'I'HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l‘liumdfl. Sept. ll. lFIT‘Z 20 BONELESS, BOTTOM CUT ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESS RUMP ROAST BONELESS SIRLOIN POINT ROAST SIRLOIN STEAK FULL SLICE ROUND STEAK CUT FROM EYE OF SIRLOIN POINT Cube Steaks FRESH Everyday Low Prices! CHICKEN LEGS mists... «69¢ CHICKEN OUARTERS i558¢ c'liiliifThziu'aEliҤ.i:‘li.ill?"' '5 .MEATY PORK HOCKS FRESH GROUND PORK LAMB CHOPS SAUSAGES BEEF & POR SLICED BEEF LIVER BRISKET PLA E 44¢ «38¢ "68¢ Frozen, New Inland Imported Spring lamb, Shoulder Burns Brand, Store Pack Super-Right Quality t68¢ t48¢ Red Brand Steer Beef, ldo I {or Broiling l A shop anywhereelse!) lb ‘ ' _ I ‘ e FIRST 4 RIBS ONLY Ib$1.5 8 Rib Steaks FRESH ' Round Steak Minced “98;! Ground Beef sx BRAND, SLICED MACARONI 8. CHEESE LOAF, MINCED HAM, CHICKEN LOAF " WIENERS ‘ .WHEREI'IEC'OKOMYIJOR'GIN'ATESl _ Check‘o‘ur “GUM-"Y! CHECKfoIIR g lowEROVERAu * PRICES! You‘wo‘n't Thsnsof riple~teted recipes from the kitchens of_ Family Circle Magazine VOLUME 2 air-m BIRDS OF A FEATHER: Chicken, TUIKEy’. DUCK, Goose, Game Hen - ‘ BREADS SIDE BACON Mva 88¢ for a Veas: Bread: '1 . c- lifetime ' of Bread: F'ied Bieads, Pancaxes and i‘ia‘ltes Cooked. Boneless, Vacuum Packed “1.34 DINNER HAMS Town 5 5 8 BREAKFASTS ' . l-lb ¢ Gettine a Good Heaas‘a' Club 2 lb pkg $1.1 vac pac on MADE“ some Wan Bteaxlasls. Paii/ Bioncnes Ranch Style or Peter Piper Brand. By the Piece lb 3 “1.08 6-ozolkg BOLOGNA CORNED BEEF COOKED HAM Eating... Shopsy Brand, Ideal For Oven Roasting, Vacuum Packed Burns Brand. POLISH SAUSAGE mitt um egg“: $1 9 WIENERS ALL BEEF it?! “beâ€? 8.. i ,I i OCEAN PERCH FILLETS “are ts-ozpi958¢ Introductory Offer â€" VOLUME ONE Still available for ONLY 49c A&P COD FILLETS té-ozotg74¢ GORMLEY Correspondent \lrs. Chas. Milsted Telephone 887-5445 Neighborhood Notes I Congratulations to Mr, and ‘.\lrs. John Lewis on the birth ol‘ their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Felix lime returned from a months holiâ€" (lzi_\ in liurope. .\lr~. Mildred Holmes “as a guest at the \\eddin: of Miss \ngela Roman and Mr. Thomas IMudd of Laredo. Texas. at St. ‘Mary Immaculate Roman Cath- IOIIC Church, Richmond Hill on September 2. ' Congratulations to Mr. and ers. Edgar Stiekley \\ho are lcelebrnine their Golden Wedâ€" Zding Anniversary this Sunday ‘ Mrs. Esther Agnen of Burâ€" llington spent a neck \\ith her isori~in-la\\ and daughter Mr. and Huts. Harold 'l'atton. Harold \\'ideman has had stir- gery in York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill. Mrs. Marjorie Harrison ol' ‘.\nacortes_ Washington. USA lspent a couple of \\eeks \\ith Iher aunt Mrs. Garnet. France}. Miss Donna Reid. I\\in daugh- ‘ter of Mrs. Pat Reid. has left vto attend the University of AI- berta in Edmonton. Donna is taking the the year course in Bachelor of Nursing Science. Mrs, Beulah Jones has re- turned from a lovely holiday in Ocean Park. Maine. USA. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duncan of Woodstock spent Sunday \\ith his parents Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Duncan. I Congratulations to Mr. and 'Mrs. Stuart Duncan who on Saturday will celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary. This ‘is also Mrs. Duncan's birthday. I Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Collins on the birth of their son on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stickley of Montreal Lake Children's Home in Saskatchewan are vis- iting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stickley. NEWMARKET â€" T ri nit _v United Church of Canada. Main ,Street. welcomed a new min- Iister September 10 in the per~ son of Reverend Bruce Stiitor of rKingsville. Ontario, WORKS IN A DRAWER Color TV by PETER SMITH York Home T.V. 889-1646 HOT WATER, ' IN SO MANY WAYS, IS HANDY FOR 9 LOCAL TRADEMARKS. Inc. Heat your waterâ€"quicker. more efficiently. Use our Fuel Oil. And cost is reasonable, too. RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. E. 884-1313 CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE John N. Mayes, 3. Se. (Agn), M.B.A. lCanadian Imperial Bank lof Commerce announces the Iappointment of Mr. John lN. Mayes as an Agricultural Ofï¬cer. f Mr. Mayes, a native of iStroud, Ontario, is a graduate Iof the University of Guelph and the University of Western Ontario, and has gained ex- perience in Ontario with the Ministry of Agriculture at... Food, Farm Credit Corporation and the Agricultural Rehabili- tation and Development Ad- iministration. I From his base in Toronto he will work closely with farm operators and rural Branch 'Managers in Ontario. His lappointment is part of the ‘continuing expansion of the lAgricultural Department of the Commerce which now includes specialists in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. as well as at the Head Othce of the Bank.