THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. Sept. 28. 1972 5 - Elgin . Jefferson News lOriginated Idea For NHL ‘ CORRESPONDENT: CAROLINE LOMAS. Telephone 884-3000 0 o I Church News Last Sunday the church was there to the glory of (ind and S the sert- beautifully for lo\ing meOJ'.‘ 0i “1V 3â€" Sunday, October 1. decorated ice at St. John's Anglican “Harvest Home" service. The Mrs. John Ash, b.\' 1h?†5â€â€œ Church. Jefferson. Will he the choir anthem was the “Hymn Meredith and his wife Mildred. Youth actiiit) oriented .\el- in Pinyin: hot-kc}. should make Estate lung \alle) Ski Club. knoii n .\lll. plaver< HRIFTY RENT-A-CAR 8 SY» YENI . SAVE UP TO 33‘/4% l (:.\s SUPPLIED s SWIJIS'M Munâ€, Litany at 10330 am- At 730 Pm 0f ThankiglVihg'h : The Spiritual Um Fenfmshlp son Whitehead presiding met a phone call to the above nnm- Rolf's Auto Service. Rockvveld The course is being made T )\\"V \UTO BODY the first "Togetlmi‘ness" session The flowers on the commu- Gl'OUP me‘ seplmlber 23‘ the \‘l'IOl'OtIF executive oi the her for registration in the Km: .\laple Automotive and F. R. available primarily to local bovs ( i : 0f.the 59350“ “'ill be held- him! table Sunday “'91‘9 Placed The 125th ‘ann'versan' Com' KCMHA. intends that interest organization. ‘ Custom Metal Works. but there are a levv limited 173 Yonge Street N. ‘mittce r1181 IUQSday- sparked I)} [he [10“ King Cllli ‘ t P OMHA teams are being up. portunltms [01‘ have of all 3295 Richmond HIII ? \\’ nesdav iiiornino there - . < . - , .. .. ,. _ , _ 4 .. . y . , _ ‘ , ' ed'b1 l" and dTSCUS‘ion Community (.eiitie will be fully lxin: hotlxe} has .ecened Qamyed m 1h“ “we.le mmgop tioni othei iiieas to take part. was Bi e s u(.l l {~L0 expmnod in met-cased npporâ€" toti’ ( spolls‘til'SillD for the com- banmm poewoc and notice Arrangements and details of the » w imeo i'â€" -- a r , .. . .. u .. r ‘ . . .- t ' ‘ . » . . . for “omen at 119 0 tunities fOI local hockey pItI}CI\. Ill,‘ season \\hl('ll is a Qieat tii- categormg. made possible by the nominal cost involved may be . . r ena Sayers. , _ hole to the oi'zani/ers of the . . - . r d l ' I" t' B' ‘3' ~ I . _ , ., .. .. . ‘ )Onsmsm , of pme Bmd ma e 1y eon iae ing ien . al Friday. Seplt’mbel 3'9 “I 8 “ '(mbl'dlmn aimed at 32" GC.\lll.\ and the citizens of the Eihehmd: l ‘ Yoga at 8:35.907 . y .- . . hm; has 3“.th rmchod 3m Rinacross Estates. Pin the“? “1†be BIN“ 5mm ‘ . > ‘ . coininunitv. interest a i *. . ~ ~ v « . . . ~ \~ ~ ~' - '_ for young adultS {mm 12 to “11h late ammme m†“.|(,k_ - ‘ 0191110d Anderson Tool and Die. Simian r01 ‘htlh H‘SlHClt‘d ‘0 3‘21†-» - . . h v I . . . .. ‘ ‘ I 25 years of age at the rectorv. ling in. .\ fevv vacancies evist h} mc no“ km’q CH“ (0mâ€" Flm'PhS and The him? CH." "Mo 1““ m nelghhmmg amnab :9 a; U; r. t .. 3: 7:1 I'â€" > 3" _ i. :‘= F BJIAJQ 884â€"2139 Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion . - _ _ ., _ , _ ’ _ . H H .. ‘llllllllll Centre has elicited an ' S. w . uith consequent travel prob- By Lhns Ramhmrd 884 5~60 The group In“ beglln to 3mm igloqlgioieféefï¬ will] “$1111 (In: enthusiastic and generous re-‘Llon lo‘zecmfh c ‘lems. KCMHA is determined to To give an your gal-men‘s V W 0 .St. MatthE“ S GOSDC- im‘fl‘numco I I“ ‘ )I'lCl1'1â€['fs1)iiiisc from loral and other . ‘1 upgrade the standards of hoc- the personal attention thew deserve! Elect (ylorla Sanford lCominunity News \ <]]‘()ul‘d 1a 3?]: apiilcï¬ I I: business interests in the form of lying (HY \lll‘m‘ l‘hh'kef IV“ key to be played on the ice WE (LE \V I Ontario Vice_Pr€9ident Saturday. ist'Jefferson Cubs 'hmme mingle c211 C‘m'w a‘1oélé3; complete sponsorshin for all of SOCiallon-has lieeiisiiceesstul iii surface of the new community UNTIL 414‘“ho NE“. " ’ I\vent for a hike taiild ioopkout6346 *c king City's house leagues and Ebtainingfthe seivices of one oi“,ch “him had its formal 1 i i i i i . . . . . , _ , , on the roperty 0 .ac' as» ' OMHA 193...; .anaitas oi'emost exponents o 5 ) m1,†5_ .A -l V w ~ ~. 9 o - - “- 15 “m1 reg-mt that we an-i‘lom .,m ‘ the various . social more. ange Sll‘eeli This Sallil" Mr. Whitehead is particularly 'l‘vvelve hottse league teams DOWN Shilling.- ha‘lhfl mad? 81" 0[lamprcsg1 the (C23: . ï¬HlRTbl "1/090 .Wlth your dry Cleanmg “Ounce the pawlyng Ot‘ Comrade-5139115- Ihel'o are "Ophms apdiday evening a trip to Dunlap interested in providing recreaâ€" eoveiinz from T to l7 have been l'flhflt‘hmhlS {0" local liO('l\'(’.\' (lian ice Machine Companv of sale your cloamng “Ckets for FREE CLEANING ROSS .Bakfl‘v- “9 “lend 0U1‘PlleCS 31 fl†_le"9IS_Z°ne',dls'lObservatory is planned. tionai hockey for the neglectedmhde possible by the following Players in i‘GCCiVe li‘ailiihg from Toronto \\ as putting the l'iiiisli- . ggigisgamsï¬;npatmes "0 the Ellgginfor::?:mllm:q?nfongitémis‘ The Tch‘lpel'ahceyl'lllllï¬l’ 1d4jl'i l7 year old age group who he sponsors # Graham vBrothers.‘J0hn Wild“ 4 I in: touches to the system with The other '“eek “e “are l,e_ darts shuffleboard mummy“Homemaking Clllbl\\l V 1110 ‘ll-S ieels are very badly catered to. Ivlll‘lllltll‘k'. Ilomes. hing: City Mr. “tide. who is the innova» the. installation of the refrig- 1 ‘ x V V marking on the lack of sick golf ’ Get cracking’you iokers‘fiFSl meellng f)“ lie la plot-especially in smaller communi- (‘iaraflo lxinfl City Fire Dept. tor oi power skating techniques. ei‘ation compressors and other RICHMOND HEIGHTS (ENE RI‘. ' - tect next Satutda) at 9 am~ Bl “05 ilk? K11151- Pcrsons in this Stan Roots Fuel and Oil. king has successfully upgraded thelrelated equipment in the In The “North Mall" â€" SSJ-GITI Dal‘ade. beenis we spoke tqoZand bring bad‘ Some Of that:the home of Mrs. Wilfred catcflory who are still interested City lG.-\. Thomas Shea Real skating abilities of several \vell mechanical room of the arena). soon. Comrade .lim Davidson is loot we lost last year. We areiJames. This project will few ~ . n 7 "77 in the intensive care unit of‘saving a Spot on the trophy‘ture printing on cards and! ‘ v - ‘ - i '_ i» E , E ; York Central Hospital. Do sin-ishelves for it ithem'fi. 70mm. materials and is called ' 1’ ON SALE: SEPTEMBER 27th to 30th - WHILE QUANTITIES LAST I. '. ccrely hope you will be back’ Hey fellasâ€"what a way togi.Block Letter Printing"_ _ with us soon Jim. It is our sin- close a weekend. Our congratu-l While Mrs. Mae Walker “as cere prayer that our friends lations to Comrade Bayne Col- enumerating between 13:30 and and neighbors stay in good‘lins for being mystery \vinneri3 pm September 14‘ her homc‘ health. ‘at the weekly Branch 375 so-w‘.as broken into and a Zenithl Speaking of Comrade David-jcial evening held Friday niglit.lc01m. television. valued at Slri son reminds us that he an-rWhy not get with it and joinlloo. was removed Mrs. walker: . . . l nounces the games for our us sometime in domg Olli‘l“.0uld like everyone to know‘ Fuddle Dnddles. Wonder ifthing? lthat her home is now burglar» there is any connection bc-‘ †* * °pi~oofed. . lWeen the {301 Of the antics be'j Everyone grab pencil and Anyone \\ ho has news they thee,“ the Fllddlt‘i's arid lht‘lpaper to jot down some dates‘vvould like to read in this col; Bloomer 3055 and comrade for coming events. umn. about weddings. anniv‘crs-- Jim laughing himbell hiloi Saturday. October l-tâ€"Mil-laries. groups or any happenings. tears? ‘lionaires‘ Night and dance in;especially those living on Elgini All gOOIilig asidei lhiS jm"support of midget hockey. Ad-Alills Road, Naughton Drive.l Pl‘Olell ball leflm from Bl‘anCh‘mission $2 per person includes Brookside and Gamble Roads. 375 has done mUCh 10 imPI‘OVC hot buffet. From 7.30 pm to please phone me at 884-3000. relations between 0111‘ member- 1 am. This will ensure that this col-i Ship, and the general Dilblic. Wei Saturday. October 21â€"Lady'umn reflects what really goes know their goal is to see lhiSveterans invite you to join themon in the Elgin Mills-Jefferson sport go on to provincial and at their Harvest Hop. Georgelarea. POSSlhly dominion 18"91- jand Ken will provide dancing Sure the local lads lost bill‘music. Prizes and refreshments.) they won more important‘Admission $]_ = things. We wish them all the Saturday, October 28â€"Hal-i best for their past efforts and‘lovve‘en Howl. Come in costume those in the future. Keep UplOI' best bib and tucker. You‘ll: the good work chums! have a ball. * "‘ * 1 Saturday. November 11 â€"; Mention of good work bi‘ings‘VelS' Night. This .Veal' it Will to mind the efforts of one of.inClUde hoan'S and awards our ladies‘ auxiliary members.‘Newmal'l‘iet PiPE‘ Band “'ill be We offer our sincere congratuâ€"ipl‘esent. Once again our famF-‘v lations to Zone Commander ite duoâ€"George Come and: Gloria Sanford on her recent Ken Bil'Châ€"Dl‘0\'iding the dance‘ elevation to provincial 3rd vice-‘mUSiC. Prizes and l‘efreSh- presidcnt for Ontario. This ments. came about at the auxiliaries‘ We are reminding everyone, convention in Windsor this pasthibumt the annual P0131).v Cam-I .eenlpirlrlit’a “mm CRIMPKNIT 4’shetvesâ€"30" wide! Walnutwood graining on meta . Quality 100% Powester Crimp' mack end stands, - r ] knit comes in 11/: yd. lengths KRESGE mic: and is 60 " wide! 9 You'll save at this low price EACH“ “GRIP-rim lN SUMMER THlNK or AUTUMN DREAR, «JUST 'F’HONE DELIVER FUEL now at Kresge's! Choose your favorite shades in the smart l crepe stitch design. Z . KRESGE \veek. Gloria was among sev- paign. There are the usual ded-E OOCAL TRADEMARKS, in i ‘ I eral auxiliary members \i'hoicated workers but they are . _. . . _ represented Branch 375. not enough to fill the gap'iThinkmg of autumn :wIII not‘ Someone mentioned the inag- Every comrade is needed ationly keep,y°" coo]. (,lmnig Sum“ - p 11/ Yd ,merâ€"you ll see its time to . - n I. , _ er 2 . Sshelyese36 Wide! » ic word "convention". The this time- vveekend of September 22-24 Speaking 0f November 11‘order fuel oil while service is: Length saw our district convention there are plans afoot to hold a.q“i°k95t' n _ : :3 ,Walnutwood graining‘onrneta hosted by GravenhursL Amona Church Parade on November 11 . Black end stands; - ‘ those from Branch 375 attendb- which is a Saturday. This year ' v: " g . -. ing the Conclave were District15 "91'." 51099131 â€" it has “OW 189 CENTRE ST. E. ' " ' ' .1 KRESGE PRICE i v Commander George and l\Irs.lb99n 22 years since the last . _ '- - A - ' \Vood; Zone Commander FranklRemembrance Day fell on a‘ and Mrs. Barrott; President'SatUi‘daN. Douglas and Mrs. Hopson: Zone Sports Officer Gordon and Mrs.‘ Mills and Comrades Frank Bar-' her. Jack Sanders, Bill Mac- that you can get married now at the Royal Fontainebleau and have a wonderful reception with a full course meal. Plierson. CHARCOAL BROILED. RED BRAND NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAK Baked Potato, Tomato Juice. Fontainebleau Salad. French Dressing, Toasted Roll, Strawberry Shortcake it it it! Recently Branch 375 held the first general meeting of the‘ new season. Among the many‘ newly initiated members pres- ent \vas Comrade Stephen Ro- man. At the same meeting Comrade Ab Ball was presented with the~ Homer Auger Trophy as \vin-i 100% Terylene quilt bait approx. size 78†x 100â€. A saving price now at Kresge‘s. ' Our regular price 3.98 Pack KRESGE SPECIAL nei- of the branch shuffleboard‘ “id COffee ........................................................... 53-00 sinvles tournament. Comrades , i i Best Wheeler and Ball teamedj FlLLET MIGROI‘ """""""""""""""""""""""""" “'00 l together to win the Red Thorpei PRIME RIBS 0F BEEF ________________________________________ ‘54 00 l Memorial Trophy for doubles at: , the same sport. we offer our Call us today for reservations heartiest congratulations to TOWNE & these “‘0 “"9 champs- ‘ COUNTRYE SQUARE norm. 223-4700 "‘ "' â€' WILLOWDALE FONTAINEBLEAU Why don’t you come out and PLASTIC BAGS Big selection of i . Broadloom 8‘ Shag FlVe 30" X 43" 3'18 PlaSllC garbage ' ~~.. Low priced embossed and regular B A R G A I N . mats .aWOX- 21" X .35" bags in each package. Orange col0r. ‘ coPduroy fla'res for boys and girls! size at this real low price! . _ / Assorted colors. Sizes 3_6x_ P R I c E D Assorted colors KRESGE ¢ ' ,.. . . ' PRICE 1 f .. Our regular price 2.77 Ea. - Our regular price 2.39 ea. pKG. . . , KRESGE - MA KRESGE I h V SPECIAL“ I SPECIAL ~ » ~ / -> . . EACH : Vâ€" . I . 7 ‘ " â€" g .Each . Fine ivvhale..'corduroy I ‘ pants that are easy-to- "‘cgrleo‘r? are. right for . school and after! 2 front , western pockets. 2 back pocketsand belt loops "featured. Navy. Brown, Bronze, Burgundy: - ‘1 * « IZED mm HOSE e: Oi." res-teriCeI3g43Ea- 1 Stock up now and save! 1000/“o Stretch Nylon! Seamless -- 1' - . -' ' . ' ‘ . -M-L-XL. KBESGE SPECIAL mesh stockings. Nude heels Beige or Spice 8 “Complete line of Ski-duo clothing and accessories" “Selection is best right now†"THE FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE" I Wellington St, El Our regular price 1.00 Ea. KRESGE SPECIAL wast RICON HEIGHTS CENTRE iï¬ils?‘iâ€im§‘hfl"li. i SATISFACTION GL'ARASTEED OR .‘IONEY CHEERFL‘LLY REFL'NDED 0 WE WILL NOT KNOWINGLY BE l'NDERSOLD O.\' IDENTICAL ITEMS COMPLETE LINE OF SKI-D00 PARTS CARLTON EKT RADIO NOW IN STOCK!!! â€" IT'S NEVER T00 Ideal m Chlldren. EARLY TO HAVE US SERVICE 1“ E: o ntraiiSistors. 2 , Y i . . g g modes. 2’; Speaker' \Ol R S30“ MOBILE >. i E Bane†eavpmfle 8 any strap iii-tuned B“Yei KRESGE PRICE ARBY SALES 5 INDUSTRY 51'. 5., AURORA OPEN "ML 9 P.I\l. OPEN rL‘Es. & WED. - 3.30 to 5 )lON.. THURS. aâ€" FRI. 1 I I SATL’RDAYS . 8.30 to i