Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Sep 1972, p. 15

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editor margot crack Mona Robertson and herl bor Day Weekend friends in Orangeville and Dur- ham. , t t t Congratulations and hap- py birthday wishes to Al Plewman of Arnold Street who celebrates his 95th on September 14. Mr. Plewman, a well- known dnd respected resi- dent of the Hill for many years. is a valued member of Richmond Hill United Church and a charter mem- ber of the local Senior Citi- zens' Club. in It 4: visiting I silver Catherine Walker of 36 Lan-l The York daughter, Louise, spent the La-yard Road. Weston, received a with a mark of meeting 180 for her artistic singing ‘the ONE Music Competition. Catherine is a pupil of Ellen; iBlogg, RMT. medal AK it Miss Bette .lane Fletcher has and are been holidaying in Canada \vithldancel‘s, etc. from this area to, her sister, Mrs. Gerg Turner of‘participate. Brantford and godparents, Mn, ‘ and Mrs. Chas. Phillips of Rich- tain othersâ€"how about you‘.’ mond Hill. Highlands of the season last in Tuesday. with members all eag- er to start learning new songs. The ways and means com- mittee is planning a talent night Variety Show for this fall looking for singers, Many people love to enter- Please call 884-7803 evenings Miss Fletcher, a former resi- for further information. dent of Richmond Hill. is now i». >3< living in Devonshire, England. During her stay she enjoyed attended a a two-week camping trip with East ‘ her sister and children in the Centre, Sharon, on September ters and brother. all of Prince a... Edward Island. whom she hadn'tI Over 80 friends and relatives surprise party at Gwillimbury Community This Sunday. between 2 and'USA and a camping excursion 8 in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ben 9 W“ In the Chl'lSllah Cducallon to Pancake Bay. Lake Stii)ci‘iot‘.;](hight, of Crosby Avenue who seen for six years. , From there they went to New building of the Richmond I'IIIII United Church, York Presby-‘ tery and Presbyterial Resourc-‘ es Festival is being held for , Thursday. She returns « it: it St. Matthew‘s United. Crosby were Mr. to England on were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Among the out-ofâ€"town guests and Mrs. Ambrose Sweet Adelines held its first evening ‘DUplieate Bridge Club The club opened the season on September 8 and games will now be played every Monday and Friday eycning. The winners on Friday \\'(‘l‘t' John Leonard and John Hall. ,with Marie and Stewart Cole ‘in second place. For information call Marie .Cole at 773-4280. ‘ >l< >'< :1: Mrs. Ron Jones and children. Ronalda, Alanna. Errol and Cleve, have returned to their home at 172 Neal Drive after Ivacationing in the Maritimes. They spent some time with Mrs. Jones' mother. four sis- Brunswick and spent a weekend with Mrs. Ron Jones Sr. and the clnldrens‘ great ~ grandmother, chUI‘Ch SChOOI Personnel. youthlAvenuc, extends an invitation‘Ba“ who flew in fron] BotwoodflMrs. Zora Stecves. leaders, UCW, elders. stewards and to anyone interested in , Ihei Newfoundland. work of the Canadian Bible So-lthe celebration Increase your income and in-lciety to join the congregationi especially for Among the many gifts re- )! a ‘k The lst Richmond Ilill Scouts ‘and Cubs fall registration is terest in the Christian educa-'tion on September 19 at 8 pmjceiyed by MR and Mrs, Knightlbeing held from 7 to 8 pm this tion programs. There will be Rev. Andrew Brndjar, district}was a silver tray, presented oanriday (September 15: at Rich“, review tapes, films, books and cassettes for 1972-73 programs. it it It 1‘ your} Prospective walkers l‘eCOI‘dS..secretary of the society, will belbehalf of a” the guests. speaking and showing a film.l Refreshments will be served. It was a fun-filled evening ending with dancing until the‘ ahdlsinall hours of the morning. ‘ St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church sponsors -â€" the Canadian Bible x x >r held a Sunday Church SchOOl Society is holding a walkathon The Delta Lambda Chapter of and Congregational Picnic atjin Richmond Hill on September‘Beta Sig-ma phi observed Be. Humber Trails Conservation53 Park last Sunday to kick off its [all tcrm. Service was first held at 10leran Church will meet at the- am at the church on Bayview Avenue after went to the park where a pot 0. * wit it ginning Day at the home of iMonica Dewar on Thursday last. The Low of St. Paul's Luth-Iseptemher 7. church on September 20 at Sfcocktaiis which everyone‘o‘clock_ the and . jPrcsident Ann Bowry conduct- Following serving of horsd‘oeuvres.‘ imond Hill United Church. Each boy must be accompanied by a ,parent. This year meetings will be held at Crosby Heights School Scouts on Mondays from 7 to 9 pm and Cubs on Fri- ,days from 7 to 8:30 pm. i For further information call er. Foley at 884-5713. >4 The Catholic Women‘s League of St. Mary Immaculate Church The Program. Ming present-led a brief business meetingiwillhold its first meeting of thel season September 18 in the ex- ‘ecutive room of the parish hall llICk Picnic hthh “'35 t311.103’Ed‘ed by Norma Petersen, is entitI-iduring which Vice_Prcsidem by 311. led "Day of Rest” and CODCCI‘HSICynthia Thomas introduced The afternoon was Shem the need to refresh oneself for-three transferees to the chap_liii the form of a wine and playing various games. three-legged throwing contest, finishing off, ‘ _ _ The hostesses will be El‘icaispecific with a baseball game in which‘Bratfisch and Esther il‘Oma cotnplete day both physicallygterâ€"Evelyn Kennedy, Sharon'cheese party and membership races 10 an egaand spiritually. ‘ 1Kent and Claire Foran. Afterldrh'e- committee chairmen} The new executive of this DaWe-toutlined their programs for theigl‘OUP includes President Mrsâ€" eVel‘l'One Pal'IiCiDated. Pl‘iZeSgPlans will also be made forichsuing yeah members enjoveleOnOr Sauve, First Vice-Presi- gaIOI‘e ‘l'el'e handed 01“ 1° Ihe,the District Assembly to be a pot luék supper, H ‘dent Mrs. Fran Wachna. Sec-i lucky winner. ' held in October. Plans are currently being 0nd Viceâ€"President Mrs. Cecille‘ Next Sunday at 9:30 am 15‘ it >k ‘- completed by members for their Burg, Corresponding Secretary. rcglsuatm“ day for mgl‘lar' Congratulations to longâ€" visit to Stratford on September Ml‘S- Mary Barry, Recording 0135595 and 3“ Chlldren from; time residents of this area, 123 to see “Much Ado About 5001‘6131‘1' 311'5- Andre." Smith. the community as well as mem-i Mr. and Mrs. George Pa” Homing... Treasurer Mrs. Dore“ Stan; bcrs are inVited to attend. Serb, ton of Elgin Mills Road 1 A i. A * * * ice resumes at its regular hour; of 11 am. ‘ it: v- i: 1 What's new with Help-Mate}. Information Services! And with" this in mind a showing of the outstanding film “Tell Me Where To 'l‘urn"-â€"the role of the volunteer in the community, wand a discussion of volunteer service programs, will be held September 25 at Richmond Hill Public Library starting at 8 pm.‘ There will also be a rummage; sale in support of Help-Vlate Infortnation Services at 10 am, West, who celebrated their 30th Wedding Anniversary on September 11. Also to their neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Grain- g‘er, who were married 54 years on September 10. To celebrate this double event, the two couples winter! and dined together at the Graingers on Satur- day eveuing where they were later joined by family and friends. is it! 1.1 St. Mary's ACW are “rum: ‘ St. Gabriel's Anglican Church School at Crosby and Bayview lis holding its registration day .on Sunday, September 17 at 10:30 am. All boys and girls. 2 to 13 years old of any faith. are cor- dially invited to register. 1, This year a mini picnic is 'being held directly after the iservice for all the children and ;around 12:30 pm the “Mixed,: lBlessings”, a group of young' people from St. John‘s, Jeffer- son, will entertain. Everyone is welcome to at- on September 23 at Richmond'maging-v through the“. Closets tend to hear these young peoâ€" Hill United Church. land basements gathering cloth- Ple and 911103 3 CUP Of 183 01“ If you have any items to con-3mg and other articles for theirzcoffee. tribute 10 1.1115 5319' donat{Onslannual rummage sale Septem-i may be left at the Unitedlber 30 in Wrixon Hall, com-I Chut‘Ch h’lahsei 21 centre mencing at 1:30 pm. I Street East, anytime before the Mrs. Shirley Cornish is this 23rd or at the church on thewealsS convenor and she is‘ evmling 0f 5913“?th 22 atIterlbacked up by a capable com- imitteeâ€"Mrs. Reva Acton, Mrs.) 8 pm. Should delivery be im- aRhelda Stockall and Mrs. Betty‘ possible, arrangements for pick-up can be arranged by call-{Tyndall' , . mg HFIP‘Mate Informatlon all Donations of good used cloth: 83*‘2727' ;ing or what-have-you will be‘ * * * lreceivcd at Wrixon I-lall Hour The Richmond Hill Ecunteiii-,tlie evening of September 27. cal Choir congratulates Brenda‘until the aftern“ n of Septemy Ash on her recent successes in her 29. Call Mrs. Cornish at the ONE Competition for Sing-.884-8324 for further informa- ers. She gained a first in the tion. 20 years and under class. a firsti * '-* ’5‘ in the lyric soprano. seconds in: A meeting to finalize arrange- the soprano open, soprano sac-Linents for the third annual Art red and 16 years and under and Show at St. Gabriel's Anglican third lace in the 18 years and Church was held Friday eve-, d p ' un er. .ning. Many people will remember; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Seltzer hearing Brenda's fine voice as hosted the meeting with Mr. ’ the soprano soloist in tlie‘and Mrs. Thomas Rye and Mr. choir’s first performance of and Mrs. Alan Thomas in atâ€"‘ Handel‘s Messiah: also in “'l‘he‘tendance. Seven Last Words of Christ"; The art show. being held. by Dubois in 1971. lfrom 3 pm on October 14, will“ On Monday, site with the choir at its first re-‘ings from the gallery of Wil- hcarsal for the new season infliam Gamon of Toronto. ‘ was back as previously, feature oil paint-. which it is planned to do a'. Wine and cheese will he Christmas concert and Haydn‘s served and admiSSion is 50 oratorio “The Creation“. There cents. are still a few vacancies i some sections of the choir an those interested snouid phorie' Les Nicholls at 884â€"3825. at A A II d ullllllIIIIllllltllllltlIIlllltlllllllllllllllttlttIIIIIIlllllIIIlllltltltlllllllllltl What’s Cooking? I I Almost everyone has a special Thirty-nine members of Rich- dish which fainilv or friends “loud “in Chain" No- 303' 0‘“ enjoy â€" whv not share the tier 0‘ the Easier“ Starg‘ISIEE‘d recipe with our readers. be it Strongsvillev Chapter 30- ‘339 main course. dessert or snack"? in StrongS‘Tlle. Ohlo- 0" beP'Each week one will be publislh ten‘berg‘ , 1ed in this columnâ€"how about Accompanying local members yours-3 were Past District Deputy Grand Matron Jean Osborne.‘ PECAN CRISPIES Worthy Matron of Aloha Chap' 1; cup shortening ter (Willowdalel Lorraine Ben“ 13 cup butter son and Past Matron of Mai‘k- 21: cups brown sugar ham Chapter Gladys Watt. 3 beaten eggs The visitation between Richâ€" 31: cups Sifted hunched mond Hill and Strongviht‘ 1.; tsp. salt Chapters were initiated two t_. tsp soda 3'031‘5 330 On a reciprocating- 3h' 1 cup chopped pecans nual basis and have prOveii to ‘ , . be one of the highlights of the Thoroughly cream shortening. year to all members. Little dif- blmel‘ and susar- Aflld 03-35. ficuhy is experienced in filling beat well. Add flour. sifted with the bus to make the trip and salt and soda. Add pecans. Drop each visit is eagerly awaited by 'teaspoonfuls on I) greased by both the host and Visitingcookie sheet about _ inches chapters. lapart. Bake in moderate oven Following the cel'entonies at '300 degreesl I.) to It minutes Strongsville. a pleasant Social depending on size, Remme 1mâ€" evening was entoved by all and mediately from cookie sheet. the beautiful “hath” did much Makes 6 down cookies to add to the occasion. l Miss M. L. Batstone I" a flour ‘church. ‘IOOth anniversary this yeart. ii A m The sweet strains of Brahms'i Fourth Symphony filled the, Lions Hall on Sunday night as; York Regional Symphony be- gan its rehearsals for the com- ing season. I There was a good represent-l ation in each of the sectionsl from the regular membership of the orchestra. In addition,. several new members were wel-I comed. I There are still openings for string players. particularly 1 ‘cellos. If you have been put-l ting off practising and need al place to play, why not dust off your instrument and turn out to the next rehearsal? Rehears- als are held each Sunday eveâ€" ning at 7:30 pm. For information call Beth Harwood at 884-1435. iii Ii At 10:30 am this Sunday St. Mary‘s Anglican Church begins‘ its Centennial celebration with a service of re-dedication of the refurbished chapel tthc which celebrates its It will also honor the “Corn erstones“, parishioners have been members for 25 years or more. The Rt. Rev. ‘Lewis Garnsworthy will be the guest speaker. After the service, a special luncheon will be served in Wrixon Hall, highlighted by a resume of recollections acquir» ed from the "Cornerstones'l Centennial pins are now on saleâ€"adults 25 cents, children 15 cents. A .. .. Currently staying at the home of Margot and Gerry 'Craek on Leonard Street i< Dario Burberis from Zurich. Switzerland. .\s part of his university course Dario. who is a fluent linguist. has spent three months in Canada and the States to improve his English and make a study of arterial highways. On Monday he was the guest of Bob Rice of CKEY Radio Sta- tion on his helicopter for the afternoon run to Toronto for tthe traffic report. He was par- ticularly thrilled to have this experience and he took many photographs and notes which he will use in his future studies. He plans to leave on Friday for Boston and New York and will return in Zurich next month. further . old I wh 0 Miss Margaret MacLeod has returned to her home in Pictou. Nova Scotia. following a ten-. dayâ€"stay with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Broadhurst on Starlight Crescent. Miss MacLeod was a wonder- ful hostess to Mr. Broadhurst while he was stationed in De- bert during World War II. She lives in a charming old century farm. settled by her forbears. During her stay they drove to Niagara Falls, enjoying sightj seeing in Toronto and saw many places of interest includ- ing the CNE and Ontario Placed Mrs. Bill Robinson of Blue- grass Blvd. entertained last, Thursday at a miscellaneous shower and wine and cheese party for Miss Judy Ann Cor- nack whose marriage to Henry Degeling takes place October 21 at St. Mary Immaculate; Church ‘ Guests mother, Mrs. Jo Cornack, Gail Lloyd, Mona Robertson. Bev- erley McCloskey, Jean Thomp- son, Gladys Fear. Olivia Tomas- son. Dorothy McKay, Jackie Danter, Kathy Ross, Carol Thackeray. L o u i s e Almond.‘ Kathi Anderson and Carol Ann Rogers. Mrs. Robinson's daughter. Lori, assisted with the gifts after they were opened. it CAROL HOOVER Nursing Graduate Miss Carol Iloowr became a graduate of Oshawa School 0. Nursing on July 1-1. She trained at Oshawa General HOspital Carol is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Herbert C. Hoover 01 236 Anzac Crescent and a graduate of Bayvicw Secondary School. NEWMARKET â€".\'ew market's second Annual Algonkian Festi- val nill be held September 29 and 30 and should be bigger and better than the first. according to New market Recreation Coni- missioner Dan Shannon \1» :onkisn is the Indian name for ,meetin: pint-o. included the bride-’57 l I’ranlt~ (iilbert triuht) who just celebrated his 0011i birthday. was honored by his fellow members at Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling (‘lub last week when they staged a party for him. complete with birthday cake and a new pipe. Mr. Gilbert, who is still an active bowler, started bowling in his He has been a resident of Richmond Hill With Mr. Gilbert in the above picture is President native England 72 years ago. for more than 40 years. Fred Thomas of the Richmond Hill (‘lulh Early in the afternoon Mayor William Lazenliy came to the bowling green to present the. honored guest with a tie clip bearingr the Richmond Hill Town (‘rest and a letter from the mayor and council. goes to show you can start at age 18 and make this a lifetime sport. Hey. Ho. Come To The Fair". â€"being held this Saturday September 161 by the Rich- mond Hill Horticultural Society in the Lions Hall, Centre Street East. starting at 2 pm. Not only will there be numâ€"' erous stalls. but also a show of flowers (late summer stych and a real bang-up show of garden produce. So there‘ll be ;lots to see and buy! The stalls will include bak- ing, produce, plants. white ele- phant, jams and jellies and a draw for prizes topped by a really beautiful painting. The committees are working hardâ€"so come oneâ€"come all and support their endeavors. To give all your garments the personal attention they tion 1’ call 884-2339. WERE NOT TOO BIG WE CLEAN, ALTER and REPAIR . . . UNTIL THEY COME OUT LOOKING ALMOST NEW. Bowlers needed . . the' The Richmond Ilill Squares, Cnited Church Bowling League are looking forward to a new lstarts September 14 at '7 pm at square dancing season at Rose- the ABC Bowling Alleys. ‘lawn School. Carrville Road. Anyone wishing to bowl \IHI‘IIHS SOIJU‘mhel‘ 21. please call 889-2860. Why not join them for * it it :reat season of fun and recrea- For further >I< >11 it September is the month for community and social clubs to resume activities for the fall season. Why not plan to give your group the best pos- sible coverage this year by sending in regular reports of your meetings, guest speakers and fund raising projects? We're always happy to hear from youâ€"either call the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884/1105/6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. deserve! information *DRAPESfilliiibigfgiiivi ‘ Discount Cleaners RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE In The “North Mall” 20 % OFF AI Perms By JOE or GEORGE tSept. 5th to Sept. 301111 FALL SPECIAL! t krt SST-6171 La Casa Loma Beauty Salon RICHMOND HILL tOpposite Pirri‘s Fruit Marketl 90 I'ONGE ST. N.. Open Thurs. & Fri. ‘til 9 o MINI Vacation to Europe: One week mini vacation available to many destâ€" inations this winter coni- mencing N0\. 3, 1972. Free Parking at Rear LONDON front $313.00 a I’ARIS . . . . . . . from STTISJIU a ROME . . . . . . . . from 52:50.00 21 AND MAN Y MORE. This includes return accommodatitiin and air trauspoi'tation. different extras tickets. sight-seeing or car rental. Make your reservation with its iit‘il‘ winter-break. we all need so badly. GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE S5 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill Tel. person person person '(IS this great 884-9841 Hotel theatre Ontario. Thursday. Sept. 11. 1973 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. GET A NEW LEASE ON LIFE THIS FALL! Learn to play the piano the painless way. Come for a free demonstration lesson. . ESTELLE MARKHAM ARCT RMT 884-3787 MOTOR INN GERONIMO’S HELD OVER! THE GREAT “GERRY MANN” . APPEARING NIGHTLY ‘ 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. in Geronimo’s Fun Room 333 YONGE ST. N.. RICHMOND HILL 884-917] : GUARANTEED SAVINGS: ‘ y Stuarts Studio; lawn Bow/er For 72 Years ON QUALIT ' DRAPERIESI I CUSTOM . MADE FROM OUR OWN FACTORY TO YOU DELIVERY COULD BE YOURS IN 7 DAYS! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM 9 AM. TO 6 P.M. DAILY Bring your own measurements to THE DRAPERY FACTORY 70 NEWKIRK RD., RICHMOND HILL (Between Centre St. and Crosby Avenue) All of which ANOTHER $300. WINNER IN ‘ Y.C.A.M.R. " 500 " TOKEN NO. 64 MR. H. A. DOAN WILLOWDALE ONTARIO Choose your drapes from a lovely selection of the latest styles and patterns. For further information; please call 884-6611 I 'â€" THANK You. . . RICHMOND HILL For making our opening last week (at the former Junior’s Fish & Chips) such a tremend- ous success. We truly appreciate your patron- age and will always strive to give you good 1‘0od in a congenial atmosphere. â€"â€"l)oris Crouch KOSY CAFE I9 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL 884-9019 HOURS: 8 to 6 Mon., Tues.. Wed., Sat. ACTIVITY ' for EVERY MEMBER of EVERY FAMILY for FALL '72 CL... RICHMOND HILL and DISTRICT YWCA REGISTER NOW 884-4811 Mon. to Fri.. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. . Sat, 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ADI'LT PROGRAMME: Needle Work, Pottery & (lei'amics, Decoupage, L'pholstering, Yoga. Sewing. Crochet. Rug Hooking. ‘Bridge Instruc- tion, Weight Control, Keep Fit, Slim & Trim, Glitter, Christmas \\ ork- shop. Take A Break, Splash 'i\' Swim For Fun. 11 caving. Dreikurs’ “Children the Challenge”. ‘1" BRIDGE MARATHON WILL BE STARTING 1N OCTOBER. â€"â€" Call us! YOL'TH PROGRAMME: Guitar, (‘harni for Teens. Art, Crochet, Sewing. thtbmic vanastics, Mothers and Pie-School Swim. SATURDAY â€" Hobby Club. Y.W.C..\. Membership Fee â€" Adult $3.00 (one year membership) Junior $I.IlIl 'I'hose not wishing to become a member may participate in programs at a non-member rate NOTE: Many classes are open to men and boys I I I I I I I I I "wowsmyflu a” . Drop in soon for a quick snack. you won‘t be disappointed! him I f I I 25 YONGE N.. RICHMOND HILL Some classes will be held in Oak Ridges and Richvale Babysitting arrangements may be made for daytime classes Resale Shop Open Now Mon. to Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 am. and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. â€" Saturdays 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For further information and complete schedule. phone RSI-1S1] P‘-Imnmummmu‘I‘III-‘mnuugg I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

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