884-8722, chi-12 m 30" WHITE stove. very good 884-7710 condition. 832-2369. c1w12 Eï¬m TWO boys bikes. one 18" and 500 tape one 28â€; also riding tractor with mike; 2 sickle mower, ideal for cottage $250, se or small farm 889-0703. c1w12 with ligl COFFEE end tables. $20.; $5; eachg Davenport. $20.; TV set needs Children repair, $25.: crib and mattress. C°nden55 $15.; carriage convert 3 ways, 834‘7715‘ $20.; pool table, $10.: high chair, 19" ZElN $6.: walk-a-round. $5.; TV set. Electrohi not working, $10.: double box both in springs. mattress. new. $50.; double antique day bed, $15.; playpen. dressing mesh, $10.; desk 17 x 30 x 30..table anc Crushed stone, sand. concrete gravel. etc.. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfc2 884-1745 1‘ch TEAKWOOD Living, dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9pm. 459-0780. EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. house. Open 1-9 pm. 459-0780‘ Come in and browse EINAR CLAUSEN LTD- Open Saturday only 9-5 pm Hwy. 7. Just east of Fifth Line, A-1 Furniture Sales (World (2 mlles east of Dixie Roathide Shipping Bldg), 360 New- Bramalea. tfc311kirk Road, Richmond Hill, 889- Sales and Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electrlc models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill A MOTOROLA (Quasar). color TV. Peter Smith, 889-1646. YORK CERAMIC STUDIO Ceramic Supplies â€"â€" Tutoring classes starting September 18th also large selection of green- ware availableâ€"custom firing. E‘ McMullen. 884-3580. c4w11 ENTERPRISE 4-burner electric range. very good condition. yellow. $200. 832-1045. c1\\‘12 CHORD organ. 37 keys. 72 chords with bench. good condi- tion. 884-8637. clw12 REFRIGERATOR i: u t o m a-i tic washer, dryer. Reasonable.‘ 884-7197. *1w12 Four walnut dining room chairs. maple gateleg table. broadloom rug. stair carpet. table lamps, pictures and other articles. 294- 1340. before 8 pm. c1w12 FIREPLACE. p a rt 1y white brick, 15" x 80" x 38", $30. 889- 1384. c1w12 Sandy loam - loam manure mix, screened loam. manure - fill - landscaping. C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. tfc2 WOMENS top qï¬ity slack suits. reduced to clear. Wyn-Dot. The Ladies Shop Bayview Plaza. Richmond Hill Ontario 884-2214 c2w11 PRINTING Press â€" Gestefï¬r 26C}. rebuilt, with supplies. $175. YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows. doors. awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 factory 832- 1319 Maple. tfc28 BABY crib with mattress. $35.: 3 snow suits. sizes baby. 2. 3x; accordion. Vivona. 120 bass. $150. 884-6587. *1w12 1970]!) 20 h.p. Ariens, needs track. $365. on; 1968 16 hp. Snow Cruiser. runs good. $275.: C.C.M. Charger bike gears and hand brakes. $25; 1500 w base- board heater. with fan. new, $18.; fireplace grate, $5.00. 773- 5072. after 6. clw12 FREEâ€"a heap of Vcoxrvimanure. J. A. Cosgrove, Bathurst Street. *1w12 SEASONED fire wood. maple, beech, birch and oak. 832-2455. tfc8 '69 and ’71 Olimpique SkilDoo's. 884-8006. ‘ c2w11 FIREWOOD. split and delivered. 832-2683. tfcll SET of lamps, folding cot. French Provincial Chesterfield. gold with pattern. reasonable. 884-6871. c1w12 ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 SHULLY’S ALUMINUM DIRECT sale of windows, awn- ings. sidings and eavestrough with no payment until winter. Contact A. Waldman, 226-0552. tfc8 ‘20. 884-9423 LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ADS Reach more prospects faster. Save time and money. RUPP MINI BIKES STREET BROS. AUTO ELECTRIC LTD. 22 INDUSTRIAL RD.. RICHMOND I-IILL 884-5368 tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (Effective July 1, 1972) CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.25 and .10¢ per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.25. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for $1.15 and 10¢ per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50¢ CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, per in- sertion $2.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as pOSsible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL TYPWRITERS ADDING MACHINES LOAM - TOP SOIL FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 21, 1972 FURNITURE tfc42 tfc2 19" ZENITH portable TV. 19†PART-TIME woman for pack- Wm; Electrohome portable TV. B/W.’aging meat. 3 days a week.‘314 both in new condition; 40" Apply in person to CLE double oven electric stove: Wm. J. Klees 8: Son Ltd. area dressing table and stool. billiard 69 Industrial Road son. table and equipment, end tablos Richmond Hill orde 884-5976. c1w12 clwlleox TOP soil for sale. 884-7565 TV 21" black and white, good condition. $38. 884-2273. NEW AND USED FURNITURE Kitchen, living mom, dining room, bedroom. dining room tables. some antiques and very unusual pieces, china, and odds and ends. 5101 ‘BEDROOM suite. 7-piece, din- ing suite. 9-piece, Chesterfield suite, all Burma teakwood, must sell, new furniture, very reason- able. 1-247-43‘77. tch Antique birch. regular $6.29 sale price $5.69; Pacific walnut regular $6.49. sale price. $5.79: 5,5†particle board, $5.95 each LOUGHLIN LUMBER AND Open Thursday and Friday evenings. c2w11 GOALIE leg pads 20" and 24", also goalie gloves. 884-4872. LADY’S custom suit, top coat. and dresses, size 20, like new. 884-3216; c1w11 APPLES, McIntosh, pick-your- own. week-ends. Bob Campbell, East side Bayview. North of Elgin Mills Road, 884-3042. SEWING MACHINES Used machines from $19.95 (guaranteed) Bernina Sewing Centre in The Mall, Richmond Heights Centre 884-3775 or 895â€" 7922. tfc42 CHEST of drawers, walnut, $50. 889-2458. c1w12 GARAGE sale. moving. Phillips 500 tape recorder. 4 track with mike; 2 only 712" reels. Cost $250. selling $150. Aquarium with light $10.: 2 cub uniforms. $5. each: books galore, 25c each: children's and Reader‘s Digest. condensed. 399 Crosby Avenue. 884~7716. after 4 pm. c1w12 $55., Bauer special size 11, $25. 884-3216. clwll GENDRON twin carriééé and stroller combination, good con- dition. 889-9164. clw12 SOLID black walhut dining room. buffet and china cabinet. Will sell separately. 884-3063. "72â€"440 Arctic Cat Panther. electric start speedo and all equipped, like new; '71 Yamaha ~396 cc twin carbs,, 610 miles, excellent shape. All ’73 Arctic Cat models. Milk Porter Co.. Ltd.. RR 1, Locust Hill, Ontario. 294-4361. c1w12 drapes. regular length. 223- CARRIERS 3857. clw12 “The Liberal" requires four ‘72 SUZUKI, 125 cc Duster. boys or girls for established Excellent condition. 3545. Phone Paper routes for September 7. Larry, 888-1166. c1w12 For further detalls please phone " ' ' 1105. COMPLETE set of hockey Dmah Darlmgton at 884â€" 1w9 equipment, size 12 to 14. 889- nc_ , 2458. c1w12 HOUSEKEEPING help required SNOW fence new and used. 884- 8842. c1w12 DISHWASHER. good conditia 884-8842. c1w12 WHITE bathroom vanity. top included 23" x 36" new, $30. 884-7435. c1w12I BARTLETT pears. by the basket or bushel, squash. 884-6367. c1w12 BABY crib and change table? set-up man to run small punch‘perience an asset. 384-7719. tfch ‘market. Ior nursmg nome. 4651. I'HDHB DO}!- Junior accountant. Should have tfc6 completed 2nd year RIA or IN A RUT? CGA. Experience in accounts WANTED: Working. energetic payable and accounts receivable people, who want and deserve a an asset. Telephone 884-9161, better way of life. Phone foerr, Brennan, 9 am. to 5 pl“. appointment, 834-3575, after 6| c1w12 pm. tfc2RIULT1LITH pressman required EXPERIENCED punch press for shift work. paper plate ex- Apply in in person to Ronalds Federated Limited. 225 Yonge Street. North, Richmond Hill. press department. Apply ' person or phone Tenatronics Ltd. 776 Davis Drive East, New- 895â€"4583. clwlzl c1w12 PLYWOOD 4 x 8 sheets, fir 1’2" special. Call World Wide Shipping, 889- 6269. tfc4 SKATES, tacks. new, size 10 LARGE coffee table in gocii condition. 884-2943. clw12 long and large. matching chair; pair extra wide pearl shade drapes. regular length. 223- 8857. c1w12 AIR conditioners. new. 5128‘ 5 year guarantee. Brown’s Appli- ances. 884-9821. tfc53 FREE airconditioner with 26" TV. Brown‘s Appliances, 8 Yonge 5., Richmond Hill. 884- 9821. tfc53 BEDROOM suite, 54" bed, dresser, small desk. chair. 884- 3975. chle BED-CHESTERFIELD? x’tTa Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. “(:24 PREFABV YONGE AND SCOTT DRIVE THORNHILL â€" 889-1109 WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING 0N ELGIN MILLS ROAD PANELLING SALE FOR SALE (Continued) WANTED c1w11 c2w12 cl\v12 tfc10 tfc 8 tfc'? 1::JUNIOR clerk for local office L'must be alert and accurate 3.;Write Box 75. “The Liberal" 2giving references. *1w12 POWER lawn mower. hand lawn mower and a small fertilizer spreader. 884-7992. clw12 8-PIECE dining room suite solid mahogany, nutmeg colour, $195. 491-5329. c1w12 SKI-BOOSE, tag-a-long. 884- 8580. c1w12 SNOW FENCE, steel posts, chain link fencing and garden gates. Norman Bone, Fence Builder, 34 Elizabeth St. 8., Richmond Hill. c1w12 BROWNIE uniform, size 10 like new. $10.; boy‘s Mustang bike, good condition, $20.; Crash he]- met, like new, $10. 884-5987, after 6 pm. c1w12 SNOW fence, reasonable. 832: 8965. c1w12 CHEST freezer, 13 cu. ft.. new condition. $135. 773-5594. Philco refrigerator, 1965 model. 884-9614. c1w12 COLONIAL Maple dining set, round table. ‘4 chairs, welsh dresser with hutch; Colonial Maple Chesterfield suite. with matching arm chair and plat- form rocker; occasional coffee table, roll-a-away bed. 889- 3363, after 6 pm. c1w12 15 CU FT.. 2 door, frost-free GREEN rug. 12 x 15, in good condition, $55. 884-3639, after 6 pm. c1w12 HEDGE plantings, s h r u b s, tomatoes (green or ripe). 884- 5507. c2w12 DOUBLE sliding window with screen. 52 x 36, $20.; stereo set in teak. 60†long with a record player. like new $250. 889-7598, in Richmond Hill. c1w12 STUDIO couch excellent con- dition. Phone 884-9088, after 6 pm. c1w12 ’71 YAMAHA, 175 Enduro, per- fect condition, $520. 884â€"1440. c1w12 ARBORITE table and 4 chairs. 884-4941. c1w12 ANTIQUE organ, $300. or best offer. 832-1434. c1w12 BICYCLE, boys 3-speed COM Mustang, $30. 884-5113. INGLIS dryer and Beatty freez- er, in good condition. 773-5012. c1w12 ALL aluminum fold down trail- ers. sleeps 5 with Propane stove. Will trade for 340 T.N.T. 832- 2372. c1w12 FREEZER 21 cu. ft.. $25. 884- 5245. c1w12 PUNCH press operators prefer- ably female for automotive trim plant in Richmond Hill area. Good starting rate with company benefits. 889-7549. NURSES and nurses aides. with experience for nursing home, Yonge Street. Thornhill area. Phone 889-4651. tfc6 HOUSEKEEPING help required for nursing home. Phone 889- 4651. tics EXPERIENCED cleaning lady. provide own transportation, Bayview - Thornhill. 881-0001. c1w12 NEW and used 900 x 20 and 1000 x 20, cheap. Phone be- tween 7-9 pm. 884-3074. URGENT Experienced cleaning women, home makers and baby sitters. Call 884-5286. tfc6 ROYAL manual typewriter, $25.; baby stroller, good condi- tion, $5.; baby‘s playpen. $2. 889-6385. clw12 BABY pram. Italian design. very good condition. 884-2910. c1w12 WASHER dryer and stove parts, gears. belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers. etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small apâ€" pliances. Math’s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road, 884-7903. tfcll GRAVILY tractor and Beatty deep well pump complete. 884- 2965. clwll USEDWoil furnaces complete. 525. up. 832-8967. CZWII GTECULAR saw to cut rails or firewood. 889-1376. c2w11 HELP WANTED FOR SALE TRUCK TIRES (Continued) SWAP c1w12 c1w12 office,l ACCOUNTS CLERK :urate.'With knowledge of bookkeeping, )eral".!experience preferred. office ma- *1W12{chine distributor. Steeles and CLERK for Keele and Hwy. 7 M. area. alert and responsible per- son. to deal with customers. order desk and invoicing. Apply clwlZIBox 631 Concord. c1w12 1w12 tfc6 ] REYNOLDS EXTRUSION COMPANY REQUIRES Junior accountant. Should have completed 2nd year BIA or CGA. Experience in accounts payable and accounts receivable 'an asset. Telephone 884-9161, :Mr. Brennan, 9 am. to 5 pm. i c1w12 HIRING part-time ramp ushers for evenings. Apply in person after 7 p.m., Odeon Parkway Drive-In Theatre, South of No. 7 Hwy., east off Woodbine. PRESSMAN f o r letterpress, only experienced older man con- sidered. Phone 884-5185 for ap- pointment. c2w11 FEMALE for part time produc- tion line work in the Keele and No. 7 Hwy area. For appoint- ment call Mr. Grieve at 669- 9521. c2w11 Steady job. good wages and fringe benfits. GAMMA FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD. 75 NEWKIRK ROAD RICHMOND HILL 889-5573 Secretary girl Friday, challeng- ing position for a person who is able to assume responsibility in construction company office at Cummer and Yonge St., Willow- dale. Salary open. 222-6585. WE are always looking for ex- perienced, temporary office per- sonnel. Call for an appoint- ment. 884-6944, Mona Robert- son Temporary Placement Serv- ice. c2w12 FOUNDRY workers for non fer- rous foundry. Skilled bench and floor m old e r s, experienced grinders and general labourers. PART-TIME bookkeeper, Satur- days only. 366-3328. c1w12 FULL and part-time cook and full time cleaning lady. 889- 2054. c3w12 FULL time position available, stocking and cooking. Hours 9-5 pm. Mon. - Fri. McDonald‘s Restaurant, 884-3211. c1w12 WHOLESALE Florist wants ma- ture Women for grading depart- ment. no experience necessary. Phone Mr. Baker. 884-8175. . c1w12 OUR Land Department has openings for sales people cap- able of selling land for develop- ment and serviced land etc. to developers. Experience is help- ful but not necessary. If you have imagination, can envision the optimum use of valuable land and are willing to apply yourself, we can train you. A RELIABLE baby sitter required, 5 days weekly. 8 am. to 5 p.m.. for 2% year old twins. location Yonge Street and Royal Orchard Blvd., references. 889-9164. business background and/or conversational ability in a sec- ond language are definite assets. To arrange an interview. tele- phone Ted Chester 889-8282, A. E. LePage Ltd., Realtor. LICENSED bodyman capable of working on both cars and trucks with minimum of supervision. Wages open. Apply at B & G Truck and Auto Body, 378 New- kirk Road, Richmond Hill. Apply in person to One tune-up specialist. one front end alignment man and two general mechanics. $4.00 per hour. flat rate. plus com- pany benefits. Good working conditions. Levesque Plymouth Chrysler Ltd‘. Highway 7 and Dufferin. Ask for Eddie Leves- que. tfc6 MECHANIC wanted for repairs on VW and other cars, good. wages. Phone 884-6668, even- ings 889-3723. c1w10 Pre-Enginee;ediMetal Building Manufacturer requires: person to Ronalds Federated turing 7 élï¬minum w i n d 0 W 5 Limited. 225 Yonge Street. Yonge and No. 7 Area‘ Good North. RiChmond Hill. wages. gnnd benefits. Starting WANTED experienced cleaning woman one day every other week, Richmond Hill area. 884- 7686. c1w12 Woodbine. Call Mr. Khan, 499- 3141. c1w12 HELP WANTED Division of Westeel - Rosco Limited Richmond Hill, Ontario Stran-Steel 105 Industrial Road Machine operators â€" Burn- ers, punch press, etc. Fitters (Structural) Welders â€"â€" CWB approvedâ€" Semi-automatic TIRED OF GOING DOWNTOWN MECHANICS (Continued) every Other[REQUIRED female staff for 1 area- 884- food service department. Weekâ€" ï¬clwm ends involved. Please call 884- ZLERK 1171. ext. 214-213 for appoint- JOOkkeeping' ment. clw12 as. office ma- EXPERIENCED cleaning lady {36195 {9d for private apartment; {huts- clwll c4w10 clwlz c1w12 c3w12 tfc9 Iberé, Concord. 881-0220 To handle all records of small G.M. Dealership. Auto account- ing experience preferred. Will also consider young accountant to learn G.M. System. with view to future management team. Call David Croft at 833-5301. King City‘ experience. Call Mr ASSEMBLERS and installers, manufacturer of wooden stairs requires immediately, capable people for above positions, at- tractive hourly or piece work rates. Thornhill location. 889- 3381. c1w12 PAYROLL CLERK AND A BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Full or part-time, typing and payroll experience helpful; car necessary, Steeles-Bayview area. Apply in writing, stating educa- tion, experience and salary or call Mr. Jagoo or Mrs. Corlett, 889-1191 or 225-1464. K. J. Beamish Construction Co. Ltd., 7901 Bayview Ave, Thornhill. LOT man for used Thornhill, 881-2735. LAYOUT and pattern cutter re- quired full or part time by up- holstering supply company. Wage $1.75 per hour. Apply 881- 1893, W. B. Biles. c1w12 OPPORTUNITY to learn heat treat operation in Thornhill plant. Phone 889-4837. c1w12 E L E C T R I C A L. mechanical maintenance man required. Must have good electrical background and able to work with m i n i m u m supervision, Shift work - days and after- noons. Apply in person. Ron- alds-Federated Ltd., 225 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. c2w11 BINDERY PART-TIME Experienced in gum tipping and table work. Please call Norflex Limited, 881-1843. c2w12 mediater for busy active family, full or part-time, live in or out. 884-6168. *1w12 BABYSITTER wanted in our home, 2 days each week. 884- 5036. c1w12 CARPENTERS required for stair manufacturing company, for persons willing to learn the trade. Call Mr. Scharfenberg. days, 881-2396, evenings 457- 0289. clw12 SERVICE station attendant, ma- ture. mechanically inclined. Apply Texaco. 7161 Yonge Street, Thornhill. 889-2611. MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST PART-TIME for a modern pro- gressive private laboratory serv- ing the Richmond Hill area. Successful applicant must be current CSLT registered with at least one to two years experi- ence in general technology with particular interest in hemata logy. Excellent working condi- tions. For appointment call 884-7112. c1w12 PART-TIME girl Friday, must be thoroughly familiar with office procedure. capable of working without supervision, use dictaphone, etc. Approxi- mately 12 hours per week, but should be available for full days when needed. Salary is $2.25 Per hour to start, Thornhill. 881-1370. c1w12 EXPERIENCED appliance ser- vice technician. Leslie Appli- ance Service, 68 Yonge Street South, Aurora. 727-4681 anyâ€" time. tfc9 CLERK with payroll and ac- counting experience, own trans- portation necessary. Apply in writing. stating experience. edu- cation. references and salary ex- pected, or telephone Mrs. Dick- son, 889-1191, K. J. Beamish Construction C o m p a n y Ltd. 7901 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill. c3w11 EXPERIENCED nursing staff required by Country Place Nurs- ing Home on Elgin Mills Road. Call 884-9248. clw12 HOUSEKEEPER wanted TYPIST Required for order desk. Speed and accuracy essential. Experi- ence on Frieden Computyper helpful. Please call U. Schom- _ BOOKKEEPER with good typing. office chine distributor. Steeles Woodbine. Call Mr. Khan. 3141. c RN’s, RNA‘sï¬and nursing aides. part time and full time in nursing home. Phone 889-2054. tfc9 MATURE housekeeper - panion for 3 responsible agers. 889-3924. provide own transportation. 889- 4122. c2w11 days‘é In}: to ’10 p.m. Call eVe- nmgs. 889-4101. c1w12 CLEANING lady required HELP WANTED ACCOUNTANT (Continued) car lot in Must have O’Brien. c1w12 c1w12 c1w12 a ma-IWAITRESS. experienced. full or 5 and part-time dishwasher wanted. I. 499â€"‘Galaxy Restaurant. 884<6531. clwmi c1w12 c1w12 com- teen- tfclO tfc12 must ! Hours: 7:00 am. to 3.30 p.m. Must be able to work alternate ’ weekends. FACTORY help wanted, suit- able for females for afternoon shift. 3:30 to 12 midnight and midnight shift 11:30 to 8. Apply Formold Plastics of Canada Ltd., 95 Newkirk Road, Rich- mond Hill. c1w12 ‘ FULL TIME DAY CAR HOSTESS 10:30 am. to 6 pm. FULL TIME NIGHT CAR HOSTESS 6 pm. to 1 am. Sun. to Thurs. Taxi supplied after 12 midnight PERMANENT PART TIME CAR HOSTESS 12 pm. to 3 p.m.. Mon. to Fri. Also part time positions avail- able in kitchen and car hostess areas for weekends. A & W Drive-In Restaurant 300 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 884-8911 ‘ORDER CLERKâ€"PRICER Ideal opportunity for sales oriented person, with a new fast growing organization. Experi- ence in the confectionary field an asset. Must be adept with adding machine. 669-9696. PACKAGING operation, suit- able for women in' Thornhm plant. Apply 108 Doncaster Avenue. clw12 WE REQUIRE EXPERIENCED STAFF FOR PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY 0 F F I C E POSITIONS. PLANT MECHANIC Experienced, required to main- tain service production equip- ment. Richmond Hill area. Apply V C. A. Formold Plastics of Canada Ltd., 95 Newkirk Rd.. Richmond Hill. c1w12 REPORT TYPIST EXPERIENCED typist with 55- 60 w.p.m., grade 12 education. required for engineering office, Keele and Hwy. 7. Call 889- 8384. clwll One full-time. experienced pre- ferred: one part time student, for Thursday and Friday even- ings and Saturdays. One part- time clerk for two or three days weekly. Apply at the office Canadian Tire Store, 70 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. e1w12 Experienced factory person in manufacturing aluminum doors and windows. Toronto Window Mfg. Ltd. 165 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill - 884-2873 EXPERIENCED hairdresser and assistant. Good wages. Thorn- hill area. 889-5310. c1w12 JUNIOR CLERK Experience useful but not essential. Apply at premises. Maple IGA. Maple. c2w11 CAPABLE woman required for general housework four days a week. Own transportation, King City area. 833-5141. clwll WAITRESS wanted, Monday to Friday, 7 am. to 3 pm. Peters Grill. 6176 Yonge Street. Wil- lowdale. South of Steeles. GIRL for light housekeeping and babysitting one child, live- in. 884-5390. c1w12 GREENHOUSE worker. steady job. age no barrier. Must be active. Concord Floral Co., Hwy. 7. c1w12 PRIVATE tutoring for remedial reading for instruction for a Grade IV student. Please call 884~8739. c2w11 HAIRDRESSER. p a r t-t i m e PART-TIME warehouse help all day Wednesdays and evenings. Apply in person. 9741 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. CLEANING lady. preferably Mondays. 884-6168. *-w12 wanted. 884-5021 FULL TIME DIATARY HELP HELP WANTED PERMANENT POSITIONS Secretary-supervisor. Excel- lent typing and dicta. Accounts payable cle rk. Salary plus profit-sharing. NCR Operator. _ HI CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 80 Yonge Street South 884-6782 - 884-6970 80 Yonge Street South 884-6782 - 884-6970 Shouldice Hospital John and Bayview Thornhil! 889-1175 (Continued) CASHIERS HI CORPS URGENT c1w12 [caster PERRI-STYLE c1w12 SN OWMOBILES § CUSTOM UPHOLSTEM full or ENGINE wanted for 1970â€"340 Highly recommended even by ‘anted.T.N.T. Rotax, running orderlfriends. r31. preferred, 20 hp or over. 884-l 889-9475 c1w12 2756. ask for Dave. clw12 tfcll c1w12 clw12 c1w12 c1w12 c1w12 c1w12 c1w12 c1w12 POODLES registered minia- tures, one black female, two silver males, champion sired. 8 weeks, $100. and $85. 889-6452. c1w12 COLLIES, puppies, Lassie type, registered. Call after 1 pm. 884-6557. c1w12 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING All breeds, poodles, terriers and Spaniels specialty. 25 year's experience. Free pick up and delivery. Rosemary Lamb Davenport. 833-5715 or 889- 6116. th7 TWO miniature poodles, male and female, $50. 889-5615. KIND country home needed for three year old Lab, $50. 889- 0705. c1w12 FREE to good home, 2 six month old kittens, litter trained. 884â€"5556, after 5 pm. clw12 WILL clean your apartment for OFFICE work wanted, 3 years experience in Property Insur- ance coding. have typing also. Call Jane 889-4508. c2w11 $12.00. No houses please. 884- 7738. c1w12 GENERAL helper, lady, part time and full time. Please apply Scott‘s Chicken Villa. 191 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. ROUTE salesman. neat. reliable and conscientious. with chauf- feur's licence and good refer- ences. to service established routes. High pay for right per- son. 884-9012. clw12 P A R T - TIM E employment, female with experience in in- terior decorating. Some knowl- edge of bookkeeping helpful. Michelangelo Furniture. 18 Lev- endale Road, Richmond Hill. 884-5127. clw12 QUALIFIED nursery s c h o 01 teacher, would like to care for children at home, Highway 7, BayView district; 1-284â€"8010. clw12 WILL look after child from 18 months to three years. Nice happy home with fenced yard in Thornhill Green. Breakfast and lunch served. Box 77, “The Liberal". c1w12 DOG grooming, poodles. ter- riers, mutts. Betty Forsyth, 889- 3606. tfc3 900K-partritï¬eior full time Please â€"apply Scott’s Chicken Villa. 191 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. tfcll NANNY for one small child. weekly only. for portion of rent. Centrally located, 884-8286, after 4:30 pm. tfc12 RELIABLE day care, while mother works for Christmas. Close to Charles Howitt School. 889-8449. c2w12 VOLUNTEERS needed for arts and crafts workshop. For in- formation call Roseview Com- munity Workshop, 884-4221. after 4 pm. c1w12 BRICKLAYERs; experienced. 889-8347 days, 884-7047 eve- nings. c1w12 DRIVER wamted, 'Vï¬guard Pharmacy, Maple, 832-2225, or apply at store. c1w12 SHORT order cook. lady pre- ferred, from 11:30 to 2:30 daily. Apply to John Kalitsis. Rich- mond Inn. c2w12 DAY care in my home. 884- 4985. tfcll RELIABLE part-time day care or baby sitting in my home, days or evenings,.transportation available. Yonge St., central Thornhill. 889-8536. c1w12 three days per week, references. 884-7302. c1w12 DAY care available in my home Oak Ridges, referencesv given; 773-4419. c2w12 DAY care available in my home. 889-5707. . c2w11 WILL mind children any age, in my home at Maple. 832-1490. c1w12 MATURE woman will babysit in your home. have own 'trans- portation. Call after 7 pm. 889- 4146. c1w12 MATURE lady will babY-Sit CLEANING lady for Centre- Bayview area. 884-5767. FAIRLAWN Junior & Nursery School. 8403 Yonge Street, Thornhill. Fully licensed - open all year. See our ad on Page 10. tfc39 RELIABLE day care available in my home, week days, by ex- perienced young mother. 884- 8000 or 884-4835. Bonnie. EXPERIENCED care given to children of any age. Big yard and hot lunches, Richvale area. 884-8979. c3w10 ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR FEE CAN BE ARRANGED IF NECESSARY DAY care available in my home. 884-8642. c4w9 PETS FOR SALE HELP WANTED [MISCELLANEOUSIMISCELLANEOU EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAYVCARE c1w12 c1w12 tfcll tfclO MON.-TUES. 8 a.m. to 6 pm. WED-FRI. 9 a.m. to 5 pm. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 12 noon ‘PAINTING and decorating in- !side and outside, repairs. car- penter work and rec. rooms. no job too big or too small. 884- 7743. tfcï¬ BAKER'S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer & water lines, footings. 889-3604. tfcg W’Afï¬k‘fdï¬c‘éfluï¬mic Efficient service at reasonable rates. WHEADON PAINTING for all your interior or exterior painting. Big or small. Call 889-9056. tfcll ,FINPAYiELECTFIC '64 VOLKSWKEE'N. clean, re Out51de lighting maintenance conditioned match $300 88 equipped with ladder truck. All 7689. . clmz commercial residential and in- 7â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘â€"â€"â€"â€" dustrial wiring. Hydro electrical 63 CHEVY II. 327, 3-speed. 884- 7496. cl_w12 modernization plan available. _ Free estimates. Call any time. '63 CHEV Impala convertible. 881-2509. tfc48 Call 884-2677, after 5 pm. PAINTING and decorating, in- terior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free estimates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. tfc35 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 WINDOW CLEANING 884-2433 Residential, commercial paint- ing. inferior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 ; 884-6417 tfc46 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from ‘â€"inc1uding Script. Block letters. Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call "The Liberal†884- 1105. GENERAL CARPENTRY Kitchen units, alterations, rec rooms. etc. GENERAL cleanup done any time. 884-7768. tfc‘ Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship.' 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5153. Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 PLUMBING & HEATING ’ Roger Proulx â€"â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. home, of- fices. factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716.“ A. J. CLAYTON MASONRY CONTRACTOR All phases of brick, block. stone and repair work. E. w, pAYNE ’66 CORVAIR convertible, cert' Drains, septic tanks. All types fied. $300 01' best offer. 88 of concrete work. 3703. - clwl 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES '66 OLDSMOBILE, $900. or has tfc31 offer. 221-4483. c2wl CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions: renovations, tile floors, and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price, 889-3653. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc42 R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs 3 Specialty Free Estimates Plastering RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc32 WALKER CONSTRUCTION tch 488-7521 NORTHERN PAINTING CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 PLUMBING & HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 832-1345 â€" MAPLE PAINTING 8: PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 GORD ROWLAND 889-3437 SHAMPOOING CHIMNEYS PAINTING 884-2433 PAINTING 884-2433 889-3185 tfc20 Thomhill tfc50 tfc43 tfc52 tfc18 tfclB tfc48 tfc11'1434 tfc18 nun: in_ ALL types of landscaping, stone work. sandy top soil and mush- car' room compost. Free estimates. £3820 A. Hartwick. 889-6338. tfc41 tics GARDEN'S designed. general (â€" landscaping, patios. etc. Free .advice and estimates. 884-7953, rec†tfc48 SOD for sale. 20c sq. yd. Picked up in field. 30c delivered, over {013.100 yds. Also free estimate â€"'Ilajd. 888-1947 or 388-1040. tfc3 tfc9 CHILD‘S pink, blue and white â€"â€" poncho, left at park, Alder and y Skopit. 884-5188. c1w12 by'MlTvIATURE Collie. answers to name of Sam. Lost in Maple! area. Child‘s pet. Reward. 832- tfc2 ’63 VALIANT. 2-door 6. automaâ€" tic. good condition. $325 or best offer. 887-5309. clwlz ’62 CHEV l-ton pickup. good condition, certified. Price $500. 884-4307. c2w12 ’61 BISCAYNE Chev. s cyf, ’48 FORD. rebuilt motor, new paint, body A-l certified. Apply at Heinig Supertest, Markham and Yonge. c1w12 CAMPER and truck. good con- dition. Phone 884-4371. '64 VOLKSWAGEN. clean, re conditioned motor, $300. 88 7689. ' clwlz '63 CHEVY n. 327, 3-speed78374‘; good condition. Call after 4:30. 884-3768. c2w11 '56 FORD pickup. 832-1247. XEROX photocopies call Thom son Offset. 884-8339. clwli BOOKKEEPING serâ€"vices in m! home. 884-6236. tfcl} BOOKKEEï¬ING and account; ing services for small bus nesses. 889-5683. BRESSMAKING and tions. 889-5713 after 6 pm. '69 METEOR Rideau scofv- $1.600. 884-6040. 296 Demai '69 SUPERBEE 440 cu. in.. f0 speed. double power, many e tras. 38,000 miles. mint cond tion. must be seen. certifie under $2,000. After 6 p.m.. 22 8927. *lwl '69 XR7 convertible 390-4b every option available on t car. Immaculate condition, ext snow tires, only hwy drive still under warranty. 884-884 clwl "66 CHEV 2 door sedan, 327-37 ‘hip. completely new motor. 5 miles, good body.» chrome 1' verse. new tires. front en brakes, transmission. top dec $800. cash, after 6, 884-274 certified. clwl 76757MGB Sports, $600. or bes‘ offer. 773-5813. after 6 pm. STIRLING'MMRTENANCE window cleaners. walls an floors. Call Stirling Travers. 223-1952 ARTEX-LIQUID EMBROIDERY PAINTING Create beautiful linen, picture: and novelties with your owx hands It's easy, simple. Any one interested call Mrs. Vollett 889-9958. clwl: sport convertible. fair 'conditio '65 CHEVELLE Malibu. supe $300. 889-7404; before 4 pm. ’65 DODGEI $300. as is. 832‘ 1434. clwli MARKHAM FOOT CLINIC General care. all foot problem Phone for appointment 294-2372 3 Friar Tuck Road Hwy 7 and Robinson '66 VOLKSWAGEN, A-l shap $150. 884â€"8077. clwl ’67 DODGE Coronet 500. 2-do hardtop. 383 engine, new aut matic brakes and tires. Can certified, excellent conditio body and engine. $950. or be_ offer. Call 884-2347. clwl dition, with safety check. $501 or best offer. 887-5162. clwll '68 RAMBLER American 2-doo: A-l. Keswick 476-3634, after p.m. 1w1 66 CORVAIR convertible, certil 66 RAMBLER Rebel. good conl 1‘65 TREE CUTTING AND PRUNING FRUIT TREES E. C. DOAK 884-5316 GARDENING USED CARS FOR SALE (Continued) LOST clwlz c1w] clwlz c2w1 c1w12 clwl clwl c4w1 clwl tfc-l clwlz c5w9 tfc