Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Sep 1972, p. 24

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Priority Travel 6 Black Hawk Motor Inn 1 Coach Harry Moebus had his boys playing a much-improved passing game and at no time could the Black Hawk defence hold the aggressive Priority for- ward line. Richvale Scaffold Rentals 5 Spartans 1 In the last few outings Rich- vale have been showing much Improvement. Forwards More- land. Thornhill and Morton are a threat to any defence and Spartans were no exception. Drives by Ste]. Dinning and Morris hit the woodwork while Goalie Mark Simpson made sev- eral sprawling saves. Vluylly u A uullé- Coach Merv Evans and Nels Graydeen are to be congratulat-} TOURNAMENT PLAY ed on leading their team to thew Coach Paddy McNamara took league title. the .Town "B" representative Priority Travel 6 team to Oshawa on September Black Hawk Motor Inn 1 9. Pirris edged past Oshawa 2-0 Coach Harry Moebus had his after extra time but were blank- boys playing a much-improved ed 4-0 by Scarboro in the sec- passing game and at no time‘ond game. This was an ex- could the Black Hawk defence‘cellent performance by Pirris hold the aggressive Priority for- Fruit Market as Scarboro is one ward line. of the best Mosquito,teams in Richvale Scaffold Rentals 5 Canada. The Expos went ahead late in the second half on a penalty shot. The excitement increased as Gulf did everything but score. Stars of the game were Peter Delgrosso. Brian Langlois. Stel. and Kevin Washington. In another well played game? it was Dan‘s edging Dynes on' goals by Reggie Golub and‘ Mark McLennan. Dan‘s take on‘ Travelways in the second round‘ while Dynes play Ratcliff‘s. Ratollff‘s 2. Lazenby‘s 0 Lazenby's held the powerful league champions for the first half but Anotonino Marineni scored two goals in the secondi half to give Ratcliff‘s the Vic-l tory. Lazenby‘s w i l 1 meet BAIF‘S in the second round. ATOMS Expos Win League Title If Richmond Hill residents were wondering about the ex- citement around Bayview Sec- ondary School August 30 there was good reason. league game of the season was being played and Sanderson Gulf needed two points to take the league championship. Sanderson Gulf 2, Expos 2 The oilmen were determined: from the outset. to win the CF‘ GM Trophy for Coach Delgrosso but Expos had other ideas. Ex- pos had not lost a game in their last 11 and they were confident in making it 12 in a row. Harry Stel led the Expo attack at the beginning and then It was Doug Macklin coming on with some beautiful passes as The final‘ .m- ., we. . "WE “new...” ........... N. .. Richard Hughes. Donald Ip-asecond place slot were even polito and recent addition. Clar-{steven in total points and games ence Stel. Andrew Franc1s and‘Plafi'ed. John Isbister scored for Tourn-. In Order to get the Playoffs aments. ‘underway as soon as possible. Plrrls Fruit Market 5 this last regular scheduled game Go Go Contracting 0 was treated as a playoff with Pirl‘is took aim at the playoff‘extl‘a innings to be played if 'JY championship as they white- ‘ necessary. washed Go Go. Norman Mur- BIG HOMERUN phy collected a “hat trick" The Eame was scoreless until the fourth inning when Steve Whitaker put Town out in front 1-0 with a homer. Town went two up in the fifth as Ernie McKee singled and ad- vanced to third on errors and ;scored as‘Steve Plummer sacri- ficed. Barrows reduced Town‘s edge ‘by one as Roger Ball tripled in the fifth and scored as Skip De- Geer got on with an error.. Town regained its two-run lead in the sixth when Whitaker doubled followed by a dOuble by Clay Chapman which drove home the run. while Robert Hughes and Peter Tipold added singles. Big fea- ture of the game was the ex- cellent work by Pirris‘ defence. Falcons 1 Belgian Art Studio 0 Falcons collected two easy ’points from the Art Studio as .they registered a shutout. Flyers 6. Avenues 0 Goal scorers for Flyers were Allen Lynden 'three'. David Nelson. Alan Clark and Neil. Rothwell. ~ NORTH YORK LEAGUE ATOM Willowdale 3. Travelways 1 Travelway‘s season ended EXTRA INNINGS abruptly on Tuesday night in: Barrow Insurance bounced Willowdale as they were knock- back with two runs in the top (H out in the second round of of the seventh then hung on to the North York Cup. lpush the game into extra inâ€" It was a story of too manypings. missed chances and poor finish-i The tying runs came as Dave ing around the net as Travel-ZJoslin. Ball and skip DeGeer the play went end to end. ways commanded most of the'banged out consecutive doubles nlav l. was the typical low scoring de- fensive playoff soccer. Only seven goals were scored in three games as the coaches moved to tighten up the de- fence. BAIF 2. Travelways 1 A steadily improving Travel- ways team game BAIF a scare in the opening round of the play- offs. Joern Weippert and Wayne Harris notched goals for Baifs while Steven Fraser was the marksman for Travelways. Dan’s Esso 2, Dynes Jewellers 0 In another well played game it was Dan's edging Dynes on goals by Reggie Golub and Mark McLennan. Dan‘s take on Travelways in the second round they would hold the much .stronger Tornado team. But in the closing stages the iTornadoes came on strong and the green and white could not stop the forceful attack. Stars of the game were Rino ‘Dimonte and Michael Smith. TMOSQUITOS Deciantis Construction 10 Tournaments Inc. 2 Ricky Clendenning was the ‘big gun for Deciantis as he slammed home six’goals. Singles were added‘ by Doug Chreptyk. iRichard Hughes. Donald Ip- ipolito and recent addition. Clar- ience Stel. Andrew Francis and onhn Isbister scored for Tourn- aments. :Hili Industrial League was ‘finally settled last Friday eve- ‘ninz at the town park. in the ‘bottom of the 10th inning of a ischeduled seven inning contest between Barrow Insurance and ’Town Auto Body. Bob "Bench" Ritchie blasted the ball over the left field fence for the Town‘s winning run. which gave them a two point lead over Barrows in .the standings. Going into thls game. re- scheduled from June 30. the two ‘remaining candidates for the ‘second place slot were even .fsteyen in total points and games played. In order to get the playoffs underway as soon as possible. The battle for the Ulster Ac cordion Band Shield got under way this week and the resul' was the typical low scoring de‘ fensive playoff soccer. Only seven goals In three games as moved to tighten fence. HOUSE LEAGUE SQUIRTS munlumumlmummlmmuuunumuuul1muI\umu\\uuulumuumummmuumnw\umuqunmmummnuumuuuumnuuuulumulumuumuuuunulmmuIunuuuuumunmummnnmmuuuuummmnmmummuuunmnmumuumnmmumumumuum~11 He claimed that the sole reason for requesting the ex- tension was to further "as- sure the safest. most effic- ient flow of traffic." He promised there would be no adverse affect on the envir- Ian McQuaig of Toronto Airways. owners of the priv- ate airport, made his pitch for the extension by 1.200 feet of the northwest. south- east runway. It will require a zoning change. Those for the airport ex- tension seemed to outnum- ber those against and con- sisted mainly of either pilots or employees of the airport. Those against were residents adjacent to the airport or in the immediate outlying areas. 24 Some 150 persons crushed into the Markham Council Chambers at Buttonville and took turns trying to outplaud one another. ACTIVITY SHOP It was a case of who you were cheering for Thursday night of last week at a public hearing by Markham Plan- ning Committee to hear ap- plication for an extension to a runway at Buttonville Air- port BAYVIEW PLAZA Buttonville Airport Foes Outnumbered Minor Soccer Results 2nd ANNIVERSARY Now Bm-Dyne is offered in ointment and suppository form called Preparatlon H.,Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfacuon or your money refunded. Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance wuh the ability to shrmk hemorrhmds pam- lessly. It relieves itching and discomfort in mmutes and speeds up healing of the in‘lured. Inflamed tlssue. In case after case. whle gently rellevlng pain. actual reduction (shrinkage\ took place. Most important of all -_ results were so thorou h that this Improvement was malntalned over a peri of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Blo-Dyne) whtch qulckly helps heal injure cells and §t1mul§tes_growth of new tissue. Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles THE TOYS LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 14, 1972 [S â€" CRAFTS ARTIST SUPPLIES AZA â€" PHONE 884-9322 RICHMOND HILL EUE Tornadoes 5 Emerald Isle Motel 3 Ulster Acâ€" Coach Jack Craig kept his got under- boys on their toes and for 40 the resultlminutes it looked as though icoring de-‘they would hold the much ’. .stronger Tornado team. HOBBIES It was a story of too many missed chances and poor finish- ing around the net as Travel- Goal scorers for Travelways was Paul Beckwith who count- ed with a hard blast from the right wing, MOSQUITOS CFGM 3. St. Augustine 0 In the first round of the North York Cup the Radioman disposed of the Saints in easy fashion. Goal scorers for CF GM were Tom Peden (two) and Stephen Young. The boys trav'e cousy next Satu other tournament Don‘t forget the big soccer dance at Lions Hall. Friday. For tickets please call 884-3728 or 884-5841. Pirrls Fruit Market 5 Go Go Contracting 0 Pirris took aim at the playoff championship as they white- washed Go Go. Norman Mur- Opposition to the airport runway expansion was in the form of individual residents in the area who expressed fears that the runway exten- Mr. McQuaig also pointed out that if and when the new airport was located at. Pick- ering the Buttonville one would serve as a satellite and a longer runway would be in keeping with this role. The airport. he said, would continue to forbid large air- craft operators to use the runways although the airport was interested in permitting a new type of jet craft to use its facilities. This particular jet. he said. would cause no more noise or inconvenience than the present small craft now us- ing the runways. ing the runway was the safety aspect. He admitted that the air traffic could increase a little but stated that it would be minimal. It was repeatedly emphas- ized throughout the meeting by Mr. McQuaig that the one and only reason for extend- onment tra\"el to Saturday Chingua for an EXTRA INNINGS Barrow Insurance bounced back with two runs in the top of the seventh then hung on to push the game into extra in- ninzs. Town went two up in the fifth Lake wficox as Ernie McKee singled and ad-Elgin Auto 5 Vanced to third on errors and: scored as‘ Steve Plummet sacri-i ficed. Barrows reduced Town’s edge by one as Roger Ball tripled in the fifth and scored as Skip De- was treated as a playoff “'ithlJoe‘s Garage . extra innings to be played if,,Town Auto necessary. Body . . . . . . . . BIG HOMERUN iBarrow‘s Ins. .. The game was scoreless untiliRH Auto Body the fourth inning when Steve Black Hawk Whitaker put Town out in front Inn . . . . . .. 1-0 with a homer. Konf Flnfhna In order to get the playoffs underway as soon as possible. this last regular scheduled game was treated as a playoff with extra innings to be played if, necessary. Going into this game. re- scheduled from June 30. the two remaining candidates for the second place slot were even steven in total points and games The long-fought battle for second place in the Richmond Tow" Aut° BOdy Stands Second Beat Barrows 4-3 In IO Innings{ muuumummummumuuu“\muumumuuuummmum“ lllllllllllllllflll“mulllllllllllll|Nlllllllllllll“Hllllllllulflllllll“ Councillor Roy Muldrew was inclined to go along with the request of one member of the audience who suggest- ed that council hold off do- ing anything until the Pick- ering public hearing was heard by the federal govern- ment. "There's a lot of pros and cons 'on both sides of this matter. he said. "and I can see good points for both sides. I‘m inclined to think we should hold off until the federal government hearing Frank Tucker of Headford who said he lived in a “little schoolhouse on the hill" com- plained that the flight path of the plans was right over his house. He requested that the flight path "be changed just a few feet.“ Mr. McQuaig indicated this was a possi- bility. That Other Airport â€"- Pick- ering â€"â€" See stories on Pages 12 and 17. sion would simply mean more aircraft and more noise. By DAVID BARBOUR DON LITTLE FORD SALES There are still some openings left in classes for children 6 years and over CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS DARRYL SITTLER Royal Orchard Blvd. â€"â€" Thornhill Phone 72745814 or 889-0873 O BEGINNERS TO ADVANCED O ALSO ADULTS O CHILDREN PREPARED FOR R.A.D. EXAMS Kent Clothes Earlier in the week Barrows drew with Kent‘s Clothes 7-7 and Town won against Kents by default. The playoffs got underway Mondayâ€"me'n facing RH Auto Body and Joe's Garage going at Barrows in a best of three series. Final Standings Bill Hamilton pitched the full game for Barrows. to score Joslin and Ball -In the 10th inning, about five minutes from the automatic curfew at 11 pm. the winning pitcher. Bruce Sim. singled followed by "Bench‘s" .game- winning circuit clout. The final score was Town 5. Barrow's 3. "I don't think we will be able to come to any quick decision." he said‘ “It could be quite some time before we make any recommenda- tions to council.“ He promised that the res- idents in the area concerned would be notified when the matter was ready to be brought before council. He indicated council would have to give considerable thought to the positions of both the airport owners and the adjacent residents before coming to any decision. - It‘s the second time the airport has made an applica- tion to council in recent times for a rezoning change, Council refused the last re- quest. Markham Mayor Anthony Roman expressed sympathy for those residents in the area of the airport who “have a substantial investment in their property. There's a pos- sibility that an extension of the runway could affect the value of their property even more so “by increasing the traffic flow and the noise," on the Pickering Airport." Fast 24 Hour Service Kodak IQUALITY FILM SHOPS 6083 Yonge Street, Willowdale - 226-4060 406 Spadina Rd., Toronto - 483-7576 2830 Victoria Pk. Ave., Willowdale - 493-7544 JOAN BARRETT SCHOOL OF BALLET FREE FILM with every Kodacolor Film left for Developing and Printing RICHMOND HILL (Royal Academy of Dancing) MEET DARRYL SITTLER THE ’73 FORDS THURSDAY, SEPT. 21 7 a IO PM. Get y'our autographed copy of the Canada-Russia Hockey Programme YHunters,Gun Enthusiasts Weekend Fun At Cold Creek Conservationf lllIll“IllIlmllmmmullllll“llINN“I‘llIlllllll‘lll““Illnnmlllmml Centre-fire marksmen will be able to improve their shooting skill at. the running deer target shoot that gets underway at 10 am Saturday, and is sponsored by the Black Spruce Sports- men‘s Association. The target for the shoot is a silhouettc of M\|l\llllllllllll“\llMM“l|\lllllll\ll\l\l\llllllllllllllllllllllllllll“!llllll Hunters and antique gun en-. Several relays, are provided tique Arms Collectors Associa- thusiasts will be interested in so that hunters can check the tion gets underway at 10 am. two events that will take place accuracy of their firearms“ At this event, visitors to the at Cold Creek ConservationiThere is a small fee for-these‘area can watch marksmen in Area this weekend_ Jevents and the proceeds areiperiod costume fire - muzzle Centre-fire marksmen will be‘used for conservation work. 1loadimz and flint lock firearms. a deer which riflemen fire at is it moves across the range, Each participant receives a miniature of the target marked to indicate where his shots hit. Bantam Girls 953-362, 45 Games In the 45 games they have played Richmond Hill girls have outscored their opponents 953 to 362. Homeruns Went to Vicky Robinson. who had two. in- eluding- a grand slam: and to Kim Hoare. Susan O‘Con- nell, Julie Wells and Kirs- ten Bruhn who had one each. Every girl on the team contributed at least two hits as Richmond Hill continued the devastating bat-ting attack which has been their trademark all year. PETER SMITH York Home T.V. Donna Querengesser pit- ched the win, her 29th of the season. against only three defeats. She struck out 12 batters, allowing one walk and only three singles. She was also the big hitter of the game with three singles. in double and a triple. Richmond Hill Bantam Girls Team took a 1-0 lead in their best of three play- off finals last weak as they dumped Thornhill 27-1 at the town park. Next game in the series is at Thornhill tonight (Wednesday). At stake is the Bruce Thurs- ton Trophy. emblematic of supremacy in the fledgling York District Bantam Girls Softball League. WORKS IN A DRAWER Color TV by 889-1646 889-1105 On Sunday. the annual fall competition of the Ontario An- Extended Buyer Protection Plan BAKER’S Sales 8. Service [1968] Ltd. BAKER'S Sales 8: Service [1968] Ltd. 9144 YONGE ST. New 1973 Gremlin 1973 JEEP 4WD TRUCK 1973 JEEP UNIVERSAL OW ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM At this event, visitors to the area can watch marksmen in period costume fire muzzle loading and flint lock firearms. Cold Creek Conservation Area located between Bolton and You can double the Buyer Protection Plan coverage on your "73 car to 24 months or 24‘000 miles, whichever comes first, and also cover the cost of factory-required maintenance at the scheduled intervals. Required maintenance includes oil-and-filter changes. 15,000-mile pre- cision tune-up, emission control services, front-end check. plus all other manufacturer-scheduled services to maintain your car for the 24-month/ 24.000-mile limit. The list price for this extended service policy is $149.00. JUST SOUTH OF THE HILL Another activity of interest to hunters is the Hunter Safe- ty Course which will be held at the Cold Creek Field Centre Nobleton. about three miles north of the King Sideroad o Concession 11. ‘ lkléiter wad on wheels VI Jeep All New 1973 Hornet Hatchback 1973 JEEP COMMANDO 1973 JEEP WAGONEER 889-1189 or 223-8066 Students will be taught I aspects of firearm safety, ga regulations. clothing and sport manship. In order to apply if examination, participants In attend both sessions. To re ster call Lou Romhanyi 749-0747 or George Calver 630-9780 on September 20 and 21, 51:3 ing at 7:30 pm. AMC

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