Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Sep 1972, p. 14

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lmmuumummuuunuuuuunmuumuln1munuuuumuuuum Shields was caught June 24 in Richmond Hill 31-1130 am with four cubes of hashish wrapped in silver paper and one loose piece of the mari- juana product. He admitted to police he bought the hashish a few hours earlier. James Johnston, 26. of Mi]- Iiken was committed for trial by judge and jury at a future date in County Court on two May 16 charges of indecent as- He was charged August 1 with stealing tape decks from parked cars at the rear of 216 Essex Avenue and belonging to Glenn. Rogers, Ronald Mock and John Hackey. Two of the stolen items were recovered. but the Mock tape deck and also a speaker were damaged and thrown away. the court was told. Afternoon Sessions Vaughan Council ' i Paul Husbands. 28. of 125 William Shields.'18. 0f 216‘Jameson Avenue. Apartment Essex Avenue, Richmond Hill 606, Metro, was convicted after was convicted by Judge Charles‘tria1 on a July 7 Metro charge for stealing three tape dE’CkS of having a credit card and pa- from parked cars and {0" 'POS‘ipers stolen from Stephenfhore session of hashish. The youth‘ney. was remanded to September 21| Hushands' . trial .was started to allow time for PI‘PParaUOfl‘while Judge Charles was sitting Of a pre-sentence TGPOI‘L ‘ in a Metro Court and was ad- MOTHER DISTRESS“) journed to Richmond Hill Court Judge Charles tow the “mm to he concluded. Husbands had to be home by 11 o‘clock at asked time 'to search for a night. "You should keep reas-lfriend he hoped would exoner- onable hours at night. I hope ate him. but failed to product: you realize the distress you're the friend. _ , causing your mother." he. said. CRIMINAL RECORD 1 Several other charges against HuShands had a criminal rec. Shields.’were withdrawn after 0rd Another charge of thgft he admitted the two charges. ..,....' ..‘.-n{,4.......,1 “2,; m" "mart The firm involved is Bryan * t 1* Camping Industries Limited“! Phllllp Blanchard, 45, of 8 operator 0f NBC Industries, 70}Laurentide Avenue. Aurora ad- Newkirk' Road. lmitted failing a breathalyzer DEDUCTiONS NOT PAID test after driving July 6 at A government auditor told Richmond Hill. He was stopped the court his examination of while travelling north on Bay- the department's books Sh0\\'9d’vi9\v Avenue at a high speed the-.arfiount owing had grown togand his test réading was 1.70, $8.000 "from the sum 599031611 Cro‘wn Attorney Frank’Mdscoff in the.January 16 charge. Thefiold the court. -' charge involved December 5211- Blanchard was fined $170 or ary deductions not remitted, to|3o days. the gdvemment. he said. a, it t DEDUCTIONS NOT PAID A government auditor told the court his examination of the department's books showed Tax;;A'ct. icient evidence to commit him Provincial Judge Maurice for trial. Charles, ordered that the fine‘ it t * shouldmbe recoverable by dis- James Wardrop. 25. of Lot tress,‘ The charge actually in- 32.. Concession 1. Oak Ridges valved only $933 in taxes de'J’l'aS convicted of belng drunk ducted from salaries and notiAugust 17 in a Richmond Hill paid when due Januar) 15 The public place. opposite 22 Yonge minimum fine for the offense Street South at 1:20 am Judge is $200 and the maximum $10 FCharles fined hin‘l $5 or two 000 the court was told. _ da55 1n jail A Richmond Hill swimming pool firm owing $8,000 to the Department of National Reve- nue was tried in absentia in Richmond Hill Court Septem- ber 7 and fined $500 for fail- ing to comply with the Income 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, Sept. 21. 1972 Firm Owes Government $3,000 Given $500 Income Tax Fine Following ls the sched- ule: September 25. October 16. November 6. November 27. December 18. General Committee meet- lngs. starting at 7 pm. are as follows: September 25. October 10. October 30. November 20, December Vaughan Town Council will continue to hold its regular council meetings .on Mondays at 3 pm from now to the. Christmas break. it was decided at the Sep- tember 5 meeting of coun- cil. Planning Committee meetings. starting at 7 nm. are as follows: September 25. October 16. November 6. November 27. December 18. 11 UIDDIDITIDIALLY GUARANTEES TD GIVE I SO. YARD DE DRDADLDDI WITH EVERY SD. YARD PURCHASED UNDER DUR UNIQUE 2 FOR I OFFER! Mr. Broadloom UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEES TO REFUND DOUBLE THE DIFFERENCE IN CASH if you can cover the same area in the same carpet for less, during Mr. Broadlooms Famous 2 for I offer. 39 Glencameron Rd. THORNHILL 889-8763 OPEN DAILY 10 Au“. - 9 P.“ SATURDAY 10 AM. - 6 P.M. If it isn’t Ziebart, it’s not the same. 59 NEWKIRK ROAD RICHMOND HILL journed to Richmond Hill Court “He came to us a rather dis- to he concluded. Husbands ha/d “, 13¢ Now he's going to asked time 't0 593““ for a school. He was kicked out of friend he hODGd \V0U1d exoner- his school for- stealing money. ate him. but failed to produce During the past six or seven the friend. . . weeks we. have seen some CRIMINAL RECORD change in him. in his patterns Husbands had a criminal rec- of life and involvement in rec- ord. Another charge of theftireation'. We‘re willing to take was withdrawn. “So you resortihim back and feel progress has to other things. too“' remarkedibeen made. We feel -in future Judge Charles after- readingihe‘ll be a candidate able to set- Husbands' record. tie down,“ said the Salvation “I won't send you to jail. Army officer. Husbands‘ . trial .was started while Judge Charles was sitting in a Metro Court and was ad- journed to Richmond Hill Court to be concluded. Husbands had asked time "to search for a friend he hoped would exoner- ate him. but failed to produce the friend. , trial on a July 7 Metro ch‘arge jUST 0N PROBATION of having a credit card and pa- A House of Concord Salva- pers stolen from Stephentehor-wti‘on Army officer told the court he)" the boy committed the offenses Husbands‘ . triair .was started in July during the first month while Judge Charles was sitting of his probation. just after 3,»- in a Metrn Court Md “'35 ad- riving at the House of Concord. sault and two May 16 charges of gross indecency. Johnston elected trial by judge and jury and through his lawyer waived the giving of evidence at a preliminary hear- ing. admitting there was suffi- cient evidence to commit him for trial. Whena car dealer throws in tree rustprooting to sweeten the deal, find out what you’re getting first; ’ Call 889-0260 ant] we'll tell you. Other qualitiES available at low. low prices Free Estimates with no obligation. Easy budget terms and no carrying charges for a full 90 days. Out of town call collect â€" Call Now. FREE SHOP at HOME SERVICE Ziebait AUTO 'TRUCK RUSTPROOFING The charges involved mostly clothing valued at under $200 from stores in Thonnhill and Metro: Miracle Mart operated by Steinberg‘s Limited and Sayvette Department Stores Limited. both at Towne and Country Square Shopping Cen- tre, Yonge and Steeles Ave- nue and GEM Stores, 7171 Yonge Street. South Thornhill. A 16-year-old House of Con- cord resident. one of 12 chil- dren in a Hagorsville family and whose parents don‘t want to take him back home, was given another chance after con- viction on several Thornhill theft and possession charges. Husbands was fined $200 or 60 days in jail and placed on 12 months probation with 30 days to pay his fine. One of the terms of probation was that he repay $80 for gasoline stolen with the credit card. "I do hope you will improve Probably I should. but I‘ll give you a chance to go straight. To look at you one would never believe you would engage in anything like this." said Judge Charles. your said Judge improve Charles. «Province Stops Grant :"Community Centres Choose tram hundreds of bales. o All up to date colours 0 Deep Plushes 9 Patterns 0 Scrolls 0 Velvet: 9 Iwusts O Shag: O FlfSt Qualifies o ngular tunes 0 Sub; o SpecualDesngnss Etc. It is not yet known whether the directive will be retroactive and will affect the grant on the Bond Lake Arenal Since this arena was completed and in use before notice of the new ruling was given. it is hoped that it will not be affected. Also endorsed was the Belle- ville request that favorable con- sideration be given to applica- tions for grants already filed by such municipalities. and those applications which will be filed on projects now underway. not- ing that these projects were undertaken with the assumption that grants would be available. Council endorsed the (‘ity of Belleville objection to this gov- ernment decision, \i’hichmoints out that there is nothing in the act as it is_w_1'itten to indicate that municipalities with popula- tiofis of' more 'than 25000 per- sori§'~'are n6t eligible $6? grants, As of April 1 this' year. the Community Centres Act is being administered by the Ministry of Community and Social Serv- ices. Donald Martyn. executive director of the community serv- ices division of that depart- ment notified Richmond Hill Council by letter. dated August 14. that it_is now government policy to pay grants under the Community Centres Act only to municipalities with populations of 25.000 persons or less; This means‘ that Richmond Hill is not eligible» to receive grants under the act. PRICES RANGE FROM 2 so. YDS. FOR OUR PRICE OF 1 50. YD. "on “This is going to be your last chance.“ Judge Charles warned the boy. “Anymore and you go to reformatory for two years." The 16-year-old was given a suspended sentence and a’fur- ther term of probation. -II. MOO” Qom MIL ,, A} ’5 to 16"” sq, yd. MARKHAM RD Du on! 501 Nylons Po ypronolenu Acrylics 0 Nylons Evlans 0 Wools Specnal Blonds. etc. GLINCAMEROH {THURSDAY * You ARE » ‘ INVITED To DON LITTLE FORD TO HELP US* CELEBRATE THE SEE AND TEST DRIVE THE 1973 FORIS . . . THEY'RE SPECTACULAR ! E ~k pmros «k ranmos * MA VERIC’KS. *' FORDS * MUSTANGS it 1231305- A, * LTD’S a: TRUCKS 250.73 CARS'and TRUCKS ARE NOW IN STOCK SOUVEN'R PROGRAMMES OF OR ON THE WAY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! CANADA=RU$$|A HOCKEY SERIES! “YOUR TOTAL IRANSPORTATION CENTRE” Open tonight and Friday ’til 10 pm. ‘ Special Showing Hours SAVE-NOW BIG SELECTION NO DOWN PAYMENT DON LITTLE FORD SALES THE ALL NEW 1973 FORD LTD . : WORLD * » ///,/ CHAMPIONSHIP STYLING * LITTLE For this week only we are offering special low intr‘oductmy prlces on our complete line of 1973 Fords. Examp 1e: 1973 Pintos from $2293 00. You also get todays high 1972 trade In allow- 11.52% interest on new cars and trucks ' No payments until November‘ No down payment (if you qualify) Your present car need 1191: MAMEâ€"â€" RICHMOND HILL your D; ggenl; 11.52% 3. 889-1105 TELEPHONE

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