Provincial Judge Maurice Charles said the two could get out of jail on $1,000 deposit of bail each. but ordered police to hold their draft cards, pass- ports. social security cards, driver's licences or any other identification papers they could use to escape across the border. If they get out on bail they must report twice a week to Metro Police 52 Division near the location where they claim to have friends. A lawyer ap- peared in court on their behalf immediately after their arrest the week before on charges of marijuana possession for traf- ficking purposes. Judge Charles said drug Qrafficking was a very serious matter and measures must be t'aken to assure the two youths couldn't leave the country and escape the charges without pen- alty. The federal prosecutor in at-‘ tendance at court sought a bail hearing to show cause why the pair couldn't be allowed free on a simple promise to return for trial. A promise is usual for local residents. Judge Charles remanded Donald Kail, 23, and Jeffery Houser, 20, both of Ohio. until September 28 to see if by that time they could have bail post- ed. Otherwise they will stay in jail and appear in court once every eight days until their preliminary hearing October 19. Court lmpounds Car, Papers 0f 2 US. Men 0n Trafficking Charge Two United States youths facing drug trafficking charges in Richmond Hill Court were permitted to be at large on bail Thursday of last week without their car and identification pa- pers. vifle, Murray of Victoria Square and Margaret ers. Ed Mashin- tert of Mount Albert. and a number of grandchildren. Mr. Bennett was in his Qist year and was predeceased by his wife Clara 3 number of Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Harry Ben- nett, including Frank of Union- However on Sunday at 11:30 am the regular church service will be conducted by the Rev. Martin Jenkinson. Symphathy Miss Edith Boyd took the worship service. A skit pertain- ing to the UCW was presented by Mrs. John McCague, Mrs. Reid Brumwell, Mrs. Fraser Gee, Mrs. Carl Walker and Mrs. Harold Hill. Rev. Martin Jenkinson gave a very inspiring message on "Keys" which contained much food for thought. There was no church service at Victoria Square on Sunday morning because of the anni- versary at Headford. Church News The September meeting of the UCW was held on Wednes- day evening of last week in the Sunday school with Mrs. Harold Hill in charge. Get ahead in fashion and the hospitality industry Interested in the hospitality industry? Or in fashion retailing? Now, at Seneca’s new King Campus, you can take a part-time day course that will help you get ahead in these fields â€" good for credit toward a diploma, too. Accounting for the Hospitality Industry Basic bookkeeping and introductory accounting principles and practices; statements and reports used in the hospitality industry. their analysis and interpretation; cost-volume-profit analysis, management information systems. Starts Oct. 2, Mon. & Wed. 3-5 pm. 15 weeks, $30. Menu Merchandising and Sales Analysis All aspects of menu planning. The menu as the basic “work order" of the food service establishment. and its importance in planning, purchasing. and producing meals. Menu design and layout. Individual menus are created as well as criticized. Starts Oct. 3, Tues. & Thurs, 3-5 pm, 15 weeks, $30. Food and Beverage Products and Standards Become familiar with food and beverage products commonly purchased by food service establishments. Quality factors, grades, sizes, standard packaging and yields are covered. Starts Oct. 4, Wed.. 1-3 pm. and Fri. 3-5 p.m., 15 weeks, $30. FOOD AND BEVERAGE CONTROL FASHION TECHNIQUES â€" RETAILING Clothing Evaluation Distinguish between quality and inferior fashion merchandise. Color. texture. proportion. fit and design, including accessories are covered. Starts Oct. 3, Tues. & Fri., 11 am. - 1 pm, 15 weeks. $30. Fashion Retailing Who buys where? Other topics include: store layout, personnel management, and leasing arrangements. Also of value to those with retailing interests outside the field of fashion. Starts Oct. 2. Mon. 8; Thurs. 11 am. - 1 p.m., 15 weeks. $30. Over 70 other part-time subjects avail- able day and night. Classes start October 2. For further information, call 884-9901 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R.R. 2, Gormley - Phone 887-5421 Victoria Square News MW OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY SENECA COLLEGE KING CAMPUS DUFFERIN STREET NORTH IRS KING CITY ONTARIO 884-990! Special wedding anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Rumney who on Saturday will be celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary. May they ‘be able to enjoy many more years together. The first euchre of the sea-‘ son will be held in the com- munity hall October 6 at 8 pm. Everyone welcome. Ladies please provide lunch. Let us. start the season off to a good start with a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett were former residents of the com- munity and used to reside where Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heise now live. ’ Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis‘ Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family attended the 25th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Rennie (Marjorie Hart) on Saturday evening in Scarboro. Mrs. Don Hamilton entertain- ed to tea the ladies on the staff of the Richmond Hill High Wednesday evening of last week. Congratulations to Miss Gail Sanderson and Robert Gilmour who have recently announced their engagement. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley, 23 years married Oc- tober 1; to Mr. and Mrs. Trea- nor Canning married 43 years October 2: to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rumney married 20 years October 4. Mrs. Mabel Frisby accompan- ied her son-inâ€"law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huggins who are motoring to Vancouver to visit with Clarence Huggins. The annual Gilmore reunion was held in the community hall on Saturday evening. Miss Joanne Boynton enter- tained a number of her little friends on Thursday afternoon of last week. the occasion be- ing her sixth birthday. Birthday greetings to Bert Nichols October 1; Jim Boyn- ton October 4. A speedy recovery is wished for Miss Ruth Braithwaite who underwent surgery last week in Sunnybrook Hospital. Toronto. years ago Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamilton DEALER FOR: Kawdsaki If you've ever wanted to know how forests come into bein~ or what factors such as soil lcondition. affect the growth 01 trees, you'll have an excellent opportunity to ,learn about the subject this Sunday when Pro- lfessor Kenneth Armson of the University of Toronto‘s Faculty of Forestry conducts a nature hike at the Boyd Conservation Area. CLAREMONT loc'ated in Pickering Township. 1% miles north of Highway '7 on Sideroad 10. The Boyd Area is located two miles north of Woodbridge on Islington Avenue and is one of 15 areas administered for pub- lic recreation by the conserva- tion authority. Tree Hike Sunday? Morning, Boyd Area‘ _ Regular conducted nature hikes will also be held on Sun- day at the following areas â€" ' GREENWOOD located three miles north of Highway 2 on the Greenwood Road at 2 pm. The “All About Trees" hike gets underway at 10 gm. ALBION HILLS located on Highway 50 about five miles north of Bolton at 2 and 3:30 pm. Mrs. Leslie Hart and Miss Judy Hart called on the form- er's mother. Mrs. Alan Wheler at Agincourt on Sunday after- noon. entertained the staff of Stouff- ville District High on Friday evening of last igveek. Bookkeeping Service for Small Businesses Income Tax Returns THORNDALE BUSINESS SERVICES 9185 Yonge St? Borovoy Plaza Thornhill, Ont. 889-9908 889-8051 i PRIME i MRIB . A&P Red Brand Super Right - OVEN READY Check Our Everyday Meat Prices! JANE PARKER Crescent Pound Cake Cinnamon Rolls JANE PARKER Twin Rolls JANE PARKER, RAISIN WIST Coffee Cake JANE PARKER, FROSTED JANE PARKER Ball Donuts JANE PARKER Bread (UT YOUR FOOD COSTS TO THE ONE! STEAKS “$1.08 ION! IN up, no BRAND swan-mom IEEF, hm FBUE Quarters lb 5 M Rump Roast Braising Ribs (PRICED [OWE Short Rib Roast FRESH. LEG OR BREAST OUARTERS CANADA GRADE “A†EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VACUUM PACK (PRICED LOWER YHAN A YEAR AGO) Cooked Ham some pac64¢ SCHNEIDERS BRAND, [IVER OR MEAT SPREAD Kracker Snacks 4-ozpk924¢ Chickens BURNS BRAND, SllCED RANCH STYLE OR PETER PIPER BRAND (PRICED LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO) Bologna BY THE PIECE lb 3 5¢ MAPLE lEAF (Dutch loll, Munroni 8. Chen, Chichn lad, Olive loaf, Delicia Loaf) (Priced Lowor Than I Year Ago) Cooked Meats All Beef Wieners SHOPSY BRAND TOWN CLUB WIENERS us 5 LLB aaaaaa . I vacpac ¢ $1.00 PEEK FREAN SHORTCAKE, NICE, DIGESTIVE, RICH TEA Cooked Meats! ACTION PRICED SPECIAL BROWN 'N SERVE 16-ozloaf 3 9¢ Wieners! Poultry! COOKIES (PRICED lOWER THAN A YEAR AGO) 3 TO 5 LBS AVERAGE lb 44;! W ‘ Right â€" OVEN REA‘SY' "fAEt‘io’n Pr'icéd Special! R0 (Priced lower than a year ago) PRICES EFFECTIVE AT OUR RICHMOND HILL STORE AND BAYVIEW AVENUE, THORNHILL 3 pkg 0‘ 12 6-02 vac pac 14-02 cake lS-oz cake pkg of 8 pkg o! 6 1-“: pkg (SAVE He) (SAVE 20:) (SAVE 14:) (SAVE 14¢) 39¢ 39¢ 39¢ RIES 6m? 39¢ 32¢ 74¢ Sfea kettes 2-Ib pkg $1.68 I l Alcan Foil E‘ D. SMITH'S Pumpkin we FILLING 3 194m tins Bed: Irish, Meat Balls 3 Gravy (Action F [AURA SECORD, BUTTERSCOTCH, CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE FUDGE, VANILLA (AC' Puritan Stews Tea Bags nowano Puddings AMBROSIA MUSHROOM, CHICKEN RICE, VEGETABLE BEEF. CHICKEN NOODLE (AC1 Rice Pudding Clark Soups 41o-H-oznns69¢ GREEN GIANT, FANCY QUALITY (ACflON PRICED SPECIAL) Sweet Peas Herrings CENYRE CUT â€"â€" BRUNSWICK ASP BRAND, FANCY QUALITY Applesauce SEALTEST Ice Cream SANDWKH pkgofe49¢ Shoulder Roast IDEAL FOR BROIUNG BONE IN BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK, BEEF & PORK Sausages Side Bacon SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SLICED SX BRAND: BULK risket Plate Fresh Ground eef SX BRAND, 4 VARIETIES, HOT-SWEET-PLAlN-GARLIC SCHNEIDERS BRAND New Zealand lmporï¬ed Spring Lamb, Fvoun l LOIN lb Lamb Chops RIB |b88¢ 98¢ Fresh Ground Pork Ib68¢ Polish Sausage Sausage lb 9 8 ¢ SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SLICED UNIVERSAL BRAND, BACK-TO-BACK Italian Sausage SHOPSY BRAND, VACUUM PACK Corned Beef Beef Liver Pizza Pie 5X BRAND, FROZEN Sausage & Bacon! Other Meats! 24-H-oz tin 5 FLOWERDALE pkg 0F 72 8 (PRICED LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO) '(Pflrctb 12-inch x 50-Fool roll (ACT'ON PRICED SPECIAL) 5 10-H-oz tins ,oo (ACTION PRICED SPECIAL) [OWER THAN A YEAR AGO) 15'/1-H-oz tin (Action Priced Spatial) 1-lb vac pac 19-H-oz tin 1 (PREPMCED 59¢) 3‘/4-oz tin 14-02 pkg (ACTION PRICED) (ACTION PRICED) $1.00 59¢ 59¢ 29¢ 10¢ 19¢ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Sept. 28. 1972 ¢ [MES WHITE, PINK, YELLOW FACIAL TISSUE moo POTATOES SPINACH v3 All pricesrshown in this ad guaranteed effective through Saturday, September 30th, 1972. ONTARIO WASHED. PACKED FRESH DAILY (BOXES OF ISO SHEETS (ACTION PRICED SPECIAL) WHITE SWAN CANADA No, ‘l GRADE ONTARIO, WHITE TABLE STOCK pkg of 2 rolls 25-â€3 bag cello bags 10-02 Ho bags 4 9 g 49¢