A committee report recentlyl Both teachers and school received by the Ministry oflboal‘ds would have the right to Education has recommended anjrefer matters to the tribunal adjudicative tribunal be set uplshnuld negotiations become to settle teacher-school board‘deadlocked and the tribunal‘s salary disputes. The committeegfindings would be binding on bad the lengthy label of theiboth. Members of the tribunal. “Committee Of Inquiry Into‘appointed by the government. Negotiation Procedures Con-would sit as boards of one to cerning Elementary and Sec-Lreview‘cases‘ referred to it. ondary Schools of Ontario." r The committee also recom- Committee Recommends Tribunal To Settle Teacher â€" Board Dispute Pictured above during the dedicatinn cere- mony are: (left to right) Richmond Hill Mayor RICHMOND HILL year as odist C church. acre lot 1‘2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 28, 1972 The beautiful new Free Methodist Church on Hillsview Drive, Richmond Hill. \v‘hich provides enlarged facilities for this very active congrega- tion, was formally dedicated September 17 in an impressive ceremony. Bishop Edward John. who was appointed this year as the Canadian Bishop of the Free Meth- odist Church dedicated the angel stone brick church, which is set on a spacious two and a half Dec/ice te New Free Me t/Iadist (burr/I mended that all areas in dis-[ Another recommendation is pute. exclusive of salary and the establishment of a profes- other items of compensation. beisional research bureau to supply settled by a consultative pro-‘information and data to school cess. This would begin at theihoards and teachers involved in school staff level. move through salary negotiations. This in- an area advisory committee and formation would also be avail- finally to the school board ad-‘able to the tribunal. The five Visory committee composed ofiteachers making up this bureau teachers. trustees and rate-'would be selected by the On- payers. . tario School Trustees Council. fellowship and other activities ‘ The interior of the church is finished with laminated arches, natural wood grain pews and furnishings and carpeting. Seating capacity is 275 - 300. There is a full basement with facilities for Sunday School. the youth program, the adult William Lazenby: Bishop John; Rev. David Dryer, pastor: Clarence Spence: Building Supervisor Ken Gray: Rev. Paul Johnston: John Johnston and Rev. Earl Bull, conference superintendent. Both Rev. Bull and Rev. Johnston are former residents of Richmond Hill and members of the congregation. CHRYSLER DODGE According to Minister of Ed- ucation Thomas Wells the re- port is under active study by the Ministry. He said policy will be devised only after con- sideration of opinions from all interested groups, teachers. school administrators and the public. Submissions are to be in by October 30 and Mr. Wells hopes to be able to announce policy before the end of the year. Committee members rejected the strike as a method of settle- ment and also stated that work to rule tactics by teachers were not only unprofessional but possibly illegal. In its report the committee took as its basic concept that conflict in teacher-school hoard relationships should be and can be eliminated. It stated that if the joint negotiation process is to be effective. the government must accept the fact that On- tario's teachers should be com- nensated at the same salary and benefit level as that paid for occupations of equal skill in the wealth-producing sector of the economy. Operation of the tribunal and the research bureau would be financed by the province. (Photo by Stuart's Studio) new Weekday afternoons are special times for radio listeners around Toronto. Monday-through-Friday from 3:05 to 4 pm, CFRB‘s Betty Kennedy interviews interesting people whose ideas and achievements are stimulating and newsworthy. Betty Kennedy doesn’t attempt to lead either you or guests to her way of thinking. Nor does she necessarily expect you to agree with her guests‘ Views and activrties. “After all.†she says, "listeners are intelligent enough to make up their own minds." You'll find in Betty Kennedy interviews a depth and perception rarer equalled in Canadian broadcasting today. People Lay; to Betty Kennedy ...all kinds of people! RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE. RICHMOND HILL Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings 'til 9 pm. ~. . 1:: re, stone @ STORES Phone 88414401 The "Bill Deegan Show" follows Betty Kennedy at 4:05 pm