During their holiday they vis- ited Mr. Honeyman's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mts. James Honeyman in Sussex. England. and Mrs. Honeyman‘s cousin, Mrs. Flora Currie, on the Isle of Bute. They flew to London. where they rented a car and drove up the west coast of England to Scotland visiting the Western Isles in Kyle. then north to Ross and Cromarty. They re- turned to London via the east coast. Anyone interested in joining the choir, please phone Eileen Quinn at 884-7531 or go and in- troduce yourself to Director Ed Luka at the Monday rehearsals, which are at 7:30 pm at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. 100 ‘Yonge Street South. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Honeyman of Chassis Court returned on Monday from a tln‘ee-week-trip to England and Scotland. :11. is also practising Hayn‘s oratorio "The Creation" for presentation in April and plans a concert in honor of Rich- mond Hill's Centennial at a later date in 1973. The auxiliary is anticipating over 200 guests to attend the conference. which will include on its agenda a tour of York Central Hospital. The Richmond Hill Ecumeni- cal Choir is well into rehears- al for a program of Christmas music to be presented Decem- ber 15. "the Area Conference of Dis- trict 7 is being hosted this fall by York Central Hospital Aux- iliary on October 4 at the Sum- mit Golf and Country Club, starting with coffee at 10 am. Charles Boyd, in-commg pres~ ident of the Ontario Hospital Association, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Boyd is current- ly chairman of the York Coun- ty Auxiliary at Newmarket. The Fall Fair and Garden Show held by the local Horli- cultural Society in the Lions Hall on September 16 was most successful with attendance equal to last year, in spite of numerous other conflicting functions. The interest in the various exhibits was very keen, partic- ularly that of the Naturalists Society and the carved birds displayed by Ted Mansbridge. Prizmvinners were Mrs. Dor- othy Harvey. Sid Cropley. Lloyd Hawkes and Mrs. H. Thomson. Judges of the show were Mr. Ind Mrs. St. Clair Tennant. Schomberg and winnersâ€"speci- mensâ€"lst, Bill Risebrough. 2nd, Bob Little. 3rd, Wes Ankerman. Arrangementsâ€"~lst, Mal-g Rum- ney, 2nd, Mrs. George Barker. 3rd, Otto Connor. Vegetables~â€" lst, Arthur Stong, 2nd. Otto Connor. 3rd, Wes Ankenman. Court of Honorâ€"specimens câ€"Bill Risebrouzh, arrangements ~â€"Otto Connor. ’"um’ Um'wr' i Bayview Secondary School " * * lstudents are continuing their Credit has become a way opraDer concoï¬on on a regular life! To some of us it stilllbasis in Richmond Hill this makes us scratch our heads inQ’ear. dismay. to others it seems per-1 Collection days will be on the fectly simple. |first Thursdm' of every month If you‘re one of the puzzled; ones plan to attend a meetingl being held by the Consumers Association of Canada at 8 pmf on October 5 at the Town Hall (council chambers) and hear} John Founder of the Richmond Hill Community Credit Uniony who will advise and supply all the facts on consumer credit.| The glass recycling bin has been well patronized during the summer but the Consumers As- sociation is in need of volun- teers to spend an hour a week sorting bottles, if this aid in curbing pollution is to continue. If You can help out please call Mrs. L. Samuel at 884-7898. In the meantime, please conâ€" tinue to rinse out your empty bottles. remove all lids. metal and plastic labels. and take them to the southeast corner of Richmond Heights Plaza. Guy Snaith. 23. who graduated with his MA from the University of To- ronto this year, has been awarded a years scholar- ship by the French Gov- ernment to study at the University of Tours. He left on Friday eve- ning for England where he is visiting Mrs. Snaith‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Roachford in Darling- ton. County Durham. prior to going to France for the commencement of his stud- ies on October 4. Remember your canvas- ser will be calling this month for the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society, York C e n t r a 1 Branch. Please help â€"â€" your co- operation and support is very much appreciated. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Smith of Rockporl Crescent South. The official Centennial town crests are now available and the Busy Bees, the Richmond Hill branch of the National Campers and Hikers. have un- dertaken their sale. ' These eye-catching crests, which cost $1 each, were deâ€" signed by Jim Milne of Brown- dale Crescent and have a white background with green, yellow and red embroidery. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was presented with the first one on his visit to Richmond Hill last weekâ€"sewn on a hockey jacket for his son, Justin. They are available from Dynes Jewellers in Richmond Heights Centre, the town office or in quantity by calling 884- 6785. The past month has been a1 busy one for Mr. and Mrs. Michael Matyas of Roosevelt Driveâ€"they’ve been entertain- ing her brother, Rene Cee, from Winterthur, Switzerland, and her mother, Mrs. Zdenka Cee,‘ from Prague, Czechoslovakia, who had not seen each other for the past three years. They’ve been to all the local and area places of interest, had a bus tour of Toronto, driven to Niagara Falls and had a very enjoyable stay at the Matyas‘ ,summer home in Collingwood. i Rene left for Switzerland on Saturday but happily Mrs. Cee. is able to stay for a further two months. a )Z< 1 n: 4' Call the for further If you are a newcomer to Richmond Hill, or simply a resident, wishing to put your talent to work for a most worthy organizationâ€"the YW- CA has just the post for you. It is searching for a volun- teer with a flair for publicity and public relations to assist in placing before the public the aims and accomplishments of this group. The rewards are numerousâ€" new friends, pride in serving the community and a better understanding of the YWCA on a local, national and world-wide scale. The York Central Hospital| Junior Auxiliary is presenting‘ Simplicity-Style Patterns “Fall; Fashion Show" at 8 pm on Oc-i tober 12 at Don Head SchooH Tickets at $1.50 each may be obtained by calling Barbara Lennox at 884.4821. This is the auxiliary’s second annual fund raising project and your support would be ap- preciated, After its limited three-week engagement at the Tarragon. this production will be filmed for the CBC and will then tra- vel to Montreal. The play will subsequently be seen in several of the regional theatres across Canada. There will be many interest- ing door prizes and refresh- ments served. Next year Mr. Stl‘OUlEl‘ is|specially decc the chairman of the Canadian‘for the occa Amateur Golf Championship Olive Verrico‘ being held at the Summit and Regular GL Mr. Hevenor. president of the‘gin this Thu] Royal Canadian Golf Associa-lriel's Anglica tion. ’1‘ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Strother werei Interestedi ‘married on September 20. 1947,'“ardrobe an. iin St. Phillips Anglican Church, family for a 1 iBradford, England. iual cost? 1' WCA Lyn Griffin, a talented young member of the Curtain Club, is currently playing in the Tarra- gon Theatre's production of “Leaving Home†by David French. _ Don’t miss the “Card Party" â€" Bï¬dge and Euchre, being held by the East Central Branch of the YCHA at the Lions Hall on October 3. There will be prizes, a bake table and boutique. Tickets at $1.50 are available from mem- bers or at the door. i Collection days will be on the [first Thursday of every month 'covering the area between Yonge Street and Bayn‘ew Ave- ;nue, north to Elgin Mills and §south to St. Joseph's School. !The first collection date is Oc- }tober 5. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Stroth< Company started or celebrated their 25th wed- son with a spe ding anniversary on September last Thursday ev 24 with a famin dinner party Division Conn at the Summit Golf and Coun-i‘Joan wood prese try Club. itlie Guides \\'h« The festivities continuedithem during the after dinner at their home onl The highlight Marybay Crescent, where they was the present entertained friends at an anâ€" wood of the Gold niversary party. Bonnie Crawford Attending were Mr. and Mrs.‘watch the ceremony were Bon- Vic Petersen and Mr- and MI‘S- nie‘s parents and her two broth- DOl‘l Cowden of Richmond erg. along with other parents Mr. and Mrs- Peter Edwardsv and Brownies from the 11th Thornhill, Mr. and Mrs. “'entlï¬ichmond Hill Brownie Pack. Daniel and Mr. and Mrs. Peter] Refreshments, which were Kennedy. Willowdale, and Mr.;provided by the mother‘s aux- and Mrs. George HeWflOl‘ Sr-filiary, “ere served to the guests of Toronto. ‘by the Guides, as well as 21 Next year Mr. Strothel' isispecially decorated cake. made the chairman‘of t_he anadignlfor the occasion by Captain Residents of this area are asked to put their papers out at the end of their driveways. tied securely in small bundles. The papers will be picked up around 4 pm. Due to the amount of hand- ling involved it is most import- ant that the papers are tied secureby for easy handling. Those who do not live in the above area may bring their papers (tied in bundles) to the container at the rear of the school by the football field anytime after October 1. The container will only be open on school days between ,9 am and 3 pm. office at 884-4811 information. The second annual Bible So- ciety Walkathon sponsored by the Richmond Hill Branch is being held September 30 be- ginning at St. Mary's Anglican Church at 9 am and ending at the Presbyterian Church, a route of 11 miles. A fun drama course for chil- dren between the ages of 10 to 15 years starts October 20 at the new Curtain Club Theatre, corner of Elgin Mills and New- kirk Roads. The cost of the course is $7.50 and interested young thes- pians are asked to call Iris Stringer at 884-4117 or write Box 66, Richmond Hill. Beth and Len Jones are cur- rently in England on a busi- ness-cum-pleasure trip during which they plan to visit Beth‘s mother, Mrs. Mary Miles, at her home in Coventry. Also on the itinerary is a weeks holiday in Palma Nova. Mallorca. Spain. They intend to return to their home on Knollside Drive dur- ing the first week of October. The goal is $2,045 to pur- chase a Bible van for New Guinea. Prospective walkers and spon- sors may obtain further inform- ation by calling 884-2227. The course, which will cover movement, voice and armchair appreciation, is being conduct- ed by Miss Joni Clavir, who has had vast experience in working with children and drama groups in the Toronto area. The 7th Richmond Hill Guide Company started its new sea- son with a special ceremony last Thursday evening. Division Commissioner Mrs.1 Joan Wood presented badges tol the Guides who had earned] them during the summer. The highlight of the evening was the presentation by Mrs. Wood of the Gold Cord to Guide Bonnie Crawford. On hand to watch the ceremony were Bon- niefs parents and her two broth- ers, along with other parents and Brownies from the 11th Regular Guide meetings be- gin this Thursday at St. Gab- riel's Anglican Church. sing facilities. l Dave received his BEng de- l The doors open at 1:30 pmfgree at the Royal Military Col- Iand Convenor Shirley Cornish‘lege, Kingston. and is now :asks that you keep in mind thefsen‘in‘g as captain with the laxiom about the early bird! iarmed forces lair) at Uplands. Interested in buying your fall wardrobe and outfitting your family for a fraction of the us- ual cost? Plan to go to St. \Iary‘s ACW annual rummage sale this Sat- urday in Wrixon Hall and shop in the French Room, the chil- dren‘s section and the Stag Shop, where Ruth Binkley, June Bynoe and Terry Orser will be in charge. Beth Purvis, Carol MacDon- ald and Dorothy Fry are man- aging the treasure mart. the white elephants and toys, while Doreen Street will sell drapes and linens at moderate prices. Josephine As: will have shoes to fit everyone and Dorothy Turner and Marg Higgins will sell the hats and jewelry to complement your costumes. Betty Tyndall and her staff of checkers and cashiers will try to register your purchases without delay and the Boy Scouts will supervise the park- ing facilities. Congratulations and best wishes to William Neal, a well known and beloved resident of the Hill for over 40 years. who cele- brated his 75th birthday on September 23. On Saturday evening over 42 members of the family and close friends met at his home on Elgin Mills Road East to wish him many happy returns and present him with nu- merous gifts and cards. A game of cards conclud- ed a very happy and mem- orable occasion. 7 New members welcome, with or without partners. Call Marie Cole at 773-4280 for further in- formation. St. Gabriel‘s Anglican Church, Bayvicw and Crosby Avenue. is holding its third art show and sale of original oil paintings on October 14 from 3 to 9 pm. Water colors and pen and ink sketches will also be shown. The admission price of 50 cents includes a chance on a lucky draw for an oil painting. Wine and cheese will be avail- able. Duplicate Bridge' Winners on September 18 were northâ€"scum Bill Gordon and Mitch Watson. east-wesh» Ross Jenkinson and George Payment. On Friday last, win- ners were Bob and Edna Dunn (lstl and Ross and Sandy Jen- kinson. There will be a novice game, as well as the usual opening game, this Friday. the 29th. Dr. Jack Basham of Sault Ste! Marie, a charming former resi‘l dent of Lucas Street, spent twol days in the Hill this week and1 his many friends were delighted’ to have the opportunity of see- ing him again after a long ab-l sence. Tickets may be obtained from Mr. and Mrs. Russell Seltzér at 884-6786. ununmmumuummunuunuumqumumuummmuu“mum Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this columnâ€"how about yours? vuvrryu v ...... ‘ i tbs. tomato paste (5 02_ an) The three children in the wed- ding party were the groom's Dip chicken and brown in oil'brothei‘, Ronnie Riley and the and butter. Add and brown bride’s brothers, Scott and mushrooms and onion. Add to- Mark Worsfold. ' matoes, tomato paste. wine, 1 The bride’s mother wore a tbs. flour, bayleaf. parsley, etc. floor length pink dress and a Bake in oven for 30 to 35 minutes. The service is freeâ€"but news items must be in the office by 10 am Tuesday morning for inclusion in the current issue. What’s Cooking? Your social and club ac- tivities make interesting reading for “Life in the Hill†columns so why not call the Social Editor Mar- got Crack at 884/1105/6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South and keep us up to date with your vaca- tion news, guests from out- of-town, academic achieve- ments of your family, spe- cial club projects or just to share a special recipe with our many readers? CAPT. DAVID BRENNAN Master Of Science 0: chicken breasts cup flour ) tsp. salt ) chicken dip tsp. pepper ) tbs. olive oil tbs. butter cloves garlic cup dry white Wine (Ver- mouth) 2 tbs. cognac or brandy 1 cup peeled diced tomato [20 oz. tin) 1 bayleaf ’2: tsp. marjoram lb. mushrooms (in quanters) 2 tbs. parsley 1 chopped onion 1 tbs. tomato paste (5 oz. tin) HWNNb\N IQ‘ CHICKEN MARENGO Mrs. Neville Cross Oxford Street The groom was attended by Ron Siewert of Boston, Massa- chusetts, as best man and the groom’s brother John Riley and Ian Wetmore as ushers. Escorted and given in mar- riage by her father, the bride wore a floor length white gown of polyester satin and lace. fashioned on empire lines with long sleeves, a white velvet bow and a long veil. Her bouquet was of pink roses and white carnations. The beautiful bride‘s dress as well as those ‘of her attendants was made by Mrs. Evelyn Deveraux of lStevensville and her daughter. ‘Mrs. Barbara Riegle of Fort {Erie friends of the groom. The marriage of Lynne Marie Worsfold to Steve Riley was solemnized in St. Matthew’s United Church, Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hill, August 26 at 4 pm. with Rev. Stanley Snowden of Maple United Church officiat- ing. Organist Mrs. Gloria Park played traditional wedding music. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Worstold of Richmond Hill and the groom is the son of Mrs. Alberta Riley of St. Catherines and Harry Riley of Richmond Hill. St. Mathew's United Setting For Pretty Summer Wedding Riley - Worsfold The bride’s attendants were MiSS Linda Bagg as maid of honor, the bride’s sister. Miss Debbie Worsfold and the groom’s sister, Miss Paula Riley, as bridesmaids. They were gowned in poly- ester satin, fashioned on empire lines with short puffy sleeves. The maid of honor was in dark purple with a light purple vel- vet bow and the hridesmaids in light purple with a dark purple velvet bow. The bride’s mother wore a floor length pink dress and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother chose a floor length blue dress with which she wore a corsage of pink roses. Easy to get. The amount is lim- ited only by the equity you have in your home. It could be $5,000, $10,000, maybe $25,000 or more. And there are never any bonuses or brokerage fees to pay. Easy to take. Because you may be eligible for a special rate of interest. Easy to pay back. We can spread the loan o\'er many years â€"â€" which means lower monthly payments. If you need cash. call us about a lst or 2nd Mort- gage Loan. It’s easy money! 6A Levendale Avenue 884-8136 ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED TOKEN NO. 143 MRS. WILLIAM LAZENBI RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO “Autumn Reflections" was the theme of a fashion presentation by Warwick House. September 11 around the pool at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Coxford on Vaughan Road. The delightful afternoon was sponsored by the Local Association, West District Girl Guides. Many attractive imports were featured, including the stunning Approximately Y.C.A.M.R. " 500 " Easy Mortgage Money from Associates ANOTHER $500. WINNER IN "That's For Me -- Is It Available In My Size! guests were received at the Masonic Temple on Crosby Avenue for a wedding dinner followed by a dance. The master of cere- monies and disc jockey was the bride‘s uncle Jim Hodge. For travelling to Niagara Falls the bride wore a pink crimplene pant suit with a cor- sage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Riley have taken up residence in Richmond Hill. vMary's Immaculate Romar Catholic School. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included friends and relatives from Kitchener, Water- loo, St. Catharines. F011 Erie,» Stevensville. Oshawa. London,§W’V Toronto and Tavistock. I "\( PETER SMITH York Home T.V. THE YOUNGER THEY ARE THE BETTER THEY LEARN! Class and private piano lessons for pre-school and kindergarten children . . . LASAGN; MEAT SAUCE WORKS IN A DRAWER THIS WEEK‘S SPECIAL ESTELLE MARKHAM ARCT RMT RAVIOLA MEAT SAUCE Color TV from 889-1646 GET YOUR Reg. $22.25 ickup only NEXT WEEK'S SPECIAL .75 Tenâ€"year-old Michele Petro- wanczuk will long remember the grandstand show at the CNE this year â€" she “ent on stage and was serenaded by none other than Des O’Connor. one of England‘s top singing stars. During the show. members of the audience were invited to request their favorite songs and Michele, who asked for “The Name Song" was thrilled to bits when Des O‘Connor called her on stage, sat her on the am- plifier and sang the song es- pecially to her. A photograph taken while she was on stage will be a lasting memento. Michele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Petrowanczuk, Le- vendale Road, is a pupil at St. Mary's Immaculate Roman Catholic School. Phone 884-9253 TAKE-OUT OR HOME DELIVERY .75 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept Pickup only Reg. $2.2 turquoise and modelled by h lig‘ht modelled by Marylo Graham. The lovely garden was crowded with local women who watched with great interest ae the ten lovely models paraded and enjoyed chatting with friends and neighbors in the sun- 177mm“: ‘ ‘ ‘3 CUSTOM MADE é: GUARANTEED SAVINGS : :THEPRAPE.R!EA§JQRY Charlie Howard & Candy Stevens FROM OUR OWN FACTORY TO YOU DELIVERY COULD BE YOURS IN 7 DAYS! Choose your drabes from a lovely selection of the latest styles and patterns. For further information. please call 884-6611 On Your Feet Again . with Our Help Take it easy on the road to recovery, and let us help. Everything needed for the at- home patient is here for rent at reasonable rates . . . walk- ers, wheel chairs, crutches. hospital beds, Easy Rental Terms. See us for a wide selection of braces and support garments properly fitted by qualified male or female personnel. blat'k SHOW STOPPER ! I 70 NEWKIRK RD.. RICHMOND HILL (Between Centre St. and Crash: Avenue) JOIN US FOR OUR “HAPPY HOUR" Complimentary Hot Horsdouvres from 5 -7 pm. Monday to Friday Geronimo’s Fun Room 383 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL 884-9171 L'PSTAIRS AT DOANF HALL PHARMACY OPEN MONDAY T0 FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 4 RM OR BY APPOINTMENT Complete selection of Colostomy and Ileos- tomy supplies Qualified Breast Prosthesis Fittings GERONIMO’S FUN ROOM doane ha“ Convalescent Aid Centre BL AC K Mng OR INHAWK N FROM 9 AM. TO 6 PM. DAILY Bring your own measurements 19 S Yonge St. at Wellington St. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC two-piece ensemble shown above being 727â€"2122 ON QUALITY DRAPERIES AURORA Photo, by Stuart's Studio)