Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Oct 1972, p. 15

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Mr. and Mrs. Everard Kell- nm, RR 1, Nashville. will cele- fl brate their 25th wedding anni- versary with open house on October 14. They will receive their friends from 2 lo 5 pm and again in the evening. from 7 pm on. In the evening the parents of the bride entertained at a wine and cheese party in honoriK of the newly-weds. In addition to the parents of the groom. out-ofâ€"town guests included thel groom’s brother. Allen. and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fritzche, all of Elyria. After a honeymoon trip to the East Coast, Mike and Lynn expch to live in Canada. Lynn Randall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Randall, 374 Kerrybrook Drive, Richâ€" mond Hill, and Michael Foster. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Foster. Elyria. Ohio, were married Thursday of last week at the Magistrates’ Court, Richmond Hill. A wedding breakfast for the bridal party and their fam- ilies was held at the Black Hawk Motor Inn. AMO, an ecumvnical morn- ing-out program designed for mothers and pre-schoolers, will have its next meeting October 11 from 9:30 to 11:15 am at Richmond Hill United Church. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Marion Howarth of the Associa- tion for Children With Learning Disabilities. The program for ladies is held on alternate Wednesdays. but supervised activities and facilities for children are pro- vided every Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:15 am. Coffee and conversation is available for the mothers who wish to stay. Newspapers will be collected by the “Garbage Club" of Bay- view Secondary School on the first Thursday of every month. Papers should be securely tied in bundles so they will not fall apart when picked up. Due to the tremendous amount, of handling involved in 1his projâ€" ect, proper tying is absolutely essential. For more information contact Mrs. Jackie Dedlow, 884-1309. Residents of Richmond Hill Banff and Lake Louise before east of Yonge Street to Bay-getting to L05 Angeles to visit view Avenue and from Elgin relatives there. ‘ Mills Road to St. Joseph’s Rom- * * * an Catholic School are remind-l St. Mary's Anglican Church[ ed of the newspaper recycling ACW Treasurer Dorothy Hincks drive today (Thursday). reports an overwhelming re- Newspapers will be collected sponse to the annual rummage bv the “Garbage Club" of Bay- sale held Saturday at Wrixon Mrs. Joan Broadhurst, a mem- ber of Richmond Hill YWCA Board of Directors, is appealing {or donations of good used clothing for the resale shop at 25 Yonge Street South, and reâ€" minds members and the gen- eral public that this is a pain- less way of supporting the local Y, since profits from the sale can be used to expand existing and future services to the com- munity. For information call 884-4811. The Ladies Auxiliary, Branch 375 Royal Canadian Legion. held an executive meeting prior to the first general meeting of thP season September 25. Committee Chairman appoint- ed were Addie Mills, catering; Greet Tonner, waitresses; Mary Harrison, disinvashers: Joan Dickson. tables; Gerry Chap- man. contracts; Audrey Apper- Icy. Sunnybrook visits; Ethel Good. public relations: Tilley Diceman. special projects and sports; Greet Tonner, grand- children‘s party. ___-.- r_._- _._....__ ley. Sunnybrook visits; Ethel TOP 0’ The Hill, With head- Good, public relations; Tiney quarters in Wrixon Hall, St. Diceman, special projects and Mary‘s Anglican Church, pro- sports; Greet Tanner, gram} vides a varied daily agenda children's party. buffered by field trips to zoos, The first evening to be spon- local conservation areas, the sored by the auxiliary in the fire hall, police station, a sugar {all season will be a euchre at bush and many other interestâ€" Audrey Apperley’s with pro. ing places. ceeds for the grandchildren's 50°“ the Children “‘1” be Dl'e- part-y. Play starts at 3 pm. paring for a Hallowe‘en party. YWCA Mr. and Mrs. Derek Andrews,1 The 1971 277 Church Street South, arelYork Reg“ leaving Richmond Hill on Oc-‘limpressive tuber 12 for their new home imagain und Halifax. N.S. lPhilip Bud: Richmond Hill. He is now es-ition in the good sound for those ing at the home of Mrs. Fred- tablishing his own chain of simi-‘who have not yet been exposed‘erick Gatlin. 230 Cedar Avenue, lar stores in Nova Scotia. to it. ‘with Regent Mrs. Thomas San- Two stores. under the name Believing that good music beâ€"Eford in the chair. Plans for the “Green Gables", are already inilongs in the schoolroom as well’fall and winter season include operationâ€"one in Halifax and‘as the concert hall, the orchesâ€" a series of whist parties. one in Sackville. tra frequently demonstrates in The annual party for Rich- The Andrews, who will be‘the school auditorium. The first mond Hill Senior Citizens was mOVing on their 25th wedding such concert of this season is discussed and the chapter will anniversary. have five childrengscheduled for December 1 in once again be joining the All are students, and three will;Langstaff Secondary School un-‘Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 3'7 . not be accompanying their par- der sponsorship of the Maplefioyal Canadian Legion, in this ents to the East Coast. Deborathome and School Association.fproject. is completing a social servicm The new season develops with; Mrs. Catlin reported that the course at Seneca College and‘a wine and cheese concert in chapter assisted at the recent plans to work at the new High Bradford. and later, in Rich- Red Cross blood donor clinic Point residence for retarded‘mond Hill. a presentation ofin Richmond Hill. children which is nearing com- Haydn‘s magnificent oratorio ’ pletion on the new Markham "Creation", in conjunction with General Hospital site. the Richmond Hill Ecumenical N Derek Junior‘ is also at Sen-:Choir. Details of other engage- eca, taking a course in tele-fiments will be announced later. vision and communications. and The YRS is a busy orchestra Christopher. a grade 12 gradu- with new members being added ate of Richmond Hill High‘steadily. Leader Budd believes School, intends to tour Europe'in a full complement of musiâ€" for a year before deciding ontcians and invites all those in- v I a career. At present he is work-lterested to join. For informa- MONDA), 0C ing with the Cherri musicalition contact Mr. Budd at 488~ 8.1: group. j9452 or Mrs. Beth Harwood. _ I ' ” Peter, 12, and Cynthia. 10.I884â€"1435. People in northerly Vrlctorla Squa students at McConaghy Publiclparts of the region may get School, will continue their information from Mrs. F. Rob- CC education in Halifax. erts, in Newmarket, 895-3543. . A lifetime resident of Rich- mond Hill. Mr. Andrews served with the RCAF during World War II. He was first manager of the first store to be opened by the Mac‘s Milk chain in Richmond Hill. He is now es- tablishing his own chain of simi- lar stores in Nova Scotia. Two stores. under the name “Green Gables", are already in operationâ€"one in Halifax and one in Sackville. Peter, 12, and Q’nthia. 10 students at McConaghy PubliC School, will continue their education in Halifax. \‘\"e..““ . the y The CGl’I‘ of St. Matthew‘sI The new illuminated sign out- 2United Church started the sea-Iside St. Mary‘s Anglican Church 'son last weekend with a tripiwfil be dedicated at the 10:30 Ito Camp Big Canoe. The groupfam service on Sunday. The sign, ‘included 32 girls, five leadersfin loving memory of William [and a bus driver. The time was Charles, has been given to the occupied with canoeing, swim- church by Mabel Charles, son ming, Sunday services, singinglRay and family. and a lot of talk. It at * Because it is a co-operative, the mothers who are free to do so assist professional staff, the ratio of children to teachers can be kept small. providing individual attention to young- sters and preparing them for the wider world of kindergarten a year from now. An employee of the Bank of Nova Scotia for the past three years, Mr. Martel is now work- ing at the Richmond Hill’ Branch, 43 Yonge Street South. Mr. Martel was one of 177 banker students to receive a total of 189 awards through 42 participating universities. Lec- ture courses are directed by university officers and co-ordi- nated by local branch managers or bank regional officers. Prime purpose of the ICE is to train young bankers for branch manâ€" agership or other specific manâ€" agement responsibilities, Mrs. Joanna Snuthwell and her new daughter, Becky Nicole. are visiting grandma Martial-ct Southwell. 237 Church Street South while Becky's father, David. is on company business in Chicago. ,Becky Nicole, who was born in York Central Hospital on September 16, is also the grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bourjeaurd, 230 Rich m o n d Street. Cameron Martel, 187 Mill Street, was named top student in economics in a special bank- ing course held at York Uni- versity and. as a result, has received a $100 award from the Institute of Canadian Bankers, the educational arm of the Ca- nadian Bankers’ Association. Richmond Hill’s first co- Green. Mrs. Green, who has a operative nursery school, Top'bachelor of nursing degree, 0‘ The Hill. is back in full will do public health nursing swing for the fall with five in Barrie where they will live. mature teachers planning and Dr. Green will be in general supervising constructive and practice. creative activities for the tots * * * of the community. There will be a newspaper Bathurst .Street, has recently returned from a month-long vacation to the West Coast. She was the guest of friends in Vancouver, Okanagan Valley, Banff and Lake Louise before jetting to Los Angeles to visit relatives there. DBSpite the inclement weath- er. the anticipated crowds turned out and sales exceeded those of any previous year due to the unstinting efforts of workers and contributors alike. Soon the children will be pre- paring for a Hallowe’en party, and thereafter each seasonal highlight will be marked by appropriate festivities. Although registration is re- stricted to no more than eight children for each teacher, there are still a few openings. For information call 884-8276 or 884-7012. The 1971-72 program of the York Regional Symphony was impressive and the orchestra. again under leadership of Philip Budd, intends to main- tain a hot pace in the 1972-73 season. “The YRS aims to please those with an ear for good music, to intrigue those who are uncerâ€" tain, and to supply basic educaâ€" tion in the good sound for those who have not yet been exposed to it. Mrs. John McCarthy. 9737 mgI-am of the‘ First registration for new Symphony waslmembers was yesterday (Wed‘ the orchestra, nesday) at 6:30 pm. Interview leadership of may be arranged through Bren- ends to lnain-ida Bakonyit. 884-5512 for tiny in me 1972-73itots majorettes and through Ar- !nold Sager, 884-6795. for the to please thoseijunior boys drum corps. yeUQI‘lewsvo, the first meeting of all h 42 confirmation groups \l'ill' not Lee- take place on October 18 as‘ :_ by announced earlier. These meet: om} ings will be held on October 25.‘ lgers Children are asked to come at rime 5 pm. youth at 7 pm and adults‘ [ram‘and older young people at 7:30! l nan- ' Pm. The 5th Richmond Hill Cubs. combining Lobo and Mang Packs. meet every Monday eve- ning in Richmond Hill United Church Hall at 7 pm. Cubmas- lter Bud Wooldridge reports 1there is still room for new imembers. For information call i884-6850. For uniforms to buy 101' sell, call 8846739. This is the Warmans’ secâ€" ond visit to Richmond Hill and they say that our town has developed into a very attrac- tive place. Mrs. Celeste Davis, 120 Lucas Street. entertained several 1friends at an afternoon get- itogether for Mrs. Warman. ‘ Attention boys and girls, tots land teens! The Richmond Hill !Lions Club is forming a junior ghoys drum corps as an addition ‘to its majorette crops. Also.! ‘the majorette corps is adding a: itiny tots group to the corps and‘ iis looking for girls 3 to 6 who lwouId like to take a whirl all lbeing miniature majorettes. I Tense? Jumpy‘? Tied up in knots? Richmond Hill YWCA is starting a new program 0c- toher 25 at Don Head Second- ary School, Major Mackenzie Drive. and both men and wom- en are invited to take part in the program. learning the theory and practise of “Living With Your Tensions". Classes will begin at 8 pm each Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Anderson, 435 Balkan Road, were guests at th' wedding of their neice, Jocer Mouat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Anderson of Toronto, and Dr. Robert Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Green. Mrs. Green, who has a bachelor of nursing degree, will do public health nursing Two activities planned for St. Mary's Anglican Church have been postponed. The Canadian Bible Society Walkathon sched- uled for Saturday of last week will take place this Saturday in- stead. Tom and Betty Pitt. 427 Crosb; Avenue. are enlerlain- ing Betty's twin sister. Joan, her husband, Ernest Warman. and their son Timothy from Woolacombe, North Devon, Eng- land. There will be a newspaper pick-up on streets west of Yonge Street in the old Town of Richmond Hill on Friday. Students of Richmond Hill High School are renewing their monthly paper drive and plan to make the round after school hours on the first Friday of each month. Bundles should be securely tied and placed at the front of the driveway, or papers may be taken to the back door of the school any week day up to 4:30 pm. The area to be covered by the students is bounded by Yonge Street, Bathurst Street, Major Mackenzie Drive and El- gin Mills Road. [ODE The annual party for Rich- mond Hill Senior Citizens was discuSSed and the chapter will once again be joining the Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 3'75. Royal Canadian Legion, in this project. Mrs. Catlin reported that the chapter assisted at the recent Red Cress blood donor clinic in Richmond Hill. The ANNUAL MEETING RKHMOND HNL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Richmond Hill Chapter. held their monthly meet- the home of Mrs. Fred- MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1972 8:15 P31. Victoria Square Community Centre all ' ‘ . lot The Richmond Heights Branch; 'lall standards of mauve and bride‘s cousin Steven Rogers as as of the YCHA are having theirlyellow gladiOIi decorated the usher. The groom wore a white ablannual fall bridge and Chl-ist.‘fr0nt of St. Matthew‘s United brocade tuxedo with black trim. 25.1mas Boutique at Richmond Hillimml‘Ch. RIChmond Hill East, 011 His ushers were outfitted in atholf Club on November 1. For‘AUgUSt 19, for the marriage 0f mauve and white brocade with us reservations call Mrs. Phyl Pamela Jean. Rogers to John black lapels and pants. 30 Simmons, 884-3401. This is the Willlam RObmS‘m- The bl‘lde REV. Starlle SHOWden 0f branch‘s major money raisingis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maple. officiated at the 4 pm function of the year, and it is,‘R0bel“t Rogers and the groom isidouble-ring ceremony. Gwynn they report, always a sellout_ the son of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamlOwen, the groom‘s grandfather. ’ * >a< * Robinson. all of Richmond Hi11.l‘obliged the couple by singing )fl \ Duplicate Bridge deaconess student from them” lgraduating class of Ewart 001-;bl lege, will be spending muchieS of her time this year working f6 with the congregation of Rich- b1 mond Hill Presbyterian Church. 13‘ Her special interests and trainâ€"lfe ing are in the fields of Chris-lbz tian Education and youth work.” Before coming to Ontario Miss! , McLeod lived in the Cabot 1‘ Trail and Sydney areas of Cape” lBl'QtO“. E ’â€"' 7 A" ‘ 1 fCGIT Doings§ The first fall meeting of the Consumers’ Association of Can- ada, takes place today (Thurs- day) at 8 pm in RichmOnd Hill Municipal Building. John Poun- der, manager of Richmond Hill Credit Union, will talk about consumer credit. The public is invited to take part in discus- sion of this important topic. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Big‘gin, 165 Millpond Court. have Just returned from a week's vacaâ€" tioxrin Vermont where Mrs. Biggan climbed her first mounâ€" tain. It was a three mile hike from the end of the road to the top of the mountain, where they stopped to relax and have lunch, Mrs. Biggin reports. .. _r____.- 7 The winners on September 25iquet were north-south Marie and am?” Stewart Cole, east-west Ross baby Jenkinson and George Payment. T1“ On Friday last Ross and Sandy MISS Jenkins, and tied for second Of‘h‘ and third place were Peter and Rogf Willie Molevelt and Cathy Mill- gl‘OO ree and Pat Rawlinson. Rob} 773-4280 New members are welcome with or without partners. For information call Marie Cole at By Shirley Brown 1. At our first meeting of the; season September 20, We de- cided to do a mission project Q on India. We girls have collect-‘. ed information from magazines to help set up the project which is to be displayed at Richmond‘ Hill United Church when it is; completed. 5: We are very eager to get go- ing on creation of novelties for the poinsettia tea (date to be announced). We have a lot of different ideas and things to make, and we hope everyone will come out to make this project 'a bigr success. For more information call Mrs Barbara Smith, 884-9429. T 0 ANSWER ADVERTISEMENTS Simply address your reply to the box number given in the advertisement (e.g. Box 50 “The Liberal”) and add P. 0. Box 390. Richmond Hill. Miss Margaret McLeod, a Liberal Publisher Sam Cook makes a pre- sentation to Social Editor Margot Crack on behalf of her fellow staff members. Mrs. Crack has retired after 16 years service with the paper’s news staff. She edited a lively and interesting gm. .mRobinson - Rogers The maid-ofâ€"honor and junior bridesmaid were gowned in lavender floral dresses of gear- ‘gette over taffeta, fashioned in empire styling with sheer but- terfly sleeves. The other two bridesmaids wore similar dressâ€" es of gold georgette over tafâ€" feta. The girls wore white wide- brimmed hats trimmed in rib- bon and carried baskets of feathered pink carnations, baby‘s breath and yellow star- flowers. The groom was assisted by Keith Holtze as best man, his uncle Dennis Owen and cousin ICraig Toy as ushers, and the a phalaenopsis orchid decorat- ing her purse. Her hair was styled with light blue flowers. Mrs. Cecil Simpson and Mrs Gwynn Owen. grandmothers of the groom, were on hand to greet the guests. in long gowns of hot pink and rust/yellow. Out-ofâ€"town guests were from Washington DC: Collingwood; Saskatoon and Toronto‘ Two telegrams were received from friends in Kent, England. The happy couple left for a short honeymoon. dressed in co- ordinating navy and white out- fits. They have now taken up residence in Willowdale William Robinson. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson. all of Richmond Hill. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and mother. She was radiant in a dress of organza over taffeta. fashioned on a fitted A-line, with a high, neckline. full sheer sleeves and! a chapel train. The bodice of the dress was embroidered in handâ€"beaded pearls. A floorâ€" length veil trimmed with lace: applique, fell from an exquisite- ly beaded headpiece. Her bou- quet was a lovely purple orchid. arranged with white carnations, baby’s breath, and trailing ivy. The bride was attended by Rev. Stanley Snowden of Maple. officiated at the 4 pm double-ring ceremony. Gwynn Owen. the groom‘s grandfather. obliged the couple by singing “The Lord‘s Prayer” during the service and “Such Lovely Things" during the signing of the register. The reception was held at the Firefighter’s Club. in North York. There were 120 guests in attendance. The bride’s mother received the guests in a floor- length empire gown of peach organza over taffeta. She wore matching shoes and purse with an orange and black tiger lily corsage pinned to her purse. Her hair was adorned with peach-colored flowers. The bride was attended by peach-colored flowers. Miss Mary-Lou Stone as maid- The groom‘s mother met the of-honor. her sister Carol Ann guests in a long chiffon gown I Rogers as bridesmaid, and the of azure blue, styled in an em- 1 groom’s sisters Debra and Lori pire line and falling into ac- : Robinson as bridesmaid and cordian pleats. She also wore!‘ t t t A l ( V junior bridesmaid. matching shoes and purse withl The maid-ofâ€"honor and junior a phalaenopsis orchid decorat-l bridesmaid were gowned in ing her purse. Her hair wasl lavender floral dresses of geor- styled with light blue flowers; St. Matthews United Church Is Setting For August Wedding : GUARANIEIEVDMSAVINGS i CUSTOM ‘ MADE :THE_D.RAP§RY.EA§T9RY FROM OUR OWN FACTORY TO YOU DELIVERY COULD BE YOURS IN 7 DAYS: Choose your drapes from a lovely selection of the latest styles and patterns. For further information, please call 884-6611 70 NEWKIRK RD., RICHMOND HILL (Between Centre St. and Crosby Avenue) Fare well Margot! FROM 9 AJI. T0 6 P..\I. DAILY Bring your own measurements to OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 0N QUALITY DRAPERIES Mrs. Cecil Simpson and Mrs.| Gwynn Owen. grandmothers of 1 the groom, were on hand to? greet the guests. in long gownsP of hot pink and rust/yellow WK’V‘FVW column of social events in Richmond Hill. Her successor is fellow staff member Margaret Lade who is looking forward to mam- taining the happy relationship with the Liberal readers established by her predecessor. A ‘_7 lhnoooo””§o Easy to get. The amount is lim- ‘ited only by the equity you have in your home. It could be $5,000, $10,000, maybe $25,000 or more. And there are never any bonuses or brokerage fees to pay. ;Easy to take. Because you may {be eligible for a special rate of interest. ‘Easy to pay back. We can spread lthe loan over many years â€" which means lower monthly payments. If you need cash. call us about a lst or 2nd Mort- .gage Loan. It‘s easy money! 6A Levendale Avenue 884-8136 ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LIMITED 884-6741 in “THE NORTH MALL” Richmond Heights Centre Phone 884-2111 Y.C.A.M.R. " 500 " ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal EDITH M. McCOLL Reg‘d. Electrologist Member of E.A.0. & A.E.A 884-8771 6006 a. soon FOR YOU Easy Mortgage Money from Associates ANOTHER $500. WINNER IN Photo by Stuart's Stule GERONIMO'S BLACK HAWK NATURAL TOKEN NO. 270 J. FISHWICK TORONTO ONTARIO THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Oct “HIP OF BEEF BUFFET" 383 YONGE STREET N., RICHMOND hILl BUSINESSMEN’S LUNCHEON WEEK DAYS â€" NOON TILL 2 PJI. GERONIMO’S FUN ROOM PIANO FUN FOR EVERYONE Come for a free demonstration lesson and see how much fun it can be to play the piano. YORK NORTH NDP GALA ELECTION FROLIC FROM N S (BAHAMAS) TICKETS $2.00 PER PERSON AVAILABLE IN THE COMMITTEE ROOM 21 Yonge Street N.. Richmond Hill - 88â€"1-9681 01‘ Pat Morley - 884-6605 Return airfare by Wardair from Toronto â€"â€" Inflight meal service â€" Complimentary bar and meal â€" Luxury air conditioned rooms â€" Continental breakfast each day -â€" Return transportation between Nassau Airport and hotel â€"- Complimentary daily bus service between Blue Vista Hotel and downtown Nassau â€" Cocktail party â€" Flight- bag and many more extras. Weekly Monday departure featuring the beautiful Blue Vista Hotel, directly on the beach and two pools. CONTACT 85 YONGE STREET NORTH. RICHMOND HILL Announcement Saturday, October 2lst - 8 p.111. ESTELLE MARKHAM ARCT RMT Dancing - Delicious Food - Come and meet Federal Candidate BLUE VISTA TOURS RED CARPET VACATIONS GLOBE Dr. B. W. Granton and Dr. L. W. Krystolovich WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT AS OF OCTOBER 16th. 1972 THEIR OI‘HI‘ES WILL BE LOCATED AT: 22 RICHMOND STREET, SUITE 203 RICHMOND HILL, ONT. WEEKLY DEPARTURES FIRST FLIGHT OCT. 16th, 1972 Kennedy Road North, Unionville CROSBY ARENA $1 6 .00 Doublel JIM REID! TELEPHONE 884-4471 8 DAYS 8; 7 NIGHTS 884-8191 Delicious Food 884-8192 Per Person Double Occupancy TRAVEL SERVICE 884-9171 . 1972 Bar

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