Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Sep 1972, p. 12

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Mr_. McDowell replied that Jamieson had said a three-man committee was looking into the need for an airport and would have to satisfy itself of that need. ‘ However. the matter of com- pensation. although frequently stressed by Mayor Robert For- han Of Newmarket and‘ Coun- cillor Gordon Rowe of Rich- mond Hill in their questions to officials. was mostly set. aside by chief spokesman. Gordon Mc- Dowell. general manager To- ronto Area Airports Project. as a matter that couldn‘t be settled until expropriation matters were dealt with. News of expropriation appears first in the Canada Gazette. Under the Federal Expropria- tions Act. Ottawa has 120 days after publication in the Gazette. Ottawa's official publication. whether the airport will go ahead. When that hapnens. title to all the land passes to the government. but owners have a year in which to object to the price offered. even if they ac- cept the money. Mr. McDowell also told coun- cil than an independent inquiry board made up of repre- sentatives from the federal. provincial and municipal gav- ernments. would be set up if expropriation goes t h r o u g h. This would be in hear submis- sions from all levels of govern- ment as lo how the airport would be set up. its altention to safety and other factors. trumnll 1f I didn't say cerlainf Mr. McDowell said Ottawa Planning “'35 30mg 0n". Mr- MC-‘u'as concerned with the safety DOWEII said. and ecological factors of the air- Mr. Roman said that Federal port and minimized the social Transport Minister Donald Jam-‘disruption. The Toronto-Cen- ieson had said the airport was‘tred Region Plan “‘as compat- going on anyway. "or did I readible with what they were doing. it wrong?" i“! don't think there's any real Mr. McDowell replied that conflict" he said~ Jamiéson had said a three-man: "‘Vh‘le “'9 OCCUR" 5‘ 1‘” 0f committee was looking into the‘land‘ “'9'” 110‘ necessarilXtak‘ need for an airport and would ing 311 13nd OUt 0f DFOdUCt10n-" Mr. McDowell sald he could only repeat that a decision had not been taken. _Preliminar_\' work had been carried on. but the committees were not mak- ing any decisions. If the site were confirmed. any work they had done would be applicable. Mayor Anthony Roman of Markham. said he thought the meeting was “dealing with a decision that's already been made." “But I would be less than truthful if I didn't say certain planning was going on". Mr. Mc- Dowell said. Region Gets Latest On Airport York Regional Council did its best at a special session September 7 with federal officials to discuss the proposed PickeringlAirport. but when it was all over, the main issue seemed to be just when the Canada Gazette was going to start publishing exprop- riation notices.‘ The meeting. which was open to the public. ostensibly was called to discuss compensation of residents within “noise lands". or “flight operational areas,” as the government spokesmen referred to them, as well as other matters relating to the airport. Councillor Rowe. who said he presumed the air- port to be a reality. told the meeting he had gone to Ste. Seholastique. Quebec at his own expense. where a similar situation existed at the new international air- port‘there. Quebec. how- ever. had been given 320 million in federal grants to assist municipalities ad- jacent to the airport. and he wondered if the same kind of assistance would 7 be given here. _ Mr. McDowell said Ste. Scholastique had been de- signated by Ottawa to qualify for Hie funds. "but 12 Car enthusiasts of the Off-Road Racing varâ€" iety had plenty to look at Saturday afternoon in front of Bob‘s Bottoms & Up Ltd.. store at the Richmond Heights Centre. Some 10 of the racing vehicles were on display. in front of the store including Proprietor Bob Hyland's car. All 10 and 60 more will be entered in a IOU-mile obstacle course race this Sunday at the Swiss Chalet THE LIBERAL Richmon'd Hfll, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 11. 1972 that's getting into a politi- cal area". Mayor Forhan said that put- ting in the airport would mean a loss of development. The province had seen reason to limit population in the area. but at the same time was putting in an industrial region. Mr. Mc- Dowell had earlier said an in- dustrial region was planned He said about 6 to 7.000 acres were being used for the airport itself: many farms could be maintained. Mayor Forhan said the new airport would mean extra roads. Would the federal government pay for those? That. Mr. McDowell said. had not been worked out. Chairman Garfield Wright. who seemed to ac- cept the pmject as a "fait accompli" a term bandied about by both sides. coun- cil saving it was and ihe officials saying it ,wasn'tâ€" _ said it was important to know the impact of the air- port on the area. its indus- trial content. serviees re- quired and the compensa- “the other side of Highway '7" to serve as a buffer between the airport and North Pickering." Mr. Forhan said such a scheme would have an adverse effect on the area. “We seem to be paying through the nose". he said. "Who's picking up the costs?" Mr. McDowell said that. for the.I land outside the 18,000 acres to be acquired by the gov- ernment for the airport. the government would assume fin- ancial responsibility for claims where the land uses were in- compatible with airport opera- tions. "I dnn’t know how much it will cost to meet these obligaâ€" tions." he said. The induslrial parks “ould be located insidg-the 18.000 acres. Mayor Roman wanted to know when the federal gov- ernment had confirmed the site for the new airport. “I understand the expro- priation notices have al- ready been set out." he Mr. McDowell said not- lces of intention to expro- priate had been sent out» March 2. Mayor Forhan asked if there would be any cOmpensation for the loss of development. Was Mr. McDowell aware that the province was in competition with existing municipalities? "I understand priation nntices ready been set said. Off-Road Racing Display . tlon being offered by the government for services. potential job opportunities, industrial development ex- pected. etc. Some of the industries pre- ferred in the airport area. ac- cording to Mr. Lawson. were pharmaceutical. electronics and light machinery. Mr. Wright then asked when the region could start expecting its influx of people. Mr. Mc- Dowell said. a “sophisticated study" underway to determine growth patterns, would be ready in two months. William Hodgson. MLA York He said computer techniques were being used to discern growth in the area. About 20,- 000 would be employed in in- dustry at the outset. rising to 40,000 by 1978 when the airport was expected to become op- erational. 210 Markham Road - Richmond Hill 884-7716 -«SS4-9001 Open 8-9 pm Limited Quantity Only â€" Financing Arranged JDX 8 Black 40 H.S.P. Tach. Speedo. Shocks Cover All Standard Equipment JDX 4 25 H.S.P. Black 600 Wide Track 36 H.S.P. 500 15'2" Track 33 H.S.P. 400 15')" Track 28 H.S.P. BOA SKI 1972 MODELS AVAILABLE SEPT. 1 ORDER NOW ALL PRICED TO SELL Snowmobile Parts and Service â€" Oil Plugs Belts. Trailers. etc. Lann Tractors. Mowers. Tillers. Reduced to Clear REID LA WNMO WER SALES 6’ SERVICE éwimming and picnic facilities. .1 Park. 12 miles east of Markham on Highway 4. Saturday's exhibition display also afforded the opportunity for Bob to give away free tickets to the race along with the purchase of pants. Bob adds that the upcoming i‘ace at. Swiss Chalet will present an ideal family outing. The park contains YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL (c/o York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill) § Just Arrived... Memorial Fund North who spoke from the galâ€" lery, asked whether people with land frozen at present would be compensated if the Pickering site were abandoned. Mr. McDowell said there would be compensation for people who could prove they suffered financial losses. but he didn't know about -those people whose land was frozen. Also attending the meeting on behalf of the federal govern- ment were Larry Potvin. man- ager airport systems. planning and construction. TAAP; Arthur Lamport, assistant project man- anger land acquisitions. Depart- ment of Public Works: Larry Forster. director North Picker- ing Development Project: and Len Fitton, manager Aviation Systems Planning, TAAP. Barney Danson MP, York North. also spoke briefly. Tractor-Trailer Load of John Deere Snowmobiles (Photo by Stuart‘s Studlo) EIVCHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE. RICHMOND HILL Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings ’til 9 pm. 884-4401 26"”\%> COLOR TV VIEWING VALU Built especially for Firestone Stores O Aukoi'natic Fine Tuning Comrol (AFC) O Preset Fine Tuning 0 lns\a-Vlew wuh Swnch 01 â€" 3 x 5” Speaker 0 Sllde Volume Control 0 nghled VHF/UHF Channel Indicators 0 Sohd Stale UHF Tuner 0 Contemporary Cabmet in Walnut Grain 0 Dlmensmns: 33" W, 3224" H, 2411' D . 3 year color picture tube warranty (1 year prcture Iube and labour: 2 addmonal years on picture tube, labour extra) $61 Now at these m Stores . . UNBELIEVALE FFIEB 19”@ COLOR TV 0 Automatic Fine Tuning Control (AFC) 0 Owen Read VHFl UHF Channel lndlcators 0 Solid State UHF Tuner 01â€" 4" Speaker 0 lnsta-Vtew wvth Swrtch O Dipole Antenna 0 Automatuc Fleshtone Stabllvzer 0 Keyed Automatic Gain Control 0 Automatic Color Punller 0 Polystyrene Cablnet In Walnut Graln O Drmenstons. 233,54 ’W, 17":" H, 18%" D O 3 year color picture tube warranty ‘(1 year picture tube and labour: 2 addmonal years on ptcture tube, labour extra) $429?? firesto'm gem easy ways {61km}! 30 DAY CHARGE O 100% Solid State Chassis 0 Solid Slate VHF/UHF Tuners o 1 â€"- 4” Speaker ._Dlred Read VHF/UHF Channel Indicators 0 Dipole Antenna 0 lnsta-Vlew O Strap Handle 0 Ebony Grain Polystyrene Cabinet 0 Dimensions: 2273" W, 16%.” H. 141/4" D 20”@ B&W TV $15995 15-drawer v u'uvvu UTILITY $229 CABINET o 1 â€" 3" Speaker 0 Earphone and Jack O Monopole Antenna 0 Direct Read VHF/UHF Channel Indicamrs O UHF Solid StatelTuner o Polystyrene Cabinet in Olive Finish 0 Bum-m Handle 0 PimenSIpns; 13%” H, 137:” W, 10” D 12"@B&w TV $10995 ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCK 'UI/

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