REQUEST FOR TENDERS SNOW PLOWING 1972-73 BUT YOU CAN GET THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR FOOD DOLLAR at LEVENDALE MEATS NOW is the TIME to FILL your FREEZER! Front Quarters of Beef . . . . 630 ll). Sides of Beef . . . . . . . . . 75c 11). Hind Quarters of Beef . . . . . 85c 1]). Sides of Pork 65(- lb. Sealed Tenders clearly identified, will be received up to 1 :00 pm. E.D.S.T. Tuesday, October 3, 1972 in the Purchasing Department of the York County Board of Education, 22 Church Street, Aurora (Post Office Box 40). Details and bidding instructions will be available from the Purchasing Department after 2:00 pm. Monday, September 18th. The Board reserves the right to accept any tender or any part thereof not necessarily the lowest. R. s. Jolliffe S. L. G. Chapman Chairman ‘ Director of Education IF YOU DON’T HAVE A FREEZER -â€"-â€" WHY NOT LET US GIVE YOU OUR QUOTATION! Levendale Road 0 Richmond Heights Centre Telephone 884-5801 Your Money Supermarket RICHMOND HILL Iustom cut, wrapped and fast frozen for your convenience When your errand is concerned with money, come to Victoria and Grey Trust where one visit gets you all the services Von need, including :â€" Savings at generous interest - Guaranteed investment certiï¬cates at high, high interest 0 Mortgages - Registered retirement savings plans - Safety deposit boxes 0 Estate executorship and agency administratitm - Investment funds. . . . plus 80 }ears of experience in satisfying the money needs of a constantly growing list of customers Come in today to Victoria and Ole} VICTORM and GREY VlL/l Ufllfl and U1\L.'41 TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Canada and the over extended stock position of the importer involved. one of six lots of 60 Pcs. is ordered for LIQUIDATION at prices far below their normal Value. The lot includes Isphahans. Keshans. Kirmans. Tabriz. Heriz, Qum. semi and nomandic pieces in all possible sizes. Low Prices â€" Fine Quality. Forced through the inability of overseas buyer Baroncelli. London. Eng- land, to take delivery of a large consignment of carpets for exhibition in LIQUIDATION LEVENDALE MEATS Friday. Sept. 15. from 12 'til 10. Saturday, Sept. 16. from 9 '1“ 1. G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. Elgin Mills Rd Markham Rd PERSIAN CARPET Oriental carpet specialist P. Lexine contracted by parties involved Metro Licence A 1-100 Tlu: acnior Trust Compam devoted emirer to serving the people of Ontario. WORLD WIDE SHIPPING WAREHOUSE 360 NEWKIRK ROAD. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 889-6269 (during sale). (Continued from page It Hill and two in Markham lun- fortunately these are still not underway); uniting families which have been separated for years, who thought they had no Liberals Nominate Barney Danson In North York ent. for further information call Mr. Foley, 884-5713. SEPTEMBER 5, Tuesday. Fall term for piano and theory be- gins at the studio of Estelle Markham, ARCT. RMT. tfc7 * a: it SEPTEMBER 15. FRIDAY 7:00 to 8:30 pm.â€"lst Richmond Hill Cubs and Scouts fall registra- tion to be held at the Richmond Hill United Church. Each boy must be accompanied by a par- FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 8 pm. Richmond Hill Naturalists Meeting, Saint Mary’s Anglican Chapel, 100 Yonge Street, South. Speaker Mr. Edwin B. Waldock. Subject: “Wild flowers and birds". Everyone welcome. Saturday September 23, field trip to Luther Marsh. clwll MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 18 at 8 p.111., Executive room. Saint Mary‘s Parish Hall, Catholic Wo- men‘s League monthly meeting. clwll BUTLER ACADEMY OF IRISH Dancing. Opening class, Mon- day. September 18th, St. Mary's Anglican Church, Yonge Street and Markham Road, Richmond Hill 4 pm to 6 pm. For infor- mation phone 884-6342. clwll 0mm -vnrrs Busy on the campaign trail York North Federal Conservative Candidate Stephen Roman pins 3 party emblem on Robert Thompson the Member of Parliament for Red Deer. Alberta. Mr. Thompson recently campaigned in the riding in supporf of Mr. Roman Lot No c2w10 and ome. field lwll ,8 at Saint sting. lwll lay _. Com- kpot. gular ored. c4w8 R 23 Rich- Exports are up 121596 in a! period when those of our main clients are going down or lev- elling off, the speaker said. Im-‘ ports are up 22% because of very high demand and reflect- ing a good economic picture. Mr. Pepin happily noted that 39.8% of these exports are in end products, while eight years ago the percentage was only 12. He reported that 47.9% of exports to the USA are in end products in contradiction to claims that we are sending nothing but raw materials to that market. “I find it very dif- ficult to share the words of gloom uttered by so many peo- ple,†he declared. Fighting Vigorous Campaign hope; helping Canadian Cham- pions Dynes Jewellers get to the Philippines where they won the World Championship: ‘ troducing them in the House of Commons teven though ruled out of order by the Speaker) and seeing that they met the Prime Minister; fighting in the caucus and the House and see- ing your impact on legislation is a satisfaction for a member and makes a political life re- l warding.†PANA‘DI’AN ECONOMY ll‘l-‘ 'businessmen, have enhanced our exports. The Chinese have been buyers of our wheat but already, following the recent trade mission to that country. we are receiving substantial orders for other products uranium, nickel, sulphur prod- ucts. I am confident orders for manufactured products will fol- low soon. The Chinese are showing great interest in our electronic products and planes, particularly those manufactured [in this area.†CANADIAN ECONOMY Jean-Luc Pepin, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce in the Trudeau Government, in- troduced by Donald Deacon, MLA York Centre, as “one of the most effective voices on co- operative Canada,†stated he was tired of having people talk about Canadian economics be- ing bad and quoted statistic after statistic to prove that this statement is false. For instance the industrial increase of 8.8% in the second quarter of this year compares most favorably with that of the I'll! DON LITTLE FORD SALES TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS DARRYL SITTLER can assure you‘would not have1 taken place or would not have' taken place in Canada without} this support,†Mr. Pepin stat- ed. “These are not windfalls. in fact the improvement in! technology and equipment in1 areas of very high risk were financed on a 50/50 basis with the company. Assistance to in- dustry is very necessary sincel 20% of our gross national product depends on exports.‘ Our people must be interna- tionally competitive so the rate of corporation income tax canâ€" not be higher than it is in other countries. We must consider What the U.S.A., USSR and the Japanese are doing for their inâ€" dustries. If anyone feels that Canada can be totally different, I don’t want to be here to see the result of that gamble." EAID FOR SMALL BUSINESS He reported that his depart- ment had poured $119 million assistance into Toronto area businesses in the past four years. “If you are interested the Montreal area received $84 million in the same period.†“Research, new products andicritit new development have resulted high from this assistance which I‘denn Mr. Pepin also noted that some people are trying to say assistance is given only to big companies. “This is not true. Fighting~ a \‘lg‘Ol‘OUS door to door campaign throughout the riding Mr. Roman is determined to meet as many residents as possible before voting day on October 30. He enjoys meeting people and discussing the many issues facing the electorate. JACKPOT $500 â€" 53 No.'s RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB BIN G O MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 106 Centre St. East STARTING TIME -â€" S PJI. Early Birds 7:10 p.m. 20 REGULAR GAMES â€" 3 SPECIAL GAMES LIONS “All. 3/50 baSiS “’lthl Tenders will be received by SSiStance t0_ 111' the undersigned until 3:00 pm. necessary Slnce Wednesday. Sept. 20th. 1972 EI‘OSS national‘for the supply and installation MEET DARRYL SITTLER RICHMOND HILl THE '73 FORDS THURSDAY, SEPT. 21 7 - IO P.M. Get your autogr Canada-Russia Hon Of the approximately 1,000 firms assisted, 55% were small with sales rated under $100,000. 139 of these had sales under $25,000." “With this record, why do We still have opposition?" he asked and went on to explain that all indexes can not be favorable. “Rising food prices are good for the farmer but not for the housewife. Rising labor income is a good thing for the workers but creates a rise in industrial cost which might price you out of the market. Improvement in technology and innovation is most desirable in international trade. but is bad for employ- ment. We can't win all the way because some indexes are in conflict One day the opposi- tion will attack the government on the high cost of food, the ‘next day they dwell on the fate of the farmers. One day they criticize the government for the high cost of living and the next denounce the growth of imports (which contribute to the lower- ing of the cost of living). How you can reconcile this is out of my comprehension.†YORK REGIONAL BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF POLICE of an air conditioning system in Police Headquarters, 240 Prosâ€" pect Street, Newmarket, On- tario. The lowest or any ten- der will not necessarily be ac- cepted. Plans and specifications may be Obtained at the Office of the Secretary for a refundable de- posit of Fifty dollars. Brian J. Ward, Secretary. York Regional Board of Commissioners of Police, 240 Prospect Street. Newmarket, Ontario. j (Photo by Stuart’s Studio AND aphed copy of the Key Programme 889-1105 QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum of four years high, commercial or technical school education with minimum one ‘year drafting experience. SALARY: $5.000 - $6,000 Applications will he received up to and including September 20. 1972. Responsible to Chief Draftsman for general drafting associated with town planning and ozalicl1 reproductions. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Commissioner of Planning Box 147 Newmarket. Ontario A. S. M. POUND. M.T.P.I.C JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN THE LIBERAL, Richn‘ with Many colours in pinwale and medium wale fine quality cotton corduroy. 45†wide. Slight mill subs at a greatly reduced price. 68" 100% Polyester Crimpknits Small checks, houndstooth and floral designs. An outstanding selection. The lowest price this beAautit'ulfvash 45" Polyester & Cotton Seersucker Inn. .v...,... ,-..-- ’n wear fabric hag egrer been offered to the public. 151: quality only. Reg. value $4.99 yd. Plaids and stripes in this easy-care. wash 'n wear fabric. Delightful to sew and delightful to wear. 151. quality only. Reg. value $2.99 yd. WAREHOUSE HOURS: Daily 10 am. to 9 pm. 0 Sat. 9 ï¬zz/M ‘éï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜rï¬ï¬ We work on this principle, and we are just alert enough to know that we are here to serve the public. LOCATIONS ONLY TWO WAREHOUSE onge & Levendale Richmond Hill 884-4411 “If it's something you wear that is soiled and needs care, we can do it; if it’s bonded or crepe or a knit out of shape, we can do it; if it’s marked ‘Wash & wear or labeled ‘easy care', we can do it; if it says ‘nexer steam or ‘do not dryclean,’ we can do it; if it‘s vinyl or suede or with sequins is made we can do it; if it‘s real fur or fake the competition canâ€: take, we can do it; if it’s waterproofed or something you goofed, we can do it; if it’s your best formal dress or hubby’s perma-press, we can do it: if you want it today and others say ‘there's no way we can do it.†45" CORDUROY Open Mon mond to 9 p.m. 0 Sat. 9 am. to 6 p.m. AMPLE FREE PARKING - - - DEALER FOR Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept Fri ENTRE 2271 Bay '1 horn Drive '[hornhill 889-0391 until 9 p.m. OUR PRICE ONLY OUR PRICE ONLY OUR PRICE ONLY Kawasaki 9951, 9185 Yonge 8‘3‘.‘ Borovoy Plaza Thornhi|l, Ont. 889-9908 .88 .39 p