Brownies registration at St. Paschal's, Steeles Avenue West. will take place September 27. The first meeting will be held October 4 at 6:30 pm. We wish a speedy recovery to Bill Frances who is in Bran- son Hospital: to Mrs. Anne Pet- ick who is convalescing at home after surgery in Branson Hos- pital and to Brian Webb who has been transferred to St. John’s Convalescent Hespita] in Willowdale. The school holidays for this year are as follows: Thanksgiv- ing day October 9. Remem- brance day November 11, Christmas holidays from De- cember 23 to January 2. winter holidays March 17 to 25. Good Friday, April 20, Easter Mon- day. April 23, Victoria Day May thing interesting or different The league’s executive is this summer or will be this fall. headed by President Fred Dis- give me a call and I will be era with other members being glad to put it in my column. 1Bob Adams, Bob Sherwood, Tim Thornhlll Public School 'Coughlin, Wally Maxwell, Frank The staff at the school this;Sues, Al Scott, Bryan Leonard, year is as follows: Principal and'Don Reid. Ron McCarthy. Gene Grade 6, Edward Wells. Mrs.jl\Iadden, Doug James, Mike Grace Payne, Grade 5 Scot Car-fKirwin and Eric Turner. ruthers. Grade 4 Mrs. Margarefl Practice begins early in Oc- Littlejohn. Grade 3 Mrs. Joan tober. with a 15-week game Evans, Grade 2 Mrs. Sylvia By- schedule and playoffs starting ers. Grade 1 Mrs. Norma Fer-during the latter part of Febru- guson. Kindergarten Mrs. Vir- ary. It is planned to have the ginia Strickland, French Mrs. season over by April 1. Ruth Gurski. Junior Opportun-Library News ity Mrs. Hazel Hill. Phys. Ed.' Features of the Markham Mrs. Liz Kvaran. Library Mrs. Libraries Thornhill Branch in- Miriam Wilson. Secretary Mrs. clude: free membership cards: Brenda Gordon. Custodiansa story hour for three and four Jack Westerhoek and Alex year olds Thursday mornings: McQuaker. lnonthly art exhibits: photo- Neighborhood Notes: Birthday greetings to Sonya Hayes who was 10 years old September 24. The bazaar of the ACW sched-iports that it was a most success-land shoes. The members enâ€"i Tumbling and gymnastics at uled for October 28 is to be an ful get-together. ijoyed a singsong led by the vis-‘Thornhill Secondary. with regis- Arctic Safari this year. This The CGIT held its openingdting singers, - ltration October 19. at Thornlea should prove very interesting. meeting for the season last. Plans for a color bus trip to;Secondary, with registration Oe- The regular meeting of the week. They had a pizza party‘see the countryside in all itsltober 11 and at Baythorn Public Women‘s Missionary Society of>in liOnor of their new superin-autumn splendor have been‘Schoo], with registration 0010. Thornhill Presbyterian Church‘tendent, Miss Judy Johnson. {made for a date early in Octo-Ebei- 17 and 18; was held September 19. Vice-; Registration for the Vaughan'ber. A euchre party at Heintz- Yoga‘ Baythoyn public School. President Mrs. Camsell was inESkating Club will be held Oc-‘man House. Royal Orchard'with registration October 18. the chair (since the president'tober 4 between 3 and 5:30 pmiBouleval‘d, is planned for 00-3 Further information may be has moved out ofthe district). at the Doublerink Arenas, Con- tober 24 at 8 pm. There williobtained by calling 2974900, A moment of silence was ob-.cord. The program starts Oc-ibe refreshments and prizes with extension 22. served in memory of Mrs. Jean‘tober 18. Contact Mrs. Audrey an admission fee of $1. Of Interest Harper. Devotions were readiKupchanko at 889-5113. New members are always wel- The wedding of Maureen by Mrs. Helen Porter on thel Registration for the After;come at the club. Call Mrs. Anne Rowe to John Michael fourth chapter of Phillipians.;Fpur program will be held Oc-‘Baker for information at 222-.Dolan September 23 was the Mrs. Alan McKecknie took the tober 3 from 6 to 8 pm at 3604. ,i'irst to be held in the new St. offering. Rev. Terry SamuelHThornhill United Church and‘ Markham Parks and Recrea- Luke’s Roman Catholic Church assistant minister. was intro- October 17 and 19 from .4 to 6 tion Department have planned on Green Lane. duced, 1pm at Heintzman House. Thesomething for every age grounj Out of town guests at the Mrs. Porter reported a totalgprogram will include sports, in the town for its 1972â€"73 pro-wedding included: Mr. and Mrs. of $315 in the supply fund. Mrs.‘rhythm band and French con-‘gl‘am- A most attractive andArthur Tingle. the bride’s great- Norman Dixon read the reportjversation as well as the other‘COlOl‘ful brochure has been dis-‘grandparents, from Detroit; Mr. of the Presbyterial meeting and interests from last year. Vol-itributed throughout this area and Mrs. Walter Ambler, the the thankoffering meeting inlunteers are needed. and every reSident should bride’s aunt and uncle. from October was discussed. Mrs! Registration for the 1972-73 study it carefully and take ad- Peterboro; Mrs. James Aitken, Tom McCaul served rcfresh-‘Pl’ogram of the Thornhilllvantage 0f the programs in al'tsthe bride’s aunt from Ottawa; merits. iChurch Hockey League will and crafts and physical fitnesser. and Mrs. Clifford Ingham. Fall activities have already started. If you have done any- Thornhill United Church held its {all frolic at the Swiss Chalet Church News The Anglican Church Women of Holy Trinity Church held their first meeting of the sea- son September 18. It was ar- ranged by the Harmony Group with Mrs. Linda Pattinson as convenor and was a pot luck supper and fun night. It was a great success. Crestwood Rd. The summer of 1972 was a great season for the young ball players of Thornhill â€" boys and girls alike. The season’s program came to a memorable end September 16 with a huge parade and presentation of awards. Pictured above are representatives of win- ning teams. (Left to right) are Cathy Addison representing Armstrong Hodge, squirt girls’ champions: Carl Clutchey, president. Thornhill Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 28, 1972 Thornhill and District News Socially Speaking I 972 T horn/It'll Minor Features of the Markham Libraries Thornhill Branch in- clude: free membership cards; a story hour for three and four year olds Thursday mornings; montth art exhibits: photo- copying: Talk-In; special xdem- onstrations and displays; cassâ€" ettes and records free. inter- library loans. inter - branch loans. reference service. films from regional film collection. projector rentals. programs for 6-12 year olds on the first Sat- urde of the month from Octo- ber to April. These are held in Royal Orchard Elementary School. The Thornhill Library. locat- ed at 10 Colborne Street. tele- phone 225-0512. is open Mon- days Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to 9 pm. Thursdays from 10 am to 9 pm and Saturdays from 9 am to 4 pm. Senior Citizens Club The first meeting of the {all season of the Thornhill Senior Citizens Club saw 45 members present. At the next meeting scheduled for October 18 the new slate of officers for the coming year will be elected. Mrs. Grace Baker earned the Practice begins early in Oc- tober. \n'th a 15-week game schedule and playoffs starting during the latter part of Febru- ary. It is planned to have the season over by April 1. Library News Registration for the 1972-73 program of the Thornhill Church Hockey League will continue September 27 from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at Heintzman House. The league will provide divisions for ages 6 to 17 and over. All who register will play. Policy of the league requires that each player receive equal ice time within reasonable lim- its and that the strength of the teams be balanced as far as pos- sible to ensure competitive con- tests. To realize this players will be transferred between teams up until the end of the year. a family affair with afternoon games for the children. log-saw- ing for the men and nail-driving for the women. There was also a tug-of-u'ar and volleyball. The activities were supervised by the teenagers. The afternoon concluded with hamburgers and a corn roast and everyone re- ports that it was a most success- ful get-together. The CGIT held its opening meeting for the season last week. They had a pizza party in llOnor of their new superinâ€" tendent. Miss Judy Johnson. Park on September 23. It was “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Please call Miss Margaret Govan. 14 Deanbank Drive, 889-5372 something for every age group in the town for its 1972â€"73 pro- gram. A most attractive and colorful brochure has been dis- tributed throughout this area and every resident should study it carefully and take ad- vantage of the programs in arts and crafts and physical fitness and entertainment which are offered. Guitar at Heintzman House October 10: Plans for a color bus trip to‘Secondary, with registration Oc- see the countryside in all its‘tober 11 and at Baythorn Public 1autgn’nfi splgnéior have (betenISchoo; with registration Octo- ;ma e or a a e eary 1n co-{ber 1 and 18: her- A eucm‘e Party at HeintZ-‘ Yoga. Baythorn Public School. man House. Royal Orchardwvith registration October 18. :3%ule\§;‘d,tiss plannerl for Further information may be 0 er a pm. iere W1 Obtained by callin 297-1900, be refreshments and prizes withjextension 22, g an admission fee of $1. Of Interest New members are always wel- The wedding of Maureen come at the club. Call Mrs-jAnne Rowe to John Michael Baker for information at 222-;Dolan September 23 was the 3604. .t‘irst to be held in the new St. | t r Some of them in this area are: Children's drama, also at the Heintzman House with registra- tion on the same date: Copper enamelling at Thorn- lea Secondary School, October 11: Ballroom dancing at North Thornhill Community Centre with registration on October 12; thanks of the members for the excellent entertainment pro- vided. This featured Mrs. Mar- ion Baggets’ Barbershop Quar- tet and the Sweet Adelines, l2 ladies from Aurora. They were very attractive to look at as well as pleasant to hear in their outfits of red middies, navy blue ties. white slacks. gloves and shoes. The members en- joyed a singsong led by the vis- iting singers. - For purposes of identification, please include your name and postal address, and the reason(s) for complaint. If possible, note also the assess- ment roll number, the street address, concession and lot numbers. and the municipality in which the property under complaint is situated. Any Notice of Complaint shall be mailed by ordinary mail to the Regional Registrar named below. and. in addition, by registered mail to any person whose assessment is complained of, not later than the Slst'day of October. 1972. The assessment roll may be inspected during business hours, at the municipal offices located at Buttonville on Don Mills Road. Notices of Complaint must be made in writ- ing either by letter or on forms available at the Municipal Offices. Any complaint with respect to an assess- ment on the assessment roll may be brought to the Assessment Review Court pursuant to Section 52 of The Assessment Act. R.S.O .1970, c. 32 as amended. Mr. J. L. M. Hai‘binson. Regional Registrar, Assessment Review Court 713 Davis Drive. 3rd Floor Newmarket. Ontario. Minor Ball Association; Ross Henry, representing Gateway Mercury, peewee champions; John McClellan, manager-of the south division; Bill Massey, coach of Saunders of Toronto; Linda Ewing of the Thornhill Pet Shop, winners of the peewee girls trophy; and Dan Allen, whose father is sponsor of the Saunder of Toronto team which took the championship of the south squirt division. NOTICE RESPECTING ASSESSMENT APPEALS TOWN OF MARKHAM Ball Champions In Thom/rill Signed N. J. PICKARD Clerk, Town of Markham Out of town guests at the wedding included: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tingle, the bride’s greatâ€" grandparents, from Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ambler, the bride’s aunt and uncle, from Peterboro; Mrs. James Aitken, the bride’s aunt from Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ingham, the bride's aunt and uncle. from Galt: 1\1r.,and Mrs. Gordon Feren, the bride's aunt and uncle. from Orillia: Mr. and Mrs. James Feren. the bride‘s cousins. from Guelph: Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess. the groom‘s cousins, from Rochester. New York: Miss Nancy Dolan, the groom‘s sister, from London: Miss Maureen Mitchell. the groom's cousin. from Montreal: Thomas Lee. the bride‘s uncle from Montreal; Brian Moore, from Montreal. Tumbling and gymnastics at Thornhill Secondary, with regis- tration October 19, at Thornlea Secondary, with registration Oc- tober 11 and at Baythorn Public School, with registration Octo- ber 17 and 18: Yoga. Baythorn Public School. with registration October 18. Further information may be obtained by calling 297-1900, Men’s basketball at Thornlea Secondary School, October 17; Square dancing at Thornhill United Church. October 12: Table tennis at the same lo- cation. October 18 and 20: Karate at Baythorn Public School, October 19; Majorettes at Baythorn Pub- lic School, October 11: (Photo by Barbour) Special weekend meetings were held Friday Sept. 22 for ,young people and Sunday after- noon September 24 for adults at Emmanuel Anglican. to plan 'future activities for the church. The ACW will hold it's regular monthly meeting at the church. ‘October 3 at 8 pm sharp! Their own “Favourite Recipes".book will be completed and on sale at the annual Poinsettia Tea «and Bazaar, November '18 at the church. They anticipate a bigger and better sale than ever. The popular white ele- phant table will again be fea- tured with good “used†dona- tions being most welcome. The men's club is busy or- ganizing an Octoberfest Millionâ€" aires Night for October 27. There will be games of chance {and draft beer served. Please contact Wayne Smith at 881- 2520 for tickets. The first general meeting of the Roselawn Senior School As- sociation will be held at the school, October 2. beginning at 8 pm. The meeting will ‘be mainly a “meet the teachers†night and an opportunity to visit the classrooms. Chairman of the meeting will be President Al Evelvn. Other officers of the assodation for the coming school year are: Vice-President Mrs. Shirley White, Secretaly Mrs. Anne Sellen and Treasurer Mrs. Catherine McAvan. Tentative plans are being made for the commencement of recreation night. Started three years ago. recreation night has I Telephone 889-4405 I The Richmond Hill Figure Skating Club held its registra- tions Saturday. but there is still time to register your child in this fun filled undertaking. If you are interested please phone Mrs. Donna Hartlief at 889-3078 or Mr. Norah Putnam at 884-5013. i There is no age limit in this club and it will go into full 1operation on Saturday morning October 11. ' Birthday greetings to Mrs, Grace Nikolaus of Duncan Road who will be celebrating her birthday on October 3. Ladies coffee house at Rich- vale Bible Chapel will be alter- nate Thursdays, starting October 5 from 10 - 11 am. Ladies in the neighborhood are cordially invited to join. Babysitting is provided. Lorraine Houghton, 884â€"2553. will arrange for trans- portation if needed. School Bulletin ‘Lions and Seniors Celebrate Monday. October 2, in their hall at 31 Spruce Avenue, the Lions are playing host to the senior citizens with a dinner to commemorate their joint an- niversaries; the fourth for the seniors. the ninth for the Lions. The Lionettes are having an open house tea at 31 Spruce Avenue October 1] from 1:30- 4:30 pm. There will be teacup reading by Madam Rita and a door prize. all for 50C. The pro- ceeds go to the retarded chil- den. It is to be an afternoon well spent! Church News The Jordans are now visit- ing Margaret's farm for about 10 days. Lions and Seniors Celebrate Mrs. Elsie Jordan wishes to Lthank her two sons, Bob from 1Richmond Hill and Bill from ‘Richvale. their respective wives Norma and Evelyn. and chil- dren. her daughter Margaret and husband Jack Homer. and their children, from Woodville. also Aunt Rena from Toronto. who gave her a surprise birth- day party. September 17 at her home at 28 Spruce Avenue. They presented her with a lovely folding rocking chair an‘d served a delightful luncheon. ‘ Senior Citizens Strong. Good looklrig‘ Durable. steleo sudmg us the only sudlng made from Foryou Stelco ...lasts and lasts and lasts and lasts and lasts and lasts . . . yet costs no more than ordinary metal siding! Frost Steel and Wire Co. Ltd. “The Liberal†requires a responsible boy or girl for an established paper route in the Crest- wood Road area. Please phone Dinah Darlington at 884-1105 for details. RICHVALE RECORD ree estimate phone you: authorized Stelco sudmg dealer. Correspondent -- MRS. MARY WATTS. 43 Spruce Avenue 231-9271 CARRIER WANTED Adds value. Guaranteed 20 years Yet it costs no more. There is no age limit in this club and it will go into full operation on Saturday morning October 11. Birthday greetings to Mrs, Grace Nikolaus of Duncan Road who will be celebrating her birthday on October 3. The library is closed Mon- days. open Tuesday - Friday from 12 - 5 [)m and from 7 - 9 pm, Saturday from 10 - 12:30 am and 1:30 â€" 5 pm. The YWCA will run a fitness recreation program for children aged‘9-13 in co-operation with the Richmond Hill Department of Parks and Recreation. con- sisting of 10 weeks of gymnas- tics. using trampolines. bars. ropes. etc. at Langstaff Secâ€" ondary School. Garden Avenue (there is a walkway from Roose- \\'eeks duration and costs only $3 per child. starting October 1]. girls from 7-8 pm. boys from 8-9 pm. Come earlv to register. Another less strenuous pro- gramjs being planned for the gym at Charles Howitt School consisting of volleyball. basket- ball. all fun and games. start- ing October 10. Boys 7-10 years 7-8 pm. 11-13 years 8â€"9 pm. Girls come the following Mon- day. October 16 at the same times â€" a 10 week session for only $1. Running shoes. shorts and T- shirts are to be worn for all activities. Library A group of seven teachers and 15 grade 7 and 8 girls spent a somewhat chilly. but pleasant. weekend at Killbear Provincial Park, near Parry Sound. The rugged bush sur- roundings of the Georgian Bay lend themselves to a variety of camp activities: canoeing. fishing. hiking. woodcraft. not to mention keeping warm! YWCA lrun one evening per \xeek dur- Mary Deciantis “ill be start- ing the school year as an oppor- ’ng her story hour to the pre- tunity for students at Roselawn schoolers on October 3 (not to make use of certain facilities. September 26:. Activities in the past have in- Music cluded gymnasucs. VoIIeYball.| The following pupils of Ellen ibasketball. cooking, sem‘ng. cop- M. Blogg EMT of 47 Spruce ‘Pfl‘ enameumg POttf-‘UW mSt Avenue, were very successful in iald. dancmg~ moaem 33†table summer examinations at the itenms and Others- Royal Conservatory of Music. The holding of this activityiobtaining honors and first class evening depends upon having a,honors: Vocalâ€"Grade 1. Joy sufficient number of adultsiBradbiirir. Chris Ballard: Grade from the community to assist in:1v‘ Terry wener; Grade VI the activities. Parents interest- Catherine Walker. ed in helping in any way are Piano â€" Grade II, Shirley invited to a meeting to be held Houghton: Grade III, Kathryn in the resource centre at Rose-Rae; Grade VIII. Karen Sman- lawn. October 3 at 7:45 pm. idyck. East Richvale Correspondent: MRS. SOPHIE LOGUSH Telephone 889-4405 Arrested when three pounds of marijuana and a boot knife were seized by Metro Police were: William Lacey, 20, of Baythorn Drive. North Thorn- hill; Ernest Vroom, 18, of Pinegrove in Vaughan Town: Robert Block. 34. of McGill Street. Metro: Helen Hartman, 27, of Sunnysid‘e Avenue. Mel- ro: and Thomas Lewis. 36. of DeWitt Boulevard. Arrest N. Thofnhill} Vaughan Youths Withl Drugs Near Rochdale’ The five face charges of hav- ing marijuana for trafficking purposes and Lewis faces the addition charge of having a dangerous weapon. North Thomhill and Vaughan Town youths were among five persons arrested Wednesday night of last week on drug traf- ficking charges while leaving Rochdale College in Metro. STORE HOURS: The following pupils of Ellen M. Blogg RMT of 47 Spruce Avenue, were very successful in Mary Deciantis will be start- ’ng her story hour to the pre- schoolers on October 3 (1101 September 261. Music Aligii'iiient It mpst be right or we make it right! 295 Yonge St. S. Life insurance is essential for a young man with a mortgage on his house and a family to support and educate. At this point, he needs to protect his family more than he needs to build savings. As he grows older. his family responsibilities tend to decrease, and his insurance needs change, too. Call Your CIAG representative can help meet changing insurance needs I Adjust camber, caster and toe-in to manufacturer's speciï¬cations I Inspect front 0nd, springs, shocks, and steering assembly Newtonbrook Plaza - 5823 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario Lei us: 889-5787 Our car service policy assures you of complete salisfacï¬on. WHO NEEDS LIFE? aooniï¬'mn ao CENTRES GOODET’EAR .WP! EEL 5*? WCYDRMM GREY Richmond Hill CIAG sales representatlve RICH MON D HILL Eighty years ol‘ training and experience in serving people like you are behind the sage counsel and advice you‘ll get at Victoria and Grey â€"â€" the same place you get the money you need. Come in today â€" direct to Victoria and Grey. When you want money to build or to buy, come directly where money is. Come to your friendly. local branch of Victoria and Grey Trust. VII/1 [111111 and UHDI TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 (i. A. WAKELIN. MANAGER 12] YONGE ST. N. BOB ADAMS, A.I.I.C. Sales Representative Office - 925-4441 Home - 889-1295 (Extra charge for vehicles with air-conditioning and torsion bars) ALL NORTH AMERICAN CARS The :em‘or Trux! Company devoted emirer to Mr via; the people of Ontario. Effective from Monday, Oct. 2nd to Saturday. Oct. 7th only Parts extra, if needed I Guaranteed work performed by qualiï¬ed mechanics using lam! precision equipment 884-4423 889-5531 Change in Office Hours Effective Jul; 15!. 1972 Tues. - Thurs. 9:30 3.111. to 4:30 p.m. Fri 9:30 am. - 6:30 p.m. Sat. 9 am. tr Noon 884-1107