 1972 LIBERAL Q-ASSIFIED ADS Reach more prospects faster. Save time and money. RUPP MINI BIKES STREET BROS. AUTO ELECTRIC LTD. 22 INDUSTRIAL RD.. RICHMOND HILL 884-5368 tf DRIVEWAY ’GRKVEIJ SHULLY'S ALUMINUM (Effective July 1, 1972) CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and .10e per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 Words for $1.15 and 10¢ ner word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS OF THANKS, 1N MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS. per in- sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. LOAM - ToP'sbu? YORK ALUMINUM FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES venue,|2 pr. 16" x 90' Idoors. $2.00 clwlo John Neufeld tfc42 tfc2 hall. 884-1215. *lwlo '66. 305â€"Honda, needs wiring. $125. 889-3612. c1w10 LIVINGROOM. double bed, dresser, small items. 884-8795. CI‘VIO auxia‘vpagt‘kime. Good AUTOMATIC washer, refrigera- ODDONUDity for Willing Person- tor and dishwasher, excellent 889-9038. c1w10 condition. 884-7197. c1w10 Pre_Engineered.Metal Building WANTED Manufacturer requires: }COLONIAL bedroom suite; triple dresser with mirror. 9 drawers; double dresser, 7 draw- ers; 2 night tables with drawers; spool double bed; like new, sacrifice, best offer. 832-2055. tfc10 WAGON wheels, split rails, Quebec heater, push _1awn- mower. bar stools, gramaphones (cyl. and disc type), cylinder and diamond records. 833-5565. c1w10 40" Moffatt stove, good condi- tion, reasonable. 884-4056. TV 21" black and white, good condition, $38. 884â€"2273. BLACK and white, Admiral, cabinet model, 24" TV, good condition, $40. 88 Naughton Drive. Richmond Hill. c1w10 COLONIAL swing cradle, $20.; jolly jumper, walker and tub, car seat, $3. each. Three seat- er sofa and chair. $65.; Hoover canister vacuum $35.: two coffee tables. $10.. good condition. 884-6342. c1w10 BOY bed. box spring and mat- tress. baby carriage, crib, $35. each; green rug 12‘ x 12‘. 884- 7757. clwlO USED Cplonial'YrTb. playpen TOP 5011 for sale. 884-7565 TWO 825 x 14 on the rim. 73874: 1638. {[010 '68 MOTORCYCLE 500 c.c B.S.A.. chopped chrome spring- ers. etc. Please call Wayne. 884-5139 and accessories. Size 9-10. 889- 8790. c2w9 BEAUTIFUL wedding gown Come in and browse Open Saturday only 9-5 pm A-l Furniture Sales (World Wide Shipping Bldg). 360 New- kirk Road, Richmond Hill, 889- 5101. Kitchen. living room. dining room, bedroom. dining room tables, some antiques and very unusual pieces, china, and odds and ends. ‘ BEDROOM suite, 7-piece, din- ing suite. 9~piece, Chesterfield suite, all Burma teakwood, must sell, new furniture, very reason- able. 1-247-4377. tch NEW AND USED FURNITURE SEWING MACHINES Used machines from $19.95 (guaranteed) Bernina Sewing Centre in The Mall, Richmond Heights Centre 884-3775 or 895- 7922. tfc42 4 x 8 sheets. fir 1'2" special. Call World Wide Shipping, 889- 6269. th4 AIR conditioners, new, $128. 5 year guarantee. Brown‘s Appli- ances. 884-9821. tfc53 FREE airconditioner with 26†TV, Brown‘s Appliances, 8 Yonge 5.. Richmond Hill. 884- 9821. tfc53 Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 CEDAR fence rails. 832â€"1276. tfc5l WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING 0N ELGIN MILLS ROAD FOR SALE (Continued) PLYWOOD WANTED . 2 pr. 16"x53“. 53" for windows. woocL shutters for and up. Phone 832â€"5857. nc3w9 clw10 tfclO c2w9 tfc 8 NURSES and nurses aides. with â€" experience [of nursing home, can Yonge Street. Thornhil! area. “‘94 Phone 889-4651. tfc6 tfc7 BRODIE Industries Ltd.. Rich- mond Hill. requires the follow- ing personnel. 0 Skilled centre lathe operator 0 Experienced g e n e r a 1 en- gineering fitters. Phone 889- 5463. clwlo PERMANENT PART TIME KITCHEN HELP 11 am. to 2 p.m.. Mon. to Fri. FULL TIME NIGHT CAR HOSTESS 6 pm. to 1 am. Sun. to Thurs. Taxi supplied after 12 midnight PERMANENT PART TIME CAR HOSTESS 12 pm. to 3 p.mi, Mon. to Fri. Also part time positions avail- ;able in kitchen and car hostess areas for weekends. Anplv in person only to: A & W Drive-1n Restaurant 300 Yongc St. N. SECRETARY receptionist for modern office in Richmond Hill, excellent typing and dicta skills required. Reply in writing to Box ’72. “The Liberal". c1w10 HAI_R stylist/with experience} good wages, Gatewafr Pléié: Aurora, 727-1631. c2w10 YOUNG man wanted to work in furniture store in Richmond Hill. full and part-time. Good LETTERPRESS OPERATOR For business forms on V-36 an Heidelberg platen in our new location in THORNHILL, 95 Doncaster Ave. Wages com- mensurate with ability. Call 366-0759. c1w10 YORK County Board of Educa- tion invites applications for School Secretary. 3 half days per week at the Marklee Public School, Milliken. Part time caretaker 20 hours per week. Applications should be forward- ed to Mr. W. G. Morley, 59 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill, Ont. c1w10 GENERAL handyman and lab- orer for gravel pit operation. Apply in person, Superior Sand. Maple. c2w10 TOOL and die maker required to be engaged in the repair and maintenance of press tools and extrusion dies. Must be cap- able of performing his own ma- chining. Apply at Reynolds Ex- trusion Company. 500 Edward Ave, Richmond Hill. 884-9161, 8 am. to 4 p.m., Mrs. Livings- ton. c1w10 SALESLADY for retail fabriE store in Richmond Hill. experi- ence preferred. 884-6191, full time. no expierience sary. Call 834-1101. for nursing home. Phoné 889- 4651. “C6 HOUSEKEEPING help required WANTED â€"- Night watchman WANTEDâ€"Full time chamber- maid, no experience necessary, will train. 884-1101. clwlO CLEANING woman, once a week, Thornhill area. 889-6880. c1w10 RESPONSIBLE young lady to babysit infant after school from October to April. 884-8392. TIIORNHILL AREA Person wanted for invoice typ- ing and related office duties. The Association of Kinsmen Clubs, 889-0450, Mr. Tiller. GAS bar attendant. 889-4551. c1w10 LIGHT factory work available, suitable for women on day. and night shifts. For information apply at 65 Duncan Rd., ‘Thorn- hill. c2w9 CARRIERS “The Liberal" requires four boys or girls for established paper routes for September 7. For further details please phone Dinah Darlington at 884-1105. nc1w9 URGENT Experienced cleaning women. home makers and baby sitters. Call 884-5286. tch PUNCH press operators prefer- ably female for automotive trim plant in Richmond Hill area. Good starting rate with company benefits. 889-7549. TWIN beds 30" wide, good con- dition. 833-5719. c2w9 $50.00 bed Chesterfield. superb condition. 884-3229. c1w10 Division of Westeel - Rosco Machine operators â€" Burn- ers. punch press, etc. Welders â€" CWB approvedâ€" Semi-automatic HELP fl WANTED FOR SALE Richmond Hill (Continued) Rich-l STAIR FOREMAN ‘ollowâ€" Required by rapidly expanding company in the Toronto vicinity eratorlto take charge of manufacturing 1 en-iwooden stairs. Good salary and e 889‘:regular fringe bonefits. Contécl ciwlo'H. Parn, 889-4973. clwlo c4w10 c1w10 neces- c1w10 c1w10 c1w10 c1w10 tfc6 IMAN for packaging and crating awrs Wu“ “penance requu“Ball-Ii“. ' c1w10 ‘ ' - by growing packaging company {01 large Overseas Shlpplng . a , ~ located m Newmarket. Steady . . W V :21???) dkgï¬y 3-1 Kym}? employment, good wages. fringel Ligiuï¬zzfgi lppmg' c‘l\:‘l‘6ibenefits. modern equipment. ' Apply to Box 69 "l‘he Liberal".a OFFIEï¬irl fotfgeneral Offiég‘ C2“.9{E‘XFï¬Iâ€"EN~Cï¬)mâ€"laâ€"d6 duties. must t' e. A 1y at World Wide Mgging an?) Ship- ATTENTION LADIES i“'a“‘5 day “'OFk- every second ping, 360 Newkirk Road. clwlO OPPortEniW knoEks- _ COPPEFWTPBNdW from .8 a‘m' £0.13 .122"!- EXPERIENCED cleaning lady one or two days per week for country home in King area, own transportation preferred. 773- 5827 or 884-8222. clwlo SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR‘. TYPIST REQUIRED. 499.1415. MR. KOLTZ. c1w10 A P P R E N TIC E hairdrésser. female. 884-6811. c1w10 CONSTRUCTION company lo- cated Steeles and Woodbine. re- quires junior cost clerk. Salary $80. per week. Must have transportation. 449-1523. c1w10 PART-TIME secretary-treasurer required by the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society, must have experience, be able to work at home and be free to attend reg- ular monthly meetings‘ Apply in writing to Box 73, “The Liberalâ€. clwlO CLEANING lady required two days weekly, must have own transportation. 887-5458. CLEANINGilady one day every two weeks in Maple. 832-2694. MECHANIC wanted for repairs on VW and other cars, good wages. Phone 884-6668, even- ings 889-3723. c1w10 ANSWERING gervice supervis- or. experience. Phone Mr. Richardson at 226-1181. c2w10 MOTEL cleaning lady, Sund§§ mornings only. Call 889-4825. DRIVERS and helpers required for furniture delivery, experi- ence preferred. also must be bondable. Apply Warehouse Sale. Yonge and Gamble Road, 2 miles north of Richmond Hill. clwlO EXPERIENCED waitress. full time - daytime. 884-6161, 270 Bayview North. Richmond Hill. c1w10 DRIVERS full or part-time. must have good driving record, must be 21 years or over. Apply Thornhill Taxi. 7711 Yonge Street, Thornhill, 881-1717. NIGHT switchboard operator for Kinnear antiac Buick Limited, 9612 Yonge Street, Ric h m o n d Hill. Call Mrs. Veitch, 884-4481. c1w10 A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 PICKING brussell sprouts, eight people, $1.75 per hour. Ringwood Gardens, Hwy. 48. 640-3560. c2w10 PERMANENT ' Experienced office personnel in- vited to list now for placement by: FULL and part-time help for coffee shop at Buttonville Air- port. Call Mrs. Storey, 297-1422. clwlo EXPERIENCED driver if ’handy with tools will train. Neat ap- pearance, steady employment. Apply at Louise Macfarlane In- teriors, 1613 Weston Rd., Wes- ton. 244-7911. clwlO MECHANICS required for con- struction company in Thornhill area. Phone Mr. D. McCarnan. 889-1191. c1w10 experience, full time or part- time. 889-8669. c1w10 LICENSED bodyman capable of working on both cars and trucks with minimum of supervision. Wages open. Apply at B & G Truck and Auto Body, 378 New- kirk Road, Richmond Hill. TYPIST with some bookkeeping ELECTRICAL, mechanical maintenance man required. Must have good electrical background and able to work with minimum supervision. Shift work - days and after- noons. Apply in person. Ron- alds-Federated Ltd., 225 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. For educational supply com- pany. vicinity Keele Street and No. 7 Hwy. Some shorthand helpful. Duties varied and in- teresting. Phone Mr. Carman. 669-1434, for information and appointment. tfc9 MECHANICS One tune-up specialist. one front end alignment man and two general mechanics, $4.00 per hour, flat rate, plus com- pany benefits. Good working conditions. Levesque Plymouth Chrysler Ltd., Highway 7 and Dufferin. Ask for Eddie Leves- que. tch WKNTEDâ€"Weekend chamber- maid. no experience necessary. will train. 884â€"1101. c1w10 IN A RUT? WANTED: Working. energetic people, who want and deserve a better way of life. Phone for appointment, 884-3575, after 6 pm. tfc2 HELP WANTED DRAPERY INSTALLER. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER (Continued) c1w10 c1w10 clwlO c1w10 c1w10 c2w9 tfc9 craft Guild of Canada ï¬Ã©edsiSIZ. and car fare. 889-6911. counsellors for party plan con- aft“ 5 DJ“. CIWIO cepta Must have use of a can! Commission plus bonuses- can! collect 727-4837. c2w9 BABYSITTER. light household duties. reference required. Mon- day to Friday. 889-3032 after 6' pm. c1w9 FLEXO pressmen slitter oper- ators with experience required by growing packaging company located in Newmarket. Steady employment, good wages. fringe benefits. modern equipment. Apply to Box 69 “The Liberal". BARTENDER, male or female, Part time or full time. Button- ville Country Club. 297â€"1711. Mr. Turcott. c2w9 JUNIOR CLERK Experience useful but not essential. Apply at premises. Maple IGA, Maple. c2w9 MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Part time for a modern pro- gressive private laboratory, serv- ing the Richmond Hill area. Successful applicant, must be current CSLT registered with at least one to two years experi- ence in general technology with particular interest in hemata- logy. Excellent working condi- tions. For appointment call 884-7112. c1w10 CASHIER For full time. permanent posi- tion. Preferably with chain or department store experience. Apply at the office, Canadian Tire Store. 70 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. c1w10 WOMAN for baby sitting and light housekeeping, three days a week. 11:30 am. to 5:30 pm. Pleasantville area. 884-9063. SITTER in Beverley School district for two aged boys. 884-1816. S A L E S representative for Home Party Plan to present Christmas toys. commission, call 889-9437, Monday - Friday, 9-4. clwlfl EXPERIENCED h air d r essér? 884-3001, after 6 p.m. clwlO HONEST reliable woman to clean Thornhill home one day per week. References. 889-8769. c1w10 MATURE housekeeper: com- panion for 3 responsible teen- agers. 889-3924. tfclO HOMEMAKER wanted. live in’ one one CLEANING woman for Thorn- hil] areaâ€"one day every sec- 0nd week. 889-8296. c1w10 LOCAL company requires a cleaner for three evenings a week. 889-1466. c1w10 GENERAL factory work, clean, modern, cosmetic c o m p a n y. Steady employment. Apply Faberge of Canada Ltd., 7939 Keele Street North, Downsview. No phone calls please. c1w10 Requires an ASSISTANT POOL MANAGER Please apply in writing to: Mr. A. White Recreation Administrator 56 Yonge St. North Applications close September 15, 1972. clwlO DISHWASHEpre'r’rï¬anent pos- ition, Thornhill Country (Club. 889-4201. c1w10 TYPIST receptionistfexperienc- ed for golf club, ‘T’hornhill. 889- 3291. . c1w10 JUNIOR CLERK We require a careful conscient- ious individual with good mathe- matical ability to make or check invoice extensions and maintain pricing index. Good working conditions with benefits, com- pany paid. Snap-on Tools of Canada Ltd, Keele Street, one mile North of Hwy. 7. 669-9501. RN’s, RNA’s and nursing aides, part time and full time in nursing home. Phone 889-2054. tfc9 ExppRIENbED waitress. Ap- ply Summit View Gardens TaQ- ern. 884-1370. c2w9 EXPERIENW vice technician. Leslie Appli- ance Service, 68 Yonge Street South. Aurora. 727-4681 any- time. tfc9 BOOKKEEPING machine oper- ator NCR 35 to handle full set of 'books including trial bal- ance, for Richmond Hill firm. Experience necessary. Reply in writing to Box 67 “The Liber- alâ€. c1w9 GOLF coï¬rse worker, 6519?; enced. 889-3291. c2w9 SALES REPRESENTATIVE For expanding educational sup- ply company. vicinity of Keele Street and No. 7 Hwy. Some university training or teaching experience necessary. Car pro- vided. Phone Mr. Carman, 669- 1434. for information and ap- pointment. tch EXPERIENCED Greensmen for golf club. 889-4943. c2w9 URGENTLY REQUIRED Experienced homemakers and sitters, full and part time. transportation an asset, over 21 please. 889-8047. tfc 8 The Town of Riéhmonidillrill†HELP WANTED month, three school aged, baby. 889-7150, after 6 SELL YOUR UNWANTABLES PHONE 884-1105 (Continued) Acres school c1w10 c1w10 c1w10 c1w10 MORTGAGE coming due? Cash to consolidate bills? Low cost lst, 2nd and 3rd mortgage money available. Call me now for fast. confidential service. Bram Ogden. Emerald Isle Rea] Estate Limited. 889-5651, 884- APACHE camper trailer, no canvas. sleeps six. completely equipped. including p r i v a c y curtains and spare wheels, will sacrifice. 727-1497, Aurora. '72 CORSAIR 17' house trailer. sleeps 6, used 1 week, 128 Pemberton R o a (1, Richmond Hill. c1w10 '72 LYNO hardtop tent trailer: sleeps four./ two mattresses and aluminum door. 773-5656. 2377 AFGHAN h o u n d. ' 'champï¬ stock. male, silver-black mask. 884-1744, after 6 p.m. c1w10 HOUSE trailer. sleeps four, asking $1,100 or best offer. 884-7951. c1w10 FREE -â€" 884-7173 2 KITTENS to good homes. *1w10 mix, honey coldred, $15. 884- 9434. c1w10 COLLIES. Lassi'e type. reg’d. Call 884-6557, after 4:30 pm. PUPS for loving homesfhiound DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES AT MERLAND KENNELS REG'D STARTING SEPTEM- BER 5. 7:30 P.M. 895-8281. CHIHUAHUAS, toy terriers, beagles, spits. German shep- herds and collies, $25 to $70. Large crossbreed puppies $5 to $15. Small to toy.'$15 to $35. Guarantee. 889-7194. c2w9 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING All breeds, poodles, terriers and Spaniels specialty. 25 year’s experience. Free pick up and delivery. Rosemary Lamb Davenport. 833-5715 or 889- 6116. “Se? riers, mutts. Betty Forsyth, 889‘ 3606. tfc3 DOG grooming. poodles, ter- DUNE buggyrfdr sale, yellow and black, fully equipped, many extras. best offer. 888-1947. ’59 VOLKSWAGEN? newly re- built motor and trans.. great running order. 773-5497. NEED cheap tiansportation? 1962 Volkswagen. runs good, as is condition. 889-5076, after 6 ’60 MORRIS Oxford, good mechanically, new tires (includ- ing snows), radio, block heater, rear window defroster. as is. Phone after 6 pm. 884-3329. *1w10 rebuilt engine. Phone after 6 p.m. 884-2392. clwlo '63 VALIANT convertible, mechanically good. tires A-l, body bad. $95. No licence. 77;}- 4695, after 6 pm. c1w10 '62 CHEVY sedan} cyl. auto., rebuilt motor, moving. 773-5497. c1w10 ’63 VALIANT zooféood motor, go‘od transmission, needs brakes, as is, $100. 884-1576. c1w10 '63 COMET convéfï¬ble, good condition. 889-3612. c1w10 ’65 CHEV Impala Super’sbort, original miles, good condition. $600. 881-2063. clwlO ‘64 MERCURY convertibleim- maculate condition. 884-5472. c1w10 ‘66 MUSTANG, standard, good condition. 884-8408. c1w10 drive. radials, $700. or best offer. 773-5952. *lwlo ’66 'TAN Volkswagen Bug. certi- fied. 889-8109. c2w10 ’66 COMET Calieï¬te, 2 door hardtop, 289 automatic, asking $425. 881-0376. *1w10 ‘67 MGB. body fair conditiéh: new clutch, radio. certified. 884- 7292, after 6 pm. clwlo ble. Certified. $600 or best offer. 773-5643. c2w10 ed with extras. Newmarket 895- 2920. ‘ clwlo ‘71 TOYOTA Corolla, 1600. good shape. 884-5394. *lwlo ’69 METEOR Rideau 500, V-B, $1600. 884-6040. 296 Demaine ‘67 SUNBEAM Imp., $75. as is: 884-5759. clwlo 62 VOLKSWAGEN, like me“? OWNER getting company car. selling ‘71 Dodge Monaco, split bench seat. power steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl roof, light package, tinted windshield. low mileage. Asking $3.195. 884-6293. clwlO PETS FOR SALE ‘67 RAMBLER Rouge converfi: 66 FORD Galaxie soo'xh, load- 70 SIMCA 1204, front wheel I'ES TRAILERS FOR SALE USED CARS c1w10 c1w10 c1w10 c1w10 tfc23 clwlo c2w9 c1w10 c2w9 PAINTING and decorating in- side and outside, repairs, car- penter work and rec. rooms, no job too big or too small. 884- 7743. thS MOVING Call 884-3240. A fast and effi- cient move at reasonable rates. Free estimates. *2w9 Kitchen units. alterations, rec rooms. etc. PAINTING and decorating, inJ terior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free estimates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and inâ€" dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Free estimates. Call any time, 881-2509. tfc48 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. WE specialize in retaining walls, planter boxes and curbing, built from railroad ties. Free esti- mates. A.. Hartwick 889-6338. CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions, renovations. tile floors. and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price, 889-3653. REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs. -and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884â€"7716. ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Specialty Free Estimates RUBBER STAMPS Several ty,pe faces to choose from 1â€"including Script, Block letters, ‘Outline and signature -â€"- fast iservice. Call “The Liberal" 884- ;1105. RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc32 Plastering HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2833. tfc42 A. J. CLAYTON MASONRY CONTRACTOR All phases of brick, block. stone and repair work. ELECTROLYSIS Permanent hair removal. regis- tered Electrologist. Shirley Ann Electrolysis. Thornhill. 889- 0820. tfc3 GENERAL contraoting, altera- tions and additions, home, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 HANDYVMAN’S CLE‘ENmPâ€" SERVICE No job too large or small, we clean them all. Reasonable rates. 939-7075. tfc44 Roger Proulx â€"- Telephone ~â€" 884-1650. tfc24 Residential, commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION ‘ tfc2 MISCELLANEOUS‘ MISCELLANEOFS 488-7521 GENERAL CARPENTRY WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 PLUMBING & HEKT'I‘R’G' PLUMBING & HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 NORTHERN PRINTING CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 GORD HOWLAND 889-3437 New Flagstone Patios & Walks ,General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 PAINTING 8: PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 SHAMPOOING PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 R. CLARK 884-6417 889-3185 tfc20 Thornhill LY FURNISHED room to rent, 889- "'SfoE-ï¬ m. 3_63_5. 889-2761. ___~_____,_,_91W19 Garden tractors, snow removal 2 BEDROOM apartment. $130. equipment. all on sale. no rea- monthly, 1 bedroom apartment. sonable offer refused on new or ground floor. 5100. monthly.|used equipment. 884-8842. tfc18 884-1297, after 7 pm. clwlol clwlo tfc43‘ C3 1‘- FURNISHED room. gentleman DEAD or crippled farm animals only. 884-9066. *1w10 picked up promptly. For direct ONE and two bedroom aparb line call Long Distance and ask t I A I 160 Essex Avenue for Zenith 32800. Call anytime omrgghsonepgai-woa *1w10 Ed Pec‘mi 5‘ 5â€â€ w°°dvme' ' “'â€"'â€"*â€"â€" â€"~ . L' N . 324C - 66. 9â€" BRIGHT 2-bedroom apartment. Qatilfielce o lâ€"oï¬g rates‘ central, $140. Appliances and HIGHEST “5h mm“ or trade *zwglheat included. Phone between Value Paid for “59¢ fumltu“ 4-6 pm. 884-8670‘ c1w10 and appliances. Brice's Furni- "’*"“‘ "â€"â€" ' *â€" ture 478-4175‘ tfc36 NICE clean room for rent. 884- We?†__ -ï¬uhr 8897. qwlo SMALL greenhouse. approx1- . A mately 8’ by 8' 889-5808. “C52 FURNISHED room, private en- clwm Ltrance, fridge and hot plate, parking, 128 Pemberton Road. . Richmond Hill. clwlo Equipment mnce TWO bedroom {a p a rtm e n t,i :. All fourth floor. available October, d in_ $165., pne bedroomlapartment, meal immediate possesslon, $150. lame. Apply 165 Colbourne Avenue. time. Richmond H111. c2w10 ‘ trc4alFURNISHE’D'bed sitting room ‘in quiet home, suit gentleman. 884-1215. *1w10 v in- n "nan tfc41 tfc46 tfc18 tfc21 éé;_.|LADY_to share accommodation. tfc6’884-9398. c1w1o tfc46 tfc48 tfc3 tfc18 tch I iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MON.-'I‘UES. 8 am. to 6 pm. WED-FRI. 9 am. to 5 pm. SATURDAY 9 am. to 12 noon ONE and two bedroom apart- ments. Apply 160 Essex Avenue or phone 884-4906. *1w10 BRIGHT 2-bedroom apartment. central, $140. Appliances and heat included. Phone between 4-6 pm. 884-8670‘ c1w10 NICE clean roan: for rent. 8784- 8897. *1w10 F U R N I S H E D housekeeping room. private entrance, suit gentleman. 884-1215. *1w10 FOUR PLEX two bedroom apartment. west of Yonge Street, 42 Elmdale C o u rt. Adults. November 1/72. 884- 5239, after 5 pm. clwlO UNFURNISHED one bedroom basement apartment. fridge and stove, suit lady or gentleman. 889-6410. clw10 an anmcuun A v n N U n. ‘QUIET ADULT BUILDING. CALL SUPT. 8844475. tfc49 ‘ITOOM. cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884- 4828 for appointment. tfc3 FURN’I’sTifljâ€"Scfm. suitable for lady, private bath. 884-2551. tic? AIR. CONDITIONED OFFICE SPACE FROM 200 T0 350 SQUARE FEET. YONGE AND STEELES AREA. 889-6902 OR 881-1689. c2w9 YOUNG couple. no children. wish to rent apartment in older home in King City - Maple - Richmond Hill area. Novem- ber 1, furnished. Write Mrs. David Jeffrey, Hal‘kness Fish Lab.. Whitney. Ontario. c3w8 TWO bedroom apartment. Rich- mond Hill. Thornhill or Maple. Box 71 “The Liberal". clwlo TWO bedroom house. Richmonti Hill. Thornhill or Maple. Box 70 “The Liberal." clwlo mvvnmn I.-.I____A 1.-..-- _I__A 1., APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 2 BEDROOM SUITES, RENT INCLUDES HEAT, HYDRO, SOFT W A T E R, FRIDGE, STOVE, ETC. NEAR RICH- MOND HEIGHTS PLAZA AT 48 LAVEROCK AVENUE. QUIET ADULT BUILDING. CALL SUPT. 884<2475. tfc49§ FOR lease, 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16’6" clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Construc‘ tion Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 Large. luxury 1-2 bedrooms. pool, saunas. gym, rec. room and play grounds. 889-0271 or 889-0567. tfc46 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork’s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 YONGE VALLEY 7471 Yonge Street - 170 Dudley Avenue OFFICE space 520 sq. ft., 18 Yonge St. N.. now available. heating and air conditioning. 491-0277. tfc52 ATTENTION HUNTER safety training courses. Starting September 12. For information call 889-2920. *1w10 884-1105- WALTER LONG PLUMBING Efficient service at reasonable rates. Power Humidifiers. Complete- ly installed on your furnace, $99. All Temperature Services. 889-6048. *Zwlo BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 8: water lines, footings. 8893604. tch TRUCK and drivers for hire, will do delivery and moving jobs. 884-3668. cZWiO PIANO teacher. Royal Orchard Blvd. and Bayview Avenue. has openings for pupils. 889-0702. c2w10 EXPERT steam cleaning and pressure washing. Moblle Serv- ice Company, 832-8828. tfc9 HOUSE painting. interior or exterior. Dave 884-2675. recommended even b3} friend's: 889-9475. tfclo -DENNY’S Disc-Joana}?â€" SERVICE 889-2904 OR 881-1409 5 PIN bowlers. eastsiders. mix- ed league, 7 p.m. Tuesdays. 884- 7327. c1w10 PERRI sty!e Acustom uphrorlstery‘ TREE CUTTING AND PRUNING FRUIT TREES E. C. DOAK 884-5316 PRE-SEASON SPECIAL 4 WEEKS FREE RENT 2 bedrooms only 832-1345 â€" MAPLE TO RENT c4w10 c2w10 tfc50 tch tfc9 TWO bedroom house. Richmond Hill. Thornhill or Maple. Box 70 “The Liberal." clwlo THREE bedroom house. close to public schools, Richmond Hill area. $200. - $300. rent. 225- 2325. *1w10 OLD farm house or country home. two or three bedrooms. 231-6369, day or evening. ‘INDOOR garage for one car in Thornhill area. overnight and weekend storage required. ‘Quote on monthly basis. Reply to Canada Department of Agri- culture. Box 509. Thornhill or phone 889-9134. c1w10 THREE bedroom house or apart ment, in Richmond Hill or area. Apply Box 74, “The Liberalâ€. *lwlo LARGE furnished room, central Richmond Hill, gentleman. 884- 8312. _ clwlo BACHELOR apartment in count try home. garage included, suit- able for young busine5s couple or single person. Call 884-6435. ~ , c1w10 TWO bedroom basement apart- ment. three piece bath, stove and {ridge included. also cable TV, married couple with no chilt dren, $140. monthly. 884-6064. Mrs. Harrison. tfclO LARGE modern six room apartâ€" ment. stove and fridge. mature adults, no pets and referen es. Call during business hours, 8 4- 4291 c1w10 BASEMENT apartment, private entrance, partly furnished, wall to wall carpeting, close to transportation, all expenses in- cluding: heat, soft water. cable TV. available immediately, no children please. 884-8842 ONE bedroom basement apart- ment. self-contained. available immediately. $120., hydro in- cluded. 884-9479 or 491-5934. ONE bedroom apartment. busi- THREE b e d r o o m detached house. Richmond Hill. $225. 832-1546. after 6 pm. leo TWO bedroom basement apart- ment, available Oct. 1. $135.. hydro included, 884-9479 or 491- 5934. c1w10 THREE bedrooms, two wash- rooms, new tow'n house. last month, free rent. 226-3253. LOWER duplex. Markham and Yonge, Richmond Hill. 2 bed- room, garage, hydro etc.. $178. monthly. Mr. Price, 9-5 pm. 924-3791. c1w10 ness couple, available Oct. 1. 884-2273. c1w10 NEW luxurious one and two bedroom apartments. fully car. peted, Richmond Hill A-l loca- tion. 884-1596. 884-7330 and 884-3797. “09 FURNISHED room. close t3 Yonge, a respectable appear- ance. 884-2649 after '7 pm. SUBLET 16 months, one bed- room apartment. one month free rent. Available October 1. 889-6221 from 9 am to 5 pm. Miss Kathy Hughes. c2w9 ONE anrditwo bedroom apaft ments. 402 Markham Road~ children. 884-1909. c ROOM close to transportatign: Phone 884-9427 after 3 pm. (Continued) TWO bedroom apartment. 62 Hunt. $160.00. October 1. Mat- ure adults. no pets. references. Quiet modern. soft water.‘ 488- 0802 after 5 pm. tic? PROFESSIONALLY finished _2 bedroom apartment. large liv- ingroom with fireplace. drapes and rug. large kitchen. stove and fridge. Vicinity of Bayview 8; Markham Road. Occupancy October lst. Business people only. 884-7710. tfc8 ENE bedroom apartment. fridge and stove included. 884-8588. 20% OFF WHILE STOCK LASTS FOR SALE WANTED WANTED TO RENT TO RENT 12 noon c2w10 clwlO c1w10 c2w10 c1w9 c2w9 clw9 tfc9